Omise to in Rural Vote

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Omise to in Rural Vote " .'V’A?^^’' ■■ ■■ ’■ *' ■'; ■■' ' .1 • e' ■ V ' , . • VJv BN ■ r-. MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, IM l* jlRattf^»]^r SvMteg l|«ralit • The Wsotbie. - \.-ir. ■■%'■ ■ AVorago DdDy Net FftweaM1 q( O. 0. W iaaiit B i ^ The Amcrlcail liegten Auxiliary Tha Harvest FasUvat fruits and Offlerro of Sunoet Robekoh Our Lady of Fatima Mothara clreft will hold lU drat m o a t^ wilt hold tta regular buslneaa meet­ vagetablaa an dlaplay at the Sal­ T roop 112 Plans Parily cloudy, warmer a ^ alW I.,(t<]g« «ill exempUfy tho degreo vation Army clUdel yoaterday, this evening in Odd Fellowa hall of tha aaason at the homa of Mra. ing tf^lght at eight o'clock at the •moon. Fair, lUghtly wantier to- Raymond Tlamey, 2ft Bliaa atTaat, American Legion home. wlU be auctioned off tbU evening Scout-Dad Day whan the Aaaembly offtcera make at 7:8ft Major Benjamin C. fashionable 10572 Bight Wftdnftaday phrtly fSoodr. dMigh; Wednaadav evening at alght b f their official vlalt A pot .luck o'clock. AnS'one intareatad la Join­ Jonas, together with grocery sta- aatan A ailt warn. supper at aix o'clock w(U pre- The regular meeting of the Mnn- plaa donated by n number of the -Get Acquainted With BcouUng lasr^ _____ ______ wiib the ceremony. A full turnout ing a mothers' circle will be wel­ cheijter Registered Nurses’ asso­ Rfonehetfar— City of ViUoffo Charm ■ come to this, meeting. l local merchants. D*y" program Is being planned for . IB Jhme from M » - of the Rebekaha la hoped- f<^r. ciation will be held tomorrow night Sunday, October 14, by membera FABRICS bcM oI. hM onroU^ at 7:30 in the nurpen dining room The Motherhood of Mary Moth­ of Boy Scout Troop 11> and their -PROM (FOURTBEN'PAGES^ PRICE FIVE CENTS , _ __jniU B yr«r »t Wert- roJFra S04 Hart­ A son was bom yesterday In at the Manchester Memorial hospi­ fathers.- It has been observed (Olaialltod AdvartMag Paga U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2,1951 Hartford hospital to-Mr. and Mrs. ers'' arcle will meet tomorrow ; J M o r OOdoft, P o r t ^ ford ibad, returned home yester­ tal. Following ftie business ■ meet­ evening at 8 o'clock at the noma that these -is Insufficient contact VOL. LXXI, Na 2 ^A-WtJ^ fV' r • - i' Is twirlin' Ulo Ubcrol day firm at. Francla boapital. She Raymond Hanna of 22 Tyior circle, ing Dr. Amos E. Friend, a mem­ of Mrs. Mary Outtmann, 82 Doro­ between troop, Scouta and tathara, la raeovarlag from an operation. whose I2tb anniversary occurrad and thla day haa baen planned to HALE'S yesterday. They now have two ber of the staff of tha hefspitM, thy road,,^. will Chow fllma of his recent trip. Improve thla aituatloQ. ‘ v: Itfco - tw e e e la U , OooctidloB AU those vrtio are pluming to boys and two girls. Tha new baby A t 1:30 p. m. on thla day aach Tag* Yoa*re Out Ifstlm s cuclo wfil atth has been named Mark David, for Sergeant First Claaa Hairy attend the Cradle Roll party at bert and Mrs^ Gilbert, who reached Scout la requeated to preaent him­ MM. H W T Mutrio < the Concordia Lutheran' church his paternal grandfathar, Mark Mrs. Sidney Brown of 15 Co­ burn Road, is subscription chair­ their nth wedding aimlveraary self at GampbJohnaon witlv hla ttfMt<W«4M0d«7.rrMitii( at oigtit Sunday afternoon are kindly re- Hanna, who It wilt be recalled died "price o f admiaalon," hla dad. An suddenly on August ft. man and Mrs. Horace B. teamed, yesterday, entertained gueaU from queatad to return their reply cards New York. MaasacIuiiMtts and'this aftemopn of games, oontests, and ta Mrs. rrad Wlnalsr. 32 Church of 80 Foreet street, co-chairmen omise to sUte,. at their hom'^ 542 Wo6d- demonstrationa with prUea baa .atreet, no latar than Wednesday. The Dorcas Soctety'wlll hold ita for Manchester for the series of 1; five plays to be presented at the brfdge street, with a buffet style been planned, to be foUowad by monthly meeting Wednesday eve­ liihcheon. Mr. Gilbert la an in- cookout and a campfire program in Mr. and Mra. Secondo Agostinel- ning-at 8 o'clock In Emanuel Lu­ new Parsons Theatre (the pres­ ent Center Theater on Main strwtor at the University of Oon- the evening. , II of M5 Oak atreet and Mr. and theran church. Hostesses will be Thoae attending are request^ to MATTRKSES Mra. WlUlam Agoatlnelll of 183 street, Hartford) under auspices necticiit. Mrs. Gilbert Was the Mlaa Hazel B. Johnson, Miss Mabel forme\Ann Sullivan. The boya wear, old clothea and ba prepared- Mdridga atreet left by plane this Olson, Miss Esther Peterson, Mias of the Hartford Playgoers' So­ I t i t iMttM- to b »to a food ciety. The opening play Thursday, are Thomas and Michael. for a lot of fun in the out-of-doora. morning for San Antonio. Texas, Vivian Larson, Mias Hattie Peter- Each Scout and hla dad ahould aat NbaOt mattioM than a •nie Agoatlnellls are planning to eon and Mlaa Sylvia Cocke. Nov 1. will be the new Andre RouMin comedy, "Nina", starring The Willing Workers and the Umch at home ' and- bring aome- elMapliow one. We Vlait their daughter and the Wil­ thing suitable for outdoor cooking liam Agoettnellls, their son. both Gloria Swanson. David Niven and. Mizpah groups of the South Meth­ in Rural Vote\ malqi a »l sterilin an types tor supper. Those who do not of whom live in San Antonio. - - ' A meeting of Our Lady of the Alan Webb. odist church are having a rum­ of ma^treaseK Moat Holy Rosary Mothers Circle mage . sale at the church tomor­ know the way to Camp Johnaon or who' need transportation ahcmld St. Anna’a Mothers' Orcle will wrlU be held 'Wednesday evening at A father and, son banquet Is row morning at nine o'clock. Any­ the home of Mra. Charles Cleary, one having articles to doAate la re­ meet at the West Side Rec at 1 fmiea Furniture and meet Wedneeday evening at eight being planned for Tuesday, Oct. 9. p. m.'' o'clock at the home of Mrs. George 44 Hamlin street, at 8 o'clock.. at the North Methodist church at quested to leave them at the Top Hands Look OVer SituBtion W f f l B ^ e r f1oc»r Coteriug Sullivan, 5 Waddell road. Members are reminded to bring 6:30. Reservations for the turkey church tonight. After the rum­ Ends Reign mage sale the Willing Workers The Infant Jesus of Prague Bulletins M Oak S t TeL 2-1041 old clothes. dinner, which Is open to the public, Mothers' Circle wdl msat tomor­ may be made by calling either group will have a pot-luck lunch- from the AP Wires Advertisement ^ to be followed by their month­ row evening at the home of Mrs. Winona l^tman of tha Weldon Mrs. Robert Brown. 4541, or Mrs. Henry Mccaiui, 89 Pleasant straet. Goods Cut We’re having a wonderful time Drug company is in Rochester, N. Harold Peterson, 2-4178. ly: business mating. Of B ristol mpianirhg at the Art Stirflo. 101 X., attending a retail photograph­ CCTS U. Si-pZECH TRADE Center atreet, Josephine Hills, in­ ic salesmen's training confer­ tVaahIngton, Oct structor. ence sponsored by the Eastman Prmldrnt Truman today ordered Democrats By Britain Kodak company. She expects to aU American trade coticeaalon* remain there for 10 days touring to Communlit C^echoolovnMa the coifipany's plants and attend­ cancelled effective No. I. New Haven, Oct. 2— (/F )— Tehran, Iran, Oct. Z—<.JP) m w m m z ing dally lectures on the latest The action followa a Ckmgvea- — Republicans tightened their — A government apokeaman LIFE INSURANC photographio products and aerv- tH io r •tonal directive that all Ameri­ traditional control on rural said today the Soviet Union kk dM 'CoiiditioR Icea. can trade hMicftts to Communlit las . promised to. do every­ with a atreteh. Eddie. 8taaky, (oa gnraad) put# the bafl on Pee-Wee Reew) for tho tost areal be wiped out Connecticut in state-wide R. E. GORMAN Mother Cabrinl Mothers Circle cot to end tte GliM * 8-1 win over the Dodgem In the amt pUy-off Kome. caught In « run­ municipal elections yester­ thing possible to speed up Clarke aiJ. LINES o r DfSURAMOE will meet in front of St. Bridget's WIMTtJt down between tm t «■.» fteoond, hompo into Olant* ahortetop Alvin Dark am Stanky Inngcm with the ball. NEW TROPICAL STORM day, and ousted a Democratic sugar and other auppUfts .4M BROOKFIELD ST^dtdd church Wednesday evening at rwniay the play to nmptre Lon dordn. (NEA Telephoto). Miami, FUh Oct. 2—(/P)—Mi­ administration in'the city of desperately needed by Iran to MOTOa SALiS 7:30 for .a Holy Y e u pllgrtmagc, ami and the Florida Keys were replace atocka normally sup­ after which they wriU proceed to t Bristol. 301 NOAD ST. raked by winds up to M mllea plied by Britain. the home of Mra. Wesley Gryk. an hour today as a Gulf storm In Torrington. the only bther 423 East Center street, for a eOMFOKT Holmes Airs city among the 131 communities Soviet Ambassador Ivan - Sad- OPfN IVINfNGSy moved Inland near Fort Myem. chikov called on Premier Mo- meeting of the circle. > Blinding downpours felLIn ad­ which balloted. Democrats remain­ w i t h ed in.power, but their marglna of hianmed Moaamdegh a few hours vance of the poorly defined cen­ after Russia unsuccessfully sup­ Threatsjoi: ter of the tropical stomi.
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