Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI Honoring Heroes Memorial Day events inside today

AREA • 16 DAILY GLOBE Thursday, May 23, 2019 Cloudy | High: 54 | Low: 42 | Details, page 2 Local communities SEWER CHECKS grieve over teen girls’ deaths By P.J. GLISSON job.” [email protected] School offi- BESSEMER – An accident last cials also have Saturday morning that resulted been busy in the fatalities of two high ever since school girls in Bessemer has had they first a deep impact on the surround- learned of the ing community. accident early Lauren Powless, 18, and S a t u r d a y Madeline Jackson, 15, died when m o r n i n g . the vehicle in which they were Niemi said he riding went off of Lake Road and Lauren and Wineb- Powless struck a tree at about 2:30 a.m. in urner met Ironwood Township. then with Zachery Hammond, 20, of members of Ironwood survived the crash their immedi- with minor injuries. ate crisis The two girls also were from team, which Ironwood, but they were students includes Mark at A.D. Johnston Junior and Movrich, Nick Senior High School and shared Heikkila and the additional bond of having Diana Han- been foster sisters. son, as well as “Our hearts are aching,” said some other Bessemer superintendent Dave Madeline staff mem- Wineburner. Jackson bers. Wineburner and Dan Niemi, They noti- ADJ principal, took time on fied the entire Wednesday to talk to the Daily staff, prepared statements, and Globe about how school officials made initial decisions regarding and other members of the com- how to move forward. munity have been trying to help On Sunday afternoon, Niemi students to cope with the tragedy. said the entire school staff met to Students themselves, however, develop a plan regarding how to also found ways to address the address students on Monday issue themselves. Niemi said morning. they organized a Sunday evening Representatives from the vigil on their own at the site of Gogebic-Ontonagon Intermedi- the accident, where they left ate School District, other area flowers and photos. schools, local law enforcement, “The kids were almost a step and other agencies also attended. Bryan Hellios/Daily Globe ahead of us,” said Niemi, who LOGAN KITTELL, employee at Green Bay Pipe & T.V., pulls up the remote controlled camera vehi- added, “I think the healing start- cle Tuesday from a manhole on Second Avenue in Hurley. The crew is televising the city’s sewer ed at that point. They did a great lines to check the conditions of the pipes. ACCIDENT — page 5 Mining bill passes Michigan house Committee By RICHARD JENKINS Rep. Steven Johnson – a Other representatives who the administration, I’m confi- meeting discusses [email protected] Republican who represents the represent the Upper Peninsula dent there’s a clear path forward LANSING – A bill to create a 72nd District near Grand Rapids also praised the legislation; in passing the bill. I’m excited to substance abuse committee to advise on mining downstate – cast the lone no including Rep. Greg Markka- get this done for my district.” regulations in the state recently vote against the bill, according to nen, who represents Gogebic The Senate’s Natural passed the Michigan House of County and the rest of the 110th Resources Committee heard tes- funds Representatives. If the bill becomes law, the District. timony on the legislation By BRYAN HELLIOS The bill to establish the Com- committee would be “Responsi- “Our core mining industry Wednesday. [email protected] mittee of Michigan’s Mining ble for making advisory legisla- has been hampered by a lack of “This is an important step in BESSEMER – Members of the Future passed the House 107-1 tive and policy recommenda- coordination among stakehold- helping Michigan – and espe- Gogebic County Finance, Budget- on May 16. tions to strengthen and develop ers, regulators and communi- cially the Upper Peninsula – to ing and Auditing Committee “My bill to create a committee sustainable mining practices in ties, and I look forward to the bolster its mining industry, expressed disappointment with on Michigan’s mining future had Michigan while protecting the implementation of a committee encouraging it to thrive, create Ironwood Area Schools during near-unanimous support on the environment,” according to to put an end to those road- jobs and protect our treasured Wednesday’s finance meeting. House floor. Work on this bill Cambensy’s news release. blocks,” said Markkanen, R-Han- natural resources for years to Dan Siirilla, member of the began in 2015 when it was According to Cambensy, the cock. “This advisory committee come,” said Sen. Ed McBroom, committee, said the county has announced that the Empire 15-person committee would would help us bridge the gap R-Vulcan, who chairs the comit- made numerous attempts for Mine would be idled,” state Rep. include representatives from and bring more quality jobs to tee. “There is broad, bipartisan them to accept $250 from a Sara Cambensy, D-Marquette, mining operations, local govern- our communities.” support for this effort, and I am Upper Peninsula organization said in a news release. “Elected ments, environmental non-prof- With the passage in the pleased we can work together to fighting against substance abuse. officials, labor and industry its, the state’s tribes, the United House, the legislation moved to support this historic and impor- “It’s free money, why wouldn’t leaders in Marquette County Steelworker’s Union. It would the state senate. Cambensy was tant industry in our state.” they do it,” he said. “At least buy knew we needed to take a long- also include officials from the optimistic about its chances to McBroom, who represents them pizzas if nothing else.” term look at the future of mining Michigan Economic Develop- be signed into law. Gogebic and Ontonagon coun- NorthCare Network’s Sub- in our state, and come up with ment Corporation, the Depart- “The bill will move now onto ties as part of his 38th Senate stance Use Disorder committee legislative policies to help allevi- ment of Natural Resources and the Senate, where we can expect district, said the measure will ate the bust and boom cycles in the Michigan Department of to see similar support,” Camben- now head toward the full Sen- the industry.” Environmental Quality. sy said. “With the approval of ate. FUNDS — page 5 Hearing to determine possible return of jobs to White Pine area

By JAN TUCKER Community Development Block Ontonagon County turned over Mine as a part employee owned to the EDC since that time have [email protected] Grant program. According to to the state and managed by and part privately owned opera- been used for revolving funds for WHITE PINE – Jobs could be Zack Halkola, PM Power Group Northern Initiatives in Mar- tion. The fear was the White Pine economic development. Through returning to White Pine in the Chief Operating Officer, the quette. Copper Company would pull the the years the funds were loaned near future. A June 4 hearing to refinery process would recycle 3 If approved, the funds would pumps and the mine would be to new or expanded businesses, be held in Ontonagon could be million pounds of cathode annu- come full circle. Originally, the flooded, ending the hopes of some which were successful and the answer. ally and return 15 jobs to White funds came from the state to reopening the mine. The Onton- some which failed. The most The hearing is a request by PM Pine. Ontonagon County in the 1980s agon County EDC loaned the Power and the White Pine Refin- The requested funds are part when the negotiations were on money to the mine and was later ery for a $490,000 loan from the of the Revolving Loan fund that for the sale of the White Pine paid back. The paid back funds JOBS — page 5 TODAY INDEX Cloudy — Details, page 2 Business ...... 14 75 cents Classifieds . . . . .13-15 Wednesday Today’s records Snowfall Comics ...... 12 Vol. 100, No. 156 High 59 High 86 (1950) 24 hours to 7 a.m. Community ...... 3 Low 45 Low 25 (1917) Wednesday none Snow depth 0 in. Obituaries ...... 6 Year ago today Precipitation Season total 182.8 in. Opinion ...... 4 High 76 24 hours to 7 a.m. Last year 172.3 in. Low 48 Wednesday 0.28 in. Sports ...... 9-10 l 2 THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFO ORECAST FOR IRONWOODIR RONWOOD


Scatteredd Cloudy Partly Cloudy Partly CloudyC Chance Rain T-stormss 54° 42° 59° 48°488° 60° 45° 63° 41° 56° 43° Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: 88-11-11 mmphph W 77-13-13 mmphph SSEE 110-140-14 mmphph W 7 mmphph SSWSSW 7 mmphph NNNENE

Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK 50/40 Todayy we will see cloudy skies with Bergland a high gh temperature p of 54°,54°, humidityy 56/41 of 79%.79%%. West wind 8 to 11 mph. The Wakefield Ironwood recordd high temperature for today is Saxon 56/41 54/42 Marenisco 89° seset et in 1950. 55/43 Bessemer 56/40 Associated Press Upson Hurley 56/41 Watersmeet THIS IMAGE taken from video provided by KOCO-5 shows homes dangerously 55/42 SUNS AND MOON 54/42 57/40 close to the Cimarron River on Wednesday, near Crescent, Oka. Waterlogged parts Mercer of the central U.S. were bracing Wednesday for more rain, following days of severe 56/41 Manitowish storms that have battered Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. 57/42 SunriseSunri ...... se ...... 5:18 a.m. Minocqua SunsetSunse ...... et...... 8:36 p.m. 58/44 MoonriseMoon ...... nrise ...... 12:21 a.m. Rivers rising in waterlogged MoonsetMoon ...... nset...... 9:20 a.m. ALMANAC REGIONALREGIONAL WEATHER NATIONALNAATIONAL WEATHER central US; more rain to come

Yesterday TodayFri. Today Fri. OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) stage, at Muskogee, Okla- stage from Iowa through High ...... temperature.....59 Ashlandd 70/48 sh 68/60 sh ChicagoChicaago 77/53 sh 78/65 t – Waterlogged parts of the homa, was expected to southern Missouri and Illi- Low ...... temperature ...... 45 Duluth 57/42cl 53/46 sh DallasDallas 89/73mc 87/71 mc central U.S. braced eventually reach 43.5 feet. nois. At St. Louis, the Mis- Precipitation ...... 0.23" Eau ClaireCla aire 75/51 sh 74/64 mc KansasKansaas City 77/69 t 81/67 t Wednesday for more rain, Officials encouraged resi- sissippi was expected to 0.28’’ EscanabaEscanabba 59/43mc 49/39 sh Los AngelesA 65/55sh 69/57 s following days of severe dents in several communi- crest Monday at nearly 12 Grand RapidsR 72/49 sh 71/63 sh New YorkY 72/64 sh 76/59 s storms that have battered ties along the river to leave feet above flood stage. If MOON PHASES Green BayB 66/47pc 61/51 sh Orlandondo 90/72s 92/74 s Madisonn 68/52 s 66/62 sh PhoenixPhoennix 78/60 s 88/64 s Iowa, Kansas, Missouri their homes. that holds, the Coast LastLast N Newew F Firstirst F Fullull MarquetteMarqueette 55/42sh 49/39 sh SeattleSeattlle 74/55s 63/54 sh and Oklahoma and caused But Bynum, Tulsa’s Guard will likely close the RhinelanderRhinelaander 60/43 mc 59/52 sh WeatherWeathher (Wx): cl/cloudy; fl/flurries; pc/partly at least three deaths. mayor, said his city of more river to navigation for the St. Paul 64/52mc 75/54 sh cloudcloudy;dy; mc/mostly cloudy; ra/rain; rs/rain & Authorities urged resi- than 400,000 people was second time this month. snowsnow;; s/sunny; sh/showers; sn/snow; ss/snow 5/26 6/36/10 6/17 Wausauu 63/45 mc 62/54 sh showers; t/thunderstorms; w/windy dents of several small safe so far. Along the Missouri towns in Oklahoma and “The levee system is River, about 50 levees in LOCAL UV INDEX WEATHERW TRIVIA Kansas to leave their working the way it’s sup- Missouri could be over- homes as rivers and posed to right now,” he topped by Saturday as high How many planets from streams rose. In the Mis- said. water levels move down- the suns is the Earth? ? souri capital of Jefferson Near Crescent, about 34 stream, according to the 0 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11+ City, the mayor issued a miles north of Oklahoma Army Corps of Engineers.

mandatory evacuation for City, erosion left several The river was expected to

from the sun. the from n u s e h t m o r f

0-2: Low, 3-5: ModeraModerate, ate, 6-7: High, . an area involving a handful homes hanging over the crest Thursday at 36.1 feet

t e n a l p planet d r i h t third e h t the s i is h t rt r a E Earth : r e w s n A

8-10: Very High, 11+: ExtremeEx xtreme Exposure Answer: of homes. The city’s airport swollen Cimarron River. near the town of Glasgow, also has been evacuated. One unoccupied home Missouri, overtopping agri- The Arkansas River was rolled into the river Tues- cultural levees and inun- approaching historic day, and authorities say dating some homes, high- highs, while the already others could collapse. ways and parkland. high Missouri and Missis- More than 9 inches of Deaths from this week’s sippi Rivers were again ris- rain has fallen since Sun- storms include a 74-year- ing after a multi-day stretch day in parts of Oklahoma old woman found early of storms that produced after an already rainy Wednesday morning in dozens of tornadoes. Fore- spring. Iowa. Officials there say casters predicted parts of “Any rainfall we get just she was killed by a possible Oklahoma, Missouri and continues to saturate the tornado that damaged a Kansas could see more soils that are already satu- farmstead in Adair County. severe weather Wednesday rated. Especially rivers and Missouri authorities said night into Thursday. streams,” said Oklahoma heavy rain was a contribut- “The biggest concern is State Climatologist Gary ing factor in the deaths of more rain,” Oklahoma Gov. McManus. two people in a traffic acci- Kevin Stitt said during a “There is simply dent Tuesday near Spring- news conference following nowhere for this water to field. an aerial tour with Tulsa go” as it flows downstream A fourth weather-related Mayor G.W. Bynum and from Kansas, according to death may have occurred other officials Wednesday McManus. in Oklahoma, where the morning. In Kansas, residents in Highway Patrol said a Associated Press The deluge inundated parts of the city of Iola, woman apparently In this March 6, 2019 photo, , President ’s former per- roadways, closing high- along the Neosho River, drowned after driving sonal lawyer departs the Capitol in Washington. Prosecutors aren’t quite finished ways in 22 Oklahoma were being urged to evacu- around a barricade Tues- investigating campaign finance violations by Cohen. A federal judge in New York counties and 17 Kansas ate and officials had set up day near Perkins, about 45 agreed Tuesday, May 21 to keep search warrant materials related to the investiga- counties, along with more on emergency shelter at a miles northeast of Okla- tion under seal until at least mid-July after prosecutors submitted a letter explain- than 330 Missouri roads. community college, said homa City. The unidenti- ing that the probe is still ongoing. Cohen is serving a three-year prison sentence Amtrak suspended train Corey Schinstock, assistant fied woman’s body was after admitting paying off two women who claimed they had affairs with Trump. service Wednesday and city administrator. If the sent to the state medical Thursday along a route river reaches its predicted examiner’s office to con- between St. Louis and crest of 27.8 feet Thursday, it firm the cause of death. Search warrants tied to former Kansas City because of would be the second-worst Oklahoma Department of congestion and flood-relat- flood ever for the town of Emergency Management Trump lawyer Cohen released ed delays. about 5,400 residents. spokeswoman Keli Cain The Arkansas River, Elsewhere, the Missis- said she isn’t yet listed as WASHINGTON (AP) – light on how Cohen capi- Investigators said in the which was just above 37 sippi River was at or what would be the state’s It was Michael Cohen’s talized financially on his warrant applications that a feet, or 9 feet above flood approaching major flood first storm-related death. numerous contacts with a closeness to Trump imme- corporate entity Cohen cre- Russia-linked company diately after the 2016 elec- ated, Essential Consultants and a sudden flow of for- tion. LLC, received multiple ‘American Taliban’ fighter to be released after 17 years eign money into a bank Cohen quickly deposits from foreign ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) on Sept. who had been interrogat- account he controlled that immersed himself in the sources, including compa- – John Walker Lindh, the 1 1 , ing Lindh and other Tal- led federal investigators to Washington swamp his nies that investigators said young Californian who 2 0 0 1 , iban prisoners. look into whether the boss had pledged to drain. had “significant ties to for- became known as the when al- Television footage of a money might be part of a The lawyer cut deals to act eign governments or are American Taliban after he Q a i d a bearded, wounded Lindh plan to lift U.S. sanctions as a highly paid consultant entities controlled by for- was captured by U.S. forces t e r r o r - captured among Taliban on Russia, according to to several foreign and eign governments.” in the invasion of i s t s fighters created an interna- court filings unsealed domestic companies with Essential Consultants Afghanistan in late 2001, is attacked tional sensation, and he Wednesday. business interests linked to received funds from U.S. set to go free after nearly t h e was brought to the U.S. to Five search warrant federal government deci- and foreign corporations two decades in prison. W o r l d face charges of conspiring applications, from the early sions. that appear to have But conditions imposed T r a d e to kill Spann and providing stages of special counsel Cohen is now serving a approached Cohen “in con- recently on Lindh’s release, John Walker C e n t e r support to terrorists. Even- Lindh Robert Mueller’s Russia three-year prison sentence nection with political slated for Thursday, make and the tually, he struck a plea bar- investigation in 2017, were for tax evasion, lying to objectives in the Trump clear that authorities P e n - gain in which he admitted made public in response to Congress about a Trump administration,” investiga- remain concerned about tagon. illegally providing support requests from The Associ- real estate project in tors wrote. the threat he could pose The U.S. attacked to the Taliban but denied a ated Press and other media Moscow, and campaign Among them were once free. Afghanistan after the coun- role in Spann’s death. organizations. finance violations related AT&T, which the docu- Lindh, now 38, convert- try failed to turn over al- Lindh received a 20- Cohen, once President to hush-money payments ments show wanted ed to Islam as a teenager Qaida leader Osama bin year prison sentence. He Donald Trump’s personal he orchestrated to two Cohen’s help securing after seeing the film “Mal- Laden. Lindh was captured served roughly 17 years lawyer and confidant, was women who claimed to approval for its merger colm X” and went overseas in a battle with Northern and five months, including not charged by Mueller or have had affairs with with Time Warner, and to study Arabic and the Alliance fighters in late two months when he was prosecutors in New York Trump, the porn actress pharmaceutical giant Quran. In November 2000, 2001. He was present when in military detention. Fed- with anything related to and erotic Novartis, which wanted he went to Pakistan and a group of Taliban prison- eral inmates who exhibit Russian collusion or illegal model Karen McDougal. “access and advice” after from there made his way to ers launched an attack that good behavior typically influence peddling. But the Trump has denied the alle- Trump pledged to fight Afghanistan. He joined the killed Johnny Micheal serve 85 percent of their documents shed further gations. high drug prices. Taliban and was with them “Mike” Spann, a CIA officer sentence. l THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM COMMUNITY THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 3 IRONWOOD FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS

Submitted photo THE IRONWOOD Foundation announced college scholarship grants for graduating en, Isabella Nefstead, Ladd Honkala III, Daniel Adrian, Tristan Carroll, Lawrence seniors at Luther L. Wright High School. The students receiving scholarships are Daniels, Aries Weber, Cody Schwartz, Kevin Hudacek and Robert Ward; fourth row: pictured, from left, front row: Jacob Joki, Sonny Midthun and Ethan Roehm; second Sydnee Lorenson, Katelynn Smith, Theodore Minier, Mercy Kennedy, David Kor- row: Kinley Lyons, Nicholas Niemi, Hayley Jarocki, Ian Hughes, Griffen Revoyr, pela, Adelaine Sackmann, Lalaina Panek, Parker Wilson, David Benson, Alanna Emily Carey, Sophia Halverson, Shawna Jackson, Sarah Murphy, Eleanor Tiziani Cricks, Zachary Hannu, Mackenzie Agee, Kazlyn Weber, Raquel Hurlbut, Isis Geesey and Justice Geesey; third row: Alyssy Lamanna, Jacquelyn WIemeri, Haley Halvors- and Justine Aspinwall.

Memorial Day Remembrances Community Briefs

Bessemer In case of inclement In the event of service will be held at 10 Gogebic County lifts some road restrictions weather, the ceremony will inclement weather, the ser- a.m. on Monday at Lake- BESSEMER – The Besse- BESSEMER – The Gogebic County Road Commission be held in the A.D. John- vice will be held in the view Cemetery. mer Memorial Day pro- annouced that 2019 weight restrictions will be lifted on ston gymnasium. Marenisco Township Hall. Troops will form at the gram will be held at Hill- county blacktop roads only, effected 6 a.m. next Tuesday. Coffee and rolls will be bridge at 9:30 and parade crest Cemetery on Monday All gravel and chip sealed roads will still have seasonal served afterwards at the Mercer from there. at 9 a.m. weight restrictions until further notice. The program will be Bessemer VFW. MERCER, Wis. – The Officers of the Day will be American Legion Ger- hosted by the Bessemer Marenisco Mercer-Manitowish Waters Copper Peak ride opens Saturday American Legion Post 424 oux Post 11 Commander VFW Post 3673 and Ameri- IRONWOOD – The Copper Peak Adventure Ride will MARENISCO – The and VFW Post 9536 will Eddo Maki and VFW Post can Legion Post 27. reopen for the 2019 season on Saturday. The Adventure Marenisco American host two Memorial Day ser- 9084 Commander Jack Lil- 1st Sgt. Timothy Rang, Ride lets visitors rise to the same heights as the athletes Legion Post 523 will host a vices Monday. lar. U.S. Army, retired, will be who have flown down the hill in years past. After an 800- Memorial Day service in At 10 a.m., there will be John K. Grayvold, U.S. the guest speaker. Gogebic foot chair lift ride to the crest of the hill – a 360-foot cop- Marenisco Cemetery on a service in the Mercer Marines, retired, will give County Veterans Services per-bearing volcanic outcrop – visitors take an 18-story Monday at 11:30 a.m. Cemetery, followed by a the address. Officer John Frello will be elevator to the main observation deck. From there, the Post Commander John 11:30 service at Pine Lawn Members of the VFW master of ceremonies. fearless can walk an additional 8 stories to the top start- Zorich and Chaplain Bruce Cemetery in Manitowish and American Legion aux- Area veterans will par- ing gate. Mahler will offer remarks Waters. iliaries will decorate the ticipate in the presentation At the top, visitors can enjoy the highest unobstructed and prayers. American Legion Com- monument. of the colors, laying of vista in the Midwest overlooking over 2500 square miles, Veterans will offer a rifle mander Warren Johnson American Legion wreaths and firing party. 3 states and even Canada on a clear day. Copper Peak is salute and “Taps” will be will be the keynote speaker. chaplain Mike Salli will The A.D. Johnston High open everyday Monday through Sunday from 10 a.m. played. In case of inclement offer the invocation and School band will offer until 4:30 p.m.. Tickets can be purchased on site, with The service will also weather, the services will VFW chaplain Richard music. Myron and Marcus discounts for children/students (14 and under), and free remember deceased fire- be in the both town’s com- Bolen will give the bene- Re will play “Taps with for children under 5. fighters. munity centers. diction. Echo.” For more information, visit or check Father Dominic The Wakefield-Marenis- The Wakefield-Marenis- co High School band under out Copper Peak on Facebook. Agyapong will give the co High School band under Wakefield invocation and benedic- the direction of Isaac WAKEFIELD – The the direction of Isaac Church hosts ‘Liturgy in Lawn Chairs’ tion. Boehnlein will perform. Wakefield Memorial Day Boehnlein will play. IRONWOOD TOWNSHIP – St. John’s Lutheran on Airport Road in Ironwood will be hosting “Liturgy in Lawn Chairs” on Wednesday June 12 at 6 p.m. Partici- Community Calendar pants are invited to bring their lawn chair and stay for refreshments.

Email calendar items and next to Holiday gas station, Tuesday, May 28 Cafe, Ironwood. Library presents CCC program community news to Ontonagon. Alcoholics Anonymous, [email protected]. Alcoholics Anonymous, open meeting, noon, Salem BOULDER JUNCTION, Wis. – Upper Peninsula based Pickleball, 9 a.m.-noon, For more information, call 906- 7:30 p.m., Our Lady of Peace Lutheran Church, Ironwood. Patterson courts or Ironwood singer/storyteller Bill Jamerson will present a music and 932-2211. Catholic Church, Ironwood. Memorial Building. storytelling program about the Civilian Conservation DOVE Support Group, Mercer Sno-Goers board, Thursday, May 23 noon-2 p.m. 906-932-4990. Corps at the Boulder Junction Community Center on Saturday, May 25 9 a.m., groomer barn. Ironwood/Hurley Rotary Tuesday, July 16 at 7 p.m. The program is sponsored by Pickleball, 9 a.m.-noon, Gogebic County Veterans Club, 12:15 p.m., Elk and Patterson courts or Ironwood Service Officer, 9:30-11:30 the Boulder Junction Public Library and the Boulder Union Station Food Hound Restaurant, Ironwood. Memorial Building. a.m., Ironwood Memorial Pantry and Northern Food Iron County Veterans Ser- Junction Area Historical Society. Admission is free and Gogebic County Veterans Building. 906-667-1110. Bank, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., vice Officer, 1-3 p.m., Mercer, open to the public. It will be held outside under the Lions Service Officer, 10:30-11:30 Breakfast For Your Brain, 252 E. Ayer St., Ironwood. Wis., Town Hall. 715-561- a.m., Wakefield City Hall; 1-2 10 a.m., Mercer, Wis., Com- Club Pavilion but, in the event of rain, will be moved Alcoholics Anonymous, 2190. p.m., Watersmeet Township; munity Center. 715-561-2695. inside to the Community Center. 11 a.m., Salem Lutheran Mercer Health and Well- 2:45-3:15 p.m., Marenisco Alcoholics Anonymous, Church, Ironwood. ness Pickleball, 3-6 p.m., Township. 906-667-1110. noon, Salem Lutheran Church, Community Pickleball Mercer Community Center. Alcoholics Anonymous, Ironwood. Paddlers, 2-5 p.m., Mercer IMPACT Life Support noon, Salem Lutheran Church, Ironwood Kiwanis Club, School gymnasium. 715-776- Group, 6:30 p.m., Woodland Ironwood. noon, Golden Dragon. 4588. Church, Ironwood. SMART Recovery, 4:30 Woods and Blooms Gar- Community Night Meal Superior Bike Ride, 6:30 p.m., 101 E. Mary St., Besse- den Club, 6:30 p.m., Haines Free Supper, 5-6 p.m., Apos- p.m., Rigoni’s Bar, Ironwood. mer. Civic Center, Mercer, Wis. tolic Lutheran Church, Aurora Adult Children of Alco- ReGeneration Youth, Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 Street, Ironwood. holics, 7 p.m., Samaritan 5:30-6:45 p.m., ages 10-11; p.m., Episcopal Church of the Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 Counseling, Ironwood. Relentless Youth, 7-9 p.m., Transfiguration, Ironwood. p.m., Salem Lutheran Church, Narcotics Anonymous, 7 ages 12-18; Lighthouse Faith SUMMER INTERN WANTED Ironwood. p.m., Salem Lutheran Church, Center, Ironwood. Government "The City of Bessemer seeks a college student Ironwood. Alcoholics Anonymous, Sunday, May 26 Gogebic County Road Alcoholics Anonymous, looking to work in project management or in local 6:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Commission, 4 p.m. finance 7:30 p.m., Sharon Lutheran government for a summer internship. The student Church, Hurley. Alcoholics Anonymous, 1 meeting, 4:30 commission Church, Bessemer. Government p.m., closed meeting, Salem meeting, GCRC office. would be working directly with the City Manager Gogebic-Iron Wastewater Lutheran Church, Ironwood. Gogebic Community Col- Government on various projects including video marketing, a Authority, 8 a.m., treatment Mercer Health and Well- lege board of trustees, 4:30 Iron County Board of playground grant, housing demolition, etc. The facility boardroom. ness Pickleball, 3-6 p.m., p.m., Room B22, Solin Center. Adjustment, 10 a.m., court Downtown Ironwood Mercer Community Center. Ironwood City Commis- internship is unpaid with a flexible schedule. Stu- house. Development Authority, 8 Narcotics Anonymous, 7 sion work session, 4:30 p.m., Iron County Information dents can intern up to 20 hours per week. Inter- a.m., meeting, Conference p.m., Wesley United Methodist Women’s Club Room. Technology Committee, 5 Room 1, second floor, Memori- Church, Ironwood. Ironwood Township ested applicants can email a resume and cover p.m., Iron County Courthouse al Building, Ironwood. Alcoholics Anonymous, Board, 5:30 p.m., Township letter to Charly Loper at Charly.Loper@besse- Board Room, Hurley. 7:30 p.m., Sharon Lutheran offices." Friday, May 24 Church, Bessemer. Iron County Board, 6 Thursday, May 30 p.m., court house. Mercer Cribbage, 9:30- Monday, May 27 City of Hurley Planning Pickleball, 9 a.m.-noon, 11:30 a.m., Mercer Senior and Zoning Committee Meet- Patterson courts or Ironwood Center. Alcoholics Anonymous, ing, 3 p.m., Hurley City Hall Memorial Building. Double Trouble, 11 a.m.- noon, Salem Lutheran Church, Meeting Room Gogebic County Veterans 12:30 p.m., Serenity Center, Ironwood. Service Officer, 10:30-11:30 Ironwood. Wednesday, May 29 Overeaters Anonymous, a.m., Wakefield City Hall; 1-2 Mercer Food Pantry, 5:30 p.m., All Saints Lutheran p.m., Watersmeet Township; noon-1 p.m., Railroad Street, Christian Men of the Church, Wakefield. 2:45-3:15 p.m., Marenisco Mercer, Wis. Emergencies: Northland, 6:30 a.m., Uptown Alcoholics Anonymous, 6 Township. 906-667-1110. 715-476-7655. p.m., Our Lady of Peace Alcoholics Anonymous/ Catholic Church, Ironwood. Al-Anon, noon, Salem Luther- an Church, Ironwood. Harbortown AA, 7:30 p.m. '325487923-5,9 EST, Ontonagon United Harbortown AA, 7:30 p.m. Methodist Church basement, EST, Ontonagon United next to Holiday gas station, 08.279$$46.%5-5,91168425,6- The Penokee and Gogebic Development Company Methodist Church basement, Ontonagon. .5487"9((879//%& was formed to begin mining operations at the Colby 2009 Hyundai Santa Fe AWD !**569''3.-98# site. Early mining was at the surface, later mining was underground. The Colby Mine reached a depth LOADED! Only 53,000 miles! (3,487"9((879//%&9##9!!**56923-64 of 1,750 feet. The most productive period for the $ 1$+) )!0 +)) ! 0 )+ '01 10,999 Colby was 1912-1920. The Colby started in 1884 $1 0 + +9110$1)+0 and produced 5,573,051 gross tons of hematite ore *3.9 6-487"9((879//%&952296933, through 1923, its last year. &.-487"9((879//%&979 The Bessemer Area Historical Society will be opening this Memorial Day weekend '869889 8*6988,4 May 25-27 from 1-4pm '879((63.58291187 Visit our Heritage Center Cloverland Motors #/#// Discover Bessemer History 300 E. Cloverland Dr., (U.S. 2) • Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-1202 Bessemer Area Historical Society l 4 THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 OPINION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM DAILY GLOBE Mueller changed everything From now on, the Trump-Russia gave the criminal investigator – affair – the investigation that dominat- Mueller – what he needed, the White Sue Mizell, Publisher ed the first years of Donald Trump’s House said, but we are not obligated presidency – will be divided into two to do the same for Congress. Larry Holcombe, Managing Editor parts: before and after the release of The dispute could take a long time Robert Mueller’s report. Before the to settle. special counsel’s findings were made Byron In the meantime, House public last month, the president’s York Democrats have been reduced to adversaries were on the offensive. stunts to try to grab the public’s In Their Opinion Now, they are playing defense. attention. At the Capitol recently, The change is due to one simple they enlisted Hollywood star John Who is to blame? fact: Mueller could not establish that Cusack to take part in a public read- there was a conspiracy or coordina- impeach me for that?” The ground ing of the entire Mueller report – it tion between Russia and the Trump has shifted in the month since the took 12 hours – as C-SPAN cameras Look in a mirror campaign to fix the 2016 election. report became public. Before the rolled. The event did not exactly cap- Consumers will pay a tariff tax that reflects their The special counsel’s office inter- release, many Democrats adopted a tivate the nation. shopping choices. In the field of economics it doesn’t viewed 500 witnesses, issued 2,800 “wait for Mueller” stance, basing their Now, Republicans have turned the get much more basic. Still, everyday folks can be for- subpoenas, executed nearly 500 anti-Trump strategy on the hope that tables on Democrats by pumping given a lack of understanding. After all, the inner search-and-seizure warrants and Mueller would find the much-antici- new energy into their long-held workings of international tariff policies is not exactly obtained nearly 300 records of elec- pated conspiracy. desire to “investigate the investiga- dinner-table talk. tronic communications, and still Then Mueller did not deliver. And tion.” Barr, who set off enormous Which is why it made news when host could not establish the one thing that not only that – Mueller’s report controversy with his statement that Chris Wallace pinned down the top White House mattered most in the investigation. stretched to 448 pages, with long “spying did occur” against the Trump economic adviser on the topic, cornering Larry Kud- Without a judgment that a con- stretches of minutiae and arcane legal campaign, has taken up the cause, low into acknowledging that China is not paying the spiracy – or collusion, in the popular argument that the public would never assigning U.S. Attorney John Durham United States for higher tariffs – those extra costs fall phrasing – took place, everything read. Democrats searched for a way to look into the origins of the probe. to American import businesses and, eventually, U.S. else in the Trump-Russia affair began to convince Americans that the presi- Anticipation is also building for consumers. to shrink in significance. dent was still guilty of something the release of Justice Department When, say, another 25% tariff is popped on Chi- In particular, allegations that the serious. Inspector General Michael nese goods coming into America, the U.S. business president obstructed justice to cover They devised a plan to turn the Horowitz’s report on the depart- bringing in the Chinese export fronts the cost and up a conspiracy were transformed Mueller report into a TV show, acces- ment’s handling of the case. It is usually jacks up prices to the end user who con- into allegations that he obstructed an sible to millions of viewers who have probably not a coincidence that some sumes the product. The political idea is that con- investigation into a crime that prose- not read even a page of the report Obama-era intelligence figures are sumers will rebel at higher prices and move on either cutors could not say actually itself. They would call key witnesses now pointing fingers at each other to other suppliers for American-made goods or prod- occurred. Although it is legally possi- to give dramatic testimony in tele- over their reliance on the so-called ucts from non-tariff countries. The producing coun- ble to pursue an obstruction case vised hearings that would build sup- Steele dossier, a collection of unsub- try – in this case China – will feel that pressure and without an underlying crime, a criti- port for possible impeachment. stantiated allegations against the mend its ways. cal element of obstruction – knowl- At the same time, they would president compiled by a former Some of that could work, some won’t. For exam- edge of guilt – disappeared the insist that Attorney General William British spy on behalf of the Hillary ple, many tech products – think iPads – are singu- moment Mueller’s report was Barr, who has allowed top lawmak- Clinton campaign. larly delivered from China. Issues can hit in reverse, released. ers to see the full Mueller report with None of this would have hap- too, when China imposes its own retaliatory tariffs. Of course, TV talking heads are the exception of a small amount of pened without the Mueller report’s For example, already Chinese purchases of Brazilian still arguing over obstruction. But grand jury material, was hiding conclusion that the evidence did not soybeans are up 22 percent on the year, striking with the report’s release, the investi- something, and that the hidden establish conspiracy or coordination. American farmers hard. Is that switch permanent? gation moved from the legal realm to material might reveal presidential If Democrats could still claim that Good question. the political realm. And in the politi- wrongdoing. Trump and Russia conspired in 2016, All that makes President Trump’s continuing cal realm, the president has a simple So far, the strategy has not they would still have the upper hand. claim that China is paying the tariffs to the U.S. gov- and effective case to make to the 99.6 worked. The White House, which But after Mueller, that claim is no ernment at least a misstatement of fact. It doesn’t, percent of Americans who are not provided Mueller testimony and doc- longer possible, and Democratic however, make the underlying issue – China profit- lawyers: “They say I obstructed an uments that might easily have been hopes are dwindling. ing at U.S. expense, sometimes through outright investigation into something that did- withheld as privileged, has not been Byron York is chief political corre- theft of technology any less concerning. Such issues n’t happen? And they want to so forthcoming with Congress. We spondent for The Washington Examiner. should be addressed. The question is whether trade tariffs constitute smart strategy. Today in history lowing month. Not to mention, what does a win look like? The In 1977, Moluccan extrem- ists seized a train and a prima- goal-setting has not exactly been precise. What has ry school in the Netherlands; made China such a successful purveyor of goods to By The Associated Press Today’s Highlight in History the hostage drama ended June America is not just that country’s export chops or On May 23, 1934, bank 11 as Dutch marines stormed regime-based plans. Truth be told, Americans do not robbers Clyde Barrow and the train, resulting in the have to leave U.S. shores to identify culprits. This is Bonnie Parker were shot to deaths of six out of nine hijack- death in a police ambush in ers and two hostages, while not entirely a foreign trade policy problem. Consider: the school siege ended peace- – U.S. consumers want cheaper products and they Bienville Parish, Louisiana. On this date fully. don’t think much about where they come from or how In 1788, South Carolina In 1984, Surgeon General they got here. Shoppers flock to big-box retailers to became the eighth state to rat- C. Everett Koop issued a ify the United States Constitu- report saying there was “very pick over shelves stocked with foreign-made products, solid” evidence linking and then brag about how cheap they bought some- tion. In 1814, a third version of cigarette smoke to lung dis- thing. Few give a thought to the fact that most of those Beethoven’s only opera, “Fide- ease in non-smokers. shelves used to be filled with American-made goods lio,” had its world premiere in In 1993, a jury in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, acquitted produced by companies employing U.S. citizens. Vienna. knee if they’re on the field. A ball manager Buck Showal- In 1915, Italy declared war Rodney Peairs of manslaugh- – Meanwhile, U.S. manufacturers in a long list of ter in the shooting death of federal judge ruled that Presi- ter is 63. Actor-comedian- fields found themselves increasingly needing to com- on Austria-Hungary during dent Donald Trump violates the game show host Drew World War I. Yoshi Hattori, a Japanese exchange student he’d mistak- First Amendment when he Carey is 61. Country singer pete with cheap foreign-made goods. Quickly, they In 1939, the Navy subma- blocks critics on Twitter Shelly West is 61. Author discovered their products could be produced cheap- rine USS Squalus sank during en for an intruder. (Peairs was later found liable in a civil suit because of their political views. Mitch Albom is 61. Actor er with overseas labor, giving them not only an a test dive off the New England For the first time in the 36 sea- Linden Ashby is 59. coast. Thirty-two crew mem- brought by Hattori’s parents.) opportunity to compete at price-point but also to In 1994, funeral services sons of TV’s “Survivor,” the Actress-model Karen Duffy bers and one civilian were res- season finale ended in a dead- is 58. Actress Melissa achieve higher returns. The result: Shuttered U.S. cued, but 26 others died; the were held at Arlington National Cemetery for former first lady lock, and a tiebreaker was McBride is 54. Rock musi- plants and unemployed Americans. sub was salvaged and re-com- needed to crown Wendell Hol- cian Phil Selway (Radio- Obviously, American workers are quite capable of missioned the USS Sailfish. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Ten years ago: Former land as the champ. head) is 52. Actress Laurel making great shirts, comfortable shoes, high-quality In 1944, during World War Today’s Birthdays Holloman is 51. Rock musi- II, Allied forces bogged down in South Korean President Roh phones and tablets and televisions and any number Moo-hyun, 62, leapt to his Actress Barbara Barrie cian Matt Flynn (Maroon 5) Anzio began a major breakout is 88. Actress Joan Collins is 49. Singer Lorenzo is 47. of other consumer goods. But Americans won’t work offensive. death amid a widening corrup- tion scandal. Charles Donald is 86. Actor Charles Kim- Singer Maxwell is 46. for these kind of wages: Cambodia, $153 a month; In 1945, Nazi official Hein- brough is 83. International Singer Jewel is 45. Actor rich Himmler committed sui- Albury, co-pilot of the plane Vietnam, $145 a month; or even rising scales in that dropped the atomic bomb Hall of Famer John LaMonica Garrett is 44. China, about $1,400 a month. cide by biting into a cyanide Newcombe is 75. Actress Actor-comedian Tim Robin- capsule while in British custody on Nagasaki, Japan, died in The problem is real but the arguments are pre- OrlOne year ago: NFL owners Lauren Chapin is 74. Coun- son is 38. Actor Adam Wylie in Luneburg, Germany. try singer Misty Morgan is is 35. Movie writer-director sented too simplistically. And fighting the battle on In 1967, Egypt closed the approved a new policy allowing players to protest during the 74. Country singer Judy Ryan Coogler is 33. Actor the tariff front is a blunt instrument that may do Straits of Tiran to Israeli ship- Rodman is 68. Boxing Hall Alberto Frezza (TV: “Sta- ping, an action which helped national anthem by staying in more harm than good. the locker room, but forbidding of Famer Marvelous Marvin tion 19”) is 30. So long as American consumers’ primary interest precipitate war between Israel Hagler is 65. Singer Luka Folk/pop singer/songwriter and its Arab neighbors the fol- players from sitting or taking a is low prices and U.S. companies’ main goal is maxi- Bloom is 64. Former base- Sarah Jarosz is 28. mized profits, solutions to foreign trade issues will Letter to the Editor be hard to come by. At least, though, the current tariff battle should be leisure attending cere- positing Memorial Day as can War – 2,446; World conducted on honest terms. The escalating war is a Memorial Day monies or visiting cemeter- a day for “spring clear- War I – 116,516; World tax on American companies and consumers, who are Reflection ies in remembrance of ances,” “storewide sales,” War II – 405,399; Korean paying the cost until China falls to its knees and those who made the ulti- and “20% off everything,” War – 36,574; Viet Nam capitulates to President Trump’s demands. Don’t To the Editor: mate sacrifice from the and look upon the day as War – 58,220; Persian Gulf hold your breath waiting for that. Memorial Day’s pur- Revolutionary War to the an opportunity honor its War – 383; Afghanistan -Beloit Daily News pose is to publicly honor 21st century Middle East true meaning? War – 2,349; Iraq War – the 1.27 million Americans conflicts, but most will not. Here is the real meaning 4,424. who have given their lives While I realize that the of Memorial Day: The Rev- Please take a moment Thought for Today through 12 wars in the business of America is olutionary War – 4,435 this Monday to remember. 243-year history of the business, would it be too killed; War of 1812 – “Life is like a game of poker: If you don’t put any United States of America. much to ask our nation- 2,260; Mexican War – Col. S.J. Filippo, U.S. in the pot, there won’t be any to take out.” Some Americans will wide and local commer- 13,283; Civil War – Army, Retired spend that extra day of cial interests to forego 625,000; Spanish-Ameri- —Jackie “Moms” Mabley (1894-1975) Saxon, Wis.


PUBLISHEREXECUTIVE ASSISTANT/ACCOUNTING DAILY GLOBE Sue Mizell Jenna Kallas MANAGING EDITOR CIRCULATION Larry Holcombe Marissa Casari USPS 269-980 Award Winning Newspaper Published daily Monday - Saturday ADVERTISING DIRECTOR (except Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Heidi Ofstad Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day) Periodicals postage paid at Ironwood, MI 49938 POSTMASTER – Send changes of addresses to: The Daily Globe, P.O. Box 548, 118 E. McLeod Ave., Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-2211 • 800-236-2887 • Fax 906-932-5358 l THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM AREA / STATE THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 5 Accident all,” said Wakefield- Marenisco superintendent Bessemer parks commission Jason Gustafson to his Grand View From page 1 board of education mem- “Our kids know each bers at their Monday votes to create bump track other, and it impacts all of evening. resident By P.J. GLISSON us,” said Wineburner He explained that hand.” Loper said the state of [email protected] regarding the “welcome” junior high and high According to Granroth, Michigan has a good set up rescued at support received from school students from the BESSEMER – At a spe- “We had pros coming from in terms of protecting city other schools. Moreover, Wakefield K-12 School cial meeting last Friday, the all over just to use our governments from liability Powless also had attended were assembled in the gym Bessemer parks and recre- trails in Chassell.” in such situations. She said Perch Lake Luther L. Wright K-12 Monday morning so that ation commission voted to “There’s plenty of sup- the city could not charge School through her ninth head teacher and coun- begin creating a formal port out there,” said Dustin any fees for the use of such grade. selor Mark Lane could plan toward the creation of Filippini, a member of the a track and added, “We do Campground Niemi commended explain the accident and a bump track to facilitate city’s downtown develop- need to make sure it’s built Corrie Riel, who heads the provide support. mountain bike training. ment authority, who to the appropriate stan- DRUMMOND – A Gogebic County communi- Gustafson added The exact size and attended Friday’s meeting dards and apply annual Grand View man whose ty trauma team from the Wednesday that all area placement of the track have as a guest. maintenance.” boat sank at the Perch Michigan Department of schools had grief support not yet been determined. Filippini said many Lake Campground was Health and Human Ser- workers available Monday. Members agreed that one local kids have signed up Granroth said good rescued by a Bayfield vices, who he said did “a Wakefield-Marenisco of the most viable locations for mountain bike training planning also would entail County Sheriff’s Deputy great job” in directing students and staff also pre- would be the former through the U.P.’s 906 attention to drainage. Tuesday. them. pared sympathy cards and remote control course Adventure Team. Commission member Bayfield County 911 He also commended delivered them with blue within Bluff Valley Park, He added that several Kathie Billie advised that, received a report of a man Crystal Suzik of the Range and yellow flowers to ADJ. since that area has not locations in Gogebic Coun- if such a track is created, in the water near a boat Suicide Prevention Coun- David Jackson, Made- been used in recent times. ty now offer mountain bik- the city should install signs about 70 yards from shore cil. “She offered a lot of line’s brother, will be A.J. Granroth, owner of ing, including Big Powder- that warn to “use at your at the south end of Perch help with the kids, and among 30 students partici- the Mission Skate Shop in horn Mountain Resort, own risk.” Lake Campground at 1:19 she’s been here through pating in their high school Bessemer, told commission Wolverine Nordic Ski Loper said she will p.m., according to a sher- the duration,” he said. graduation ceremony in members that he could Trails, Miners Memorial share the commission’s iff’s office news release, “They don’t give you a ADJ’s gym on Friday help with the process of Heritage Park, and Copper plans on Facebook. after the boat sank. class in this,” said Wineb- evening. Powless also had creating a track. Peak. In other news, the coun- The male was con- urner regarding how the been set to graduate with In introducing He said Big Snow Resort cil also voted to install two scious and floating in the district staff has that group. Granroth, city manager in Wakefield is also look- sets of rappelling hooks on water without a floatation approached the issue. “You “It’s going to be an emo- Charly Loper said, “A.J. has ing into creating a trail at the back side of the bluff device. kind of have to feel your tional day,” said Wineb- very kindly offered to help Indianhead Mountain. within Bluff Valley Park. The first deputy on the way through it.” urner, who added that build it.” “I’d like to see a plan on According to Granroth, scene, Deputy Andrew He said the interplay of Powless’ image will be in a “There’s not really any paper,” said commission who also volunteered to Mika, put on a floatation support among staff, slideshow with her fellow true courses here that will member Allen Archie, who install the bolts, individu- device and swam to the including clergy, local law basketball players. heighten your skills,” said also serves on the city als would climb the bluff man. enforcement and other He added, however, Granroth, who said council. Archie said one on their own and then use The man – who, agencies, and other com- “We’re going to celebrate increasing purchases of contingency should be that the anchors to rappel according to the release, munity members has made their lives” and explained mountain bikes at his shop the park’s picnic area and downward with a partner was laying in the boat that all the difference. “I’m so that both of the lost girls show growing interest in playground are not dis- below to provide supervi- was mostly submerged – proud of them,” he said would want their class- sport. turbed. sion and security. said he was weak, stiff and regarding Niemi and school mates to move forward “When I was growing Filippini said he might Granroth said he even- couldn’t move. staff and added that sup- with their own lives. up,” he said, “we had five be able to drop a tentative tually would like to see Mika raised the anchor port from local law enforce- As a benefit for the girls’ acres set up on my parents’ trail plan over a digital map additional ones installed into the boat and pushed ment, other schools and families, a spaghetti dinner land. We dug everything by of the park. on the bluff’s front side. the boat back to shore. agencies, and other com- will be held on May 28 The man was treated by munity members has been from 4-7 p.m. at VFW Post paramedics with the Great “nothing short of amazing.” 3673 on U.S. Hwy. 2 in Hurley ATV rally kicks off weekend fun Divide Ambulance, accord- “It’s going to affect us Bessemer. HURLEY – Hurley Area consin every year.” in Hurley west of the Iron ing to the release, and Chamber of Commerce A large ATV/ UTV Horse Trailhead. Registra- transported to Memorial Jobs nated representatives. That officials are expecting a parade is planned for Fri- tion is at noon. Racing Medical Center with non- board receives the requests strong turn out for the day. The route begins at a begins at 1 p.m. There will life-threatening injuries. for loans. Ontonagon’s 34th annual Memorial Day staging area 2 miles west of be food, beverages, raffles The man’s name wasn’t From page 1 portion of the fund has ATV/UTV Rally this week- Hurley where trails 77 and and music. released as of Wednesday. recent such loan was for —Richard Jenkins grown to about $600,000. end. 15 meet. Line up begins at Throughout the week- the Two Loons Restaurant The repaid loans however, “There is no better way 3 p.m. with food and bev- end riders will be able to in Silver City. now return to the central to kick of the summer than erages available from the enjoy more than 200 miles The state later required pot instead of the individu- with some off-road riding, Montreal Fire Department. of trails. the Ontonagon Revolving al counties to be used for friends, and family for The parade begins at 7 and A Poker Run will run funds be consolidated with economic development. Memorial Day weekend,” will travel on the trail into today through Sunday. revolving funds from other The hearing on the according a release from the Hurley and along Silver For more information, counties. They have been request for $490,000 eco- Hurley chamber. “Come to Street downtown. including registration, visit managed by Northern Ini- nomic funds by the Power Hurley, WI where we hold On Sunday, there will or call the tiatives and a board with Group and the refinery is the largest ATV rally in Wis- be a mud pit competition chamber at 715-561-4334. representatives from the at 10 a.m. on June 4 at the counties and other desig- Ontonagon Courthouse. THURSDAY EVENING MAY 23, 2019 7:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 In the Gogebic County iZombie “dot zom” (N) ’ In the Dark “Jessica Rab- Page Six TV The Gold- The Gold- Seinfeld Seinfeld Engagement Funds # Board that followed the CW KDLH (TV14) (CC) bit” (N) ’ (TV14) (CC) (TVPG) bergs ’ bergs ’ (TVPG) (TVPG) Big Bang (:31) Young (:01) Mom Life in Piec- Elementary A popular Local 3 (:35) The Late Show With James committee meeting, com- % CBS WJMN From page 1 missioners: Theory Sheldon ’ ’ (TV14) es (N) model is attacked. (TV14) News at Stephen Colbert (TVPG) Corden offered all Upper Penin- Red Nose Day Fundraising and fun. (N) ’ (TVPG) Hollywood Game Night KBJR 6- (:34) The Tonight Show Seth Meyers –Started the meeting & NBC KBJR (CC) (N) ’ (TV14) (CC) News Starring Jimmy Fallon (N) sula high schools the with a moment of silence Red Nose Day Fundraising and fun. (N) ’ (TVPG) Hollywood Game Night TV6 Late (:34) The Tonight Show Seth Meyers money to be used towards for the two teens killed in ( NBC WLUC (CC) (N) ’ (TV14) (CC) News (N) Starring Jimmy Fallon (N) a graduation party for Saturday’s morning crash Grey’s Anatomy ’ (:01) Station 19 ’ (TV14) Shark Tank ’ (TVPG) News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (:37) Night- seniors. on Lake Road in Ironwood * ABC WDIO (TV14) (CC) (CC) (CC) (DVS) ’ (TV14) (CC) line (N) “There are three or four Township. Paradise Hotel “Episode 107” One single has to leave Fox 21 Local News at 9 2 Broke Big Bang Last Man Modern + FOX KQDS ’ ’ ’ in the whole U.P. that did- –Approved applying for BROADCAST the hotel. (N) (Live) (TV14) (CC) (DVS) (N) (CC) Girls (TV14) Theory Standing Family Paradise Hotel “Episode 107” One single has to leave FOX UP 2 Broke 2 Broke Two and a Two and a The Game n’t turn it in, that’s a dis- a Hazardous Materials , FOX FOXUP grace,” Siirilla said. “That’s Emergency Preparedness the hotel. (N) ’ (Live) (TV14) (CC) (DVS) News (CC) Girls (TV14) Girls (TV14) Half Men Half Men ’ (TV14) Ask the Doctors “General Michigan UTR: Under Les Misérables on Mas- Amanpour and Company BBC World NHK Newsline a slap in the face, people in grant. ` PBS WNMU Health / Arthritis” Out the Radar terpiece ’ (TV14) (CC) (N) ’ (CC) News (TVG) (CC) Ironwood Area Schools –Sent an invoice to Escape to the Chateau ’ Shake- (:45) Agatha Raisin ’ I Want My This Old Ask This Escape to the Chateau ’ should be embarrassed of Charter Township of Iron- 4 PBS WLEF (TVPG) (CC) speare (TVPG) (CC) Wife Back House ’ Old House (TVPG) (CC) themselves.” wood indicating the town- _ Heidi Daus Jewelry List-Colleen List-Colleen Heidi Daus Jewelry Beautyrest Mattresses Joe Bonovetz, another ship’s 2018 tax settlement HSN 0 World’s Wildest Weather World’s Wildest Weather World’s Wildest Weather Tornado Alley (TVPG) Tornado Alley (TVPG) committee member, also payout due from the coun- TWC 1 To Be Announced NHL Hockey St. Louis Blues at San Jose Sharks. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) The National (N) (CC) expressed disbelief that the ty has been appropriated CBC 5 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Conan Ironwood district did not against the township’s debt WTBS < Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Married Married take up the offer. to the county. WGN-A > FX›› Men in Black 3 (‘12) Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones. ’ (CC) ›› Men in Black 3 (‘12) Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones. ’ (CC) Hurley School board approves ? CNNAnderson Cooper 360 (N) Cuomo Prime Time (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight 360 @ USALaw & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam employee wage increase A ESPNCollege College Softball SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter W/Van Pelt B Professional Fighters Colleg. Esports Conver. NFL Live (CC) UFC UFC Event By BRYAN HELLIOS CPI for teachers vs associ- ESPN2 C Little Women: Atlanta (N) Little Women: Atlanta (N) (:05) Little Women: LA Little Little Little Women: Atlanta [email protected] ates or other support staff,” LIFE D MLB Baseball Miami Marlins at Detroit Tigers. Tigers Live Champs Tigers MLB Baseball HURLEY – Hurley K-12 he said. FSD F Naked Afraid Naked and Afraid (N) ’ (TV14) (CC) Naked Afraid Naked and Afraid (TV14) School’s board approved a The school is required TDC G (6:30) Project Runway Project Runway (N) (TVPG) (CC) Below Deck Watch What Housewives/NYC Charm raise for school employees to take a “snapshot of every BRAVO H The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Klepper (N) Daily Show South Park South Park South Park during its Monday meet- teacher’s salary in April, COM I Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Tacoma FD Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers ing. then he said the salaries TRUTV J › Coyote Ugly (‘00) Piper Perabo, Maria Bello. (CC) (:15) › Coyote Ugly (‘00) Piper Perabo, Adam Garcia. (CC) Sex-City Kevin Genisot, district are added together and E! K Swamp People (TVPG) Swamp People (TVPG) (:03) The American Farm (:05) Swamp People ’ (:03) Swamp People ’ administrator at the multiplied by the CPI. HIST L The First 48: Gangland Life-Gang Girl Live Rescue: Rewind (N) (:04) The First 48 (TVPG) The First 48: Gangland school, said 45 full-time “That gives us a pot,” he A&E O ››› Elf (‘03) Will Ferrell, James Caan. ’ (CC) Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ teachers will receive said. “That pot of money is NICK P Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger (:01) ››› Hercules (‘97) Voices of Tate Donovan. ’ The 700 Club ’ (CC) ››› The LEGO Movie ’ $1,322.85 more per year than divided equally FREE Q PARMTMom (TV14) Mom (TV14) Wife Swap (N) ’ (TVPG) › Rush Hour 3 (‘07, Action) Jackie Chan. ’ (CC) Wife Swap (TVPG) (CC) and non-teaching staff amongst every teacher.” CABLE R ››› Marley & Me (‘08, Comedy-Drama) Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston. (CC) ›› Me Before You (‘16) Emilia Clarke. (CC) wages increase by 2.44% He explained raises are CMT T ››› Taken (‘08) Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace. (CC) (:05) ››› Taken (‘08, Action) Liam Neeson. (CC) (:05) ›› Focus (‘15) (CC) beginning next school done this way to keep the AMC U NBA Tip-Off NBA Basketball Toronto Raptors at Milwaukee Bucks. (CC) Inside the NBA (N) (CC) Animal Kingdom (TVMA) year. teacher’s salaries consistent TNT V Tonight Hannity (N) (CC) The Ingraham Angle (N) Fox News at Night Tucker Carlson Tonight The wage increase is so people at the top don’t FOXN W (6:00) The Scorpion King ›› The Mechanic (‘11, Action) Jason Statham. (CC) Happy! (TVMA) (CC) (:01) › Push (‘09) (CC) calculated using Wiscon- develop too wide of a SYFY X Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Two Men Two Men King King King King sin’s 2018 Consumer Price wage gap between entry TVLND ’ ’ Index which is 2.44%. level teachers. Y ANPLFish or Die (TV14) Jeremy Wade River Monsters: Legendary Locations (TVPG) Jeremy Wade “If we don’t give an Geniost said the school Z OXYSnapped (TVPG) (CC) Snapped (TVPG) (CC) Snapped (TVPG) (CC) Snapped (TVPG) (CC) Snapped (TVPG) (CC) increase to the CPI, we’re takes its budget into con- [ TOONSamurai Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Rick, Morty Chicken Squidbillies actually losing ground for sideration before spending ≠ HGTVBeach Beach Christina Hunters Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Hunters Christina Hunters staff on what they can money. Æ FOODChopped (TVG) (CC) Chopped (TVG) (CC) Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Chopped (TVG) (CC) afford,” Geniost said. “I’m glad we’re in a ± BIGTENCollege Baseball B1G Show B1G Show College Baseball Big Ten Tournament: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) ’ ’ ’ “It’s a little bit different financial position to do ∂ DISNSydney Sydney Jessie Jessie Sydney Coop Ladybug Bunk’d Andi Mack Bizaardvark when we’re compiling a this,” he said. ∑ TRAVThe Dead Files (N) (TVPG) (CC) The Dead Files (TVPG) The Dead Files (TVPG) The Dead Files (TVPG) ∏ TCM››› Hope and Glory (‘87) Sebastian Rice Edwards. (:15) ›› The End of the Affair (‘55) Deborah Kerr. Journey for Margaret Lottery π EWTNWorld Over Live (N) News Holy Rosary Pro-Life Defend Life Long Ride Women of Daily Mass - Olam ∫ MSNBCAll In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour Rachel Maddow Show ø HALLLove Under the Rainbow (‘19) Jodie Sweetin. (TVG) Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Wednesday 51-54-62-63-67-72-78 Michigan Wisconsin ⁄ FS1Race Hub ARCA Racing Series General Tire 150. (N) (CC) MLB Whiparound (N) TMZ Sports Fair Game Classic Lotto 47: 02-03-20- Megabucks: 21-34-35-38- Õ GSNFamFeud FamFeud America America America FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud 22-25-31 41-46 (129) Law & Order ’ (TV14) Law & Order ’ (TV14) The Name of the Rose (N) (TVMA) (CC) (:12) Law & Order (TV14) Poker Lotto: JD-9D-5H-7H- SuperCash: 03-14-15-18- SUND 10S 30-35, Doubler: Y (501) HBO››› BlacKkKlansman (‘18) John David Washington. (:15) Game of Thrones (TVMA) (CC) (:40) Gentleman Jack ’ Sports Midday Daily 3: 2-7-0 Badger 5: 03-04-10-11-18 (503) HBO2Chernobyl (TVMA) (CC) (:05) Barry W. Cenac Asperger’s Asperger’s (:15) ›› The Nun (‘18) Demián Bichir. ’ (R) (CC) Daily Pick 3: 0-1-3 Midday Daily 4: 3-0-8-1 (531) MAX›› The Invasion (‘07) Nicole Kidman. (:40) ›› The Day After Tomorrow (‘04) (PG-13) (CC) (:45) Warrior ’ (TVMA) ›› Machete Daily 3: 0-2-0 Daily Pick 4: 1-9-2-8 Daily 4: 5-3-3-8 (561) SHOW›› The Kingdom (‘07) Jamie Foxx. ’ (R) (CC) The Chi (TVMA) (CC) Desus Toon Pres. Desus B. Schaub Fantasy 5: 06-09-14-18-20 Multi-state (591) TMC›› Saw (‘04) Cary Elwes. ’ (R) (CC) (:45) ›› Saw II (‘05) Donnie Wahlberg. ’ (R) (CC) ›› Saw III (‘06) Tobin Bell. ’ (R) (CC) Keno: 06-12-13-14-15-17- Powerball: 07-10-20-44-57, (593) TMC2››› The Ides of March (‘11) (R) (CC) (:45) ›››› There Will Be Blood (‘07, Drama) Daniel Day-Lewis. ’ (R) (CC) Lawless 18-20-22-27-33-34-36-41-49- Powerball: 3, Power Play: 2 PREMIUM l 6 THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM Obituaries Bessemer board Madeline Rose ‘Maddie’ Rita Marie (Skoviak) Saari votes to accept

Jackson WHITE PINE, Mich. – Rita Marie (Skoviak) Saari, 2019-20 schedule 71, of White Pine, passed away peacefully at her By P.J. GLISSON nance costs for buses in IRONWOOD, Mich. – Madeline Rose “Maddie” home surrounded by family on Monday, May 20, [email protected] Jackson, 15, of Ironwood, died early Saturday morn- less than the past year have 2019, to the arms of her Heavenly Father. She defeat- BESSEMER – At their ing, May 18, 2019, as a result of injuries sustained in come to roughly one-third ed pancreatic cancer by fighting two years longer regular Wednesday the cost of replacing a bus. an automobile accident. than doctors expected. evening meeting, members He said the board may Madeline was born on July 9, 2003, at Grand Rita was born Sept. 8, 1947, to John and Pauline of the Bessemer area board be better off in retiring any View Hospital in Ironwood, a daughter of Tonya (Chopp) Skoviak in Ontonagon. She grew up in of education voted to old bus that costs too Mata and Dave Jackson Jr. Maddie was a sophomore White Pine and resided there for all but 3 years of accept the 2019-20 sched- much to maintain. student at A.D. Johnston High School in Bessemer. her life. She was proud to be a White Pine Warrior ule for Washington Ele- Superintendent Dave She sang in the school choir and and graduated in 1965. mentary School and A.D. Wineburner said he did Johnston Junior and Senior some research on bus leas- was on the varsity volleyball team. A Celebration of Life service will be held on Tues- Maddie was a member of 4-H High School. ing, which the board had day, May 28 at the White Pine Community Unlike recent years, discussed as an option in a and enjoyed dancing, basketball, Methodist Church under the direction of Pastor cheerleading and swimming. when the school year has previous meeting. Rosemary DeHut. Visitation will begin at 10 a.m., started after Labor Day, the Maddie loved spending time Wineburner said he the service will begin at 11 a.m. and a luncheon will calendar this year will spoke with a representative with her friends and volunteering follow at noon. Interment to follow at the Winona begin on Aug. 27 and will of another district that at a local day care. She participated Cemetery located outside of Twin Lakes. end on June 4. leases all of its more than in an early childhood education Cane Funeral Home will be in charge of arrange- The Gogebic-County 20 buses. class and was extremely proud to ments. Intermediate School Dis- He said he was warned learn CPR. Maddie also took a Madeline Rose trict recently okayed the that it’s important, when “Maddie” The family requests in lieu of flowers to donate to babysitter training course. the Ontonagon County Cancer Society. calendar change. leasing, to stay within the Jackson A four-day holiday on miles noted on the lease She was known as a princess 2003 — 2019 with a golden heart and Maddie Labor Day weekend will agreement or the lease was the best big sister to countless foster brothers Darrel J. Palmquist mean that students attend holder will “hammer you and sisters. school the first week only pretty hard.” on Tuesday, Wednesday Maddie is survived by her mother, Tonya Mata, DULUTH, Minn – Darrel J. Palmquist, 72, of Iron- Under questioning by and Thursday. Matrella, the superinten- Ironwood; her father, Dave Jackson Jr. (Christina), wood, passed away unexpectedly at St. Mary’s Med- ical Center in Duluth on May 13, 2019. A five-day weekend off dent added, however, that Menominee; siblings, David III, Harlow, RJ, Wyatt, will occur during the required maintenance Lucas, Nicholas and Emelyn; grandparents, Pete and He was born to Robert and Lucille (Laabs) Palmquist on Aug. 8, 1946, in Ironwood, Mich. Thanksgiving period, and would be supplied in this Wanda Jousma, Pedro and Amparo Mata and Dave the district will close for region by the leasing com- and Lynn Jackson; and numerous aunts, uncles and Darrel enjoyed hunting, trapping, fishing, and Christmas from Dec. 2 of pany and would be covered cousins. loved animals. He was always there to help a friend this year through Jan. 5, within the cost terms of the Her sister, Lauren, died on May 18, 2019. or neighbor. 2020. lease. A memorial service will be held Friday, May 31, at Darrell is survived by Lynn, his wife of 45 years; The spring break next No action was taken on 1 p.m., preceded by visitation at noon, at the Range two sons, Garrett (Katie) Palmquist and Clint year will be from April 4 the matter. Community Bible Church, 610 U.S. Hwy. 51, in Hur- (Tiffany Campbell) Palmquist; grandchildren, through April 13. At the start of the meet- Other days off in the ley, Wis., with Dr. Dale Harris officiating. Alyson, Ryan, and Celeste; his brother, Craig (Linda) ing, Wineburner called for new year will be on Feb. 17 a moment of silence Arrangements have been entrusted to Jerald Palmquist; his dogs, Harley, Dug, Sky and Lexi; and his cat, Jinx. for President’s Day and on regarding the loss of two Rocco, owner and manager of Lakeside Memorial May 25 for Memorial Day. ADJ high school students Chapel Inc., in Wakefield. Condolences may be The family is requesting donations to offset Dar- rel’s medical costs at the “Darrel Palmquist Memori- Graduation next year will in a vehicle accident last expressed online at be on May 22. weekend. Lauren Powless, al” on In-service days for 18, and Madeline Jackson, James J. Kucera McKevitt-Patrick Funeral Home, Ironwood, is teachers will be on Aug. 21 15, died when the vehicle assisting the family. For more information or to and 22 during the week in which they were riding express online condolences, visit mckevittpatrickfu- WAKEFIELD, Mich. – James J. Kucera, 85, of before school starts, and went off of Lake Road and also on June 5, with addi- struck a tree at about 2:30 Ironwood, passed away on May 21, 2019, in Wake- tional half-days on Oct. 11, a.m. on Saturday in Iron- field. Marilyn Rhea Karling Jan. 17 and Feb. 14. wood Township. McKevitt-Patrick Funeral Home, Ironwood, is In other news, the Board vice president assisting the family. A complete obituary will be WAKEFIELD, Mich. – Marilyn Rhea Karling, 84, board also renewed a dis- Annette Lillie also thanked published at a later date. of Wakefield, died Wednesday, May 22, 2019. cussion on the district’s Wineburner and other Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Jer- bus fleet. school staff for their shep- Dale G. Holmes ald Rocco, owner and manager of Lakeside Memori- Trustee Richard Matrel- herding of students in the al Chapel Inc., in Wakefield, who will release a com- la questioned the ongoing days since the tragedy. expense of maintaining old HURLEY, Wis. – Dale G. Holmes, 73, of Hurley, At the end of the meet- plete obituary notice later. buses and said, “I think ing, the board went into a passed away on May 19, 2019 in Hurley. For reprints or lamination services, maybe it’s about time we closed session to engage in McKevitt-Patrick Funeral Home, Ironwood, is contact the Daily Globe at 906-932-2211 draw the line.” legal consultation regard- assisting the family. Matrella said mainte- ing an undisclosed matter. 3 minutes: Trump meeting with Democrats goes bust Wakefield planning commission changes meeting schedule WASHINGTON (AP) – a shattered bipartisan Garden for an impromptu Trump’s anger had been The curtains in the Cabinet infrastructure effort and an news conference in which building well before he In a special session Monday evening, members of the Room were drawn. The escalation of tension he declared that he would stepped into the Cabinet Wakefield planning commission voted to change their Democrats were waiting. between the president and not work with Democrats if Room for a follow-up meet- regular meeting time to the first Monday of the month at And President Donald the congressional they continue with their ing with Democrats about 5:30 p.m. Trump came and went in Democrats investigating probes. an infrastructure deal that In recent years, the planning commission had been three minutes, never stop- him. He barked at House “I don’t do cover-ups,” both parties already sus- meeting on the second Monday of the month at 4:30 p.m., ping to sit down or shake Speaker Nancy Pelosi for Trump said. “You can’t do pected was on life support. directly before the city council had its first meeting of the hands. earlier suggesting he was it under these circum- Long upset by the wave month at 5:30 p.m. Trump’s angry walkout involved in a “cover-up” stances. So get these phony of Democratic investiga- In prior meetings, city manager Rob Brown and plan- on Wednesday left behind and headed to the Rose investigations over with.” tions into his administra- ning commission members agreed that having one hour tion, Trump was incensed before council meetings would not be adequate time to by reports Tuesday that allow for an ongoing perusal of the city’s zoning ordi- some of his closest former nances. Abelman Clothing aides, including ex-com- Because Brown has declared the study of ordinances munications director Hope as one of the commission’s immediate priorities, mem- Hicks, for whom the presi- bers decided it would be best to choose an alternate night & Footwear dent has long had a soft from the council. spot, were being subpoe- Under the new schedule, planning members next will naed to testify, according to meet on June 3 at 5:30 p.m. in the meeting room of the SALE! SALE! SALE! three White House officials. municipal building. The public is always welcome. UnderArmour and FOX SPORTSWEAR 2019 Tree of Honor & CAPS Bessemer Blast 2019 will hold it’s annual Tree of Honor Sidewalk Lighting Ceremony on Thursday, June 27, 2019, Sale at 7:00 p.m., in the Pocket Park MAY 25, 2019 next to Abelman’s. SAT., This Ceremony is to honor our Military, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. past and present, who have served our Country. A tree honoring our heroes 1/2 PRICE will be decorated in red, white and Men’s blue lights, as well as a sign recognizing our heroes will be on display throughout the festivities. The cost CASUAL SLACKS to honor your special someone is $5.00 and must be PULL OVER sent to the address below NO LATER THAN June 15th. SWEATSHIRTS Name of Honoree(s): Single Layer ______

Originally $64.99 Values to $49.50 Person Purchasing Lights: $ 99 $ 99 Name______SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 44 19 Phone Number______327 S. Sophie St., Bessemer, MI 49911 STORE HOURS: Amount Enclosed: ______(906) 663-4411 or (800) 313-4776 Mon-Thurs 9-5; Mail to: Bessemer 4th of July, Tree of Honor SHOP US ONLINE AT Fri 9-6:30; Sat 9-5; Sunday Closed P.O. Box 213, Bessemer, MI 49911 or drop off at the General Insurance Agency in Bessemer l THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM CELEBRATIONS THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 7 Birth Announcements Layla Theodora Averitt-Kwia Iron County farm welcomes IRONWOOD – Kate Averitt and Aaron Kwiat of Iron- wood are parents of a daughter, Layla Theodora Averitt- Kwiat, born May 5, 2019 at Aspirus Ironwood Hospital. dozens of spring calves Layla weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces and was 21 inches long at birth. By P.J. GLISSON Maternal grandparents Tiffany Averitt and Dale Kujan- [email protected] son of Ironwood and paternal grandparent is Cookie IRON BELT, Wis. – It’s Kwiat, Huntington Beach, Calif. baby season at Spring Creek Jaxson Daniel-Lee Luoma Beef Farm in Iron Belt, Wis., and that means nearly 80 IRONWOOD – Hailey Duncan and Jordan Luoma are calves may be born before parents of a son, Jaxson Daniel-Lee Luoma, born May 8, the end of May. 2019 at Aspirus Ironwood Hospital. “It’s an exciting time for Jaxson weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces and was 20 inch- us,” said Jim Clement, who es long at birth. owns the 360-acre farm He joins his brother, Bentley at home in Ironwood. with his fianceé, Brenda Maternal grandparents are Ronnie Duncan of Ramsay Rose Young. “The most and the late Heather Hicks and paternal grandparents are we’ve had is six born in one Dan and Jody Luoma of Ironwood. day.” Clement, who has the Sienna Rae Wiemeri largest of about 10 beef IRONWOOD – Courtney Bauer-Smith and Kyle farms in Iron County, Wiemeri are parents of a daughter, Sienna Rae Wiemeri, expects to have 175 or more born May 8, 2019 at Aspirus Ironwood Hospital. calves and cattle combined Sienna weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces and was 19 1/2 by summer. The first birth inches long at birth. was on March 20, and 72 P.J. Glisson/Daily Globe Paternal grandparents are Ralph and Sandy Wiemeri. calves were born as of RELAXING ON A recent day with members of her larger cattle community is a calf Wednesday. named Nora at Spring Creek Beef Farm in Iron Belt, Wis. Lola is to the left in front, Retired judge gets portrait at federal court Clement and Young took and Vidalia is the black and white cow to the right. Peering up from behind Lola is time out on a recent day to Precious. Nora’s mom, Nutty, is not shown. Calves receive ear tags with the same in UP interview with the Globe. number as their mother’s tag. MARQUETTE (AP) – The first full-time federal judge They have the birthing pro- in the Upper Peninsula has been honored with an official cess down to a highly earned her name because tious milk that helps calves same colors as the animals’ portrait at the Marquette courthouse. defined art, with each calf “she gets neurotic.” to get a good start, and bot- ear tags. Asterisks are added Timothy Greeley retired in March after more than 30 tagged on the ear with a Each of the moms, along tle-fed it to Woodstock as next to castrated bull calves, years as a magistrate judge in Michigan’s Western Dis- number that matches the with her calf, was designat- Sally supervised. which then are called steers. trict. The Mining Journal says lawyers and current and mom’s tag. Young also gives ed a separate pen within an “We’re just helping her Clement said a birthing retired federal judges from the Lower Peninsula honored every single animal his or enclosed barn that had sev- out,” said Clement, who pen in the barn is always him Monday. her own name at the time of eral additional pens ready added that the sturdy, over- used when time allows, As a magistrate judge, Greeley handled certain phases of birth. as needed. The cows and sized feeding bottle would which occurs with 75 per- criminal cases and civil litigation in federal court. He was 33 For instance, between calves stay inside for at least be used only until the calf cent of the calves. Clement, years old when he moved to the Upper Peninsula in 1988. the night and morning of a few days until the calves could nurse on its own. who calls it “a great piece of A statement from U.S. District Court, based in Grand the interview, Tipper gave are nursing well. All birth records are com- equipment,” said the pen Rapids, says Greeley was “pivotal ... in the difficult task of birth to Dahlia, Sally had Woodstock wasn’t ready puterized, but there’s also a allows for greater safety for coordinating full dockets” for judges who visited Mar- Woodstock, Charlie’s Angel to nurse when he was born, whiteboard in the barn with all parties, as it secures the quette for trials. had Asher, and Psycho had so Young took Sally’s the date of each calf’s birth, mother’s head and body Greeley says he was “blessed” and grateful for a “job of Norman. Young said Psycho colostrum, which is nutri- color-coded by sex in the during the process. a lifetime.” When a calf is born out- side, he said they bring the Democrat cautions about Trump’s July 4th mom and baby inside as extravaganza soon as possible afterward. To assure of proper moni- WASHINGTON (AP) – President Donald Trump’s toring, they check the ani- planned July Fourth extravaganza on the National Mall mals every two hours all could become a giant Trump rally on the taxpayers’ dime, night long. Clement said, a Democratic senator cautioned Wednesday. between him and Young But Interior Secretary David Bernhardt defended combined, they put in 18 to Trump’s still-vague Independence Day plans for Wash- 20 hours a day at this time. ington, D.C., in response to questioning by Sen. Tom “We can kind of tell Udall, a New Mexico Democrat, at a Senate Appropria- when they’re about to have tions subcommittee hearing. it,” said Clement of cows Udall expressed concern that Trump tweets heralding nearing birth, adding that his planned appearance at an amped-up version of this they might separate from year’s fireworks and festivities signaled the president the crowd, or look for a planned to take a “nonpartisan celebration and turn it P.J. Glisson/Daily Globe good place. Physical signs into a de facto political rally.” TOTALLY AT ease with part of their huge herd of cattle are the owners of Spring also may appear, with the Citing the specific statute prohibiting use of federal Creek Beef Farm in Iron Belt, Wis. Shown recently are Jim Clement and his fiancée, most obvious being when agencies for “publicity or propaganda activities,” Udall Brenda Rose Young. The three largest cows in front are, from left, Jess, Lola and the water bag emerges prior asked Bernhardt to guarantee that no taxpayer money Pepper. The small, arced building in the back is where spring calves seek shelter “will be spent on activities that are partisan or serve pure- during colder temperatures. ly to aggrandize this president.” CALVING — page 11 l 8 THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM l THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM SPORTS THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 9 Solberg homers to lead Miners past Devils By JASON JUNO dents to die in a car accident Saturday [email protected] morning in Ironwood Township. IRONWOOD – Peyton Solberg talked “She was kind, she was kind of pas- his dad, Gogebic assistant coach Ross Sol- sionate, she cared about everybody else,” berg, into letting him bat lefty just a couple Solberg said. of weeks ago because he was slumping at Gogebic relief pitcher Anthony Metas the plate. struck out the side in the bottom of the “I found out I had more power with my eighth inning to clinch it for Gogebic. left ... and I started hitting a lot better,” he Metas got the win; he allowed a hit and said. a walk in 1 innings. Solberg pitched the It worked out for the Miners as well on first 6 innings⅔ with five strikeouts and Wednesday as his eighth-inning home run eight hits,⅓ two walks and one run allowed. finally broke a 1-1 tie and gave Gogebic a He went 2 for 4 at the plate, Cade Maz- 2-1 win over rival Ironwood. zon was 2 for 3 and Rocco also had a hit. The teams are hoping to meet here at Roehm led the Red Devils with three Lorenson Field again next week. It would hits. Trier, Wilson and Bo Mattson each mean they both advanced to the Division 4 had two hits for Ironwood. District 97 championship game. Wilson pitched the first 7-plus innings. Wednesday’s game was tied 1-1 from He struck out 12 and allowed just one run, the third inning until Solberg’s shot. He three hits and one walk. scored Gogebic’s other run after a base hit “Parker pitched a heck of a game,” Iron- to start the game. Brett Heil hit a foul ball wood coach Erik Ellerson said. “He defi- that was caught by Ironwood and Solberg nitely had his command; fastball, curve- was able to score. ball, he mixed it well.” Ironwood tied it in the third as Gavin Gogebic had been hitting well coming Delich walked and eventually scored. into the game. It was a pitcher’s duel from there as “Wilson pitched a really good game, Ironwood’s Parker Wilson shut down our guys were off balance the whole Gogebic and Solberg did the same to Iron- game,” Ross Solberg said. “We just hung in wood, making for some quick innings. Jason Juno/Daily Globe there with good pitching on our side and I Ironwood looked to be in good position GOGEBIC’S PEYTON Solberg celebrates after finding out his eighth-inning hit left thought we played good defense today. to walk it off in the bottom of the seventh the ballpark at Lorenson Field in Ironwood. It led Gogebic past Ironwood 2-1. When we needed a play, we got a play, inning. us,” Ross Solberg said. he said. “I haven’t hit one since Little especially that double play in the bottom Austin Trier singled, Ethan Roehm Wilson started the eighth, but he quick- League.” of the seventh inning.” walked and Wilson got a base hit to load ly reached the maximum pitch count after He didn’t know it was out until he was The Division 4 tournament is next the bases with one out. Gogebic pitcher an excellent performance and Drew Dabb halfway to second base. week in Ironwood. The Devils play Lake Anthony Metas fielded a ground ball, came into pitch. “I thought it was a ground-rule double Linden-Hubbell Tuesday at 4 p.m. The threw it to catcher Joey Rocco for a force Dabb threw strikes and did well, except to be honest,” Solberg said. semifinals are Friday, May 31. L’Anse plays out at home and he threw to first base to Solberg was able to connect for the game- It was an important home run for him, Gogebic at 11 a.m. with the Ironwood-LL- complete the double play. winning home run. as he dedicated it to classmate Maddie H winner meeting Jeffers at 1:30 p.m. The “That was the key play of the game for “I’m just surprised I hit it to be honest,” Jackson, who was one of two Bessemer stu- final is at 4:30 p.m.

IRONWOOD’S JOHN Joki tags out Gogebic runner Matt Montie during Wednesday’s game at Lorenson Field in Ironwood.

Jason Juno/Daily Globe

Michigan hires Juwan Howard as basketball coach ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) – gave Webber and three non-Fab Juwan Howard is coming back to Five players more than $600,000. Michigan. The NCAA forced the school to dis- The former member of the Fab sociate from the former players Five agreed to a five-year deal, involved until 2013. The saga which will pay him $2 million in stained the university and basket- his first year, on Wednesday to lead ball program, leading to many years the Wolverines. of struggles. "As a 'Michigan Man' I know the "Juwan wasn't a part of that," place our program has in college Jackson told AP in a telephone basketball and I embrace the interview. "He was never involved. chance to build onto that history And despite being part of the Fab and lead us to championships both Five, which is tied to Ed Martin, in the Big Ten and national level," Juwan embodies the professional- Howard said. "We will continue to ism and positivity that Michigan develop young men on the court, in represents across the world." the classroom and in the communi- Beilein became the leader Michi- ty that our fan base will continue to gan needed, running the program be proud of." without a hint of controversy and Michigan athletic director bringing the school back to the Warde Manuel, in his first major national title game in 2013 and move in three years in charge of the 2018. The Wolverines also won two department, is giving the Miami Big Ten season championships – Heat assistant coach his first shot at accomplishments the Fab Five being a head coach other than dur- never achieved – along with a pair ing the NBA's summer league. of conference tournament titles "We have found someone with while becoming the school's all- high integrity, great character and a time winningest coach. coach who has unbelievable knowl- Although Howard doesn't have edge of the game of basketball," ties to Michigan's recent history Manuel said. "Juwan has proven with Beilein, his connection to the Associated Press himself to be a tremendous leader, a school is significant. Howard's hir- IN THIS Nov. 30, 2016, file photo, former Miami Heat assistant coach Juwan Howard watches during wonderful communicator and a ing may bring a wave of excitement the second half of the team's NBA basketball game against the Denver Nuggets in Denver. developer of talent. We couldn't with endorsements from former have asked for a better role model teammates such as Webber and after retiring as a player, starting as which he is revered. I think it is a member of our staff and a great for the young men in our program. Rose along with LeBron James and an assistant coach focused on play- great step forward for him and the friend, I am happy for him and his We are excited to welcome back a Dwyane Wade. His coaching expe- er development with the Heat being university, and I wish him nothing family. He will forever be a champi- member of the family to Ann rience in the NBA also makes him promoted to an assistant coach but the best, because that's what on and part of the Heat family and Arbor." an attractive coach for top with one of the franchises he played he's given us." I am excited to see him take the He replaces John Beilein, who prospects. for during his 19-year career. Howard was extremely popular next step." left to coach the Cleveland Cava- Howard had been a candidate to The Heat had long been bracing in the Heat locker room as a player Howard was the first member of liers. be a head coach in the NBA, includ- for Howard to move up in the – he was a mentor of sorts during the Fab Five to commit to play at Howard helped Michigan reach ing at Cleveland coincidently. coaching ranks. They knew Miami's Big Three era with Wade, Michigan and he later recruited the national championship game The 46-year-old Howard, who is Howard's longtime goal has been James and Chris Bosh – and getting Webber, Rose, King and Jackson to twice, playing alongside Chris Web- from Chicago, played at Michigan an NBA job, but understood that if him the long-elusive championship join him. ber, Jalen Rose, Jimmy King and for three seasons before Washing- Michigan ever called, he would ring was a major motivation source "He's the forefather of the Fab Ray Jackson. The school later ton drafted him No. 5 overall in have to take a long look at the for those teams. Five," Jacksons aid. "Now, look at removed the Fab Five's Final Four 1994. The two-time NBA champion opportunity. "Juwan is an absolute star as a his resume: two Final Fours, an banners from Crisler Arena as part with the Heat and one-time All-Star "I'm happy for Juwan, Jenine and person, player and coach," Heat Elite Eight and NBA champion. He's of self-imposed sanctions that averaged 13.4 points, 6.1 rebounds his family, and feel he is deserving coach Erik Spoelstra said. "I feel he also a great man, who went back to stemmed from one of the NCAA's and 2.2 assists during his career of this opportunity to coach at the is more than ready. He is a terrific get his degree after being in the largest financial scandals. that ended after the 2012-13 sea- University of Michigan," Heat presi- leader and mentor, which translates NBA and that says a lot about him. A federal investigation revealed son. dent Pat Riley said. "He is going very well to the collegiate level. He's always been focused and deter- now-deceased booster Ed Martin Howard went into coaching back to a school and a conference in While we are losing a valuable mined and widely respected." Marlins rally for 5th Wednesday night. Cooper played in the solid, but with the Tigers up 3-1, he gave ed on a pitch that got past him that really ball caromed off the back wall and right majors for parts of the 2017 and 2018 sea- up a single to Ramirez to start the sev- saved the day. back to Grandal. straight win, 6-3 over sons as well, but this was only his 39th enth. Buck Farmer (2-3) relieved him and The Brewers overcame an early five- "The ball gets past the catcher and a Tigers game. allowed a single to Martin Prado. Then run deficit and outlasted the Cincinnati lot of times as a runner, you just react," Detroit has dropped eight in a row – Neil Walker hit a two-run double to tie it. Reds 11-9 Wednesday, with Grandal in Reds manager David Bell said. DETROIT (AP) – For the second and Sunday's game was suspended with the thick of things. Curt Casali took off from first, assum- straight night, a Miami player celebrated the Tigers trailing Oakland in the seventh Bizarre double play helps In the sixth, Grandal hit a tying, two- ing all the runners would advance. Derek his first major league homer. inning. run homer. The Brewers then tacked on Dietrich, however, stayed at third, seeing Harold Ramirez hit his less than two "It's just a really rough stretch right Grandal, Brewers outlast three more runs in the inning for an 11-8 the ball ricochet to Grandal. weeks after his debut. Garrett Cooper had now," Detroit manager Ron Gardenhire Reds lead. Grandal threw down to first and a much longer wait. said. "We'll think back to this day some- The Reds scored once in the seventh Casali was tagged out after a rundown. Cooper hit his first big league home where down the road here and say, 'Man MILWAUKEE (AP) – Yasmani and had the bases loaded with one out. "That's a play we work on every day," run in the sixth inning, and that was the that was brutal, let's not do that again.' Grandal's home run helped the Brewers Reliever Jeremy Jeffress struck out Phillip Brewers manager Craig Counsell said, start of an impressive comeback by the But right now we're going through it." get back in the game. But it was a bizarre Ervin swinging, but the ball zipped past laughing. "We caught a break there, Marlins, who rallied for their fifth straight Detroit starter Daniel Norris was double play the Milwaukee catcher start- Grandal. Fortunately for the Brewers, the 100 percent." victory, 6-3 over the Detroit Tigers on l 10 THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM Bucks need better bench play to regain control vs Raptors MILWAUKEE (AP) – The Bucks are back in Milwaukee looking to regain momentum in the Eastern Conference finals. Coach Mike Budenholzer believes the play of his bench will be a major factor in what happens in Game 5 on Thurs- day. The Bucks reserves played so well in the first two games of the series that the teams' apparel shop unveiled a "Bench Mob" T-shirt, celebrating the efforts of Malcolm Brogdon, Ersan Ilyasova, George Hill and others. Milwaukee's bench outscored Toronto's reserves 130-78 through the first three games of the series. But it was the Raptors' bench, led by forward Norman Powell's 18 points, that decided Game 4 – scoring 48 points Tuesday as Toronto evened the series at 2-2. "They need to play well," Budenholzer said Wednesday of his reserves. "I think our whole team, whether it be the Submitted photo bench or the starters, needs to be better defensively. I think THE GOGEBIC Community College men’s basketball award winners are from left: Ben Bogaczyk - Hustle Award; there's things offensively where the bench can, you know, Mitch Borseth - Long Shot Award, Offensive MVP, Team MVP, All Region 13; Luke Zielinski - Coach's Choice just like the rest of us, we have to execute a little bit better. Award; Steven Nelson - Slam Dunk and Chairman of the Boards; Tommy Libertoski - Coach's Choice Award; ... this series, the benches have been critical and very influ- Nathan Dray - Hustle Award and Defensive MVP; Shamon Shinal - Playmaker and Most Improved Awards; Bray- ential and credit to Toronto's bench, particularly. They real- den Tomes – Top Free Throw Award. Missing from photo is Jacob Suzik (Chairman of the Boards Award). ly stepped up and had a huge game, and we need that from our group." Serge Ibaka gave the Raptors a lift off the bench Tuesday with 17 points and 13 rebounds. Fellow Toronto reserve Fred VanVleet added 13 points and six assists. Their efforts came as the Raptors got only 19 points from a hobbled Kawhi Leonard. Raptors coach Nick Nurse is confident his bench will continue to play well in Milwaukee because of Toronto's style of play. "That's really kind of our system, would be that we create opportunities and everyone's involved and everybody's touching the ball," he said. "Everybody's moving and cut- ting. It's kind of a free-flowing, open system. "If we play with the effort we've put in the last two games, actually three of the four games in the series, we are going to have a really good chance to win," Nurse said. "We are going to put ourselves in position to win, and I don't think it's any tricky schemes or fabulous game plans. I think it's our players playing their butts off, really." Brogdon, who returned from a foot injury in the Eastern Submitted photo Conference semifinals, missed his first seven shots Tuesday THE GOGEBIC Community College women’s basketball award winners include from left: Aiyana Nickel - Leading night and finished with just four points. None of the Mil- Rebounder, Defensive MVP; Don'Nikka Patterson; Airiana White - Leading FT Shooter; Maddy Cronkright - waukee reserves scored in double digits. Most Improved; Bailey Froberg - Leading 3-Pt Shooter, Offensive MVP, 2018-19 Most Outstanding Player, "It was disappointing, but I mean, the series is 2-2," said NJCAA All-Region 13; Haley Grover - Leading Rebounder, Hustle Award, Defensive MVP. Bucks forward Kris Middleton, who finished with a game- high 30 points. "It's not the end of the world. They protect their home court just like we did, and I know the fight is going to be a dogfight. First team to two wins. Can't feel sorry for ourselves that we lost two in a row here. We have to go protect home court and go from there." Here are some other things to know going into Thursday's Game 5: DEFENSIVE STANDOUTS Some of the league's best defensive players are in the Eastern Conference finals. Bucks MVP candidate Giannis Antetokounmpo and Milwau- kee guard Eric Bledsoe Wednesday were named NBA first-team all-defensive performers. Toronto forward Kawhi Leonard was named second team. NO TIMETABLE FOR ANUNOBY Raptors coach Nick Nurse said OG Anunoby does not have a timetable for returning from an emergency appendectomy that has sidelined the 21-year-old forward for the entire postseason. "He is being more active every day," Nurse said. "I think we Submitted photo are getting closer to a point where we're – you know, unpack is THE GOGEBIC Community College volleyball award winners include from left: Kacie Lundin (Top Assist Award the next step for him. He's moving pretty good, he's shooting, and Most Valuable Player); Andrea Horvath (Defensive MVP); Meagan Leinon (Top Blocker Award & Outstand- etc., but still a ways away from being able to take hits and con- ing Server Award); Caitlin Lynch (Offensive MVP); Lexi Hagstrom; Shannon Skoviera. Missing from photo is Sam tact in the areas that he needs to test out." Bratu (Coach’s Choice Award). TWICE IS ENOUGH Milwaukee isn't accustomed to losing back-to-back games in 2019 – in fact, it's happened only twice. Before the two losses to Toronto in the Eastern Conference finals, the only other time Milwaukee dropped back-to-back games was in March, losing at Utah on March 2 and at Phoenix on March 4. THE DRAKE FACTOR Drake's impromptu massage of Nurse's shoulders is getting a lot of attention, though the Raptors' coach said he didn't even realize it had happened. "I didn't even know I got the shoulder rub last night until somebody showed me a picture today," Nurse said. "I didn't even feel it. I was so locked into the game. Didn't distract me at all." Drake has been very animated at courtside, and Budenholz- er said if the rapper steps onto the court, it crosses the line. "I don't know how much he's on the court. It sounds like you guys are saying it's more than I realize," Budenholzer said. "There's certainly no place for fans and, you know, whatever it is Submitted photo exactly that Drake is for the Toronto Raptors. You know, to be on THE GOGEBIC Community College softball award winners include from left: Sofie Kyllonen, Most Improved; the court, there's boundaries and lines for a reason, and like I Andrea Horvath, Pitcher of the Year; Kathleen Mieloszyk, Most Dedicated; Sarah Trudgeon, Team MVP; Brooke said, the league is usually pretty good at being on top of stuff like Piilola, Defensive MVP; Rachel Hudacek, Coaches Choice; Lauren Gauthier, Offensive MVP. that."

Devers, Boston, 33; Trout, Los les, .394; Cabrera, Pittsburgh, .336; Angeles, 33; 3 tied at 32. McNeil, New York, .333; Bell, Pitts- Hurley baseball falls to RBI_Springer, Houston, 42; burgh, .329; Rendon, Washington, Chequamegon Daily Globe Scoreboard Abreu, Chicago, 40; Mondesi, .325; Yelich, Milwaukee, .325; Segu- Kansas City, 40; Santana, Seattle, ra, Philadelphia, .323; Baez, Chica- 38; Rosario, Minnesota, 37; Breg- go, .323; Freeman, Atlanta, .316; PARK FALLS, Wis. – Hurley ended its Boston 6, Toronto 5, 13 innings Colorado 5, Pittsburgh 0 man, Houston, 35; Gallo, Texas, 35; Martinez, St. Louis, .313. LocalSoftball Schedule StanleyAll Times Cup EDT Finals Miami 6, Detroit 3 L.A. Dodgers 7, Tampa Bay 3 5 tied at 34. RUNS_Bellinger, Los Angeles, regular season with a 5-1 loss at WIAA Division 5 regional final (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Tampa Bay 8, L.A. Dodgers 1 Miami 5, Detroit 4, 11 innings HITS_Brantley, Houston, 62; 43; Bryant, Chicago, 40; Yelich, Mil- Chequamegon Wednesday. No. 4 Drummond at No. 1 Hurley, Boston vs. St. Louis St. Louis 10, Kansas City 3, 2nd N.Y. Mets 6, Washington 5 Polanco, Minnesota, 62; Merrifield, waukee, 40; Story, Colorado, 39; 4:30 Monday, May 27: St. Louis at game Cincinnati 3, Milwaukee 0 Kansas City, 59; Devers, Boston, DeJong, St. Louis, 38; Ozuna, St. Hurley now prepares to host Bayfield Baseball Boston, 8 p.m. Chicago White Sox 9, Houston 4 San Francisco 4, Atlanta 3 58; Springer, Houston, 57; Louis, 36; Blackmon, Colorado, 35; today at 4:30 p.m. in the first round of WIAA Division 4 regional opener Wednesday, May 29: St. Louis at Thursday's Games San Diego 3, Arizona 2 LeMahieu, New York, 56; Mondesi, Baez, Chicago, 35; 3 tied at 34. No. 7 Bayfield at No. 2 Hurley, Boston, 8 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Tanaka 3-3) at Wednesday's Games Kansas City, 56; Simmons, Los RBI_Bell, Pittsburgh, 45; Ozuna, the WIAA Division 4 regional tourna- 4:30 Saturday, June 1: Boston at St. Baltimore (Bundy 2-5), 12:35 p.m. Milwaukee 11, Cincinnati 9 Angeles, 56; Anderson, Chicago, St. Louis, 45; Bellinger, Los Ange- Louis, 8 p.m. Boston (Weber 0-0) at Toronto Kansas City 8, St. Louis 2, 1st 55; Mancini, Baltimore, 55. les, 44; Yelich, Milwaukee, 41; ment. (Feierabend 0-1), 12:37 p.m. game NBAAll Times Playoffs EDT Monday, June 3: Boston at St. DOUBLES_Buxton, Minnesota, Hoskins, Philadelphia, 37; Alonso, Hurley played everyday this week Miami (Richards 1-5) at Detroit San Diego 5, Arizona 2 CONFERENCE FINALS Louis, 8 p.m. 18; Healy, Seattle, 16; Mancini, Bal- New York, 36; Arenado, Colorado, (Boyd 4-4), 1:10 p.m. Colorado 9, Pittsburgh 3 (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) x-Thursday, June 6: St. Louis at timore, 15; Brantley, Houston, 14; 35; Escobar, Arizona, 34; Rizzo, leading up to the tourney. Minnesota (Perez 6-1) at L.A. Miami 6, Detroit 3 Eastern Conference Boston, 8 p.m. AGordon, Kansas City, 14; Merri- Chicago, 34; Baez, Chicago, 33. Angels (Harvey 2-3), 4:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets 6, Washington 1 “I think you get better by playing at Milwaukee 2, Toronto 2 x-Sunday, June 9: Boston at St. field, Kansas City, 14; 8 tied at 13. HITS_Bellinger, Los Angeles, 67; Tampa Bay (Snell 3-4) at Cleve- Tampa Bay 8, L.A. Dodgers 1 Wednesday, May 15: Milwaukee Louis, 8 p.m. TRIPLES_Mondesi, Kansas City, Baez, Chicago, 61; Arenado, Col- this stage than practicing,” Hurley coach land (TBD), 6:10 p.m. St. Louis 10, Kansas City 3, 2nd 108, Toronto 100 x-Wednesday, June 12: St. Louis 7; Merrifield, Kansas City, 6; Polan- orado, 59; Blackmon, Colorado, 59; Chicago White Sox (Giolito 5-1) game Aaron Bender said. “Our bats have been Friday, May 17: Milwaukee 125, at Boston, 8 p.m. co, Minnesota, 5; Kiermaier, Tampa Freeman, Atlanta, 59; Peralta, Ari- at Houston (Martin 1-0), 8:10 p.m. Chicago Cubs 8, Philadelphia 4 Toronto 103 Bay, 4; Castellanos, Detroit, 3; Dozi- zona, 59; Bell, Pittsburgh, 57; cold, but we saw good pitching again Friday's Games Atlanta at San Francisco Sunday, May 19: Toronto 118, AmericanAll Times LeagueEDT er, Kansas City, 3; Rodriguez, DeJong, St. Louis, 57; 3 tied at 55. San Diego at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. Thursday's Games tonight. That’s only getting us better as Milwaukee 112, 2OT East Division Detroit, 3; 15 tied at 2. DOUBLES_DeJong, St. Louis, Detroit at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. Washington (Strasburg 4-3) at Tuesday, May 21: Toronto 120, WLPct GB HOME RUNS_Springer, Hous- 17; Rendon, Washington, 17; Baez, we go into the tournament.” Tampa Bay at Cleveland, 7:10 N.Y. Mets (Matz 3-3), 12:10 p.m. Milwaukee 102 New York 31 17 .646 — ton, 17; Bregman, Houston, 15; Chicago, 16; Cain, Milwaukee, 16; p.m. Colorado (Senzatela 3-3) at Pitts- Thursday, May 23: Toronto at Mil- Tampa Bay 28 18 .609 2 Gallo, Texas, 15; Sanchez, New Peralta, Arizona, 16; Ahmed, Ari- Brayden Bender scored Hurley’s only Boston at Houston, 8:10 p.m. burgh (Lyles 4-1), 12:35 p.m. waukee, 8:30 p.m. Boston 26 23 .531 5½ York, 15; Vogelbach, Seattle, 14; zona, 15; Walker, Arizona, 15; Bell, Chicago White Sox at Minnesota, Miami (Richards 1-5) at Detroit run, scoring on a bases loaded walk to Saturday, May 25: Milwaukee at Toronto 20 29 .408 11½ Encarnacion, Seattle, 13; Moreland, Pittsburgh, 14; Bryant, Chicago, 14; 8:10 p.m. (Boyd 4-4), 1:10 p.m. Toronto, 8:30 p.m. Baltimore 15 34 .306 16½ Boston, 13; Rosario, Minnesota, 13; 5 tied at 13. Ty Gilbertson. N.Y. Yankees at Kansas City, Philadelphia (Nola 4-0) at Chica- x-Monday, May 27: Toronto at Central Division 6 tied at 12. TRIPLES_Blackmon, Colorado, 8:15 p.m. go Cubs (Lester 3-2), 2:20 p.m. Bender, Derek Ransanici and Preston Milwaukee, 8:30 p.m. WLPct GB STOLEN BASES_Mondesi, 5; Tapia, Colorado, 4; Escobar, Ari- Baltimore at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. Atlanta (Gausman 2-3) at San Western Conference Minnesota 32 16 .667 — Kansas City, 17; Anderson, Chica- zona, 3; Rosario, New York, 3; Gardner each had a hit for Hurley. Seattle at Oakland, 10:07 p.m. Francisco (Bumgarner 3-4), 3:45 Golden State 4, Portland 0 Cleveland 25 23 .521 7 go, 13; DGordon, Seattle, 12; Swanson, Atlanta, 3; 18 tied at 2. Texas at L.A. Angels, 10:07 p.m. p.m. Markus Lipske started and took the Tuesday, May 14: Golden State Chicago 22 26 .458 10 Ramirez, Cleveland, 12; Hamilton, HOME RUNS_Yelich, Milwaukee, 116, Portland 94 Detroit 18 28 .391 13 Friday's Games Kansas City, 9; Villar, Baltimore, 9; 5 19; Bellinger, Los Angeles, 17; Alon- loss. He went three innings, allowed all National League Cincinnati at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 Thursday, May 16: Golden State Kansas City 17 32 .347 15½ All Times EDT tied at 8. so, New York, 16; Bell, Pittsburgh, L.A. Dodgers at Pittsburgh, 7:05 114, Portland 111 West Division East Division PITCHING_German, New York, 15; Reyes, San Diego, 15; Ozuna, five runs (three earned), three walks Miami at Washington, 7:05 p.m. Saturday, May 18: Golden State WLPct GB WLPct GB 9-1; Verlander, Houston, 8-1; St. Louis, 14; Pederson, Los Ange- San Diego at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. and five hits. He struck out one. Ty Man- 110 Portland 99 Houston 33 17 .660 — Philadelphia 28 21 .571 — Berrios, Minnesota, 6-2; Glasnow, les, 14; Suarez, Cincinnati, 13; 4 tied Detroit at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. Monday, May 20: Golden State Texas 24 23 .511 7½ Atlanta 26 23 .531 2 Tampa Bay, 6-1; Lynn, Texas, 6-3; at 12. zanares walked two in a scoreless inning Philadelphia at Milwaukee, 8:10 119, Portland 117, OT Oakland 25 25 .500 8 New York 23 25 .479 4½ Montas, Oakland, 6-2; Odorizzi, STOLEN BASES_Dyson, Ari- Atlanta at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. and Corbin Taylor struck out two and FINALS Los Angeles 22 26 .458 10 Washington 19 30 .388 9 Minnesota, 6-2; Perez, Minnesota, zona, 12; Yelich, Milwaukee, 9; Rob- Baltimore at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Seattle 23 29 .442 11 Miami 15 31 .326 11½ 6-1; Walden, Boston, 6-0; 7 tied at 5. les, Washington, 8; Story, Colorado, allowed one hit in the final two innings. Arizona at San Francisco, 10:15 Golden State vs. Tuesday's Games Central Division ERA_Glasnow, Tampa Bay, 1.86; 8; Bellinger, Los Angeles, 7; Marte, Hurley’s JV team won 6-0. Milwaukee/Toronto winner Kansas City at St. Louis, ppd. WLPct GB TODAY'S MAJOR Verlander, Houston, 2.24; Odorizzi, Pittsburgh, 7; Puig, Cincinnati, 7; Thursday, May 30: Golden State Oakland 5, Cleveland 3 Chicago 29 18 .617 — Minnesota, 2.38; Montas, Oakland, Wong, St. Louis, 7; 3 tied at 6. at Milwaukee/Toronto, 9 p.m. N.Y. Yankees 11, Baltimore 4 Milwaukee 29 22 .569 2 LEAGUEAMERICAN LEADERS LEAGUE 2.40; German, New York, 2.60; PITCHING_Fried, Atlanta, 6-2; Arizona, 2.89; Strahm, San Diego, — Announced it will remove St. Sunday, June 2: Golden State at Toronto 10, Boston 3 Pittsburgh 24 22 .522 4½ BATTING_Polanco, Minnesota, Minor, Texas, 2.64; Morton, Tampa Greinke, Arizona, 6-2; Ryu, Los 3.06. Thomas (Minn.) as a member in two Milwaukee/Toronto, 8 p.m. L.A. Dodgers 7, Tampa Bay 3 St. Louis 25 24 .510 5 .339; Reddick, Houston, .331; Bay, 2.65; Turnbull, Detroit, 2.68; Angeles, 6-1; Woodruff, Milwaukee, STRIKEOUTS_Scherzer, Wash- years for competitive purposes. Wednesday, June 5: Milwau- Miami 5, Detroit 4, 11 innings Cincinnati 22 27 .449 8 LeMahieu, New York, .329; Andrus, Stroman, Toronto, 2.81; Perez, Min- 6-1; Castillo, Cincinnati, 5-1; Davies, ington, 96; Strasburg, Washington, CHARLESTON SOUTHERN — kee/Toronto at Golden State, 9 p.m. Texas 5, Seattle 3 West Division Texas, .325; Brantley, Houston, nesota, 2.89. Milwaukee, 5-0; Eflin, Philadelphia, 82; Castillo, Cincinnati, 78; Corbin, Named Saah Nimley assistant Friday, June 7: Milwaukee/Toron- Houston 5, Chicago White Sox 1 WLPct GB .325; Anderson, Chicago, .322; Dev- STRIKEOUTS_Cole, Houston, 5-4; Maeda, Los Angeles, 5-2; Mar- Washington, 76; deGrom, New men's basketball coach. to at Golden State, 9 p.m. Minnesota 8, L.A. Angels 3 Los Angeles 32 18 .640 — ers, Boston, .315; Springer, Hous- 100; Verlander, Houston, 89; Sale, quez, Colorado, 5-2; Soroka, York, 75; Marquez, Colorado, 72; CONNECTICUT COLLEGE — Named Reuben Burk men's soccer x-Monday, June 10: Golden State Wednesday's Games San Diego 26 24 .520 6 ton, .313; Martinez, Boston, .308; Boston, 83; Bauer, Cleveland, 80; Atlanta, 5-1. Smith, Miami, 71; Wheeler, New at Milwaukee/Toronto, 9 p.m. Minnesota at L.A. Angels, ppd. Arizona 25 25 .500 7 Fletcher, Los Angeles, .303. Boyd, Detroit, 73; Snell, Tampa Bay, ERA_Ryu, Los Angeles, 1.52; York, 70; Greinke, Arizona, 67; Ray, coach. x-Thursday, June 13: Milwau- Oakland 7, Cleveland 2 Colorado 22 25 .468 8½ RUNS_Betts, Boston, 42; 71; Bieber, Cleveland, 69; Minor, Paddack, San Diego, 1.93; Lyles, Arizona, 67. IOWA — Named Billy Taylor San Francisco 21 26 .447 9½ assistant men's basketball coach. kee/Toronto at Golden State, 9 p.m. Kansas City 8, St. Louis 2, 1st Springer, Houston, 41; Haniger, Texas, 67; Morton, Tampa Bay, 67; Pittsburgh, 1.97; Smith, Miami, 2.38; Transactions x-Sunday, June 16: Golden State game Tuesday's Games Seattle, 40; Merrifield, Kansas City, Carrasco, Cleveland, 66. Castillo, Cincinnati, 2.38; Davies, COLLEGE MICHIGAN — Named Juwan at Milwaukee/Toronto, 8 p.m. Texas 2, Seattle 1 Kansas City at St. Louis, ppd. 38; Encarnacion, Seattle, 36; Gallo, NATIONAL LEAGUE Milwaukee, 2.42; Eflin, Philadelphia, MINNESOTA INTERCOLLE- Howard men's basketball coach to a N.Y. Yankees 7, Baltimore 5 Chicago Cubs 3, Philadelphia 2 Texas, 36; Bogaerts, Boston, 34; BATTING_Bellinger, Los Ange- 2.76; Fried, Atlanta, 2.86; Greinke, GIATE ATHLETIC CONFERENCE five-year contract. l THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM AREA / NATION THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 11 Calving good job with the animals,” reality of farm life, but it’s said Clement, who one that farmers must attributes their docile accept, along with everyone From page 7 nature to the time invested else who is not a vegan. to the birth. in them. “They’re like our For Young and Clement, As for maternal instinct kids. They’re part of us. I it’s a way of life. Spring among the herd, Clement would say they’re spoiled.” Creek Beef Farm has been in said, “Most of them are pret- Several bulls wandered the family for three genera- ty good. They go by smell. in a separate field, and on tions, with Joe and Gladys Sometimes they’ll go the opposite side of the Clement having homestead- around to each individual main holding pen was a sep- ed there as of 1926. calf and smell it until they arate pen designated for Their son, Kenneth find their own, so it’s all heifers born last summer. Clement, began a dairy farm scent-driven.” They will mate and give on the land in 1966 and The calves are also totally birth next spring. retired in 2011. Along the at home with other mem- Within that pen, Young way, Jim Clement decided bers of the herd and can be pointed out one called Rip- beef cattle made more eco- seen dotted throughout the ley, who she said was nomic sense in modern entire group, often sur- named for the American times. He bought the prop- Associated Press rounded by animals who media franchise called “Rip- erty from his dad and pri- Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan, left, and Secretary of State Mike Pom- are not their moms. ley’s Believe It Or Not.” mary teacher in 2014. peo speak to members of the media after a classified briefing for members of Clement said cold weath- Young, who often has a Ken Clement, now 78, Congress on Iran, Tuesday on Capitol Hill in Washington. er doesn’t bother them. story behind names she still pitches in at the farm, “They will stay outside gives animals, said Ripley which otherwise is run only when it’s below zero,” he suits the heifer that was by his son and Young, with US officials: Plan may send up added, “but if there’s sleet or born prematurely and not the exception of some hired strong wind, they’ll seek one expected to live. labor during haying season. of the shelter structures on “She was on death’s door Young also grew up on a the property.” when she was born, and dairy farm with 200 cows in to 10,000 troops to Mideast During calving season, look at her now,” said Young New London, Wis. During the animals stay in a fenced- of the robust and content that time, she said she was WASHINGTON (AP) – announced. leaders told congressional in pen next to the barn. animal who was the size of a called her dad’s “right-hand The Pentagon on Thursday Thursday morning’s officials the U.S. doesn’t They are free, whenever teenager compared to the man.” will present plans to the meeting comes as tensions want to go to war with Iran they please, to walk to an adults. Hence, she added of her White House to send up to with Iran continue to sim- and wants to de-escalate adjacent feeding area, ample Sadly, an occasional calf current situation, “So, this 10,000 more troops to the mer, and it wasn’t clear if a the situation. with hay. does not survive, and Young to me is home. I live and Middle East, in a move to decision would be made Acting Defense Secre- According to Clement, said it’s hard on herself and breathe this life. I wouldn’t beef up defenses against during the session. Any tary Patrick Shanahan and two tall LED lamps illumi- on the mother. “They mourn want it any other way.” potential Iranian threats, move to deploy more forces Secretary of State Mike nate the entire area “like a when they lose a baby,” said Clement and Young, who U.S. officials said Wednes- to the Middle East would Pompeo told lawmakers football field” when it’s Young. “They can bellow have dated for four years, day. signal a shift for President the U.S. is seeking to deter, dark. He called it “really a and cry for up to two weeks.” met on, a The officials said no Donald Trump, who has not provoke, Iran, even wonderful set up” that facil- She said the animals also dating site that speaks for final decision has been repeatedly emphasized the while accusing Tehran of itates easier monitoring. each have their own person- itself. They plan to marry made yet, and it’s not clear need to reduce America’s threatening U.S. interests Clement assured that alities and can be “moody” later this summer. if the White House would troop presence in the in the Mideast. Shanahan they will be able to roam far- just like humans. They have five children approve sending all or just region. told reporters, “Our biggest ther when the season’s Most calves born each between them from previ- some of the requested U.S. officials have pro- focus at this point is to pre- calves are a little larger. year don’t stay on the farm. ous marriages: Sabrynna, forces. Officials said the vided few details about vent Iranian miscalcula- Even the biggest cows “We’ll keep about 10 heifers Courtney, Steven, Ashley move is not in response to possible Iranian threats, tion.” behave like pets around the for replacement,” said and Brittney. any new threat from Iran, but indicated they initially Many in Congress are owners. “For the majority of Clement, “The others get In reference to his many but is aimed at reinforcing involved missiles loaded skeptical of the administra- them, you can walk right by sold in the fall.” cattle, Clement said, “Even security in the region. They onto small Iranian boats. tion’s approach to Iran, them, pet, ‘em, lie right Animals that are sold with this many numbers, if said the troops would be This week officials said the questioning whether it is down by them,” said Young may be used to breed at I wanted to make a living defensive forces, and the missiles have been taken responding to significant of the creatures, which are other farms, or they may on this, I couldn’t. You’ll discussions include addi- off the boats near Iran’s new Iranian threats or an average of six years old. eventually be processed into never get rich farming. It’s tional Patriot missile bat- shore, but other maritime escalating a situation that The oldest cow is 13. the packages we buy in the not about getting rich. It’s teries, more ships and threats continue. could lead to war. “We try to do a really supermarket. It’s a grim about enjoying life.” increased efforts to moni- Sending more troops CNN first reported that tor Iran. could also raise questions the Pentagon will brief the The officials spoke on on Capitol Hill. During White House on a plan that condition of anonymity back-to-back closed briefin- could send thousands of because the plans have gs for the House and Sen- additional U.S. troops to not been formally ate on Tuesday, defense the Middle East. US closes facility that detained migrant who later died HOUSTON (AP) – U.S. working to provide medical Guatemala died after being border agents temporarily treatment to all those with detained at the facility for closed their primary facili- fevers. six days, twice as long as ty for processing migrants Migrants apprehended generally allowed by U.S. in South Texas one day in the Rio Grande Valley law. After being diagnosed after the death of a 16-year- will be held at other loca- with the flu on Sunday, old who was diagnosed tions until the situation is Carlos Hernandez Vasquez with the flu at the facility. resolved, the agency said. was transferred to a small- In a statement released The processing center is er Border Patrol station, late Tuesday, U.S. Customs a converted warehouse that where he was found unre- and Border Protection said holds hundreds of parents sponsive Monday. “a large number” of people and children at a time in Carlos was the fifth in custody at the McAllen, large, fenced-in pens. child since December to Texas facility had high CBP said Monday that a die after being apprehend- fevers. The agency says it is 16-year-old from ed by border agents. Serial killer who once terrorized Florida set for execution TALLAHASSEE, Fla. tell them what really hap- (AP) – Cindy Brown pened, I’ll kill you when remembers when she you get home,” Brown decided to divorce Bobby recalled Wednesday. Joe Long, the serial killer After the divorce, Long facing execution as a result went on a violent rage of a murderous spree that against women that also claimed 10 women’s lives included dozens of rapes. and terrorized Florida’s The spree earned him 28 Tampa Bay area in 1984. life sentences and the The man who was her death penalty for one of childhood sweetheart and the killings, that of 22-year- the father of their two chil- old Michelle Simms. The dren is set to receive a execution would be the lethal injection Thursday first under Gov. Ron at Florida State Prison in DeSantis, who took office Starke. Brown said she in January. believes Long, now 65, is After the beating that getting what he deserves. sent Brown to the hospital, “This is something that she said, she loaded a shot- in my heart should have gun, pointed it at Long and happened many, many planned to kill him. But years ago,” Brown said. she didn’t go through with “It’s been a long time com- it. She said not pulling the ing. I hate to see anybody trigger has haunted her die, but he’s done the since, knowing the lives he things that he’s done. You later destroyed. made your bed; it’s time to “I have forgiven the man lay in it.” for what he did to me – the Brown, who divorced name calling, the physical Long in 1980, still vividly violence, everything else ... recalls an increasingly vio- I don’t think I will I ever lent man. One day, he forgive him for what this grabbed her, choked her has caused my children, and slammed her head into nor will I ever forgive him a television, knocking her for what he did to those unconscious with a gash to girls, whether they be the the forehead. murder victims or the rape “When I came to, I was victims,” she told The Asso- on the couch. Of course, he ciated Press. was there, crying. ‘I’ll never Artiss Ann Wick was do it again. I’m so sorry.’ the first woman killed, in Then the next words were, March 1984. Nine more ‘When you drive yourself victims followed until his to get your stitches, if you arrest eight months later. l 12 THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 COMICS YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM • THE DAILY GLOBE HERMAN SPEED BUMP Notes on college admissions scandal Dear Readers: Many of you have strong opinions about the college admissions scandal, and because there were so many thoughtful replies, I am devoting a few columns to reprinting some of the feed- back to my proposed solution of fining the parents to pay for scholarships: Dear Dear Annie: Loved your answer to Annie “Friends in Disagreement.” But there was one point that wasn’t mentioned by you or “Friends” that I think is very important and not being taught enough. As parents, hoped it wouldn’t be discovered. – Know one of our biggest jobs is to teach our chil- the Difference. dren that they need to work for, and earn, Dear Annie: I was surprised at what they want. Give them that sense of your suggested punishment for the celebri- pride, accomplishment and confidence. ties who bought their way into elite uni- versities for their kids. You suggested a The message these parents sent to their fine double the amount of the bribes. This kids was, “We know you can’t make it on THE PAJAMA DIARIES amounts to bribing the judicial system the your own, so we’ll buy it for you.” – Earn same way they bribed the educational sys- What You Get tem. If anything, it would reinforce the Dear Annie: Amen, Sister! I had to write parents’ and kids’ belief that cheating the to you as this is one of the first letters that system is the way to go. Jail time is the I have read of yours, and there have been only way to get their attention and to dis- hundreds, that I totally agree with. You suade others from doing the same thing. – were spot on. Those parents need to pay Correcting the Record extremely huge fines and receive suspend- Dear Annie: I agreed with your ed sentences with probation. Also, money response to “Friends in Disagreement,” to the universities, as you suggested, but I would like to add a couple of com- should be devoted exclusively for those ments. First of all, bribing a college official MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM less fortunate. What a great response. – to get your kid admitted is not a natural Just Another Christian thing loving parents would do. Loving par- Dear Annie: You missed the mark. ents try to teach their kids to be honest While I completely agree with your state- and responsible. Bribing a college official ment that the parents in the scandal demonstrates neither of those traits. And should pay a hefty fine, perhaps in schol- your child will learn a valuable lesson arship funds to the universities, paying about the consequences of choices when said fines is no punishment for these very his or her poor high school grades get a wealthy individuals and again sends the denial from an Ivy League school. Your message that they can buy their way out of child still can attend a state university. a felony. They need to serve jail time. – Loving and responsible parents allow Serious About Penalties their children to learn from the conse- BORN LOSER Dear Annie: The parents who bribed quences of their choices. and cheated to get their kids admitted to Secondly, while I think your idea of the colleges seemed to forget an important parents paying hefty fines for their crimi- point: How will those students ever suc- nal behavior is excellent, I still think a jail ceed in college when they weren’t qualified sentence should be imposed. These to be admitted? I agree with the writer who appear to be people who have spent their believes these parents did a great disser- lives buying their way out of conse- vice to their kids. They did not “do what quences. – Learning Their Lesson any loving parent would do.” Loving par- Dear Readers: Tune in tomorrow for ents do not try to set the worst example for more feedback on this important discus- their children. And forgiving these parents sion. ALLEY OOP may be the Christian way, but remember: Send your questions for Annie Lane to This wasn’t a mistake; these parents knew [email protected]. that what they were doing was wrong but COPYRIGHT 2019 CREATORS.COM TODAY’S HOROSCOPE Keep working toward your — You’ll learn if you observe AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. goal. Personal change will what others do and listen to 19) — Call in a favor if it will boost your confidence and what they say. A change in atti- help you bring about the encourage you to follow the tude will give you the spark changes you want to make. path that will lead to greater and enthusiasm you need to Offer something in return to freedom. Trust and believe in achieve your goals. ensure that you will not feel FOR BETTER OR WORSE yourself, and use your intelli- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) indebted. gence and charm to convince — How you handle stress will PISCES (Feb. 20-March others to support you and your affect the way others treat you. 20) — Mingle and network with cause. Don’t let your emotions get out GEMINI (May 21-June 20) of hand and lead to regrettable people who share your beliefs, — Chitchat will draw interest actions. Think before you but know when to walk away and suggestions from people make a move. from someone who is trying to who think the same way as SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. take advantage of you. Don’t you. The input you get will 22) — If you do or learn some- believe everything you hear. encourage you to rethink a thing new, you will spark your ARIES (March 21-April 19) personal decision. imagination and be encour- — Think big, but stick to what’s CANCER (June 21-July 22) aged to make a positive actually doable. Avoid conflict — Take care of unfinished lifestyle change. Romance is at all costs. Gather information business, financial, health or encouraged. and focus on personal growth. legal issues to ease your SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- FRANK & ERNEST Positive change begins within. stress and clear your schedule Dec. 21) — Remember what Trust in your ability to excel. so you can spend more time you’ve done in the past to find TAURUS (April 20-May 20) with a loved one. a way to bypass any obstacle — Just do it. Put your plan in LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — that stands in your way. motion and keep moving for- How you help others will make Believe in yourself. a difference. Don’t take on oth- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- ward. Recognize that you can ers’ responsibilities when you Jan. 19) — Listen to what oth- accomplish more if you work can teach people how to take ers have to say, but when it alone. Someone will meddle in care of things themselves. comes down to taking care of your affairs if you are too Look for an opportunity to business, do what works best accommodating. expand your interests. for you. A personal change will COPYRIGHT 2019 United VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) fetch positive results. Feature Syndicate, Inc.




THE GRIZZWELLS l THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM CLASSIFIEDS THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 13 Lost & Found Help Wanted Help Wanted Business Give Away Houses for Sale Opportunities Lost & Found Ads are FREE Now hiring for 2 Bars/Restaraunts Cloverland Motorsports Giveaway: Loveseat, brown in for 3 days. 15 word limit. cooks, prep cooks, bartenders, NOTICE: color, good shape. See at The ads must be in by 1:00pm servers, dishwashers, is seeking a Fairview Apartments the day before publication The Daily Globe, while exercising Great hours/pay reasonable care in accepting ads, in Bessemer, Apt. #44 906-932-2211 Call (715)561-2767 MECHANIC (906)285-3553 [email protected] warns those answering to (715)329-1401 Candidate must be investigate the proposition offered Commercial/ self-motivated, and to be careful of any ad Personals requiring money to be sent for organized, reliable and information or long distance phone Residential willing to provide calls that may request money Please check your ad on the first for information. run day. The Daily Globe will not be excellent customer Property for rent: 3,200 sq.ft. office building. responsible for mistakes after the service. Must work well Former Social Security offices, Get the best of both first day. with others and have Bids Cloverland Drive, Ironwood. worlds living in Hurley, WI. Looking for happy, energetic the ability to work on Will build/remodel to suit. In-town living with lots of Call (906)932-1411 Firewood Housekeepers who want to ATV’s, UTV’s, REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS nature next door! make a dierence! Snowmobiles and Used The Gogebic-Iron County Airport is Apartments & This lovely, well-maintained requesting proposals to install a Firewood for sale Weekends a MUST! Vehicle Inventory. three bedroom, 1-3/4 bath by the Loggers cord. 500-gallon pump chamber connect- Duplexes Call (715)561-3437. Apply in person Wage based on ing the existing septic tank to anoth- home sits beautifully on an EconoLodge - Hurley experience. Apply er absorption field. Dual pumps, approximate 1/2 acre lot. controller and all other electrical 103 Sellar Street, Bessemer Situation Wanted 1000 10th Avenue N. within or send supplies provided by installer. For Upper one bedroom It includes many amenities No phone calls please! resume to: more project details and/or to $420.00 monthly plus electric including a large, finished schedule a site visit please contact $640.00 to move in lower level rec room and Hello Raking. I'm Back. 300 E. Cloverland Dr. the Airport manager. Proposals (810)208-1529 Randy the Raker. must be received by May 31, 2019. private office. So much Prompt, Dependable, Ironwood, MI 49938 Tom's Country Cafe, Mercer, WI The Gogebic-Iron County Airport re- more adds to the Courteous Service, serves the right to reject any and all Apartments Available in Hurley. Senior Discount. Full spring is looking for a team player. Rent based on income. lovliness of this home. Full or part time waitstaff and/or proposals. The Gogebic-Iron cleaning services and seasonal Full-time HVAC Service County Airport is an affirmative ac- Stove & fridge provided. A blacktopped circular lawn maintenance. cook. Year round, willing to train. Coin operated laundry on site. Flexible schedule. ALL prior Technician/Installer needed. tion, equal opportunity organization driveway provides easy Please call (906)285-2465 Submit resume to PO Box 484, Please call: (712)580-5360. applicants MUST re-apply that welcomes all proposals. access to a 2-1/2 car email: [email protected] Ironwood MI 49938, Mike Harma, Airport Manager Help Wanted (715)476-2433 or (715)776-2662 or apply personally at E5560 Airport Rd. One bedroom apartment for rent heated garage. Mukavitz Heating, Ironwood, MI 49938 $460.00 a month. Utilities included. Asking $159,000.00 111 S Lawrence St. Ironwood Phone: (906) 932-3121 NOW HIRING! Call (920)205-2052 Contact us by email Now hiring Servers Fax: (906) 932-4401 Root Cellar on Lake Gogebic Housekeepers and Gooch's A1 Bar in [email protected] [email protected] Boulder Junction, WI Spacious one bedroom apartment Call (906)842-3535 Companions. for rent. $475.00 a month. or by calling (715)367-2372 leave message if necessary Flexible Scheduling. On Looking for a Full Time Cook to start immediately. Year round work. Appliances Heat and water included. the job training. Must have Call (920)205-2052 a valid driver's license and Fun, fast paced work environment. DOVE, Inc. has an opening for a Excellent pay for the right person. Trucks, Heavy part-time Client Advocate. Primary a dependable vehicle. Please call (715)385-9288 responsibilities include providing Pick up an application at: Houses for Rent coverage on crisis line, monitoring Equipment Avanti Home Care Domestic Violence Escape, DOVE, Mattson’s TV shelter to provide a safe and 110 Iron Street secure atmosphere and individual Inc. has a position opening for a full 800 Division Street, Hurley advocacy and support for shelter Hurley WI, 54534 time Children’s Advocate Case 3 Bedroom home 2003 Dodge Ram residents. Must be willing to work (715)561-3206 Manager. Bachelor degree in & Appliance $600.00 monthly plus utilities 175,000 miles varying and alternating shifts. Human Services, Social Work or Available June 1st Locking box cover and bed liner. For more information contact Psychology preferred, but will train (715)617-2057 Minimal rust. Pamela Niemi at (906)932-4990 or P. I . P u b & G r i l l the right person. Send letter of (715)359-0557 $2,700.00 to apply e-mail letter of interest interest and resume to (906)364-0599 and resume to Presque Isle,WI [email protected]. [email protected] Homes, Apartments, and Local restaurant looking for an Business Spaces for rent. Immediate openings for assistant cook. Approximately Call for details. We are looking to expand our team Cook, Bartender/Server 12 to 16 hours per week. The Real Estate Store by adding a year round position. Send resume to Box 196, Daily (906)932-5406 Looking for an experienced and $8.50-$14.50 an hr. Globe, 118 E. McLeod Ave., self-motivated carpenter who Full-time or Part-time Ironwood, MI 49938. enjoys working on both new Appliances Wide range of fully furnished construction and remodeling. Seasonal or Year Round • • vacation homes in the Big Email your resume to MLC of Wakefield is accepting applications for employment at the Powderhorn Ski Resort area [email protected] Employment available • TV’s • available for month to month or stop by our Design Studio to US 2 Industrial Park, Wakefield, MI 2010 Eldorado Call Casey @ (906)224-1120 rentals from April – November. complete an application and Plus Service Application, references and 16 passenger Medium Duty schedule an interview. (715)686-2522 security deposit required. Bus with Wheelchair Lift. Wausau Homes Ironwood, or email: George's Pub in Boulder Junction Call for details. (906)932-3100 Fair Condition (906)932-3157 Now hiring Two Full-time cooks or (800)222-3131 [email protected] and One Server “Box Store Prices, 156,299 miles Ford E450; Gasoline; Immediate hiring for Experienced House Cleaner Call (715)385-2327 Cooks Helper needed. $25.00 per hour. Ask for Mike or Barb Small Town Service” Automatic; 22’. Will train. Evening shifts. (715)476-2136 Since 1962 Serviced every 5,000 miles. Ding-A-Ling Supper Club in Mercer Boats, Water- View Monday-Friday Call Guy (715)-476-2270 Full time sales associate for local (9am-4pm CDT) retail business. Must work crafts, Motor 122 E. Aurora St. GOGEBIC COUNTY Now Hiring for Carpenters and Saturdays. Send resume to: TRANSIT Carpenter Helpers for residential The Daily Globe Ironwood, MI construction company. Call Mike for 16 ft. Jon Boat, 2 trolling motors, 235 E. McLeod, Ironwood Box 137 GPS. 2 spare tires, 2 new tires, an interview and more information 118 E Mcleod Ave (906)932-2523 (715)518-1675 good 25 HP motor. Electric start. 906-932-0510 Ironwood, MI 49938 $2,000.00 Or Best Offer SEALED BIDS accepted until (906)364-0166 4PM (CDT) SNOWBELT HARDWOODS, INC FRIDAY, June 7, 2019 345 Ringle Drive, Hurley, WI 54534 CSP SPECIALIST/CCS COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY GCT reserves the right to SERVICES FACILITATOR reject any and/or all bids, Accepting applications for general laborers. Northland Counseling has an opening for a CSP Community GCT is an ADA/EOE We o4er the following bene5ts to our full-time Support Program Specialist/ (CCS) Comprehensive Community Employees:*Medical/Dental/Life Insurance-Pro5t Sharing Services Facilitator in their office in Hurley Wisconsin. This is a *Paid Vacation/Holidays full time salaried position, working under the direction of Iron County Human Services. Bachelors Degree in social work, Applications can be picked up at the above address psychology or related field required. Experience with individuals From 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. experiencing chronic mental illness and substance abuse desir- able. For information call Northland Counseling at 715-373-0160 or email resume to [email protected]. Bessemer Plywood Corporation Certified Nursing Assistants Forslund Building Supply in Ironwood has an opening. is now accepting applications for employment. Full time, 5exible Sky View Nursing Center has immediate Part time sales associate. Duties include: Counter sales, part time, and weekend work is available. All interested applicants assisting customers, stocking inventory. Experience with openings for both full and part time CNA’s. may apply or reapply at our main o3ce between 8:00am & 4:30pm computers and retail helpful. Must be 18 years old. Sky View offers a home like atmosphere with a very so that we can update our 4les. 1is should be done on a yearly Industry and/or product knowledge a plus. EOE pleasant resident population. In return for your hard work, we basis. BPC o2ers competitive wages including attendance and Send your resume to: offer a competitive wage with a generous shift differential and a safety bonuses. Fringe bene4ts include health, vision, dental, Forslund Building Supply benefit package, including health insurance and a 401 K pension and life insurance, PTO, 401(k), & paid holidays. Keith Johnson, Store Manager plan. Must be active on the Wisconsin nurse aide registry or meet Applicants may apply in person at BPC, E5108 Jackson Road the requirements for inclusion. Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Ironwood, MI 49938 Please apply in person, by email, or via our website at Bessemer Plywood Corporation 1000 Yale Ave • Bessemer, MI 49911 Contact info: Jill Davey BPC is an equal opportunity employer RUOTSALA CONSTRUCTION, LLC Sky View Nursing Center - 309 Iron Street - Hurley, WI 54534 Accepting Applications for Concrete Finishers with our (715) 561-5646 Email: [email protected] Commercial Traveling Concrete Crew Earn up to $54.00 Hourly Experience required willing to train. CONTA CT: [email protected] R.N./L.P.N. 906-364-0300 Sky View Nursing Center has immediate openings for Part Time Registered Are youLead tired of Mold working Maker 60 plus Position hours a week and E5299 Hannu Road Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses. The applicant must hold or be able to weekends? Looking to run and lead your own Ironwood, MI 49938 possess a valid Wisconsin Nursing License and be able to pass a criminal tool room department? Ironwood Plastics has an background check. In return for your hard work, Sky View offers a competi- opening for a Lead Mold/Tool Maker at our Two Bessemer Plywood Corporation tive wage with a generous shift differential pay for any afternoon or midnight Rivers Wisconsin facility. Two Rivers Wisconsin is is now accepting applications for Spreader positions. Applicants shifts. We also offer a benefit package including health insurance and a 401 K located on beautiful Lake Michigan and is a short 40 must be self-motivated and be able to work as a team. Pension Plan. Sky View is a 33 bed intermediate care facility that offers a home miles from Green Bay. 4is position has the opportunity to earn $15.00/hour. like atmosphere with a very pleasant resident population. As the Lead Mold Maker, you will repair, enhance, and Further details will be discussed in interview. Please apply in person or by email. EOE. perform preventative maintenance on Injection BPC o5ers competitive bene6t package including health, dental, Sky View Nursing Center Molds, Stamping Dies, End of Arm Tools and vision, and life insurance, 401(k), & paid holidays and 309 Iron Street, Hurley WI 54534 components to ensure the injection molding PTO, along with safety and attendance bonuses. production runs smoothly. (715) 561-5646 All bonuses are discretionary. [email protected] EDUCATION: Mold Making Journeyman card Applicants may apply in person at BPC, preferred or an equivalent of education, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. apprenticeship, and/or experience. Bessemer Plywood Corporation EXPERIENCE 3-5+ years of progressive mold 1000 Yale Ave • Bessemer, MI 49911 making/repair experience in a large, fast-paced BPC is an equal opportunity employer injection molding environment preferred (must be highly skilled to work independently). Sta Accountant BENEFITS: Ironwood Plastics offers a competitive Staff Accountant starting wage. This position comes with a full benefit We are looking to hire an entry level to mid level sta/ accountant. package that you are eligible for 30 days after hire! You should have a full understanding of ledgers, accounts payable and the production of a variety of 1nancial statements. A four-year degree in Benefits include Health Insurance, as much as $800 accounting is most desirable, but we will consider someone with a We are currently accepting applications for the contribution to a Health Savings Account, free 2 year degree in accounting. Payroll Processing experience is a real plus. following positions for the 2019 season. employee Life Insurance, immediate eligibility in .is is a corporate home o0ce position in a very busy environment. 401(k) with a 2% company match, low cost Dental, Housekeeping Staff, Lodge Office Staff, Lodge You should have an eye for detail, and be able to problem solve on a Vision, and Life Insurance for you and your family. 10 variety of issues. New grads are encouraged to apply. Cleaning Staff, Restaurant Cooks & Paid holidays, paid vacation, profit sharing plan and .ere is plenty of room to grow in this position with Youth Recreation Program Counselors more! opportunities for advancement. Seasonal full time and part time positions available. Fantastic summer No holidays or weekends required. Submit Resumes to [email protected] jobs for those looking for either full time seasonal or a fill in position by Monday June 3, 2019. Health, Dental and Vision insurance available along with a 401K plan. during the summer. Excellent wages offered. IRONWOOD PLASTICS Salary commensurate with experience. Housing is available 1235 Wall Street ,Ironwood, MI 49938 Apply with Resume to: [email protected] Please apply in person at the Business Office Monday-Friday 8am-4pm Ironwood Plastics is an Equal Opportunity Employer 10750 Dairymen’s Road, Boulder Junction, WI 54512 All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment Contact: Katie Rucinski, Controller or Jerry Geiger, General Manager without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, (715)385-9363 protected veteran status or status as an individual with disability. Or mail your credentials to: Dairymen’s Inc., Attn: Katie Rucinski All qualified applicants will not be discriminated against on the basis of Avanti Health Systems is an equal opportunity employer. disability. P.O. Box 289, Boulder Junction, WI 54512

CONTACT US CLASSIFIED DEADLINES PUBLICATIONS Daily Globe, Inc. Daily Globe: Daily Globe: Monday-Saturday 118 E. McLeod Avenue Ad copy received by 1:00pm Monday-Friday Range Source : Saturday PO Box 548 ad will appear in next available issue Ironwood, MI 49938 24/7 [email protected] (Except Memorial Day, Range Source: Independence Day, Labor Day, (906)932-2211 ext. 116 Ad copy received by 10:00am Wednesday Thanksgiving, Christmas (906)932-5358 Fax ad will appear in next available issue and New Year’s Day) l 14 THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 CLASSIFIEDS THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM Legals BUSINESS

May 23, 24, 25, 2019 NOTICE TO BID The Board of County Road Com- US stocks fall on mixed earnings, missioners of Gogebic County, State of Michigan, at its offices in the Courthouse Annex, City of Bessemer, will receive sealed bids trade tensions; oil slumps until 11:00 a.m. (CDST) on May 28, 2019 for the following items: •Local HMA Patch Paving Services NEW YORK (AP) – A DAY ON WALL STREET •Culvert Replacements Bessemer Stocks closed lower on Further information and specifica- Wakefield May 22, 2019 tions may be obtained at the road Wall Street Wednesday, 27,000 commission office in Bessemer or Dow Jones 26,000 25,000 on our website Hillcrest Ave. 310 Brotherton weighed down by a mixed industrials www.gogebiccountyroadcommis- Friday, May 25 & 24,000 for these bids. Bidders Saturday, May 25 batch of corporate earn- 23,000 Saturday May 26 8:00am-2:00pm -100.72 may use their own bid blanks and 9:00am-2:00pm ings from big retailers and 22,000 submit along with GCRC Bid Form, Rain or Shine 4 Family Garage Sale lingering uncertainty over 25,776.61 21,000 in a sealed envelope and plainly Boys M-L Nike, Under Armour ND J F M A M marked on the outside what item is Teen girls XS-S Pink, Hollister the trade spat between the being bid on. Ironwood large toy semi-trucks, new U.S. and China. Pct. change from previous: -0.39% High 25,878.21 Low 25,755.11 The Board will accept bids by fax at home made rag rugs, (906) 663-4807, provided it is fol- Lowe’s and Nordstrom lowed by receipt of the original household, antiques, May 22, 2019 226 Park Street lots of misc. 8,000 signed bid by mail. The Board re- Saturday, May 25 were among the biggest Nasdaq serves the right to reject or accept 7,500 any bid or all bids or to waive irreg- Sunday May, 26 decliners in the S&P 500 composite 10:00am-4:00pm Watersmeet 7,000 ularities and to accept any bid that, after the retailers reported -34.88 6,500 in the opinion of the Board, is to the Near highschool best interest and advantage of Many tools,10 speed bike, quarterly results that fell 6,000 Gogebic County. 24275 Old US 2 East 7,750.84 unicycle, electronics and short of Wall Street’s ND J F M A M BOARD OF COUNTY ROAD gadgets. Limited household Friday, May 24 expectations. Target COMMISSIONERS items. 8:00am-5:00pm Pct. change from previous: -0.45% High 7,786.33 Low 7,738.35 Saturday, May 25 bucked the trend, surging May 23, 30, June 6, 13, 2019 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE E4444 Airport Road 8:00am-5:00pm after its latest results hand- May 22, 2019 3,000 FORECLOSURE SALE Friday, May 24 & Saturday, Sunday May 26 ily topped analysts’ fore- Standard & This firm is a debt collector attempt- May 25 8:00am-3:00pm 2,800 60 Years of Accumulation Poor’s 500 ing to collect a debt. Any informa- 8:00am-1:00pm casts. 2,600 tion we obtain will be used for that Used Garage Sale. Moving sale. Huge variety of Chipmakers and other -8.09 purpose. Please contact our office things you need!! Snowmobile Power tools, mechanical tools, 2,400 at the number below if you are in drills, tablesaw, circular saw, technology stocks also active military duty. with trailer, 4-wheeler, piano, 2,856.27 2,200 Attention Purchasers: This sale household, clothing, guy stuff, chainsaw, tool chest, air pulled the market lower, N DJFMAM compressor, yard tools, may be rescinded by the foreclos- girls clothing & women's continuing a pattern of Pct. change from previous: -0.28% High 2,865.47 Low 2,851.11 ing mortgagee. In that event, your clothing. Don't miss it! hunting gear, pressure washer, damages, if any, shall be limited camping equipment, trailer, volatile trading as solely to the return of the bid E5623 Newport Street. upright freezer, small musical investors react to develop- amount tendered at sale, plus in- Saturday, May 25 organ, 19" flat screen TV, terest. 8:30am-12:30pm beautiful glasstop/clock coffee ments in the U.S. and Mortgage Sale: Default has been Juniors, ladies, Junior boys and 8.09 points, or 0.3%, to indexes are all down more made in the conditions of a mort- table, housewares, free carpet China’s trade dispute. men's clothing, household misc, remnants and much more! gage made by MATTHEW D. bedding, kitchen items, home de- Energy stocks also took 2,856.27. The Dow Jones than 3% in May, although SHEFFLER and JOANN cor, toys, fitness equipment and losses, falling along with Industrial Average lost they are still holding on to SHEFFLER, original mortgagor to white water kayak. Other misc SETTLERS FEDERAL CREDIT items. Montreal the price of crude oil. 100.72 points, or 0.4%, to gains for the year between UNION, mortgagee, dated June 25, Newport Street is right across from 25,776.61. The Nasdaq 10% and 16%. 2013, and recorded at Liber 557, Elk and Hound Small company stocks Page 793 in Gogebic County re- 13 Saxon Road declined more than the composite slid 34.88 The turbulent stretch of cord, Michigan, on June 25, 2013, Turn from US 2 - One block Friday, May 24, rest of the market. points, or 0.5%, to trading this month has on which the mortgage there is Saturday, May 25 and claimed to be due at the date here- North of Mikes Restaurant or The sell-off outweighed 7,750.84. been a change from the rel- of the sum of $20,508.20. Maplewood Steakhouse Sunday, May 26 Under the power of sale clause Friday, May 24 and 9:00am-??? gains by health care com- The Russell 2000 index ative calm that dominated contained in said mortgage and Saturday, May 25 Roll top desk, RC airplanes, of small company stocks markets earlier this year, statute in such case made and bathroom vanity. Lots of panies, household goods provided, notice is hereby given 8:00am-6:00pm makers and other sectors, gave up 13.62 points, or when a trade agreement Huge Garage/Tent Sale. miscellaneous. Portion of the that said mortgaged premises, or proceeds will be donated to some part of them, will be fore- Follow signs. You don't want to reversing some of the mar- 0.9%, to 1,531.63. appeared in the works. closed by sale at a public auction, miss this sale. Bring Cash! HOPE Animal Shelter! ket’s gains from a day earli- Major stock indexes in The U.S. has imposed to the highest bidder, at public ven- ue, at the front entrance of the er. Europe closed mixed. 25% tariffs on $250 billion Gogebic County Courthouse, 200 Bond prices rose, drag- in Chinese imports and is N. Moore Street, Bessemer, Real Estate “There’s just so much Michigan, on Friday, July 12, 2019 uncertainty, it’s really hard ging the yield on the 10- planning to target another at 10:00 a.m. (CT). Said premises is situated in the City for anybody to frame how year Treasury to 2.38% $300 billion, a move that of Ironwood, Gogebic County, it’s going to play out,” said from 2.42% late Tuesday. would cover everything Michigan and described as: Lot 6, Block 7, Charles J. Strumpf's Grand Karyn Cavanaugh, senior Heightened tensions China ships to the U.S. View Addition to the City or Iron- markets strategist at Voya over trade have stuck the China, meanwhile, has wood, according to the recorded plat thereof. Investment Management. market in a rut for the last retaliated against $110 bil- Parcel 27-52-22-104-060 DAILY GLOBE two weeks. The major U.S. lion in U.S. products. Property address: 120 W. Coolidge The S&P 500 index fell Avenue, Ironwood, Michigan The redemption period shall be six Sales • Rentals Letters should deal with North 05-23-19 months form the date of such sale, Management • Appraisals m 8 3 unless determined abandoned in matters of current, n A 9 7 4 2 MCLA 600.324a, in which case the    o 10 8 6 3 redemption period would be 30 public interest and be no p A 5 days from the date of such sale. 906-932-5406 Highway US-2 • Ironwood         West East If the property is sold at foreclosure longer than 400 words. m 6 5 2 m A 4 sale under Chapter 32 of the Re-     n K J 8 3 n Q 10 6 vised Judicature Act of 1961, pursu- Must be signed by the   o 2 o Q J 9 7 ant to MCL 600.327, the borrower p p will be held responsible to the per- author and    Q 10 9 7 4 J 8 3 2 son who buys the property at the South Borseth m K Q J 10 9 7 mortgage foreclosure sale or to the include name, address and    n mortgage holder for damaging the 5 Insurance & o A K 5 4 property during the redemption peri- phone number for   p od. Real Estate K 6 Dated: May 20, 2019 verification purposes. Dealer: South For more information please con- Tw o L o c a t i o n s Vulnerable: Both tact: Marin Law Firm, 220 W. Wash- Mail: DAILY GLOBE Ewen, MI  South West North East ington Street, Marquette, MI 49855. m Phone: (906)273-2300 Phone: (906)988-2329 118 E McLeod Ave.       1 Pass 1NT Pass 4m Pass Pass Pass Ontonagon, MI Ironwood, MI 49938 Phone: (906)884-4161 Opening lead: o 2 Toll Free Email: (877)768-9846 [email protected] It is an easy trap Fax: to descend into (906)-932-4211 By Phillip Alder Saki, whose real name was Hector Hugh Munro, was a Scottish short- story writer. He advised: “In baiting a mouse trap with cheese, always leave room for the mouse.” There is a nasty trap in this deal, into which many players would fall. South is in four spades. West leads the diamond two: three, seven, ace. South plays a sneaky spade nine, but East wins with the ace and returns the diamond jack. How should South continue from there? In the auction, South decided Lawn Services Lawn Services not to give free information to the Computer Services defenders. He thought it most unlikely that diamonds would play better than spades, and opposite a one-no-trump response, a slam was I improbable. If anything, four spades AR was a slight overbid, but either a SA good partner would hold a useful card or two, or an opponent would misdefend. R. A. Miller Caretaking To the original declarer, everything looked like smooth Ironwood sailing. At trick three, he covered Lawn Care (906)285-9070 East’s diamond jack with his king. •Complete Lawn Care However, West ruffed and exited “SPRING YARD with his last trump. Then South had Earthwork • Mowing • Lawn Vacuuming to lose two more diamond tricks and CLEAN-UP” •Seeding • Tree Trimming go down one. North was cheesed off. He DECK & HOUSE •Top Soil • Repair mentioned that if South had played PRESSURE WASHING Serving Ironwood, Bessemer, a low diamond from his hand at trick FAHRNER three, yes, he would have lost the LAWN MOWING Ramsay, and Powderhorn trick and the next one when East Licensed and Insured gave West a diamond ruff, but he EXCAVATING WEED EATING would have won West’s return, RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL drawn trumps and claimed. YARD RAKING Also, North added, if it turned out • Site Prep • Driveways Property Management that diamonds were 3-2 all along, • Road Building WE DO IT ALL! losing trick three would have cost only an overtrick. • Land Clearing • Culverts No job too BIG or too SMALL! Always ask yourself what might go • Ponds & Pond Cleaning Residential & Commercial Harma’s Lawn & wrong: Is there a trap about to snap? • Tree & Stump Removal Property Service, LLC © 2019 UFS, Dist. by Andrews McMeel for UFS • Leaky Basement Repair EXPANDING • Skidsteer Services • BRIDGE • Water & Sewer Lines LAWN SERVICES TO: • Custom Food Plots • • Roto Rooter • Driveway Restoration • • Licensed Septic Tanks & Mercer, Manitowish, • Property Management • PHILLIP Systems Installed Winchester & Presque Isle Call Paul ALDER * Retaining Walls 715-208-2828 • Sand • Gravel • Topsoil (715)360-1224 Servicing Little Girls’ Point to Mercer • Crack Sealing • Hot Mix & Cedar to Wakefield (715)561-2560 Commercial & Residential • Asphalt Patching • Reground Asphalt • Carpentry Licensed & Insured Call Ken [email protected] (906)364-4468


906-932-5002 DAN’S ANTIQUES 906-932-2272 )() "*$*'(! For your DowntownBuying Antiq Ironwoodues from H o• u131ses E.• G Auroraarages • StreetBarns From One Item up to Partial Estates )'("*#* )*'$*% )*)))($* Video Duplication Looking for Antiques: )"!'$ * ("!'$*''#!*'(!'$ We copy these media formats to DVD or VHS tape: • Old Hunting Knives & Military Items • Old Hand Tools & Logging Tools VHS-C - 8mm - Hi8 - Digital 8 - Mini DV-DVD - • Anvils & Axes • 1950’s & Older Magazines '#!*#*)))($*'# )*%( ) Super 8 - Reg 8 - 16mm and Beta • Advertising Signs & Thermometers • Stoneware Crocks Reel to Reel/Cassette • Sleds, Toboggans, Snowshoes & Wood Skis • License Plates & Lanterns  &&*%(**%# Reel to Reel/Cassette • Beer Mirrors & Signs • Old Bottles & Milk Bottles with Advertising • Cast Iron Pans, Dutch Ovens & Griddles • Wool Blankets & Jackets  &&*%(**%# "* • Mining Items • Wood Adverting Boxes • Furniture • Postcards & Photos  &&*%(**%# " Call Ronnie Paying $15 to $18 for Silver Dollars Buying Gold & Sterling Silver Rings && &&*%(**$$)'( 906 - 932 - 2103

R&M Masonry, Inc. Zak’s Realty Richard Makinen, Owner/Operator Going the extra mile is worth the run! “Providing a solid foundation for a better future” 906-285-9851 cell (ok to text) Commercial/Residential 906-932-2688 office Garage Slabs • Patios • Sidewalks • Driveways 906-932-0952 fax Decorative Brick & Stone Licensed & Insured 110 E. Aurora Street 502 E. Tamarack Street Ironwood, MI 49938 Ironwood, MI 49938 [email protected] Tracy L. Amundson, Realtor 651-500-9649

121 S. Suffolk Street Gail Mlasko Ironwood, MI 49938 Hair & Makeup 906.285.4379

MATTSON FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Your WELLNESS, our PASSION! Krein’s Blinds “The Traveling Blind Guy” We Come to You • Free Estimates DORI MATTSON, DC CHIROPRACTIC SERVICES Jeffrey W. Krein (715)561-5483 520 E. Ayers St. MASSAGE Ironwood, MI 49938 COLDCOLD LASER THERAPY (906) 932-4605 Graber and Kirsch Window Fashions Fax (906) 932-4875 Office Hours Energy Savings - Summer & Winter M, T, TH 7:15-11:30 & 1:30-5:00 Fri 7:15-11:30 Since 1969 • service, products & advice you can rely on

Hill’s Hearing Service Testing • Sales • Service Custom Hearing Aids 906-932-9033 237 E. Cloverland Drive US 2 (DOWNTOWN IRONWOOD) Nancy Zak Ironwood, MI 49938 110 E. Aurora St., Ironwood, MI 49938 Broker Richard & Gale Hill Owners Since 1996 906-932-2688 office • 906-364-5948 cell [email protected]

General Insurance Agency 200 S. Sophie Street • Bessemer, MI 906-667-0269 Serving our communities since 1933

Auto • Home • Life Paul Malmberg Business • Recreational John Stone Mark Malmberg

Nicolet Welcome Service ---Attention Newcombers*--- BaleSales, Clock Service && Repair Watch

Call your area representative Timothy Bale - Owner Marla Kangas Sales & Service NEW & USED Clock Service Calls in Home. Black Forest Cuckoo Clocks Watch Bands, Batteries & Crystals (906)364-0463 Hermle & Howard Miller Key Fob Batteries Citizen- Seiko - Pulsar For your FREE Welcome Packet to the Hurley, Mercer, Ironwood, Bessemer, Wakefield areas! (906)932-TICK (8425) * 12 Months or Less (906)285-1054 (Mobile) NEW 313 N. Lake St., Ironwood, MI 49938

Join Us for ANY 2 BBG’s BIG DOGS Sunday Brunch & SIDE FOR $9.99 BRANDING IRON 10am-2pm WITH THE PURCHASE OF 2 BEVERAGES ACTION NORTH REALTYKathy Tutt STEAK & SMOKE HOUSE Broker/Owner Order 1 Brunch & 2 Beverages, 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM 11am - 4pm ONLY LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER/PER TABLE, NOT VALID P.O. Box 3 • 5211 Hwy 51 North nd Mercer, WI 54547 receive 1/2 off the 2 Brunch WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS, SPECIALS OR DISCOUNTS Of1ce: (715)476-2323 7 NIMIKON • GILE, WI 54525 Toll Free: 1-877-350-2323 Limit 1 Per Person, Per Table. Not valid with any other offers, specials or discounts. Fax: (715)476-2304 Sunday from 10am-2pm only. EXPIRES 07/31/2019 715-561-2767 Email: [email protected] BURGERSBARANDGRILL.COM Cell: (715)776-3555 Ofces in Mercer & Ironwood 214 SILVER STREET • HURLEY, WI • (715)329-1401 EXPIRES 07/31/2019 Each Office is independently Owned and Operated l 16 THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM


GOGEBIC COUNTY ONTONAGON COUNTY Trout Creek — American Legion Post 494 Ironwood — American Legion Post 5 Bergland — American Legion 562 10 a.m. – Service at Agate Cemetery 9 a.m. – Service at Memorial Building 10 a.m. – Service at Lakeview Cemetery 10:45 a.m. – Service at Trout Creek 10 a.m. – Parade to Riverside Cemetery 10:30 a.m. – Forest Lawn Cemetery Cemetery stopping at memorial on corner of Veterans dinner follows at Bergland 11:30 a.m. – Service at Kenton Cemetery Suffolk and Ayer streets. Senior Center Lunch to follow at Kenton Township Hall Parade continues on Ayer, Lowell and Ridge streets to cemetery for more Bruce Crossing/Ewen — White Pine — American Legion Post 462 observances. American Legion Post 41, VFW Post 9345 10 a.m. – Service at Green Cemetery Bessemer — American Legion Post 27, 9 a.m. – Service at Paynesville Cemetery 11 a.m. – Service at Legion Post VFW Post 3673 9:30 a.m. – Service at Maple Grove Lunch to follow at Legion Post 9 a.m. – Service at Hillcrest Cemetery Cemetery IRON COUNTY Speaker: 1st Sgt. Timothy Rang, U.S. 10 a.m. – Service at Bruce Crossing Army, retired Cemetery Hurley — American Legion Post 58, 10:30 a.m. – Service at Ewen Cemetery VFW Post 1580, Vietnam Veterans of Wakefield — American Legion Post 11, America Gogebic-Iron Chapter 529 Greenland - Mass City — VFW 4167 VFW Post 9084 10:30 a.m. – Parade from Memorial Building 10 a.m. – Service at Lakeview Cemetery 1 p.m. – Service at Maple Grove Cemetery 11 a.m. – Service at Hurley Cemetery Speaker: John K. Grayvold, U.S. Marine Speaker: Staff Sgt. Paul Orlich, Ontonagon — VFW Post 5600 Corps, retired U.S. Army, retired 8 a.m. – Mass Holy Family Cemetery Marenisco — American Legion Post 523 9 a.m. – Service at veterans monument Saxon-Gurney — 11:30 a.m. – Service at Marenisco then moving to Evergreen Cemetery, American Legion Post 371 Cemetery Holy Family Cemetery, Riverside 10:30 a.m. – Service at Edgewood Speaker: John Zorich and Bruce Mahler Cemetery and Ontonagon Marina Cemetery, Gurney Rockland — American Legion Post 92 11 a.m. – Service at Lakeview Cemetery, Watersmeet — Saxon American Legion Post 417 10 a.m. – Service at Irish Hollow Cemetery Potluck lunch to follow at Saxon 10:15 a.m. – Service at Ontonagon County 8 a.m. – Service at Lac Vieux Desert Community Center Veterans Memorial Old Village 10:30 a.m. – Parade on Main Street 10 a.m. – Service at Watersmeet Mercer/Manitowish Waters — 11 a.m. – Service at Woodlawn Cemetery Cemetery American Legion Post 424, VFW Post 9536 10 a.m. – Service at Mercer Cemetery 11:30 a.m. – Service at Pine Lawn Cemetery, Manitowish Waters Speaker: Warren Johnson


Jerry T. Synkelma WELL DRILLING ® Financial Advisor CERTIFIED FINANCIAL BINZ BROS. Drilling since 1950 PLANNER™ practitioner WELL DRILLING & PUMP SERVICE STEEL OR PVC CASED WELLS ROTARY DRILLING COMPLETE WATER SYSTEMS • Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. WATER WELL PUMP REPAIR HYDRO FRACTURING SERVICES • 910 East Cloverland Drive “Your Local Well Drilling” WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS Contractor • Ironwood, MI 49938 Bus: (906)932-1981 Mich. License #93-2060 An Ameriprise Platinum Wisc. License #3570 ® Fax: (906)932-9771 Financial Services practice Cell: (906)364-1638 [email protected] 6400715-561-5590 Odanah Rd. Hurley, WI 54534 An Ameriprise Associated Franchise

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Will Corcoran GIOVANONI’S Owner

“LatestGreat Research. Northern Fewest Visits. BestRehab Results.” GTC Auto Parts Silver Street • Hurley, Wisconsin 54534 114 W. Ayer Street • Ironwood, MI 49938 1310 E. Cloverland Drive, Ironwood, MI 49938 (715) 561-4141 Phone: 906-932-4200 • Fax: 906-932-4201 906-932-0210 Open 7 Days A Week! •


906-224-2191 INSTALLATION Shop, dine, and stay in scenic Ironwood, MI. “The Furniture You Want... Open 24 Hours The Way You Want it.” With many unique businesses to experience, great food to Specializing in: Boilers • Furnaces •Air Conditioning eat, and sights to see, you’ll be sure to enjoy your visit. •Refrigeration • Custom Sheet Metal • Water Heaters 128 E. Aurora Street 504 Main Street W • Gas • Pop • Beer Residential & Commercial/Licensed & Insured Ironwood, MI 49938 Ashland, WI 54806 150 N. Lowell St., Ironwood, MI 49938 • Gas • Pop• Hot• Beer Coffee & Cappuccino 24 Hour Service (906) 932-4400 (715) 682-8900 906.932.1122 111 S. Lawrence St., • Hot Coffee & Cappuccino• Subs • & Subs More & More 45+ Years Experience Ironwood, MI 49938

WE SPECIALIZE IN • Rebuilding Starters, Alternators, Generators & Carburetors • Electrical - Car/Light Truck OFSTAD RIGONI’S • Tune-ups • Welding • Brake Repair • Stock Interstate and Deka Batteries Sales and Service ATV, Car, Pick-up, Heavy Commercial Batteries BAKERY • Trailer Hitches • Trailer Supplies • Heavy Equipment Starters and Alternators on hand Husqvarna Lawn Products 110 S. Suffolk St., Downtown Ironwood Snowblowers • Chainsaws • Trimmers Call Marc Today! Safety Gear • Tractors • Leaf Blowers RED’S Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7am-5pm I R N Parts & Accessories O A Sat. 7am-3pm NW IG 1380213802 N.N. StateState Hwy. Hwy. 169 169 5624 W. W. US US Hwy. Hwy. 2 OOD, MICH NORB’S AUTO ELECTRIC Gurney,Gurney, WIWI Hurley,Hurley, WIWI 906-932-3810 430 E. Cloverland Drive, Ironwood, MI 906-932-1932 715-893-2495715-893-2495 715-561-5601715-561-5601


Located on East U.S. 2 Wakefield, Michigan Owners: Bill & Jason Pallin