
rngrf TdrfUnce. canf&rilta. ao; isra / Standard Symphony grams Imvc boon extremely pop­ The Watery DefenHc of Tort Taylor: ular for a short time and others Cream of Talent Bobby Breen's Celebrates Tenth hnvc been moderately popular 5 'On Air Tonite for a long time. However, tastes In Melody . STEEE TACTS of the radio public change rap- Latest Set In fen years on the air -qontin- Idly yet no other single program uously! A record -any program, has shown the vitality of the ' T Standard Sympho.iy Hour. In Film Feature Boy's Camp anybody's air. fact this program rted its Tonight the Standard Sym- ionK.term trend of radio broad- Hollywc pays Us respect Steel's Ingredients Are ' ' J 9 J§ Beautiful, lake-studded Malnr phony Hour celebrates its 10th CaSt|ng in 1927 It has never de- to Broadway. Closely Controlled L fff/ woods are the setting for open­ condecutlvc year of broadcast to | partc[, frOn, its original purpose With a name-cast of Bronr II lh« Ingttdltnll el o coll hod K> b< coo- * ' jt*f ing sequences of Bobby Brcen'f way stars, augmented by Rob Pacific Coast audiences. This ! or stvlc Today n,on, than 350>. latest musical starring vehicle evrtit will be signalized by a j 000 pnclfic Const children listen ert Taylor of the screen, Metro special program of outstanding Goldwyn - Mnyer's "Broad "Make a Wish," opening tonight regularly to the _ programs In Melody of 1938," opens at th at the Torrance theatre will cxcell schools. Plaza Theater Sunday. Dasll Rathbone and Marion Many types of radio presenta­ Here, unquestionably, is tions have come and gone in the new order of things in Claire. past decade. Some of these pro- Read Our Want Ads! world of show business. O For three weeks during thi sound stages themselves large filming of the story, Dlrecto; than the greatest Broadway the Kurt Neumann worked "on lo­ atre, the picture has been fur cation" at Mallbu Lake with Steel Pipe remarkable cnpt which Included nished with a lavish splcndo Was a Gun Barrel .. that could never be approachc Henry Armettii, Kalph For The ftrit tltil plot wot mod* In III! by 1 Lcon Errol, Donald Meek, Her­ 'Isewhere. icrtwmo loseltor old nuiktt barriti. Steel-nuking Needs Skill The cast has names tha Today Vh million loni of pip* bert Rawllnson and Leonid Kln- -odt In ih. U. S. In oni i t iklll lo «oU .lt.1. Mo-. Hum n ttr rauld flash individually in th il workta «rt paid wore Hton (tM mjn skey, as well as 160 youngsters lights of dozen Broadway house who were seen as Bobby's com­ and delight the producers from panions at a boys' summer Theatregoers will In this Columbus Circle down to Time: Steel h 80% of "" camp. 30, Oct. 1, 2 Square. Here they are asscm Automobile's Weight picture have an opportunity t Thursday, Friday, .Saturday, September see a "new" Basil Kathbom BOBBY BREEN In . bled in a single show. Although obout o«r Milt o* tht Robert Taylor and Eleanoi ]M ol Ito oviroat palM since he essays the first truly A WISH" iiftobU* It ll«l. lh« oclvol