Barone * Borrelli * Bozzi 4 * Carfagna * Cavicchia 6

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Barone * Borrelli * Bozzi 4 * Carfagna * Cavicchia 6 BUSCAPRONTA ARQUIVO 26 DE PESQUISAS GENEALÓGICAS 218 PÁGINAS – MÉDIA DE 70.200 SOBRENOMES/OCORRÊNCIA Para pesquisar, utilize a ferramenta EDITAR/LOCALIZAR do WORD. A cada vez que você clicar ENTER e aparecer o sobrenome pesquisado GRIFADO (FUNDO PRETO) corresponderá um endereço Internet correspondente que foi pesquisado por nossa equipe. Ao solicitar seus endereços de acesso Internet, informe o SOBRENOME PESQUISADO, o número do ARQUIVO BUSCAPRONTA DIV ou BUSCAPRONTA GEN correspondente e o número de vezes em que encontrou o SOBRENOME PESQUISADO. Número eventualmente existente à direita do sobrenome (e na mesma linha) indica número de pessoas com aquele sobrenome cujas informações genealógicas são apresentadas. O valor de cada endereço Internet solicitado está em nosso site . Para dados especificamente de registros gerais pesquise nos arquivos BUSCAPRONTA DIV. 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XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Haab, Haack, Haaf, Haafmeier, Haag, Haake, Haan, Haar, Haare, Haars, Haas (Adams) , (Arthur) , (ARTHUR) , (Arthur) , (Basham) , (Bennett) , (Berry) , (Black) , (Bowlby) , (Bracken) , (BRANSON) , (Brewer) , (BROSHEARS) , (Bryant) , (Buser) , (CAIN) , (Chilcote) , (COLLINS) , (Collins) , (COLLINS) , (Collins) , (COLLINS) , (Coonrod) , (Corley) , (CORNWELL) , (Daily) , (DAILY) , (Daily) , (Davee) , (DAVIS) , (Davis) , (DENNY) , (DIPPERY\DUPREE) , (Drake) , (DRAKE) , (Drake) , (Duncan) , (EAST) , (Eastin) , (EASTIN) , (Eppes)\Fisher , (Farley) , (Ginn) , (Gipson) , (Guy) , (GUY) , (Harmon) , (Hayes) , (HENDRICKSON) , (Huff) , (Irwin) , (KEY) , (Key) , (Lisle) , (Little) , (Lowry) , (Martin) , (McConnell) , (McGuire) , (McIlvain) , (McMahan) , (Mills) , (NEAVES) , (Pickett) , (PICKETT) , (Pierce) , (Plautz) , (POWELL) , (Powell) , (POWELL) , (Powell) , (POWELL) , (Powell) , (POWELL) , (Powell) , (POWELL) , (Powell) , (Purvis) , (PURVIS) , (Purvis) , (PURVIS) , (Purvis) , (Reed) , (Royal) , (Scobey) , (Shippey) , (Spurgeon) , (Stubblefield) , (Unknown) , (VAN GUNDY) , (Van Gundy) , (VAN GUNDY) , (Van Gundy) , (VAN GUNDY) , (Van Gundy) , (VAN GUNDY) , (Van Gundy) , (VAN GUNDY) , (Van Gundy) , (Walker) , (Weihrauch) , (Welles) , (WHITLEY) , (Whitley) , (Williams) , (Wisler) , (Wissler) , (Womack) , (Workman) , (Wyckoff) , (Yaw) , (YOUNG) , (Young) , (Zumwalt) , , Abbott , Abell , Abernathy , Abrams , ABSTON , ADAIR , Adams , ADAMS , Adams , AGGE , Agner , Akers , Alback , Alby VanDine , Alehaman , ALEXANDER , Alexander , Allen , ALLENBAUGH , ALLISON , Alphin , Alsop , Altman , Amatatti , Anderson , ANDERSON , Anderson , Andres , Andriessen , Angell , Anselment , Ansley , APPLER , Archer , Argo , ARMENT , Armes , ARMSTRONG , Armstrong , ARMSTRONG , Armstrong , Arnold , Arrasmith , ARTHUR , Ash , Ashworth , ASHWORTH , Ashworth , ASHWORTH , Ashworth , Atchison , ATCHISON , Atchison , Ater , Atwood , Auer , AUFDENKAMP , Aufenkamp , Avery , Baase , BAKER , Baker , BAKER , Baker , BAKER , Baker , Baldus , BALDWIN , BALL , Ballard , BALLEW , BALLING , Banks , Bannister , Banse , BARBEE , Barbour , BARCUS , Barkalow , Barker , BARNES , Barnes , BARNES , Barnes , BARNES , Barnes , BARNES , Barnes , BARNES , Barnett , Barr , BARRETT , BARRY , Bartlebaugh , Bartlet , BARTLEY , BASHAM , Bateman , BATEMAN , Bateman , Bates , Bath , BATHE , Bathe , BATHE , Bathe , BATHE , Bathe , BATHE , Batten , BATTEY , Baughman , BAUM , Bauman , Beal , Beals , BEALS , Beals , Bean , BEAVERS , BECHTEL , Beck , BECKWITH , Beedle , BEHREND , Beliz , Bell , Bellandi , Belly , BELTZ , Bender , Bendure , Benner , Bennett , BENNETT , Bennett , BENNETT , Bennett , Bentley , Benton , Berry , Best , Betzer , Bevan , Bible , Bidlake , Bieghler , Bierer , BIERMEN , BIGGS , Bills , BINFORD , Birchard , Birdsley , Bishop , Bixler\Pixler , BLAASE , BLACK , Black , BLACK , Blackbourn , Blair , BLAIR , Blakeman , Blakemore , BLANCHARD , Blankenberg , Blanton , Blazich , Bledsoe , BLOCK , BLOMS , BLOUNT , BOARDMAN , Bockover , Bodor , Bogard , Boice , Bolin , BOLIN , Bomberger , Bonham , Bookwalter , Boone , Boor , BORING , Borntreger , BOSCH , Bouse , Bowen , Bower , Bowers , Bowlby , Bowling , Bracey , BRACKEN , Bracken , BRACKEN , Bracken , BRACKEN , BRADFIELD , Brady , BRANAM , BRANSON , BRANTLEY , BRAUTLEY , Bray , Breckenridge , Brenneman , Breton , Brewer , BRIDGES , Bridges , BRIDGES , BRIGGS , Briley , Briscoe , BRISTOW , BRITT , Britton , Brochen , Brock , BROCKHOUSE , Broderick , Bromley , Brookes , Brooks , BROSHEARS , BROTHERTON , Brown , BROWN , Brown , BROWN , Brown , Browning , Brubaker , Bruce , BRUCE , Bruce , BRUMFIELD , Brummett , Brunnermach , BRUNS , Bryan , BRYANT , BUCHANAN , BUCHOLZ , BUCKLEY , BUDINGER , Bukey , Bulloch , Bumphries , Bunbury , Bunch , Bunn , BURBANKS , BURGEMYER\BIRKMEYER , Burgess , Burget\Burket , Burgett , BURK , Burke , Burket , BURKS , Burnbury\Bunbury , Burnett , Burnham , Burroughs , Burrows , Burrus , BURRY , Burton , Buser , BUSH , BUTLER , Butler , BUTLER , Butt , Button , BUXTON , Byers , BYRD , Byrom , Cain , CAIN , Cain , CAIN , Cain , Calbert , Caldwell , Cale , CALLAHAN , Callison , CALVIN , Calvin , CALVIN , CAMDEN , CAMFIELD , Camm , campbell , Campbell , campbell , CAMPBELL , Campbell , CAMPBELL , Campbell , Cantwell , Capps , Capter , Carlier , Carnahan , CAROTHERS , Carpenter , CARR , CARSON , Carstaphen , CARTER , Carter , CARTER , Cartlich , Carver , Caton , Catron , Cavendish , Caves , chadwick , CHAMBERS , Chaney , Chaplin Solomon , Chaplin , Chapman , chapman , CHAPMAN , chapman , charles , CHARPENTIER , Chase , CHEEK , CHESSER , Chester , Chilcote , CHILCOTE , Chilcote , CHILCOTE , Chilcote , CHILCOTE , Chilcote , CHILCOTE , Chilcote , CHILCOTE , Chilcote , CHILCOTE , Chilcote , CHILCOTE , Chilcote , CHILCOTE , Chilcote , CHILCOTE , Chilcote , CHILCOTE , Chilcote , CHILCOTE , CHIPPS , Christian , Chriswell , Church , Cicutto , Claar , CLAPHAM , CLARK , Clark , CLARK , Clark , CLARK , Clark , CLAYTON , Clayton , CLEARWATER , CLEM , Clemmens , Clifton , Climer , CLINE , Cline , Clymer , Coates , COBB , Cobb , COBB , Cobb , COBB , Cochran , COFER , Coffelt , coffelt , Coffelt , COFFEY , COGHILL , Coghill , Coil , Colaw , Cole , COLEMAN , Coleman , COLEMAN , COLLARD , Collier , COLLINGS , COLLINS , Collins , COLLINS , Collinsworth , Colquitt , Combs , COMBS , Combs , COMBS , Combs , Comer , CONARD , CONKLIN , Conlin , Connell , Conner , CONNER , Conner , CONNER , Conner , CONRAD , Conway , CONWAY , Conway , COOK , Cook , COOK , Cooley , Coombs , COON , Coonrod , COONROD , Coonrod , COONROD , Coonrod , COONROD , Coonrod , COONROD\Conrad , Cooper , Corbitt , CORLEY , CORNWELL , Cornwell , CORNWELL , CORTE , Coshow , Cothern , Cottrell , Couch , COUGILL , Coulson , COULSON , Coursey , COURTNEY , Cousineau , Coverstone , Covington , COWLE , Cox , COX , Cox , coyle , Cozad , Craft , Crandall , CRANE , Crane , Craven , CRAWFORD , Crawford , CRAWFORD , Crawley , Creed , CREIGHTON , Cresap , Creviston Diltz Spriggs , Crisp , CRIST , Crocker , Cross , Crouch , Crow , CRUISE , CRUM , Crum , CRUM , Cubarrubio , Cummings , CUNNINGHAM , Cunningham , Curren , Currence , Curtis , Cushman , CUSHMAN , Cutshall , Dague , Dailey , DAILY , DAIZY , Dale , Daly , DALZELL , Daniel , DANNENMUELLER , Darst , Daugherty , Davault , Davee , David , Davidson , DAVIDSON , Davidson , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , DAVIS , Davis , Dawson , De Nicola , Deal , Dean , DEAN , DECKARD , DECKER , DEENS , deLawther , Dennis , DENNY , DENT , Denton , Denyce , Detwiler , Devorire , deWHITLEY , Dice , Dick , DICK , dicus , Dietrich , Dinwoodie , DIXON , Doherty , Dolen , DOMAIN , DOMZALSKI , Donaldson , Done (Dunn?)\Doing , Done , Dooling\Dulin , Doty , DOUGHTY , Doughty , Douglas , DOVE , Downes , DOYLE , DRAKE , Drake , DRAKE , Drennan , Dresler , DREW , Drew , DREW , Drollinger , Drum , Drury , Ducharme , Duck , Duckworth , Dudek , Dudley , Duffield , DUKELOW , DUKEMAN , Dukeman , DUKEMAN , DUNCAN , Duncan , DUNCAN , Duncan , DUNCAN , Duncan , DUNCAN , Duncan , DUNCAN , Duncan , DUNCAN , Dunham , DUNKIN , Dunlap , Dunsbergen , Dunscomb , Dunseth , DUPREE\Dippery , DURRINGTON , Dustin , Dyer , Dyson , Eads , Easley , EAST , EASTIN , Eastin , EASTIN , EASTON , Eaton , EATON , Eaton , EATON , Eaton , Eaves , Eberly , Eby , Eckert , Eckman , Edmonds , Edsen , Edwards , EFFLAND , EGBERT , Egerly , Eggleston , Elden , ELDER , Elder , elder , Elder , Elliott , ELLIOTT , Elliott , ELLIOTT , Elliott
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