Your Ignoring ’s Biggest Contributors When will tennis coaches be given their due by the International Tennis Hall of Fame?

BY CHRIS ODDO arlier this year, much was written thousands (and by extension, hundreds deserving contributors really have to about the fact that legendary of thousands) how to play tennis. He’s as come at the expense of our sport’s great - coach, innovator, and founder of welcome as , who est coaches? one of the world's most renowned tennis coached , Lindsay Daven - It took a half-century for the Hall to aEcademies, , was passed port, and . In other words, finally admit a coach as one of its over by voters for inclusion in the Interna - he'll be considered—but ultimately esteemed contributors. After Bollettieri’s tional Tennis Hall of Fame's class of 2010. denied entrance. denial this year, we are forced to wonder, When the news broke, tennis journalists Look at the 35 members who hold how long will it take for it to happen clamored—Pete Bodo of, the title of "contributor" in the Hall of again? Tom Perotta of ESPN, James Larossa of Fame—there is only one true coach Coaches are the engine that powers , to name a few—that the among the group. The venerable Dr. tennis. Bollettieri, Van der Meer, Lans - leather-skinned, gravelly-voiced Floridi - Robert Johnson, coach and mentor to dorp, Harold Solomon, and many others an's exclusion was “ludicrous,” according , , and so many give every ounce of their life force to to Perotta. others during a challenging period for growing the character of the game and “Ludicrous” may be harsh, but harsh African-American tennis players, was the ensuring its evolution. Tennis is the words may be the most effective method first and only coach to gain admittance to dynamic extreme sport that it is today of ensuring that proper attention is given the Hall, in 2009. because of them, and it’s time that the to a very serious matter. Is a Hall of Fame International Tennis Hall of Fame recog - that denies Bollettieri—a man whose ‘Tennis is the dynamic nizes them for what they are—legends of name has been synonymous with building the sport. tennis champions for the better part of sport that it is today Let’s hope that in July 2011, when the three decades—really living up to its because of coaches, and Hall of Fame inducts yet another fine class name? of deserving men and women, Bollettieri, Whether ludicrous or not, the Interna - it’s time the Hall of Fame or Van der Meer, or another coach, is tional Tennis Hall of Fame has never given among them. Not so much for Nick’s or coaches a proper place in the Hall. It’s recognizes them for what Dennis’s sake, but for all those coaches unjust, but at least the International Ten - they are—legends of who have gone before, and all those who nis Hall of Fame’s consistency proves that are certain to come after. Bollettieri’s snub isn't a personal affront the sport.’ Let’s open up those doors wide, and designed to keep just him away from their show the coaches the love and respect neatly manicured grounds and the coquet - Nine of the 35 contributors were writ - they deserve. Q tish Victorian architecture of the Newport ers. Others were presidents of the USTA Casino. Conspiracy theorists are barking or its British or French equivalents; Russ Chris Oddo is a freelance tennis up the wrong tree here. Adams was a photographer; Gustav was writer who graduated from the At the International Tennis Hall of the King of Sweden; was best U.S. Naval Academy in 1992. When he is not writing about Fame, Bollettieri is as welcome—or appar - known as a tennis couturier, making tennis, he can usually be found ently, not as welcome—as any other wild - dresses for players such as King, Martina on the public courts of San Fran - ly successful and truly game-changing Navratilova and . Very inter - cisco. To see a collection of his work, visit tennis coach. For instance, he’s as wel - esting people, all of them, and they've all come as the great Dennis Van der Meer, done their part to color the sport and who formerly coached and We welcome your opinions. Please email increase its profile across the globe. But comments to [email protected] or fax and has literally taught does the inclusion of this eclectic mix of them to 760-536-1171.