1 April 2017 Double A-Side Celebrates the Energy and Creative Spirit of Artists Who Have Played in Bands

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1 April 2017 Double A-Side Celebrates the Energy and Creative Spirit of Artists Who Have Played in Bands DOUBLE A-SIDE 4 March - 1 April 2017 Double A-side celebrates the energy and creative spirit of artists who have played in bands and musicians with a visual art practice. ARTISTS: Sean Bailey Tina Havelock Stevens Travis MacDonald Greta Balog Carolyn Hawkins Dean Manning Glenn Barkley Amy Hill Julia McFarlane Jon Campbell M.P. Hopkins Rick Milovanovic Leo Coyte Tamsen Hopkinson Peter Oxley Tristan Davies Steph Hughes Jannah Quill Violetta Del Conte-Race Laura Hunt Mara Schwerdtfeger Chris Dolman Brendan Huntley Darren Sylvester Douglas Lance Gibson Anna John Torben Tilly Jason Greig Danius Kesminas Jensen Tjhung Matthew Griffin Alex Kiers Ronnie van Hout Matlok Griffiths Marcin Kobylecki Xanthe Waite Uji 'Hahan' Handoko Eko Angus Lord Paul Williams (Sydney) Saputro Del Lumanta Paul Williams (Melbourne) BANDS: ADAWO Half High Punkasila Bad Statistics Hate Club Quoit Bed Wettin’ Bad Boys Head Cleaner Raw Prawn Belladonna Heavy Petal School Damage Big Bikini Holidays On Ice Shy Impostors Big Supermarket Holy Balm Sleepless Nights Blank Statements Hot Topic Soccer Riot Blood Plastic Ice Claw Sparklers Boomgates Into the Void Spod Calamari Girls Jaguar is Jaguar Spores of the Golden Beard Carpet Snakes Jannah Quill St.Helens Chicks on Speed John Cage Fighter Sunnyboys Chook Race King Jerklews Tax Colonial V Knees Knitted Abyss Terry Constant Mongrel Lakes The Altamonts Crow Leonardo's Bride The Bills Crying in Bed Loin Groin The Bowles Darren Sylvester Lower Plenty The Donkey's Tail Deaf Wish Lupa J The Fiasco Deep Heat LZONE The Garbage and the Flowers Dick Diver Mara The Histrionics Dinky Crash MC Sereio E Cavalo Louco The Monaros Droszkhi Mick Harvey's interpretations of The Mumps Drown Under Serge Gainsbourg The Mustangs Ed Kuepper Mindsnare The Shifters Eddy Current Suppression Ring Minit The Stevens Exhaustion Naked on the Vague The Stroppies Four Door Obsession The Titanics Full Fucking Moon Olympic Doughnuts The Vivian Girls Further Omen Compass Tight and Shiny GAS Organ Eye Tinkerbellslutbaby Gentlenemy Paeces Tol George W Bush PAMELA Twerps Ghastly Spats Panel of Judges Tyrannamen Gloss Enamel Parsnip Video Ezy Golden Scalpel Plug Uglies Vincent Over the Sink Grannykillers Porcelain Wasted Truth Greta Now Primo WDK Pronto Sean Bailey is courtesy of Daine Singer, Melbourne. Glenn Barkley is courtesy of Utopia Art Sydney. Chris Dolman is courtesy of Galerie pompom, Sydney. Brendan Huntley and Douglas Lance Gibson are courtesy of Tolarno Galleries, Melbourne. Travis MacDonald is courtesy of Niagara Galleries, Melbourne and Darren Sylvester is courtesy of Sullivan + Strumpf, Sydney & Singapore. .
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