

VOLUME LI. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1936. NUMBER 30 Frieda Panimon Award Winner Goplen, Ladwig, Inter-High School May Festival To Wins Stockwell Benidt Named Bring Thousand Guests May 7-8-9

Senior Award To Head Staffs Departments Plan Exhibition, When two people can keep a Literary, Industrial, and secret it is very, very unusual, Athletic Contests Twenty-one Initiated Into Phi Orville Goplen and Francis Lad- but when nine people can keep a Kappa Phi at Special wig were selected editor and busi- secret for 24 hours, a miracle has Convocation ness manager, respectively, of the happened. Yet such is the case. A program of cultural and voca- Spectrum for the coming year, and As prize example of this unusual tional contests and various enter- Frieda Panimon, senior, applied phenomenon we offer the board tainment features is planned by de- Maurice Benidt, business manager of publications, which kept secret arts and sciences, at a special Phi partmental heads at NDSC to enter- of the Bison, by the board of publi- the newly elected editors and bus- Kappa Phi recognition convocation cations Wednesday' night. Because iness managers of the Bison and tain over 1,000 young men Thursday morning received the cov- none of the applicants for the posi- Spectrum till late last night. and women, high school students, eted Stockwell award for scholar- There were many conjectures by tion of Bison editor satisfied the and all prospective students, when ship, character, leadership, and ca- many members of both staffs as to minimum journalistic requirements, they convene here for the 29th an- pacity for growth. Dr. A. F. Hun- who had been elected, but no one nual Inter-High School May Festi- the board postponed the selection had any definite dope. Such sec- val, May 7, 8, and 9. The three-day saker presented the award in the tor that position to a later date. The recy, while it is very commend- absence of Walter L. Stockwell, -do- festival this year will draw outstand- announcement was made as the able, is also very hard on those ing students from all of North Da- nor. Miss Panimon was also recom- Spectrum went to press last night individuals who delight in the kota and western Minnesota mended for one of the three $500 na- after a 24-hour silence on the part perpetuation of such newsy bits. Contests of Three Kinds tional Phi Kappa Phi scholarships. of the board. What a board, what a board, nine Goplen has served three years on strong, silent souls! Miracles do The contests are divided into three FRIEDA PANIMON New members presented by Ma- the editorial staff of the Spectrum, happen! groups—athletic, industrial, and lit- thilda B. Thompson, secretary-trea- two years as associate editor. He erary. In the agricultural division, surer, were: Edward Ballard, Ellen has also been state and local presi contests in livestock, poultry, and Blair, Bjarne Dahl, Mary Clemens, Academy Of Science dent of the YMCA. A member of grain judging will take place Thurs- Robert Hagen, Orphea _High, Bev- no fraternity, he has been an active day and Friday. The Saddle and erly Hill, Alvin Johnson, Vern John- Begin Meet Here Cosmopolitan, since its reorganiza- ROTC Inspection Sirloin club with Noble Sanders as son, William M. Johnson, Henry tion last year. He is also a member chairman, is in charge of these Jones, Lois Millar, Flora Elliott, Members of the North Dakota Aca- of Blue Key, honorary service fra- Will Be May 20-22 events. The North Dakota Associa- Robert Froling, Eleanor Trzcinski, ternity. During the past year he tion of the Future Farmers of Amer- Gus Gerlitz, William Keup, Frieda demy of Science are convening on has worked on sport and state desks ica will hold its annual meeting Fri- Panimon, Lilly Simonson, Robert the NDSC campus today and Satur- The annual spring military inspec- of the Fargo Forum. tion is scheduled for May 20, 21, and day afternoon at which time state Pierce, and Down Pollinck day for their 28th annual convention. Meetings are being held in the en- A member of Alpha Tau Omega, 22 according to Lieutenant-Colonel officers will be chosen and state Following the presentation of gineering building. The principal Ladwig has served two years on the Easfon. Colonel R. F. McMaster; farmer degrees awarded. Eleven pe- members, Dr. A. D. Whedon intro- speaker of the convention will be business staff. He was recently of one Seventh Corps Area Head- titions have been received for such duced Dr. W. S. Cooper, professor William S. Cooper, botany professor elected to the YMCA cabinet. quarters will be in charge of the in- degrees. Thursday evening the an- of ecology at the University of Min- at the University of Minnesota and Benidt is a member of Sigma Al- spection. He will be assisted by nual public speaking contest will be nesota, who spoke on "Communi- president of the Ecological society of pha Epsilon, Saddle and Sirloin club, Major Rhodes F. Arnold, in charge held in the Little Country theater. ties." America. and cl-/ °`-na Tau Sigma, and is a of the National Guard companies of Richard Johanson, Park River, will Public recognition for scholarship Papers will be presented at the in the school of agricul- Fargo. speak on the subjer:t, "Saving Soil ture. for Future Generations.,' Others was given to 15 members of the un- meetings during the two-day session Theoretical examinations will be are: Charles Cooper, Beach, "Aims dergraduate classes: juniors — R. and the convention will close Satur- Election of editor of the Bison is given sophomore section one, meet- Gordon Arneson, Arwin Hoge, How- day noon with the annual election of planned Wednesday night, according ing at 8:00, and freshman section six (Continued on Page Six) ard Hegbar, Clifford Volkerding, and officers. Mr. Cooper will give his to Frieda Panimon, president of the meeting at 11:00, on Wednesday, May Wilfred Rommel; sophomores—Law- address, "The Upper Mississippi board. Selection will be made from 20. rence Fine, Elsie Gabe, Joseph River Since Glacial Times," at a either the present applicants or a Wright, Verda Van Vorst, Adeline person whom the board might draft. Freshman section five, meeting at Large Art Exhibit 6:30 banquet this evening in Ceres 10:00, a n d sophomore section Hoge; freshmen—David Askegaard, hall. The banquet is being spon- Taylor Crum, Margaretta Bjornson, The University of Detroit plans to four, meeting at 11:00, will be Shown On Campus sored by Sigma Xi, and Prof. M. E. given practical examinations Thurs- Harriet Hovland, and Phil Yuster. High, president, will be toastmaster. dedicate a campus tree to the mem- Dr. 0. J. Hagen, member of the Included on the program of the ory of Joyce Kilmer, war-time poet. (Continued to Page 6) "Twenty Oils By Contemporary Minnesota Board of Regents, was convention are several NDSC men Americans," an art exhibit circu- honored guest at the banquet served presenting papers. They are A. F. lated by College Art Association of to new members and friends at the Yeager, P. F. Trowbridge, H. L. Hol- New York City, is now on display in Waldorf hotel last evening. • Frieda ley, P. J. Olson, J. R. Dice and 0. Kappa Kappa Psi Joins Organizations Festival Hall. The exhibit, which is Panimon, as recipient of the Stock- A. Stevens. sponsored by the N. D. S. C Art well award, was principal speaker. Present officers are L. R. Waldron Sponsoring All-College Day Program department, under the direction of Miss Ann Brown, will be exhibited Movies taken by Dr. Cooper in Alas- of Fargo, president; John L. Hund- Kappa Kappa Psi, band fraternity, Mayor Fred Olson, NDSC gradu- ka were presented. Dr. A. D. Whe- ley of Grand Forks, vice president; until Monday, May 9. The public is the eighth campus organization to ate of 1904, will officiate at the don was toastmaster. G. A. Abbott of Grand Forks, secre- is invited to attend. become joint sponsors of the all- senior-faculty softball game. Included in this exhibit are works tary-treasurer; and P. J. Olson of Cooperating organizations are Blue Fargo and Raymond W. McLees of college day, May 19, according to by many famous young American Key, YMCA, YWCA, Women's Sen- artists such as Arnold Blanch who Bottineau, members of the executive James Baccus, general chairman of Blue Key Elects ate, Student Commission, Senior received the Guggenheim Fel- committee. the event. Present plans indicate Staff, Alpha Phi Omega, and Kappa that the event will be one of the most lowship in 1933, the Harris Medal of Baccus President Kappa Psi. the Chicago Art Institute, and is action-filled celebrations ever staged Assisting Baccus in general ar- represented by paintings in the Me- Valley City To Get on this campus, said Baccus. Blue Key, honorary service frat- rangements are Gordon Brandes and tropolitan, the Whitney' Museum, and ernity, elected officers for the corn- Under the chairmanship of Dallas Orville Goplen. The remainder of Rudrud, Kappa Kappa Psi has prac- Palacey Legion of Honor in San ing year at a meeting in Science Hall, '37 'Y' Conference the committee heads are: dance, tically completed arrangements for Fransico. Nicolai Cikowsky's paint- April 28. Walter McGrath and Jane Bristol of ing, "Old Quarter, Sixth Avenue" is the opening event on the program James Baccus, director of the last Valley City was named the meet- the Student Commission; lunch, also in the exhibit. Cikowsky has which will be given in Festival hall edition of the Bison Brevities and nig-place of the 1937 state joint Mary Clemens of Senior Staff, Vardi received awards from both the Chi- YMCA-YWCA student conference leader of a campus orchestra, will Committees for the arrange- Thorwardson and Chas. Birkeland of cago Art Institute and the Worchest- which concluded its 1936 meeting serve as president for the coming ments of all-college day will meet the YMCA, Paul Boleyn and Sidney er Museum. on the NDSC campus Saturday'. year. Orville Goplen, president of at 7 p. m. Sunday in Festival hall. Shannon of Blue Key, and Ellen Saul Berman, a pupil of Charles the college YMCA, is the new vice- Vernon Caseman was elected con- Blair of the YWCA; faculty-senior W. Hawthorne, also has his picture, president. Wilfred Rommel, presi- ference leader and state YMCA pre- at 3:30 p. m. High-lights of the pro- softball game, C. C. Finnegan, Bev- "Doctors Office," included in this dent of Edwin Booth dramatic sident. He succeeds Ellen Blair of gram will be selections and a com- erley Hill, Donald Ward, and Hugh exhibit. Harry Gottlieb represent- club and member of Sigma Chi NDSC as conference leader and Or- edy skit by the Kappa Kappa Psi Anstett of Blue Key, and Bob Saun- ed in the exhibit has won awards for fraternity, will be the secretary for ville Goplen of NDSC as state YMCA band under the direction of Doc ders of the Student Commission; his work from the Chicago Art In- next year. Hugh Anstett, member president. Other new YMCA offi- Putnam, popular numbers by the finance, Lynn Frederickson of Blue stitute, and in 1935 was awarded the of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Phi cers are Glen Odman of Jamestown, men's glee club directed by Ernest Key; Festival hall program, Rudrud, Carnegie Prize of the National Acad- Omega, and Scabbard and Blade, is vice-president, and Frank Vixo of Van Vlissingen, and a juggling act Wilfred Rommel and James Baccus emy of Design. the treasurer. Minot, secretary. by Orlando Scherling and Shorty of Blue Key, and Marjorie Arnold of The exhibit will be open from 12 Outgoing officers are Warner Lit- High light of the three-day meet- Shirley of Roosevelt junior high. the YWCA; inter-fraternity sing, o'clock to 1:30 P. M. and from 4 to ten, president; Verne Kasson, vice- ing here was the appearance of Dr. Also appearing will be the New Gordon Brandes of Alpha Phi Ome- 6 o'clock during the school week, president; Bjorne Dahl, secretary; John Bennett of Auburn, New York, Rockford trio, Don Putnam, Fern ga; lilac day pageant, A. G. Arvold from 3 to 5 on Saturdays, and from and Ben Cave, treasurer. as the main conference speaker. O'Daniels, and Virginia Smith. and Dayton Jones. 3 to 6 on Sundays. The CRYSTAL Dance Tomorrow Night The AVALON Everett Perrin and His Orchestra Fargo's Better Ballrooms Lem Hawkins and His Hillbillies


It appears that the latest theme Theatre Reviews song of• Emperor Haile Selassie is SPECTRUM BISON BRIEFS "Don't Let a Day Go By." Official publication of the students of the North Dakota I * * • Stat.• college published every Friday during the school year. James Dunn, Claire Dodd, and Pa- By JOE WRIGHT tricia Ellis are starred in "The Pay- Among all the things this has its place. A girls' club in 'texts x935 Member 1936 With words of water I promise no verse this time. off" coming to the State theatre to- day and tomorrow. has 12 qualified members, five Rssociated Collegiate Press Public clamor, you know, and the eternal problem of of whom so qualified that they unappreciated genius. (Come now, Sympathy.) Im- and Alice Faye act in "Every Night Distributor of at Eight" at the same theatre Sun- were made officers. The mem- provement. Raised standards. They must follow! day and Monday. The new star bership is restricted to those of Colle ;Nate West And so, to give the proper atmosphere I have con- Elizabeth Bergner plays with Hugh the "quite definite Goon type." MEMBER NORTH CENTRAL PRESS ASSOCIATION It is called the "Goon Club" and ceived the somewhat idyllic resume of an eight to ten Sinclair in the movie "Escape Me Entered as second class matter at the State College Sta- strives to attain the Alice charm. tion under the Act of March 8, 1879. year period which I dream of as part of my present and Never" next Tuesday, Wednesday, future history. The details are qualified by my own and Thursday. TELEPHONE 2221 TELEPHONE 2221 tastes, I know, but I feel the general outline is one March winds caused a record run EDITORIAL STAFF "Mr. Deeds Goes To Town", a ro- on the Ohio State infirmary, 2,927 with the dream-life of scores, of hundreds of college mantic comedy said to top "It Hap- John B. Spalding Rditor-in-Chief students appearing for treatment. Orville Goplen _Associate Editor students; though they may deny any such aspirations pened One Night" is showing at the Robert Williams Associate Editor in the pessimism of frustration and in the false desire Fargo starting tomorrow and con- Walter McGrath __Sports Editor There are 175,000 attorneys in the Don Buchanan, John Raymond Sports Writers to appear derisive of education before their intimates. tinuing through Tuesday. Gary United States, 38,600 incubating in Kent Reiland __Desk Editor (Enough of preaching.) Cooper and Jean Arthur are the Len.nea Frisk__ __Desk Editor the law schools. Too many, say au- Marjorie Laliberte __Desk Editor Following graduation from high school and a full stars. thorities. Marjorie Arnold_ Society Editor Bob Taylor __Feature Editor year or two (depending upon the individual's ability "The Story of Louis Pasteur" with REPORTORIAL STAFF to keep the "lamp of learning" shining through the and Anita Louise will Roberta Gregg, Eloise Pfeffer, Tom Donovan, Leslie show the following three days at the Gruber, Joseph Wright, Jane Chaney, Phyllis Rowe, dismal fog of despairing idleness or blunting work) of A junior class meeting will be Vinnie Olson, Herschel Hutsinpiller, Jo Connelly, Florenz close contact with economic, political, and social life same theatre. held May 15 at 4 p.m. in the Lit- Dinwoadie, John Lynch, Alfred Murfin. in the practical sense, would come matriculation at a Laurel and Hardy' have the leads tle Country theater. BUSINESS STAFF college. Knowing the value of earning one's own way in the comedy picture "The Bohe- Paul Boleyn, President. Francis Waiters __Business Manager as making for self-reliance, but realizing its deroga- mian Girl" showing at the Grand tory effects on studying, I would wish to arrange my theatre Sunday, Monday, and Tues- schedule free of such restraining factors. I would be day. "My Marriage" with Claire Tre- FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Too Much Is Too Little willing to "take" a certain number of the required vor and Paul Kelly will appear Wed- CUT THIS OUT courses, accepting the mass largely as background for nesday and Thursday. "" with George Raft, and my future experience. My choice would be governed by Movie Calendar On this campus as on every campus there Rosalind Russell is scheduled for are professors who take a delight in talking the scope of the subject itself and by the ability of the next Friday and Saturday. WEEK STARTING MAY 3 not only about their own subject but also instructor to expose more of that extent in an intelli- gible and entertaining manner than I myself could by and Bela Lugosi play about many other things from their last sum- in "The Raven" today' and tomor- independent study. In my four years of undergradu- FARGO Theatre mer's research work to the existing and fu- row at the Roxy theatre. "Les Miser- ate work I'd want a variety' of coordinated courses, ables", film version of Victor Hugo's SAT., SUN., MON., TUES, ture political conditions. And then they won- with reasonably detailed knowledge in each of three great masterpiece, with Frederick MAY 2-3-4-5 der why the students go to sleep or become br four, all of which I was interested in, and willing to March, Charles Laughton, and Ro- Gary Cooper, Jean Arthur lost in looking out the window. A little ref- pursue further. The perfect summer vacation would chelle Hudson will play Sunday, in "Mr. Deeds Goes To Town" not be precisely a "lay-off", but rather a close-to-the- with George Bancroft erence to subject matter not concerned with Monday, and Tuesday. "Sanders of • • • earth sort of traveling—observing places and things, the River" with Paul Robeson and WED., THURS., FRI., May 6-7-8 the studies is welcomed by every student as understanding them, relating them to what I know. Jean Gardner will be seen next a sort of appetizer for the more serious con- Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Paul Muni, Josephine Hutchinson After graduation I should like to enroll for ad- in "The Story Of Louis Pasteur" sideration of the day's lesson, but a continued vanced work in my favored subjects at some larger with Anita Louise. reference to high taxes or last summer's field school, emphasizing one or two of the courses as cir- trip becomes tiring and only acts as a local cumstances demanded. Two or three years of this and Along Other Lines occasional "vacations". Off to Oxford (if my applica- By BRUCE DABBLING anaesthetic affecting the brain of the stu- tion were accepted) for several more years of absorb- G RAN D Theatre What with the numerous hats in dent for the class period. ing the essences of Old World lore. I'd delight in rov- the various political rings the fol- SUN., MON., TUES., MAY 3-4-5 Ever since the first grade that old maxim ing the British Isles and Europe—following no, - ne's lowing is somewhat startling : At Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy about getting out of a subject just what we footsteps, mind you. And, oh, yes; there'd be time off Parkville, Missouri, at the recent in "Bohemian Girl" • • • put into it has been thrown at us and if this to eat occasionally. elections of the three offices of the WED. THURS., MAY 6-7 would also be applied to some professors who With what, you ask? Where's the cash coming city—mayor, alderman, and police from? And right here is where "Idyllic" fits. Of judge—there were no candidates Claire Trevor, Kent Taylor bore us with personal anecdotes, descriptions whatsoever. Voters were asked to in "My Marriage" course, it's fanciful; but I'm idealist enough to dislike • * * and complaints, it would bring the realization fill in the name of any one wanted practicalities, and dreams are quite often pleasant. FRI., SAT, MAY, 8-9 that by putting so much into their presenta- S e e * for these positions. * • * George Raft, Arlene Judge I congratulate you for having read this far! tion they have really obtained first rate qual- Along the line of swindling and in "It Had To Happen" with Leo Carrillo ifications for a ladies' aid. Being older and Thank you! porlc barreling, the report comes * * * being also our teachers, it might seem prob- that we should change the word able that they could better use their time to It's so easy to write about myself. But I'm really "Civilization" to "Chizilization." much like you; yes, sir-ree, despite all this stuff that Maybe include the Black Hills STATE Theatre guiding our line of thought along academical dribbles from my prolific pencil. Moral (another one project, too. lines. Of course, some of the students, and of those darn things)—take time off some time from * * * SUN., MON., MAY 3-4 George Raft, Alice Faye even some of the professors may say that we your pressing engagements (you ball-goers—frequen- J. A. Fitzburg, WPA worker, in "Every Night At 8" are being too practical and too staid, yet they ters of tailor shops)—to consider yourself as a func- dropped dead digging a ditch. It • sr « must realize that in giving so much there is tioning unit in this world, pregnant with possibilities. seems he couldn't stand the sudden TUES., WED., THUR., May 5-6-7 * * * * thrust of work on him as the fore- Elizabeth Bergner danger that so little will be obtained. man appeared. "Death rides forth on a pale horse."' So, I in "Escape Me Never" If professors must fill us with extrane- fear, does the ghost of this column. * * * With Hugh Sinclair ous matter not pertaining to our studies * * M • The following advertisement « • * and if we must put up with it why not have Hist! A darkling trespasser approaches. I shall appeared in a Paso Roble, Cali- FRI., SAT., MAY 8-9 fornia, newspaper: "LOST —A beard him 'Avaunt, Creature—(That means Ricardo Cortez special classes given over entirely to the pop- lead pencil by Marjorie Weals, Hark! in "Man Hunt" ular pastime of throwing the "bull", and give scram). He won't go blonde, 5 feet 5 inches, 120 lbs., Oh, I'm the well-dressed college man; with Marguerite Churchill both professors and students a chance to dis- blue eyes, good dancer."—Lost? • • • I always look my best play their talents where they may be appre- From purple tie to coat of tan, Saturday Morning 10 O'Clock On Our Stage) ciated instead of deplored. At least no one From spats to creamy vest. Notice to All Secretary-Treasur- "Uncle Ken's Kiddies Club" would go to sleep in such a class. I find that in my time of life ers of Student Organizations: (On Our Screen) I feel the urge to show All secretary-treasurers of stu- James Cagney, Pat O'Brien A splendor on my surface that dent organizations kindly confer in "Here Comes The Navy" I cannot match below. with the council audit committee Advertising The School And then, the girls must have some fun. in room 209, Science hall, at once. Reports of all student organiza- Next week the college will be host to over I couldn't them deny MOORHEAD Theatre The pleasure which they always feel tions are due May 15. a thousand high school students from North F. C. Householder When I am passing by. SUN., MON., May 3-4 Dakota and Minnesota. All of them are pros- Matihilda Thompson. I feel that I'm distinctive— Jack Benny, pective students, and it won't hurt any of us in "Broadway Melody of 1938" I go with girls to teas, to remember this fact. What they see while • • • Despite my jealous fellow man, here, what they do and how they are received TUES., WED., MAY 5-6 I always strive to please. will affect materially their attitude toward , Frederic March You know my life and nature, the institution and will consequently affect in "Smiling Through' My innate mental quirk Frank McKone the future enrollment at this college. with Leslie Howard That won't allow me to decide * * * One of the best means of advertising our To set myself to work. CIGAR CO. be THURSDAY, MAY 7 school to these prospective students will So picture me to all the world seeing that they find their stay here an en- Dolores Del Rio in will cherish As one who should be better; Quality Candy "The Widow From Monte Carlo" joyable one and one which they I hitched my hopes onto a star with Warren William when it comes time to decide what college And broke my heart to get there. • • • they are going to attend. • * * * • FRI., SAT., May 8-9 It won't take much to put ourselves out North Dakota winds dried those words of , Virginia Bruce to see that the delegates' stay here is a pleas- water. Sorry, but I don't know what you can do Phone 21 & 1 in "The Murder Man" ant one and there is much to be gained. about it. THE SPECTRUM THREE

ed the chapter . . . Neil Jensen and ISLAND PARK CHOSEN Air Of Secrecy Arden Burbidge were dinner guests Springtime Theme FOR PHI MU FORMAL 150 Couples Attend Monday . . . Mrs. Ralph Ward stopped off on her way from Florida For Tea Friday Phi Mu has chosen the Island Annual Junior Prom Pervades Ball; to Minnewaukan to visit with her Park recreation house for their an- son, Steve. Potted palms will lend to the nual spring formal, to be held to- * * * spring-time theme of the Women's morrow evening from 8:30 until 11:30. Approximately 150 couples attend- Mgrs. Silent Sigma Alpha Epsilon—James Ko- Senate tea, at which punch will be A garden theme will be carried out ed the annual Junior Prom in the nen of Minneapolis visited here the served. All students, both men, wo- under the direction of Mary Eliza- Field House Friday night. Formal "In order to secure the best pos- past week-end, returning from a men, and faculty members are cordi- beth Runice, Charlotte Olmstad, dancing began at 10 o'clock following sible band for the Senior prom we tour of the southwest states . . . . ally invited to attend the tea in the Geraldine Erdahl, Lois Millar, and a half hour of informal dancing and have contacted several well known Newell Fait, Lloyd Graving, Darrel Y. M. C. A. dining room May 8, from Ruth Pinkham. bands and should have the band Dahl, Gordon Homme, John Aar= 3:00 until 6:00. Jean Crowley is Specialty numbers will be given by the grand march led by Don Ward, picked by the first of next week," mon, and Wm. Holland of the Uni- in charge. Jean Alm, and arrangements of the prom manager, and his guest, Jane was the only report that Bill John- versity of North Dakota visited here Committees are: decorations — sorority songs will be played by the Chaney. son, senior ball manager, would give . . . Don Thompson of Hoople and Phyllis Rowe, Ethel Olson, Alice orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hel- of the progress of the Senior ball. Earl Ingberg of Fargo are pledged. Decorations under the direction of Larson, DeLoris Cook, Mary Sher- sing and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Teet Rueben Smith were featured in col- Johnson hinted that the orchestra Kappa Psi—Walt Eckeren spent wood, and Marjorie Hanson; refresh- will act as chaperons. Forty coup- would be a famous band and one the week-end at his tome in Thief ors blue, green, and red. Neon tub- ments—Maxine Myhra, Betty Verne, les will attend the affair. ing offered sufficient lighting effects new to NDSC students, but remained River Falls. Maurice Hylden spent Doris Stinson, and Marylyn Butter- secretive and would disclose nothing the week-end in Staples. throughout the hall over which was wick; invitations—Helen Pease, Mar- a false ceiling of blue and silver pa- further to the Spectrum representa- Kappa Sigma Chi—Gil Fredricks jorie DePuy, and 'Corrine Ballard; tive. visited Wahpeton last week-end. Plans Formulated per. A chandelier of Neon tubing clean-up—Norma Young and Mil- hung in the center of the hall below Assisting Bill Johnson will be Neil Tracy visited Gardner over the dred Peterson. Walter Jahnke, who was also as sec- week-end. Adrian Fox '31, visited For ATO Conclave the false ceiling, and a Neon star retive as Johnson about plans for the house last week-end. fastened on the curtains gave forth light for the orchestra. Programs the prom and gave promise that the Sophomores Frolic One hundred delegates are ex- Senior prom this year would be carried out the motif, being in colors pected for the province 20 con- truly distinctive and would usher in of blue and silver. several innovations for social events Cadets To Initiate Privately Tonite clave of Alpha Tau Omega to be Archie Bleyer and his orchestra at NDSC. held next week-end with the local was highly applauded by the enthu- siastic attenders, and as a result, The date of the second formal ball Pledges Saturday To Perrin's Band chapter as host to the delegates. time of dancing was extended to 1:30 of the spring social season has been Registration will be held on Friday set for Friday, May' 15. The formal dinner dance of Scab- About 200 couples are expected to a. m. afternoon and will be followed by a bard. and Blade will take place at attend the annual all-sophomore smoker in the evening. Saturday the Waldorf hotel, Saturday, May 2, Frolic to be held in Festival Hall to- IN APPRECIATION Sigma Phi Delta—Robert Crust morning's program will consist of at 7:30 p. m. Guests will be Major night, according to Kent Helland and pledged Monday . . A Father and sports events and conferences. In I wish to thank the Comet Neon Rhodes Arnold, Major Anders, Dr. Frances Cooper, who are in charge. ,Son banquet sponsored by the Moth- the evening a banquet will be held Sign Co., the Crystal Ballroom man- C. S. Putnam, Captain McChrystal, The Frolic will continue from 9:00 ' er's club was held Sunday even- at the Waldorf hotel and will be agement, the Luger Furniture Co., Captain Hazelrigg, and Captain T. J. to 12:00 with Everettt Perrin and ing. Mrs. Albert Anderson was followed by a dance at the Country The Store Without A Name, and McNeese. Chaperons will be Lieu- his orchestra, a well known 10-piece in charge . . . Earl Harting, Forman, club. The convention will be con- Randall's Floral Shop for their tenant Colonel Easton and Captain band, furnishing the music. Mr. was a visitor over the week-end .. . cluded Sunday' morning with a splendid cooperation and assistance Tagliabue. Committees in charge of Perrin has promised some novelty Kenneth Brandby spent the week- model initiation and a banquet. with the Junior Prom. arrangements are Hugh Anstett, and feature numbers which have end in Minor . . . Robert Schults Speakers at the banquet Saturday Don Ward, Mgr. chairman, Sidney Shannon, and Don made a big hit throughout the north- and Al Forsman went to Jamestown night will be two national officers of Buchanan. Initiation will precede west. last week-end. the fraternity, Fred Heisel, president the dinner dance and will take place Chaperons for the event are Dr. HANSON NAMED PRO * C. of the local chapter, Robert Kunkel, in the Physical Education building S. Putnam and Sgt. L. L. Detroit. Phi Mu—Alumni to visit this week president of the University of North Art Hanson was named pro of the at 6 p. m. Lynn Fredrckson, presi- The dance, as always, is only open and attend the party* are June Dakota chapter, and R. E. Baker, Mandan golf club which will open dent of Scabbard and Blade, will be to sophomores and their guests, with Kremer, Bernice Streit, Doris Brai- president of the University of Min- its course for the 1936 season on Sat- in charge of the initiation. admission priced at thirty five cents. mer, and Ruth Peterson . . . The nesota. Harold Ranes is in general urday. Hanson was formerly' golf Tickets can be purchased at all spring formal will be held tomorrow charge. instructor at this college. evening in the Island Park recreaa- ALPHA PHI OMEGA TO INITIATE fraternity houses from sophomore tion house. Mary Runice is in THREE MEMBERS THIS SUNDAY members. charge . . . Mrs. Stinson of Pembina visited her daughter Doris over the Alpha Phi Omega will initiate DR. HUNSAKER APPOINTED TO Robert Knauer, Paul Nickel, both of week-end . . . Naomi Skarison, Lois CASS COUNTY WELFARE BOARD Store Your Fur Coats in... Fargo, and Bill Corwin, Bismarck, McMillan, Marie Carlson ,and Phyl- Sunday, May 3, at Homer B. Hun- lis Rowe will spend 'Sunday in Fer- Dr. A. F. Hunsaker, professor of toon's cabin on Lake Pelican, at its gus Falls, Minn. social and economic sciences at this * * * second annual spring outing. Mem- college, has been named a member Alpha Tau Omega— Twenty-two bers of the faculty and the Trifoil of the Cass county welfare board to club will be guests. James Shigley, succeed Dr. P. H. Burton, who re- HOENCK'S mothers attended the Mother's Club banquet last Sunday. Out-of-town Eldred Lee and Dayton Jones are in signed and was serving a two-year mothers present were Mrs. Cavett, charge of committees making the ar- term which began August, 1935. Dry Cold Fireproof Vaults Mrs. Greenleaf, Mrs. B-ettsehen, Mrs. rangements. Three new members, of which Dr. Nimms, and Mrs. Heisel . . . James Hunsaker is one; were approved as &Laughlin visited the A. T. 0. Recent selections by the women's "first choice" by the state welfare And Be Relieved of All Worries. chapter at the University of Minne- organizations have formed a new board from names submitted by the sota . . . Kenneth Hansen will spend group of members in the Womens' Cass county commission. the week-end at the Minnesota U. Senate, the governing body for all For Northern Seal Coats and All in preparation for the conclave. women on the campus. New mem- More than 100 rare specimens from $3.00 sS port Wear Fur Coats. * * * bers are: Kappa Kappa Gamma, South and Central America have Alpha Gamma Rho—William Keup, Jeanne Dady; Kappa Delta, Corrine been added to Cornell university's $4.00 For Hudson Seals, Beavers, Minks, Etc. alum from Grand Forks, visited the Ballard; Phi Omega Pi, DeLoris Cook; famed orchid collection. Phi Mu, Doris Stinson; Gamma Phi house over the week-end ... Delmar Skow was a Sunday dinner guest .. . Beta, Jean Crowley; Alpha Gamma Alvin Strong will teach Smith- Delta, Marylyn Butterwick; Phi Up- Hughes for three weeks at Sherwood silon Omicron, Alice Larson; Tryota, . . . James Purden and Dayton Byron Phyllis Rowe; Cosmopolitan club, Dance Programs spent last weekend at their homes in Marjorie Hanson; W. A. A., Betty Lisbon and Casselton . . . Clarence Verne; Y. W. C. A., Ethel Olson; and I Henry of the Chicago Board of Freshman Commisson, Evelyn Lar- We can give you suggestions for Trade was a supper guest Tuesday son. novel and attractive Programs . . . Last Monday', C. 0. Dickerson, and Folders. Beta chapter at Ohio State, '32, visit- A $1500 fellowship at Columbia universiy has been awarded Archie Solberg, former instructor in the zo- Knight Printing Co. FARGO CLINIC ology department at this college, ac- Adjoining St. Luke's Hospital cording to word received by Dr. 619 N. P. Ave. Phone 602 PHONE 4600 PHONE Whedon. DR. OLAF SAND Diseases of Women, Diseases of Stomach DR. N. TRONNFS General Surgery DR. 0. J. HAGEN All Good Parties must General and Thyroid Surgery LUGGAGE.... DR. WM. F. BAILLIE Genito Urinary Surgery and Skin Diseases DR. WM. C. NICHOLS Make an Ideal Graduation Gift. come to an end... Diseases of the Heart and Internal Medicine DR. JOEL C. SWANSON GLADSTONE Bags for Men. Bone and Joint Surgery DR. WM. A. STAFNE Wardrobe Cases and Overnight Cases Let that end be at Diabetes and Internal Medicine DR. GEO. C. FOSTER in matched sets for the women. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. G. W. HUNTER Graduation means that you are going Obstetrics, Pediatrics and Gynecology DR. RUSSFITJ, A. SAND to travel. Dentistry DR. T. P. ROTHNEM Le CHATEAU X-Ray Diagnosis and Treatment D. M. ASHLAND, B. S. kiCINSON Director of Pathological Laboratory "A Rendezvous of Good Fellowship" B. J. LONG, Manager Lvocuaz. 807 Broadway FARGO, N. D. FOUR THE SPECTRUM

ARNOLD RUSTAD ELECTED Bison Distribution ATELIER CHAT NOIR HEAD Blue Key, Senior Staff Hold SOCIAL CALENDAR To Be Next Friday Friday, May 1: The Atelier Chat Noir, national ar- Sophomore Frolic, 9:00-12:00, chitects club, elected officers for the Special Assembly Monday Festival Hall. coming year at their meeting last Distribution of the 1937 Bison will Gamma Phi Beta Party, 8:30- Tuesday. Those elected were Ar- Blue Key President take place at the registrar's office in Blue Key and Senior Staff, hono- 11:30, Country Club. nold Rustad, president; Darrell Ham- Old Main next Friday at 1 p. m., it rary campus service organizations, Saturday, May 2: let, vice-president; and James Shig- will conduct their annual Recogni- was announced by William Murphy, Phi Omega Pi party, 9:30-12:00, ley, secretary'. The architects enjoyed a party at tion Day at a convocation period editor. Country Club. Prof. Huntoon's cottage at Pelican Monday, May' 4 at 9:40. At this time Every student who has paid his Phi Mu party, 8:30-11:30, Island Lake over the week end. new members of both organizations activities fee for the three terms of Park House. will be announced and scholarships Scabbard & Blade dinner dance, the school year is eligible to receive will be presented. 6:30-11:30, Waldorf Hotel. Lantern slides illustrating the, a copy. Several important changes Senior Staff will make its elections Sunday, May 3: growth and development of English have been made by this year's staff Sunday evening and the chosen Lutheran Students Association art and architecture as it is related members will be serenaded by the and these along with the announce- meeting, 4:00, YMCA. to English literature were shown outgoing members. The new mem- ment of the representative seniors Women's Senate Tea. before Mr. Thomas F. Dunn's class bers will be presented to the stu- and the dedication wiil be revealed of English 211, review of English Monday, May 4: dent -body at convocation the next in next week's Spectrum by the literature, students last week. Senior Staff & Blue Key con- day. In addition Senior Staff will editors of the annual. present an award to the freshmen vocation, 9:40, Festival Hall. Distribution of the yearbook will Senior Staff initiation, 5:30, girl having the highest scholastic be in the hands of Warner Litten, Gardner Hotel. average for the first two terms, and business manager of the Bison. a scholarship for her junior year to Friday, May 8: a sophomore girl chosen on high May Festival—Holiday. standard of scholarship and leader- Saturday, May 9: ship. `Aladdin and Lamp' May Festival. Blue Key will honor new mem- Is Well Received Alpha Tau Omega conclave bers and make two scholastic awards. party, 8:30, Country Club. The master freshman award will be Roars of laughter shook the Little to the freshman maintaining the JAMES BACCUS highest average during the first two Country theater yesterday afternoon terms. A scholarship will also be as the story-telling classes re-enact- CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY presented to the junior who has been ed "Aladdin and His Wonderful Gamma Tau chapter of Sigma Chi outstanding in character, leadership Engineers Plan Open Lamp" for the school children of fraternity' celebrated its second an- and active ability. Fargo. The play will be repeated niversary as a member of the na- House On May 8 today at 4 p.m. Dayton Jones will be master of tional organization Tuesday night by ceremonies at the convocation and Excellently cast and costumed, the holding a founders' day banquet in Frieda Panimon and James Baccus, Plans are nearing completion for play abounds with charm for the Ceres hall. Freddie Anderson pre- presidents of the two groups, will the Engineers' open house to be adult. Stories of this type are apt sided as toastmaster and talks were present the various awards. Doc Put- held Friday, May 8th in the Engi- to appear thin and foolish to an gven by Raymond Anderson, alum- nam and his Gold Star Band will neering Building. Kenneth Brand- older person. Fantastical costumes nus; Don Buchanan, present presi- present several numbers. by open house manager, has appoint- and beautiful stage effects, however, dent; Walter McGrath, retiring con- ed Lewis Odland in charge of the captivated the audience's imagina- sul; and E. T. Conmy, grand praetor civil engineering dep't., Ralph Rauch tion. of this province. David Stuart was in charge of the mechanical engi- John Callinan, Frances Johnson, the winner of the pledge orator neering dep't., Earl Martinson in Betty Johnson, and Robert Pryor trophy. Students Notice charge of the physics dep't., and turned in good performances.—H. H. Chris Hansen in charge of the hy- KAPPA PSI INITIATES THREE Nor could you after This letter is to call your atten- draulics laboratory. There will be a WAA meeting Three men were initiated into tion to the new ruling invoked by Several interesting individual pro- Wednesday in the Ceres hall gym- Kappa Psi fraternity last Monday you look at our the Student Council in regard to the jects have been started by students sium at 5. Election of officers will night. They are Floyd Johnson- collection of fines imposed by the in various departments. These stu- be held. All members must be baugh of Turtle Lake, Raymond An- Spring Clothes student commission. Fines from dents will have charge of their own present. derson of Hallock, and Walter King- 25c to $3 may be taken from the exhibits and demonstrate them dur- The class tournament in baseball horn of Thief River Falls. Gaberdines in Gray's, deposit fee. ing the day. Guides will be avail- will begin next week. Kjordis Lo- The violations and the respective able to direct the people thoughout vik is in charge. Blues and Brown. fines set up by the student com- the building. mission are: Single or Double 1. No parking on the triangle Breasted . east of Science hall. Fine is 50c. 2. Tacking of posters to trees. SPOTS and STAINS Fine $1. X22.50 3. No cutting across campus Removed lawns. Fine 25c. What appears ruinously stained If any student fined is of the opin- Home unrecoverably soiled is often a ion he has been unjustly treated he simple problem for BON VALET Combination Slacks to may' appeal to the student court. craftsmen. match any Suit The cooperation of all students is requested in the effort to make our Phone 1666 $3.95 campus a better campus. and save Student Commission. Bon Valet Be Sure and Drop In. EXCHANGE OF EDITORS BEGINS Railway Express can handle laundry CLEANERS WITH THE DACOTAH STUDENT packages for you very easily and FARGO-MOORHEAD Matt Siegel In accordance with the established economically. Simply notify the folks custom existing between The Daco- that you are shipping your laundry 424 Front Street tah Student and The Spectrum, Jack Spalding, editor of The Spectrum, by Railway Express and ask them to will go to Grand Forks next week to edit the Wednesday edition of the return it the same way. If you wish, university paper. you can ship "collect." It saves time idionnumnillummoommommilmuennummuuninummimmook Following this Ad Nordmarken, editor of The Dacotah Student, will and detail, and loose change. be guest editor of The Spectrum for next week. Railway Express is fast and depend- See Us • • • • • able and can be relied upon to get Word has been received that Ar- thur Lee„ formerly a student at this your laundry back as fresh and in as When in need of college, has recently been elected editor of the Literary Review, month- good condition as when it left home. ly publication put out by' students at So think the idea over and telephone • Stationery the University of Minnesota. Lee was a student at NDSC dur- Railway Express. Our motor truck a Dance Programs ing his freshman, sophomore, and will pick up the package at your door part of his junior year. While a student here he occupied a position at no extra charge. ▪ Booklets on the editorial staff of The Spec- trum and for a time wrote the col- For service or information telephone N Programs umn Bison Briefs. Railway Express Agency, Inc., N.P. Depot, 701 Front St. Phone 103. Depot Office: G. N. Depot. Phone105. Fargo, N. D. Loomis & Loomis Ulsaker Printing Co. DRY CLEANERS Fur Cleaning Rug Cleaning RAILWAY EXPRESS 315 Broadway Phone 791 Phone 164 AGENCY INC. 110 9th Street S. FARGO, N. D. NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Nitimmuioniminiminumillionnoinninnimmillimommommoilli

THE SPECTRUM FIVE PECTRUM PORT TRACKMEN SCHEDULED FOR THREE MEETS S PECULATIONS Now comes the story about the Coach Smith Places Hopes Theta Chi's And SAE's Win Opening luckiest man on the campus. It con- cerns our hero, one Arnold Bernard Engagements In Kittenball Tournament who made quite a name for himself In Weights, Field Events by his adpetness in dropping a pellet Opening the spring athletic season wtih eleven teams scheduled to en- through a round hoop. It seems our Headed by strong candidates in the first two games of the kittenball ter. These contests will be run off hero was raking the cinder track in the weight events, Coach Johnny Finnegan Enlarges tourney were off yesterday' afternoon in elimination fashion with the win- front of the stands over by the foot- Smith is pushing the daily training with the Theta Chi's swamping the ners advancing. The title-holder ball field when a gentleman by the grind in an effort to bring the North Scope Of Athletics ATO club 14-4, while the Sigma will be determined by a one-game name of Bob Lowe, happened upon Dakota State track team through the Alpha Epsilon team defeated the series between the undefeated teams. him and remarked to one Johnny spring season with a good record. Sigma Chis by a count of 13-7. Since C. C. Finnegan assumed the In the kittenball games held last Smith as follows : "I suppose he's do- Neville Reiners, all conference Bob Saunders, in charge of the position of Athletic Director at the night Palmer Kreutz proved to be ing that to find some money." Upon football quarterback, has been work- tourney, called for drawings of the the mainstay of the Theta Chi ten, North Dakota State college he has which there was a hearty laugh from ing on the 16-pound shotput and has entrants in the league last Monday displaying some fine pitching which, continually enlarged and diversified the bystanders of which there are so far reached the 46-foot mark with with the result being the formation backed by excellent fielding, kept the athletics in an attempt to get more always ten to twenty hanging about his heaves. Hollis Diet; sophomore, of two brackets of five teams each. Alpha Tau Omega attack pretty well and more of the boys of the college our coach. has cleared the 40-foot mark regu- The plan is for each bracket to play bottled up. For the SAE's Warner * interested in some athletic endeavor. larly in practice and both of these a round robin tourney, that is, play Litten handled the pitching duties in His plan to vary' the athletic program, The result, you inquire? Little Ar- lads are being counted on to earn each other group in their half one good style, but it was the extra base so that each boy will find some phase nold ended work just $5.07 the rich- points for the Bison. game, and then the winners of the slugging of his club which earned of athletics that he likes, has met with er, having accumulated this amount Beryl Newman, stalwart from two brackets will be paired off to them the victory. unusual success this present school in his haphazard raking. Moral: Baraboo, Wisconsin, has taken to the decide the championship in a three- year. though coaches may jibe and stu- disctis event in addition to the 440- game play-off. This method will en- dents may titter, continue your rak- yard run which is his best event. Early last fall 40 football candi- able each entrant to compete in at ing and time never fritter. (Ancient Ray Ludwig, sophomore from Page, dates reported to Coaches C. C. Fine- least four games or a total of twenty proverb). N. D., has also been successful in gan and Robert Lowe. A few weeks games played within each grouping. * • * the 440 and will pair with Newman later 60 freshmen football candidates The annual baseball race will start Mr. Average Athlete, here's in this event. The only javelin can- reported to Coach Johnny' Smith. the week followng the May' Festival your chance to get in some fine didate who is likely to earn any Both groups remained at the game exercise and also your chance points in stiff competition is Graf- well into November with very few to work out your pet peeve that ton's product, Sam Westgate. dropping out. This made a total of instruction. A tournament is ache only the top few in athletics ever In the dashes two sophomores, 100 boys engaging in this sport. duled for this spring. get an opportunity to compete. Emil May of Aberdeen, and Carl Shortly after football was complet- Coach Smith at the present time has "Expert Watch and Jewelry We're referring to the kittenball Rorvig of Nome, seem to be the lead- ed, 15 varsity basketball players 20 track men who have been working Repairing" and baseball tourney that is un- ing contenders, although Dick Ham- started to work out under Coach out for the past four weeks. der way. Ten teams are in the kit- ilton is improving in these events Lowe. Coach Smith ran a fresh- This spring the intramural base- WIMMER'S tenball division with each team and also doing well in the broad men basketball tournament in which ball league should attract at least FARGO JEWELRY MFG. CO. playing four games at the least. jump. 65 freshmen boys participated. Fol- 120 players and the softball league "Walk a Flight and Buy Right" That means that a minimum of Captain Harry Arneson was just lowing the tournament 20 freshmen the same number. forty games will be played with recently able to attend regular prac- were chosen to compose the fresh- It has been the desire of Athletic at least 100 persons participat- tices but plans on being in shape for men basketball squad. Along with Director Finnegan to enlarge the ing. To put it mathematically, the pole vaulting event by the time these two groups the athletic depart- sphere of athletic games offered in that gives a total of 4,000 man the big meets of the year roll around. ment sponsored an intramural bas- the fall of the year such as touch For . games which from the face of it Howard Fraser of Walhalla has ketball league in which approxi- football and other variations of should get the general student shown promise in the bar vaulting mately 150 boys engaged. In the football but lack of outdoor playing SPALDING'S body in fine physical condition. event and may be able to snag points physical education classes volleyball fields large enough for this type of * * * for the Herd. and basketball were the most popu- sport makes it impossible at the . Tennis Rackets A dynamic forehand, a smooth In the hurdles, Palmer Kreutz of lar games and 330 boys took part. present time. . Golf Clubs backhand, plenty of volleying power, Fargo earned himself an enviable Counting varsity' players, those en- a serve like Stoefen, and the cun- record when in high school and bids gaged in the freshmen tournament, . Tennis and Golf Balls far to maintain it in college. Emil the intramural tournament, and ning and generalship of Perry. No, SEE .. . folks, we're not describing one of May is also interested in the hurdles those of the physical education clas- the leading tennis players in the and will probably come through ses, approximately 500 boys played United States. Just attempting to with some points. basketball at the physical education describe the game played by—you'll The Bison are scheduled to com- building this winter. Viking Cafe never guess—Bill Stewart. On the pete in the Dakota relays today and Under the eye of Al Zeck, 40 box- HARDWARE SPORTING GOODS level ,though, Stewart is rapidly de- tomorrow at Sioux Falls, S. D., and ing aspirants were kept busy and a ••■•■••••=i, 67 Broadway Phone 757 veloping into one of the best tennis- also plan on attending the state in- large number of them engaged in ers in the school and should be able tercollegiate meet at Grand Forks boxing shows this winter. to give some of the local topnotchers and the North Central conference Instructor in golf, Art Hanson, had quite a run for the ball before the meet at Brookings, S. D., May 29-30. 35 enthusiasts of this sport working JOIN THE CROWD AT.... session is over. under him. * * * Dr. James A. Naismith, 74-year- An indoor tennis court has been The next move by the athletic old inventor of basketball, played the marked off on the north end of the W. H. Diemert Cafe department in their successful game only twice in his life. physical education building and 20 drive to enlarge the number of tennis players are busy swinging the South Bridge, Moorhead active athletic participants will The University of Wisconsin has tennis racket. Arrangements have undoubtedly be along the golf more than $20,000 in unclaimed li- been made to give instruction in this line. That is if there are enough brary deposits. sport; Dana Leslie will handle the students interested. The tennis, basball, and track situation seems to be well under control, SUMMER TERM .... which leaves only the golf bugs The summer term at the Interstate Business College opens Mon- to think of. day, June 1st; the summer review term, June 15th. Students who * * * WHITE FLANNELS start a course in June graduate three months ahead of the crowd That is unless the students go for ... FOR ... who start in the fall. Those who graduate first have the choice badminton like they have up at the of the best positions. university. The old gym up at Plan your course in business training now. For information phone Grand Forks has been turned into a SPRING FORMALS 1099 or write to the court where the fanatics can bat the birds to their hearts' content. SHIM TS INTERSTATE BUSINESS COLLEGE FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA OF EVERY DESIGN and PATTERN A complete line of Snappy MEN'S WEAR Fairmont's Better Food As Smart as the Pages of Esquire. PRODUCTS . . . ALWAYS THE STUDENT'S CHOICE . . . Look for the Sign of the Elf Milk, Cream, Butter, Ice Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Frozen Fruit, fJP: xforb Cub Cottage Cheese, Frozen Sea Fish, American Brick 4 • and Pimento Cheese East end of the South Bridge MOORHEAD / SP-10P FOR MEN We particularly cater to School Parties and Socials for Punches, Phone 48 Lots of Parking CALL US FOR INFORMATION — PHONE 730 ED. LODGARD, Mgr. Before you step out---Step in to Esquire Frappes and Orangeade Inclusive—Free Delivery Service

ANGELO PUGLISI 40 ROUNDS TONIGHT at Jackie SHARKEY • • • JACK CHARVER 8:30 AL O' DAY 50c Admission 8 ROUNDS BOXING AUDITORIUM 8 ROUNDS SIX THE SPECTRUM ROTC INSPECTOR WILL Collegiate Digest BE ON CAMPUS MAY 20-22 May Festival Will Student Opinion Golseth's Band Announces Contest (Continued from Page 1) Draw 1,000 Visitors I wish to congratulate the editor Wins Tourney and staff on the fine editorial on day, May 21. Both theoretical and (Continued from Page 1) peace published last week. I think James Golseth, "the man who sent Two important announcements of practical examination in the after- the writer summed up the situation noon—juniors, 1:15 to 3:00; and se- and Volume of Cooperative Move- the NDSC Gold Star band to the interest to students of NDSC are quite well, but there are a few niors, 3:05 to 5:00. ment"; Almon Strong, Towner, "The Bison-Sioux athletic contests several found in today's issue of Collegiate points on which I take issue. The entire morning of Friday, May Agricultural Situation"; George times," came back to the campus of Digest, The Spectrum's weekly roto- Christianson, Williston, "The Unor- The editor has wisely suggested 22, will be turned over to the mili- his alma mater this week with a gravure section. ganized Farmer Against An Unor- that we attack the problem of pre- tary department ,all morning class es In connection with an outstanding ganized World"; Vernon Kuehn, vention of war through higher edu- band of youthful music prodigies being excused. The schedule is as Carrington. "Cooperative Market- cation directly. First of all, how are and carried off top honors in the artcle on the "why" of collegiate follows: assembly, 8:00; review and ing." M. S. Burke of Williston will we going to do this when we have county high school band contest. His motion pictures, the movie editor of inspection, 8:30; close order drill by band, the Page high school group, lead discussions of the various phas- compulsory military training in Collegiate Digest is offering a prize squads, platoons, and companies, ex- which the most effective type of war won the second division and tied for tended order platoon, and calesthen- es of vocational educaton before the of $10 for the best letter offering annual meeting of Smith Hughes in- propaganda is given in military his- top honors in the first division, with ics, 9:30; and tactical exercise by structors during the three-day pe- tory and other more subtle way's? Gardner in the county music contest constructive criticism or defense of full-strength company, 11:00. the typical collegiate motion pic- riod. Then, too, the text books which held in Festival hall Tuesday. tures. This contest is open to both bring out the startling facts too real- Golseth, while attending NDSC, Students of Concorda college will Departments Hold Open House students and faculty members. A istically are inclined to be suppress- carried on advertising campaigns be g-uests of the Lutheran Student All departments will hold open second prize of $5 is offered for the ed. Of course, anyone who reads with downtown merchants to send association which will meet at 4:00 house, displaying exhibits, demon- almost any accepted history text in- Doc Putnam's Gold Star band to runner-up in this contest. strations, and other interesting fea- p. m. Sunday in the upper auditor- telligently can understand that the university' athletic contests when no A beautiful sunset lake-scene pho- ium of the College "Y". They will tures of the college. The soils de- primary cause of war is economic other financial assistance could be tograph of full 8 by 10-inch size is partment will show various methods present their exchange program in and that only when our economic mustered. He is a former business offered free to all students or faculty return of the one NDSC students of testing for soil acidity, and phos- system is changed can we prevent manager of the Spectrum. members of NDSC who send 10 phate deficiency. Models will be put on at Concordia last Sunday. war. But all too many students cents in stamps or coin to cover cost shown to demonstrate sheet and June Aasheim and Marion Hokanson read history or any' other subject of wrapping and postage. This is gully erosion. Slides on wind and Editor, we must dramatize our de- are in charge of refreshments. with only one aim in mind—to get truly an outstanding offer, for the water erosion in the great plains re- sire for peace! Your suggestions are marks. In the process of getting original photograph offered to our gion will also be shown. The usual sound, but fascism is on its way and marks they seldom learn anything readers is a beautiful piece of pho- elaborate displays will be shown by if we are lagging and using slower about the course. Further, Mr. Edi- tography by Frederick Kaeser II, Professional Directory the engineering departments. De- methods there will be no chance for tor, you forget that many of those one of the middle-wests outstanding DR. E. M. WATSON partments of horticulture, agricul- us to continue our fight against war. older people who should lead us ab- young photographers. Requests Physician and Surgeon ture, engineering, dairy, and poultry Faculty members (many of them) Third Floor Edwards Bldg. Phone926W & R solutely neglect this duty. Some are quick enough to give whole- should be addressed to Collegiate will have open house also. Digest, P .0. Box 472, Madison, Wis- DR. N. J. BARNES, M. D. faculty members openly condone hearted support to such propagan- The home economics industrial compulsory military' training on one consin. Medicine, Surgery, Child Diseases dist organizations as Scabbard and 55 Broadway Office and Rea. 1620 contests will be held Thursday and basis alone, namely that the school Friday in Festival and Ceres halls. Blade and Guidon and to assist with DR. M. V. ASKANASE, Dentist derives funds from it. (They don't military balls and infinitim, and if the The Little Country theater will Suite 409 — Phone 1304 care how bad it is in itself. Those war cause can be dramatized that hold contests as follows: after-din- New Black Bldg. Fargo, N. D. people of course are not cognizant strongly, then we are forced in re- Laundry ner speaking, declamation, extem- Model DRS SHERDAHL'S, Optometrists of the fact that we would get the turn to dramatize the peace cause pore speech, oratorical, story telling, funds if it were optional.) a A. Sherdahl and C. G. Sherdahl if we do not want it to be a lost It's Phone 4 Fargo, N. D. newspaper and annual contest, one- 805 Black Bldg. Lastly, Mr. Editor, you suggest cause! act plays, make-up contest, radio that there are already too many ex- Cathryn Ray. Laundry & Dry Cleaning DR. MELVIN 0. LOFTHITS drama, exhibit of miniature stage tra-curricular activities, but you for- Chiropodist—Foot Specialist settings, and marionette characters. Merchants Nat'l Bank Bldg. — Phone 104( get to add a qualifying adjective— Jaz7 for the public schools is the Registration of all students and "too many unnecessary extra-cur- recommendation of Dr. Harold G. FARGO GENERAL HEALTH instructors will take place in the col- SERVICE ricular activities." There are all too Campbell, New York City's superin- Complete OptcakService lege YMCA and accommodations few really' worthwhile ones. Mr. Drugless Methods—Phone 252 have been made to house the visi- tendent of schools. SPECIAL CARE IN FITTINGS Dr. H. IL Werre, D.C. 60% Bdwy. tors in Ceres hall and Physical Edu OF THE EYES R. B. NEWTON, 0. D. DRS. IDKNNING & BURSACIS cation building. Non-Med. Optometry & Naturopethy _ Optometrist 411-414 Black Bldg. Friday and Saturday the annual srn:zirsTiat. 607 First Ave. No. Fargo, N. D. Phone 5485 track meet will be held on Dakota field. All attractions are free to stu- dents and townspeople. The Time Of The Year When Before You Buy—Be Fair to Yourself! Everyone's Fancy Turns To See The New CURLEE Spring Suits W. !MOTE)) R Ted Evanson co. 219 BROADWAY LLUITRATO DEftGNE Rl ENGRAVER/ LITHO PLATE MAKER/ 13 FAR G 0, NO. DAK. 519 Broadway 8th St. Soil Our Confections Are Wholesome — Fresh — Delicious Dixie Cups and Ice Cream Bars'available at Congress Candy Company A. C. Bookstore FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA

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