- -- would not surrender tho life of ' t--"- . "' Come up to Lexington, end we will treat you to1 defiled. Lot the democratic party in this county,, one honest man, of any kind, and nn ardent desire for peace and K V GAZETTE, a9 much Chan,paisne as yu can d.rink? then votc keep together and act in concert, exerting their, for all the dogs in creation. tranquility, havo detcimined me to permit thd 'VTfIfJKV , to i .,.. monodmo T?rl .! in Mtiirn wilt rr!t?o ,7A11 entire power for the support of their principles,' matter est, 'rusting nnd Imping thai ihe occur- From the Commonwealth. rences of the last sew mny ve our toleration and complacent smiles during the and their defence and protection against the op-- i dns, sei as a warn- . X,XIWCrTN: -- REPRESENTATIVES ELECTED. ing to my fellnvv countrymen in suture, to guartl, balance of the session- - What other language can pfession which hangs over them. The day of theiri THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1839. WHIG3. nitentiveh nnd protect untarnished and pure, the around us. , our representatives Use towards the Democratic deliverance is at hand. The prospects Franklin Chatles S. Morphend. elective finnrhm-- which is the palladium of our y CZar&pHubbard FOR PRESIDENT, members of the Legislature, consistent with the arc brightening. The cause of democracy is rap-idl- Taylor, Jr., and John B. liberty. In addition lo there reasons, I would Houston. remirkthat the gentleman JiSlRTIJV VJHV BSWIEEJi. principles and practice of their constituents? regaining its former strength in ; and leturned over me, be- VICE PRESIDENT, FayeiteJnenb Hughes, Richard Pindell and ing of the same politico I tenetsyith myself, FR We make jrcmarks in Indiana and Tennessee, the lite election shew tha these not to excite preju- James G. McKinncy. no partyprinciplesare involved. I Imve the that it is Our Democratic IVoor7opThomns dices abroad. That work is done already. It is absolutely triumphant. F. Marshall. farther satisfaction to"s!atc, that there, is not a President will be almost by acclamation, C. Sirtigg anil John Logan, Jr. doubt on my mind, that'I icceivcd full THE LATE ELECTION. perfectly natural that the democratic members of Si6Jdmes as many Li)Hi4tJ'7ZeWilliam Rend unit Percival Butler. is not more. WhifT votes, ih.in -.- and in the for the success ofour . C :inv niWrnJ,,!.,,. dfd suffer us before ourlast impression the Legislature should entertain a prejudice against general rejoicing J uiiuiurut; Time not 2?o!r5oNBiiitus J . Clny and Reuben Lyler. in the county, and am also of the opinion that (Lexington nnd county, and their lead cause, we will endeavor to bear the local tyranny I to make" any reflections on the election then just layette jrtnoiUletneni a. Mill. jiuuiunave received my lull portion of the oppo- which rules us at home until our growing strength terminated. Our wishes were disapjSinted by the ,ing politicians. 'It is but the effect of a sufficien .HarTiSonrtlexnnder fl . Iunis. site party, had it not been for the unsounded and shall enable us to break our chains. Let no man Jcssamir.eAex.nder Wake. Untiue reports, result of our county election, but our expectations and infallible clause. Persecution for opinion's thatijere put in circulation, as be in this day of trial and Zt'ncoZrtIIaden J. McRoberts. it regarded mv conduct towards not among those who placed 'sake always excites sympathy for the persecuted, fainthearted or apostatise that party In were not. We were J?ooneJohn Cave. proof of which I will pite the fact, orliand odium against especially in the difficulty. The standard of civil liberty still waves) that in my any reliance upon the liberality, magnanimity the persecutor, TPrwAtng7onRichard H. Ccke. own neighborhood, where such pitiful 'minds aloft, and are all the efforts of the heartless charffeB sense of justice of our political opponents. Others of those whose opinions are condemned, vain JVe7sonJohii Rowan, Jr., and William Elliott. are spurned at, even by political opponents!" with and all their charter- I of thei)emocratic party were led to believe that) So long as Wiman nature remains as it is, the re- - aristocracy their money, Sim)5onDavis S. Hammond. received a very general support from the Admin- all tlieir engines of power, .to JB(7rrenAsa Young. istration party For had the Senator from the county, Mpreserltatives from this county will, under existing ed monopolies, and notwithstanding it is well asthe Wiygparty TUariwojiasSquire Turner. known that I am a decided Whig, circumstances, have to this odium" and tear it down and tnmple it under their feet. That yet honorable that is one competent and unexceptionable vencounter Kunxund i7irZtJiGreepville Adams. men of all parties, that havejiad standaid was erected b) the heroes, sages and pa an opportunity Democrat wero offered as a representative, to act prejudice. Other counties, acting more wisely and rarrnZ Abuer. G. Dintel and Yanlis. of being well acquainted with e Jcse me, know that I triots of the revolution, and it has ever-sinc- re with anv two Whigs who might be preferred, thus rationally, will, in the meantime, reap the benefit of Mason Thomas M. Form.in and Ilearv R. would scorn to be guiltJST such conduct as has mained erect, never striking to the assault or' its Reetlor. been ascnbed to at least five slSyftJ of the political power of , our folly. How log" will the people of Lexing- thanking yielding fellow for ton and Fayette, blindly enemies In every free community there are ene BrctenDavid Bionics. citizens theIeeD interpst mn,fv,..j the county to the Whigs, the proposition was so and uselessly sacrifice in mies to its sustained in its very bosom? Flcminghn M. Bolts. my behalf, and their willingness to aid me and would be rejected every other consideration to promote the elevation eistcncc in fair reasonable, that it not JJarD ictoi B it rett. procuring my rights, I shall ever remain most but a virtuous and enlightened community of free - .,. We would have thought so too, is we had not so of one man, or minister tp his ambition. We have Brereinridge and ffrtncocNichola V. Board. frrntnAill,- . a.. t. men will always be able to defeat their machina 7V;fi-Thom.- , often had ample evidence of the intolerance, and not sworn allegiance to any man. We owe a na- li.Redd. C CHILTON MOORE. tions, and preserve their own liberties. The signs DiwiessW in nni Crow. prosenptive spirit of the Whig party. Nothing tural fealtyto no man. We are freeborn, and shew the day of the downfall of ZoflBt.iij.imin E.Gray nnd James W. Ir. From theN. Carolina Democrat. Atitrnst should act ns unenslaved men, with a view to of the times that Si?v, but absolute necessity will ever draw from that win. GLORIOUS VICTORY!! TRIUMPH one lights and and the and this'republic is not yet At hand. OF PRIN- - party any signs of concession or compromise, and interests, rights interests Clay and PenvJohn C. Wilson. uii'L,u DISJUOURAT GAIN!!! Demo-rati- of others. The public good alone should jlZe;iTliiMiiii .1 we hope that the c party in Fayette govern ELECTION? KENTUCKY. S'litutP. The returns from all tho mom ....a ..,..,.,,. in to Warren 5 tmes Isiac Smith. M Congie-hion.- il District county now understand the nature of the position us our conduct in rpgard public matters. It We have cnpie fruiii ihe Frankfort Common-wenlt- h Hineaid have been received and Butler and EdmonionW. Ctio.ivuu . 42. wearo enanieu to they occupy, and what they are to expect from is only slaves who follow and obey mpn. Freemen the names of such rwpiesenlatives whoso niinounre the tiuly gralif)ing intelligenie ol the triumphant of by noble motives and clas-sif- that their opponents, and that they will, in suture, act are actuated piinciples, and eleciioiiH have been heard from, with the i Ai)MiisrR.TioN. able, zealotl". aniL llni'nimin,i,w;,m .Im...... accordingly. Is the democrats are true to them- the good of the country. They never enquire e.itioii of ihe Editor. In ihiH list of members ol Scoll George W. Juhnsuu and F.ibiicius C. JI'SE A. I5YNUM, bv the handsome . tnai ntvy McCalbt. ..roi .. i .. . .J . what effect a result is to have upon the first-distric- mi uuii 1 selves, and faithful to the cause which they espouse, particular Conjures, the t is lefr blank. We CHn vine ejiLin inmc-- ol WO HUN-- Draffiii. political fortunes of any man. Anderson John DR.D AND TI.IRTV-FOU- The contest they are too many and too strong to be despised. state, that Lvnn Boyd, Eq., a decided democrat, i P. Jefferson Dtvid Meiriwether and Alex'r b..sleen onp of m..- -t exciting character, and Is they act together, in a spirit of patriotism, and There is a ciicumstance, in addition, connected is, to a moral certainty elected, mid by a large Chot.-biU- . "trentioiii.lv contes'ed; every effort that could be united efforts, all proper occa- wit li- - the late canvass vvoithy of Grant T. Stephens. I l direct their upon serious notice. nrjori'v. Thus ihe demncnicy of Kemuckv rou eh to bear on ihe electioQvas put in sions, to tho support of our free in titulioiis, and We have two 'banks located in our city, in both of will have two representatives in the next Con Oldham iWwton Lane. in order to defe.it ibis liffihmmded fear- I'endlifpi iiiiiiel F. Swope. , less champion tho principles upon which they depend, they can which the State has a large interest. Tho power gres being a gain of one. It is ipporie.I lliit of JefTersonian dpmocracv and a Harrinm Fltiuh Newell. worthy son of tjie land of Macon. But the "so- make their adv ersaries feel their power, and respect of those corporations is immense, and s ill it is Mr. Nutinll will contest r lie election ns Mr. Graves, Montgomery G inile Glover. ber second thought" has done its work the peo- and interests. We are in the mmoriij exerted in such a quiet, silent and gradual way upon at Mercer II Corni-- h Win. D.ivie.--s their rights the ground, that in Luiisville the coin Lm'w. C. and ple have effected, tinri.when euch is the case they y -a Mizp. in this county, m lespert to national pdlitics, paitic-ularl- as to altiact no pellicular ettention. By their meneemoii' of the election, niitiv of .he in-nr- i Es'ill ic never go wrnn'. We say from the fullness of six Barien .lame-- " G. Hirdy. our heart upon the question who ought to be the next coi.trol over the currency they or rather unfix of N'Htall sailed lo vo'ef.ra member "I Cmgre , nmnn the sincerity of gratitude, God Spencer J.urp W. Stone. bless the Democracy of the old President; but we are freemen, and are in no wise the prices of all propecty. Is they expind their and at Sh. Ibyville, many of die fnen U ol Gr-.vt- North State! Henry J.ieppb Lfaomp.e and John G. Tav lor. Bynum, Long. responsible to the majority, nor to their leader, foi operations, prices rse, it they contract them, they nUo lai'ed for aConuroi-Moan- . But when invoe Madi on lobii Siieed Smith. Halifax cpunty, 185 maj. our opinions upon these subjects. We claim the sail, and they have a discretion to let out or hold it was .I'ceitaiuei! that the ionto would be verv Filming HenivD. Burgess. Noithampton, 121 maj. Fi-l- same honesty of motive which we concede to those in their issues at pleasure. Tins tieinendou- - sov- close, ibe voters, at both places attempted to Campbell J. A. Goodson nnd Ezra K. i. Berne, 99 . Lewis Tlinmn- - M who differ fiom us; and whilst we, the democratic ereign power places the whole business of the amend their by lliem irslmllv M.iriin, .271 " vote, easting upon their Bath John C. Mason. in Fayette county, embracing nine hundred community, which t all depends upon credit, at In th iilge1- - reTu ed party Louisville j to let Nicholas Moves F Glen. 491 free citizens and oters, feel and know that wc are their footstool. Banks may be veiy useful mid Nuttiili's friends givchim then votes, but in Shel- Floyd and Pike Thomas Cecil. Long's maj. 15 Jo-ep- proscribed and disfianJiised,and debairtd fiom our necessai) institutions; but, certainly, having such by ville, Graves' friends were permit; e 1 to do so; Owen h W. Rovvlelt. 26. constitutional equality, and excluded fiom all strong temptations to err, they should be watched we think the Louisville judges acted correctly. Bynum's maj. 30f SENATORS ELECTED. In State employment and honors, by the intolerant with a jealous eye by the people. The legislature Mr bv the lS37Bvnum's majority 72. Democratic nndil Orgies ws elcceil anunded Samuel Hanov, (Whig,) is re elected from :ain 234. have spirit of party, we have still lest the poor privilege a supervise powei over the banks, and is vote at Shelluvillc, that Mr. NnUull will cjl-taiiil- v the Sttna'iirinl Ditticl romp piI of the. enmities of protesting against the gross and glaring injus- in duty bound to mike annual inquisition into tl e gain the seat. "I" Clarke nnd Es'ill. His maj irity-ovc-r Colonel Thc Question Settled. The N. Y Star tice. Tyranny and pi oscuptiorf may be as effec- conduct of tlieir directoisand othei officeis. Tho Buh, also a Why, 194 vote. sns: "Is Air Clay is not the candidate of the tISnessee. James is plected Whig partv, nnd jhe tually practiced by party discipline and dulling at inquest should be constituted of disinterested and Hughes, (Administration,) whole Whig partv, uniting or sour weeks from the Spiittonal Distriet composed of thp cordinllv, h..ne.synd in good faith, thestrength the polls, as the decrees of the most abtolute des- impartial men; The Na'l.ville Whig, some three fininliP3 of Henry anil O'tllnm, in the room of of Mr. Webster, and General Harrison, nothing boas-tec- thnUGnv. Canno.i's mnjoiny nvwr pot. Cai, it he denied that it is downright political Besides the powers already ajlyded to hich miicu h.lipih F. Nult.ill, Et., whoso term of service can prevent Mr. Van Buren's re.plertinn for nn. C"l. P"ik wwilt&jbe'wce'i fifioun .tntf tw-on- j ' tyranny to siy to any man or set ofmei, that lie or thc.Banks possess, they can exert a widely rami- hntl oxpiren. JVthornnda fiudl tennU flrfousand iliesfjne of ihe 9 b -- avs: G. Clvvto, SL.vUGnTriR, (Whig,) is elected The following is from the they shall be held degraded and unfit to hold any fied and dangerous pol'tUul powe 'Rimy liave piper Cincinnati Gazette, NpIsom , in the (Whig:) will be"Vee"fi fiom iho ndilitioiml teluiiispnli fiom rnimtv, without opposition say that is Gen, Harrison is not State office, unless he or trey shall vote for a.par-ticul- millions out rn the, hands of thousands, which they "It n of S nnlpy Y Esq., term ol ser- the candidate of the Whig that the geneiul elect-o- in thus uing, whne party, and the whole peison for Pres'dcut? Is not this now tho have the absolute power to oajl in, in a fewduys. Is vice bid tl. Whig party, Martin Van Buren will wipld PSron.i. State has resu'led in the discomfiture nud ppir state of fact and in the cfireclois and officers banks u.'ft' Tlionri-s'Y.'PAvrfr.- . (Whig,) is elected from tive power for in Fajelte county, the com of the are inclined ol ihe Whig party. The A Iminisuntioif hmtf! another term." so power ;he Senatorial DiUri'-- l eomposed of the coun Here endeth the first lesson. N. Y.New monwcalth of Kentucky? Is there any tfeirjocrut exert political bymeans of the banks. carnetl their Governor, ixoui ofhir'eeu tuetn-tie- rs Era. Iioiupm' les of Mason nnd Bracken, in the room of in Kentucky who w ould think of allowing his name how easy is it to present to the debtors the most of Congress and ,i mj"rit of IMli DEVOTION ' had OF Legislature. Irwould he is J .difp Ad mi Beattv, whoso term of service FEDERALISM TO THE to be tr sled with so much; as to have it presented. powerful motives jf soibsetviericy, and to many the of 'lie ueles, not PRINCIPLES OF THE CONSTITUTION altogether mt of pjnee, at .the present moment, ' expired. Ik to the executive of this State, for any office within ntyerrjale of ruin or submission. Wo do not say JAliES GuTtlRtr. is re elected The Constitution the U. time- - and wwcls in unavailing (tlmtnistnition,) of States expressly trfwasle regfrts Ol- - his gist? The Whig cry of proscription against the that any thing of this kind has been d.ouo; but it Lfrotii It) Sen i onial District romposcd of the provides for the passage of laws of naturalization over this untoward result." 4 i by Congress. existing administratwh of the general government, is theTbusmess of trje Legisltture to enquire into tv t! Louisville n! cmiotv jenoisun. This shows that the adoption, as Gov. ( annon's majjrity at the bite election w as Morgan. (lVhigi,) is from citizens, of emigrants giving their ispalpible mockery and liughable pretence. 111 these mRtters, and whether there has or Daniel allegiance to ascertain 19.873! the county of Fleming. our institutions, was a fundamental principle of cannot gull even simpletons. UnrtJenting, un- lfas not been any corruption, abuse, or favoritism. Andrew Rule. (Administrntiiin,) is elected the government. We haviMiowever, a body of sparing pioscription is then verj iulingp'asion:, .is Is it not a fact, to which some consideration INDIANA. from the Sensorial District composed of the Native American Whigs, 'who seek to set aside exhibited wherever they er. We demo- should be'giveJT, that at the last election, eacji The Jefferson Journal. Whig, says: "We counties of Floyd, Morgan, Pike and Perry, in the articles of the Constitution bv tl.air articled ot of crats of F lyette county, and of Kentucky! can let Bank' had in4he field, injtliis county, a director as have me. the enemy and we are their3. We are the room of Samuel May, Esq., whose term association. soot service had expired. Louisiana Native American Association. the people of theseT'United States, know what for- a candidate for the legislature. TRJien this facta. routed, horse, and dragoons, and so it will is elec- Ar.FRED Anderson. (Administration,) The object of this new order of American no- - bearance, what mercy or whit justice is to be ex- was stteed to a .facetious old friend of ours, he re- evqr be , whilst we right under the banner of Mr. of ted from the Senatorial District composed the miiiy is Dest expressed in the second and third pected from a Whig adiimustiauon. We have a marked that it reminded him of the anecdote rela Clay." In ihis State, in she last Congress, the counties of Green and Hart, Without opposition, articles ot tne constitution: foretaste wh'Jh others know not of. ted of old Mr. 1'arascon, a Frenchman, who for Democrats had one member, the Whigs six In in the loom of William T Willis, Esq., resigned. "2. We bind ourselves to co operate, oy all law- is from When we saw the Lexington Intelligencer of merly resided at Shippingport. 1'Iiq old man had the next, the Democrats" will certainly have sour, Samuel B. Jessui, (Vhig,) ful means, with our fellow native citizens in the the Senatorial District, composed of the counties United States, to procure natural-- . the 30th ult , we were confident that the decree a controversy with some one, wjiich they could not probably five, and possibly six. a repeal of the of Christian and Todd. izatinn laws. and sew had gane foith, a days showed how it was settle themselves, and was likely to terminate in a "3. Wp will use all proper and NORTH CAROLINA. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ELECTED. reasonable ex obeyed. In it tho faithful weie admonished "of law suit. He. dreaded the suit, and in order to ertions to exclude foreigners from enjoying the Our accounts from this state are very imper- - 1P37 1839 what vast consequence it was, that the State gov- - avoid it proposed to leave thdispute to three hon- - emoluments or honors of office, whether under Ifect. In the lust Congress the Democrats had lst District, John L Murray, ernments should be kept pure fiom. the general est men. This- was so reasonable a proposition, 2nd do Edward Rumssy Philip Tiiplett. the GeTneral oBiSjate Government." five members of Congreps, the Whig- - eight. It 3rd do J. R Underwood. J. R. Underwood. Thl 9n-tflf- linwpunr frrnninnolv nrnmieo ftinf contamination,"' and every Whig wrts uVged to go thatt Was at once agreedo "Well," says Mr. do . Sherrod Williams, is quite probable the political complexiunJjvIlLbe 4th nieir tremendous action upon the rights of for to the polls, and to" give his vote, and to exert him- - T "you art, an honest man." "Certainly," was 5th James Harlan. Simeon H . Anderson. reversed in tho next, judging from the returns re 6th John Calhoon. . eign born citizens shall not be ex poslfacto; they self for the success of the Whig candidates for the reply. "I am an honest mm," continues the John Pope. John Popo. will not decapitate the rights of those already ceived. Byniitn'- - Detn. majority at the last 7th m W. J. Congress and the Legisliturc, as is on-hi- and Fienchman "I di not deny that," said the other, 8th W. J. Graves. Graves. naturalized. How considerate in the American Whit-Rich- election vvns 72, nuw it is 30G. 9 th John ard John Whitefc to promise such a boon to the very him alone, depended the iLsult. They were told, "TVell,my biolhcr here present is an honest marl, Hawes Rich ird Havvf. aristoeracv Bv our next publication wo hope to be able lOtn grateful naturalized American citizens! "this is the only safe, and perfectly correct couise which you must admit. Now will leave it :o vou 11th R. H. Mcncfec. L. W. Andrews lo ",ivc accounts much more satisfactory and pos 12th John ( hambera. Garret Divis. Natchez (Mi.) Free Trader. to be pursued; and that we (the Whigs) should and me and my brother, the majority to decide." Wm. O. Duller. sibly the complete re.turns for Kentucky 13th W. W Soutbjjatc. be perfectly safe, and perfectly certain of victory, The application of the anecdote our fuend did not The Steamers both went to seayesterdav. TJbr tho Kentucky Gazcllg. 1 is a consideration of such solemn import, that it explain, and we give it as we got it, for what it is Whfn wp havo a little par9jtime, the Whig Cm-tt- al The Great Western got off at o'clock, and the - TO THE FREEMEN OF, FAYEI'TE. should not bo hazarded by the delinquency of any worth committee, lotated in the nnrthan section of Ken- British Queen at 2 o'clock. The central parts of still deserted as in T, . , - ., n ,tucky, may perhaps, receivo some attention; anil the Fellow Crrizr.xsr It is with the greatest re the city have uppeared and individual voter." This was the last solemn order t . 'ii nusi oe now mmiiesi 10 me uemoerats ot I 11; while ' Buster of Wayncri who is so fearful of woundinsj "th luctance now annear beidra but recent times of epidemic the Battery on the and the troops generally took the t before the onset, this city and county, that th'ey are under.the ban of pride of thoir fricnd,the editor of the Louisville Jour- - events render it necessary iWt I should take ibis wharves on the East river wore all alive tracK dictated to tnem. nome,io ineir nonor, nau Hnexorable and that the Whig majorjr. nal," will, probably, not go unnoticed. Some other step. lt is known to vou, that I was a candidate Brooklyn, too. turned out, and covered the margin lor Le-usu- al as respect to other obligations ty do nOt intend that they shall ever have a voice equally small matters, mayv possibly, call us from ths for jour suffrages lit the late election the of the heights with beautv and fashion, well G. river. , gislature, and that James McKmney, Esq. as we could determine on this side the tho in the legislative councils of the State. The Whigs track for a moment. . The plain English of the language used in was returned over me, by a majority of ten votes Our sine packets for Liverpool, London, and Ifjndly taken our and above extract is, that a democrat is not PURE have veiy rights interests in Foi an election for councilman) to sill thoAVa My fi lends believm'g I was fairly elected, by the Havre, were all off too, so that, take it all in all, holy keeping, "andare determined that the qualified of Fayette County, have urged we a stir. enough to represent the people of Fayette county their tcancy in WardjNo 1, occasioned by the death voters had great me to contest the election, owirtg to illegal votes, effort lo get off the Queen has been a and that the Representative's Hall is CONTAMI- - democrats shall have nothing to do with the affairs of Mi. The Russell, Mr. JamesC. Butler was elected, having been given to my opponent and that ma great one, and perfectly successful. These great NATED presence of a Democrat it. ofgovernment, except to pay taxes andiear their by the in beating Mr. Cleary 27 votes. ny of my friund wero prevented from getting to and "allant steamers go off together, not1 ns Ins of Slate It remains to be What elsn pan ho meant bv the exoressions "that share of the burdens the polls theieby having n right guaranteed to been 'supposed, for the sake of u race, (tlnii"h the State governments should be kept pure from seen how miny of thosj nho "ieietofure have pro--1 Fiom a nandbill dnbuted this morning, wi- them by ihe constitution, infringed upon. Du- the circijmfanre3 will be verv likely tostimu'ite with the general contamination,'''' m connexion with an fessed to be Democrats will crawl and hck the hand nsc&ta.n, mat ihe Citv Coim-- il ve-'en- passed ring the three day- - canvass, tunny lnle accusa- - them si lit'le,) but imaeeonlnnce previous ve e made me, the inout loivl " 'h part officii, wl.ie'i b.vt so n,ne but to which them; those who piofcsj to be Demo-- 1 an nrdiutnicp. nu Wizytg. ..n-- f ofcit uuiii againM liotii argument in fwor of ebcting Whigs smites e I d seiiirill-ni- s to those the tlar h tppr-n- to sill ingpllier. Well pp. for lielirn t d. Mon- - and rlmr.ieier, of ei in - to with the m id g having been killed the ity on s -- the Legis.1 Such deel nn accred- cutis, and shall heie. fler conlinw in up-.-- n iIip ill pb n lure. nations, dye; .mil much unmerited abuse was heaped i sit of I'fiinm'inili , ns ihe In. , b-- t t nav la ,) i he w nlMug-- . sound mu vv itedWh'2 ornan at Lei ,r on. car ad out at toe WhiL's, and suppoit their cms.-- had er. unee to loll oicind exoriions wero made and Uevit-f- ic n foinci'lpf'P wi'l nr.t b lopeti ag nn. IWir York i ttn-il.i- v, 1 Commerce '1 polls, arc most admirable '1 ulatod to rone bate as. um? th"n nppro nate ip me. we send no mug .it .ri' in L,pington, ilip mini oi ili. .o, to elf 1 mv downlall, never anticipaiei Journal of of Aim. 3. tho gooJ will of tho demo.rali meiebois of the sp es into the nmp ol tiv r.v my, auil want none .fuilher notice the Cmncd.' We do hope by m. But although noimnallv be tten, I lest tho of my own and A Fortune Josfpu B unvpaiite. Aiipx-tr- at Legislature! You, Mr. Democrat, in ours. Whenever a man's woiks, either in relig-- ! this oidirtnnce w, II bo'made per .eni.il. Wel.ave siiong in piiruy intentions to are too mpwe I Hump, M ' siip--t- li it ts, ni.l in thp lioipir.in f.iitiiPiS with, which t of it letter from f V 15 it associate with us, the of ion ot politics, are not cons stent with his piofcssed no use for dogs m tho Citv, nnl tin y are gn-i.- t M il m .I;ps Hip to lepresenUtives Fietto bf? euivi-- s was ro.iducietl on mv part. .ny he 'at will of Cir.lm Fech. Ex In l I - lipi' county, in tins Hill Your touch is tonlamim.lion; faith, he becomes liable to suspicion. Convicted innovance, when petmilted to yo at large. el oiv w.niii Iiipii h ive liiiixiriiino in.' to con- King. J'xppb Boiui'ipirip, bis pnil' iptil but you aie here, ' we cannot kick out, arid hvpocnfs nd pre tenders snould alwnjs be thiown hcEistein Suites, ue havo seen many deaths test the election, and .it one umc I had deieinun- - His m ijoralomo, ivho had not quilled him since joj to a contest is made his executor. consequenily, we cannot do without our votes. over the pale, to keep the body of the fiitnful un- - announced from the bite of mad dogs, nnd wo ted 10 do so; but u strong repugnance 1801,