Homeowners Face Council in Interceptor Road Protest
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Vol. 75—No. 7 THURSDAY. M^ Y'23. 1968 Newsstand Copy; IQc Homeowners Face Council IT WAS BOUND TO HAP- in Interceptor Road Protest PEN DEPT.; At Monday's Mayors Exchange Luncheon. Residents of Hunt and Hud- May* Fro-Tcm llfrb Rey- son streets in the north end nolds was concerned about of Lowell today had verbally how to introduce Mrs. Virgin- protested Installation of a pro- ia Myers.. .who serves with posed new interceptor street Herb on the Lowell City Coun- that would link two of the dl. city's major arteries. 'Should I introduce her as A large delegation of prop- councilman or as councilwo- erty owners from the area inan?" he asked of those near- turned out at Monday night's by at the head table. meeting of the City Council to place their views before When he arose to make the the city fathers. MHmduction of guests, t h e ndlng mayor blurted out: The same property own- SPECIAL GIFTS awaited Belleville Mayor CMnmeree brochores. suitably framed as a ers had petitioned against •'And we have with us Royce Smith. laclMflng the presematlon ebown momeoto tf Hie Exekanffe Day vbll. At the the new interceptor six Councilman Virginia Myers weeks ago. ... and her wife ... I mean above .. one of the new Lowell Chamber of left h C-C President Urry Wltteoborh. husband!" Council members and City Manager Bernard C. Olson No one laughed harder than explained to the irate proper- Dr. Harold Myers, who is a ty owners that no final de- ig six-footer with a full cision has yet been reached on the project, which is de- APOINTMENT of J. Stan- * * * signed to channel the north- south traffic through the city ley Sherman as general man- ager of C. H. Runciman Di- This year's Lowell Showboat primarily on Hudson Street. vision and Wallace & Morely received an unusual "plug" at Olson and Mayor Arnold Division of J. P. Burroughs - the state Lions Club conven- Wittenbach told the audience Sc Son. Inc.. was announced tion in Detroit over the week- of 28. almost half of whom today. He will replace Charles end. reside in the affected area, M. Adams, vice president-ad- (ieorqe Dey and hi.; wife that long-range plans necessi- ministrtition. who has served Dolores were in attendance tate a change in the existing as general manager of the 4 and. coincidentally, were cele- major street plan to one more two divisions since last De- brating their wedding anniver- closely conforming with that cember. sary. spelled out in the city's mas- SWEARING-IN CEREMONIES started the day for Royce ter plan. A note was passed to the Smith of Belle\llle as ho became Lowell's "Mayor-For-A- >tage where Bob Crosby and Louis Roeskool of 923 N. Bid for New his band were performing Day" Monday. City Clerk Mrs. Laura Sht-pard administers Hudson was one of the prin- cipal objectors, but he re- Crosby, who was a Showboat the oath while Mavor Pro Tom Herb Reynolds looks on. Light Draws attraciion in 1953. congiatula- ceived considerable support ted the Deys ... then launched from William Cannon of mto a lengthy endorsement of 1928 N. Hudson and Mr. and Recognition the annual extravaganza while Set Talent Search Mrs. Lerov Roudabush of more than 2.500 Lions in at- £ 961 N. Hudson. Petition of the Lowell City tendance soaked up the com- SWINGING OUT In parade fashloo are mem- Drum Major Terry DeWitt, as they led pro- BoesKool told the council Council for a traflic signal on mercial. bers of the Lowell Senior High Band, with cesslon to l&meli Michigan Week la Lowell Dates for Showboat that he could see no real rea- M-21 at the intcrst lion of son w hy any change should be Main and Monroe has wcii Good going. George: The excitement engendered All individuals and groi each year by the coming of made at all. the attention of State Rep. * * * desiring to compete in tl Stanley M. Powell of the 89th the Lowell Showboat is start- 1968 Talent Search should "1 just don't think the plan district. Speaking of Showboat, we're ing to take hold today in Low- write to; Talent Search. Low- is good." he declared. Michigan Week 'Success' ell as dates for the 1968 "Tal- advised that tryouts lor erd- ell Showboat. Lowell, Michi- Rep. Powell, who visited S men for the August 19-26 a UAr In BeUeville in a ent Search" auditions were gan. A description of their After Olson had noted that One of the finest Michigan Mayor Smith was then pre- Lowell last week, said; shmv will be held next Mon- Lincoln car which belong^ •nnuunced by talent commit- preliminary estimates place a Week celebrations In the city's sented with gifts of Lowell act and talent, the name of day night (May 27) at Lowell to the late Carol Lombard, tee chairman Dr. Clark Vre- price tag of about $25,000 for "I had a conference with history drew near its con- products from local manufac- the group, their age if it's an famous Hollywood movie denburg. installation of curb and gut- Henrik E. Stafseth. Slate High- High School at 8 p. m. clusion today. turers. individual, the number of per- star. sons in group acts, address ters along the proposed road- way Director. John K. Osmer. Three evenings—June 24- Candidates should be able to Local officials, including Prior to the lunchcon Mayor and telephone number should way and that another $7,500 Secretary of the Commission, Mrs. Arnold Wittenbach was 25-26—have been designated sing and should bring their the Michigan Week chairman Smith was taken for an air all bi» included in the corres- might have to be spent on a and Joseph E. Ilobrla, Engi- own music and accompenist. tour of the Lowell area, with taken through Girts Town, a for the auditions, which are storm sewer for the area. neer of Traffic Operations for Charles Doyle, declared the open to anyone in Michigan. pondence. Those interested in additional annual observance "an out- Leonard Jackson as pilot. home for emotionally disturb- Dr. Vredenburg advises that Boeskool declared: the State Highway Depart- Talent sought Is all non- inlormation can call Gordon standing success... and one ed girls, which is maintained all entrants will be notified ment. In the afternoon, the Belle- professional. Many previous *i also don't see the need (.omM (W7-7W7 or Gerrltt Le- that should set the tempo for by the Michigan Federation of by mail regarding when and ville visitors were taken for winners have made full time for a storm sewer." "These gentlemen assured inala (563-4509). future Michigan Weeks." Women's Club. where they are to appear for a tour of the Superior Furni- careers in the entertainment me that a thorough on-the-spot their auditions. The property owners were • » * Highlight of the week-long ture Co. Rounding out the Lowell field. check of this location would The deadline for entries informed that traffic surveys activity was a visit by Royce Michigan Week activities. Ed- be made by District Traffic Itdevlllc Mayor Roue "I have always wanted to Over 100 acts auditioned in Is June 15 (Saturday). taken recently indicated that Smith, mayor of the Detroit ucation Day will be observed Engineer Ralph Shoemakei, of Smltli was highly complimen- visit a furniture factory, and 1967. and this year's competi- the flow on Lincoln Lake was suburb of Belleville, who today (Thursday) by fourth All proceeds from both the the Grand Rapids office. tary of Lowell High's Varsity I shall carry memories of the tion Is expected to at least about three or four times exchanged positions for one graders of the Runciman In- pre-show talent contest and Chores, which performed dur- visit through the Superior equal that. greater than it was on Hud- "A complete report of this day with Lowell Mayor Are- termedi:ite. Bushnell and Alto Showboat Week itself will ben- ing the Exchange Dav lunch- plant," Mayor Smith com- schools with a breakfast made son. survey will be forwarded to old Wlttenhach. Winners of the three audi- efit community projects. con. mented. up of strictly Michigan grown the I-owell City Council. I tion nights will compete in a ••Perhaps," said Rouda- Mayor Smith, with his wife, SMORGASBORD shall be interested in keeping *i have been to many func- Products- show presented to the public bush, "It might be a good Arlene, and twin children. The Belleville mayor and close track on the develop- tions and heard many groups June 1. sponsored by Cycla- Idea to put stop streets Ruthann and Elvis, actually his group were then taken to Finally on Saturday, the on the evening of July 27th. ments regarding the Lowell who were billed as outstand- Ada, for a tour of the Amway members of the Lowell Order Six winners will be selected men Chapter No. 94. OES. along Lincoln Lake and let 1 arrived in the city Sunday request." Rep. Powell con- ing." said Mayor Smith, "but Serving from 4 to 7:30 p. m. people find their own way evening. plant, before heading for of Moose will observe Youth that night, and each one will cluded. none of them could hold a home. Day with a bicycle safety in- have the opportunity of pre- a| the Masonic Temple. Aduits over to Hudson." candle to this group." SI.75. children under 12. $1: They -were met at the city spection at the high school senting their act one night Cannon questioned that the To which we add a hearty Meanwhile Lowell Mayor children under 5 free.