
SER IES VIII , VOL. 17 WSU,STEVENS PO I NT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1969 12 PAGES, No. 18 Sigma -Pi And Alpha Sigma ·Alpha Win Top Winter Carnival Honors Sig Pi's, Alpha Sig's Delta Zeta, Sigma Tau Gamma Win Carnival Games Finish Second As Week Ends Signu Pi fraternity ed Schmidt or Signw Ph i Epsilon rcspcc1 , ... cly, B)' Buban Luwn Sigma Tau Gamma's e-ycar were second and third. ltepresc nt11l1YU of Sigma Tau Jorninarion of Win ter arniva l In the Van Dyke contest , Dan Ga mma won the fif st two places S1i:ma !'1 broke Sii;ma Tau finislwd second arnong the men Sunday nigh! by winn g the Bay of Smith llall was nm, in the sc rubbiest f..llCB:OT)' . Dave G;unma's thr,·,•.yca r domination anJ Rqac h was second a111ong men's division title while Alpha rono ....·ed by J im Tipple o r Sigm:i M agin was first and Mike of ga111,•s 111 th,· mcn ·s Ji\•isio11of the 11 o men . Sigma Alpha ca ptured the Phi Epsilon and Sheldon Ma yer She r man w:as second . Bob Wrntn (':irim~.11 . Whik Alpha Winner.; in the 111e n's di~1sion women's title. of Pray.Sims. Mc(.' kllHd o r l' h, Sigma The awa rds were made Epsilon, la s1 yc-a r's winner, wa s Sij!ma Alpha l'On lhe wonv:n's of the rnllcyball game were Hist Tom Schumacker o f Sigm:i Jinsion. place, Dl'lta Sigm:i !'hi: sc.:ond, Sunday night at the intern1iuion third. of the climax program which l'hi Epsilon wo re the most S4:1na l'i's victory In theove, The aw,1rJ) "'•·n· 111,•sentcd Sigma Tau Gamma. In tht: o riginal bcud. In seconc.l placc women's Jh·isio11 winners wcr,• featured Guy Pu ckett and the a ll ch~m1Honsh1p w.:.is on the Sunday mght1at the intcnnissrn n .,.,.as Mik e Ho fbcrgcr of Sigma P1 of th,• fH,t)t!Um "'"hic:h kattm•d first place to Alpha Sigma Alpha Union Gap. streng1h or fim rbce finishes in Las t ye111' s victory in the and third was Lou Torgeson of pipe smoking, k>ngest beard .. Ga ry Puckett and th,• Union and second place to Schmecklc Sigma Tau Gamma. Gap". hall. Carnival enabled the S1g Taus to compc:111ion, 1he ch;1r1 01 race, keep the tra\·cling trophy In the fullest competition Jim the log throw, lhc lug of w.:.ir, The sho\'d rac,• wa s the first The tug of war, which lasted event of Sa turday :iftcmoon's pe rnunently . Lu t year's Campbell of Delta Signu Phi the shovel ra ce and iccsculpli.u e. IS minutes. was won b)' Sigma wo men's division winner was r,bccd first while J im Cason of Alpha Sigma Alpha's poinls gam,·s. Teams haJ lo rull a 1'1 by a margin of six inch~-s. came mostly from Saturday's nu.'mhc r of the1rorgan1La1ionon Hyer Hall. Sigma !'hi Epsilon and Mike Sig111a Ph i Epsilon pla,ed g:unes rn which 1he Alph.a Sij's ashowl1na1d:i)• ra cc. The vktory by Sigma Pi wu seeonJ. In thl' women's division its fi rst in Carnival competition tt:l~jct ~~~n:ap~:d!:.~ ~~ pl.iced first . S1gu1.:1 1'1 "' on the tncn ·s Roach won first "'' hile Deltell di vision while Alpha Phi won the since it became established on women·s. Second place wen t to placed sc,ond . cam pus three years ago. The !'hi S4:l1la l·11silon :rnJ 11)'1'1 hall Jn lhc log lhrow Sigma Pi group finished second b st year, respcct 1\'l'ly. tcio k first with Burro u11h s as did Alpha Sigma Aljiha. An ,·it.ht n1:in rdar team conungins,·cond. Also announced we re !he Suspect Arrested hoprcJ a,·,oss a :.tamng hne, Th,· final cVt"nl of the winners of the ice 1tulpture and down .iround :i ma1kc1 and back :ifternoon was the Sadie beard contests. (S tories on in th,• sad, ra,·c. $ij!ma T:iu Hawkins ra~c. First place in lhc winncts or other events arc on Gan1111a took firSl place in the wome n's division was taken by Pages one and three.) nwn·s o •cnt while Hyer took Alpha Sigma Alpha. Men's In the women's division fc;ir In Assault Case flrn in 1he women·s. Sigma Pi Sla tislicswerc not a\'llilabk. ice sculpturt, llyc r llaU took rin 1 with Roach lbll second and Stevens Point City Police the hall and Wlsstanding near a Delta Zeta third. h:a\·e :arres1cd a suspect in vendmg m:acllinc when one or Sigma Pi captured first place connection wi th the Feb. 12 1he ~iris m lhe b:iscmcnt Don't Want Another Oshkosh in the men's division followed aSS3u lt of a university coed in watching television in the TV by Sigm:a Tau Gamma and Tau 1hebasemcn1 orllyerll:all. room .,.cm to the machine . Kappa Epsilon. Police have arrested Ralph When she h:addirficultywith The beard contest was judged Edgar Le Barron of Plover and the m1chine, the nun put some on Tuesday night in the eha,gt:d him wilh two counts or o r his own money in it 10 help Wisconsin Room with Mrs. Jud)' forg1: ry, thdt and aggnvatcd her. Black Students Freiman, residence ha ll direct or; battery. Momcn 1s btcr. he a1ked the Willia m Johnson .ass.istant to the On Monday, Feb. 17, Le gil l what soml' pipes overhead Jean of Leners and Science: and Ban on pleaded guilty to theft were ror and when she turned to Dave Katzmark. a local barber, b ut se ntencing ha s been look :at 1hcm he grabbed her se rving asjudges. - postpom:d UJ\lil the hearing on around the wa1St and put his Organize Group For the third year in a row, the battery and forgery counn hand ovtr her mouth. Ed Rochelle of Sig'ma Phi for which 1hc court will have to Then he dr.ij!gCd her in to a ll )'OU happen to be in old :inJ. naturally, they wa nt better Epsilon won the goat ee 3ppoint an allorncy to represcnl re$lroom where she Struck her Main some Thu1sday eveni 11g. fooJ. They don't want separate "\o. competition. Second place went him . head stru,l!gling to ge t away and :and you encouutcr a Sil.cable courses in Negro ll istory, but to Paul Br.iun of Tau Kappa Le Barron is chlltged with passed out. group o r bl:ack students, you .,.. o uld like this aspect Epsilon and Dean Graff of Della stealing D blank book of checks Wh en s h e r cg:tinc d may wonder what 's going on. incorporated into the current Sigma Phi was third . from a purse in the lobby of conscipusness a short tin1c lat er.:, Well , they :i,cn't about to take history courses. Tom Sceboth of Sigma Pi ll)'er Ha ll on the nigh! of the she saw the man go ing back up o,·e, the l'rcsiJcnt·soHice, they "We aren't after all the things repeated for the second yea r as assault :1nd cashing 1hem 1....-0 the st airs. She report ed !hat she aren't plannini;. to JeslrO)' the they wanted at Oshkosh, we 1 1 days Late r at a lo'* bu si ness ran back 11110 the TV room and school's re oo rd s, :and 1hcy aren't o nly want what is within ;:e~1!1on°{pori,~: a (~~~:~ establishmeat. told the Olhtr girls o f the st:aging a si t·in or a student reason," Slid Denice. "Wean.:n'I Thccashingof lhe checks, led lncklcnL T he girl wu not strike . working for 11nyallbl:ick dorms, \ ~;~~ ~J!: i1;~al~~dof i!~~ to the arrest of the 32·ycar-okl sexuall y molested . What arc they doing? Chances because this isn't within reason." •I ~ single man . Police also said that the art that they ha\·cjust finished 3 Denice s:aid that there isn't :a Thcas:s:iultchargc stcmsfrom incident in the Hyer Hall meeting o r the black students' lot of discrimination on campus. the incident at Hye r Hall in basement wu totally unrelated club. This club ·is about four and th:11 most of the black which a man, dcsaibcd as being to :in incident which occurred weeks o ld, and has a stude nts arc accepted and Ace Foods about JO-years-o ld , about five Monday evening,' Fe b. 10,in the membership or l 6 • :i ll of the satisfied . The discrimination is foot nine or ten, :ind weighing 400blockof PrenticeStrcct . American Nq;roes ut WSU -SP. worse in boys' dormitories than approximately ISO pounds, In that incident police Their facult y leader :ind it is in girls' dorms, and it Confiscates dmered 1he hall and identified reported that another WSU coed moderator is President Dreyfus. consist s main ly of smart himselfasanigh1watchman. was wa lking alolij! the sidewalk .. the jolly white father with derrogatory re marks. The Party's Over He wuwearingagrcenjackel when a 14 or IS-year-01d boy soul." The black students' club has according to witnes.scs ;rnd hid gnbbcd he r and knocked her No official name has been · thought about trying to sponsor Fake ID's brown h:air and II seven\ da)'s' down in to a snowbank and then chosen as yet. :an "all soul dinner" in the THE SIASEFl's had their own oontestont in ire pancake eoling contest ond lhis growthofwhiskers .• ran off when the girl screamed This club wa s fo rmed when re sidence cen ters. The menu little pooch come prepared 10 do a little drinking while eating. Afrer downing By Larry Wokten He entered lhe basemcnl of for help. President Dreyfus met Denice woukl consisl of 1hings such as Royster, a sophomon: from c hinerlings, pigs' feet, and 13 pancokes, the little. feller rolled ' over ond went to seep• . (Bob Okrosinski Ace Foods has engu\ftd it se lf Chicago, at a speech contest in twnip greens. ..This food is Photo) in an expensive problem that December. He asked her to typical for us," Denice Sllid. "We will have to be rectified in the organize the black students on came to Point to give the people near £u1urc . the altering or student ID cards to allow campus, so he could meet with an education. in how black students to cal meals they have th em and bridge th e pcop\e livc." ·Point Bla'nk nos paid fo r. communication gap 1ha1 led to Denice doesn't think that the Because o f the simple trouble at Oshkosh. situation at Point could rc:a ch Student Senate ·Announces The group meets every other the stage il reached at Oshkosh. emboscd knife and fo rk on the ID cards signifying lheir right 10 Call Thursday with Pmident Dreyfus '1"'hcre's a dcfinate lack of cal t.hcvark>us centers, many • 10 ai r their gri pes, to make involv ement :a t Point. When you in off-campus Rudcnts arc simply 341-12Sl suggestions, and to dcb.:ue ideas. can't get students to cheer at a painting these figures on their They would like to recruit more baskc1b.11U game, you wo n't be Awards, Evaluation Progress cards to pin free meals. Other Negro sludents, want more able to get them lo ma rch 10 Ext. 235 black entertainment at WSU..SP , Main with a petition." By Jim Hofer me thods, such as changing the II-,. picture in 1hi'ID card.using Last sel)'lester's ID card, or simply Tca~~:-:C~v~~u~~1o~cw: fori~: ~:~!s'~~at!~ Ex«.llence in ~~!I~c::ci,;n~t~' a'!:;w~~t using someone else's ID card ,uc by Ed Marks and the 11 nnouncemc o f an The studen ts will then elect ycar, and tw elve students. also being employed. Why do our Pointer cheerleaders continue 10 ..-cu uniforms or Excellence in Tca.c Award along with the faculty I teacher At its latest meeting the There haye only been rive Pancake Eaters Fail studcnu caught thus far. the gir ls headlined the b rn ess of the to receive the award. r Senate pa$!1Cd three resolutions 1940 ,intaac? Perhaps our should view a few "Bia Ten'"aames Feb. lJStudcntSenatcmceting. The Johnson Foundation of and rc rcrrcd five o ther first of which was a boy using a and acknowltdae the mini-skins! A Poin1cr Backer. Sherry Finney, Evaluation Racine hu provided SSOO to resolut i ons l o various girl's altertd ID card. The card eommtl t ce chairma n , has each or the nine State comminecs. checkers arc now carefully ~lbs ClllircClcary. pbysiu\edue:1t ion in5tructor. statd that eight To Motch Records :announced that the results or univcr&itics as an award to its · The first n:solution affected checking each eater's 10 card to new unifotms would co,t :ibout S280: 1ha 1 is. $20 (o( the skin and try and catch the ralsified ID the flf'St cvaluuion will be ouistanding teacher. by the Senate provides for $IS for the sweater. New uniforms art being consid red ror next By Mary Roaers cardsand thcir holdcn. released immediately arter lncludcd on the list of placement or campus telephones year and should 1he purctusc be made , the o ld uniforms would be Euter. persons who do the final voting in the classroom cen ter, science Dr. Gibb stated tha t the used at £001baU pmeS. • 1 1 She also said thal due lo to tckct the finalist Include: building, fieldhouSC, and one in present ID card is incorporating SiJ~~~1J~~ t~~rt! afi~i"pfa': -~v~99.~~~ ~;~~hE=k)~ manpower limitations and large the university center. the activity card, 10 card, and Miss Cleary said the uiiiforms presently being used were selected honors at the Winter carniva l in the 1968 games. 1 lunch ticke t of list year into one before she came 10 W.S.U. three years ago. She added that the pancake eating contest. In the women's division the ::~cu:i: d~fpar~:e~or:, I~ Defense Film ad:t:t:::1 r~lu:~ocn ms:~sa~: to make I.heir functions easier present uniforms were short enough and that the checrlcaden were 10 1 University will not be included constrtution and the third for the student as well u the not mount to be pOnt-pom or chorus girls. Cleary staled the pu1po1e sw~w\~'i~~~~kctanagcd t~ti~~ F:r"= d ~~oh=~ ~ 0 school. . or the cheerleader Is to lead the crowd in chttn and not pul on a leg Tied for second in !he me n·s pancakes last year. Delzell hall's in \.ti;:t~~r.'~'menu 10 be Police Offer f~~':~ti~: I~ p~~11.a;:t1; He also stated that when a show. division were Phi Sigma Epsikln 1968 team score or 186 is still s t udied this semester art notice o f Wisconsin state student ii round. with a falsified ID ca rd ,it isasiumed that he has and Pray-S.ims hall. Bo th teams unchallenged. Why hutht: Poinler pep band played so rew lirnesat home pmca boasted of eating 11 S pancakes. How many pancakes wen: :~::!~~- psychology. and For Women lc~~fi~~:~1~·ions1hatwere been using the card for every In the women's division the needed to supply the 23 hungry Stud ents in a class of every sent to commiuec w:111 be acied meal of the semester up lo when durina an excellent scuon or litle contention? A Poin1er Backer. firsl place Alpha Sig team ate teams? Allen Center cooks began instructor in each or these A film on scU dc£en,c for upon in two wceb at the he ii caught. He must then make 109 and Theta Phi Alpha won frying pancakes ·at J;JO p.m. departments will be asked to women is 1V11ilablc to be shown earliest. • restitution for these meals in Donald Greene , Chairman of Musi c, stated thJt the pep b.ind had second pla«. with 96 panctkeL We dnesday. About 2 500 complete I questionnaire .. A ~10 area organizations by mcmben One bill deals with a addition to being placed on been disconlinucd this basketball sc.:uon to lighten the study-load of lndivkt..aal winncn wen: Boris panca):cs were ready to offer the total of 3,240 questionnalf'Cs or the , S1cvens Point &,lice proposed appdate board for social probation. the musicians. Trutcnko fo~ Phi Sigma Epalon contestanl! when they began will be distributed this semester. Department. T he film is 20 women "penalized unjustly for The school Is taking Some or lhe ~cxtra-curricular acth·itics of the band consisl of wit h 54 pancakes while Chris eatina: at 7:10 p.m. On t~cattltudeofth.e facul~ minutes Jong' and wbcn thcirvio)ltionofhours." prev.ntativc measurn to reduce playin£ for music;als, concerts. alu mni aswcbtion cng:igements and 1 he possibilities or this . Flood of Alpha Sigms Alpha ate Conuary to the belier or con~mmg the nalualK>n , Mw combined with a police Another bill proposes that marching at football pmcs. Credit 10.,.'llrdS gnduation is not given many of the particip1nts A«.. happening in the future , but In 34. Finney said, "We've fol.l!ld the summary and a questio.n and mo~ information conocmin& ra,cxtra,curricularactivities. None of the high scores this Food a did use pancake Instructors to b:e aoopen.tive and answer period forms an hour the Uninrsity health scrvi«. be the meantime, A«. Foods prices .yur came close to pttvious flour-180 pounds or it. we thank them all." prognm. ' included in the Student Several of the band members have vol untarily played at the Jut records. l.ndividual men's hi&h No estimate wu available on The Senate hu appointed Ors,anizations inten:sted rr111y directmy. Amons suggested ;:,ill ::Y rmr:~ r~i: {~~~to l~ two bukctball games and will play fot the nexl one. score remains at 67. Joe Hon! the amount or stomach ,cttlen. ! ludcnts who wi)! nominate contact Raymond Kulu, Chief additions to ·1be din:ctory are conlUI\\Cd by the false Greene added that there would probably be a rcgu.llr pep -band set that record in last year's that wen: used. 1nstru~ors who will then be o£Polioe. (ccmtlnuedonpqr"4J identification end holden. next seuo~_to play at all the home games. Ftbrut,v 20,1969 .... , TtiE PO INTER

"No evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death." --Socrate, A Review Reviewer Is Thrilled PO D I U M= By The Beaux Arts Trio

By Swll Schulle

Editorials • Co'lum·ns • Letters A pia no trio is one of the much cider with I trio. If ' ~~~t•n~or!,d:"C:f"~~~~ou1:~ watching a trio i1J0Y i wa_tch.ing rhymln& 1'c1mcnt1. Ravel moil pleasurable experiences to II 1hc fan of clauical music and on The Beaux Arll Trio JOY combines . pluc.k:y staccato (I! Tucsda)', Feb. 4th this campUJ compounded. you will pardon the pun) wuh wu treated to 1 1upe.rb The thtce performeri ire lyric Oighlt. The lut movement performance by The Beaux Arts Mcnahcm Pressler on piano, iJ I Paaacailk which repeats the Trio of New York. Daniel Gullet on violin ind :!1:~ :.~t~":~f~r, t~~~ ~~~ The joy of watching I trio Is Bernard Orcen ho u,~. The then switchu to 1 (wlou, nurry the ability 10 view the splritu1I Ind er of lhc UIO .swcl.Y of st rinp at the finale. The 1no "Whi.e ffurlri.t 'llif~l' Committee Bein_g Selected To performers u individual virtuosi is Pressler whose pliymg ,s wu very, very good to Ravel, and u an intcgntcd member of• 11 team thlt must work with !~~::"nt G~~i°ht:u,: G;i~ The p;tce w11 so Ravel t hac r 1bsolutc precision 11 the same woukt nOt be my choice for the ~~~.~~~!~~nta~~s g~!;~;;:~: 1<,,jui.4 0/f., '1W11JJill.t time, This can be done wi th the perCect trio. He ·did not pos:sns which f often wonder if others quane1 and chamber poups ~~~:nxs~~ct:ic.nl whieh Pressler hear in Study Department of Peace with grcau:r numbcn, but ii is'° Ruel. 0 The picture nnd article printed below nre from last The evening started with lhc co.!~~/~f ~~C' ~:/: By BIii McMIUen 3 c;~~; week's edition of the student newspaper, The Exponent, :!ay!n i:~ int~~ji':' ~i,"i · i} Brahms Trio In B major, op. II I from WSU-Plattcville. The article proposes a so-called Pep Band light-hearttd spirit ind spartlc was totally unfamiliar wilh tilt peace . lie also noted vuious "White Hankie Night" for Wednesday's basket.ball game A p r ecedent se t ting principle u the cxistin11 thal calls for thln y nying fingen piece, but the Sehcno wu a department of peace may confc rcntc1 of scholars th.It hue A merian Civ il ization. social 10 execute the incredible Presto. powerful rich movement which between Stc\'cns Point, and Plntlc\'ille nt Platteville. T he become a reality In the near been held around the nation seicnce and general science · 1s Praised It WIS a marvcloia warmup and contains the strength t ha1 tht iden or the "White 1-fonkic Night" is to ridicule Pointer future 11 WSU-SP. with the topie of pe1ce as thei r majors. the lrio performed well, older B~hms would !xploit. focus. After attending the tw o center Mike Hughes for .. cond uct on the basketball court A committee or faculty and Nut Fill In order ,for I mUlor to be baskclball games with Superior The Juve! trio In A minor is a The cncotC' was the thml (whi<' h is) not whnt we would expect from a co llege bas- students is now being formed by approved, a detailed proposal and River Falls two wceb ago, I fucini ting work. The fir~ movement from the "'Dumk f' Miss Cuol Marion. chairman of would have to be passed by the was very happy to sec our kctlmll player." ' the fa culty, to study the Stephen llaincs has wort.ca movement is in 8/8 1ime but 11 Trio by Dvorak. It is a happ)' close ly with Dixon in the intitial eurriculum committee. raculty university had I pep band at divided 3+3+2 which givC'S the warm movement , and as such, We wish to reply that the idea or a ''White Hankie possibilities or settina up sueh a and Board of Regents. If a major 1hcscgamcs. departmenl of peace. conception of the department. music a sagging effect. The next was the perfect ending for 1 Ni,::ht" is not the conduct that went Ste\'Cns Point would lie hopes that some son of a was proposed it would also have The cnt husium of this pep movement ·u I poem based on a warm ind happy evening. to be paned by the band. which increased the spirit cx1JC<:t from the "uni\'crsity" at Plalte\'ille. The Pain ter Miu Marion is acting on lhe peace study can be instituted by authority of the faculty which the (au or 1969. Co-ordin1tingCouncil. of tht aowd, had II fa r reaching would nlso expect t hnt n sister newspaper should hnve VOied I I !he Feb. 6 facu lt y crrecl on 1he team - which more integrity thnn to print such an outright slanderous mectina to approve a resolution lfaincs listtd the various But the first step in the seemed to show by the score of A Point We.II Taken- calling for the study of the courses th.It might be included development of the peace the two games. possibility of establishing a within a peace program . These department · li es with the I woukl like to ex tend a ar~!~r/tc-,·er the outcome of the !mil game last night, we pcaec department. The eourscs unge over many commilll:c Miss Marion is in the think you 10 all or those who resolu1ion, au thored by George departments ineluding Eng lish. proccssofsc:lccting. participated in this pep band. I hope thnt the Plntte\• ille student. body showed enough history, philosophy, economics hope to sc:e the pep band al the Dixon of the sociology This eommillec must dedde Shakespeare Declar~s intelligence not to be duped intov.·twing "White hankies." department, was prcstnttd by and sociology. Oshkolh.Pointcr game Saturday if peace is to be incorporated in night. Stephen ll11ints of the history a department, a major or 11 I t seems highly ironic that the "white hankies" are dcp11nmcn1 . Study might inelude (he With the great spirit that this supposed to be in opposition to unsportsmanlike conduct philosophy of nor, -violencc .,.,.ith minor. The committee then· pep band and the crowd ean give No t R1d iail must decide on approaches 10 the Poinicn, we swely will be For .Seat In Congress on speci:1 1 emphasis on Gandhi. the part of Hughes and "certain players on other the study. After this committee Number I. Dixon ddcndcd hi s Amtriean pacificisrn and pcacc teams." We wonder what kind o f conduct Jeff Cooke, rnovcmcnts, the Negro civil hu detailed, a program, the By Bill MtMll"n resolution as "not I radica l process for app1ov11l can begin, R1yMtt1tlk1 originator of the idcn , considers "white hankies." proponl." He no longer secs rights movement and the role of The Pointer has been given the honor of 1nriouncing that a new pcat'C' n an extra-curricular Martin luthtr King and world eandidatc has entered the spirited congressional race for the 7th I t is pretty ob\'ious Platteville hasn't gotten out of activity, "this strikes me as an pacificism with readings from districl seat vacated by Secretary of Defense Mel Laird. lhe high school rivalry. immense problem, and we Bertrand Russell. Viewpoint ca nd idate, William Shakespeare from Stnlllford -on-the-Plover. iJ The Editorial Board should dignify peace wi1h a Other courses of study might runnin& as an independent write-in candidate. Will, a former Poin t department." de.al with the literature of gradua te,granted the following: exclusive inltrview wilh The Pointer. lna~intcrvicw,Dixon pacificism, soeblist history and pointed to the long range goals of the study of the effects of w:i.r Pickled Pigs Feet Q. Wh y are )'OU ,e1tln1 into politic,, Will? the university, printed on page S from a sociologica l rnd A. For fame's sake, for praise ... or the current cata logue, as economic viewpoint. -J•• I•• J,011 beinganintcllectualbasisfor.1he , Haines pointed OU! that there I do it for some piece of money. incorporation of a department would be numerous possibilities Not Approved for WSU ·/.ftas.fo, Mt:11. ofpc1cein the academic program for a graduate with a pcacl' Q. 1 wouldn't a U those honorable rcuornr for runnina. 11 WSU-SP. major ranging from 1hc United By em Meissner A. That which ordinary men arc fit for. f am qualified in. Dixon not~d the second point N111ions 10 the pe,cc corps. ·K. l t Jr uodcr t he. goab which reads, . As I 'was goUlg 10 cbss the "What!" the man sercamed. I am in J~ name and fame with lhc very best. Both Dixo n and Baines see .. Why, that's preposltrous! It "(The student) hu 1n other day,! ~wa young student ·1 lltn. II roadblocks ahrad for the walking briskly past Old Main . says he re in my black book to understanding or the history or department. but bolh also My duty will I boast or; nothing Clse. man and the fo rcts and ideas lie was tall , 11nJ walked with ma rk off what the students like bcsl about their sehool. ·T. G. l'tr' tha t have affected human :~~t~l 1~~si~ili~~- }ongstridcsacrOs.sthesnow. \~~;I b~~~ Suddenly. a form stepped out And-and it's listed here for me Q . I'm aony. Will, I didn't mnn to offend you. :c;~icsO}nc~h~ini~~;';, h:n~ believe tha1 money is available 10 cheek off - A. the rqienu. B. A, Before 'lo'C make election, give me IC3VC: to show some rcai.on. for the department. or the shadows of Oki Main. Ile achievement or various shuffled out toward the student the off- eampu.s housing ·2 lltn. I"/ regulation.s, C. the parking civilizuions ... ". Dixon asked The Proccu with his spectacles lapping Q. That would be 1 ·chlllcc for I politician. First of all, what do rou how the university cou ld make against the brass buttons on his facilities and so on down think or the ,,,o,ld sitmlion? through the alphabet . ThC're'sno students aware of these aspects Dr . Gordon llafer bcck~r. grey douhlc·b1eastcd suit. Whal A. In cities mutinies: in countries discord, cxctpt in an academic program vice-president for academic litt le hair could be seen bcnl.'ath place for what you said ." which would include peace. affairs noted that it wasunustlll his derby w)s a dusty white ··Well, I'm sorry, I like ·K. l~r ,.. for a depart mcnt to he proposed cok>r-similar 10 tha1 · of old, piekled pigs feet." ~ed the h is a reeling world indeed. And I believe 'twill nt\·er .sta nd As further su pport. Dixon thr ough th e facul!y . soot-coated snow. student . .. Isn't there I lttter for uprigh1. a!Jo pointed to tht third section '"Departmcnu are usually " Ahtm! Say, young man!" under the goals which reads, cttated by the president and beekoncd the aging man. mi~~}:,n:~:~t~:;~."J~~licd the Q. How about America's forelsn aid pro1r1m? ·Rfrh. Ill "(The student) shows concern administration." lie stated that "Yes?'" answered ! he student. ;~u~:n, :·J;:;o~c~ul~~co~rk; A. This is no time to lend moncy,cspccially upon buc friend1hip for the ideals of democracy anU no new department is approved Cautiously lhe man stepped ~ socia l justice and for his unless it has an established 10 the student on the icy son.1,1!!in!:;c =~~ the Hunger will enforce them to be more cigcr. ·T. of Atht111 respo n sibi lit y t o hi s facul ty of three rncmbcnand a sidewa lk . as if .he were walking 1::~· fcllow-mlltl ." major a pprovtd by the on thin ice and about 10 fall "but I like pickled pigs Q. WtO , whu do you think of ow new president ·/ 1/tn,y rt Wisconsin Co-0rdina ting Co undl through, }~~i.~_ni, Dixon admitted that he knew for Higher Education. ··could you spare me a •'Well, of all the ... Ahem!... A. That's nol my fault. . .. or no academ ic pn:cedcnts for moment ." he said, wit h II wry wait until I inform the Regents the dcpanmcnt of peace. But he H owever, ll a ferbecker smile palnttd on his face. "Tm of this. young man!" aied 1he Q. No, J meant 10 why you thlnk he 's m1kin1 • asscncd that puec has long been ~ 1ri;~:£i:;:J thought that a minor or major in taking a survey around campus man in~y. as he shuffled off as A. Only to show him pomp 11wcll in France as here II homt. an a~demic punuit. llcci1cd a pe:i.oc could be approved on an for the Board of Regents, and quick u his gait would earry recent s11tcmcnt by Pope Paul intcrdisciplin~d basis. This I'm being paid my salary to find -1/tn. I'll VI urging the aeademic study of approval would be on the same ~!~; i!!ro:~'::ienfuwd:o.:~~r Q. Just whal party do you "2Pl)Ort. WW? out what lhc Stevens Point a eanc. A. To the kinJ's pa.ny there's no ROing. college kids like best about their "~~;m,oow ,;<0,"wdn which IS- C9r lhe pcopie ~ welcome• letten to the cd!1or on any subject. Lc11en, promote peace in the 170 ye.an (with abort inlerYals to rc~up: should be submitted type-written, doublwp1eed and llmUcd to 250 sinee · Mr. · Rush made his re4Jm, ud re-popubtc) there :~::a·~c!Z;~[c~h:ra~c: ~!~th~.thc people to share it Rems to be slight e!ance t.blt wordlinknJtb. proposal Perhaps, if we are 7 in tbe ba.emeot or St Stan's He cl&ims I.bat there ia a new serious about our desire l or the Depart me nt or War will suddenly punuc a policy of Church. · · :'Jldfo:nf~ ~fu!,~t~ j Anoa.ymow Jett en will not be printed; howner, namn wUJ· be ::c :::~ be• cs~:Jhbed~partment peace, A Department of Peace Bc&innina next Tuesday, we live It. He even claims to be a wllbbckl for a 1ood and sumcient reaJOn. ~ rue"et ti. for W.S.U.-and for the United rilhl 10 edit all iettns for ieqth and aood tutc. The briefer lhe Mr. Rush expand, bis ulc you to join fa. the new type prophet. The dialop an about ~A.I 10 include puttin& the Statci - seems to be well worth or Lenten scMCC dcqncd to this pcnon; who be is, what be letla, the bettu 115 chancc:S for publication. the try. ~:~ of Wu in Its proper help u1 as Sludents md does, bow he interprets the indi•ldual1 answer these Word and what he prnpoaes to LouhMlllu qucstlom.. do "for the ate or the people." - Fetwu1ry 20, 1969 .... 3 Pen shorn, Choir Will Tour Group Asks Cantwell Win Fou.r State Area For Revision In Coed Hours Pipe ~moking Mt.;;ben of the Univer&ity been housed In this ma nner. Choir, busily sellini 1ourmel Other unn1emcn1s have been By Paul linty chocolate ban lo help finance a provided by, the host 1ehool. The w,scon,rn Roo111 or the thn;e-wcck summer European An ••mbly Thuncby 11 A mtctin1 attended by Univrnll)' t\·ntcr, mor~ or leSI, concert lour, art even Snore 10:00 1.m. in Barrin1ton, 11Jinols wome n o nly had I number of went up in smok\' Wtdnc~ay, ur1enlly applying fin ishing wil l pr o vide the rirsl ma lt vlsi1ors protutin& 1bout F\•b. I~. :al ,t p.m. when 1oucht1 to musical 1eltctions opportunity for the WSU Choir tht prdtnt women's hours. appr0A in11 tdy 10 students to appur outside I he 1111c or Last Thursclay , tht mee ting com1>e h:d in he annual Wlnttr :'ta~th,;~l~l~~:in~~~dt!;i~ Wlscon1ln. After a hurried lunch, or Associattd~o mcn Students Carnival p11,e smokin1 contrst. high Khools and communities lht choir will depart for theft 1 A111lroi,:ima tdy 1S 4 gnuns or within Wisconsin . evtnlna cnpp:ment In An11mo11, ;;s fr~~S:!~C: : ~ 1~r pr~:~ Ma1111kton tobac~'O wen: smokei.l This year, thtchoirwilluavcl low1. Friday, Feb. 28, will Kuske which wo ukl call fo r lht in the e vent with inch 10 communl!ies in Illinois, Iowa conclude the tour with a 10 :30 t Uminatlon of ao phomore hours. conlc!tant receiv ing 2.J grams. and Minnesota, in addition to a.m. concert ut North LaFayclle Second semester frt1hm1n 1lso l'aul l'ensho111 or Sigma Pi the stops in Wlscon1ln. County 11.S. in West Union, would hive no hour i and first pl Dccd fint in thtmcn'sdivision Luvl n& Stevens Point , Iowa and a 2:30 p,m. HSC mbly se mester fr es hman wome n with a time or SS :38 fo ll ow rd Tuesday, Feb. 2S by Greyhound In Spring Valley, Minncsot1. The wou)d have the 11me houu by Grt1 Strong of Sigma Phi bus, the choir will present Its choir i1 scheduled to ret urn to presently in effect. Epsilon 1n 48 mmutrs and fu;st Httmbly concert at Gilktl Stevens Poinl uound 8:30 p.m. Stn1tor Kuske gave as his llowk Neider <1 f Smith in 39 II WI School at 10: JO 1.m. After The 1our prognm will include rnso n1 for a chan1einwomcn'1 nnnu1cs. lunch and 1 2:30 p.m. concert in chcn1I sc k ctiolll from the fiv1 hours that women arc ma ture at In the womrn's division, S1ockbrid1e, the choir will travel great pe riods of niusk history, A 18 yun or 11c in his opinion. Mml)'n Cantwdl of 1 hcta l'hi to Campbelbport where they final aroup of American folk Ht said thll lhc prucnt hours Alr,h1 took firs t place ¥d lh a will preknl an 8:00 p.m. sonpand spirituals will provide arc quite rklicu..,u1. Kuske tum~ or J:? :~4. Second pbcc MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY CHOIR hove ~ selling ever, they will be-Jin ttfeir annual tour of hi'Jh schools ond conce rt for lht pubUc in I.ht 1ddl1ion1lchoral v11icty. noted the ridiculousnc• o r the went to Grorge Ann Otuk or chocolote bars w ithin the lost few wffkl to raise money fo communities in Wisconsin. • high school 1udl101lum. They So._,ist1 o n tour will Include II p.m. hours for freshmen. Alpha Phi II\ 2S :20 and Mary go to E'urope this summer. Beginning rlexl Tuesday: how· will remain in Campbellsport as Jan Be nnie.o ff, New Berlin; Sue Kuen La me u , AWS Burns o f lklta Ze ta was thud m overnight 1uests in community Iverson, W1 un1kcc , Kianc president , replied 10 the Kuske 24:40. homes. Feb. 26 will be spent in Dcnnis1on, Pituvillc, Lenore proposal by pointin& out 1 The n: co rJ for tht evtnl LS the Milwaukee 1ru with a 10 :30 Olsen, Stevens Point, Lynn survey taken last year in whic h held by Mike ~kKill of Sigma concert at Wiscon1in Luthtrln Williamson, W1unaktc, Richard freshmen women voted tht Tau G:anm1a ..- ho took rim place H.igh School in Wauwatosa, W1nle11, M1dison, Rose r present hours bt malnlalncd. three )'tarsagowilha 1imeor 61 Gary Puckett And The Union Gap lunch and a I :00 p.m. concert at llcrmanson, Stevens Point, Terry The AWS president uktd for minul u C\ldahy Senior High School. The Zimmennann Pewaukee. a comm ittee to study the Kuske Wtdnelday cvcnini concert will Tht Universit1 y Madripl propo~I comprised by mcmbcn be held 11 Pewauk ee Hi&h Sin1en, 1 sele ct WSU chora l or AWS i nd some or Kuske's Mary Lippert, School. group within !ht choir, will also suppdrtcn. The number of students be fea tured at all concerts. In dosing, Kuske asked for a Have Added Rank Since Start within the choir livin1 in the As a prelude to the tow the "quick and ,pcedy" reply to his Milwaukee area provid ed easy Unive rsity C hoir, Madripl proposal. Tom Walkner overniaht 1ccomod11ions for 1hc Singers and Swing· Choir By Lind1Pc1erson 1nJ something we think wi\l sc: 11 ," Mary Lou Renlmuler happens. but I can tdlyouwhut the left 100 many," Paul choir. Choir mtmben h111Jin11 prescn1td a benefit scholarship The mcmbtrs fee l that to Mppcns. 1 ~ve to get into the txp\a ined. from Milwaukee have '1rrangtd prcs,entcd a variety concert with Lead Chuggers have a song se ll it should hive a mood. Sometimes I'll si t al the The Unio n Gap's plans for for other members to stay with Su~d:;, Web~:[;'1d6. ~: n':~~d· proceeds gOll11 as scholarships 10 _.. Bt · Mar y Roircn The 186S ,·rrsio n o r the unlquenc55 o f sound . an easy piano workini; on a piece for them in lhtlr homes. Nearly by lhe Medford Junior Cha mber Sluden1 satt end in1 thccampus1t Union Gap was a rcgiment oft hr wund, an easy mrlody and the the fu1wc include more of the hours before it sounds like u 111c on a l1rgcr scope. Muther two-thirds of the choir have o f Comme rce the groups Mrdford. A nc:w c,·cnt on this campus' Grand Army of thC' 1'01omac lyri cs should havcamesuge that 11 nythin1,whileatolhtr timesan wintc, ca,niva\ gmmes roster. the which , fo ugh t courageously in the listener c:in relate to a said , " The aroup w1nts lo inspiration hits me . and the experiment , and have more appk cklcr ch"'"i°' coni cs! the -C ivi l War. The 1969 version pcrson;i l upericnc.: . As l'aul prooess ismuchquicke r." attrach:d a siztabk crowd to of tht Union Gap ar r four summed it up, " You JUSI ho pe recording freedom. We'd like 10 Allen Ce ntrr 's burmc nt. talen ted pcrformrrs 111•ho, under for the right combinations or On thci.r current threemonlh l r~ vd and meet new J>«>p]c." ChJmplOn chugrrs wcrc. Tom the \c.r,dcnhip or Gary Pu ckcll, l)·ric , muszc. time, place and tour thry have schcdultd one The group has twncd down · Walkner or Phi Sigma Epsilon a rc ..· inning their WI)' 10 !he luck!" nighlrn all o,·er· !ht country and Mory Lippe rt o(Roach hall. heights of success. "Life can be prcll}' hectic on G1ry Pu ckett and 1he Union :~i;~r~:.~'\~o~, :::r1!t~~~ mwc-11:~~· These accomplished drinkers these 1ow-s," s:i.id l'aul as ht Their re cords ire bi& ,elkn in Whe n the)' appearrd at Gip opcntd the concen with chargc dupthe batteries in his Japan, Australia and Germany Jefrah·d thr conteuants in tria l " Lady Will l'owcr" and bc fo,e htaU and then outchua&td the Point's Winter Carnival clinux transistorized TV, so ht could with " Yo un& Girl" m1kin1 the program, lhry wore a modified clo1,1ng 11 11rd1h "Young G ui" watch the Johnny C1non show top five in Europe. 111inncrs of 1he other hea ts. they ~d prrformtd many types Talm11 s.:cond pla ce in the 1ype of Union soklicrs uniform. on the bus 1rip 10 Mil waukrc. lm·ites You to Its " Al firstwelookcdlike111·tcame of muszc. They pla)'cd thtu own To date they hnc 1hrec go kl me.n·s d!'·is1on ,.-as Robert pop bal\ads " Woman, Woman" " And, of courSC", memorab~ rrcords for " Won11 n, Woman". Adams of Delta Sigma Phi. Third out of \86S," said Gary Pucktll, Spring Rush "wu h the long sideburns, ~ir 11nd "Over You" a._,n, with uperien,.cs occur. One night a " Young Girl" and "Lady Will pla..:t 1Hnl to ~hke Strobusch of i.:o mbed back, uniform stripes rhy thm and blues. country and crowd o f ove rzulous gi rls Powtr" with their cuncnl hit Tues., Feb. 24, 6:30 Stgrna Pifr.11s•rnily . ,..tslt m , underground lulllb)'e. ambushed me. Instead of tnnn11 "Over You" well on its way. The In lhe -.omen's dl\·ision the and the whole bi t. We had t11o·o privates. b:ubcrshop quanct, swing and up my clothes, one &il l almost Union Gap's firs1 two contest was cxu ernely close . As two corporals and a hanged me in an attempt 10 grt Wright Lounge se rgean t , but 11o•c changi:d that rock. were tremendously successful a r•·su ll of two tics. two my lie.'· And Muther and Gary and " Incredible", their third aJdi11ona l chug,oHs wen.' held because we did not have enough The group's musical laknts unk." still chu dclt about the night intludes " Lady Will before Kns Ru SSC' ll of Alp~ arc just as ven:i tile as thtir Dwight fell off the stage . " lie Power" and "Over You" u well musical in terests. Gary Puckett Sigma Alpha w:is awarded Their pe rformance wrnt out was conccnttllting on his 1ulur as I number or their own second pla(e and Nancy Draeier lo a full capacily crowd . Dwi gh t who docs most o r the lead pla ying, and 100k onr step to composi tions. ofWa1 sonh31l, thiJd pt:icr. Bement , the group's sex symbol, singing is also • u1tn1cd Eight ga llons or cider was 111d it was a gn"a t crowd. "!he guitarist. Both Dwi gbt and c.onsunu.-d in the con1;:s1. Mulher play orgin, piano, best we have had on !his tow .'' s.uophone and clarinet. Dwight Everyone in the group also plays the bell lyre and 1hc preferred college audiences as 1uitar , 1nd on one sona Muther Employment Office Muthtr Withem. 5'id , " We're not "pla yed"ab11tered cowbell. knockina the teeny bopprrs,but Ken y C~trr is-- an idcpt ,..c like an aud itne1: which will guilarist and along with Muther Has Opportunities listen to us inte ll i.g,ent l)'. and Dwigh t docs most or the Somelimts l he younge r audience group's b1ck up si ngi ng. Gary 11o·1l1Just wait for one of our hi!S rcfencd to Paul Whntbrud as For Students and then scream:· But then hr "1hc best drummer in !he By Muy Pat Weber muxd, "SometimCS ,ts met lo busi ness." have youraudience justscrca m." Ga.ry , Kerry and Muther Do you need some extra compose most or the songs for mo ne y 10 pay fo r those extra Muther. whom lht other the Union Gap. Mu1 hcr enjoys U!tlc things'? The Wisconsin membtn regard as the mo therly wr ilina under1round music such Stale Employment Services lists type, ~ s fh·e years of college , u "Women.and Girls" and "And pan-lime job opportunities for butcachofthc others~sMd,1 She Walked ." The sonp Ga.ry those seeking a Job. kut one yur or colkge so lht wruu often stem from persona l The Financial Aids Offic.:, Un ion G.ap can feel that they experiences-such as " Lullabye" ~bin 2:lS, is the cam pus site of c.in communicate wilh colk1e and "The Wind Blew My• WSES . Mrs. J e H Pe nike, audirnces. Sunshine Away ." spccbUzinginstudent silwtions, "Our music is hard to define, Krny along with Muihcr is avaibbk !here on Mondays, composed "C1n you Tell," ''I'm 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., and at the it doesn't really fit into any one classification.'' said Owigh1 . "Wc Just a Man,'' " Reverend Posey ," downto 111•n o ffi ce, I IOI 3rd ind "My Son." which Is a Strcet . mt the s:in1e time from wan t o ur music t o be informative and enlightening." fa,·oriteofthe gro up , Tuesday to Fri da)'. Kerry Ult es 10 look upon his r'\ "Como!ol''by Wo rt prcfrrencc fo rms und "Wh~n sckctingasong ," l'aul composing as • contrib ut ion 10 ~ "9'" blm•Hu,n ~ncral infornution mike up Wheatbrcad said. "we look for musi c, " I can'I t xpres.1 how it C\'try appUc.int's file, is kept aclivc for one month and on rrSC"r.·einactivefor one )'tar, Mn. Pcrsike com mented, "The business community is very happy wilh uuden1 11o·ork. -OTTERLEE ~S JEWELRY Oorprognimsccmscffcctivcfor HOT FlSH SHOP 1116 MAIN STRi;ET bolh employen and employ~s. " _ Types of work range from clerical to m.r,nua l posilions, Featuring Seafood and Steaks with ularits ra nging from SI.JO to SJ.2S per hour. DOWNTOWN STEVENS POINT Summtf employment is abo part or the WSES prognm, For PhoH J.44..4252 jobs ..· ithln the Stevens Point a r ea and s ta te -w idt opportunities. students should apply lnmid·AprilandMay. "THE Art ·Sho.w MONTREAL'' Looks For Your faculty / From Caruin with the Rtd River \ 'J'lie SVJ£ Ari Center will be held Mar, JO o/ thNu&h Apr . 27, 1969. Take off! Artists i re encouraged to submit their worts for jw-yina. Cash award• for the Annual 10111 ADMISSION 75c THUISDAY .------, Undecided about your future? S800. $1.00 FltlDAY AND SATUIDAY FORCC J ~'!::\~!t~e~lonl-make up his mind for quite awhile l nform1tion rc111din1 j ~~~t~:R 78148 elilibility, entry and awards is J luodofpnA#foreeS-. r- : Van Goah took time to get on lhe track. 1vailablc at 1hc co~ art I I The Wrisht Brothers didn't start concentratina on acropllnes depart men ts. For any additional Think it ovei; over coffee. DIIECT FltOM CANADA information plea,c write the Red : H...,.[ KUR Mhiif I right away. River Ari Center, S21 Main Ave . Folk Trio bl 011 Use collcp cl~t 1iav111r ,-, j and stlll don't know Moorha.d , MinncJot• S6S60. The Think Drink. - CDPCftDfflt at £au Oalre U. Tbclr MGM recol'd uc:r !wna5i°~/:Wi',~ =u:i~:~t~nch:~ you t _._ Tbt"y fcahare GWc. i.o.Jtt oa ~ .-1. r CR:'!9Ylol10N Olot[ !"9"!{ I You can go to Officer Trainins Schoo!. Become an officer. Get Tbc Juror wW be ).fisl Felice : FrN Loaler, pjtv MMI voc:al. aad .,_ ONll&- t - I officer's pay and prestige. Trave l. All while iou're le~rnlna to fly, · Wender, diredor of Gallery I 2, 11"'4 bMa. n.ctr1111.tena11s ...paa1 1 j See'? You can do somethlns conslructive, excilina. profit.able Oa)'tons, Mi nneapolis, I I p n· smt z•• 1and patriotic. Bean Air Force pllol. Minnesota. · IOOK SALES and EXCHANGE CONTINUES I 1uoi001st.un ror obllinin& after bow emcraency cue." Coffee Hour Source Materials A third bill p,opolCI Ill incrcuc in the atuiel o( Scn1te Panhellenic Counci l w1U By Mike Domlnowakl t>Hicen. The recommended present iU annual Coffee 110 111 amount or lncrcue ii 2~. The ~~m.M:~~YW~~~;~•!. 7 JO The first thina you noti« 1 u,dul, functioning resc.rvc of :/~;,r;.&~,ently receive about the ln,tructlonal Matcriab llll tcrb.1. !~!~ The Coffee Hour u for all Center (IMC) as you walk by, ls Should the fourth propotod women Ufrtratcd In kno1to-l 11& 1h11 the door Is 1lway1 open. Miss KcUog ICCI lo it th11 bill be pusc:d , the Senate aboul sorority life ind 1010 1111u IMC is located In the buemcri"t tclftboolt-liltings and high Khool trcuurer "will bcinmucted 10 on thllc:ampu1. of the library . To find il you testfilaremaincurrcnl.AU:hcr Kcure a timepiece for the wall in . Folio win a I he Co Hee Bour simply head th10111 h 1hc tunnd, fOf 1n explanation of IMC ind the Student sen11te ornce." ind rrom Feb. 25-28 in lhc from OW Main i nd hlng I lcfl 11 you mighl just ge t 1guldcd to.11 r This rcsolullon, introduced Univeuil)' Center an~ thceafln& • thclibra1yrcservcdcsk. or lhe whole operation . Mw ccnten rush rc&iatrat1on will be Kelk> && keeps a pile of okl ~~~~~!," t:in~!n.creD~n~ held. IM C Is potentially one of lhc magazincJ on a tlble. Anyone way t'o find the time In the mo11 uxful 1nd probably one of who wishes to, 11ll)' clip pictures Senate office" 1nd rconmmcnd1 the ,non overlooked sourcu of or articles from the m1g11.ines, or LOST . thl}::1";.cJ:~cc:~ j.c':;:C,claUy malcrill In the library. IMC simply take 1ny magazines 1h11 Lost: Pair of Black-rimmed houx1 an up-to,d1tc Klectlon of intercsl him . "The magazines ue appropriate at 1h11 when I.he glux,I. Somet.lme Su., possibly high school level curriculum all don1ted", Miu KeUogg said . Scn11e b preparin& to 1111kt: Ju at C1tnlval 11me1 behind materills, including tcxtbookJ She added tluldona ti onsofan)' yearly alloca1ion1 ~o v1noua Ocldbouse. If found plta1t: a u on cvuy subject from gradu on kind of ma gazines are welcome. 344-8907. tlvo U&h twelve. ca~~~UPJircct1 1.be finuice A lar ge portion o r committee of the Scn1te to Al IMC the enterprising Audio/ Visual's equipment hu withhold fund• from student O student a n brush up on hich been moved inc o an 1djoining o rt f sc hool chemistry, peruse the room. Now ii is poss.ible for ?.:::;";:~t:i.:;>:'~..... :":.t.: Placement ppo uni ies dossier on LSD (the dru,), or students lo check ou1 1 r.pc levels or student part.iciP1tion in view a filmstr ip on 1ubjects recorder front A/V 1nd pluc in rangina from goals to local :is many ueight sc tsofears toa po~P';~ ~ ;'Ji:tt:°:, Feb, 24 • C1mplon lllah ~c~l·/:!!~i: Chien, Wis .• 9 a.m lo government. wide se lection o r Upe ,• reeordinp. enable I.he (~ce committee to ~:hmko~~~~ ~~:!~ ~~~":.~.': 4 p.m. · MW Lulu KcUog ii the lldy behind the desk. In her 1hrcc A shorl trip IQ IMC might • Feb. 2s . Plymouth ~~blic !.'!':::~/1:~~~~ !~~~:~IJ~~;;, 1 6 1 )'CUI u the hud or IM C, Miss prove wo nhwhile. " Ha\·e Peace Read1ng hru ; dem.~~ ~r:·srr,gfsh; Sr. High English and 1pm. ma1crbls. wi\1Wre",says Miss Kellog Ms lnnsformcd her !;m~~io~~· High girls physical education; Sr. lhlh dcp111mcnt from I dusiy Ke llogg. ''The door is always . Id st collection o( old textbooks into open." mathcmat1c:1;; Sr. ll ighphylica. ,1linois-9a.m. to3p.m. Ele me ri t1r'j MISS LULU KEL LOGG di1ploys some of materials thot ore available for student w,11 Be He 1 use rn 1he ln1lructionol Materials Center in the basement of the Leeming Re,­ Au~°: :~~~~~~·:0':~ 'sixt h; art; ~h~ .. cd.'tirl.'s: .Jr. 11 11h sources Center. The cenler is espciolly of service to educotional majors who con W e d neS d ay f' Ush · lclcnce· mathcmitics: phy. ed •.guls , Sr. lhgh, hnghsh, Professor Studies adjust themselves to 1ex1books used in classes they hope to teach. !Miko Domin• T h e re w 111 b e I b:nc~ edue1ilon; chemistry; ~hysics; !ibnuy; mathenut1cs, owski Pholo). student.f1cul1y Peace Reading Spa;e~h;i6~n~~~~·er!y(i~.~~=~!~:::o~s Angcl~s, Ca hf • 9 ~:~eJ:~;~;:, /e':,~}6,~~ a.m. t~ 4 p,m. elementary. sclf~ontaincd classrooms {k1~dcfl! anen 1 fa rth's Weight ~~~ ~h!~E~';a~~u:~:~ ~~:'dh ~~c:!~:;~~:aoZ1s: ai:~:~:.r.1~;: r~~~~~~m•· !~4 JI m Debaters Lose modern man in war. No Mother earth has a weight Of 1he 1utprisin1ly large discussions or oommentariu will WSU Summer Camp Schools, Brookfield , Wisconsin • 10 a.m. to 4 pm problem and a profeiWr here has follow the studcnt.f1cul1y ~~=/:~ element1ry•and ,ccondary levels · all a~\, . volunteered 10 help find 1he ~~:~n~n,~r lh~u~!~~~~ su7c~~~ Three Matches rcadinp from the world's put underlying rnso n. Up 10 10,000 much is invisible and of 1uthon. This Peace Rcadin& 11 Beaver Dam Public Schools • 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. k1nd t11 antn ion of debris sifl on10 it each 0 being sponsored by acvml d1yfrom thc10lar system. ~~r:h raium:!e:~, ~ha~~:r,~~ Schedules Courses members of the E ngliah ~~~~~e\!~H,t~f~~:~:is~~:~~ nce F1Us, Wis.· 10 1m In Eau Claire Dcs>1rtmicn1 . . Alli n Bk>cher of the physics only one orl\lo'O percent 1ri::evcr re co vered . Information about all of the All uc we lcome 1nd ~llu~io~~l~~:ttency No. 8, Appleton, Wis • 9 dep,ar1nttnlflcull)'anddiret1()( 1dmmion is free. ~;~~i;:· of the school's pbnetarium is Pigeon Luc 1ummer prognma This progn.m b only one of a a.m. 10 4 p.m. spc,cch 1herapy. Qnc or about sevtn ptrsons from m1y be oblained from the WSU growing series of Puce acti\'ltics City or SI . Francis Public Schools · 9 1.m. to 12 no:on pnnury . Wisconsin who arc members of system office, P.O. Box 912, pb.nned for the oomin& semester intermediate: elem. librarian; scoondary vocal mu.sic: busmcK the ne1•,Jy.formc d Network o r Mad ison , Wis. S3701. byvariouacampusorpnlutlOIIL Rapid An1lysis of Fin:baU TrlJC~·torits. edu;:~~;~~~:::-de: ·uic Public Schools • 9a. m. !o 4 p.m. IO\lot l elem.; upper elem. ; blin; phylica.l scicncc; ma1hemat1cs; arl. In eSSl' ncc, the group is Mosinee Public Schools . 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jr. Hi&h general scte n,f. ~:~cr~slen~ei:,r::info, P~';! ~ Sr. lligh llllth-lOC. science comb.; Sr. Hi&h math-sd cncc comb .. Sf' delennining origin or etlcs1ia, bodies in ouccr sp:tti!. S~~r:~o;~lnt Public Schools· 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m. tindersutcn; g, I . Bk>chcr, one of 250 members gr, 2; gr. 3; gr. 4; trainable mentally retarded; Jr. High auutJRI in the country and the only librarian; Jr. High social s1udies: Jr. High English; More to be posled pcl'$0n with such :tffiliatk,n in WSUS-FM Feb. 28 • Fresno City Uni(icd School Dist., Fresno, Californb · 9 · central Wisconsin.s:iys he needs 1.m. lo 4 p.ffl. elementary; sccondfry. ,upport fron1 1rca residents. Mequon Public Schools • 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m. Upper elementary · aU Wh tnevcr anyonesees1 rircbal\, fields (6.fl) middle grade1 4-5: primary k·3; hon'lt economics. he requests !hey de termine I.he Fort Atkinson Public Schools • 10:30 1.m. to 4 p.m. Sr. llig.b numbtr of seconds it was visible, 89.9 English; comb. ,cicnce-m1th Sr. High ; Jr. High English; Sr. ll igh U.S the direction from which it came and approximate location of iu hislory; Jr. Hi&h Enalish/soc.; Jr. Hi,gh scicnce; dementary; primar) , disappearance and description of intermediate. . co k>rs and sounds usociatcd l\fORE MUSIC Feb, 28-DcPe,c Public School5:IO a.m. 10 3 p.m. Eiemcntaf) ir with ii. Then he requests they k,sr. 6; elem. librarian; elem. girls phy. ed.: Jr. High moth: Jr. lh&h eaU hi m either at home or at the 4:30. 7:00 P .M. English; H.i&h School chemistry. uni,ersitY IO I sc.uch can begin. Mu. 3 .. Laona Public Schools. I p.m. 10 4 p.m. HiJh School 10:00 . Midnight physics,: ma1h: politka.J scicnc.e; Elementary: art: phylla l education. Mar. ,4 • Laona Public Schools • 9 1.m. to 12 noon . Same u Attempts To Education 1bove. . I Cud1hy Public Schools . 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. primary; Jr. High gradt.f . inter. Start Ballet 7:00 · 10:()j) Mar. 5 • Minneapolis Publk·Schools • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vacandtt In 1U arcu, both secondary anopcra lion with the university's ex1cruion sc:r,,ice, eduf.t~:~i:;=:~~':!;t~~:~:~~~;.e~;~::~ ~8:30 10 l ·.iQ Mn. J. II. Lcmmcns plans on teaching baUet lessons twice a p.m, Klndcrprten thru gr. 6; elem. music consultant: sccondar)' • JU week . · subject 1re11; librarian; audi

Jeopardized The Manhfiek! Public Schoob announca fitt v1candes for 10 AMERICAN summer outdoor campin, program, C.mping dates begin on June !o A poi.nccr dos many years and extend to Au,. 18. The camp is k)catcd 13 miles south ,;,{ ro, At &.guk. Prfc. hwy Dciy of tfM YMrf has t,«n the mascot here, but Marshfield in • 320 aae wonderland and meadow. A modem lodp­ something • little more physiQJ Prof...i-tly a....t and Prn,N TOURISTER l~eps ~ Ind equipped with kitchen and shower f1cilitics. Salary for is now jcopatdizin& its claim to this period ranacs rrom t100·S8S0 including board a.nd room. rime. The sirt that is 1lways In 257 Division SITMt ieaiGn. Tra~J.1oup cover• Men Ind women· inst:ucton arc needed. ThoJC with in terests :anJ An attractive freshman coecl Aaoa1 From Nonh Pitint Shoppl"lf Cent. backgrounds in ~ithcr/or conscrv1tion, outdoor redu1ion. arts ~nd I from Appleton ls tnlin& the ~~~~~£f~~~~ crafts, ind phystc1) education arc invited to sign i/ti for 1n lnlervic-.. symbolic t111ine by her mere die. Pop-opc-n p,oo( lock1. :~~~!~ce~nt, Center. Detailed descriptions or 1hc proanm 1rf 1 Slainltsall«I closures. ~~~CC~~::tt~~ ~II~~ ~~~ PAMELA POINTER, the first person In Stevens Point's 75-year Jnninccolon focladiaan,J The UIUvcnity Plfc.emcnt Center has noted that I number of with I.hat bst name to 1ttend the h111ory lo hove the some 1011 .name os that of the st'hool mm. Pritlfd [rom Sl9.9j school durin& Is 75 year history. Want to Teach l mascot, holds o replic:o of tho mascot. !Mel Glodowski Photo) !fae P~~~~~=edr~;~:~o~a!J'n~Tt:etn~~!1!,in;:~1!: One 1dminbtrator 11 the be scheduled with employing officials without the Ha.ilability of J ' uhiversity his told her there fok!cr contalnin1 the requested infonn1tion of cmployin& offiCU ls ti.vc been hundreds of "Miss In Southern Qtlifornia? A ~PY. of the form needed for Ulis purpose is aV1lllbJc in tht Pointer" qucen1, but she is the Uruvenity Placement Center I fint qitimate title holder el't:n tboush she hu never won 1 Senior! •ho sc.b~ule lnt~ws ue reminded or the importance j crown. THE BANK A representative from the Ox­ of lfftDlinl, followm, lntc.rvic:w., for the relclsc of credentials 10 employina officials. Unbs this rclcuc is provided 1he aedcntbls Paroda, dlU&htcr or Ml. 1nd MrL Roylance H. Pointer of 943 WITH A .nard School District will be on :fflc::!: =~:d~S=~':a'i!°:1ho°:tt=:~rte~=YI"' I E Fnnces St., Appleton, said A few students Ire not appearing for tcbcduled interviews. I( 1tus ~;c;~=~ron~:a:, ~1r STUDENT camptis to interview applicants 0CCUS:S froquenUy, tbc student's name will be deleted from the lisi 11.1 she intended to capitalize on her ~nu! otbcn to schedule for interviews. Ir unable to attend 1ht nunc. She said it hid never for el~entary teaching positions intemew 1t ~Y time, it ii only nccasary to aU the Pbccmcnt paned her mind bcf<>R then. CHECKING C:::t!""~OQUC:lt.lJII that your name be deleted so that 1.hc employinJ "Why don't you to out for on Wednesda-y, February 26. Con• I ~~:~:~~~:=~~.;::::t!~J~:~;: mucoc.," ttudents uted bu ~t=k>acan be readily-:r tznpaired. . later. ACCOUNT tact the placement omce_ lor an ~!:::J:'(e not c.becked I.heir fllet liace tbey were inilbtcJ. Pamela. hu a lister, Sue, 18, Brill's Luggage ind I bmtbcr, Jeff, 16, wbo·are FOR YOU ICheduJina loteme!~ oC:°:i::~~re:::!'::: n:~ bcputina to think Stevena ~lnt appointmenL anU.ble IO_lb.at I ltl.ldcnt'a rcconfis wery limjted and 001 u much Is tbe only 1ppropn1te &Gilt Store :::, Ot:bc, Omilliom are qotcd lo IC>mc records which ullivonity for them to altend. ON 1KE SQUAii ~~ IUOIIIIIY-Mforom~~ Cftldentilll. A chec:kiaa of thll m111et is Februaty 20, 1969 Krueger Announces Non-Credit Courses Football Schedule Cover Six Subjects Six non.credi t cow1e1 fo r 1n u:1fninatlon or the cucntitl "pcrsonalenric hmcnt"u:ebcin& rcatwet or the human condition WSU-Stev tnl Point alhktic Whi lcwatcr. Other fou on the oUe red by the cxtcndcdtcrviect and an inmliption into the director Robert Kruc1cr. has Steven, Poinl schedule are department or WSU -Stcvcnt writin1 or several phllotophcr1. announced the Pointers' 1969 LICrosse . Sepe. 27, there : !='.a u Point. footb;a ll schedulcwhk hlncludu Claire here. Oe1 . 4; at SUpcrlor, The con1emporuy writings or six home pmcs and rematches Oct. I I ; S 1 0 ut he re Director Orbnd Rtdkc 11id authora C:.mu1, Silinstr, ind with nine o r their ten 1968 ( llomc coming). Ocl. 18: at subjects uc " Meet Germ1ny.. Bellow will be usd In the "Man oppone nu. Stevens Point Oshkosh. Ocl. 25 ; Rivtt F1lb t1uaht by Gretl Lechaia,c or the and the Abtwd" oowx to be complkd a 2-7- 1 mark last year. he~. Nov. I (Dad's Day); and 11 forciln lanaw,gcs department; orrered U WedncM11y morninp Pbllcv illc, Nov.8. "Exislenlialilm" by Dr. John The Voin11:r1, under newly rrom 9:30 to 11 a.m. in Room The o nl y new opponent Is Bailiff of philosophy: " Man and 326 of ! he Laboratory School. n an1cd ll cad Coach Pac Bemidji Co \J qc or Minneso11 , l he Abturd" by Oon11d J. O' llalkmrn, will open their Tltis 111 rcncWi l or ,cries which schc.Juk on Sept . 6 wit~ a °t;y ~ ~ lis: ; r,Jh/c~~~ Ten programs of dircded wu terminated after the 1966 JOHN ANDERSON moderoles !he " Point Of View" telivislon ~i::.:: .. no n confcrence g:.r,nM: aga1ru t suson. and MdS SyMI Johruon of the , cxcrcbe .to help keep lf'C a Hamlinc College or Minnesota. A ro ur-ga mc hcs hman show on coble channel 6 every rhlrd week. He o hemotes public school system; and rcsldcnu. 1n the proper physCII Thls will ~ the o nly night game schedule wu also announced with Do,; Houhlihon ~nd Sandy Young in acting os hos! of " Undcrst1nding Oc:canology" by lhape will be offucd Monday on lhc Point schedule and will that Includes home gamu with lhe $how which o,iginoles from rhe television studio on !he Dr. Win throp Di/ford. night! ~&innin1 Feb. 17 at lhe stan at 7:30. Wh itewater, Sept. 29 ; and Wuhington School Gym and The l'ointcu will begin the Oshkosh, Oct. 13 and away second floor of lhe leo,nign Resources Center. (M el Glodowski Coit Is SI O for panicip1tion in Thuralay nights beginning Feb. Wjsconsin S t ate Universi ty 1an,e1 wilh Lake la nd. Oct. 6: Pho lo) 1 11 or 1he cour1e1. except the 20 at the P. J . hcob11wlmmit11 porl io n of ! heir schedule o n and Carthagc,Oct . 27. fi1nd1 prog~m which carries 1 poo l. MARINE 2nd LIEUTENANT Allon K. Jacobsen (RJ receives his Sept. 13. when they holt 1'hc schtdulcfollows: SS fee. oolh of office .from Cop!. J. H. T~rpstro, Jr., in ce,emonies Sevcnty~wo per cent of lhc Radke said 1he sludy or clfth ii covered by w11cr, yet held recently in the John Muir room. Lr. Jacobson, o Jonuorv., Germany itdes.igncd to acquaint W.5.U - STEVENS POINT University Originates only reccntJy have sovrrnmcnls 1969 groduote of WSU·Sleveni Poinl, wrll ,epo11 for flighf people wilh the cuhure and realilcd the lmpon1nee of the troinlng in Pensocolo, Flo rido in February. He received his 1969 Football Sd,•dul• langu113c of the country. II oceans, 11y1 Profenor Di!ford . would be helpful for people who lliscowxwill includenpcctsof pre-commission !raining ln The Mo rine Corps· Platoon l eaders Dal• Doy Oppon• nt Plae11 Tlmo plan to , visit Germany ind wbh I he bio logic1 I, c hemica l Course. Sep,. 6 Sat. Hemline Home 7,30 p.m. Television Program to ga ther cc:naln background Sep!. 13 So t. Whi 1eworer Home informalion u we ll 11 1t11ln :~t~~:l~dg~:~:a~u 1,30 p.m. By Ron Hoban sonlC lan1u111c proficiency. include re asons for the increased Sep!. '20 Sot. Bemidji . Home 1,30 p.m. 1ctivily and interest in !he completely by lhc univeuity." lo Crosse Away l ,30p.m. "Stand by in studio. Gel 1 Topics to be covaed att oceans II it applict • 10 ~ \ ~/ t 'i. Eau Cloire Home l ,30p.m. close up o r Dan . Three shot , The campus sludio wn German and the other world 1ovanmen1, priu1c lnstilulions Yorn· Oct. 11 Sa t. Superior /!,.woy 1:30 p.m. quickly!" constructed by R1y Vin l)rcscr hn1 ua1es: contemporary and industry. Ocl, 18 Sar. These word s along wi lh some and lbrlan llorlbcck from pb11S history. litcBtwe. music, Hne Sro~I tHomecom.l Home l :30p.m . by Cli Uord Cone. II is simila r lo Oct. 25 Sal. music and a pic ture or Stevie the arts, uchilectwe, and the The sixl.h ctau, wh ichstancd 01hkosh Away 1,30p.m. Pointer be p n the taping of the a regular television studk>. but Germa n Fcdc111l sutes. PIZ¥ HUT Nov. l So r. River Fall s (Dod'i Doy) a wed: 1130 Sa twd1y bu! still has university spon,orcd " Point of on II smaller sca le. Two cclcvsion openings. provides water &afe ty Home I :30 p.m. Vie w" television program. TIUJ u mcr u mm the ac1ion fr om Classes will meet right inilrudio nrorpenonswilhWSI Nov. B So1. Plorte vitle Away 1,30 p.m. program c:an be 5rcn on cable difkR'nt angles and lransmit it Tue.tays,bcginningFcb. 181l 2 certif ica tion . Rc «nification Buck chaMcl 6 WcdncsJays 11 12: JO to lhrcc small moni ton. p.m. and run un1il 3:30 p.m. in will be possible for pcnons who FrHhm•n Sch• d11l• p.m. The firsl moni1or shows what Room 120 of Cbssroom Ccn1er. compete in lhc remain.in& 15 STILL GOOD !! is bc-ing filmed on camera one scaions S.tutd1y1 .11 8:30 a.nL l Sep!. 29 Mon. Whirewoler Ho me 7:30 p .m. Ne~:n~::Cih~~· !en~u~.r :..': and the lhifd mo nilor shows The cxis1en1ialism cla11e1 will Ho v• Yo1i.1 UH d Yours? Mon. lokelond Away at lhc WSU ficldhoux pool. ""· 6 3,00 p.m. " The purpotc of " Point of wha t is being filmed on camera run dx Tuesdays from 7:3010 9 (Pina B1i.1 clu or• Valid on D•liv•ry) Oct. 13 Mon. Oshkosh Home 7,30 p .m. View" is to pr esent to the public tw o. The second or mkldk p.m. in Room 218 or the Pcrsonsintcrcstcdincnrollin~ Oct. 17 Mon. Corlhoge Awoy 4:00 p .m. news and sprcbl events 1hat monitor shows whll t is on !he aiJ Clanroom Center, beginning in 1ny of the counet have been Phone - 341 -2100 ------happen on campus." tloulihan. or which ca mera is presently Feb. 18. Lcctw-u .will probe 1dv,isrd to cont1ct Radke by fot SpHdy D•livuy J ohn Andcr,on,' and Sandy bcingu,cd. existe n tial phl.lo,ophy through telephone. ' Young l:ike twns handling lht J>roblems fa ced in producin,: Piv:o Smorgasbord - T11uday - S p.m. to B p.m. h.atf hour progran1 each week. "l'oint of View" include Candidates Travel Film Anderso n, the universi ty breakdowns in equipment , too nC:wsman , prc,enu news and small a stud io, and noaccur:ilc special events, Sandy Yo ung vtew1n1 estimate. Cable channel ntE · 11 '6, which reaches 2.000 ho rues in W i II Feature ~:;:~:n:~~ti!~ co~~!!~; Stc,·cns Point and whlc!h will Are Invited that ari.s,.: s on campus. On the ruch 4.000 i n Wau uu. GOLDEN HANGER,ro. program , 1hcse three f)roplC':isk broadcasts only 1his program, 1319 St rongs Ave. 344•7058 1 weathe r gauses, univer si ty Hawaiian Isles ~~;~~ :t ~~p:! :::::~~~ bukctba ll games and occasional It's f/7e To Campus wi th th.:it particul.11 issue of specia l events. Fashionable l\fen's Clothing l'oinr of Vie w which is to be Any st udent or faculty A tn\·cl ad venture mm of the discu5Sl'd. nlCmbcr wan1ing 10 p~scnt :any Nathan Kawakan1i. president eight tlawaiian isbnds will be Spring and S1,1mm., Foshlon1 Arriving Dolly o f the Polit ica l Science The tcchnial work fo r ideas fo r "Point or View" or fraturcd in an Arts and Lccturn " Point of Vi, ,,_,. .. is-done ln the appear on any prog ra ms should Associa tion al WSU has Series program tonight. announced that all ca nd idates I nstructional McJ ia Strviccs contact Dan llo ulih.an . The ho ur i nd one-half above ! he library by fa culty 71,Go,ng seeking the 7th Congrcmion:il Dist rict . sn t v1ca tcd by co lo red. p resen t ation wi th mem ber s an d s t udent s. Secretary of Defcnx Melvin R. stcrop_homc 5:0und and personal According to John Anderson, Laird have been no1i(ied ofa narnu~n by. 111 pr~uccr, Ra~h : "This program is unique in the F~!1khn , ":'II . be- at 8 .P·~ 1n sta le university system. Olhcr propoxd dcb;atc . ,,11ng M.11n B!-11ld1ng aud1tor1um. univt rsi1 ics have regular The deba tl' wou\J talc place Tickets will be. sold al t~c door p rograms o n commercia l bclwccn 1he prima ry and the FISH FRY• ~nd s.t'!dc~u will be ad1mtted by 1clcvison, but this is 1he only April electio n an d would involve ident1flca11on ca rds. o ne produced 1nd dirtcicd ln•dud11 : lhc Dcmocntlc and Re publican winners or the pri maryel~ tion. Kawakami cxpbincd that the COLE SLAW "purf'OSC of the debate is for FRENCH FRIES $150) public inform111k.ln and se rv ice anJ abo will foslcr b.: ttcr ROLLS ' n BUTTER knowledge or the canJidatc s." BEVERAGE It will follow the same form~! THE ECHO as the prc-vious debates 6 '11 MilH N.W. of S1.ven1 Point S• n in9 from Friday Noon to Midni9ht s po nsored by 1hc Po litica l Llfl off Hi9hway 10 Sciencc ASSO<'i:itk>n. of PHONE Holiday Inn Stevens Point 341 -1340 WSU Teacher The Furys Part II Will Present Friday and Saturday ·university Ford February 21 and 22 Recital Friday MORE FOR YOUR MONEY EYERYTIME! Dr. Donald Rupe rt , profruor offall piano.1f1cr awho ycar returned's lcavc stheudyinre lasst playing 1cchniqucs in Italy under ~===::;~~======, 1 noted !cacher, will prc,cnt a $245 redial Friday night in Main Building auditorium. EMMONS It will begin at 8 p.m. and be $945 open to the public wi1hout charge . , He will pby Moun·s " Sonata in G Ma Jo r," Schubert 's UNIVERSITY STORE "Sonlla in A Minor," Debussy's $695 "Esumpcs." and Chopin's "Sonata No. 3 in B Minor." Dr. Rupert R'Ctivcd his early piano training in Boston, Mus.• and in Vermont. He later 1ttrndcd the Eut m11 n School of Music in Rochester, N. Y., where he re ceived I bache lor of music dcvcc in J9S3, 1 master or music dt&,R!C in 19SS, and • doctor or musical arts dqrcc in 1963. He joined the WSU f1culty nearly 13 ycan qo 1nd his since taken 1wo improvement leaves.. The first wu from 19S9 lo 1961 to complete his doctorate and st udy under a F ulbri&ht Scholarship the 10 II Cologne conservatory of Music in ON ALL IMPRINTED Ge~!~nt kave was to rtudy undtt Guido Aso1ti In Italy. ~c abo hu spent aevcn.l summers Ul Duluth studying under Fruk SPORTSWEAR Mannhdmcr. Neale Panel SWEATSHIRTS, Will Discuss JACKETS, T-SHIRTS, etc. Many More To Choose . From! Dating There will be a puii:I disamion on tbe dltiq: p,obkm ..4cr011 from Bald111in Hall lJ,oiversity Ford on .c:ampa in tbe ~mcnt of Neale lull on Frid1y, Feb. 21 . 1t AUTHORIZED FORD-MERCURY DEAi.ER 1 p~cipation In the~n OPEN : Mon - Wed. · Fri. 'Til 9 will be open to the 4'htire 14'50 STRONGS AVE. 34't-1n7 C1mpu.L A facwty member •ill tern u tbe moder.tor. Page6

THE KIN G AND QUEEN OF WINTER CARNIVAL and their court attended and Palmer Clements, Schmeeckle hall, Lil Korando and Rick Fahrenkrug, the cli ma ic program on Sunday evening . Shown here from leff to fighl Roach hall and Queen Pani Jo Peeters and King Jeff Millar, Sigma Tau THE " AMAZERS" ploy'ed 10 o near capacity crowd o week ago ore Sherry Kust and Jlm Zohn, reprHenting Baldwin hall, Jill Billesbach Gemma fra ternity. (Photo by Sob Ok1osinskil Sunday at the Allen Center far the Winier Carnival kick-off J dance. (Photo by Dennis Sushi

THI S 0 1S HEVHEO and unique hairdo was one of many enter· MARILYN CANTWELL of Theta Phi Alpha autsmokM oil of ,he contest 10 see who could smoke a pipe the longest. R~TA POSTOIINO of Roach holt won the leg$ contest with o ed in 1he hairdo conteSI of this years W,nter Carnival. (Photo the contestants in the women's division to copture first (Ph


IN THE 2001 HAIIDO c:ompelilion, Ginny Gfflsch of Delta Zeto sorority gave the audience o preview of w~t o hairdo arid dothes might look in the yeor 2001. Ginny won the IICK flEDEIICK (leftJ and Or. Leonard Gibb lrighr) judge this man·s legs competition. !Photo by Dennis Bush) tinction of having the least ~ his legs, f Phok?, by Jim Pannier) SO as ta determine whether or not this contestant qualifies for ~ dis· Fttlf'l*V 20. t96lil

MEMBERS OF VARIOUS SORORITIES, frotemlli&S and halls watch Intently most pancakes to win In their respective divisions. (Photo by Bob Okra• to see who will win the pancake eating a>r1test held at Allen Center lost slnskil Wednesday evening. Phi Sigma Epsilon and Alpha Sigma Alpha ate The

FIDEL CASTRO is olive and welt and is o stvdenl here or WSUI Not really] In octuoliry, Tom Gus!in dressed as The Cuban leader in !he beard judging contest - ~mplete with Coma's famous g,een fo tiques. (Photo by Mike Dominowski)

IT WOULD APPEAR that this contestant hod trouble digest­ live problems. IT should be noted that 15 pounds of Borf­ ing the pancokes prepared by the cooks of Ace Foods. On'e Absorbont'' wos purchased especially for 1he even!. !Photo THIS WELL-DRESSED WEREWOLF po_rticipoted in ~ - beard could safely soy that he was not the only one with diges· by Bob Ok.rosinskil judging contest. Aclvolly, this is J im Campbell cl\..,°elto

THESE CONTESTANTS from H~ hall show various fod ol expressions as center hopes that the poncokes she hos already eaten will not come up IOIIS TRUTENKO of Phi Sigma Epsilon ate 54 pancakes to lead all contestants they try to eot that one extra pancake. The g irl In the foreground ap­ and the girt at the right eon as though noting Is happening orovnd her. In the eating a>r1lest. Boris as o member of Phi Sigma Epsilon helped his fraterni­ pears to be conoentroting lnt.ntly o~ pancoke eating, the girl in the IPhoto by Bob Okrosinskl) ty to CW' their way· to victory i:;.!' men's division. (Photo by Bob Ok,asinskI) FebtuarV 20, 1969 P1918 UAB Trippers' HALL~A-DAYS. Kentucky Trip Will Cost $45 CompUtd ·by S.nd y Httro NEALE HALL ABC MATCHES ,prfn~ trr:i:m °t:e ~:s. :g:~::~ Or. Benz from the Eduation UC JOinl to M,mmolh C1vc:, D1lt• Zit•· Kcntucty, Apr. 4 to the .13. Thc 'r'tsulu of Sunday's Ftb. 10 16, ABC ma lches areu follow1: ~~~nipo:C:rr orNc!~~de:~ Vehicle,, food , ~amping I n Wint c r Car ni va l On Feb. 18, a movie about equipment ind cam puig costs Competition the DZ's took fint sorority life wu shown In aU the Ro1ch 140, DelzcU 60 : Neale Tuesday, Feb. 11 . The 1ubjc:ct IS5, Watson .45 ; B1kkr,,in 245, will be included ln4hc price. . place In both categories of lhc women's dorrns. A panel wusludysk.ills. All of those mtcreiled m hairdo contc,t. Virginia Gertsch discussion consislilli or a Burroughs 95: Smith 205, membe r of each sorority Hansen 20: Pray.Sims 180, Ano I her new atudcnt going will have to attend .• Ma,, "a little robot" represented a mcelinJ at 8 p.m ..m t he followcdlhemovir.- Knut zen 95 ind Schmeeckle 95, usistant , Debbie Nelson from 4 200 1K Space Oddeucy; and Mitchell Room of the Uruvcnity Diane Mcshak, :& lia s "old Main" . The Coffee llow will be hekl Hye r 40. Steiner hid the bye. Milwaukee was oricntltcd to her Feb. 2411 the University Center. Nu! Sunday the tcama wiU fourth cut wing this put Center. depicted 1894. weekend. Deb formerly resided In plpr 1moking. Mary Burns again mee t at 7 p.m, The placed thin! despit e the Khcdulc is u rollOwt: Delzell it compelition given he, by sister Steiner, Baldwin at Smit h, on;:F~~r::: Feb. 21, Ncalci• Monday TCllk Mel Franke who took :,, close Schmeeckle: at Knu1:1:cn , llycr 11 honing a panel dlscusion in the Winter C1mh:al Is ovtr ind Watson, Burro ughs at Pray-Sims, fou rth. The DZ's 111$0 pbccd forThe11t'hiA lph1 it held a few 10 thiid in the sack ra~ on 1nd N~lc at Ro1c: h. Hansen has p leasa nt surprises. Marilyn the bye. ~r,~:f1~ n~ ~:rn:~~~~.d·~: Will Center Sa tunby, Can twell out-r uffed all m1jority at Nnlc feel the An a\umn:& of Delta Zeu opposition to win the women's from Sle \·cns t'oint, Lynn pipe smoking championship. The BALDWIN HALL r~b~~~:.~~·,::.o~~'in' • t On Brazil City Loewen. wu recently ma"iN to pancake eating tn111 of Claudia o( Mushlll Doug Newby . Liu.au, Jtnn)' Orison, Sue The men of Baldwin were The panel wiU consist five Parry. &CC?Piphy girls 'Eichsiacdt and Mary Usuuck 1 and five boys from c1mpu1. department, will give ~~ took second by citing ninety-sh: THESE SK!EltS recently repre~nted $!evens Poi~I in a to~mamenl ol Ml. Telemark c!~~lv,r~~!c;::,~ 1n ~~ditfo~,~~ A fa cully member will moderate illustutcd lecture on the topic. the discussion to Inch.Ide the ''Goiania, Bra:rJI, A Planned P~I Slg•a Epsllu p:anc:akcs. ski oreo. Frqm left fo right, they ore Mike Kroenke, Dove Cahoe, Bob Lehnior, having thelr Winter C:a rnivalking and queen as runners.up fof 1he 1udience. City .. on Monday, Feb. 24 at The brothen or Phi Sigrna Thtla Phi Alp ha iniliatcd its John Melon. John Wyssling, Tom S1reibig (mgr.] ond Mork Schuhz. newest active Cbudia Utuu this event, they won the games Nea le's ABC team Is leading 7 :30' p.m. The lcc1urc will be Eps.ilon werl' active participants the competition with 6 wins :and prc11:nted in Room A- 12 1, ai;ain thlll ycu in the wintn week . ~~:~~:.io:s~r independen t Char OcBocr has been n:am«I no k>sscs. Science BuiklinJ. carnival gamu. B1 othe1 Tom Baldwin has ntw visitalion Sorenson took SC<.'Ood pla ce in th e seco nd scmcstt r the kast hairiest kgs contest . representative of t'anhclltnic hours. They are 7:30,11 :30 p.m. ~'!llffff~"t/YffWYV Brother Tom WaUrncr took first Council to Student Senate. She on Fridays, 1:30-1 1:30 p.m. on pl:lcc in thc 11pplcdJuchuggin, joins sis ters Sherri Rayand ,\hry Saturdays and I p.m.·10 p.m. on W.S.U. Grey "T'' Shirts ~ contest. Ustruck in the Studen t The r:i.ncal.e contest staned GoVtrnrnent . SuP!~?i\tark is the ntw manager W.S.U. Colored "T" Shirts ~ orr wi th James Fischer, DaYe Cindy Stellmacher is practice of the snack bou. 11 is open from Greuschow, Dougl:ls llordykc teachins in Kaukaurnl. Kathy 7 :30-10 p.m., Monday-Thurs­ and Soris Trutenl;osayif\iJ:l'llll'C. Friday, a January gl'lillduate or day. The group won .seco nd place, WSU, is attending graduate The movie .. Mr. Dickins of Only $1.98 but Boris took first pl:lcc out of school at Trent University in London .. will be shown al 9 Ontario.Canada. 1 se\·cnty,five eontcstanu with f1fly.foursiJ1inchpancakcsinan p.,T~lt.eJ!~n bts:re;Jc; team will .\play at Smith Sund1y THE SPORT SHOP ~ 11 ho~~ ~:1~~&~7~t~~ ;~n t~i5i,~~~ Tu Kappa Epsllo1 evening. _' l 1036 Main ShHt won their finl basketball game .Firsl cast is currently in sixth b~· bt11tin1 the Vets 51!·17. New orfiecn wen: installtd at pl:lc:c in intn11mural shndings. the first i'nc:e ting thi,; semnter. Second cut isinci3hth place. I They arc t he follow ing: Sl1•a P~I _Epsllo1 prcsidtnt , Tom Schultz; vice preside nt . Gaylon Barz: STEINER HALL Placement Opportunities The men of Sigma Phi sccr~t:u y. Rick Gicu: treas~er, Steiner and Delzcl will have ! .~:~lor~j~~cda wu~:r~?:1~:l l~i:1id s1:t!c~~ki~~~:n. t~::~· :another toboggan pa rt y at Thursday Feb 20 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .• Tbs: Railrwd Bclirrmcnt prcuiled , Long hows of Siewert: s:a rgcant at ar~1s, Mike Iverson P11rk· on Monday, Mar. Board, will interview all majors inltrc:stcd in ca.rcc:r opportunities companionship luted late into Glodowsky and chapbm, Stc:Yc: 10. withthi,; fcdtl'lilllagcncy. the night u tht sculpture w:is Coerpcr .. Jeff Milb.r,a Steiner resident completed , Unity was the key Following the ~tout game, a and his girlfriend, Patti Jo Monday Feb 24 9:45 a.m. to 4 p.m .. Central I ifs As.sunncc word ..,,•hik 111ee1ing rugg«I .foes pa~)' was h~ld w1 lh the _!' lpha Peeters. we re ,electtd Winter ~. Des Moines, Iowa will inlenicw all gr.idu:atts interested in in tht gamts. Phi s a,t . ~oy s. Then pn Feb. 8 Carnival , King and Ouctn last sales positi ons in the insurance field with btcr advancement to week . lluppiness highlighted the the TKE s and tht SZ sattended management positions. cl.ima:ii: pany. he ld at Club 10. the River Fa~ game and Four members of Steiner's Thei,,• b11llots were cast and Lee ga thered at Lakeside afterward s. DELTA OMICRON professional music sorority recently installed officers. They ore ~~~~Cr .R~:de~~t A,..S:::an~15S~=~ Tuesday Feb. 25 I p.m. to 4 p.m., Mont50mcry Wards Co .• will Schoen was overwhelmingly Winter Carniva l week was from left lo right, front row, Corol Dopp. first vke,preside~ Sharon Pitzke, Schmidt, Lury Shadick, and speak with aUgraduates about retail store mam1gcmcnt opportunilics dec1ed "Sig Ep Cupid .. of 1969. busy Jnd. uciling. The week This wt1:kcnd 1hc Sig Eps will bcg:rn wllh a. chapter beer president: Sue Boolrvd, second vice·p1esidenl; .Soc Hyndman, 't_ecretory; Bock Phi l Dcuwilcr will be ge tting and other opportunities in Ward,' organization. mal.c winter warme r by supper. Gan1cs, 1cc scu lpture and row, lindo Agerjord: Down Ficlke, treosurer; Susan Bohn, Marilyn Pabst; Jeon· ma,:~~d t:~~m~~t of tht Wednesday Feb. 26 9 3: .m. to 4 p.m. , Reynolds Tobacco Co .. entertaininJ ttie Oshkosh other contcsls added more fun nine Ziehr; ond Morgo1et Boticki. fifty-three men on fourth floor Green Bay, wiU speak with aU guduales intcreslcd in ulcs cha pter at "Little Jocs .. for a to. the week . The wee~ was lut ,cmester averaged out to u opportunities wilh one or America's largest companica. pu•1,;an1e warrnup slartini at I clim1J1cd by an alumni b«r p.m. supper. .,I Sends .. M' t. Telemark '·"'· Wcal pbnt. Now $10.99 1 eu!~~'!al~::~e~ '!~~h~~~: ~~i!!;, ~~t~~:=~ admlnistrallon, economics :and all other students aboUt state .BILL'S PIZZA sH·o :::i::t employment opportunities (,ocbl work .and aU state. Special Turtle V · and Crew Neck Wednesday Mu ll 9 am to 4 pm s 1 1 · Point will interview all busi~ idminin~·tio': ffiat~'::C!., ~ten= Values lo $4.95 , o ther majors interested in insurance opp,onuniiics. ' nomics a WCflnesdaY . f:1ar } l 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., The ftdcol $Prial RADIO DELIVERY!! Now $1.35 up .secunly Adrruntstrat1on Wisconsin Rapid s wiU 1pe.,lc with all ~i:::!°::~~~:::;n.:~c=t~~~!~ The U. S. Civil

~.a~i::.~~~! !;·:,tc:~ie'*..,P~~·t,!::!~;!" 1:dcphone 344-9557 and other m11jor1 intcreslc:d in career opportunitiei. omics, math Added Saving Until Februan 28th 9 of ~=rul'n.M~~:.!n;;·,~ P,:th ~~ General Tck.phone· eo. The Only Meat-Ball Sandwich All Knitwear-lOo/o Off employmcn1 opportunities. &nduatcs lnten:sled in ~ v!;1 :~:i·.~~h :~·m., Nort~wcatern Mutual Lire non-11~ posiOons. . gr.ts about home office and In Town Wis~.rid~'fu ~;le~! a~~- ~!t:· ~ ~will ~o.Jony .Monroe. =:!a::~ ~:!.:i:einrr;::.' · Tbe-~w:~:~~ ism•!~~ Served With Hot ltalicrn INOd ond TontoUdnt led Saum an ::~.:.' the Placc:mcnl Centc:r. OS6 Main, lodly Ind sian up ra. / February 20, 1969 THE POINTER ..... Swimmers Rout ·wsuc .Individual Scoring

By D"eCrehore 0 tp-trm tp fl.a.Nm Av" e. Pu.A,e. Stout, LaCrosse· Don Hutlund, Sup II 237•93 ~" 1,...-s .... 20A 11 occurred to mi the other leather boot\lce to you, wrist Mel Coleman, Stout 13 215·1® .507 ...... 5111 "',.. ..., Ja)' 1h11 1 hid not wrillen ind the 01hcrCnd to the chisel . 402 90.59 19.9 B,. John Bteneman 15tev. OwiW.on, Ri' II 173-80 .... an)·lhlng about ice fishi111 so (1r this will help prevent thclink.ini The Pointcn sure have I heir work cut out for them, havina to win Cal Glover Stout ,.._., .442 89-47 '" 19.3 1his wintrr. I'm sure that many feeling you p:l u the chisel tips pvcry pmc and pbylns aood ball cJub1 who can do lilllc ebc but be The Stncns Po int Pointeu BrodhaiCn led the 400 yard Bill Va.n Dyke, RF II" H5-70 .. _.. ·.'"741 ...'" IU of you went out ice rishin1 to the bottom when you finally 1 1poilcr. Oshkosh h11 lmpro\"Cd 1re1tly u of lite, ind don't &cl the ran up their moll spect1cular medJy reby team lo Yictory in W in MeGrlff, Sup. 12 22, ... ·.306'" 101..eo .... 1e.s :;i::~~wb~ ~~~~ ~n l~'i: break throuah. mistaken idC.11 Uui! the Poinlcr1 will have 1 "breather." Remember, ICOre of the yeu II they roulcd Tom <uftt.haaer, 8P 12 149--77 .517 . IU 0 1 1:,5:1 ..... ,.. "' both Stevens Point and St0u1 sustained both o r their louc1 on their Stout and LICrome In 1 :~~!·~~~!r ~Jtt!t~:, Don Pa.uben, WW 12 201·75 47-32 .702 ,., JCl .2 h~\·cn't u lcJ ii yet, I've joltrd If you uc (ootloo,e and 1wlmmln1 meet held 1t '" home · floor I I don't want to •be peuimlstJc II I'm confident the Sdtniifna1cl ind Jeff Pqela ~" 36·28 .722 H .i Jown the rnults or my re search fancy-free, you'll probably be Menomonie on Sa1Uld1y. won In the time of 3:33 .7. J im UricPey EC II 180-99 .383 mt o the business o( catching ftsh willln1 to invest six or eight Poln1enwi1Jwin. The Polntcn won ten o r the Second p\lcc finishes turned Jeny sui. ww 12 180-70 ,430 4&-35 ..,.791 u .e thlough the ice .• dolbr1 in I si>ud . A spud b Perhaps the Poliitcrs look Eau Cbire I bit too lishtly the l1nt lwclveevcnllin1ddltion1ofour in by tho Pointcn included Tom BIil Heidemann, Stout 173-71 .410 93.47 .,.. "'... time they played them - 1 don'! think that will happen apinl 14,4 To be sure, ice fishing hun't nothing more than I brsc, 1econd and four third1. Roza• in 1he 1000 yard J im t.e.wtnrer, PL "11 125-«i .uo 7CM8 ~ ... go t th,: dlcrr cbs.s o r skiing, or he1vy, k>n1h1ndlcd chisel. In !he way of an cxpllnation - the pmc ,last Tuud1y 11 LI Lcadin1 the way ror the frecuyle, Bob Bulik in the 200 Rich Ludk&, PL 11 138-511 .428 93.311 .,111 14.S Crouc wu played to avoid connlct with the District 14 N.A.I.A. Poinlen, 11 lhcy have done 1U yard bre1ftllrokc and Ma111 in Quinn Vandenlfeuval,SP 12 144-88 .472 37-24 ...'" 13.a the 200 yard Individual medley. ~h1~ , 111 ~:l17~g, ~:Id it f/!~oo~~ · The ulth111te in luimry is 1 state playorfs which might Involve the Pointers. The playoff Is )'car, were Rod Schr1ufn11el ind Jdlko Hu(hea, 8P 12 130-07 7~43 ·."'eu 13.J. solid , miJdlc-cln1 way to freeze device known u • Swedish Ice scheduled for the first week In Much, with the winner or !he WSU C Bill Schullem, both (rcshmcn, Third place finishu wcn l to ·'"' "' gelling a cnick 11 Lakeland, pouc110rof1 17-4 m11k,1&- I I cenlcr, Schnufnasel took the SO y1rd Ro111 in the SOO yin! rrccstyle, :~t~eath, 1ml we ll wonh looki ng ~~r:u ~~: ~fe~'yh~'iikt~~ ~~ freu1yle in :23.9 and lhc 100 Pagels ln the 200 yud frce:s1ylt , ladh1dua.l llebQunlllnr and two players each of whom scored SS points in I single pmc bd A,·e. lime. I can h~r I voke from the yud frcutylc In :S2.7S. Joe Moyer in the 200 yard 0 .... week . If you w:mt to go ice fishing, Schutten won the 1000 yard bullcrfly 1nd Sutli{f In !he JOO Mel Coll'!rflan. Stout 208 18.0 the first lhing you will need isa =~~ ~r ~e ~~:.::t.i'!lo~'~h: freclly lc in 1 1 :3S.S 1nd yard freestyle. Miko llu(hea, SP 12 m U .1 A.t II It " h, rnsi: Kcmbcr that thne-dollu but make sure your hc:alth good Marquelle may be, doun't appear they can 10 too followed it up by wiMin& the Coach LyM B11ir'1 unken Don Paullen, WW 12 ... 12.4 far provide!! they gt! lhc NCAA bid. They just don'I have anyone 11d.ct ) 'OU bouahl bst June! It insurance is paid up finl. SOO yard frocstyleln S:29.S. will . be. I I home Friday ln I Mike RaUllf, F.C .,. 1sn·1 an)' 11ood no,.·-it upired 11ll enough to contain I real good big man. 6-S Ric Cobb's fu1Ue Bob Muss won the 200 yud triansulll again.st Whitewater Wln Mc:Crut, Sup 12· 113 lk.:. J I, 1968. So if you ge t Lei's assume you have a hole butte rfly In 1:24 .9, Al and Michisan Tech. The meet attempts 1gainsl 6- 11 Bob .1.an~r bc!r Iha! oul. Cal Glover Stout 10.1 b111rn hy 1hc ice fuhing bu&, be cut in the ice. (l's about ten wW be 11 4 p.m. In the "' inchcsindi1metcr,and1here1rc Hank Soloman, Sup 12 10.4 sur e to pick up 1 '69 license, or It's your last chance 1his weekend to sec the Pointer winier SP.Ort• ~!:':sn;:Onkc i:n 1~s.if i::: Fieldhouse. "' no rough cd1Cs to cut your line, Rick Rehm, O.h II 112 l0.2 you might ge t blltenbyanCYCI\ squads in home action thb year. GCI ou: and back them - thcy'wm Sucurr took the 200 yard Thi.I will be the final tuneup "' hi.t:iu h11gwi th agraysuit. Wha1 kind or 1ack le shoukl you freestyle In I :S8.S and Bob for lhe Poinlcrs be.fore lhe Steve Gu-tat.on, Ri' ll 100 ,., u.se? As in summer fishina you ap11rcci.o tc ii. (Sec PO INT~~S I~ A~TIO~) Schwengel came out on top in confe ren«i meet 1t Superior, Ken VerGowe, Oab ll ,., can either IYk c ii easy or work 11 .. Th,: k't'Ond thina you'll need the 200 yin! backstroke in Feb. 28-Mar , I . 1s so 1uo kc. preferably with ftsh ii. Congratulations to Tom Ri tzcnlhalcr on belni namcd Pl1yer or 2:2 1.65. Koschman and Sutliff unJ,•1 ii. Do you have I pet spot 1hc Weck in !he WSUC recently. lie hu been one of the Poinlcn are both fmhmcn. TEAM SCORES on one o ( the local lakes that If you like to sit and Walch, most consisccnt pc rformcn 1U ycu, and I'm sure lhis Isn't the lut Both relay tcanu 1llo won Stevens Point 72, l..lOosc 32 Jlv. ays seems 10 produce spend a dollar or 1wo fo r a time in his career he will receive lhc honor. !heir events. Schwenp:I, Ma ui, Stevens point 92, Stout 12 n apptcs. bluegills, or pike? Go tip-up. The red Oq; will tell you Lury Edwuda and Muk LaCrosse 71,Stoul 32 when )'our bait hu been Slolcn forth :i nd f1'h there, and you It appc1n thu the New York 1'nicb are the tum to but in the v.·111 probably fmd that they arc JO Iha! you cancmergc lrom thC Last Chance I ~1111 around . ~•rmth or your car and re place NBA this year. Look for them and the L.A. Liken to meet in 1hc finals or the pbyoffs. l'U Wlll il until 1h11 happens before making any O\" ygcn LS u 'Ii premium in "· more predictions! 1.:,·~oveR:J bkcs, and ftsh need LURES Eau Claire Whips o ~)'Jcn. Thcrdorc, rish ire Well , high school baske1ball Is aJm osl through for another yea,, Student Senate hld)' 10 be found around such The die-han! set prefc.r to U!C: o.,y1cn-11roduccrs as weed beds, and quite I ycar il hasbccn, l'vcuvcd11lthc redly big games for a shon fiberglass rod with 1 th.is week's predictions. Thcyue: sprmJ hOlu and open creeks rudimentary reel . They crouch Point Matmen, 22-10 flo v.mginto thelakc. near the holcandjigglcthcir bait Stevens Point 73, Eau Cbirc 68 Health Insurance Plan up and down. Some times they By Dave Burton lk sure tYt the ice is thick SICvcns Point 82, Oshkosh 72 and stron, ... tnough to support evc.n see their bail gel stolen. It's a more per,onalWlyto fish. Wisconsin 74, Michigan Stale 70 The ·1ough and polished 145 Russ Bue (SP) wu )'OU 11 1U times, but be BadfCr66, Ellthorn 62 WSU-Eau C\lire wrcstlina xiuld Final Enrollment Date parlic ub.11)' careful around those What · about lures? Should dccl~nc~/bp!!~~n spring holcs andcreckentunccs. Bloomer 64,Chetek 6 1 proved 100 11 t ona for i~~) ~;i you u,e 1nifkials or live bail? Glidden, 78,Ptentict:73 WSU·Sl cvens Point II the \jecWoned by Chuck Risch (E), A ~,,.,t where lhc wind hu The min in the 11cklc store will blown the ice clear of snow c1n Colfax 74, Plum City S7 Blusokls whipped the Pointers, ~ ... 1cll you 10 use live bait, sincehc Gale·Ellrick 70, Holmen S9 22-10, in I home meet hdd · 160 Bob tlaydcn (SP) km to March 3, 1969 M lln oxncn•produccr, too. makes more money on ii. The Tigc n on 84, Bimamwood 49 Saturday.Feb. IS . Dous Radunzel (E), 4-1 . man out on the ice wilh 16i Jim Not1tad (SP) wu If there arc a ku of weeds Gibralt ar 7S,Scvu1opolS8 In !he meet, which Pointer growing under such a spot, the forty«ven crappies will tell you head coach Wayne Gorell termed decisioned by Bob White (E), For Second Sernes t~r and t .\t111 sunlil:hllhcygc1willmakc lo u,c utificiab, because he u his 1c1m·1 ''worsi ahowina this S-2. tht m produce lo ts of oxygen It.nows you will be Impressed. ,cuon", lhc Pointers Were able 177 Jim Sobociniki. (SP) tied Summer Coverage S.mSpanel(E), 11-11 . and, hope.fu ll y. 1ttnict fish. If In the opinion of ma ny , the ~~:~t:rei~~t one viclor)',I tic, none of this stratagem works, ao UAB Will Sponsor HV!. Dan Hillebrand (SP) Josi Hou,.. of 9 a .m. to 4 p.m, best thin& 10 uJJC is I one inch Gorell commented .. E,u to Wayne lblbers.(E), 4-2 . "'·here :i ll the ot her ice fishermen minnow, hooked between the Monday Through Fridoy :a rc. The)' must know something. Claire stands as one of !he dorsal fin and the tail with a No. 1 ME LV IN E. MECH INSURANCE AGENCY 8 Aberdeen. If you do this The idc.:i l situatK>n in any Annual Casino Party • ~~~ri:ncc!~· ~~t:· ~I~ ,~: Handmade Strings carefully, lhe minnow will stay 12 2225 Sim• Av•nue kind or ftshin& invotvcs I line conference 1ournamc nl to be lively and 111nct ioost panfish As In previous years. over 11 the time o r lhe 1uclion, held Feb. 28 !hrough Mir. I 11 And Clauica ls - Al•a Half a Block Dawn from S!ud•nt Library. v. ith :i fish on one end and 1 ind even the odd pike. For big University Aclivilics Board Is Gifts will be given to lhc Plat!evilk. 18 String Guita ,.. For furth•r information ca ll 344-.JS99 hsherm:in on the other. You'U pike, u,c bigser minnows and fmd that the ice offers quite 1 hoob. . once a11in sponsoring I Clsino hiJhesl bidder. All sludcnt• are The only victory for Stevens 344-9070 Evenings bil or resistance, to this gencnil Party· Lu Vegas style on Friday we~mcd ind encouraged to Point wu p6ned by fnt yeu pl:m•)'OU have to cut I hole in it. There arc other kinds of bait Feb. 28 from 7-1 1 p.m. The come, but mu.st pmblc 11 their min Dan Rodi.well at 130 This can prcsient problems. to try-vario us kinds or wormlikc event will be held in !he Games own risk Refrcthmcnts will be pounds. Rodzwcll came out on l1rv.c, shlrn:n, chubs, c1c. l(c.cp Room of the University Center. served · the top end of a 2·1 bllllc wi th U you 1R: a bcgimicr al ice in mlnd !hat )'OU wiU need an The Casino Piny is just 1h11 • ' Ron Steinmetz of the Bhcokls. fishlnt, and you don't want to insulated bait bucket and some PTcrious 10 lhis match Ron mve§I I k>t of money in it 11 mcanso(acrcatinglhcwatcr. ~~!~n~ft~~:ts•,:on':i"~h~ ... OlmpbcU took five polnls II Eau door, each penon will receive wsuc Claire forfeited 11123. The BRAT BARN :~Jro,u' :i~u.c~r~t~ The tiny ji&S, spoans and S1 ,000 in play money with After this the Poin1ers we.re hammer. Tic one end of a spinners dCSllJlcd for kc fnhlna which he may pmblc. Such held scorelcn until Jim range in pricefrom· 2S centstos pmcs u roulcnc. bb(Xjick •.nd BASKETBALL Sobocinski tied 11 177. "Where So_mething's Alway.s Cooking" dollar or more, but they arc easy acey duccy wiU be 1nilable •Ions Sobocinski. aoinJ inlo 1he f111.1l 10 calT)' ,round and only hive to with some new features such u seconds.held 1 10-8 1dvanta1c •t th an 1.0 . tesl. A.11 umcs1rc free, STANDINGS but Eau Cbire's Sam Spane! Presents: 1 you may either win or lose your rallied •lo tie the score 10-10. Tom RI zen a er "'::;:~::;':., =· Y•" wm play money while trying your Oonf, Ovvall The Poln1«•s ncxl action will gel belier action if you lie your W L W L luck. Stout l2 2 !8 S be February 19 u they meel Ii n e (f ivc- p o u'nd test Later in the t\'cning, UA B Plaucrille in WSUC 1c1ion 11 Thursday, February 20th monofL11mcn1 is good) directly SWwen.• Point 11 2 Named WSUC will be auctioning oH over one F.au Ciall"O 9 4 " Platteville. to the lure or hook. U,c. only the 12 .' hundred dollars worth or prizes P latteville 9 4 Rcsul11or1hc Mee t: number or split shot you ne ed 10 which will include swcauhins, Rlvc-rF'alls 7 7 10ll 10' THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE get the lure down to lhe sporting equipment, records and U. Croaae 4 9 • 12 123 Ron Campbell (SP) won Player of Week bottom-don't overload your line perfume. Any ,pcnon may "bid" 0.hkoah S 10 by forfeit . wilhlcad. . Supc:rior S 11 . .. 130 Dan Rodzwell (SP) beat ADMISSION 50c on 1hc,c. articles with the pl1y • 12 monc)' he has won or hu left Whllewater 2 12 Stcinmctz(E),2·1 , Tom R i 1 ze nth1lcr , U,e the common-sense fishinJ 137 Dennil Riedel (SP) Yu - We Hove Schmidt a.., sophomore forward and 1hc knowlcd&e you have picked up '" pinned by Mark Ryser (E). lcadm& scorer on this year's in the summer. Fish at varyins Stevens Poin1 baskel~ll sqwid, was honored by sponswrilers as :::.-~~:·.~~~":..--.:::rr1h, li,o boil o, ,1o,d,nl ;" Po"1nt.ers In Act·1on ~~U~br:,r I~~ ~~~kW:;},~~ ;~~ ftshinJ anilicials you ue using The 6' 4", 205.pound Baraboo native led the Pointers to three ::~~ P.=:~\:ti c:==~t' w!':i BASKETBALL· S11urd1y, Oshkosh, HERE, 8:00, WedneJd1y, Feb. wins, scoring 17 pointJ against ffics,or even dry fies. 26,AT Eau Claire. Whilewucr, (all in the Last haU on eight o( ten 111cmpts), 25 ·co.::Or;~~k(fts~ SW IMMING • Frid1y, Triangubr, IIERE, 4 :00, vs. Whi tewater and against Superior, ind 24 &~inst Wear sun1luses. build Michlgan Tech. River Falb. The 50Uthpaw I Richard' s windbrelk and drcSI in the sharpshooter hu connected on wannest clolhcs you have. There WRESTLING· Suurday, AT Michigan Tech, (Ho111hton. Mich.) over SO per cent or his fickl 1oal aucmpts thisxuon. ~chv~U:ooJ1:i!m::!'t~: GYMNASTICS· Friday, TrianJular. HERE, 7:30, n. Eau Clairc1nd • fishermen. E.xpcrimenl with Whitewater. Trippers Plan :~e:'\!~~ia~r1~!:~~:: ~------..-..--. hot cocoa with mushm11lows B .. : J -/ South Hy-51 . Stevens Point Bowling_Party no.;::u:~t=~y surveys hl"e naa shown thal ice ftshing is . Tommorrow .:vcning the 1cncnUy more productive than S.bop UAB Tri,ppcn will sponsor • summer fishing. You have 1 bowlin1 party It Poinl Bowl good chance for success r,omS: IS 107:30 . whenever you 10 out, and you . Sludenu in1crcsted in might hit one of tho,c days ON THE WIS~ NSIN RIVER bowl.ins arc asked to sign up in when lbc ftsh pndicaUy climb 1hctuMcl1od1y. up your line. Take my work for The cost will be I dollar fo1 it-there's notbin1 better lhan 1, THE lhl« pmcs. Tnnsport1tion will fryin& p1n full of crisp bluesills be provided. to lake your mind ~ff the cold. MOST REW ARD ING .PART OF STOPPING AT RICHA.RDS ( IS KNOWING WE CARE ABOUf YOU KAZ'S L-BAR COMPARE!! The Prices Are Worth Trying Steve~s Point's Large Pich Shakes SOFr DRINKS to Find.Us. Finest and "Only" SMilo,Nonl,offHlghway66onY 12 oz.•••. Hie (Tum Wt at Jonlen ,_., . 16 oz. 25c 18c 16 oz. •••• lSc o Open HAMBURGER , ,.-. Colly, 9:30 • • · W__. 8 oz. of "Thick" 4 oz. of 0UF0wn Crisp T»ty Home Made Olili "What-A-Burger"44c French Frys 0.--.VS Tomoto SIie., Crisp LMf of L.ttvce, Homemocle Save. - SWNt A Meal for 29c 15c Onion, 2 Juicy /Mat PattfN. TKE POINTER ~10

THE BATTLE FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP of the men's tug-of-war lasted'' the full fifteen minutes before Sigma Pi was declared 1he winner for advancing the rope six inches closer to its side of The center line. Menibers of the winning teom in· eluded from left to right on 1he ground: Jim Johnson, Ray Lux and BIii Edword1. !Dennis lklsch Photo)

RUTH ANN KOELLER of Wohon Holl was very jumpy Saturday CROWDS GATHERED and enthusfosm was high Saturday afternoon as afternoon as she rompeted in the sock race which was won con1estonts in the shovel roce tried to pull into !he leod. The roc.e wos by Hye-r Holl. [J im Pannier PhotoJ eventually won by Alpha Phi. IJim Pon'nier Phoro)


"' I I -.,... JERR Y. WESOLOWSKI !right) ~f Oeho Sigma Phi turns or(X.lnd to see if the boll is sTill in the air during The championship bottle with Sigma Tou Gamma in vol­ leyball. The Della Sigs evMlurolly emergt'd the winners. (Bob Holden Pholo) n

IT COULD HAVE BEEN the bo"le of little Big Hom os for from each women's organizotion were lined up on each end os rhe men were concemed Soturdoy in the Sodies How· ond charged the men who could only. run. not fight bock. .. kins day roce. five men from each men·s argoni:tolion At fhe end of the fifteen minUte event, no men were left \ were lined up•in the center of the field ond seven women running around !Dennis Bus.ch Photo) ·

l \. \

DOUG CYIELA of Sigma Pi helps frotemity brother Den?il Bush off the field ofter Bush was captured in the Sadie Howkins doy roce. Bush wos pulled to tho sidelines ofter the ,FOi PIOTECTK>N AGAINST the cold oir blowing ocron ~her o few quenchings, tht, person's sight probably got 0 women's organization which tackeled him, removed his shirt, IOACH HAll won the bottfe for th& women's tug-of-war cham­ the ffeld during Sot1;1rdoy afternoon's games, some people l,nlo blurred 111\e tht, people in tho upper right hond corn.r. "Burr, It was cold;· sold a shivering Bush ofter the contest. pionship ogoinst tho women of OelUHI Hall. (Oeonl1, Bu..h found, that o thint quencher "'!'°s Just the thing, However, (Bob Ho lden Photo) (Dennis Bush Photo) Photo) - February 20, 1969 THE PO INTER Point· Teams End Home Season· This Weekend Cagers Entertain Oshkosh Wrestlers Beat In Home Finale Saturday Marquette, 21-19 By Tim Luch the lo• of their three 11111 from la stye.ar'ssq~. By Dave Burton victory. The WSU -S t evens 1•oint The Titus lost thelr first . buketb.1 11 team will conclude seven games of the yc11 1nd A pin in the I.ail period by Roundln& out IOOrin& for the the home portion or their currently poucss 1 3·10 mark in heavywci&ht Dan lllllebnnd Pointers we re Ron C.mpbcll 1968-69 schedule 111 inst con fe rence play, but have enabled the Poin ter wrestling who drew fint blood for Steven, 0 2 WSU·Oshkosh th.ls Saturday Improved conside11bly as of la te 21~[9a~nl~c ~~n~tnct~i knocking off St, Norbert and ::~~ t!1:i~q~~!~~ t:io•!J ?1· Nl ncningat the Fieldhouse. held Feb, 11, Results we re u follow,: Oshkosh, which won the Northern . Mi c higan among The Pointers main& what I IS Dick Sorcn10n (SP) lol1 WSUC ch1mplonship the Int othen. Their o,·cnll mark Is now coach Wayne Gorell termed 11, to Mnz.ari. 2·1. two yca,s ind finished third in 4•14. M u eh o r the Titan's "a are11 team effort", gained 123 Ron C1mpbcU (SP) bell lhe NA IA meet last year, has their 1econd vie.tor)' in ci&ht Phillip-.:in, 2·1. resurgence IS o f late has been h11d a poo, season IIW year with st.1111 when Hillcbrtnd pinned 130 Dan Nelson (SP) pinned the ,coring of transfer student 1 J eff S11n1, who just became :n:-n....;,r~c~h!:"foi~~e~~c d~~r by ;;~ 0:~nis Reidel (SP) loll eli&iblc and is Hcraging cl05C! to 2S poinls per pme. Other 19·16. • to O'Brien, 10-0. sta rters for Oshkosh include Going into the ma tch without 14S Russ Bue (SP) pinned S~im Team · the serv~s of standout wrestler Cadclli. guard Mike Malone, 6-8 guard Jim Nolllad , Stevens Point was IS2 Eric Opperman (SP) bc11 Dale Race, ind 6-7 center Bill down by II much 1s 11 ·3 but White, 6-0. Schwartz, all seniors, and e:ame hick strona with a pin by 160 Bob Jl1yden (SP) beat sophomore forwa rd Ken Russ- Bue, hh second In u m1ny Bezedicheck, 13-0. Depth Beals VcrGowc. YcrGowc i1 a strong meets, and a 6-0 decision by Eric 167 John Loomis (SP) lol1 to re bounder and al.so h averagin1 Opperman at IS2. Palachcck, 2-0. abou\ IS points pe r game. I t was Oppcrm1n's first 177 Jim Sobocinski (SP) tied In the nrst meeting of the collcalatc victory and wu Galka, s .s . Lawrence two teams this year 11o Oshkosh, followed up by a 13-0 win by ,191 Dan Gtrbcr (SP) loll to the Titans "''ere red hot in the Bob llaydcn. Hayde n, who was Koziczkowskl, 8-S , fint half and he ld leads by 11 • inserted In Notstad's pcnition 111 IM. Dan ll illcbrand (SP) By John Brcne m1n much H 12 points before the 167, returned to 160 to post his pinned Brochhausen, Pointers took charge and won Even though Lawre nce 10in1 away, 7S-62. Schwa rt z had University scored one more nnt 20 points in that game. HELD OVE ! pbce, the Ste~ns Point Polnten Next Wed nesday thC Pointers ___ .,,,_ ,, , s"'irnming team displllycd travel to Etu Claire to take on • Adulh $2.00, Stud1nl1 enough depth 10 go on to defeat 1 1 the Vikinp at I meet he ld in ~!sostf.~~~ Ftsur-~:,\ ~o~~ @ Apple1cm-1a51 Wednesday. The Ken Ande rson, who built t;l..llii!J 1,i: =~~ ;.~'.'co,d final score wasS3-41 , Wausau into 11 high school The l'ointen won both relays and took 1hlcc ind ividual events. ~:~~ ' ~: :::r. a!pra!nc '::. is candy faithful? Fint place finishes we~ Fklding a team that usually JEUY PORTER UN WHITE) moved in towords Eou Cloire's Club ond the Eou Cloire Team. The other Poinler (In while) turned in by Al Koschmann in starts th.rec frcshmcn,EauClairt goal in o hockey gome between the S1evens P?int Hockey Is Mork Krueger. !Tom Kujowski PhotoJ the 200,yud breaststroke, Mark has compiled a 9-4 conftrence ... only to the~k Kauulik in divi ng, Bob m1rkand 12·7 over.1111 . S C" hwengel in the 200.yanl Much of the Blugolds success ba t ks1roke, the medley relay Tice, Fnnk Drucke, Don Berry, haibcen due 10 the outstanding INTRAMURAL and Tom Jensen. They added t ear11 of Rod Schnufna~I. Sch~·engel, Bob Maus ind Larry :bli!f ft:'.'! seconds in the 7S yud medley '=~t'!1' ;r:i~:~ Skaters Post Wins PRESS BOX rcby a.nd SO yard brustslroke, a Edwanis and the freestyle relay last year at Beloit High School. team or Mut Brodh:tgen, Jack By John Sten,) Another fine freshman is6-7 !~d 1in s~:h S?n yrhdc ~~SI~~~ Sutliff, J eff Pagels a nd center Mike Ratliff, ~·ho is Tau .Kappa Epsilon emerged hccstylc. Tom Jensen picked up Schr.iufnagd. currently 1hin1 in the WSUC in u the champion or the Hankn's other fmt in lhc SO The Pointers also toot six rebounds, averaging 12 retrieves In Weekend Action fraternity swimming meet, yard !TC'cstylc with a time ol Kcond places. They were by per pmc. 28 year old forward :26.0 . Edwards in the 2QQ.ya nl ed&in1 OU l Phi Si&ma Epsikm. Larry Sturz had 20 points The TKE'1 scored 39~ points to A flcr two rounds or breaststroke, Mike Allgeyer in apinst Stevens Point in the fint 381« Phi Sip. intramural b;isketb11l. Mike divin& . Pagels in the 20Q.yard game between the two teams. Thieler of Knu11.cn 4th Soulh is The newly formed Hockey shotslo rueh goa lk Dan Seidl. In the residence ha ll Pl111 Com,dy Short frceuylc , Mus.s in the 2QQ.yard Other star1en include guud the leading scorer on c1mpus bullerfly , Sutliff in 1he IOO•yard Jerry ll ughcs and forward Bob Cl ub evened its seaso n record at !~~~!~en Knights' goalie had ~'~,i;:i;i~onf~~· c~~an~:~nst~ feal11re ol 7:09 p,m. 9:10 p .m. 2·2 over the weekend by with SI poinls. comini o n 20 rrcutyk and BillSchullcn in the Campbell. wi th 41 points, followed by field goals ind 11 free 1hrows, SQ.yud freu tylc Etu Claire upset the Pointers defeating St . No rbert and Eau Claire, by scores of3-0and 11 -S On Sunday, the Pointers Knullen 2nd West wi th 39, Mike Br eaker or llan:scn 3rd Thirds went to Bob Bulik in in the earlier game 7S-68, aJtcr West b a distant second with 33 the 200 -yud b:tckst rokc, respectively. t rounced Ea u Claire, 11 -S, • Smi1h 4th South 31. and the Pointers led by as much as scoring six 1oals in tht first Blklwin Isl East with 22 poinls. points on 10 field go.ab and 13 Btndha1cn in tM., SO.yard I I points in the fll'lt half. The rrce throws. frcCstylc, · Maas.s in the'200-y1rd On Saturday, the Pointcr1 period, two In the ,ccond and Hansen 4th North won t he Pointers were cold in that three in the third . )'ltd lrecst)'le in 1:.1 1.S, ln t r amunl bowling is indi~dual medley, Joe Mo)'cr in contest an d it was one of only whipped a St. Norbert• squad Ea u Claire ma n1ged three in the first 1nd • -.ith I team compo1ed of Bill scheduled 10 begin next week. the 200-yard butltrfly, Pa1cls in three gamu all yc11 th:it the that had bca1cn them only • the IOQ.y:ud freestyle and Tom opposition out rebo unded week ago, 7.s. The game was a one taUy in each of the last two · r------, Rozga in the sCJO.y:ird hustylc. Stevens Point. preliminary 10 the Grccn· B.a y puiods. SHIPPY SHOES Last Chan.Ce I Bobcats hockey contest. Kujawski start ed for lhc: I. . Early in the first period, Paul Sokol and Tom GEORGE scoring ace Tom Kuj awski, a t,,;ti,,,';",'\~w1n!.t :.!':! TM E . Student Senate Pointers Trounce senior from Stevens Point , gave: the Pointcu 1 1-0 IQd with a goal;assistcd by Paul Sokol. :=::sHafner ~·ncdhand. n~nJerry ~::.scr:~Porter ance boorr each. There was no more KOring in Health Insurance Plan the game until midway 1hroU1h Ro n Ka kor led the Blucold, Indians, 89-57 t he third ,period when Jeff with two goals. and Bcrnk Littlejohn tallied on a sbpshol, assisted by Bill Christensen. ~~:e~~~hic~<:c~~=d Dave \ F inal Enrollment Date By Tim Lasch the evening amc at 84-SI, when Kujawsk.i btcr tallied the final Din Bb.nchficld sank a long go.al of the pmc. Jake H1ftner The Pointen wi ll face some Rea l George . • • that's \\'SU.Stevens Point gained II jumper with I :48 left. The intcrc:cp1ed I pass. drew the rUB&ed competition in the next the George Boot Sott and lie for the S11 te University• Poinlcn fina l 1111rgin of victory goalie to one side of the cage week when they tangle wi th March 3, 1969 comfortable ••• lfke an Co nference leadership in was 32 poinls, 89-S7. and pas,ed 10 Kuj awdi: i who WSU·Rivcr Falls, po!RSIOI' of • basket ball with an 89-S7 It w11 another pme of fir ed the puck into the open net. 7-1·1 record . Thc.y1bo will meet thumping of WSU-La Crosse last bal1nced scoring for the Stout ind the Univenity of For Second. Semester and Tuesday. Feb. 11 , at La Crosse. Pointers, wilh four me n in The Poinlers dominated the Wisconsin freshman hockey The win ldt Coach Bob double figuru IS opposed to entire contest, allowina only 12 team. Summer Coverage Kruege r's Pointers with an I 1-2 only one fo r tbc Indians. conference mark, 16-4 ovmU, Senior gward DcFauw led the Ho11 rs of 9 o .m. to 4 p .m . wi th three pmcs re maining • . Poi nters wilh 16 points, Mondoy Through Fridoy Stout, wi th whom the Pointers includin& Kveral steals and were lied, played twice over the driving layups in the se~nd half. MELVIN E. MECH INS URANCE AGENCY weekend while Stevens Point llughes ind Tom Rit:icnthaler Stout, LaCrosse was idle and bell La Crosse and 1ddcd 13 tlllics each and 2225 Sims Av1nue Oshkoih to rcglin the lead by Vand enHeuvel 12. Clements Hoff o Bloc'i Down from Stud1nt l ibrory, one game with a J 3·2 mark. The sparked the Pointers again and For f11rther information coll 344-3599 Blue Devils wiU entertain River contributed 9 paints. Ken Falls in their rm:il pmc th.ls RilzcnthaJcr wu in.Ju.red slightly 1 Defeat Gymnasts · Saturday. but still sco~ points. In the contest at La Crosse, Joel Hafner, the Indians' one the Pointers took comm1nd constStenl threat throughout the Stevens Point Sta l e w1nnups. C.ALUM T ~~t!~! n:e~:~eg rrom:, tt~I 0°:utd!~t~ s:~:~~ ~~~~ ~~v~;~~}~WSJ'~el~~:.S':k ind~!fcc1d~c ~~J;:1ca~ vtT}' impressive win. half, includin1 eight of La champ10n LICrone and top events easily, lmprovlhl his SHIPPY SHOES contender St o ut Saturday chances of bccomin& the third THE con':cs~'T.s. ~~3n;r;:rn~~ni.: ~:::~c';mJotf~~~p':ott: afternoon 1nd came ,way with ,11 ... round entry for us in the Main al Wcrrlw six minutes could not stly clOK a row. He 101 14 points in the twot!>O:~ tl,pped lhc PoinleJS, confe~noc meet." 10 a hot-5hootin& Stevens Point half and finished with 18 for the POUR squad. cvenin& before fouling o"!I· 130.47S- IO S.42S whik Sto"t ~- -.,; ~;-] The t>ointcrs hit on over SO Selbo was held to a free throw an won 126.42S·IOS.42S, LICnme --...... - ...... _...... , per cent of their attempts from the se~nd half and finished wilh edged Stout, 130.47S:!J-6.42S. the floor and held a wide 41 -27 9 points, as did iuard LeRoy edge in rebounds to control Youna. "'They were ~~:h u HAUS pby Hughes alto did I acdltablc :,:;:_:;;'!~;,:.·.~'.,, '::.~~ ..~ Are you RUSHED for a quick bite to eai? Are The host lndbns 111Ued by job of defensing Len Sullivln, Pre11nh: "~he f ir.. ,t In Live Entertainment" only six, 18-1 2,with 8:S8 left in t he ln d i1'! s o utat a ndina very good gy mna~u who are SORORITY I FRAT the opening,, half, but the (~hman. Sullivan ICO!Cd only 8 ..., •..,,,.,,., ... you t1atyou can't ERNAL- Poin1cr &)'mnasta didn't pick t Pointers suddenly caught fini poin ts i nd Hugt,cs blocked Thursday, February 20 a'nd pulled aw1y, Two baskets 1bout five other attempts. ;~.:;''!1u!m~.i.::":;:t·i:~ IZE with the people that you do know when you each by CoC.ptains Palme r t eams cxcepC in 1ll..around Cleme nts and Mike Hughes 1nd a STEVENS POINT TP ~hemkl'f:nse:r~i~hind:~crc'!'c~~ Belated. Valentines Present Clements' free throw pve ro FT do eat? Do most restaurants seem GREEK to Stevens Point a 27-14 cd£c with 6 1-2 13 for ' etch learn. Guy Schneider S:43 left ind the Pointers went T . Rltunth&Jer ,.. on to a 39-22 bulge by Vande1""""~ . compction by you? Heuval ... , i! ~~~ ::,~~=.t intermission. D,F&uw ... ALL BEER-30c K. Rltunlh&lcr .3 1-2 llu1hcs paocd the Polnl - Then pledge yourself to eating at11ck in the fmt half with 9 Clements f l•l •' points including 1CYm l fine Henning 2 1·2 1 W e.tpha.J • tipins. Quinn VandenHeuVll '1 ...,.. • B1anchfle14 added 8 marten 1nd Tom )CaUon 0' Rltunthak.r7. 0,.-b

WINNERS OF THE BEARD contHh were announced Sunday night of the lntermls· slon of the Gory Puckett and the Union Gap. f (om left 10 right, they ore Tom Schumocker In the moil orlginol col&9ory; Don Boy, Von Dyke: Tom Seeboth, longest; Jim Campbell, fulle"it: and Dove Magin, mubbiest. Magin olso holds PATTI JO PEETERS AND JEF f' MllLAII: (far right), Winier Cornivol king Greeks in gomes; Toni Anronioni of ~ach H(;II for non-Gnteks in gomes; the percen1oge 1rophy won by Sigma Tou Gamma for having 1he highest per· ond queen, presented the 11ophies 10 the winners of the overall chom· • Joanne Dob.ron of Alpha Sigma Alpha for GrHk gomes; Tom Seeboth of centoge of members g rowin bears. (6ob Ok,osinski Pholo) pioru R:ece,ving !he troph,es were !from left lo r,ght), Hons Peorson of Sigmo Pi for mClf1·s overall: and Sue Jo,don of Alpha Sigma Alpha fo r Sigma P, for G,eek games; John 81enemon of Boldwin Holl for non· women·, overall. (Bob Okrosinski Photol

INDIVIDUAL WINNERS who were cworded t1ophies Sunday nig ht for the octivilies of Winier Comlvol week as shown a bove. !Bob Okras,nski Photo)

Sl~MA Pl Fll:ATE~ITY won fi~t ploce in The ice sculpture wi1h O carving of a Po,nt~: dog pu~h,ng a cort of diamonds ou1 of o mine. The theme of the sculpture was Moke Mine Diamonds:· The large pile of snow in the background hod GAll:Y PUC KITT performed the lo be d,~monr'.ed becoust' !he ru les prohibited use of onyihing but ice ond slush. lead vocal parts for the most IT om Ku1awsk, Pho10J of the Union Gap's songs. (Dennis Bush Photol


PlfSIDENT DIIYRIS was olffOng the spectators of Sunde · , GA1Y PUCKffl AND THE UNION GAi' d imaXed the week of odivities • rl~;:re Muther Withem, Dwight Bement, Poul Wheotbreod fin bock· turing Gory Pl.ldtett and th. Union Gap. The fieldhouse evemng • oon~ feo.• with o concert on. ~ndoy evening. Members of the group, from left to ! 9 on drums), Gory Pvdtett a nd Kerry Choter. (Bob ,Okroslnskl Photo! .. the_event. !Dennis fk.J sh Phoro) s filled to capoo ty for