Issues; Edited by Nancy Bogan 17 Special Rate for Individuals, $4 for One Year, Surface Mail; for Those Overseas Who Want to Receive Their Issues by Air Mail, $8
11* H J ^w> ^'iWWHW «, ^Jfe DLAK€ N€WSL€TT€R 25 / AN ILLUSTRAT€D QUART€RLY VOL. 7 NO. 1 SUMM€R 1973 Published quarterly under the sponsorship of the Department of English of the University of New Notes Mexico. Support for bibliographical assistance provided by the University of California, Berkeley. Martin Butlin, Five Blakes from a Nineteenth-Century Scottish Collection Morton D. Paley, Executive Editor* University of California, Berkeley. Geoffrey Keynes, William Blake and Bart's Morris Eaves, Managing Editor* University of New Mexico. Michael Phillips, Associate Editor* University of Checklist Edinburgh. A Checklist of Recent Blake Scholarship, Michael Davies and Judith Wallick Page, Editorial August 1972-September 1973, compiled by Assistants for Production* University of New Mexico. Gregory Candela, Marta Field, and Foster Foreman Graham Conley, Editorial Assistant for Subscriptions, University of New Mexico. Foster Foreman, Bibliographer, University of Cali• Reviews fornia, Berkeley. Manuscripts are welcome. Send two copies either to BBC Blake: Morton D. Paley on two Morton Paley, Dept. of English, Univ. of California, BBC films, Tyger, Tyger and William Blake 16 Berkeley, Ca. 94720, or to Morris Eaves, Dept. of English, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N.M. 87131 Francis Wood Metcalf on the Brown University Press-New York Public Library facsimile of The Book of Thel Subscriptions are $5 for one year, four issues; edited by Nancy Bogan 17 special rate for individuals, $4 for one year, surface mail; for those overseas who want to receive their issues by air mail, $8. U.S. currency if Deirdre Toomey on the first volume of possible.
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