MARKET In 2012, Jang was listed u one of the top SO brands Pakiatan is a news-oriented country. Most of our ofAsia in CMO Asia Awards. decisions, plans, and even our convenations are It is also 1hc single largest media brand in terms of centered around news and happenings. News has the advertising revenues, exceeding other media assets power to make or break opinions. It will be safe to in the country. There are few media groups in the describe the newsmaker as the real agent of change. country but Jang exceeds them all with nearly In our country, 61% of Urban Pakistanis start their double the market value and muicrship. day with a newspaper. Out ofthis, Jang is the most preferred newspaper in the country with a 43% HISTORY reach, which is nearly twice as much as the second The story of Jang breathed life when Mir Khalil ur most read newspaper. It would not be an Rahman came out with the first edition ofthe iconic exaggeration to say that Jang has the ability to drive newspaper in 1939. Printed from a four room rented 1hc nation and form perceptions. Cimllated in more pla.ce, Jang took birth as a four pager aftemoon than 800 c:itiee, toWII.B and villagee, Jang covers newspaper. every nook and corner of . Since the country wu in a dilemma at that point of Being one of the pioneers of newspapers in the time, Jang mainly covered news and reports about country, Jang is the number 1 choice of the readers the Indian Muslims fighting the British Army on dw: to ita IWCUI8te, analytical investigative stories various fronts. Soon it was able to gain attention of and hard-hitting opinion pieces. With 73% reach in its target readers so much so that expansion became 1hc three metros of 1hc countly, Jang has been the inevitable. Within a short span of four years, Jang voice of the nation and has ben able to influence the came out with its fist daily edition in 1945 policy-makers change their course of action in modifying its format size and employing a 12-mm:_ favour of 1hc nation. dedicated workforce. In 1947, after the partition, Jang chose to move to ACHIEVEMENTS Pakistan and ro-establish itself in . On 15th Jang has successfully completed its 15 years of October 1947, lang published itB finrt edition from Pakiatan. Based on honesty, courage and eJWell.ence and this year matks the 70th anniversacy THE PRODUCT of Jang's publication in Pakiatan. It's unwavering determination to serve 1hc nation with truth, 111l8 The readership of 111l8 is diverse both reporting and balanced columns make it the most soon earned the trust of the people and became the demographically and socio-«onomically; hence the credible newspaper ofthe country. leading daily of the country. In 1959, the Rawalpindi/Islamabad edition was content is designed keeping in mind all the fractions Jang has kept the print innovated. The newspaper the society. has made a mark a reputed launched since the Capital was shifted from Karachi of Jang as won the prestigious PAS Awanl in 2017. While, it over the years by giving out most to Islamabad In 1971, Jang went international by newspaper clinched the international WAN-IFRA's Best in accurate than other in launching its London edition. This helped satisfy 1hc news any the Newspaper Marketing Award at Philippines in 2016 country. and won Best Innovation New product Award in lnmger of Pakistanis for news :from 1hc homelmd and made Jang the IBrgest ael.ling Urdu Even when we look at all SEC classifications, Illl8 WAN-IFRA's South Asian Digital Media Awards in leads the muket by 570.4 in SECA and 52% in SEC 2017. Jang Real abo won the SAARC Award for daily in Great Britain within no time. B. The next year Illl8 started its Quetta edition, and in Creative Excellence 2018 in the category of As for its componeots, Jang bas a special midweek April1982 Jang ventun:d iota with a blll8 Excellence In Media, Innovative usage of Print issue that comes out every It is a and captured the newspaper rcadcn.hip within no Media Award, rec:ently. tabloid-sized magazine with inn:rviews. news md time. In October 2002, Jang ventured into Southem features related to lifestyle, women issues, sports laumiliing Punjab by its Multan edition. Today, it is and entertainment. the IBrgest selling daily with 43% readerahip across On Fridays, Jlll8 bas a special religious page - lqra Pakiatan. - that focuses on Islamic values and teachings. The journey that started off with one man. and his While on Saturday, Jang publishes a page for the rented premises has now developed into the biggest kids titled aa Bachon b Jang. media congl.omcmtc with over 7,000 employees Adding more value to the newspaper, Jang haa across Pakiatan and abroad. The publication that introduced internationally renowned publications, was made of four pages now houses a number of Financial Times and The Telegraph, to Pakistan by magazines and special pages offering something of publishing one page from each publication every value to every newspaper reader. week giving our local readers a feel of international

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22 SUPERBRANDS news stores and happenings. interactive. Home Expos starting from Karachi, Lahore and Some other weekly pages include topics like To take it a step ahead. Jang introduced a virtual Islamabad but as the event picked up, the expo went Science and technology, Crime, Literature, Youdl, reality app in the newspaper titles, Jang VR, paying international entering Abu Dhabi and London as Political Analysis, Socio-Economic Forum. bibute to the 70 years Jang of Pakistan. Jang VR well, becoming an annual event in these two Entertaimnent, etc. created an online gallery ofdle 70 years ofPakistan countries. Jang's Sunday Magazine is the most sought after through Jang headlines featuring the important Along with that, Jang does not forget its magazine in the country. This is a special 4-colour even1s and happenings ofdle past seven deeades. In responsibility as a media house and stays involved tabloid sized magazine highlighting fashion, fact, on Quaid-e-Azam. 's birthday in 2017, Jang also in creating a socially aware and morally charged culture, art, socio-political issues, travelogues etc. launched a VR gallery of Quaid's inspirational society under the banner of its CSR effort - Jang Sunday Magazine leads the market in metros by speeches and pictw:es. The gallery also paid tribute Cares. 68.4% followed by Akhbar e Jehan. which is also a to the makt':!S of Pakistan, who fought beside Jang engages itself in promotional activities and Jang Media Group publication. Quaid-e-Azam. for the ideology and freedom of encourages recreation for dle masses who need to Pakistan. This is how Jang worked on innovation in get their creative juice running in order to survive in ... print and breathed a new life into the print industry tough situations. in Pakistan. In addition, our online presence has increased by the BRAND VALUES d.:'H.flfOR!P.¥11r:;_6, day as well. Ever since Jang Online - Jang is dle heart and soul of dle nation. Despite r£