- -- would not surrender tho life of ' t--"- . "' Come up to Lexington, end we will treat you to1 defiled. Lot the democratic party in this county,, one honest man, of any kind, and nn ardent desire for peace and K V GAZETTE, a9 much Chan,paisne as yu can d.rink? then votc keep together and act in concert, exerting their, for all the dogs in creation. tranquility, havo detcimined me to permit thd 'VTfIfJKV , to i .,.. monodmo T?rl .! in Mtiirn wilt rr!t?o ,7A11 entire power for the support of their principles,' matter est, 'rusting nnd Imping thai ihe occur- From the Commonwealth. rences of the last sew mny ve our toleration and complacent smiles during the and their defence and protection against the op-- i dns, sei as a warn- . X,XIWCrTN: -- REPRESENTATIVES ELECTED. ing to my fellnvv countrymen in suture, to guartl, balance of the session- - What other language can pfession which hangs over them. The day of theiri THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1839. WHIG3. nitentiveh nnd protect untarnished and pure, the around us. , our representatives Use towards the Democratic deliverance is at hand. The prospects Franklin Chatles S. Morphend. elective finnrhm-- which is the palladium of our y CZar&pHubbard FOR PRESIDENT, members of the Legislature, consistent with the arc brightening. The cause of democracy is rap-idl- Taylor, Jr., and John B. liberty. In addition lo there reasons, I would Houston. remirkthat the gentleman JiSlRTIJV VJHV BSWIEEJi. principles and practice of their constituents? regaining its former strength in Kentucky; and leturned over me, be- VICE PRESIDENT, FayeiteJnenb Hughes, Richard Pindell and ing of the same politico I tenetsyith myself, FR We make jrcmarks in Indiana and Tennessee, the lite election shew tha these not to excite preju- James G. McKinncy. no partyprinciplesare involved. I Imve the that it is Our Democratic IVoor7opThomns dices abroad. That work is done already. It is absolutely triumphant. F. Marshall. farther satisfaction to"s!atc, that there, is not a President will be almost by acclamation, C. Sirtigg anil John Logan, Jr. doubt on my mind, that'I icceivcd full THE LATE ELECTION. perfectly natural that the democratic members of Si6Jdmes as many Li)Hi4tJ'7ZeWilliam Rend unit Percival Butler. is not more. WhifT votes, ih.in -.- and in the for the success ofour . C :inv niWrnJ,,!.,,. dfd suffer us before ourlast impression the Legislature should entertain a prejudice against general rejoicing J uiiuiurut; Time not 2?o!r5oNBiiitus J . Clny and Reuben Lyler. in the county, and am also of the opinion that (Lexington nnd county, and their lead cause, we will endeavor to bear the local tyranny I to make" any reflections on the election then just layette jrtnoiUletneni a. Mill. jiuuiunave received my lull portion of the oppo- which rules us at home until our growing strength terminated. Our wishes were disapjSinted by the ,ing politicians. 'It is but the effect of a sufficien .HarTiSonrtlexnnder fl . Iunis. site party, had it not been for the unsounded and shall enable us to break our chains. Let no man Jcssamir.eAex.nder Wake. Untiue reports, result of our county election, but our expectations and infallible clause. Persecution for opinion's thatijere put in circulation, as be in this day of trial and Zt'ncoZrtIIaden J. McRoberts. it regarded mv conduct towards not among those who placed 'sake always excites sympathy for the persecuted, fainthearted or apostatise that party In were not. We were J?ooneJohn Cave. proof of which I will pite the fact, orliand odium against especially in the difficulty. The standard of civil liberty still waves) that in my any reliance upon the liberality, magnanimity the persecutor, TPrwAtng7onRichard H. Ccke. own neighborhood, where such pitiful 'minds aloft, and are all the efforts of the heartless charffeB sense of justice of our political opponents. Others of those whose opinions are condemned, vain JVe7sonJohii Rowan, Jr., and William Elliott. are spurned at, even by political opponents!" with and all their charter- I of thei)emocratic party were led to believe that) So long as Wiman nature remains as it is, the re- - aristocracy their money, Sim)5onDavis S. Hammond. received a very general support from the Admin- all tlieir engines of power, .to JB(7rrenAsa Young. istration party For had the Senator from the county, Mpreserltatives from this county will, under existing ed monopolies, and notwithstanding it is well asthe Wiygparty TUariwojiasSquire Turner. known that I am a decided Whig, circumstances, have to this odium" and tear it down and tnmple it under their feet. That yet honorable that is one competent and unexceptionable vencounter Kunxund i7irZtJiGreepville Adams. men of all parties, that havejiad standaid was erected b) the heroes, sages and pa an opportunity Democrat wero offered as a representative, to act prejudice. Other counties, acting more wisely and rarrnZ Abuer. G. Dintel and Yanlis. of being well acquainted with e Jcse me, know that I triots of the revolution, and it has ever-sinc- re with anv two Whigs who might be preferred, thus rationally, will, in the meantime, reap the benefit of Mason Thomas M. Form.in and Ilearv R. would scorn to be guiltJST such conduct as has mained erect, never striking to the assault or' its Reetlor. been ascnbed to at least five slSyftJ of the political power of , our folly. How log" will the people of Lexing- thanking yielding fellow for ton and Fayette, blindly enemies In every free community there are ene BrctenDavid Bionics. citizens theIeeD interpst mn,fv,..j the county to the Whigs, the proposition was so and uselessly sacrifice in mies to its sustained in its very bosom? Flcminghn M. Bolts. my behalf, and their willingness to aid me and would be rejected every other consideration to promote the elevation eistcncc in fair reasonable, that it not JJarD ictoi B it rett. procuring my rights, I shall ever remain most but a virtuous and enlightened community of free - .,. We would have thought so too, is we had not so of one man, or minister tp his ambition. We have Brereinridge and ffrtncocNichola V. Board. frrntnAill,- . a.. t. men will always be able to defeat their machina 7V;fi-Thom.- , often had ample evidence of the intolerance, and not sworn allegiance to any man. We owe a na- li.Redd. C CHILTON MOORE. tions, and preserve their own liberties. The signs DiwiessW in nni Crow. prosenptive spirit of the Whig party. Nothing tural fealtyto no man. We are freeborn, and shew the day of the downfall of ZoflBt.iij.imin E.Gray nnd James W. Ir. From theN. Carolina Democrat. Atitrnst should act ns unenslaved men, with a view to of the times that Si?v, but absolute necessity will ever draw from that win. GLORIOUS VICTORY!! TRIUMPH one lights and and the and this'republic is not yet At hand. OF PRIN- - party any signs of concession or compromise, and interests, rights interests Clay and PenvJohn C. Wilson. uii'L,u DISJUOURAT GAIN!!! Demo-rati- of others. The public good alone should jlZe;iTliiMiiii .1 we hope that the c party in Fayette govern ELECTION? KENTUCKY. S'litutP. The returns from all tho mom ....a ..,..,.,,. in to Warren 5 tmes Isiac Smith. M Congie-hion.- il District county now understand the nature of the position us our conduct in rpgard public matters. It We have cnpie fruiii ihe Frankfort Common-wenlt- h Hineaid have been received and Butler and EdmonionW. Ctio.ivuu . 42. wearo enanieu to they occupy, and what they are to expect from is only slaves who follow and obey mpn. Freemen the names of such rwpiesenlatives whoso niinounre the tiuly gralif)ing intelligenie ol the triumphant of by noble motives and clas-sif- that their opponents, and that they will, in suture, act are actuated piinciples, and eleciioiiH have been heard from, with the i Ai)MiisrR.TioN. able, zealotl". aniL llni'nimin,i,w;,m .Im. ....... accordingly. Is the democrats are true to them- the good of the country. They never enquire e.itioii of ihe Editor. In ihiH list of members ol Scoll George W. Juhnsuu and F.ibiicius C. JI'SE A. I5YNUM, bv the handsome . tnai ntvy McCalbt. ..roi .. i .. .J . what effect a result is to have upon the first-distric- mi uuii 1 selves, and faithful to the cause which they espouse, particular Conjures, the t is lefr blank. We CHn vine ejiLin inmc-- ol WO HUN-- Draffiii. political fortunes of any man. Anderson John DR.D AND TI.IRTV-FOU- The contest they are too many and too strong to be despised. state, that Lvnn Boyd, Eq., a decided democrat, i P. Jefferson Dtvid Meiriwether and Alex'r b..sleen onp of m..- -t exciting character, and Is they act together, in a spirit of patriotism, and There is a ciicumstance, in addition, connected is, to a moral certainty elected, mid by a large Chot.-biU- . "trentioiii.lv contes'ed; every effort that could be united efforts, all proper occa- wit li- - the late canvass vvoithy of Grant T. Stephens. I l direct their upon serious notice. nrjori'v. Thus ihe demncnicy of Kemuckv rou eh to bear on ihe electioQvas put in sions, to tho support of our free in titulioiis, and We have two 'banks located in our city, in both of will have two representatives in the next Con Oldham iWwton Lane. in order to defe.it ibis liffihmmded fear- I'endlifpi iiiiiiel F. Swope. , less champion tho principles upon which they depend, they can which the State has a large interest. Tho power gres being a gain of one.
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