
Heyford Park Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held in the Community Centre, Heyford Park on Wednesday 15th May 2019 at 7pm Present: Cllrs Dickie Bird (Chairman), Tim Coggins (Vice Chairman), Alan Harris, Sally Freeland, Philip Livings (co- opted on the night) and Brian Moss. Also, in attendance: Lorraine Watling, Council (CDC), District and County Cllr Ian Corking, Mark Thielke and two others. Not Present: Cllrs J Macnamara and B Wood. 1/19 Apologies: District Cllr James Macnamara 2/19 Signing of the Acceptance of Office Forms: All of the new Cllrs signed their Acceptance of Office Forms in the presence of the Proper Officer (Clerk).

3/19 Election of the Chairman and Signing of the Acceptance of Office form: Cllr Bird proposed Cllr Coggins to be Chairman but he declined the nomination due to his current commitments, including a young family. Cllr Coggins proposed Cllr Bird to be Chairman and he accepted the nomination. Cllr Harris seconded the motion and the Council unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr D Bird be Chairman for 2019/20. He signed his Acceptance of Office Form in the presence of the Proper officer (Clerk).

4/19 Election of Vice Chairman: Cllr Bird proposed Cllr Coggins to be Vice Chairman and he accepted the nomination. Cllr Freeland seconded the motion and the Council unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr T Coggins be Vice Chairman for 2019/20.

5/19 To confirm that all Cllrs have submitted their Election Expense and Register of Members Interest Forms to Cherwell District Council: All Cllrs confirmed that they had submitted their election expenses and Members of Interest forms to Cherwell District Council.

6/19 Co-option of two additional Councillors: After the election there were two vacancies still to fill on the Council. Philip Living had served on the shadow council and put himself forward as a candidate. Cllr Coggins proposed that Philip Livings be co-opted onto the Council, Cllr Harris seconded the nomination and the Council unanimously RESOLVED that he be co-opted. Cllr Living signed his Acceptance of Office Form and joined the Council. Carole Gother had also served on the Council and was at the meeting. She had not stood for election due to her work commitments but said that she would be willing to join the Council if she was needed at a later date. The Chairman thanked Carole for her willingness to help if required noting that he was aware of other local people who were interested in applying to be co-opted. Action: The Clerk will send a vacancy notice to the Valley News advertising the vacancy. Cllrs will also ask anyone who is interested to contact the Clerk.

7/19 Re-organisation of the Agenda to Take the District and County Cllr Reports next. Cllr Ian Corkin was at the meeting but also had to attend another meeting that night so the Council agreed to take his joint report as the next agenda item.

8/19 County and Cherwell District Council Update: County Cllr Ian Corkin is both a District and County Cllr for Heyford park and presented his report. The main points included the following: Cherwell District Council: 1. The new Council was formed the night before. 2. Housing will still be a priority area with growth expected around , and as part of the Heyford Park Master Plan. 3. There will be an increased emphasis on the need for new developments to include Affordable Housing. The is currently a target of 30% rising to between 32-33% but this is not good enough. There will also be a greater emphasis on Social Housing. The Parish Council made Cllr Corkin aware that the current proposals for Affordable Housing mean that they would all be built in the centre of the site by the shopping precept and surrounded by much more expensive homes, rather than being situated amongst these expensive houses and thereby making the community more inclusive. Action: Cllr Corkin will discuss with the planning officer. 4. The garden shared ownership scheme is working well. Cllr Corkin gave an example whereby for a £5k deposit a person would pay between £500-600 for their rent/shared ownership on a 1-bedroom house. He also noted that developing Bicester had challenges as much of the retail is currently re-aligning around Bicester Village and Bicester Avenue. The High Street needs to be maintained as well to maintain the heart of the town. 5. The regeneration of Kidlington is on-going. 6. The Planning Inspector is currently considering the overspill proposals. 7. The Castle Quay re-development is now underway and it was recognised that there will be reduced parking availability for the new future which could cause problems. 8. CDC is unpicking the successful shared services that it had formed with South Northants DC because these can no longer continue due to the fall-out from Northampton County Councils financial position.

Oxfordshire County Council: 1. CDC and OCC are developing a relationship. 2. OCC are still under pressure to save money even though it has already made significant savings. 3. The 250 current bus service is disappearing as the bus operator is handing back the route, however there is likely to be a new operator and so no break in service. It was noted that the s106 agreement doesn’t require a bus service that takes in Heyford Park – only one that runs between Bicester and Oxford. There will need to be a wider hub and to keep the bus services sustainable there will need to be a commuter service. This means that the bus may have to take people from Heyford Park to Bicester railway station instead of to Oxford. 4. The installation of the crossing by the nursery is almost complete and there will be a combination lock to access the gate. 5. He will talk to Dorchester Living about the need for a Health centre. 6. He said that out of his Cllr allowance he is looking at putting money into the vets and the community garden. 7. Cllr Corking noted that Fix My Street is excellent at reporting highways issues and that if they are reported as being a health and safety issue they will be actioned as a matter of priority. Cllr Corkin asked the new Parish Council to let him know what support they need. He updated Cllrs about the re-working of J10 of the M40 and the current traffic issues at and . Cllr Corkin recognised that there is still work to be done in relation to future S106 funding towards a cemetery although this was not in the original master plan. Upper Heyford is also pushing for this. He noted that Cllr Wood is currently actively promoting the need for Heyford Park to have some sort of community asset with the CDC planning officers. The Parish Council made Cllr Corking aware of the planning breaches at the Duvall Mobile Home Park and the lack of enforcement on the part of CDC. Action: Cllr Corking will investigate the lack of planning enforcement and took away a variety of documents supplied to him by a Cllr at the meeting. The Mid-Cherwell neighbourhood Plan has now been adopted. Heyford Parish Council will be formally invited to become a member of the forum. Cllr Coggins is currently the representative for the Residents Association and is happy to continue in this role on behalf of the Parish Council. Action: Cllr Coggins will speak to the Chairman of the NP, Martin Lipson about Heyford Park becoming a member of the forum. Cllr Corking left the meeting at 8.10pm

9/19 Parish Cllr Roles: The Council agreed to establish a Planning working group the membership of which would be: Cllrs Coggins, Harris and Moss. The Council also agreed that the following Cllrs should led on the following areas: Dorchester Living – the Cllr Bird Residents Association Liaison – Cllr Livings Neighbourhood Action Group/Police – Cllr Harris Upper Heyford Liaison – Cllrs Bird and Freeland

It was agreed that on every agenda there would be a standing agenda item called ”Update from the Residents Association”.

10/19 Re-organisation of the Agenda to Take the 10 Minute Open Forum next. A resident wanted to address the Council but couldn’t stay for all of the meeting and so the Council agreed to let them address the Council as the next agenda item. The resident was concerned about a sign that has disappeared that used to be positioned where the old water tower had previously stood. This had alerted traffic travelling from Gordon Road towards Dacey Drive of the need to slow down. She then spoke more generally about speeding and the need to install proper speed aware signs off all of the estate roads. It was suggested that there should also be 20mph signs from the choke point where the 20mph limit begins to the chicane at the other end of Camp Road. It was noted that Dorchester Living had previously given permission for speed signs to be positioned on the private roads.

11/19 To confirm the use of the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations: Cllr Bird, Cllr Freeland seconded the motion and the Council unanimously RESOLVED that it would use the current versions of the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.

12/19 To Appoint Professional Bodies and Advisors: Insurance: The Clerk has already arranged insurance for the new Parish Council with Zurich for 2019-20. This will need updating during the year as the council gains equipment and assets. Bank Acct. The Council agreed that the Clerk can investigate setting up a bank account for Heyford Park with Unity Trust Bank. Action: The Clerk will begin the process of setting up a bank account for Heyford park PC with the Unity Trust Bank.

13/19 To agree the signatories for the bank mandate: The Council agreed that there will be a pool of five Cllrs, any two of whom can sign cheques or authorise the on-line payments input by the Clerk. These Cllrs will be: Cllrs Bird, Coggins, Harris, Livings and Freeland.

14/19 To Adopt the General Power of Competence: The Council agreed to follow the advice of the Clerk and not adopt the General Power of Competence until their permanent Clerk is appointed. This is because if they do so and then appoint a Clerk who is not yet CiLCA qualified they will lose the power and will not be able to adopt it again until the next ‘relevant annual meeting’ which will the first meeting after the next routine election in 4 years’ time.

15/19 Recruitment of a Permanent Clerk: The current Clerk recommends that Council use the SLCC model contract and ‘Green Book’ terms when employing their new Clerk. She has already had the job benchmarked by OALC and has also undertaken some investigations with OCC pension services to determine the costs of the Clerk being offered the LPGS pension. She will draft a job description, person specification, advert etc and a report to Council and bring this back to Council for further consideration in order that the recruitment process can be started.

16/19 Budget: 1. The budget for 2019/20 was received and confirmed and the expenditure to date was noted. The Council gave the Clerk blanket agreement to book any training courses that Cllrs wished to attend. 2. A donation request from the Valley News was received and considered. It was noted that the Valley News is delivered to 760 houses on the Park. Cllr Coggins proposed, Cllr Bird seconded the motion and the Council unanimously RESOLVED to make a grant of £700 for this year. Actions: The Clerk will advise Valley News of the grant approval and ask CDC to pay the grant on behalf of the Shadow Council.

17/19 Draft Calendar of Meetings for 2019/20: the draft calendar of meetings was approved subject to the June meeting being amended to read 18th June. Action: The Clerk will amend the list of dates.

18/19 Email Addresses and Web Site: This item is being investigated by Cllr Coggins and will be carried forward to the next meeting.

19/19 Training: The Clerk had previously circulated a list of OALC training courses. It was recommended that as a minimum all Cllrs needed to attend the Roles and Responsibilities training and also something on planning as this is such an important issue to Heyford Park. Cllrs were asked to let the Clerk know the dates and course details of any courses that they wish her to book them onto. Action: All Cllrs to consider the training that they need and to let the Clerk know details of the courses.

20/19 Minutes of the Final meeting of the Shadow Council: the minutes of the final Shadow Council meeting were received and noted.

21/19 10 Minute Open Forum: This item was taken earlier in the meeting.

22/19 Update from Oxfordshire County Council: This item was taken earlier in the meeting.

23/19 Update from Cherwell District Council: This item was taken earlier in the meeting.

24/19 Planning: (i) Planning Applications: No new planning applications had been received since the last meeting. (ii) Planning Breach: This item had been dealt with earlier in the meeting and passed to District Cllr Ian Corkin to progress.

25/19 Logo for the new Parish Council: Cllr Moss provided an update about his research into the use of the proposed new logo for the Parish Council. Unfortunately, the American Air Force was unable to grant permission for the PC to combine their logo with that of the Royal Airforce so other options will be considered.

26/19 Any Other Matters for Consideration: It was noted that there will be a meeting about Rural Policing on the 19th June 2019 – Cllr Harris will attend.

27/19 Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7pm on Tuesday 18th June 2019 in the Heyford Park Community Centre. The meeting closed at 9pm.