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8284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 6 May 16, 2006 Yuri Orlov and Alexander Ginzburg, a smoothly, the provost creates an envi- IN RECOGNITION OF longtime activist who had earlier pro- ronment that enriches the lives of stu- REPRESENTATIVE TINA FALLON duced the celebrated ‘‘White Book’’ on dents, faculty, administrators, and the Mr. CARPER. Mr. President. I rise the trial of writers Andrei Sinyavsky community. today to recognize Representative Eve- and Yuli Daniel, had been arrested on As provost of the University of lyn K. ‘‘Tina’’ Fallon upon her retire- political charges. Cyberneticist Vermont since 2002, John Bramley has ment from Delaware’s House of Rep- Anatoly ‘‘Natan’’ Sharansky and re- not only excelled as provost, but also resentatives after more than 28 years tired geologist Malva Landa were ar- set a standard that will serve as a of dedicated public service. Known to rested shortly thereafter. Orlov was benchmark to measure other provosts friends and colleagues alike as ‘‘Tina,’’ sentenced to 7 years in a labor camp around the country. she is a woman with a kind heart, di- and 5 years in internal exile. Ginzburg I have known John since he came to verse interests and great abilities. Tina received 8 years labor camp and 3 years the University of Vermont from Eng- embodies the best of Delaware. internal exile. Sharansky was sen- land in the early 1990s. I believe that Born in Dudley, NC, on September 16, tenced to a total of 13 years in labor John excelled as provost because of his 1917, Tina has experienced firsthand camp and prison, and Landa received 2 leadership in earlier positions that he the many changes that Delaware has years internal exile. held at the university. John is first and undergone over the years and this level Other members followed this path foremost an animal science scholar of experience will be difficult, if not into the ‘‘Gulag’’ or were forced to emi- who is known internationally for his impossible, to replace. grate. By 1981, KGB pressure had left groundbreaking research on bovine A longtime resident of Seaford, DE, only three members of the Moscow Hel- mastitis. He is also an excellent teach- Tina holds a bachelor of arts degree sinki Group at liberty in the Soviet er who genuinely enjoys the inter- from Meredith College, located in Ra- Union, and they were forced to an- action between and challenges from leigh, NC, and a master’s degree in edu- nounce the ‘‘suspension’’ of their work. students—both undergraduate and cation from the University of Dela- In 1984, one of those three, Dr. Elena graduate. That became evident when ware. She married her husband, James Bonner, joined her husband, Dr. he was recognized with the Joseph D. Fallon, Jr., in 1938, and they had Sakharov, in forced internal exile in Carrigan Teaching Award in 1998. four children together. After James’ the closed city of Gorky. John easily made the transition to passing in 1982, Tina continued to raise Tragically, in December 1986, just as administrator. He directed the univer- their sons, George, James, William and the Soviet political system was show- sity’s farm programs, cochaired the ag- Howard. ing the signs of the exhaustion that ricultural extension programs, chaired Before winning her first campaign would eventually lead to its collapse, the Department of Animal Sciences when she was 61 years old, an age when Moscow Helsinki Group member and, perhaps most notably, was chair many public servants are ready to re- tire, Tina worked for more than 25 Anatoly Marchenko died during a hun- of the Faculty Senate—a position held years as an educator teaching math ger strike at Chistopol Prison. Just by election among his faculty peers. and science at Seaford High School. over 2 months later, hundreds of known I jokingly think that his early dem- This experience has allowed her to political and religious prisoners were onstration of these administrative speak with authority about Delaware’s freed from the Soviet prison system. skills likely led to his demise as being education system and the many issues With the advent of Glasnost, the tapped interim provost and then even- tually as provost in 2002. And we are so that affect Delaware’s young people. Moscow Helsinki Group was formally Often recognized as the oldest mem- grateful that John was at his position, reestablished in July 1989 by a handful ber of the State legislature, Tina as this turned out to be a critical time of Helsinki veterans, and several new brought a wealth of knowledge to Dela- in the history of the University of members joined their cause. Today, the ware’s House of Representatives along Vermont. Moscow Helsinki Group continues to with energy and enthusiasm that It is no secret that during the 1990s work to defend human rights in post- belied her age. Her life experience gave UVM suffered from several years of un- Soviet Russia. And while there have her an understanding of faith and fam- stable and rocky leadership. Not sur- been dramatic changes in Russia since ily values that transcended party slo- prisingly, such a rapid turnover at the the collapse of the Soviet Union, the gans and struck an authentic chord in lure of authoritarianism still has a helm of a major university led to many her constituents and everyone who had strong appeal for some in today’s Rus- problems including budget shortfalls; the pleasure of calling her their friend. sia. low morale among faculty, staff and Representative Fallon quickly be- Mr. President, on the occasion of its students; and, less than stellar rela- came known as one of Delaware’s most 30th anniversary, I congratulate the tions with the local Burlington and approachable and hardestworking pub- members and former members of the statewide communities. The work of lic officials. Her keen intellect and Moscow Helsinki Group, many of both interim president Ed Colodny and commonsense approach to problem- whom, sadly, are no longer with us, for John guided the university to calmer solving helped her serve her constitu- their courage and fortitude in the waters during that difficult time, and ents and make Delaware a better place struggle against tyranny. I wish the helped to build a strong and valuable for us all. group continued success as they work foundation for the incoming president. Tina also served as a mentor for in- to advance democracy, defend human Under President Fogel’s administra- coming members of Delaware’s House rights, and promote a vigorous civil so- tion, the university has been reinvigo- of Representatives. Her positive atti- ciety. rated and its prestige restored. I am tude and boundless energy set a high f sure that President Fogel would agree standard for her colleagues to follow. A when I say to all my colleagues that we firm believer in acknowledging the TRIBUTE TO JOHN BRAMLEY owe much to John Bramley for bring- hard work and accomplishments of her Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, at the ing the university into this new, prom- constituents, Tina was often seen vis- end of this month, John Bramley will ising chapter in its history. iting homes and businesses throughout step down as provost of the University John is stepping down as provost, but the 39 district while delivering House of Vermont. From a day-to-day stand- I am glad that I do not have to end this tributes to those who deserved them. point, the provost of a university is speech with a farewell. John will be re- During my time as Governor, I had more important than the president of a turning to what I think he enjoys the honor of naming Representative university. The provost is the chief of most, his teaching and research. I Fallon as the ‘‘Travel and Tourism operations who embraces the presi- know he will continue to be an impor- Person of the Year’’ in 1998 for her out- dent’s vision and implements ideas into tant part of the University of Vermont standing work to promote and develop reality. By ensuring that academics, community and I look forward to con- Delaware’s tourism industry. Dela- research, and student life are running tinuing to see him on campus. ware’s economic health and many VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:43 Mar 20, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00092 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR16MY06.DAT BR16MY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.