1. To receive apologies for non-attendance.

(Prior to the start of the Meeting proper there will be a public participation session of up to 15 Minutes to enable parishioners to comment on matters concerning the Parish. This will be conducted in accordance with paragraphs 3(e) and 3(f) of the Council’s Standing Orders adopted on 14th January 2014 and Minute No. 504.8 dated 11th February 2014.

2. To receive Members declarations of interests. Members are reminded of the need to declare any interests they may have in any items on this Agenda and the nature of those interests, and also of the need to notify the Monitoring Officer of any changes to their interests as listed in the register of member’s interests, in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000.

3. To confirm the Minutes of the Meetings held on the 7th July 2015. To approve and sign the Minutes of the Meeting as a correct record.

4. To receive updates on Matters from previous meetings not otherwise included on the Agenda.

5. To consider new Planning applications, decisions, and Other Planning Matters. 5.1 Applications CDC: 31/2015/15999 – detached single garage, Dalesgarth, Raines Road

5.2 Decisions CDC: 31/2015/15799 – construction of timber framed car port, single storey rear extension, garden studio/office, solar panels to rear and replacement windows with modified masonry openings, Orchard Cottage, 2 Tems Side: granted CDC: 31/2015/15866 – detached double garage, Park House, Bankwell road: granted CDC: 31/2015/15835 – conversion of part single storey former agricultural building to agricultural workers dwelling, Croft Closes Farm, Bank Lane: granted

5.3 Other planning Matter YDNPA: proposed submission version, Dales Local Plan 2015 – 2030

6. To receive reports and reach decisions on various Village Matters. 6.1 Update on resurfacing work on Harrison Playing Fields. 6.2 Policy on contribution for use of Fields. 6.3 Update on land to the rear of Riversdale Estate. 6.4 Update on legality issue for replacement of wooden frames with UPVC. 6.5 Update on maintenance on Paley Green Lane. 6.6 Update on ownership of footbridges. 6.7 Update on revised draft documents on proposed footway Bankwell Road. 6.8 Notification of annual inspection of Harrison Playing Fields. 6.9 The Giggleswick Charities ‘wine and cheese event’, 5th September 2015. 6.10 YDNPA: Parish Forums, 22 September 2015, and 7 October 2015, Settle. 6.11 NYCC: Craven Area Committee – election to fill vacancies for co-opted members. 6.12 CDC: Register of Members’ Financial and Other Interests. 6.13 Additional street light on Raines Road.

7. To receive and take decisions on various Financial Matters.

7.1 To receive Financial Statement to 31st July 2015.

7.2 To approve payment of the following accounts:- net vat total Horton Landscaping Ltd. (grass cutting July 2015) £ 300.00 £ 60.00 £ 360.00 Landscape Engineering Ltd. £7,430.00 £1,486.00 £8,916.00 M. Hill (Clerk’s salary) £ 333.33

8. To receive Reports on or Notice of meetings of Other Bodies * NYP: Community Messaging – Craven * YLCA: annual review 2014/2015 * Police and Crime Commissioner – Annual Report 2014 – 2015 * White Rose Update, July 2015 * NALC legal briefing L05-15: public contracts regulations 2015 * NYCC: Local Transport Plan Consultation briefing * YLCA: guidance and information to PC re travellers en-route to and from Appleby Fair * J. Parker’s wholesale catalogue Dutch bulbs, autumn 2015 * North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority consultation on ‘Fire Cover Review’ * The 22nd International Gilbert & Sullivan festival, 1-23 August in ; poster * North Yorkshire Rural: Housing Enablers Newsletter Summer 2015 * Built Environment: planning resource subscription * Public Sector Today: new edition * Park Lane Playgrounds & Enviroplay: inspection and maintenance programme on offer * WW1 Remembrance trail in Burton in Lonsdale, 19 July 2015 * CDC: Craven Community Champion Awards * RoSPA: playsafety Operational Playground Inspection Course, 15-17 September 2015, * CDC: nominations for Craven Community Champion Awards 2015 poster * Rural Action Yorkshire: new Good Neighbours Scheme * NHS Airedale, Wharfdale and Craven CCG Annual General Meeting, 17 September 2015 * Rural Action Yorkshire: showcasing North Yorkshire’s Community Friendly Buildings * CDC: Parishes Liaison Group meeting, 23 September 2015,

9. To determine any Matter not included on this Agenda which the Chairman considers must nevertheless be addressed as a matter of urgency.

10. To receive reports/comments on other matters for information only, or for inclusion on a future Agenda.

11. To confirm the date of the Next Meeting. The next Meeting of the Council will be held on Tuesday, the 8th September 2015 at 19.30 (7.30p.m.).

M. Hill Clerk to the Council