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History of Dua and

Sh Vinay Khetia Tasneem Institute Allama al-Majlisi: Zaad al-Maad

و يروى عن المام الباقر و المام الصادق عليهما السلم: أ — ذلك على رأسك و تقول: اللهم بحق هذا القرآن و . مؤمن مدحته فيه و بحقك عليهم فل أحد أعرف بحقك منك ث — بالسن و عشرا بالسي و عشرا بعلي بن السي و عشرا بحمد بن علي و عشرا بجعفر بن محمد و عشرا بوسى بن جعفر و عشرا بعلي بن موسى و عشرا بحمد بن علي و عشرا بعلي بن محمد و عشرا بالسن بن علي و عشرا بالجة القائم .صلوات ال عليهم. ثم تطلب ما شئت — Put the Qur’an on your head and say:…. Amali of Sh Tusi, p 293 أبو محمد الفحام، قال: حدثني أبو السن محمد بن أحمد الهاشمي النصوري 14- - — بسرمنرأى، قال: حدثنا أبو السري سهل بن يعقوب بن إسحاق مؤذن السجد العلق :بصف شنيف بسرمنرأى سنة ثمان و تسعي و مائتي، قال ح — جاء رجل إلى سيدنا الصادق ( ركبني و سلطانا غشمني، و أريد أن تعلمني دعاء أغتنم به غنيمة

-He needed a special/powerful dua’ to relieve him debts..etc and .أ opression ف — الركعة الثانية المد و آخر الشر »لو أنزلنا هذا القرآن على جبل« إلى خاتة السورة، ثم خذ الصحف فدعه على رأسك و قل" بهذا القرآن of Power of the Wasila via Ahl al-bayt .سورة الشر 59: 21 (1 ) — و — أعرف بحقك منك بك يا ال" عشر مرات، ثم تقول" يا محمد" عشر مرات" يا علي" عشر مرات" يا فاطمة" عشر مرات" يا حسن" عشر مرات" يا حسي" عشر مرات" يا علي بن السي" عشر مرات" يا محمد بن علي" عشر مرات" يا جعفر بن محمد" عشر مرات" يا موسى بن جعفر" عشر مرات" يا علي بن موسى" عشر مرات" يا محمد بن علي" عشر مرات" يا علي بن محمد" عشر مرات" يا حسن بن علي" عشر مرات" يا حجة" عشر مرات. ثم تسأل ال (تعالى) حاجتك. قال: فمضى الرجل و عاد إليه بعد مدة، قد قضى دينه، و .صلح له سلطانه، و عظم يساره Dua Iftitah: Is it from a Mas’um(ajt)? — Source 1: al-Tahdhib ,3:106 and Misbah of Sh. Tusi ( among the 4 most important books of ) and Misbah the most famous book of Dua/ziyara

و تدعو بهذا الدعاء في كل ليلة من شهر رمضان من أول الشهر إلى آخره و هو اللهم إني أفتتح الثناء بحمدك “Recite this dua every night from beginning to end of ” Would al-Tusi make this up? If so has he done this before? Answer- absolutely no evidence to indicate that -It is assumed to be reported from a ma’sum Source 2- Dua Iftitah-Iqbal al-A’mal — Ibn Tawus (already introduced): ف — محمد بن محمد بن محمد بن عبد ال السني قال أخبرنا أبو عمرو محمد بن محمد بن نصر السكوني رضي ال عنه قال سألت أبا بكر أحمد بن محمد بن عثمان البغدادي رحمه ال أن يخرج إلى أدعية شهر رمضان التي كان عمه أبو جعفر محمد بن عثمان بن السعيد العمري رضي ال عنه و أرضاه يدعو بها فأخرج إلي دفترا مجلدا بأحمر فنسخت [ منه] أدعية كثيرة و كان من جملتها بهذا الدعاء في كل ليلة من شهر رمضان فإن الدعاء في هذا الشهر تسمعه اللئكة و تستغفر لصاحبه و تقول اللهم إني أفتتح الثناء بحمدك Isnad for Dua al-Iftitah — Ibn Abi Qurra (contemp to al-Mufid)- famous scholar who had important book of Duas- has isnad going to nefew of b. ‘Uthman b. Sa’id al-Umari (wakil of 12th )— — Narrator: Muhammad b. Hasan Sakuni ل — .شيخ الطائفة من أهل البصرة. ذكر النجاشي — His nefew narrates from his uncle (Muhammad b. Uthman) – the duas of month of Ramadan — His nefew ( b. Muhammad b. Uthman)-had them all in a red notebook- “I copied many duas from it-from it:” Riwaywa of Ibn Tawus cont — “You are to recite this dua’ every night in month of Ramadan- for the act of in this month is listened to by the , they seek forgiveness for the one performing it: And you say: و — فنسخت [ منه] أدعية كثيرة و كان من جملتها — شهر رمضان فإن الدعاء في هذا الشهر تسمعه اللئكة و تستغفر لصاحبه و تقول اللهم إني أفتتح الثناء بحمدك — Wukala’ of 12th Imam preserved their duas for the Shias-THIS IS A HISTORICAL REALITY Points to Ponder — Scholars/muhaddithun over the past 800-1000 years have reported Dua Kumayl. A’mal of Qur’an, and Dua al-Iftitah in their books to be from masumin

— Could have they all been mistaken and misguided to invent a’mal or practice forgeries of the above-without anyone mentioning anything? — Are we claiming complete/certain authenticity?-No! — Shaykh al-Tusi, Ibn Tawus, Allama al-Hilli, al-Kaf’ami, Allama al-Majlisi, Abbas al-Qummi, Agha Buzurg Tirhani Allama Majlisi- Intro to Zaad al-Ma’aad, p.9 أ — الليالي الشريفة و أعمالها ا .بركاتها عامة الناس،

— “I was endeared to include in this work a selection of yearly rites of worship and likewise-virtues of days and honorable nights-and their respective rites of worship — By means of authentic ( sahiha) and informative/probative (mu’tabar) chains of transmission-such that the laity would not be deprived of its blessings (these devotions)… Shaykh Muḥammad Ḥusayn Kāshif al- Ghiṭā’ (d.1954) — No need to investigate the isnad:

— so long as there is nothing in the text itself which contradicts the accepted teachings of the “madhab (school of thought).”

— Related to principle of al-tasamuh fi adillat al-sunan or hadith of ma balaghta Meaning of “Ruwiya” It was reported ر — ليلة النصف من شعبان- اللهم إني أسألك برحمتك — It has been reported ( passive tense): That Kumayl b. Ziyad al- Nakh’ai saw the Commander of the Faithful (as) in the state of sajda whilst supplicating with this du’a on the 15th of Sha’ban… — What are contextual factors (qara’in) which point to acceptance of this passive transmission? — Tusi himself, repeated mention in other sources, lastly principle of al-tasamuh fi addilat al-sunan Shaykh Muḥammad Ḥusayn Kāshif al- Ghiṭā’ (d.1954) — No need to investigate the isnad:

— so long as there is nothing in the text itself which contradicts the accepted teachings of the “madhab (school of thought).”

— Related to principle of al-tasamuh fi adillat al-sunan or hadith of ma balaghta Version of Ibn Tawus — “There is no slave (of ) who stays awake in this night and supplicates with the of al-Khiḍr (bi-du‘ā’ al-Khiḍr) except that he shall receive a response (to his supplication).” Kumayl then relates that he left ‘Alī’s presence only to meet him later that same evening at which point ‘Alī asked Kumayl: — What brings you O Kumayl? — Kumayl responds: The du‘ā’ of al- Khiḍr — then says: Sit, O Kumayl. Upon memorizing this du‘ā’, supplicate by it on the of every Friday, or once a month, or once a year, or once in your lifetime. (By it) you will be protected (takafa), be given assistance (tunṣiru), and bestowed with sustenance (turziqu). And forgiveness (al- maghfirah) shall never abate O Kumayl. You have been granted a prolonged companionship with us (ṭūl al-ṣuḥbah lanā), thus we have generously granted you what you have asked (najūda laka bi-mā sa’alta). — The earliest known text in which report can be found is Ibn Ṭāwūs, Iqbāl al-a‘māl, 220. Whose Dua is this: Imam Ali’s or al- (S)? — Earlier sources make no mention of al-Khidr

— Misbah MS 8822 ( no mention), nor do other early manuscripts — Was this an addition as a marginal note on the basis of the Iqbal narration?

— Does the discrepancy matter? — Answer: No, but contributes to the mysterious relationship between these two figures

Who was Kumayl : A Shia Hero — The soul entrusted with the asrar (secrets) of Ali

— Ashraf of Kufa

— Detested rule of ‘Uthman

— Friend of Malik al-Ashtar and Hijr b. ‘Adi — Murdered by al-Hajjaj b. Yusuf Dua Kumayl :Mosaic of Spiritual Journey — Three general segments:

— 1. The Sanctification and transcendence of God — 2. The nature of sin, confession and the return to God — 3. The language of love and salvation before God

— This prayer must be situated within a multi-vocal cumulative tradition of Islamic intellectual history The Sheer Transcendence of God — Who are we speaking to? لا رأيت با وهبني ال جل جلله من عي العناية اللهية — الكارم الربانية كيف أنشأني و رباني و حملني

— Ibn Tawus: ‘When I realized/saw how God blessed me from the spring of his divine assistance in the mirror of his kidness of those mericiful aspects, divine generosity, and how he made me, nurtured me, and carried me- through generation…(similar to Du’a Arafa). A Moment of Understanding ه — — The Du’a of the Mu’min—realized this is a reality at all moments — is the spring of our existence- — Imam Ali (as): Mu’min remember Allah in public and private, remembers Allah publicaly but does not do so privately. ع — كانوا يذكرون اللَه علنية و ل يذكرونه في السرّ فقال اللَه تعالى يُراؤُنَ النَاسَ وَ ل يَذْكُرُونَ اللَهَ إِلَا قَلِيلً Section one- Grandeur of God ا — قَهَرْتَ بِهَا كُلَ شَيْءٍ وَ خَضَعَ لَهَا كُلُ شَيْءٍ وَ ذَلَ لَهَا كُلُ شَيْءٍ وَ بِجَبَرُوتِكَ الَتِي غَلَبْتَ بِهَا كُلَ شَيْءٍ وَ بِعِزَتِكَ الَتِي لَ يَقُومُ لَهَا شَيْءٌ وَ بِعَظَمَتِكَ الَتِي مَلَْتَ كُلَ شَيْءٍ وَ بِسُلْطَانِكَ الَذِي عَلَ كُلَ شَيْءٍ وَ بِوَجْهِكَ الْبَاقِي بَعْدَ فَنَاءِ كُلِ شَيْءٍ وَ بِأَسْمَائِكَ الَتِي غَلَبَتْ أَرْكَانَ كُلِ شَيْءٍ وَ بِعِلْمِكَ الَذِي أَحاطَ بِكُلِ شَيْءٍ وَ بِنُورِ وَجْهِكَ الَذِي أَضَاءَ لَهُ كُلُ شَيْءٍ .ملت: هامش ب -(38 ) — Granduer of God — Dua of Ramadan almost identical to this- from Imam Kazim — Why all these attributes..and extended description?- similar to Dua al-Iftitah — Imam al-Sadiq tells us: idha talba al-hajah min al- sultan..When you want to ask the Sultan for a need: you should begin by invoking him as al-ahad, ajwad, ‘aziz — It is a sign of submission to the one to whom all returns Attributes of God — God’s attributes—conquer, fill, and give life, and meaning to all things—al existence—all wujud. — ا — — Allahumma: Its meaning according to fara’ is Ya Allah: the harf nida is replaced with a mim— — *As’aluka—What is the purpose behind this? Why not say O God I desire your mercy?—urīdu raḥmatik Cont… — Why say I ask for your mercy?-It is a sign of our poverty (faqr) before God

— From the lowest of low asking the highest of the high (‘ala) ?indicate ب Why bi-rahmatika what does the —

— Bi al-muqasiman—A preposition used for swearing by something—it is supposed to reflect the riqqat al-—The gentleness of the heart — Imagine every proposition even should reflect our spiritual state in approaching God

Mercy of Allah as a wasila

— Everything is covered in his ‘ināyat (this all powerful assistance)—maghmūratan bi-luṭfihi—drowned in his grace

— “And appoint goodness for us in this world and the Hereafter, for indeed we have come back to You." Said He," I visit My punishment on whomever I wish, but My mercy embraces all things. Soon I shall appoint it for those who are God wary and give the and those who believe in Our signs” 7:156 Typological figuration — Time stands still---The reply to the prayer of throughout time for eternity — “unites time, harmonizes it, and gathers it together: ‘the type exists in the past and the antitype in the present, or the type exists in the present and the antitype in the future.” ‘

— Why is this the case?

— The Book of God is the NUCLEAS of Muslim spiritual inspiration — — The and their companions and many if not most of the at large—had memorized the Qur’an Vastness of Allah’s Mercy — أ — فَكَيْفَ سَيِدِي بَِنْ سَأَلَكَ وَ أَيْقَنَ أَنَ الَْلْقَ لَكَ وَ الَْمْرَ إِلَيْكَ تَبَارَكْتَ وَ تَعَالَيْتَ يَا رَبَ الْعَالَِي — “You are the one who emanates/diffuses your sayb upon he who did not/does not ask you [for it] and upon those who fight your divinity ( ie. those who reject you)- So My Master- what is the case of the one who as you [for your sayb], and he is certain that his creation is yours, and the matter depends upon you [for its fulfillment]—you are blessed and exalted O Lord of all the worlds” Allah’s mercy — He has prescribed for Himself mercy. He will surely gather you to the of which there is no doubt. Those who have ruined their souls shall not be faithful.” 6:12 — He has prescribed us to be merciful: ث — — Then from among the believers are those who strive in forbearance and they strive in having/showing mercy (on others) Allah’s Mercy and Justice — Tabrisi tells us: His mercy lies in giving them respite until the day of judgement—so they may repent — The choice to believe is a source of God’s mercy Allah’s power and omnipotence, بق — شيء و بجبروتك التي غلبت بها كل شيء و بعزتك التي ل يقوم لها شيء — by means/because of your power which overcomes and can crush everything — It is due to your and by it you are victorious - overcome over everything — Similar to qahhār- God is just absolutely irresistible-ominpotence