correct. If there he errors than I he have hitherto upon the lent any In il, they occur in plac- of Nashville, to the editor of the Baltimore Chronicle: I' .?General Scott5" Wings?.They gone is much in the the Federalists Iwn or don't the broad ground of cut Mr Van Buren But ihey Mr. Rives personally reepected ccnnty in? among three members who "'The will be V. B, Senate 10 to lf>, "Genpral Scott! Gallani fellow! Why jitilling is "lillle ' Legislature out, without some one irt . f Louisa, but he defunct. Hii Spar- will not how to the of the <>r liim !»»r President? is most cannot put him putting Whig politically passively' yoke Universal lli:iii-it* uti to 41!, hereabouts.Of the causts of thit> WliijTK nominate IJu jn united with the whole . and "there's the rub." For. cannot agree amnnir Band" «f Conservatives, Whig Whig parly ".A'nrhrille Union result. I liave n:it the Itme or the at mat. in the nation." they to He disposition present, pi pular th> incf v.'?, u h<>m tl;i-v shall of the l\ hii/s nd Hank forces, cannot elevate him any (From ilio Knoxvillu Arj;u», Aogwt 13.) to me it has been tun om! havHi tnct nor courage for it. Besides. thrv put in.Many office^ " to speak To sudden trviriifving. .They to Mr or Gen Harri¬ will be treated with decorum at Louisa Courr- Tennessee her Sisters setideth a id llieir last fur will preler Mr Van ifnrrn Clay, gieat " Republican greeting: I confess, to dwell upon with the calmness that becomes owe debt to Clay,and llns opportunity and will be fed Iroui a Tennessee informs her sister Stales that she is " 01 one named candidate of the Whig party nuse,ou the 7ih of September, HE every soldier in the hour of trial To our oppn- disc i it son, any (or which the DEEMED! Whig 'rging ' iuntiful board; bt»i the peo- REGENERATED!! DISENTHRALL the returns, so nnd ..A* ell-if hiin oft' with the no¬ .'COMMUXICATED. altert-houjjht, nenls, astonishing overwhelming, pay Harrisburg ¦» le-of Louisa are will not for his °82'a"* ED!! ! Irom the shackles of Federalism! The VIC¬ a in 1Cr'40. "OCT 1*'IC Editof of the Kiclimuntl Kmioirer, »ume fe ii«>* ninno, famed, operate have thus far struck them with nlmost mute astonish- mination, he'll find himself bankrupt is zeinent. A LOU1S1AN. TORY is decisive and The Federalists are ijecln.cil 11 -ming hu candidate for the (J. S. Senate. Ilu willing complete. ment .Senator Foster will forthw ilh.I "N.i doubl uf it. derUiun of ihu Democratic members of the nc\t .-\s- routed, foot and We do nol to resign speak in la abide the TO Tilt: ur horse, dragoons. like tri¬ I shall not be if W bite, npon it, many of Webster's friends New \\ ill he consider n I'.ii 01 honest to di-card Judge Mason, RDliUh TJ1K~£*QV1HER, over a fallen but the means and advisedly.and surprised Judge "R+-ly on neiuhly. KJy. umph foe, tricks resort¬ the same conviction of and England lerl very cool towards Clay, and will rut il lieiiiK knov.n thai the Jud^t'n jiupulaijiy uai the strongest iup Amiifrit, Aug. 17, ed the acting upon public duty itnhe i.ue coutful on Sunt!i iol.iie« 'The '-Loco Foco Press" Whigs If respect, follow* his example e're the Legislature great parly Intel t '-...MiijLi no claim on our are and ore a battle. But The pircediris paragraph. from ihe Petersburg .tine as the ..Whip," in out the blunders sympathy. They defeated; convenes '(lie Administration leaders are cast will fW'l hat fighting hopeless lerreting t must alreudy they 's not ihe which ha* l,een aimed at more to a tale anil ley bury their own dead and nurse their ohn about for their successors Scoit! hv Mars ! who would not to the hill under Iigenccr. only sq-nb, eir wily advertaius, hang upon; ing fight about the < >n . am Wounded. a New \nrk? us or a! Judge Mason, Senatorial lecti it- chief value of what 1 about to notice,consists in ALABAMA. such leader? Could hp carry aim been the '.The whole political history of the country cannot ex li i« that Mr. Hubbard is elected "Yes.-by whereas Clay would lose it by 10,- Some idle toast.- have directedagajnsl Judge, ie facility it nff»rds of marking "the wounded pigeons Jo.OOU; . '211. a nscer'nined, (Dem.) " which are of notice and to show what ^ehiisoinl, Friday, Aii?u«t hibii more brilliant triumph of principle over d<-ma in the ijd ) in lite Huntsville 000 at Spring Mill, utterly unworthy ,. their fluttering," by imperceptible than our late We had Chapman (D seems Mr Uiv> s too has been complii: ^nte.I at his expense. Be¬ men bo seduced from their r goguism victory. every thing to District, w ithoiil In- rt soli is, 3 members But (lit- K. Y Courier & Enquirer, though it Vans may propriety.from ELECTIONS contend There was a at ^position..'I lo cause Mason his vote at the Inst election in Van Uuren Democrats" of against. majority the last elec¬ of to the A din i n if i r a . .. 'ii. and 'J W bigs, j to prefer 4ri it. Scott, jet disclaimsnny attempt super¬ Judge gave yesleiday, t»"Clay Whigs can now wind up the Elections which have jusl tion of Congress Iriendly his own oa he thought it was his duty to do, lie f to "for to that Conservatism, per- We TWENTY THOUSAND for Cannon. . re in sede Mr Oh. "We did not for a moment believe count}', dav; complexion, which the all the nearly Bayby is elected Governor; and both brnit>iies y. (says in a contrast We first then Republican gain passes and every one knows how il is to its > hat movement could be has l een charged with indeiieaey, strong sled in, "must come at last" doubt, .,sll!:pirf«!.»nwhich we hail ever made disheartening attempt of the Legislature, the Republican* have decided i»ij»j-. Editor) any successfully in la«»u and Am niass-a re- upon Tennessee, to overcome so a '1 he whole made, havir in view the nomination of Gen. Scott as a with Mr. Kives. wlm made speeches .nsure, nnd finally sink into the polluted fj'cMlationo and we now large majority patronage i i it* f. lo the county ot Madison (when* Huntsville is) i; Mr H to ot inij1#na mid North Carolina. await the of the Slate Government was to bear for the the National Con¬ heist on the eve of the election. Yet is be roach to the cause we orce cherished, aud tiesptsed brought against the are elected : Messrs Smith, Whig caiidiih'le Presidency,by ' Erection in Rhode Island, which takes Col Polk and The Slaie following Delegates in December for refined delicacy," while Judge M. is to ,iat into which we have been his principles. presses of the Chinees, and Dr. Moore. vention wh cl» is to assembles! Harrisburg applauded cajoled. " B',t ii next.the Election in (Judge Siniili.) Vining u r want of it M , who, of all men. to the ftesol til ions of the Tuesday Congressional were mote than two to one t-pposed to os, and deluged As the Alexandria Gazette ''It is next Olhei s however, have entertained different views; be Censured .Judge in the preamble h'gs and Mississippi.and the Slate Election of their lately said, quite that the most strenu has mingled in the slightest degree, in the Senatorial <>nservatives of Albemarle, at their meeting of the 5ti» \lsrvland every county with misrepresentations. In East inanifrst that I tie Whigs have been considerably 'u»ed and we perceive with deep regret, in nomination for that "cut in November: His name was ist . A Coles in the the \t"v York Tennessee, a grey headed old man, whose services in in the West Some of the eff"rts lo conceal the ous exertion « are being made in every section of the Election ! placed (Col. 1. Chair.) following tlic Mole of Tuesday ) i:jv* is not without consultation with him; witluutauy will be found: foe name R M' John- (From former years had given him great influence, as his friends or, as is someuin-'s sai to a s'fff State, to an impression, tliil Mr Clay office, any irf't' "Though of ELECTION REI'UKNS. losses, I, 'keep upper lip,' proi'tce on Ins fie wr.s taken up. atid unani¬ 'it icas the Electoral Ticket, supposed, was brought into the arena, and, to his ever¬ under the are ludicrous ".The with ire at largp, and that il Gen Scott solicitation part withdrawn J'rum Virginia TENNESSEE. palpnble'deleats. enough popular ppople his friends, an un¬ * was never "«sd could nut lasting shame, rod.- ibis end of the Stale, circu¬ Baltimore Chronicle that the bp not nominal.>d IIip Whig National Convention, mously supported by political through he re, by the bye. it placed,^ uWe hive received returns from all the counties in the through j admits, Whigs''expected by this for I lie highest office in the gi to* die submitted to the he r tented {by Maehia- lating the vilest charges against Col Polk and the Ad better and it is in vain lu thai have Mr Van Duretr will certainly he re-elected! Now, precedented struggle People, finally an J published them below, which show that Col tilings, deny they and at war with He has since siudiously kept aloof from the lian arts and the vote thisgoo< gn:t>. ministration. Nor was this the only case of DICTA¬ been course is not onl<*" unjust to Mi Clay, Legislature. the ymtij majiugimeutJ this i. has bct'n elected Governor by 2,069 majority. The giievouslv disappointed." notwith¬ canva.-s \\ hether lie is to be run again for Senate, d and is now the second p TION. People from oilier Slates, as the Whigs the feelings and v »ishes of General Scott; but, Cummontrealth, ..Jicsnj have a majority in both branches of the though Tdi ices~ in we next will ol course on the members of ttorernnicnt." were tiot of doing were here to standing ihe character ot those engaged it, winter, depend . p/ujocrats The for the Slith con- capable enough, brought to higW is that there the did not intend the cutting j .. ..suture. delegation Congress Under all the it seems almost The steamer Liverpool bus arrived with accounts do not hesitate to is know n to be dishonest and cor¬ the Legislature. It eminently important, It may tie, that meeting and six as fol¬ certify circumstances, lay, " the of seven Federalists Democrats, the 1st of August. The political news is deeply mte- in^st who it should he union and harmony amongst Republican ireasm w hich their language plainly #i>i» miraculous that we have succeeded. , of those pursue is rupt by we undertake to that name had bt en "withdrawn Iron lows : our sister us a resting. The Sultan Malunoud of Constantinople The N Y. can rather takeathe Courier to lask foi members of that body.and say. 'ol Johnson, after Federalists. "Republicans of Stales, give thousand Aiiwr to disturb it. He not be submit¬ Democrats cheers! Your toast will be, GOD BLESS j dead, and is succeeded by his young son, without tu¬ such age.repeals its preference lor Gen. Judge M. will never do any thing he Virginia Electoral Ticket, and could W. Ii "Tknsesske, beaten holding langn never his the vole of the SUie, Abraham McClellan, . Carter, HER!" And add: have dune mult or opposition .The Turkish army has been Scott.and does not hestitate to express its doubts about will soil the dignity of present effire, by ted to the People, finally received Dem. J. L Williams, you may "Many daughters and the son of Mehemet the that Molilical scorns to partici¬ the Machuvdian arts and \\ Blackwell, gain, but thou ezccllest them all!" dispersed by Ibrahim, A!i, the of Mn "R.-cenl events (says seeking preferment.He by party management ^ j W. B. well, prospects Clay. .and his a ar.c Hopkins L. Turney, Campbell, the 15 I'acha of Egypt Important const quences are anticipated nil sinceiity, we say unhappily pate in the strugglesol the Election only duty Win. C. Hives', who was, at the time, Senator, John (From Gazette, .lug. J vents. can paper) desire to consult the interests of the was the the art and jj '>1 Watterson, Bell, KENTUCKY. from thf see the least of which be, to strength¬ are calculated but ti>o well lo shake the preferences and his is, great voted for him But such M. P. to their wishes and not loltad . Mr Uivts have V Brown, Dein gain, Gentry, en the I'acha ol and lo constitute him the Sove- even these Republican party; follow management aa it may because might y "We have copied from the Frankfort Commonwealth, Egypt, which zealous parti2ans among delegates es¬ vote in Cave Johnson, Dem. gain. J. W. Ciockelt, have reign of his own country, peihaps with modified powers have entertained for Tvlr t in the lace of re¬ them. We can assure our Western political friends neutralized the vote of the State, by casting his W the names of such representatives whose elections lay. the^ M. has net endeavored to he had or averted C. H. illiams. been heard willi Ihe classification of the Editor. over Syria; if not. an extraordinary influence over Tur cent disasters in India na, Tennessee, and even in Ken pecially. that Judge monopo¬ opposition to his colli ague (if any), over Use new saying so. But this is no reason the Democrats will "con* Ihe Staunton who were also members ol the and t> the Administration; at is said have quired that Mr. s course «>n the hill why " Convention, against election of Mr Graves, upon the thai in Louis- Constantinople, truth, nevertheless, it, Clay We if gf.jstffi'fi is ground, and the un aider it fair or dishonest to discard Judge Mason Baltimore Convention in show them *'with hut tu;i as t remaining member; Carter, Federalist, pro ville at the commencement of the of ihe Sultan. pre euiplioii rights lo sqo.atters, is thai Ten election, many is an extract of a which w as granting and assure the Calechist, that we certainly do Ltd makes us and with bidlv elected Now th^ reproach remove*!, of Nultall failed to vole for a member of Con¬ The following letter, yer- language us> d by him on lliat occasion, may Petersburg s'range fellows misery acquainted, her friends received in this from guarded not so consider il. Yet we still see no reason for char.g what feckless indiscretion unite with their former Mas abandoned ancient Republican principles. and al of the friends or Graves terdav morning city London, by which unscrupulous opponents did not fail loexaggerate, they remain gress, Shelbyville, many of the Hist Stairs the which we have dt fined for ourselves. in oat random shot, and hurl¬ Shi is and will so." a it was the Liverpool, July: hare Jiis in thentir ing position, political enemies, dealing Republican, also failed to vole for Congressman. But, when in three weeks The Minis seriously impaired! /lopvlurity We refer the selection of the Senatorial and anathemas Iheir lonner friends.for For Governor that would be the "i'ailiainent vill adjourn so seiiouslv, that in llrt? whole volley of the Mississippi cheeilully ing against political afcerlaint d the contest very close, on until the (Jubt candidates to the better of the ail the 1837 1839 to amend iheir votes try will of course hold Spiing. Indeed, and its tributaries, Ker.t-.uky und Louisiana alone can it mat.'rial judgment world, 1,'nnnon. Po k. Cannon. voters at both places attempted by there is to indicate in the Govern U would be in the General Assembly. When they "l.ike ttluuderbttsti9 ted to do so. We think, the Louisville judges new Governor-General the as well as the luture. will have DEATHS. Majorities, 19,t73 cumbents can be of. A in these Stales, as to aulhoiize out of past, They ol . correctly, ar.d if Mr. Graves was elected by the amended disposed nifest and unquestionable before them will select the We are sorry to »Sate the de'itb Ukti.rlt RiSOOlW, E«1 19 673- is to to Canada, and that may open the door for retno- or lite «>f the Courier, that the whole ground They Powhauu county, in sUut tbc .f»*th year ol' bis age..Mr- K. was vote at that Mr. Nuttall will gain go justify assumption virtually a that all nn.I .1 Shelbyvilie, certainly the Cabinet. is regarded as one of now secui best candidates; arid we cannot entertain donbt .>-tiIIcnsan »f ilie old Virginia School.of much, J delling Macauley his n< minaliun is acu do».- hmi cf libeia.i- Democratic the seat. the and Lord Clarendon is a man of talents, that is thrown over the who have been named I or these offices, stent meiir. Wo bave heard of by yrcat gain, 22,542 the brg puns; A pretty wel blanket ihi*. indeed, gentlemen, tv ami which do honor to hnmun natore. (From Commonwealth.) and fine manners; his the will submit to their decision. magnanimity, ( NORTH CAROLINA. of business habits Speech the prospects of the 'Greet Western"! The Albany cheerfully Died, OH she-JUt! ii!t.. at hisre»i«lcnce, io the town ol Hyeitburj election this was for members of '.Reprkskntativls Elected.. Whigs.42..Admi¬ other on affairs was clever, the that is John U. Into of ihe ol ( harlotl*. n "The year Congress night Spanish very though Argus thus poignantly exposes game, playing the U S. was to leave Tetin. C»k**haw-, county Stute officers are elected We have nistration-^. os But the to- Mr lold ihe The President of expected tin--tilth year of his age..'The deceived protestedI religion about onlv; biennially. gEXAToftg elected highly spiced regards Spain. engrossing at,this lime in New York.who, Clay peo- ne. never had and the speech.the Died, at his residence in Slall'ord county, iltt, published days ago, " King Egypt 17il) instant, "he, despaired, the misconduct of our rulers, tfie of a Geoiii.e Ti">u in the UUt year ol his «S«. it that he had been defeated. But, as we have that the of the Ottoman Empire is essential of Uk- Hp referred lo was, necessity CotLica, Es re-elected. so, delegation and in ihe room of F. Nuttall, fcsq, Europe. England when the hopes concentred, hey and another hot the Albany ol t.a»<., : Oldham, Elijah to the but lo could save the crowds harangue; Argus in the 27tli of bis age.wife uod childrcJ « in the dis T. Willis, Esq.. resigned. the river. He reached Poughkeepsie (Mr. Tullmadge's in lieulibv. Tliere i» oil the liiini o tji i»t Mill, erected .1 )cur« bv defeating the Federal candidates is re-elected from the fee good many, put every thing upon crops They say (From the .HI any Argus ) made a U Sawyer, "Samuel B Jessup (Whig) . where he was received.and on mist baacment, cast nun gear, with in the last by the Hon. A. that no for the better can be expected in the "The of the in this Stale can Quarters.) warmly (he improved plan-brick represented Congress natorial District, composed of the counties of Christian change is game leading Whigs' brace of upon the reception, and another WHter.fcll, on uu overshot wheel, on a small acale lorlumiiy and the Hi>n A. Renchet." I market, until the sun shines and the gloom no be cncealed. It is to the common- Speecln u?c. apparent . * money to mill , risShepperd and Todd." longer at the where about five hundred are said have (lti^l'borlinoil » INDIANA. U S Bank shares very plenty in market at eft observer. The chances h ave become desperate, and, dinner, The teniM will be made known on the day ol tale, which will .» Members of hlcctca. dispelled. was at the of New York, on be re in ca-... it is Congress and some other American Slocks had been all of sue cessin the Presidential con feasted. He expected City accoa modal ing, as only .. pint of the money will luneil '.1 lie following members of Congress, ascertained, Id37. 1^39- £'>.], pushed relinquishing hope w here the committee one in loo ;i from this 1 he but no current could be look now lo Ihe chun Wednesday evening; appointed by The subscriber will rtaene hid, ordei'topreveat great hue bn [i elected to Congress State._ 1st John L. Murray, Lynn Boyd, offal low prices, general price lest throughout the Union, 'hey his friends had made extensive arrangements to give «acritic., though it will b. »u.d f»r, very less than we District, ces this State. For are to sacrifice Democrats by large majorities.none 850, 2nd do Edward quoted. in this, 'hey prepared him an l>ut u icifl not all do A ^^°^uMULE. Runisey, Philip triplelt, "The letters confirm the statement, that the Bank so lor as have ever made imposing reception.. 1». S.The is iuJisputablo. btluve 3rd do J R Underwood, J. R. Underwood, fully any manor any principle, they w rites "The of the West tight 3i_tJ» Federalist. of had made a negociation for a loan of from lo the lattrr. ana to lesort to device oi correspondent Agamemnon Augii3 Democrats. 4th do Sherrod , England pretensions any will make another and a last efl'orl to rally his friends llar.den. Williams, to four millions nt the Bank of Franee. As or in John W Davis, James 5th do James Harlan, Simeon H Anderson. two sterling artifice that conning desperation may suggest It is his lost field; and he is Ihe man to gamble for Em- Music Store ClurkseUle. the Bank of France could not loan to foreigners, it be '.The article which we -copy below comes from a un Jchn Carr, (i!h do John , of But the People the that be b is Calhoon, came to make French and so about a in the confidence of Federalism. a pires, regardless consequences." rii||E cu'itcrther takes the liberty to inform ,n.!.!.r, Thomas Smith, do John John necessary paper, source high Only the late m Ihe W est and of tir.t iu;e i'/U'io 7th Pope, Pope, bankers were to ihe drafts of the Journal announced the re- derstand the game.and signs iu>t received a rtupoly Wil a in W. W W. J. dozen Parisian accept few .lays since the Evening no doubt of his decided defeat. Worcester &. Duubain, aud .Nuiiuafc tlaik Wick, Hlh do J. Graves, Graves, drafts were to be discounled j. W. of the South, leave us hy >le«