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Making the 6th District Great Again!

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Dear Friends and Fellow Republicans

Dear Friends and Fellow Republicans:


For all of our disappointment and frustration with the "results" this past November, President Trump keeps winning. This past weekend the 2nd fraudulent impeachment was tossed, by a 57-43 margin. Sadly, 7 squeamish Republicans voted to impeach Trump (even though he's out of office and there would be no real remedy that the Senate could have) for reasons that I'll never understand.

These Republicans are: Burr of NC, Toomey of Pa, Cassidy of La, Collins of Maine, Sasse of Nebraska, Murkowski of Alaska, and of Utah. The Louisiana GOP has already moved to unanimously censure Mr. Cassidy, and both Burr and Toomey have both announced they will not be seeking re- election.

In a move more bizarre, Governor Larry Hogan of announced that he would have voted to impeach Trump. Mr. Hogan also announced that he was seriously considering a run for President in 2024. What Mr. Hogan is thinking by sticking his finger in the eye of millions of Republicans is beyond me. Nothing could be more politically tone deaf. Subscribe Past Issues Translate RSS Some of you might be upset that I'm trashing fellow Republicans. Actually I'm trying to save the GOP from an out of touch Establishment which has run our party into the ground. A group of people led by John McCain and Mitt Romney who are quite happy to lose with dignity. was and is a fighter. Fortunately we have not heard the last from him.


In a move which is too little and too late, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced that at least 35 persons will be prosecuted for voter fraud in Georgia. I am glad that the GA Secretary of State has finally removed his head from the sand and is having these people referred to local District Attorney's for criminal charges. For more on this story: _cases_for_prosecution


Everything from bungling the optics on a fraudulent impeachment to maybe needing to refer Governor Cuomo of NY to the US Attorney General for prosecution on lying and obstruction of justice charges re COVID cases in nursing homes, it is clear that the Democrats have 0 ability to lead, and are content to watch Mr. Biden govern by executive order. impeachment-finale/

Even the UK Sun has gotten into the game: cuomo-covered-up-deaths/


As most of you are likely aware, this year we have our Governor's/Lt. Governor/Attorney General races in 2021. Not to mention each seat in the House of Delegates is up. If you may remember, the 6th Congressional District will be fielding a candidate in each HoD race. We will have top tier candidates in each race this November, something which had not occurred in previous years. Subscribe Past Issues Translate RSS I've had the privilege of speaking to all but one of the statewide candidates for each office. Each one is aware that I will not endorse anyone for their office, and my advice to each has been this:

1) First and foremost - make your cases for why you should be the nominee in a positive tone.

2) Explain in a simple yet understandable way how you will combat ballot fraud if you become Governor, Lt. Governor, AG. Make it something that the average voter can understand, and make sure they know you mean it.

3) Including voter integrity, what will be your top legislative priorities in your 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years in office.

4) Let the convention delegates know you hear their frustration and their anger at the political establishment that has run politics into the ground. And that you mean to act on this.

So far most of the candidates seem to be listening. More to follow.

The 6th Congressional District, in conjunction with the Liberty U , will be hosting a series of candidate forums - Governor's race on March 1, Lt. Governor's race on March 29. More to come., And speaking of Liberty U College Republicans, how's about a shoutout to our good friend Trevor Webb, who this past weekend was elected the Virginia College Republican Federation President. Thats' the style Trevor!!!

A few parting thoughts

While sometimes I may seem down because of what is happening to our country, I get an inspiration from each of you. It is your zeal to take back Virginia and the Republic which makes me believe this can be done. So a heartfelt thanks to each of you.

What we need to do though, will not be simple, will not be easy, and will take a tremendous amount of time. It may mean not playing with your grandkids or your children quite as much. Something you may regret later in life. I don't have any children of my own, but am the legal guardian of a 24 year old boy and 22 year old girl. They would get upset with me at times because I'd have to miss their basketball/volleyball games. At some level - they probably resent me somewhat because of this fact.

However I am reminded of the John Adams miniseries here. There was a scene where John Adams was getting ready to sail across the Atlantic to Subscribe Past Issues Translate RSS France, and one of Adams' sons was upset - and John Adams comforted his son with these words: I go because I love you.

Remember that these things we do, we do them not for ourselves. We do them for our children and our children's children. And much better they be mildly angry at us for having missed a game, than for us to have failed them by not giving to them a constitutional republic to live in.

Patriots - your Virginia and your Republic needs you now. Forward my brave boys and ladies.

I remain

Your servant

S John Massoud 6th District Republican Party Chairman Subscribe Past Issues Translate RSS

Upcoming Events:

February 16 - Rockbridge Area Republican Committee Meeting - 7 PM - Ramsey Educational Center, 2040 Magnolia Avenue, Buena Vista Va.

February 18 - Bath County GOP Committee Meeting - 6 PM - Court House Building across from the 911 Emergency Center.

February 18 - Bedford County GOP Committee Meeting - 7 PM - Bedford County Court House, Main Street Bedford Va - Town Council Hall.

February 22 - Amherst County GOP Committee Meeting. 7 PM - Madison Commuinity Center 424 Woodys Lake Road Madison Heights Amherst Va.

February 27, Noon. Meet and Greet for Lt.. Governor candidate Tim Hugo. French's cabin Woodstock Va. Please RSVP to Craig Orndorff at [email protected]

March 1 - 7 PM - Liberty University College Republicans, in conjunction with the Virginia 6th Congressional District Republican Party, will be jointly hosting a Gubernatorial Candidate Forum. More to follow.

March 29 - 7 PM - Liberty University College Republicans/CD 6 Lt. Governor Forum. More info to follow.

May 1 - RPV 2021 State Convention. Details to follow! Subscribe Past Issues Translate RSS

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