
Cyngor Cymuned Tregynon Council

Minutes of Tregynon Community Council meeting held on 10 July 2019 at 8.00 pm in the Community Centre

Present: Councillors Manon Watkin (Chair), John Williams, D. Bumford, T. Breese, S. Williams, H. Hulme, Jean Williams and Clerk Rachael Jones.

Playground inspection sheets were handed in by Cllrs Shearer, John Williams, Hulme and Breese.

1) Apologies: Cllr J. Shearer and M. Davies.

2) Declarations of interest: Cllr Watkin- flood defences.

3) The minutes of the June meeting were read and accepted with the proviso that the phrase Acting Chair be changed to Chair. Cllr Watkin, Chair, then signed the minutes.

4) Matters arising: None

5) Planning applications: Following the approval of Application Number P/2017/0580 (development of land adjacent to Tyn y Ddol), the designs of the proposed dwellings had been submitted. The councillors reviewed the designs and decided to send the following comment: The buildings must blend in with current buildings in the surrounding area.

6) Planning applications received after distribution of agenda: None

7) Cemetery admin: The councillors had earlier visited the cemetery and reviewed the layout of graves. There were several areas in which new graves could go, still giving families a degree of choice, and this would mean that existing gaps would be filled. It was also confirmed that new cremations will no longer follow the line of the driveway but instead fill in towards the hedge. Clerk to amend the current layout plans and to inform the funeral directors. Clerk to bring details of reserved plots to the September meeting.

8) Flood defences: Cllr Hulme has contacted Natural Resources to push them to update the flood maps and risk rating of the village.

9) Highways: The potholes earlier reported to Highways are now on the Highways list. The large pothole in front of the post office has been addressed. Cllr Hulme is waiting to communicate with the Footpaths Officer about the Penymaes path. This is now overgrown with nettles and a boundary fence has gone. The councillors were adamant the boundary should be clearly marked. Cllr Hulme to follow this up. The condition of the footpath to the amenity land is much better. The footpath adjacent to the glebe land has blockages. Dangerous cycling has been observed along this path.

At 8.50 two Police Support Officers joined the meeting (PCSOs Liann Richards and Amy Bartlett). The officers are to conduct reviews of the area to include cycling and speeding issues. The councillors told the officers of speeding tractors and drivers not stopping at the pedestrian crossing.

Cllr Hulme spoke of her concern that teenagers should have provision for activities in the village. The PCSOs left the meeting at 9.15pm. 10) Playground: It was noted that screws had come off the climbing frame. Cllr Bumford to replace them.

11) Grants from the Wind Farm Trust: The clerk read out a letter received from Council which stated that amounts received by that council from their wind farm trust were used for the benefit of the community, and they therefor considered that there was no conflict of interest.

12) Finance: Current account: £6664.66. Reserve: £3418. 05..

One invoice was passed for payment and the cheque duly signed: County Council: £312.50 (playground use).

The Chair and Cllr S. Williams signed a letter instructing the bank to transfer £1000 from the current account to the reserve account, as per the decision taken at the June meeting. The clerk had been unable to do the transfer despite her showing the bank the financial regulation that allowed her to do the transfer herself.

The clerk distributed copies of the July 2019 bank reconciliation and the Chair duly signed one copy after approval.

13) External reports: Cllr Hulme gave two comprehensive written reports. The Cefn Twlch charities are to have a meeting in July. Cllr Hulme reminded attendees of the area meeting to discuss planning matters (5 September, Tregynon Community Centre, 7-9 pm).

14) Correspondence: None.

15) AOB at Vice-Chairman’s discretion: None.

For the next agenda: Cemetery reserve plots.

The next ordinary meeting will be held on 12 September 2019.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.32pm.