Connecticut and Its Richard M
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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1960 Average Daily Net Press Run PAGE EIGBTBEh iianr^(Bt(r jEoraituPi For the Week Ended Dee. X4, IMO 13,331 SHOP NOW! Member ef tbe Audit YOUR CHRISTMAS CASH! USE THAT WONDERFUL GIFT CERTHTCATE! Bmwa et ObmOatMi ■A STORE HOURS: VOL. LXXX, NO. Y5 OiNii Hafly Mon. thro Sat. #:S0to5:45 But Door Not Shut Kennedy Wins fln oi» Nights tm 9:00 State New s Hawaii’s Votes; Roundup Ed May Denies Total Now 303 Washington, Dec. 29 — Drivers Warned An official recount in Hawaii Of Freezing Rain H e’s Candidate has tipped the newest state’s three electoral votes to Presi dent-elect John F. Kennedy by Windsor Locks, Dec, 29 Hartford, //p)_.aA. Searle Plnney of Brookfield and 115 votes. — The U.S. Weather Bureau GOP State Chairman Edwin Jewett, who lives In Lyme That gives Kennedy 303 electoral today issued the following "They are people of proven dedi votes to 219 for Vice President snow' and hazardous driving H. May Jr. said today he is cation to Connecticut and its Richard M. Nixon: 269 were need not a candidate for the nomi people and are men of great abil warning for Connecticut: AFTER-CHRISTMAS ed to win. Sen. H arry F. Byrd, D- Light snow this morning be ity,” he continued, “ the party is nation of governor in 1962 Va., got 15. coming mixed with sleet and freez but he didn’t entirely close the fortunate to have so many able, With Hawaii’s new totals, an New Brussels Riots qualified prospective candidates.” ing rain late this afternoon or to door to the possibility. nounced yesterday more than sev night. Not as cold. Precipitation en weeks after the election, the In a ^c&efuUy prepared state- He said the eventual choice o f a likely changing to rain over south final national popular vote goes 'ment read at a sp ^ ia l press .con state ticket and congressional can east Connecticut during the night. like this: ENTIRE STOCK ference this noon at the Hotel didates will be made "in free and ' Friday precipitation ending dur Bv 15,000 Marchers SPECIAL PURCHASE SPECIAL GROUP Bond he replied to former Lt. Gov open convention after the delegat Kennedy 34,221,531. ing the moniing followed by gradu ernor Charles W. Jewett’s chal es have considered all possibilities Nixon 34,108.474. al clearing during the afternoon. lenge that he resign. If he is a and after the candidates have had Plurality for Kennedy: 113,057 Total snow accumulation between Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 29 (iT*)— King Baudouin returned candidate for governor. an opportunity to go before the out o f a total vote of 68.832,778, 1 and 3 inches with heavier with Queen Fabi6la from their Spanish honeymoon tonight CHILDREN'S & SUBTEEN party and the public to discuss Other candidates got a total of amounts likely In northwestern JUST ISO FINE W O O L A t the outset of the conference. to help cope with riotous demonstrations against the govern M ay said " I am not a cemdidate their qualifications and proposals.’’ 502,773, so that Kennedy’s total Connecticut. for the nomination of governor Outlining. the party’s le^slativc still Is less than a majority o f all ment’s austerity program. In 1962.” program. May said It will be the the popular votes. Accident Totals The royal couple’s special plane landed a few hours after a WORSTED But, In the third paragraph of Brussels march of 15,000 demonstrators erupted into some MISSES' & WOMEN'S WINTER COATS (Continued on Page Three) (Continued on Page Two) HarUord. Dec. 29 Tlie SUte the atatement he emphasized: Motor' Vehicle Department's dally of the worst acts o f violence in the nation’s 10-day-old strikes. "While I have no'intention of be record of automobile accidents as Tlie demonstrators suiged through the city smashing win and coming a candidate, if such an o f last midnight and the totals on dows and overturning automobiles. occasion should ever arise I would Reviewing Foreign Policy the same date last year: resign as state chairman. 1969 1960 With his Spanish-born bride of two weeks beside him, the WINTER COATS SUITS " I have not used and I shall nev Accidents 32,869 34,748 (est.) young kifig flew hei’e from Seville. He was unsmiling and CO AT & SLACK SETS er use my oiBce as state chairman Killed 246 268 grim as he walked into the well-guarded military section of to promote my own candidacy for Kennedy Names Roosa Injured 20,327 20,082 (est.) Brussels International Airport. made to sell at 39.99 and 49.99 any office," he added. The Queen too looked woiried. M ay said he hoped his statement May Ask Warrant "sets at rest, once and for all, the They went immediately to Laeken Palace, their Brussels Hartford, Dec. 29 (,Pi— State’s residence. ' reg. 24.99 to 35.00 speculation as to my own plans. Monetary A ffa irs A ide Attorney John D. LaBelle today I have been state chairman and The 30-year-old eovereign—who values to 65.00 was considering asking for a au- came to the throne in 1951 after 1 have devoted my full energies perior court bench warrant for 28.00. to the job—I plan to do just that Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 29 iJPi— his controversial father, King Magician’s Kit Mrs. Joan Gronwoldt, 28, Granby, and only that.'" President-elect John F. Kennedy Leopold III, was forced to abdi who shot and killed her two young cate — had good reasons for He said he plans to devote his takes part today in a global re children Tuesday. Aboard Plane, made to sell at 69.99 and 79.99 time as chairnian to the task of anxiety. 19.90 view of American foreign policy. His decision, and the exact For more than four hours today continued revitalization of the He also picked a New York bank charge to be placed against her. If 39.00 party, particularly In the large the demonstrators tied up the er, Robert V. Roosa. to be under any, may be delayed until Dr. heart of the capital. They smashed Not Dynamite cities and to the creation of legis secretary of the Treasury for Harold A. Bancroft, Hartford lative record in the General As dozens of shop windows, wrecked FUR TRIA\MED monetary affairs. psychiatrist, makes a second ex a bus and set a mail truck afire. New York. Dec. 29 (/P)— An un 48.00 sembly "upon which we can base And Kennedy has chosen Archi amination o f the woman Friday. But there was no loss of life. claimed airline suitcase, first our party’s campaign in 1962.” bald Cox, Harvard law professor He examined her initially Wednes • all from our regular stock, Furthermore, May said he The heavily armed anti-riot po thought to have been filled with and a campaign aide, for tlje job day. lice squads refused to be drawn djTiamite, turn#l^'Out to contain would personally encoiu-age and of solicitor general of the United Meanwhile, Mrs. Gronwoldt re and UNTRIMMED into any head-on clash with the what wa.s described as the trap e wool or milium interlinirtgs . some e all new styles. use the full party machinery for States---Uie government’s chief mained under an around-the-clock marchers. zip-out linings. the development of candidates for trial lawyer. pings of "an entertainer’s Wt,” guard by State Troopers in Mc The strikers were demonstrat e conservatives. Ivies and continentals! the gubernatorial post and other For a far-ranging look at the Cook Memorial Hospital at Hart American Airlines reported today. ing against Prime Minister Gas The suspicious bag had sent po e beautiful plushes, famous tweeds, pol State and c<mgressional'offices. uneasy international situation, the ford. 0 3 button fronts, narrow lapels, center ton Eyskens austerity program, lice bomb squad members and ished blacks, plaids. He disclosed that he will ask President-elect arranged a lunch ____ •> Richard Morrison holds his heroism award presented by Donald e fantastic bargains in a magnificent se vents. the 72 member GQP State Central eon meeting and afternoon con Warner, Scout executive for the Blackledge District of Charter designed to help Belgium balance FBI agents rushing to La Gi'%-^a •r 4 Linked to Dope its budget, sagging from losses Field. e boxy, clutch, narrow-buttoned ijtyles. lection ! Committee to "start sining up and ference wth Sen. J. William Ful- Oak Council of the Boy Scouts. (Herald photo by Saternis.) e solids, shadow stripes and checks, recommending potential candi bright, D-Ark., chairman of the Hartford, Dec. 29 (^ )— Four incurred by giving The Congo its An airline spokesman said later independence last June. e single and double breasted. e fleeces, wool and camels hair, chinchilla. dates’’ and added "the search will Senate Foreign Relations Com Hartford men were arrested by that its contents Included bal o plaids. be exhaustive.’’ mittee. Wethersfield Police at 8:30 p.m. Officials of the Socialist-led loons, horns, feathers and kettles, e black, taupe, charcoal, blue and beige • girls’ coats, 7 to 14; subteens, 8 to 16. The State Chairman mentioned Kennedy and Fulbright may Wednesday an(j charged with il Rescued Five Women in Fire General Workers Federation had of the kind a magician ml|ffit • broken .sizes, regular, long, short and several prospective candidates for bold a news conference late in legal pcmesalon ef narcotics and criticized the King for remaining use." solids.