
+ r + + + + + + + + + 'l,,*’ «t *♦ + + ': T *. +■)• + + "k "(l -i Rev. Hammond Sends Marcus Smith Wins 1 To All NEWS Xmas Greetings Award At CCC Camp LOCAL * ! 4* 1 __ GREGER ■* + + + + + + + + ++ + + + ♦'» k | To All of Our Friends of the Ebenezer Marcus Smith of member of Decatur, * + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ *■» F. Williams, Charge: the local CCC camp, was awarded the Mbs. G. A. Russell, Mrs. J. m eleven; (Continued £r< page May the doors of gladness open wide and Russell Educational Citizenship prize the past Morris Williams “Sonny” this to you this CHRISTMAS and may you motored to Kosciusko Sunday and visited Parker arrived early week offered D. of John Walter dwell in the HOUSE of HAPPINESS by C. Lundy the to tne Mrs. B. B. Sayle. iron; Monroe, Ga., spend Coca Cola Co. The week all the year ahead. Lexington Bottling his Mr. through W. A. Pierce and son, Raford, of West Christmas Season with parents, award was based on the best all-round the No services at lhornton next Sunday. this week for W. lamer. Dunng of the to in Church Falls, Va. arrived and Mis. L. B. F. HAMMOND, Pastor. I boy camp as his activities has been employ- visits to Lexington relatives, making the past year Mr. l amer I leadership and citizenship. The prize in Virginia motor. ed as electrical engineer I carried a four-day trip to Atlanta with rip by in the Parker ana Geoigia. Other guests Card of Thanks all expenses paid. Lt. Hester, John T. J. M. Harmon of Jackson, road eon- will mclude dome uunng the holidays Flournoy and D. C. Lundy carried Mr ractor, was a Lexington visitor Wed- W. W. Wilson Mis. ...vers sisters, Mrs. We take this means of expressing our Smith to Jackson Tuesday where he was nesday. Friends will recall Mr. Harmon Mesdames S. N. Camp- aboard the v,. .nu...w.a, and a«ep and heartfelt thanks and apprecia- placed plane for Atlanta. He .uring his former days here in similar and H. K. Van Every will be met an oe.i, .v..ee fridge, tion to each and everyone of our inends there by official of thi apacity. and M ana ner nieces nephews, .or the many deeds of kindness and sym- Coca Cola corporation and shown over ol Hazelhurst, C. D. Brown. Solo Bartha R. Benson. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Noble pathy shown us in the sudden passing the city. Pictures of the party were by of Indianola, anu in alk Rev. R. C. also J. A. .urs. Northwang jf our beloved mother, Mrs. W. made Jackson as Smith boarded the by Ingram, f-velyn dearly 1 Ven of Jackson. lohnson, Cornelius W. M. Saf- xve.sey and Peggy Every Rodgers. Espec:ally do we wish to plane. Adams, wen. L. B. Rev. P. P. ivouert Wiignt, Jr. who recently hank Dr. Brumby for his prompt and old, Benson, Halsey, his work with S. Grace, H. K. to fmladelphia to oeg.n faithful service. May the Lord’s bless- ’hillip, Henderson, Negro Pastor Dies G. B. C. C. Rev. W. the Resettlement Administration, vfill ings be with each of you. Byas, Crafton, Byrd, his M. G. A. spend week d dales with parents, HER CHILDREN. At Culpepper, Friley, Rubie Cole- and his Kosciusko Home man. Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Wright, Obituary by Moses Story, remarks W. M. Drother, Charles, on Crescent plantation. by Thurmond; Sermon by Rev. A. W. H. Lewis In Funeral services for Rev. S. M. Conic, A'. solo Norvel Ellis. Holiday guests ot Mrs. Turkeys Growing Jones; by will include Kosciusko, negro pastor and and Miss Virginia Lewis religious Pallbearers were: Active—Revs. L. W. John State Products Sales leader, were held at Union Paradise M. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Handsbrough, Williams, G. B. Byas, J. C. Coffer, N. B. Handsbrough B. C. December 16 at 11 o’clock with Rev. cewis and Margaret Ann Brooks, Geogre Siggers, W. M. Culpep- Mrs. A. A. If the estimated heavy sale of turk- W. E. Smith as master of ceremonies. oi new Orleans, Mr. and per. Honorary—Revs. C. G. Brown, G. Walker of eys over the state is any medium by A program was rendered as follows: Walker, Allen Aiken and Bill A. Friley, C. L. Clark, H. K. Henderson, of which to judge, farmers will enjoy a Processionoal: selection Aberdeen, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bates, by chorus; F. B. Bolls, W. M. Saffold. Mrs. merry Christmus by having plenty of scripture reading by Rev. C. L. Texarkana, Ark., and Mr. and Billy Clark; of ■‘spending money” as revealed by the solo by Rev. F. B. Bolls; J. Garland and little Bill Lewis Garland invocation, State Department of Agriculture. C. Coffer. Tributes were S. M. Be truthful, be accurate; we always Pickens. paid by Hannibal, W. L. L. weaken that we Harfe. B. Arch- Indications point to record sales this Sims, W. Williams. exaggerate.—La Mrs. J. C. Cannon end Mrs. A. the home ol year, and turkey production, though not er attended open house at In- one of the principal farm enterprises of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Montgomery at hon- the State, is nevertheless reported to be verness Monday evening, when they noteworthy. ored their daughter and her husband, Production is in the Mr. and Mrs. Hors. especially heavy their of the where Mr. aud Mrs. E. N. B.gham and northeast section state, Sun- their offer- littie daugnte.-, Nancy, will leave producers customarily pool and sell in carlot and larger quanti- day morning for Pontotoc, where they ings ties. Star Dr. and Mrs. E. Theaterl will visit hi# parents, rank N. Bigham, and then they will go to Mississippi’s among turkey pro- MISSISSIPPI is no manner of means LEXINGTON, Ripley for a vinit with Mrs. Bigham’s ducing states by the but it is mother, Mrs. J. ». spigot. highest, improving annually, is was pointed out. 29th. W. his son, Shelby,, Thursday, Mr. L. barker, Thw rpnanc nf 1 ehnwa that MisaiR- Sam Bridgers, Jr., and Carl Yates Park- “VACATION FROM LOVE” in Issa- sippi, during that year, produced only er are enjoy ng deer hunting ae-half percent of-the nation’s turkey “STREAMLINED SWING” (Miniature) county, wLare they are members quena supply; but at the beginning of 1935, “HOT ON ICE” (Pete Smith) of a camping party. one per cent of all turkeys on farms will Dennis O’Keefe and Florence Rice, two young players who have made Members of the achool faculty in were Mississippi. rapid strides toward stardom in the past six months, are teamed for the visit loved ones at the following places “Those who secured their ‘Christmas first time in “Vacation From the of and Prof. E. E. Thomas Love,” story youngsters in love during the holidays: source this know Money’ from this year afraid to admit it. The supporting cast is one of the most capable seen at Leakesville; Misses Fannie and Hat- that it comes at a time when money is in recent months, including Reginald Owen, June Knight, Edward S. tie Rose Liddell, Jackson ai.d Learned; scarce and needed,” pointed out J. C. Brophy and Truman Bradley. Miss Mary Moss, Ackerman; Miss Ophe- ilolton, Commissioner. A with a fast and Miss Beulah picture strong plot, farcial, funny, moving and grand enter- lia Everett, Tutwiler; tainment. Tenn. Collins, Chattanooga, MATINEE 3:15 Mis. S. J. and child- Mr. and Bridgers Card of Thanks -»- ren, Sam, Jr., Claude Lee and Nolle, We wish to thank who was everyone Friday, 30-31st. plan to spend this week end with her so kind to us during our recent be- Saturday, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee at Blue reavement in the death of our beloved “BROADWAY MELODY OF 1938” Springs. son and brother, Archie Edwards. Your “MYSTERY MOUNTAIN” helpful words, your thoughtful deeds, There has never been another show like Of and tho beautiful floral offerings all “Broadway Melody 1938," it’a EMORY the tops in taps and music, mirth and gaiety, and modern scenic nelped to make our burden lighter. May beauty effects. Robert Taylor and are starred with the of God bless each of you. pick for last the finest and (Intended week). MR. AND MRS. A.E EDWARDS dancing, singing acting talent from radio and stage and one of our scren. C. W. Melton, leading AND FAMILY. j Take a look farmers, was trading in the busy marts at this cast, , dancing star of Broadway, IBn- nie Ebsen of of Lexington Saturday. foot caused by dropping a large ledger Barnes, Buddy the last “Broadway Melody,” Judy Garlond, sensational child Charles C. T. Downer of Harriesburg, Mo. came on it. All hope he will soon be able singer, Igor Gorin, favorite singer of the Holly- wood Hotel And home with h'j brother. W. C. Downer for to resume his duties. program. also, Raymond Walburn, , Wil- lie a little vigit to his many relatives in Mr. and Mrs. Bascom Melton have Howard, Charles Grapewin and a chorus of Hollywood’s most beautiful Mississippi. moved into the old Melton home that be- girls. The arc “Your Mrs. Connie Cade and son, Marvin, are longed to his mother. He plans to buy songs Broadway and My Broadway,” “I’m Peeling Like A Million,” “Sun “Pair enjoying the conveniences of a 1939 the place and make it his permanent Showers," Of New Shoes,” "Follow In My Footsteps," and “Yours And Chevrolet, purchased from the enterpris- home. Mine.” Scenes of gorgeous ing dealer, G. G. Griffin, of Cruger. Miss Dorothy McBee, our genial coun- splendor, climaxed by the staggering "Your Broadway And Mine” spectacle. A Mrs. John F. Hatcher ofo Vaiden was ty superintendent of education, visited grand picture that will give you the all-happiness entertainment of lifetime. overnight guest of her sister, Mrs. Ros- the Emory school Monday and compli- your Shown here before but you will want to see it again. : coe Johnson Saturday to attend services mented the prograss of the children at Salem Sunday. under the efficient tutelage of Miss -•- Mr. and Mrs. Julius Flower and daugh- Vicey Sproles. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 2-3-4th. ter were Sunday afternoon callers in Mesdames John Allen Cade, Connie “THE SHINING HOUR” the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Henry. Cade, Murley Tate, Andrew Smith and Mr. Mrs. “NEWS OF THE DAY” rfnd Glenn McNeer and Janie daughter, were Christmas shopping in Faye were prized guests in the R. A. state's capital city Tuesday. “HOW TO WATCH FOOTBALL” Grantham home on the of rest. day Greenwoodfs business centers w^fre “OUR GANG COMEDY” W. The V/. Cox home was brightened visited, two of our Again wod has to the Tuesday by leading Holly gone stage for a great play. “The § on the Sabbath a visit from Mr. and which Shining by citizens, Marvin Cade and Sharkey Hour, scored on Broadway, now comes to the Mrs. Howard Cox screen with a brilliant and children and Mrs. Truitt; their home town being “too small cast of stars Joan Crawford, Margaret Sullivan, Robert Young,* Melvyn* ell* Cox of P-lack Hawk also Prof and in size.” Douglas and Fay Bainter. Mrs. Roy Patterson of Blackmanton. Hon. A. J. Coleman visited "The Shining Hour” relatives presents Miss Crawford in a dancing role for the Mrs. R. C. Wilson and daughters were in the His first time since she starred in community recently. nephew, "Dancing Lady.” The story is an in Vaiden While combination of appealing shopping Saturday. John Calvin Ammons carried him to his Broadway gaiety with the light, and there were with music, conlra.ting | they joined by her sister, home in Vaiden Sunday afternoon the tranquility of a mid-western farm f Mrs. Sudie IIogee, for oa trip to Winona around by Durant. Twas the nearest Wh° 8 fa™ eXP°rt {or purity to see the beautiful Christmas trees wasn’t it John. IhthearCthan„trather than tLfor ^love. A l8"'*''human way story of ordinary people in a situation and other Yuietido decorations. ^ Floyd Truitt was overnight guest in hoU3eho,d afld the season's most The dramas exciting I many friends of J. C. Sproles, the home of his cousin, S. S. Truitt Tues- TotL valued of a employee bank in Durant, day whilo substituting for another haul- MATINEE MONDAY, 3:15 are sorry to hear of the to his er injury on the gravel truck. I l- ^’^^^^=^"Z^ESmSmmmmSSS9SSSSmSSSS*SSSSSS&