Ottawa Central Park Community Association AGM November 10, 2020

Thank you to the Central Park Community Association Board for your dedication, passion and advocacy for your community. It is through active, engaged associations like OCPCA that we are able to effect positive change in the community. It has been a pleasure working with you.

Site Plan Application for 130 & 136 Central Park Drive and two towers that disconnect In June, the City's Planning Department received a Site Plan from a u-shape Control application for 130 & 136 Central Park Drive. The after the fifth site is located west of Celebration Park, and south of the storey. Both existing Park Place Retirement Residence. The proposal is towers will be 15- to construct an 8-storey and 10-storey seniors’ residence, storeys in height, with a 1-storey podium connection. The proposal is the 2nd with the westerly phase of the residences completed at 110 and 120 Central tower intended Park Drive. The new development proposes 344 rooming for independent retirement living, and the easterly tower units, with 86 parking spaces, creating a total of 132 intended for a retirement lifestyle requiring a higher level surface and 167 underground parking spaces for the two of personal care and service. 15 storeys is the maximum phases. height allowed and does not require a zoning amendment. This application is strictly a Site Plan application. The Included in the plan are 400 residential units with 333 total required zoning approval was finalized in 2008, which parking spaces, mostly below grade. allows this development to proceed on this site. Site Plan To view the Site Plan application and all associated applications strictly deal with the finer components of a documentation and reports, please visit site development including landscaping, garbage storage, devapps, and enter 1357 Baseline into the file search tool. snow storage, and lighting, to name a few. The Site Plan is still under review however City Planning At this time, the Site Plan is still under review by City staff believe it will be finalized later this Fall. Planning staff. To view the Site Plan application and all Development Application for 1356 Clyde Avenue associated documentation and reports, please visit, and enter 130 Central Park In May, the City’s Planning Department received a Zoning into the file search tool. By-law Amendment application for a proposed 24- storey (north building) and 28-storey mixed- 1357 —Laurentian Plaza use (south) building with 468 residential units, commercial/ The ’s Planning Department continues to retail space at grade, and some office space on the lower review the details of the Site Plan Application for the levels of the building. The property is the current location property at 1357 Baseline Road. This is the vacant parcel of of the two single-storey strip mall buildings (Burger King) land at the northeast corner of Baseline Road and Clyde on the northwest corner of the Baseline and Clyde Avenue, in the Laurentian Plaza. The proposed intersection. This property is just outside the boundary of development is for a mixed-use building of primarily River Ward, in College Ward. retirement home use, which consists of a single podium | 613-580-2486 | [email protected] On June 30, I co-hosted a public meeting with Councillors project to move forward funds are required from the Chiarelli and Egli where several concerned citizens provincial and federal governments. Future public expressed their opposition to the proposal. The main consultation as part of the final design package will be noted concern was the height of the proposed buildings required prior to any implementation. This project is several as well as the transportation circulation at the years away, however I wanted to ensure that residents were intersection and entering and leaving the property. At this aware of the project and provide a brief update. point in time, no further information has come forward For a full overview of this project, please visit https:// on this development proposal. To see the details of the application, please visit -road-rapid-transit-corridor-bayshore-station-heron-station- and search ’1356 Clyde’. planning-and-environmental-assessment-study. Fiber Optic Installation - Central Park Celebration Park Gazebo Update Telecon has begun the installation of the new Bell Fibre The City of Ottawa will be installing a second gazebo in Optic network in the Central Park Community. You may Celebration Park. This plan was approved by the Central Park have noticed small flags and paint on neighbourhood Community Association and I initiated the project this year. streets, curbs and right of way indicating that the utility The expectation is that the preliminary excavation and site locates have been marked for this project. preparation work will be completed before the end of this construction season, with the concrete pad and gazebo being If you have an underground sprinkler system, the installed next spring. I am disappointed with the delay. contractor asks that you locate the sprinkler heads and Many projects have been impacted by COVID in 2020. mark them to assist in preventing any damage. If you need assistance with this, please flag down a Telecon Celebration Park Pond and Fountain Update employee. The Celebration Park Pond Fountain is not currently The work commenced the week of November 2 and operational. construction takes approximately 6-8 weeks for full The fountain completion. The work should take a couple of weeks on is dependent average for each street, depending on the street, the on a number of homes, the complexity of the landscaping, and consistent the existing utilities. Work will be exclusively during the water level in daytime hours. the pond in order to You can email Telecon at [email protected] or by operate. phone at 1-833-386-8227 to inquire about your property Over the past in relation to this project. I will also share updates with few summers, the Central Park Community through the Online the fountain has not been in operation due to the loss of Discussion Board. water in the pond, which could cause damage to the Baseline Road Bus Rapid Transit Plan fountain pump. While there have been attempts to resolve areas of suspected leakage in the pond, City staff continue to Baseline Road is identified for the future construction of assess the issue this autumn and are exploring options for bus -only transit lanes within the centre median along remediation. I have added signage by the fountain to advise Baseline Road from Heron to Bayshore Station. Phase 1 of residents of the current repair status. the project is estimated at $165 million. In order for this

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FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER: @RiverWardRiley | 613-580-2486 | [email protected] Remembrance Day 2020 will be an exciting venture. For the first time, the Royal Canadian Legion is asking the Motion to encourage Outdoor Physical Activity this public to pay their respects virtually instead of in person Winter for the 2020 National Remembrance Day Ceremony. You At the council meeting of October 28, I brought forward a can watch the solemn ceremony and take part in the two motion to direct city staff to have a public information minutes of silence via the Legion’s facebook page. campaign this winter, in collaboration with Ottawa Public Please consider supporting the Legion through the Health, to promote the physical and mental benefits of purchase of items from their new Poppy Store or making outdoor recreational activities. The motion further a donation to the National Poppy Trust Fund. Many specified that the city publicly communicate a list of branches are suffering financially due to COVID-related outdoor recreational winter activities through to the end restrictions. of March and include activities like skiing, snowshoeing trails, outdoor rinks, walking/hiking trails and tobogganing Although I am unable to attend Remembrance Day hills and encourage local partners (such as the NCC) to do services in local schools this year, I have delivered 11 the same. wreaths to be used for observations this week. This motion was to ensure that with the possible I would like to take this opportunity to thank all men and rotational closures of indoor activities over the winter, women who currently serve in the Canadian Armed there would be outdoor activities available to residents. Forces, both at home and abroad. Let us never forget the men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in Hydro Pole Replacement on service for our nation. We remember them. Lest we has notified my office about planned hydro forget. pole replacement in 2021 on Merivale Road between Central Park Dr and Larose Ave. The proposed construction dates range from January 2021 to August

2021. Hydro Ottawa is proposing to install approximately City Updates and Around River Ward 32 new poles and associated anchoring along Merivale Road including a new duct structure. Ottawa Studying Opportunities in Winter Road Maintenance and Repairs On November 3rd, the Board With the upcoming winter upon us, I would like to remind unanimously approved the staff recommendation to residents that if you see any roads or potholes that 'explore library services in the Carlington community and require maintenance or repair, please contact 3-1-1 and direct staff to report back by Q3 2021'. This means that then my office who will assist with arranging for funds have been set aside in the OPL budget to undertake additional maintenance and repairs with City Supervisors. a gap analysis of current services, a growth study If a City snow plow has caused any damage to your front regarding future needs, and the identification of detailed grass, please let me know and we will arrange for grass facilities standards. Letters of support from the Central repair which typically occurs in the spring. I continue to Park Community Association, Carlington Community push for budget allocation for road repair and renewal. Association, the Carlington Community Health Centre, Public Works Transitioning Maintenance Activities Friends of Meadowvale Park, and Ottawa Community In the coming weeks, Public Works will transition from Housing was invaluable in convincing the board that summer activities like sidewalk repairs, ironworks, rural Carlington can benefit from library services. ditching and mowing to winter operations of snow Identified in the top three of Ottawa’s most at-risk clearing and removal. Roads and Parking Services team neighbourhoods, Carlington is a priority area with a transitions over a two-week period in November to Community Development Framework (CDF) aimed at ensure they are ready for an early snowfall. You may see growing strong neighbourhoods. In the spring of 2020, the snow plows and snow clearing equipment out on the road Recreation, Culture, and Facilities Services undertook a ahead of the first snowfall as operators complete their community consultation process to obtain input on the annual training ahead of the winter season. revitalization of the Alexander Community Centre (ACC). Clearing Catch Basins – Residents are asked to assist the From that survey, 299 respondents indicated that having City clear their local catch basin of leaves and debris. A library services in the ACC would increase their use of the clear catch basin allows water to drain off the road, library. Clearly there is a need and great interest for library services in Carlington and the next several months making it safer for resident travel. As temperatures drop, Officer. He is your contact with the police service for the water that is left on the road may freeze causing dangerous Central Park/Carlington area. conditions. Small steps taken now to keep catch basins clear Reminder - Winter will help prevent water pooling on our roads. Weather Parking Ban OPS Traffic Enforcement Update The Winter Weather As many of you are aware, I work closely with the Ottawa Parking Ban is beneficial Police Service (OPS) on road safety enforcement initiatives. to the City’s winter On October 9, the OPS released their statistics on two major operations team as it campaigns that they undertook this spring and greatly assists in summer. Operation Overwatch was launched in late April ensuring the City’s roadways are free of vehicles when targeting speedsters, stunt drivers and street racers across operations staff are clearing during a snow event. This the City and resulted in over 5,000 speeding tickets issued results in more efficiencies and significant savings for City and an average of 10 Stunt drivers stopped each week. operations. The ban also allows City crews to clear roads Operation NoiseMaker was launched in mid-June. It resulted sooner, clear roads closer to the curbs, and help to in 2,300 tickets issued including 1,400 for speeding. The prevent ice build-up experienced in previous years. Having NoiseMaker campaign was in response to enforcement to return to local residential streets due to the presence requests specific to Street Racing and excessive/unnecessary of parked cars is a significant cost to the City and can noise generated primarily from aftermarket modifications to result in poor maintenance over time. vehicle muffler and exhaust systems. Many tickets were Residents are reminded that City staff have the ability to issued in River Ward and I thank the put the winter parking ban into effect any time snow is for these two campaigns. forecasted at 7cm (Example 5-10cm predicted) or more Speed Enforcement Technology during the day or overnight. Speed limits are not suggestions. They are the law. And they As soon as a Winter Weather Parking Ban is deemed exist to keep vulnerable road users, like school children and necessary, the City will use various forms of older adults, pedestrians and cyclists, with a degree of communications to let residents know when to expect the safety. Ban. This includes social media,, the City’s App, Since July 2020, the City of Ottawa has four speed cameras TV and radio notifications. I encourage all residents to sign in use, rotating through seven identified school zones. up to receive an email letting them know about the Regrettably, this technology is limited to school and safety Winter Weather Parking Ban. I will also share overnight zones only. I have always taken a strong stand that park ban information via Twitter (@RiverWardRiley.) restrictions on locations should be few and municipalities be To sign up for email notifications, visithttps:// given broad authority in installing the technology where and warranted. The safety of all road users, particularly in select ‘Winter parking alerts’ (bottom of list). residential communities continues to be a major priority for I would also encourage residents who tend to park on the me as your Councillor. You may find more information on street to please consider alternative options when a snow the current program at event is forecasted including discussing with neighbours if sign-avoid-photo-get-picture. an extra parking spot is available at a neighbouring home, Meet your local Community Police Officer temporarily parking in a City designated Park and Ride Constable Darren Joseph location and/or access to a Municipal Parking Garage 613-236-1222 ext 5871 overnight. [email protected] The City of Ottawa also offers residents the ability to ban Born and raised in Ottawa, and a former parking on one or both sides of a residential street resident of Carlington, Darren (DJ) is a through a community-led petition process. Seasonal former CFL, Ottawa U Gee Gee and Ottawa Sooner football parking restrictions (December 1– March 31) can be player who has returned to his roots to serve his city as a implemented on residential streets to improve winter Police Officer with the Ottawa Police Service. Darren has maintenance if the required support (66%) is achieved been with the OPS for 15 years now, on Patrol, through a local petition. If this is something that you wish Neighbourhood Resource Team and as a School Resource to take on, please contact my office. Please note any will meet wayfinding needs into the future. Corso means requests moving forward would be for Winter 2021-2022. main street or boulevard in Italian, and Corso Italia is the Watch for Snow Contractor Scams ceremonial name for nearby , which runs through Little Italy. While we'd like to think the winter snow will never come, we know that it is inevitable. With that in mind, Ottawa Dow’s Lake Bylaw Services would like to remind you that while many The name ties in with the adjacent neighbourhood, and an people who come to your door offering snow removal important landmark and destination for customers. services are legitimate, you should always be diligent Stretching from Centretown all the way to Kanata, Carling before making a purchase. Visit for helpful is a very long street. It is also the closest cross-street to information and a list of licenced contractors. another station– Lincoln Fields – which could be Proposed Names for Two Stations on O-Train Line 2 confusing for customers. OC Transpo has launched a public consultation to get The recommended names were also chosen based on feedback on two station names for -O Train Line 2, part of established criteria and transit industry best practices, the Stage 2 expansion and improvements. including: The consultation will run from October 29 to November 12. • Meaningful geographic reference We would love to hear what you think of the proposed • Easy to understand in French and English names and welcome suggestions for alternatives. • Easy to pronounce • Easy to write You can have your say on these two names: • Unique from other stations and city locations • Corso Italia (new station at Gladstone Avenue) • Established station names • Dow’s Lake / Lac Dow (currently Carling Station) To participate in the consultations, visit Corso Italia Draft Budget 2021 The previously suggested name, Gladstone, references the The City’s draft budget for 2021 was tabled at a special nearest street to the station. Gladstone Avenue is named City Council meeting on Wednesday, November 4. for the former U.K. Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), who opposed the emancipation of enslaved The draft budget includes a 3% increase to the municipal people early in his political career. In recognition of this, tax rate, which would see the average urban homeowner Corso Italia is proposed as a more appropriate name and it pay an additional $115 per year. COVID-19 has put financial pressure on the City, with welcome. staff projecting a $59.6-million deficit this year. • Heron COVID Care Clinic, 1485 Heron Rd, 8-3:30pm, Council received a report the second-quarter status Monday to Friday. 6 months and older welcome. of this year’s budget, along with a year-end budget • Coventry Rd Drive-Thru Assessment Centre, 300 Coventry forecast. Although the City is currently in a good Rd, 10am-6pm daily (14 yrs + ) position with cash flow, a resurgence of COVID-19 • COVID-19 Assessment and Care Clinic at the Ray Friel Rec could worsen cash flow and the projected deficit. If Centre (1585 Tenth Line) in Orleans, 8-3:30pm, Mon-Fri. you would like to attend an upcoming committee 6 months and older welcome. Meeting and speak to the committees on the 2021 • Select Pharmacies across the City City Budget, please send me an email at [email protected] and my office will help For the most current information and links to book your get you on the speakers list. appointment, visit or call 613-580- 6744. Links to the individual appointment websites can also be found on my website at covid19-testing-update/ Mental Health While we continue learning to live with COVID-19. OPH is aware that many members of our community are feeling stressed, hopeless, and discouraged. We have been through so much together these last eight months. I encourage you to remain hopeful. Don't hesitate to think ahead to the time when the pandemic will end. One lesson from the past: health crises do pass. And it’s up to each of us to do our part Clothing Donation Boxes while we wait. Public Survey Ottawa Public Health and The Royal Mental Health Centre As part of the City's By-law have collaborated to produce the “Protecting Your Mental Review Workplan, City staff Health” series to help protect and promote mental health in are currently conducting a our community. review of the Clothing Please review the resources located here, and share widely Donation Box By-Law. within your communities. The resources are intended to help This review will examine the you make choices to protect you and your families’ mental current regulations with health, as well as information about how and where to access respect to the operation of clothing donation boxes mental health supports. within the City of Ottawa. City staff will use the CHEO Offering New Drive-up Mental Health Vitals Clinic feedback from the public survey to help shape any future amendments to those regulations. The review To safely meet the needs of children and youth who are will also examine best practices employed by other accessing CHEO mental health services during the COVID-19 municipalities within and across the country. pandemic, CHEO has transformed its location into a drive-up clinic for monitoring vital signs — a necessary You can participate in the survey HERE. in-person service needed to provide the best care possible. It supplements their ongoing virtual care and is designed to COVID-19 UPDATES keep everyone as safe as possible with masking, physical COVID-19 Testing Centres distancing and limited time indoors. In Ottawa, your testing centres are: The new drive-up clinic complements CHEO’s outpatient mental health visits currently being done virtually. Regular • Brewer Arena Assessment Centre, 151 Brewer vital-sign check-ups are an essential part of caring for Way., 8:30-7:30pm daily children and youth with mental health needs, especially • CHEO Assessment Centre (2months-17yrs old), those who are taking medications. 151 Brewer Way, 8:30-7:30pm daily • Moodie COVID Care Clinic, 595 Moodie Dr. 8- Pre-pandemic this would have been done during a full, in- 3:30pm, Monday to Friday. 6 months and older person visit. These check-ups assess height, weight, heart rate and blood pressure, and allow the care team to see • Caregiver Support how a child or youth is adjusting to a new medication, • Dementia Support monitor for any negative side-effects, order bloodwork • A Friendly Voice – telephone visiting line for seniors if necessary, and detect potential problems early. who may be feeling lonely or isolated Influenza (flu) Coming Events The goal of OPH’s influenza vaccination campaign is Holiday Fun Day - December 19—My office is simple: surpass our previous years percentage of the coordinating a Holiday Fun Day on Saturday, December population who get immunized. OPH hopes to reach 19 to celebrate the end of the year and the start of the individuals who typically don’t present for the flu shot Christmas Holiday Season. Details are still being in a regular year. developed as current restrictions would prevent an in- Immunization against seasonal influenza is shown to person event from occurring. Should the current reduce hospitalizations and deaths. The flu vaccine will restrictions be loosened for Ottawa, we hope to have a not protect against COVID-19, but will help reduce an controlled, family-friendly event on that date. Please individual’s risk of getting the flu and COVID-19 at the watch for my December e-Newsletter for more same time. Having both illnesses together could put information. Sign up at [email protected] to individuals at a higher risk for severe illness. Anyone receive updates on this event. aged six months and older who lives, works or attends school in Ontario is eligible to receive the publicly funded flu vaccine. Residents can get their flu shot at the following locations: • Health Care Providers • Ottawa Public Health Community Clinics • Participating Pharmacies • Targeted outreach to congregate care settings and using a mobile RV and van to address specific areas with outstanding needs When more people get their flu vaccine, the odds of the flu virus spreading goes down. This protects those who are most vulnerable. More information regarding participating pharmacies and Ottawa Public Health’s Community Clinics can be found at COVID-19 Response Site – Champlain Community Support Network Seniors and adults with disabilities can access support services during the COVID-19 pandemic through the Champlain’s COVID-19 Response Website. Information on the following resources can be found on the website: Do you receive my monthly • Meals on Wheels e-newsletter?

• Transportation to medical appointments Sign up to receive it directly to your inbox by sending • Telephone Safety Checks me an email at [email protected] • Access to social programs by phone or online My newsletter contains updates on city decisions, • Help with food and grocery delivery planning files, community initiatives and more. | 613-580-2486 | [email protected]