A Narrative About the Locative Uncertainty of the New Lisbon Airport Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, Núm

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A Narrative About the Locative Uncertainty of the New Lisbon Airport Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, Núm Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais E-ISSN: 1645-586X [email protected] Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional Portugal Gonçalves, Jorge; Marreiros, Susana Where will the airport land? A narrative about the locative uncertainty of the New Lisbon Airport Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, núm. 37, septiembre-diciembre, 2014, pp. 57- 66 Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=514351883005 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative WHERE WILL THE AIrport LAND? A NarratIVE ABOUT THE LOCatIVE UNCErtaINTY OF THE NEW LISBON AIrport1 ONDE ATERRA O AEROPORTO? NARRATIVA ACERCA DA INCERTEZA LOCATIVA DO NOVO AEROPORTO DE LISBOA Jorge Gonçalves [email protected] Investigador do CESUR – Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa Susana Marreiros [email protected] Bolseira de Investigação do CESUR – Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa ABSTRACT/RESUMO It is an established fact that an airport can be an instru- É consensual a ideia de que um aeroporto pode ser um ment for development on a national and regional scale instrumento para o desenvolvimento à escala nacional e re- while having significant repercussions on the local level. It gional, ao mesmo tempo que traz repercussões significati- is equally true that it is an enormous investment wrapped vas ao nível local. É igualmente verdade que se trata de um in great project complexity. The specific case of the New enorme investimento e que o envolve uma enorme com- Lisbon Airport (NLA) is a good example to prove these as- plexidade projetual. O caso concreto do novo Aeroporto sumptions, and can also be considered a paradigm for a de Lisboa (NAL) é um bom exemplo para comprovar mais particular way of thinking about the territory. uma vez estes pressupostos, mas também pode ser consi- Thus, the NLA must be perceived as a heavy infrastruc- derado como paradigma de um modo particular de pensar ture and a complex process in its materialisation and also o território. in the shock waves that it generates in the territory. How- Assim, o NAL deve ser visto como uma infraestrutura ever, to these obvious observations should be added other pesada e um processo complexo na sua caracterização mas less neutral issues, regarding technical and political as- também nas ondas de choque que gera no território. Contu- pects. Those issues were the ones that disturbed (and still do, a estas observações óbvias deve acrescentar-se um outro disturb) the NLA process. The political matters are related conjunto de questões bem menos referidas de caráter téc- to the asymmetry on public investment between Northern nico mas também político, acabando por ser as que pertur- and Southern Portugal, which the Northern social and eco- bavam (e perturbam) mais o processo. As questões políticas nomic actors consider to be a reinforcement to the already relacionam-se com as assimetrias do investimento público existent distributive inequities. It is not just about the sum entre o Norte e o Sul do País, reforçando, no entender dos involved but also about the opportunity costs, as the basis atores sociais e económicos do Norte, as injustiças distribu- of the discussion is the priority given to the NLA project. tivas já existentes. Não se trata apenas dos montantes envol- Regarding the technical aspects, the need for the airport vidos, mas também dos custos de oportunidade associados, has never been clearly proven, the chosen locations were já que na base da discussão está o grau de prioridade confe- never a unanimous decision, and the type of airport to im- rido a este projeto. Do lado das questões técnicas, desde o 1 plement was never consensual. início que nunca ficou claramente comprovada a necessida- 1 This work has been carried out within the SPOTIA project “SPOTIA: Sustainable Spatial Policy Orientations and Territorial Impact As- sessment – Contribution to Portuguese Context” (PTDC/CS-GEO/105452/2008), funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT). The authors would like to acknowledge the research team for its engagement in this research process. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, n.º 37, 2014, 3.º Quadrimestre 58 Jorge Gonçalves • Susana Marreiros All of this complexity and tension has been portrayed in de do aeroporto; nunca foram unânimes as implantações se- very diverse ways by the media, either through news arti- lecionadas; nunca se consensualizou o tipo de aeroporto. cles, reports, debates, analyses or opinion pieces. The com- Toda esta complexidade e esta tensão foram sendo re- plex relations that this paper aims to describe are based on tratadas das mais diversas formas nos media, através de no- the collection, processing and systematisation of journal- tícias, reportagens, debates, análises e artigos de opinião. istic material published between 2007 and 2012, available As relações complexas que este paper pretende descrever through Google© News, and a posterior analysis combin- baseiam-se apenas na recolha e no tratamento do material ing that information with the decision-making documents jornalístico publicado entre 2007 e 2012, acessível no Goo- identifiable through the Diário da República editions. gle© News, e no seu posterior cruzamento com as várias The NLA story hasn’t ended yet. There is a constant tomadas de decisão política possíveis de identificar através deepening of its complexity (ANA was privatised, the NLA das edições do Diário da República. was suspended, studies were made to materialise the “Por- O processo ainda não estancou, quer no aprofundamen- tela+1” solution) and its implications on the territory and to da sua complexidade (a ANA foi privatizada, o NAL sus- the communities (plans that are suspended, reconsidered penso, desenvolveram-se estudos para concretizar a solução or restarted, preventive measures, agreements with the Ac- Portela+1, etc.), quer nas suas implicações nos territórios tion Program for the West and Tagus Flatlands 2008-2017 e nas comunidades (planos que são suspensos, revistos e of around 2 billion euro, etc.). voltam à forma inicial, medidas preventivas, acordos como This research helped to demonstrate that even for an o Programa de Ação para o Oeste e a Lezíria do Tejo 2008- investment that implicates an enormous financial effort -2017 na ordem dos dois mil milhões, etc.) and delicate consequences on land-use planning, decision- A pesquisa serviu para demonstrar que, mesmo para um al drifts are a reality. The territory, regional development investimento que envolve um enorme esforço financeiro e and technical matters are moved to the background in a delicadas consequências no ordenamento do território, a process that is juggled between the published opinions deriva decisional é a regra, ficando o território, o desenvol- and the politics’s (in)decision. vimento regional e até as questões técnicas secundarizados num processo que se esgrime essencialmente entre a opi- nião publicada e a (in)decisão política. Keywords: Locative Uncertainty, Lisbon, New Airport, Me- Palavras-chave: Incerteza Locativa, Lisboa, Novo Aeroporto, dia, Non-Decision Costs Media, Custos da Não-Decisão JEL Codes: R38, R42, R53, R58 Códigos JEL: R38, R42, R53, R58 1. INTRODUCTION where there was some dubiety on the theme of the article. The gathered material totalizes 259 news pieces that were 1.1. PURPOSE chronologically sequenced and organized in six analysis groups: Ota: Alcochete; Portela+1; Locative Uncertainty; The main purpose of this paper is to give an overview Delays; Miscellaneous. of the recent NLA history (2007-2012) as it was portrayed in the media and intersect that with the airport legisla- FIGURE 1. RESEARCH/ANALYSIS STEPS PLAN. tion released during the same time slot. This way, it is shown that uncertainty is part of public works, even when they represent large investments whose progress should be more focused on the territory’s development rather than the published opinions or political hesitations. 1.2. METHODOLOGY Through research and compilation of journalistic ma- terial published between 2007 and 2012, as well as an in- dexation of all the decision-making documents published during that period, a database was created in order to de- velop this study. The e-clipping process was possible through Google© News. The titles and subtitles were the main elements con- sidered, and the full article was also used in a few cases Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, n.º 37, 2014, 3.º Quadrimestre Where Will the Airport Land? A Narrative about the Locative Uncertainty of the New Lisbon Airport 59 The media sequence was then articulated with the pub- When the SPOTIA project started, in 2010, the con- lished decision-making documents, in order to compare struction of the new airport was a given. Then, when it and reflect on the evolution of the production of the two was postponed indefinitely, the approach towards the NLA types of documents. case study had to change. The questions asked in the anal- The methodological sequence of research/analysis steps ysis went from a “when” to an “if” thematic. is represented in the following plan: The main limitations to this methodology are related to the uncontrolled universe of the news pieces. However, 2. THE DECISION: COMPLEXITY AND RISK the large amount of articles gathered helps to mitigate any eventual gap. The decision on the construction and location of large-scale infrastructures and facilities is currently one of the most complex responsibilities that regional and na- 1.3. SPOTIA – THE PROJECT tional governments have to face. The complexity results This paper was created under the SPOTIA1 Project not only from the fact that today there are more decisions (Sustainable Spatial Policy Orientations and Territorial Im- to be made, which is why Reese-Schafer (2000) and Shi- pact Assessment – Contribution to Portuguese Context).
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