WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1960 Average Daily Net Press Run PAGE EIGBTBEh iianr^(Bt(r jEoraituPi For the Week Ended Dee. X4, IMO 13,331 SHOP NOW! Member ef tbe Audit YOUR CHRISTMAS CASH! USE THAT WONDERFUL GIFT CERTHTCATE! Bmwa et ObmOatMi ■A

STORE HOURS: VOL. LXXX, NO. Y5 OiNii Hafly Mon. thro Sat. #:S0to5:45 But Door Not Shut Kennedy Wins fln oi» Nights tm 9:00 State New s Hawaii’s Votes; Roundup Ed May Denies Total Now 303

Washington, Dec. 29 — Drivers Warned An official recount in Hawaii Of Freezing Rain H e’s Candidate has tipped the newest state’s three electoral votes to Presi­ dent-elect John F. Kennedy by Windsor Locks, Dec, 29 Hartford, //p)_.aA. Searle Plnney of Brookfield and 115 votes. — The U.S. Weather Bureau GOP State Chairman Edwin Jewett, who lives In Lyme That gives Kennedy 303 electoral today issued the following "They are people of proven dedi­ votes to 219 for Vice President snow' and hazardous driving H. May Jr. said today he is cation to Connecticut and its Richard M. Nixon: 269 were need­ not a candidate for the nomi­ people and are men of great abil­ warning for Connecticut: AFTER-CHRISTMAS ed to win. Sen. H arry F. Byrd, D- Light snow this morning be­ ity,” he continued, “ the party is nation of governor in 1962 Va., got 15. coming mixed with sleet and freez­ but he didn’t entirely close the fortunate to have so many able, With Hawaii’s new totals, an­ New Brussels Riots qualified prospective candidates.” ing rain late this afternoon or to­ door to the possibility. nounced yesterday more than sev­ night. Not as cold. Precipitation en weeks after the election, the In a ^c&efuUy prepared state- He said the eventual choice o f a likely changing to rain over south­ final national popular vote goes 'ment read at a sp ^ ia l press .con­ state ticket and congressional can­ east Connecticut during the night. like this: ENTIRE STOCK ference this noon at the Hotel didates will be made "in free and ' Friday precipitation ending dur­ Bv 15,000 Marchers SPECIAL PURCHASE SPECIAL GROUP Bond he replied to former Lt. Gov­ open convention after the delegat­ Kennedy 34,221,531. ing the moniing followed by gradu­ ernor Charles W. Jewett’s chal­ es have considered all possibilities Nixon 34,108.474. al clearing during the afternoon. lenge that he resign. If he is a and after the candidates have had Plurality for Kennedy: 113,057 Total snow accumulation between Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 29 (iT*)— King Baudouin returned candidate for governor. an opportunity to go before the out o f a total vote of 68.832,778, 1 and 3 inches with heavier with Queen Fabi6la from their Spanish honeymoon tonight CHILDREN'S & SUBTEEN party and the public to discuss Other candidates got a total of amounts likely In northwestern JUST ISO FINE W O O L A t the outset of the conference. to help cope with riotous demonstrations against the govern­ M ay said " I am not a cemdidate their qualifications and proposals.’’ 502,773, so that Kennedy’s total Connecticut. for the nomination of governor Outlining. the party’s le^slativc still Is less than a majority o f all ment’s austerity program. In 1962.” program. May said It will be the the popular votes. Accident Totals The royal couple’s special plane landed a few hours after a WORSTED But, In the third paragraph of Brussels march of 15,000 demonstrators erupted into some MISSES' & WOMEN'S WINTER (Continued on Page Three) (Continued on Page Two) HarUord. Dec. 29 Tlie SUte the atatement he emphasized: Motor' Vehicle Department's dally of the worst acts o f violence in the nation’s 10-day-old strikes. "While I have no'intention of be­ record of automobile accidents as Tlie demonstrators suiged through the city smashing win­ and coming a candidate, if such an o f last midnight and the totals on dows and overturning automobiles. occasion should ever arise I would Reviewing Foreign Policy the same date last year: resign as state chairman. 1969 1960 With his Spanish-born bride of two weeks beside him, the WINTER COATS " I have not used and I shall nev­ Accidents 32,869 34,748 (est.) young kifig flew hei’e from Seville. He was unsmiling and CO AT & SLACK SETS er use my oiBce as state chairman Killed 246 268 grim as he walked into the well-guarded military section of to promote my own candidacy for Kennedy Names Roosa Injured 20,327 20,082 (est.) Brussels International Airport. made to sell at 39.99 and 49.99 any office," he added. The Queen too looked woiried. M ay said he hoped his statement May Ask Warrant "sets at rest, once and for all, the They went immediately to Laeken Palace, their Brussels Hartford, Dec. 29 (,Pi— State’s residence. ' reg. 24.99 to 35.00 speculation as to my own plans. Monetary A ffa irs A ide Attorney John D. LaBelle today I have been state chairman and The 30-year-old eovereign—who values to 65.00 was considering asking for a au- came to the throne in 1951 after 1 have devoted my full energies perior court bench warrant for 28.00. to the job—I plan to do just that Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 29 iJPi— his controversial father, King Magician’s Kit Mrs. Joan Gronwoldt, 28, Granby, and only that.'" President-elect John F. Kennedy Leopold III, was forced to abdi­ who shot and killed her two young cate — had good reasons for He said he plans to devote his takes part today in a global re­ children Tuesday. Aboard Plane, made to sell at 69.99 and 79.99 time as chairnian to the task of anxiety. 19.90 view of American foreign policy. His decision, and the exact For more than four hours today continued revitalization of the He also picked a New York bank­ charge to be placed against her. If 39.00 party, particularly In the large the demonstrators tied up the er, Robert V. Roosa. to be under­ any, may be delayed until Dr. heart of the capital. They smashed Not Dynamite cities and to the creation of legis­ secretary of the Treasury for Harold A. Bancroft, Hartford lative record in the General As­ dozens of shop windows, wrecked FUR TRIA\MED monetary affairs. psychiatrist, makes a second ex­ a bus and set a mail truck afire. New York. Dec. 29 (/P)— An un­ 48.00 sembly "upon which we can base And Kennedy has chosen Archi­ amination o f the woman Friday. But there was no loss of life. claimed airline suitcase, first our party’s campaign in 1962.” bald Cox, Harvard law professor He examined her initially Wednes­ • all from our regular stock, Furthermore, May said he The heavily armed anti-riot po­ thought to have been filled with and a campaign aide, for tlje job day. lice squads refused to be drawn djTiamite, turn#l^'Out to contain would personally encoiu-age and of solicitor general of the United Meanwhile, Mrs. Gronwoldt re­ and UNTRIMMED into any head-on clash with the what wa.s described as the trap­ e or milium interlinirtgs . . . some e all new styles. use the full party machinery for States---Uie government’s chief mained under an around-the-clock marchers. zip-out linings. the development of candidates for trial lawyer. pings of "an entertainer’s Wt,” guard by State Troopers in Mc­ The strikers were demonstrat­ e conservatives. Ivies and continentals! the gubernatorial post and other For a far-ranging look at the Cook Memorial Hospital at Hart­ American Airlines reported today. ing against Prime Minister Gas­ The suspicious bag had sent po­ e beautiful plushes, famous tweeds, pol­ State and c Richard Morrison holds his heroism award presented by Donald e fantastic bargains in a magnificent se­ vents. the 72 member GQP State Central eon meeting and afternoon con­ Warner, Scout executive for the Blackledge District of Charter designed to help Belgium balance FBI agents rushing to La Gi'%-^a •r 4 Linked to Dope its budget, sagging from losses Field. e boxy, clutch, narrow-buttoned ijtyles. lection ! Committee to "start sining up and ference wth Sen. J. William Ful- Oak Council of the Boy Scouts. (Herald photo by Saternis.) e solids, shadow stripes and checks, recommending potential candi­ bright, D-Ark., chairman of the Hartford, Dec. 29 (^ )— Four incurred by giving The Congo its An airline spokesman said later independence last June. e single and breasted. e fleeces, wool and camels hair, chinchilla. dates’’ and added "the search will Senate Foreign Relations Com­ Hartford men were arrested by that its contents Included bal­ o plaids. be exhaustive.’’ mittee. Wethersfield Police at 8:30 p.m. Officials of the Socialist-led loons, horns, feathers and kettles, e black, taupe, charcoal, blue and beige • girls’ coats, 7 to 14; subteens, 8 to 16. The State Chairman mentioned Kennedy and Fulbright may Wednesday an(j charged with il­ Rescued Five Women in Fire General Workers Federation had of the kind a magician ml|ffit • broken .sizes, regular, long, short and several prospective candidates for bold a news conference late in legal pcmesalon ef narcotics and criticized the King for remaining use." solids. .the day after their talk's at the drags, as the accused group left a in Spain during the crisis. a children’s slack and sets, 3 to 6x. stout. governor, including John AIsop When the bag was opened President-elect’s seashore home. ladies room of a Silas Deane High­ Near the heart of the capital, e of Avon, Congressman-elect Hor­ earlier an airline employe reported misses sizes 6 to 20; 6 to 18; half Kennedy considered appoint­ way gsu3 station where they hkd ace Seely-Brown of Pomfret, Pres­ Certificate of Heroism demonstrators stoned a movie it contained “what looks like dyna­ sizes 14V^ to 24V^. ment of Fulbright as secretaiy of been observed administering the ident Albert N. Jorgensen of tike tlieater advertising newsreels of mite and some old - fashioBed state,'4»it'«ar.U«»4hMHPV»ith pass­ drugs to each other with, hypodac-. -UnlveiW tjr^of Comteetientr"EdwilaiiUS tthB sovereign’s wedding on Dec. matches that have t 3n altered, ed him over In favor of Dean mic needles, police said. r. "Ted" BlMr of Fairfield. Rep. 16. by adding sulphur, arid what ap­ Rusk, head o f the Rockefeller The large variety of drags was To Manchester Student The demonstrators stayed clear peared like wires.” Foundation. contained In a physician’s bag, of Brussel’s neutral zone, where ENTIRE STOCK JUST II...YOUNG MEN'S FAMOUS In Washington yesterday, Ful­ stolen from a Bristol doctor. Bris­ heavily armed police riot squads There was no immediate expla­ LADIES' REVERSIBLE WASH & WEAR bright was critical of some of tol Police have s6t a $5,000 bond Richard C. Morrison, 22, a Man-Adismounted calmly or continued An Increase, Fulbright said, gregational Church. He is the Morrison re-entered the building 8.90 667 Wethersfield Ave. Belgian soldiers have been recalled 28.00 would , put lagging American busi­ their journey without being mo- first scout in this area to receive a water repellent and poplins 0 lambs woo! or orlon pile lined. LeopoldvUle, The Congo, Dec and, despite dense smoke that from North Atlantic Treaty Or­ le.sted, according to a report from ness at a disadvantage "In com­ Police said a citizen observed • balmacaan styling • natural or willow with reversible madras type plaids. • attached hoods, detachable hoods, • solids, checks, embroidered. • loden, antelope, old gold corduroy • broken sizes 36 to 42, reg. and long, 29 (yP)—A column of rebel troops the high award. obscured hla vision, he succeeded ganization units In 'V^est Germany. from Stanleyville was reported to­ the Irish trops guarding the train. peting with our hllies,’’ the group’s activities and believing • pant entirely washable • boys’ and girls’ 3 to 6x; toddlers 2 to 4. • reversible plaid and cord vest • famous men’s nianufactarer. the acts to be questionable, notified The Eagle Scout was credited in reaching the third floor. His The soldiers joined riot police in • beautifully tailored . . . imported bone buttons, sites 6 to 18. day to have entered northern There was no report of any ac­ Fulbright added that he has no plan.s to express his views to the police. The arrest was made by Of­ by New Haven firemen with pre­ shouts failed to awaken a 24-year- guarding government buildings. Katanga and made contact there tion between the Balubas and £he President-elect on this matter un­ ficers Fred Cavanaugh and George venting tragedy by hla courageous old nurse, Miss Mary Jane Haugh, State Police reserves also were Bulletins with Baluba tribesmen fighting giiards. efforts In rescuing five women who had taken a sedative before called into the capital. President Joseph Kasavubu less Kennedy calls for them. Butt. against the separatist regime of Roosa, 42, who says he’s an In­ ’The stolen case was the property from a flaming 3-story rooming going to bed. from the AP Wires meanwhile left Leopoldville for Lu- Harmel said the over-all situa­ President Moise Tshombe. dependent in politics, will be the of Dr. Mark (Jora’, 65 Haverland house. Morrison found a bathroom, ENTIRE STOCK A United Nations report said luabourg, capital of Kasai Pro- tion showed Improvement except Treasury department’s No. 3 offi­ St., Bristol, police said. . In its account of the fire print­ soaked his handkerchief with In the big port of Antwerp, where the rebel force entered Katanga ed in its May 6 edition, the New water, bound it over his face and ENTIRE STOCK (Continued on Page Thirteen) cial as undersecretary for mone­ the strike was spreading. The port 1.AMB BORN IN A-BLAST through Kivu Province, and was tary affairs. Hq now is vice pres­ forced his way into the nurse’s Paris, Dec. 29 UF)— A Iamb approaching Kongolo, the center Plans Education Probe area has been immobilized. MEN'S & BOYS' ident of the New York Federal ropm when he heard her moans. Socialist party president Leo born beneath tbe rising miisb- of a bitter guerilla war between Weston, Dec. 29 iJP)— State Sen­ YOU Resers’e Bank in charge o f re­ He dragged her to a stairwell and Collard announced that the strike room cloud was one of the ani­ the Katanga Balubas and ator-elect John M. Lupton o f W est­ FAMOUS MAKE search. earned her from the building. will continue "until our is mal sunivorti of last Tuesday'a Tshombe’s police. Navy to Honor Kennedy chose Roosa after con­ on said today he would introduce News Tidbits Firemen succeeded in confining French atomic explorion In the a bill in the next at^aion of the reached.” He claimed it was Kongolo la more tnan 400 miles sultation with Secretary of the Culled from AP Wires the fire to the third .fioor, where spreading in both the north and Sahara. French authorities said OUTERWEAR Treasury-desigfnate Douglas Dil­ state legislature calling for a COULD HAVE KNOWN south of Stanleyville, where for­ it apparently started. Water and aou'th. today 1,071 small animals, Adm. Kickover lon. who Is undersecretary of state 'Blue-Ribbon Commlslon” to study smoke damaged the other two mostly mice and rats, were mer Deputy Premier Antoine education problems In tl.e state. The demonstration in Brussels & in the outgoing Eisenhower ad­ floors, and damages were set at staked out at Reggane, the teat Gizeng;a has set up a Communist­ The 25th District Republican said Comedian Red Skelton, hos­ started with a mass meeting of Groton. Dec. 29 (/P) — Secretary’ ministration $3,000. A fire lieutenant was hos­ area. When research workeia leaning regime which claims to be pitalized in Hollywood since Dec. about 10,000 strikers and sympa­ of Uie Navy William B. Pranke TbV’ No’ r 2 command post in the | the commission’s job would be to pitalized when he was overcome went out to collect the animals ABOUT THIS SALE 20% OFF! The Congo’s only legal govern­ 3 for treatment of ruptured dia­ thizers in front of Socialist party will award Vice Adm. Hyman G. by .smoke, and another fireman the population had increased by ment, (Continued on Page Thirteen) phragm. goes home. . .Princess headquarters. The turnout was far Rickover the Navy’s Distinguishv (Continued on Page Two) was treated for smoke inhalation. one— the little brown and white Kivu Province, located between Mai-garet and her husband Will short of the 50,000 the party had ed Service Medal in a ceremony lamb born a few minutes after reg. 12.99 to 49.95 Stanleyville and Katanga, came fiy tourist class adward Irish air­ Morrison is at Yale under a Uni­ predicted. here aboard the^ .submarine Nau­ the blast. under Gizenga’s control over liner when they visit Ireland Sat­ versity Fellowship for graduate As brick bats, atones and steel 20^0 OFF! LAST WEEK! tilus Jan. 17, commemorating the Christmas, when rebel troops urday. . .Detroit city buses will study in physics, leading to a doc­ Overeatinff Just a Habit nuts and bolts were hurled at SHARECROPPER WOUNDED kidnqped Provincial President sixth anniversary of nuclear naval nnake kome-^oor deliveries. of torate in nuclear physics. He buses, street cars and some stores Somerville, ,Tenn.. Dec. 29 UP Jean Mlrohu anjd three of his power. New 'Year's Eve revelers from aeeks a career as an atomic which refus«|d to close In sympathy — A bullet, apparently fired from ministers. Just before the ceremony at midnight to 6 a.m. New Tear’s physlcisl. He received his bach­ reg. 45.00 to 85.00 with the strikers, the number of a passing car, wonnded a Negro 10.40 General Dynamics Corp’s Electric Day. elors degree from Princeton Uni­ The prisoners were believed en demonstrators swelled to about! today in a tent city being set op boat division. Franke and Ad­ Psychology Real Help versity In 1959. route to Stanleyville, but nothing An Air Force sergeknt who 15.000. I for evicted sharecroppers in tbia miral Rickover will take part In to has been heard of them since they staged "telephone blitz’.' last week When he graduated from Man­ During the demonstration, a { racially tense rounty. The tmllet, laying the keel of the fleet ballistic IF left Bakuvu, Kivu’s capital, under in effort to speed up his Pennsyl­ chester High School In 1966, Mor­ delegation o f strikers handed in a > caliber undetermined, ripped missile submarine Marquis de La­ vania divorce Is hospitalized w(th a heavy escort on Christmas Day. In Diet to L o ^ Weight rison ranked sixth in his class. He petition at Premier Eyskens’ of-' through a tent, part of a m at­ 36.00 fayette. using electric power sup­ an “ anxiety- reaction” . . .Sen. The rebel thrust into North Ka­ Yvas president o f the Science Club, flee repeating demands for w ith -! tress and Eiarly B, WIOiaBUI plied by the Nautilus reactor. Thomas Kuchel, R-Calif., says if to tanga suggested that Gizenga a member of the National Honor drawBl of proposed legislation j just below the elbow of his right ’ YOU HAD A HOUSE & HALE The power supply ^11 be used to incoming Presideht John Kennedy 39.96 now controls Kivu firmly enough Bv ALTON BI.AKESLEE P)— Israeli next month . . . A 21-year-old uni­ Noyan, Que., Dec. 29 (/P)—M n.^ Vosburgh suffered burns to his • choose any one you like! • wool suburbans (orlon pile or quilt lined; tlers at Goma, 75 miles north of certain type of before wife might shop every day right operation at the hospital Taea- Prime Minister David Ben-Gurlon versity student wounded by gun­ Marjorie Vosburgh, 43, and 11 of hands in efforts to save his family YOUR NAME solids, checks, tweeds, herringbones). Bukavu, were made to crawl on eating. after she had eaten; buying foods day uncovered a blood elet aad has hinted he might resign in an shot and four, persons injured her 15 children were burned to and was taMen to the nearby home • many handwoven fine imported woolens. • clicker (knit and cuffs, orlon hands and knees down the main Lifting a forkful of food only which must be cooked or prepared, a contusion o f the brain. Staito effort to force still another inves­ otherwise In an' anti-govenimeht death today in one o f the worst of a brother-in-law for treatment. pile and quilt lined, , cord or street. From Bukaim and Klndu, a when your mouth Is empty. or training one’s self so that swal­ Police Sgt- Wayne Bishop aad ^ ■ tigation Into the mysterious ouster riot at Trujillir where President family tragedies in Quebec Prov- • genuine harris tweeds. dacron/cotton poplin). town in western Kivu Province, Holding forkfuls of food for a lowing, rather vjtoan chewing, be­ The dead children were: Doris, prison officials are Investigat­ WIK OR HUStANO'S NAME of fonper Defense Minister Pinhas Manuel Prado of Peru is visiting .Ince history. V o bomber jackets ( lengrlh, knit collar came reports of European set­ while between plate and eager comes the stimulus to quarry up 19, Ray. 17, Richard, 15, PhyUis, ing the Incident. Lavon, informed sources said to­ . . . Under Secretary of the Treas­ •rhe grief-otricken mother filed • shetlands in herringbone, tweeds, checks and and cuffs, poplins, satin-back twills with tlers being seiVerely beaten. teeth—or chewing food longer. another forkful of food. 13, Katherine, 10, Audrey, 9, Bev-1 day. Phychologically, they said, eat­ ury Fred C. Schribntr Jr. oalls when she rushed back into the erley, 7, Robert, 4, Caroline, 3, Leo, plaids. orlon pile or quilted lining). A U.N. spokesman said there For alt dieters, thev suggested; BR.ANDT OPTIAUSTIO Lavon was forced out o f the ing Involves a whole chain of premature a published report that flaming small, wooden house near 1, and Dwayne, 6 r onths. ADDRESS HOW LONG e genuine suede Jackets and sport coats. was no confirmation here of re­ Establish a ritual of three meals Berlin, Dec. 29 (/P — W M i government of former Prime events or stimuli, usually per- the chairmanship of the Reptibll- this village 85 miles south' df • 36 to 44, regular, short and long. • sizes 36' to 50. ports that some 20 passengers a day, with perhaps a light snack, Gladys, 21, Is married to William j lees than 00 hours to go befOra Minister Moshe Sharett in 1955 While the chain of events varies csn National Committee la his If Montreal.- were klUSd by Balubas in a North such as milk and crackers at bed­ Maybee o f Grande Line, Que.. and an East German tComnnnist id* ■ and blamed for a "aecurity mis­ with indlvidiials, a typical chain he wants It. She had escaped with her hus­ Katanga train holdup. time. « Gertrude, 22, la married to Walter tlnuitum runs out on West Bor- ' FORMER ADDRESS HOW LONG hap.” M ilitary censorship has pre­ is going to the store, selecting and Another attempt planned to fire band, Abel, when an explosion, be­ But Information reaching U.N Control the time of meals rigidly. Lockerby at Isle La., Motte. Vt. lln’s free contacts with the West, - i vented a furthier description of paying for food, carting it home, red flares from the 6,'288-foot lieved to have been caused Irvin, 18, works ih Noyan, and ^1- headquartisrs on the incident was When the urge to eat wells up, Mayor Willy Brandt today aaw LADIES' POPLIN STORM COATS SPECIAL TABLE the incident, but. it is telieved preparing It, setting the table, sit­ (>^^ou^t Washington to naark the oil stove, rooked the little heme lan, 11, was visiting an aunt in confusing and Col. Henry Byrne, do something In which eating isn’t go grounds for falntheartodntoa Lavon was accused of ordering an ting down to the table and so feasible—take a walk, go to a centennial year of the eight-mile atx>ut 3 a.m. > Noyan. • WIFE OR HUSIAND EMPLOYED lY HOW LONG commander of the Irish U.N. con­ and pessimism. "1 have reason to attack that some diplomats said forth. movie, ride a bus, of lay a cement "Carriage Road”' to the aummit Flames ■praad'^uickly and n e Voaburgh, 63, had moved his tingent, left to Investigate on the assume,” he told a news ooafisr- ZIP-OUT LINING caused E^ryptian President Oamal The Idea is to lengthen the chain sidewalk, . . . Detroit Presbytery,’'with 110 house was burned to the graund family to Noyan, 10 miles north en.oe, "that tbe peoltlaa wi Ber­ BOYS' SKI •p o t Abdel .Nasser to get arms from o f events. . Keep food in relatively inaccea- United Presterian Churqhes, vote by the time firemen airiyed,^ o f the Quebec-Vermont border, reg. 17.99 The UJf. spokesman said aa far lin has remained tlm a dpw#e^', the Soviet Union. The longer the chain is. the sible pieces. 216 to 4 In favor ofpropoaed Mrs. Vosburgh died ' bsfoTe about two years ago. The town the numerous attemptatanaalpr- - OCCUPATION reg. 2.95 as was known here, only two pas- The cabinet approved a report weaker are ita effects, said Charles Avoid crash diets.’ Losing weight Merger of Presby^rlan, Methodiat, reaching the dhildrsn and her body has a population Of 500. mine It in verioua levfifik’* NeESs*. ■engera on the train were injured, by an investigating committee ef B. Ferster. Ph.D„jJohh I. Nuren- too fast produces "a level of dis- United Church o f Christ and Epis- was one of the first found by fire­ Firemen were summoned from tiators from West and three others were taken off ministers Sunday clearing Lavon berger, M.D., and Bfugene E. Levitt poeition to eat exceeding the eopal Churches . . , Fred W. Gar- men searifiilng the ruins. nearby Clarenceville. Oommualst East the train by Baluba guerrillas. OTHER CHARGE ACCOUNTS and finding that a high army of­ of the Psychiatry Department, In­ strength o f the usUal existing self- lick, who sued his w ay out o f the First reports said the fathsr Later, Fire Chief William Beer- stm ttylag to^ readh 15.88 99c About 15 passengers fled through ficer, whose name has not been diana University School of Medb control." Army because he was assigned-to had managed to save ons child, w ort looked over the ruins and said agieemeat before NcfW train windows into the Jungle when dlscloa^, probably forged a do<^- cine. but later It was artahli|a|M Miat Day. Tbe •aogHah balmaeaan staling • natural, loden, black. ‘ E at a balancad diet. Too much waaUisr ressarch, is back home in to bystandera: “rve bad 18 years SIGNATURI • wools, poplins, gabardines • solid colors. the train was held up by a crowd Eating too much is largely a bt oneme food probaMy will Increaaat Miami'looking for a Job—as a the only 'Ohildren to tbreataaed seitona o f Balubas. But oUiar paasangan m Wh * V a «r ) the In tw s tl four away from homa at tha tlma. Oft Pago they do not. AdiMfeirfiald atyling • i^zea 6 to 20. • pjjsids • checks. habit, they told the American As- latlon to eat ottaar fooda.' weatherman. I) ■ hi'-- m i- ■ ^ . ■ t •--fV* t . .

TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, COMM. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1960 i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1960 Reviewing Foreign Policy Kennedy Wins The New Circuit Court/^9 Sheinwold on Bridge Hawaifs Votes; Towns’ Benefits Vary Kennedy Names Roosa ROYAI/rr DIES * Saudi dsilsr GARAGE IN GOOD CAUSE Niilher volaonUa Total Now 303 moToft sKaAiisr By AUi«4 Sheinwold NOKIH On Division of Fines One of great moral lesions A >.5 2 Monetary Affairs Aide (ContMusd, from Page One) w* learn from playing bridge Is a X 7 6 3 * '«k that even kings and queens must K Q J 10 9 (Owittoiae^l from Pag« One) Nixon at first had ben listed as By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ♦other' hand, are lailur* to reglaUr die. The Importartt thing is to die $21,000 a year, was crestsd by. the winner In Hawaii by 141 votes. Officials will have to figure it a motor vehicle used on the high' In a noble cause. w t n BAfir Tteaeurjr, another undersecreUrj', Oongreds in 1064. The two men way and failure to have proper West opened the deuce of A 10 9 4 A Q 7 7 « who have held the position In the But Democrats gained a. recount of out for themselves whether or not tires. A Q 9- • 2 V K 10 la vet to be filtett. all its precincts by citing errors hearts and East won the king. Aa m the caMe of Cox for solici­ Elsenhower administration — flrst their towns are better off financial­ The old minor court eyetem pro­ East naturally returned the ten of A A 7 fi ♦ 9 5 2 W. Randolph Btirgess and now in the certified returns. vided for the remission to the A J 10 5 A Q 9 fi 4 tor general, Kennedy—a Harvard ly In eKarlng receipts from the new hearts, South end ivest natufsiUy SOUTH /rhe Stage Is Set And We Are Ready To Have You Inspect Outl Julian B. Baird—also were bank­ etate of 20 pef cent of the fines graduate himself—once more pick­ . With Hawaii finally settled. Ken­ circuit court. It will vary from played low—and dummy also A A K 3 ed a man with Harvard back­ ers. nedy carried 23 states; Nixon car­ In criminal cases and the retention played low. A J 5 4 ground In selecting Roosa. ried 26. Mississippi's eight unple^lg- town to town. by the towne of the othbr 20 per, Cox. 48, brings to the solicitor On the plus side of their ledgers Pin a medal on declarer and give ♦ 8 4 Rooaa won his bachelor's de­ general Job a broad background of ed votes went to Byrd, who also re­ cent. West a glaneq of pity. He missed A A K 7 3 2 gree in economics at the Univer- ceived six electoral votes from Ala­ will be the fact that all parking All criminal finea will go to the previous service in government. fines and parking meter money will his big opportunity to die like a fiouA WsA Nwtt IM New Garage, Showroom And Used Car Lot \ eity of Hichigan, and then sei-ved bama and one from Oklahoma. state under the circuit court set­ And during the presidential cam­ go to the towns Just as under the man. 1 * Pass 1 A rail as a tutor and teaching fellow at The Electoral College Voted on up, In addition to all motor ve­ 1 NT Pats 2 A Paw I paign he worked, for Kennedy's No Further Trouble H arva^ University and as an'in­ old minor court system. hicle fines Imposed in non-opera- election as coordinator of a team of Dec. 19, making Kennedy's elec­ Also, towns won’t have to meet It's easy to see that South had 2 NT Pass 3 NT AU PiM structor at Mawachusetts Insti­ professors who provided the can­ tion official. The result will be pre­ tional caaes. no further trouble. East had to Opening lead — a 2 'T, tute of Technology- while earning payrolls for their local court em­ I V. didate with material for speeches sented to Congress Jan. 6. Both Another financial matter haa switch, and It didn’t much matter a master's and doctor of philos­ ployes any more. These will be ab­ to do with court facilities. and statement.^ Republican and Democratic sorbed by the state. ,i what he switched to. South could ophy degrees. Hawaiian electors cast voles Dec. The towns having been main­ 'Win a club (let’s iky), lead dia­ You hold: Spades—10 0 4; Hearts ' i A native of Marquette. Mich.. Cox entered government service Where officials will have to do —Q 9 8 2; Diamonds—A 7 6; Clubs ...And The 1961 RAMBLERS in 1041 with the National Media­ 19,s ince the outcome was still up Some figuring Is In connection with taining their own local courts monds until he forc^ out the ace, Roosa went to work for the Ne-.v in the air. Now, after some legal They will have to stand the ex­ and got back to dummy with the —j 10 6, What do you say ? York rederal Reserve Bank in tion Board. Ijiter he served as s fines Imposed in motor vehicle and Answer: Pass. Game should be lawyer In the^ solicitor general's paperwork. Hawaii's Democratic criminal law violation cases. pense of providing circuit court ace of hearts to cash the rest of ^7 1941. He has been with the bank votes will be the ones that count. facilities, too, except those used the diamonds.. unmakable sincf the combined ever since with the, exception of office, which he now will head, and Minor courts have been paying also in the .Stale and L*bor De­ the State Department of Motor exclusively for jury purposes or for South made two spades, two count Is oply 23 to 25 points. Be three years in the Army during NIXON SHUNS BID full-time offices for clerks, resi­ satisfied with a ilbund part-score I partments. Vehicles one-third of all fines im­ clubs, one heart and four diamonds, I I i 'World War II. He \/(-as attachcP)—Vice posed in cases having to do with President Richard M. Njxon hae the operation of motor vehicles and officers Of course you’ve seen West’s (Copyright 1060, Oeuersl and also eerved on the intelligence and rereived his Isw degree at wasted opportunity. At the second Features Gorp.) 1 ■ staff of Gen. Omar X. Bradley's Harvard in 1037. Cox. his wife and turned down an invitation to par­ retaining the other two-thirds. Space for these latter facUttiea tliree children live in Wayland, ticipate In a "Tribute to a Patriot” Actually, they have also been do­ will be rented from the towns at trick West should cover the ten of 12th Army Group. TV ehow praising President Eleene ing the same thing with fines for $2 a square foot annually and the hearts with the queen! At the bank, Roosa has been Mass. If declarer wins in dummy with As solicitor general at a salary hower. violations pertaining to the regis­ state will pay for the furniture in Vie* president in charge of re­ Nixon'e press secretary, Herbert tration and equipment, of motor them, f the ace of hearts, there is jio en­ search since 1056. of $20..'i00 a year Cox will work In try to the diamonds. If declarer re­ the .lustice Department under the G. Klein, said last night there vehicles, the licensing of operators "Communities that have con­ As undersecretary for iVionetarj- were ti^ reasons Nixon declined and the establlehment, mainten­ structed new facilities for the fuses the trick. West leads another affhirs, Roosa wdll be directly re­ Presldent-elerfs brother, Robert heart to cut communications. The Kennedy, who has been named at­ the invitation: ance or conduct of gas stations. circuit court," says Chief Judge sponsible for managing the $201 The motor vehicle commission­ Rvibinow, "have found the rental defenders can hold off one diamond t ^ o n national debt, subject of torney general. The solicitor gen­ "The key time when they want­ and develop either two clubs dr eral is in charge of all the govern­ ed him to tape a part of the pro­ er, with the advice of the at­ sufficient to cover the interest and oeurse to the approval of Ken­ torney general, decided what of­ amortisation on their cost.” two spades to defeat the contract. nedy and Dillon. ment's business in the Supreme gram came when he had to be out It’s unusual to sacrifice a queen Roesa's new Job. -vi'hich pays Coiirl. of town. fenses called for a partial remis­ Some towns will get "a free "In addition he has adopted a sion of fines. ride.” when-your partner’s ten seems to policy not to gojon television for Under the statute setting up the Cases arising in these towns be doing a good enough job, but SATURDAY. DEC. 31 a whiia. This la not permanent, circuit one-third of all fines having will be heard in other "court room Israel: Mighty Mite it's better to beat fbe contract than but he thinks that In deference to to do with the operation of a mo­ towns” but they will not be re­ to save a queen.' Mission School to Explore Mr. Kennedy he should not for the Dally Question tor vehicle alone—and excluding quired to share in the cost of pro­ Tel Aviv—Israel, with a popula­ Partner bids 1 NT (16 to 18 GALA I time being do anything publicly In the registration, equipment and viding facilities. tion of about 1,800,000 Jew* and points), and the next player passes. World’s Areas of Unrest the way of television appearances, gas station offenses—goes to the It Is-Expected that legislation 200,000 Arabs, Is on4 of the world’s NEW YEAR’S EVE new’a conferences or the like. He towns where the violations oc­ will be proposed at the 1961 ces­ smallest nation*. Yet it increased has turned down other shows be­ curred. sion of the General Assembly to land under irrigation from 162,000 "World DjTismics in s Space* supper hour from .1:30 to 6:16, and side this one..." DANCING SHOW ‘ discussion periods from 6:30 to This requires a new interpreta­ rectify this situation. acres In 1952 to 300,000 acres in Age" will he the theme of the third Klein added, "As for anything tion of Just which of the 156 mo­ 1959 and enlarged its beef-cattle • 7:.30 p.m. between himself and the President tor vehicle offenses listed in the herd from 1,000 In 1952 to 44,000 RECORD annual School of Missions, spon­ —of course he has saluted the Pree- sored by tha.Comm lesion on Mis­ statutes are to be considered "op­ in 1959. MID-NITERS ident.many times In tue past and erational.” Collision Brings sions, St South Methodist Church will do so many times in the fu­ Circuit court judges, by ad­ HOP next month. School Menus ture. It Isn't necessary that he do Arrest of Woman PLUS The se.esions, beginning .Tan. 8 It oh any one particular'TV show." ministrative action, have divided The ITOC program will portray the offenses Into operational and .fRI. NIGHT and continuing for fo\ir consecu­ non-operatlonal categories for the Mrs. Helen M. Matte of 111 E. tive Sundays, will be open to the Barnard Junior High School will Elsenhower's career from boyhood /

/ ■M ■ . / MANCHESTER E v e n i n g , HERALD, MANCHESTER, C C ^ ., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29,'i960 f t p C F O U B MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,^ THURSDAY, DECEM B^ 29, IMO Bolton y. for dinner should ba mada Yrito dUsuad«d b y„ Ftoanca Minister Hebron Larry EVhno or Ray N miTO. ing Uka mad to maka a tast ban from the town of Ridgefield, Is Rockvdle-Vemon The second aquare d u e e lasson Hated H John C. KeUy. It Is the A Hioai{ht for Todsr Pen>»« .<« ML trlPPJI,. . Roftary Club Begins 'Quest E im tittg ii^raUk dl at Court Juidica ItShak 01ahah'‘ aad By Edson Bailey will be held tomorrow from 8 to worid life, it was. to tha contrary, men can and ptrhaps should bo Using Telescope 10:30 ^.iri. at thVcCommunity Hall. walking fevertehly to find or in- paired, for both are fonner hieAt- To Force Inqttiry former Army Chief of Staff’MaJ. ■*auS5*5I^Sj^TO!? me. Yimkee Gen. Yacov Don, wad wtl)te to ds- DROR Arthur Plnney Jr. is the inatruc- II BlaMU itTMt hsm ot the State Police Depart­ Our gracious LiorC baa promised To Select ‘Gitfeen of Year’ Edsoh M. Bailey, consultant to V. vint additional raasons for break* termiiM toe truth about toe Lavon Cub Scout Pack 28 held Its tor and caller. Grange members as­ Bjr A. H. O. ment, Urquhart as a obtain, US forglvanaaa for ths past and toe B oltm Board of Education, will sist on the fioor with the dancing. T H oica y. Ing off the negottetlona at Genev^ (Ooatbraed tnm Page Om ) affair, December meeting: Wednesday at Kelly as commlsaionsr. gOtdanca for the futura. These p.m. The Rev, John N. .Cross, The Building„Conim!tteS of the WALTOR R HmOVBON Doing so, it was following the Earlier tote year « military In*^ The Rockville Rotary CTub h asfM argarot Monahan, Berman’s be giMMt apeaker at the Llon’a <3ub PuMb___ Occasionally, after you have .This Trill be, ^ahem, the first ac­ thoughta should bs uppermost in meat to pin tha blame on tha^ for­ Congregational pastor, was present Bolton Congregational Church 'will XVNmdcd Octob^ 1, IMl Instruction of governmental au­ ^veatlgating ’'eommlttet n p ^ e d . begun Its quest for nominees fOF Boardbig Home, Ellington; Ray­ dinner meeting Tuesday at Fiano’s been In the business long enough, quaintance either ot theae eroi^ y our minds as we think o f the pass­ mer defenae mlniator.. mond Belanger, 73 Village St.; at the meeting and gave the young­ njeet tonight at 8 o’clock in the that false /svidenee UpparenUy.had *: w e r ;^'^ tha fifth annual Citizen of the -Restaurant. parish room of the church. OPEN PuMtibetf Wnn Brenbig Execot thorities who remainied wedded to gentlemen ever had with the game ing of an old year and the down- The Inveatigatlng committee, been introduced nt toe 1954 hear­ Richard Johnstm, 19 Main- St, sters a thrill by letting them look ■undayaJ 'kya and Holioaya. Entered at the you encounter the Illusion of hav­ appohttod by Ben-Gurion teat Yeu- award. The recipient of the through his telescope at the stars. Bailey will discusa hla reiiort, the bomb, even while the White of poUtics, and one wonders why lng..of a new one. W. S. Smith has ing. awakl’V lir b e announced Feb. 16. Broad Brook; Signe Undstrom, 3$ Poet Office ata Kancheiter,, Conn., ~ ^ma ing come the same way twice. September, repiesented all parties This month’s theme for the Cubs Mancheeter Evening, Herald Bol­ New Year’s Evel Second Class Mail Matter. \ House was supposedly seriously the game had such a sudden and put'It In these words: Lavon, still a leading member jitw Ytart’ Evil Nomination blanks for selection Main St, Talcottvllle.. "Survey of Bolton School Needs" So we . thought, for a moment, In the government. is "The Guiding Stars." ton correspondent, Mrs. Louis and sincerely negotiating for at concerted pull on them In this of Ben-Ourion’a Mapai party and of candidates have been maUeU to Birth Wednesdays A son to Mr. Which recommends that a junior EAT IT HERE, OR TO 6 0 SUBSCRIPTION ItiTES The year is gone. 1 thank Thee, Political sources said Beii-QuMon EAT IT HEBE, OR and Mrs. William Shields, 31 Oak Teachers on Vacation high achool plant be built on the Dlmoek Jr., telephone Mitchell Payable la Advance least an end to tests o f the bomb. before we noticed the "Jr." after year of 1960. One assumes, noul secretary-general of Hlstand- a PIZZAS a ORINDEIIS organizations and individuals, the 9-9828. e PIZZAS e GRINOEIW Carrier Mall however; that from their vantage God, refused to join in approval of the rut, the Israeli federation of S t- ' Among teachers who live In town owned Brandy St. property. 133.00 the familiar name', in question, a SPAQHipTtT aad SAUCE completed blanks to be returned e SPAGHETTI and SAUCE •i na Tear ...... All this is, we are afraid, some­ point In the House, and on certain For all the blessings I have known: committee report and hinted that labor, for five years Juts been de- Dlacharged Wedneeday: Jennie Hebron but teach In other towns "^The Lions corffially Invite the lx Mtmthe ...... 7.75 11.00 that perhaps we were starting out For pleasure rich, the onward to Dr. Harold Stone, committee MI 9-0284 brae Months ...... 3.M S.SO committees If they can make ha may resign, at least temporar­ maoidlng vindication. MI P-68^ Annear, 78 Union St; Nellie Ush­ or cities, who are home for the male population of town to hear Se^Through Fish Tiny thing of a far cry from Sir Charles covering state politics all over sweep chairman, at 50 Hale St., on or Xonth 1.30 l.RS them, they intend to see that that ily. At any rate he customarily before Jan. 27. er, Old Town Rd„ Vemon; Robert Christmas and New Years holi­ the talk which wl)l begin at 8 p.m. feekly .30 .4S Snow's version of science made again. Of dally trials that served to keep Jenks, Tolland; Elizabeth Roman, days are Mrs. Ruth Porter, Mrs. There were the names, James B. other political greenhorn, State takes a midwinter vacation. DOCTOR IIN B O 95,900 HtUJARDVIUJE The award will be made "to There will also be an open dis­ Agana. Guam—The tiny "sand HIUIARDYIUE strong by the facta and daring to My mind and heart tuned to Thine 43 Village St. Charles Fillmore, Mrs. Frederick cussion on the report. diver” fishes of the Marshall and MEMBER OF ___ Lowell, from the town of Canton, Police Commissioner LC'o Mulcahy, own. The Informants said it wias un­ Hartford, Dec. 29 (tf) — Dr. Ed­ Bomcone, man or woman, living THE ASSOCIATED PRESS , speak out with what It knows for gets kindly and iinderstandlngf and/or working In the greater Brehant, William Johnson, Dr. The regular dinner session of the Marianas islands are completely The Associated Press is exclusively 8uid William J. Hadden, from derstood Ben-Gurion made the ward Dorian, 53. New Britain, has LUMOHEONETtE LUNGHEONEHE the salvation of mankind. This haa threat in an effort to force lead­ Rockville ' area, which ' includes Vemon and Talcottvllle news is Charles M. Larcomb, Mr. and Mrs. club will be held st 7 p.m. Men are transparent. They are only an entitled to the use of repuhllcatlon of Hamden, as new Republican mem­ treatment whenever he appears on The new year dawns. I thank Thee, been fined. $5,000 foV Income. taY handled by The. Herald’s Rockville Cor. Adams At Hilliard S t all news dispatches credited to It or been a perversion of science, which ers of his own Social Democratic Ciw. Adams At HillteM St. ■\Mimon, Ellington and Tolland, William Hammond, Mrs. Archie also welcome to participate in this inch or two long and live in the bers of the House of Represents' Capitol HIH. God, evasion. He was Indicted by Buerilu, 6 W. Main St>, telephone Green, Mrs. Charles M. Larcomb, not otherwise credited in this paper party, the Mapai, .to Insist on a who haa been an outstanding efti- part of the meeting. Reservations coral sand at ^he sea bottom. and also the local news puplished here. has been looking only for those tlves, as if the two gentlemen of For an the challengesLllengei It brings: grand jury for understanding his TRemont 6-8186. Horace W. Sellers and possibly All rights of republication of special full-scale legal Investigation into Z.qn for the betterment of the fsets which might fit into a certain that name were beginning political For unknown roads, the surging income by $15,379 In toe years others whose names have been dispatches herein are also reserve^ careers all over again, starting thriUs the whole affair. This would neees- 1954 and 1965. U.S. District Court community. If he is In public, life, political purpose. It should obvi­ Cost of Mailing what he has done should be above overlooked. PVll service client of N. E. A. Serv­ from the bottom of the ladder. That wait beyond the beckoning sltato cross-examination of Lavon Judge Robert P. Anderson yester­ Church Meeting Upcoming ice. Inc. _ ously be part of the Incoming ad­ hills under oath. day ordered Dorian to pay the and beyond the normal duties ex M ay Hit!S Idea PnMIshers Representatives; The But the new members of the U k s H Spstlal pected of him," according to the On Saturday, Jan. 14, the annual ministration’s reappraisal of the Hikes Herald Rate To test ,.my faith that blithely Earlier reports said Foreign fine within 30 days. Dorian,' who' Julins Mathews Special Agency — New House are, of course, the. sons of RoBtary Club’s statement St. Peter's parish meeting for elec­ York. Chicago. Detroit and Boston. nuclear test ban Issue to realize those political figures of another rings. Minister Golds Melr, displeased was bom on Cyprus, ha, been MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF Previous wlnnera are not eligi­ He^s Candidate tion of wardens, vestrymen and the direction in which the Influ­ age,'the redoubtable Bill Kaddep An Increase in mailing costs with Ben-Gurion’s position, also practicing medicine here for 20 o^er church officers to serve for CIRCUUtTIONS. The new year waits. O help me, ble. ence of men like Admiral Strauas who was lieutenant governor, the has forced The Herald Printing had threatened to rerigifl but waa years. The first award was presented ensuing year will be held at 8 The Herald Printing Company, Inc., resilient Jim. Lowell who rose to God, (Conttaued from Page Ona) assumes no financial responsibility for and Dr. Teller has channeled our Co. to raise its mail subscription To make each swiftly passing hour in' 1957 to Ralph H. Gibson, large­ p.m. typographlcal errors appearing In ad- be state finance commisaioner. ly for his work in reorganizing Storm Remain vertisements and other oth reading matter scientific research on the test ban rates. A time to pray and serve and moat contorehenslve and best pre­ In The Manchester Evening Herald. We haw often wondered what The Post Office department has bless. the Chamber. Seymour E. Lavitt, Most of the snow left by the big issue, and to take a tentative look who conducted a study of student pared In th* history of Connecti­ storm of a few weeks ago has dis­ advice and counsel and technique Increased the cost o f second class And thus find Ufa’s true happiness cut. Display advertising closing hours: at what an equal zeal oA the side of such battle-wise veterans in the Through love’s fdr-reaching power. aptitudes In the Vemon -school appeared from local streets, but For Monday—1 p.m. Friday. matter three times in three years, Guaranteed Prepared by the OOP Legislative For Tuesday—1 p.m. Monday. proving a test ban possible and game of politics would pass on to STOREWlOE $-A-L-r system, won the award In 1958. there are still unsightly deposits and as much as three cents a ^ To Olw Yon Action- Committee, the program For Wednesday—1 p.m. Tuesday. worth the gamble might be able to a neophyta If they really put their pound. This is Tile HMWld's first Submitted by Rev. K. Bjnar Raak, Atty. Harry H. Lugg, who chaired deals with 47 different subjects left by the roadsides where snow For Thursday—1 p.m. Wednesday. minds and experience to It. Per­ Covenant Church A Very the committee for Rockville’s plows have gone through, and big For Fridav—1 p.m. Thursday. produce in the way of evidence and raise in rates during the same • KOROOM SUITES • MATTRESSES Enjoyable divided Into six major groups: For Saturday—1 p.m. Friday. haps we shall have an opportunity period. sesqulcentennial celebration in Highways and transportation, dumps remain here and there. Icy Classified deadline; 10:30 am , each argument. Sir Charles Snow’s vi­ • HOUYWOOD REDS • BOX SPRINGS .Smoke to observe, In the new session, the New costs affect only mall sub- A shark caught In California 1958, won the award the follow­ highway safety, education, financ­ places on the dead end road from day of publication except Saturday— ing. year. Last year's winner was t sion of the dispassionate, free aci- translation of such advice and wia- Bcriptlona. Carrier delivery rates waters measured SO feet in length • ODD C H B TS 'n BEOS • PICTURES • MIRRORS finds OF A NAHOMALLY es and taxation, health and wel­ the Douglas Library to the post ADVERTISED CIGAR former Mayor Herman G. Olson, office make walking difficult, er.Ust, concerned with his own dom Into conduct. remain the same. The rates can be and weighed 8,600 pounds — the •LAMPS • BOUDOIR B O U D O I R (Hid RiCLINER CHAIRS fare, job opportunities and eco­ Thursday,, liece;imber 29 found on the editorial page. weight of 40 hefty men. WHICH sraxs FORI lOe who was responsible for various nomic development. though kept well sanded. Mrs. Frank Moh-asco pins the Eagle Scout badge on her son, moral responsibilities, Is welcome. Thera has, in our era, been only civic improvements, among them Grocer III But that brand of scientist does one other eon of a dlatlngulahed Rok. 14.75. $M He said the party would develop' Michael. (Herald photo by Saternis.) W E M U S T U 9 UIDATE ALL MERCHANDISE! the construction of the shopping legislation to meet the specialized Frank Cello, proprietor of the ------A------^------Scientist On Scientists not always have access to the political father to appear on the Box 60. I T r plaza. Hebron grocery store, Is reported leglalatiw scene. He was John Q. T For fi5o needs of the cities as evidence of Charter Oak Council. Troop Com­ White House. Godteet Winners Named ill at hla home. Mrs. Cello Is carry' sir CSiarlea P. Snow, a Brltlah Tllson, Jr, son of the distinguished Its Interest in urban communities mitteeman Lyman Smith was REDUOnONS UP TO M %! Perfectos and. Panateltea Mr. and Mrs. Peter BroUwer of and their future. ing on the business In the mean­ veteran of the Connecticut Gen Brent Dr., Vernon, were judged the Morasco Gets toastmaster. MoVe than 100 troop Bciaitlst wlw also poaaeaaaa un- *Falr Traded Merchandise Not laduded In other plans for the future, time, wtlh help from David Tay uaual ^o^lunee, held forth on eral Aasembly and the House at U R R E n DRUR winners last night of the Christ­ the Republican chairman said the lor, who la employed at the store. officers, senior scouts, fathers and One Last Congo Hope? Washington, and parental counsel mas decoration contest Sponsoreif troop alumni attended, and •rrha Moral Unnautrallty of Sci­ party expects to publish a state­ PersoniUa Eagle Award and advice shone around him so NOTICE PARKADI iby the Box Mountain Homeown­ wide newspaper or magazine, Mrs. Alex Butryman of Hebron, chicken dinner waa served by United Nations Secretary Gan HOWERirS SLEEP OERTER ence’* •■before a diatingulahed New cleariy that he yvss really an out­ ers’ Association. TTiey received a Marlborough Rd„ spent Christmas Mrs. Williani Minnick and her eral Dag Hammarakjold is going broaden the party base by Increas­ Toilc audience the other day, and standing leglalator the moment he prize of $15. ing volunteer activity and oppor­ with her son, Raymond Butryman, F. Michael M orwco of 29 Jordt committee. prodalmed that "sclentUta have a to the Congo. He la operating un­ appear^ in the House. But ales, • — Second place went to Mr. and tunity rnd sponsor special training in IVilUmantio, Tl>e Butryman St. last night Was presented the the second half of the parental ad­ Mrs. Hugh Collina of Cross Dr., family came to Hebron about a Long Week End Ahead! moral imperative to say what they der hazy, old Inatructions. Tha courses for party workers. Eagle Scout badge, the highest vice ha received must have been who received $10. - year ago, built a house, and have know," They might, he aald, be General Assembly, In Its sssslon, t Building in 1960 to get out. of the game aa soon MILL FABRIC The judges listed for honorable made their home here since then. rank in boy scouting. Open Wed., Thursday timid. "But, to an extent, knowl­ found the Congo issue too hot for Tllson, with all kinds of leglsteUve mention Mr. and Mrs- Roland Town Seeks Bids Mrs. William Trpfern of West The award was made at the an­ Jones, Brent Dr., Mr. and Mrs. Below ’59 Level edge gtvea us guta." its own power bloc interests to and state ticket advancement at Hertford was a guest Wednesday nual alumni reunion and aupper of handle. Not only are his Instruc­ Ivan Beckwith, Lynn Dr., Mr, and at the home of Mrs. Helen Cole­ and Friday Night What he hlmaelf had the guts do well at it, for the yoimger On Six Cruisers Troop 25, Center Congregational Incomplete recorda Indicate that tions and hla authorisations hszy, aa he had demonstrated he could OIMCE-A-YEAR Mrs. Thomas Scanlon, Diane Dr., man, on the Marlborough road. to aay, to his New York audience, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Latulippe, Announcement la made of the Church. overall building in Manchester dur­ but there haa been a savage eSbIng his feet, turned abruptly away SALESROOM 'Til 9 p :M. was that the choice we are facing, Diane Dr., and Mr. and' Mrs. Rich­ An InVitaUon to bid to provide election of Harvey Lipplncott as ' 1-... from elective office, and haa alnce (FORMERLY OH E^Y SALESROOM) Morasco joined the troop In ing 1960 has fallen below 1959, ac­ In guch negotiations aa those for a away of the power and praatige ard Hopkins, Michael Dr. six passenger cars for the Man­ president of the Connecticut Areo- 1953. He has served as a patrol cording to a report from Building Cloftd Soturdoy Promptly ot 6 P.M. re|H>peared In the legislative halls chester Police Departmelt went the United Nations mission In the Judging the contest were the nautical Historical Aasn. leader, junior asaistant scout­ Inspector Thomas C. Monahan. nuclear teet ban at Geneva, la a only In the Capacity of lobbyist. Rev. Philip. Ward of 'the Vemon out today from the olBce of Gem It will be 4-H Dairy Day Dec. Congo originally seemed to pos­ master, and assistant scout mas­ Through November an aggregate diolce between a "finite liik,” on In addition to the beginning Center Congregational ' Church, eral Manager Richard Martin. 30 at the University of Connecti­ Now Moved To Larger Quarters ter. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. of $5,700,000 haa been noted on the one hand, and a "certainty of sess. The day when the United Na­ careers of two sons of political Vernon Chief Constable Edmund F. Date of the bid opening is Fri­ cut, with a new state program to Frank Morasco, and is now at­ building permits for the first 11 tions might impose law and order fathers, there is another pair of Dwyer, and Fire District Commis- day. Jan. 13, at 11 a.mi be presented. All dairy club 4-H diaagter" on the other. If no agree­ tending Norwich University In months of 1960. Overall building on the Congo aeems to have pass­ Gedgllng careers coming Into the rioner John J. Harvey. Five of the police department’s members are urged to attend. SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY FANCY BONELESS ment la negotiated, the certainty Vermont. permits in 1959 totaled $6,313,871, ed. It has all It can do protecting new Connecticut House. One, from Minstrel Slated nine cruisers will be traded in as it was reported. o f tflaaater Ilea in the "atatlatical the town of Ellington. Is Hated as "Vemon Variety Minstrels" Is part of the bid price. This will Manchester Evening .Herald Other awards were made by In- or STRAICHT O C C F R O N T European lives, and trying to be­ Cor. Pine Forest Sts. atitutional'Repreaentative George To date, permits have been Is­ fact” that, iooner or later, Ross V. Urquhart, and the other, the name chosen for the minstrel mean the department will have one Hebron correspondent. Miss Susan Hansen, as follows: George Stiles, sued for 135 single homes com- C U T LB 6 9 < "through accident, or folly, or gin to cope with the problem of to be produced by the Ways and additional cruiser. B. Pendleton, telephone AOademy ftered to 155 single faqiily dwell­ D l l S K C T CORNID CUT LB 8-8454. 25 years; John Nelson, Everett madneae" aome of the atomic keeping natives from starvation. If 2i n I PLOOR^ENTilANCE ON PINE ST. Means Committee of First Congre­ The apecificationi call for 2-door ings over the same 11 month period passenger cars, solid colors, six Cole, William Geas, Charles Doug- weapons everybody may be mak­ It tries to do more, it runs Into gational Church of Vemon on Sat­ in 1959. Other comparisons include DRASTIC REDUCTIONS urday night, Feb. 18, at the Rock­ cylinder with no less than 130 an, Keith Bockus, Richard Bax­ nine two-family dwelling permits ing will go off. challenge from this or that native — OORREOnON — (NEAR KING'S) More Germans Marry ter, John Scheibenpflug, Timothy faction, or Into the opposition of ville High School auditorium. horsepower aiid heavy duty clutch in 1958 to eight for this year. FROZEN LB The riak involved In an agree­ P R I C E S William Fijster will direct the and. other equipment, Bonn—Some 483,000 marriages Roheui, Ronald Wnibel, Theodore It Is expected’that an additional Medium Shrimp 69 ment la that "the United States la some member or group of mem­ FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK show, assisted by WUUang Weitz. Two of the <^a to be traded in were performed In West Germany Gannutz, Richard Yulea, Morasco 12 permita for residential building and Donald McLagan, 10-years. not going to get the 99.9 per cent bers back In the United Nations. S L A S H E D O N Wilfred Kent will a ct as musical e 1959 ears, and three are 1960. In 1059. about 10,000 m ore than in will have been isaued for the cur­ The money will come from the The principal speaker was Alan rent month which ends Saturday, ‘security' that It haa been aaking One assumes, however, that Sec­ director as well as chairman of 1958. The birth rate rose from 17 BONELESS, SKINLESS, READY-TO-EAT •JACKETS the talent committee. A mixed current police department budjgCt births per thousand to 17.6. H. Tucker, scout executive for the Monahan reported. SUPER-RIGHT COLO CUTS for. It la unobtainable." retary General Hammarakjold can CANNiD NAM us« iLeTis4J9 chorus of 40. voices wlD be the SIlVEttROOK Slkod Bologna • But agreement can at least be visualize one potential role for • SN O wsurrs main-slay of the prolujptlei*,-Ar­ ntSH CHAMERY made a gamble. The alternative U hlmaelf. Should he succeed in re­ Sore W Ifh Safety rangements have also ’been mdde Butter SUPER-RIGHT All MEAT BoilodHom a certainty. minding the various Congolese fac­ • OUTER COATS for orchestral accompanirneht, and FRANKFORTS « 65‘ AT MANCHESTER’S OLDEST FINANCIAL IN^TlTimON UDIES’LUXURIOUS■ a number of local acts will high­ 1 LB Honoy Ham Loaf "Between a riak and a certain­ tional leaders that they are Congo­ light the entertainment. PRINT "ALL GOOD" PANCY ty, a sane man does not hesitate." lese; should ha succeed In Inducing Soft Salami The talent committee Is seeking SLICED BACON i.5 9 ‘ Snow was thua talking aa a aci- them to think of their own whole additional members of the com- ☆ Bologna "5 5 ‘ country first, and their own dlvl- MARLO muinty who would like to partici­ entiat, and as a scientist who ac­ NOW READY-TO-SERVE . . . TASTY cepted the duty of speaking from aiona and rivalries second; should amptiM pate. Arrangements for auditlohs POPULAR M ANDS Livorwurst 59' may be made by contacting Mrs. REGULAR SIZE SNRIMP COCKTAIL hli apectalized knowledge to those be persuade them that . If they GOATS Walter VonHone, Kent, Foster or In the field of politics and policy. themselves do not unite for the Weitz. Cigarettes THE PICK-OF-THE-CROP AT DOWN TO EARTH PRICES! good of the Congo and all Its pao- And It was hla apeclflc verdict Committee chairmen who make PRICED POR CONN. ^ n j a m a ^ e e CALIF. NAVEL SEEDLESS JL that, on the Issue of nuclear tests, pie nothing awaits tha Congo and • Colorful n u b-toxiu m tw oodiI pp the production staff Include: John Harvey, tickets; Harvey and ORANGES EXTRA LARGE O FOR • IV we, the United States, must be Its people but the tragic destiny of BIGGER CTN 2.16 Norman Couch, advertising; James LARGE g ) A C ready to take, for peace and world being tha first acane and tha first • dlom orou i diG ity fobrlcst Morse, scenery; Mrs. David Steele, BCHS life, some small portion of the raw human matarial In a power : Mrs. 'Hugh Campbell, PASCAL CELERY 2 politics war for tha whole conti­ • L uxuries w orm ilbollno^ asms kind of risk and gamble we make-.up: Mrs. Charles Warren, YUKON BEVERAGES are always willing to take for war nent—should he achieve any prog­ • P orls-ioibk iop oop t

/' A' UANCUXSTER EVENING HERALD, ICANCHESTER, CONN# THURSDAYv DECEMBER 29, I960 PAGE flIVtII i A O B S I X MANCHESTER IN N IN G HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER |29, 1960 / __ __ Columbia Skating Report I was much sought after during the ter Springs Aimex,, Skating will be ways, but most definitely through uated from Porter School and 30 ing o ff E. Main St. and expects to CNA, was presented to Vander­ to Vanderbrook Nurseries Inc. vice president; Gregory Kelley, ..S3 years ho was chef at his broth­ Congo. Tolland — WlllUm Atwell New­ the U.S. census which counted 2,- from Windham Higl^ School. In be in full production there by mid- allowed until 10 p.m. brook at the associations 54th an­ with his son, who became an of­ CATTLE DISEASES manufacturing superintendent; er's restaurant, Oautreau's, on Rt. E. A. JOHNSON Eyskens $net the delegation for man, 64, of WlUington Rd., died September the Board of Eiduoatlon January. First announcement of However, Center Springs Pond nual meeting, held at Waverly .Inn There are 45 commonly known 147 person# here — an increase of and John Mitchell, sales manager,' -.44, at Chepatchet, R. I. This recipe ficer. They sold the business early more than an hour. The ^state- late last evening at his home after adopted a budget of $219,619, an the move was made last night by is closed until further notice to al­ in Cheshire yesterday. this year to an East Hartford infectious diseases that attack 820 over the 1950 figure, of 1,327. all of Manchester. Richard Sund- '.is tmusuai in that it consists of a PAINT 00. controlled Belgl&n Radio said a long illness. increase of $5,996 over the pre­ the Rock-ville area Chamber of low Park Department personnel a The meeting marked the second firm and both went into the in­ cattle in the U.S. These cause An announcement early In No­ gren of Ellington is in charge of '' brown gnravy instead of the cus- Eyskens told the strikers’ repre­ He was born March 17, 1896, in vious year. Porter School opened Commerce. chance to clear the snow. consecutive year that a Manches­ business with the New an annual loss of 607 million dol­ 723 Main S t, TaL Ml >.4301 research and developm«it. -tomary white sauce used in new- sentatives he will not oppose par­ Tolland, son of the late Charles vember by Bishop 'Vincent J. Hines with 360 enrolled. The board of The firm manufactures alumi­ Coasting facilities are excellent ter man has received the award York firm. lars. , ;b u rf Or thermidor recipes. liamentary discussions of pro­ and Mary Wheelock Newman, and o f the Norwich Diocese, that St. education was notified that high num boats and marine supplies. In October 1959 the company at Center Park. Supervised hours whicdi signifies outstanding serv­ Vanderbrook is a past president - Lobster Henri posed amendments t'o his pro­ had lived in Tolland all his life. Columba’s (a mission church since school tuition to Windham for the The company, established about had stock valued at $59,000 di­ are daily until dark. ices to the state association and of the state association and the gram. 1944) had been established as a «3 tablespoons finely chopped par­ He was employed by the State 1960-61 school year was to be a year and a half ago, ,js the vided into shares of par value of sley Skaters desiring information on the nursery Industry. Last year New England Association, and has He added he was ready to dis­ Highway Department for over 25 new Catholic parish was further newest and second largest alumi­ $10. This was just noted in a cer­ skating conditions at Center $520; Walter A. Card resigned 3 lbs. lobster meat Erwin W. Whitham of 31 Crosby also served as secretary for the cuss ibis sweeping omnibus bill years until retiring several years evidence. A t the same time, Bishop num boat manufacturer In New tificate of amendment of the Cer­ Springs may phone Center Springs from Jthe board, and Wilbur Guest Preacher 1 large onion, finely chopped Rd. was the recipient. New England organization. Clearance with everybody. ago. Engaged^. Hines appointed the Rev. John K. England. It has grown from a tificate of Incorporation filed to­ Lodge MI 3-4700. The delegation then rejoined Honan, who had served the church Fletcher was named as his suc­ The Rev. Ik'. Roland T. Hea- 4 os. butter Vanderbrook will' be a guest on He is a past president of the Survi'Ving are his wife, Mrs. The engagement o f Miss. Carole cessor. » two-man to a 20-man operation. day in the' to-wn clerk’s office. Frank Atwood’s "Garden Show” Plant Propagators Society a na­ the demonstration and made a re­ Ani)a Lariien Newman; twO'daugh- about 10 yedrs’ earlier, as per­ The lease of mill building space salt and pepper PATIENTS COSTS UP SAMPLE WEDDING DRESSES Ann Laise to Dale Allen CHurchiU In October Donald R. Tuttle was cock, pastor of the Congregational The boat models manufactured 3 os. sherry wine program Friday bn WTIC radio tional group of which he is now port. Most of the demonstrators ters, Mrs. Richard IVIlson of 'West manent priest, He’ Iives in the rec­ on*the second floor of the Amer­ New Haven, Dec. 29 IJPI—Ex­ began dispersing, but younger is announced by her parents, Mr. re-elected chairman for the 13th Church of Staffordville, -will be range from a 12-foot car-top boat H lb. mushrooms, choj^ped, or at 12:15 p.m. The WTIC Farm secretary. Willington, and Mrs. Robert tory which the church purchased ican Mill building was arranged to on 18-foot family cruiser. ’The penditures for patient care by strikers kept up the march. year and Mrs. George E. Peters, guest preacher at the 10 o ’clock 3 cans mushroom buttons Program Director will interview Klotzer of Vernon; a sister, Mrs. and Mrs. Harry E. Laise, 43 Tan­ in July — a former Columbia Con- through real estate agent Louis company also manufactures wa­ Connecticut's 34 general hospital’s A t one point along the line, riot grega^onal Church parsonage secretary for her fifth. worship service Sunday morning Lavltt of Rockville. 16 os. brown gravy or 4 cans of rose 4.5 per cent in the fiscal year Vanderbrook on today’s method's CASE CONTINUED William Sullivan of Rockville; a ner St. ter floats, docks and finger piers, Hartford, Dec. 29 (JP) — Harold ® police jeered at the marchers. most recently owned by Mr. and Enumeration figures completed at Second Congregational Church. Part of the building is used for mushroom sauce ended Sept. 30, Richard O. West, of merchandising for nurserymen. 5399 One striker threw a stone at brother, V/allace Newman of Man­ Her fiance is the son of Mrs. after Oct. 1, showed a total of and is unique in being the only Saute mushrooms in a skillet "Methods of merchandising and F. Larkie, 39, of 322 Main St., New VALUES TO $139.95 chester, and two grandsons. Mrs. WUllam Murphy. Dr. Heacock haa received na­ storage by the Anacoll Oorp., company in the country which I>resident of the Connecticut Hos­ the police, but it hit a spectator Maynard I-arson, 59 W. Middle 801 children through age 17 in which occupies an adjoining build­ until tender. Remove to a separate seeking plants has chahged con­ London, was arraigned in U.S. Funeral services will be held Tpke., and John A. Churchill, One of the first moves of the tional recognition in the field of manufsictures aluminum -water pital Assn., said yesterday. He and knocked him out. Another town as of Oct. 1. ing. t dish. Saute lobster and onions with siderably to a one-stop shopping District Court yesterday on Saturday a t 2 p.m. at the Ladd Calais, Maine. year came Jan. 3, when the Town race relations and as the first ski-jumps. said a record amount, $92,342,941, demonstrator hurled a steel bolt Polltlca Prominent Barnes said today that "The butter, salt and pepper. Add six had been spent during the year, industry as is the practice in a charges of stealing scrap metal Funeral Home, 19 Ellington Ave., Miss Laise is a 1960 graduate Clerk’s .i..offlce was transferred Negro pastor of an all-white -con­ Widely Distributed st the gendarmes; it also hit an Politics were, prominent this company will increase its present ounces of sherry wine and blend about $4 million more than the good many industries," Vander­ from the Submarine base in Gro­ Rockville. The Rev. FYank Van of Manchester High School, and from .the home of Hubert P. Col­ gregation in the United ^tates. AH boats produced by the com- together with the lobster. Add brook said today. ton. Judge Robert P. Anderson ap­ onlooker. Cleef, pastor of the United Church lins to Yeomans Hall. Republican year here as elsewhere. staff to 30 employes within the previous year. Wbst, also admin­ TERrS is employed by Forde and Jewell A native of New Milford, Conn., next month and it is expected that panany are rated by the Outboard A voter-making record was set mushrooms and brown gravy. Cook istrator of Norwalk Hospital, Now in the investment field as pointed I. Albert Leherer as Lar- Later in the march, rocks broke of Tolland, w ill, officiate. Burial Insurance Agency of Manchester. Collins, retiring after 50 years of he was graduated from Howard Boaat Club of America. The prod­ when 114 new voters were made the company will reach an em­ on low heat until blended. Remove spoke at -the annual December a representative with Renyx, Field kie’s attorney and continued the BRIDAL SHOP windows of a b ^ k and of the will be in North Cemetery, Tol­ Mr. Churchill is a graduate of service as town clerk, was re­ University, Washington, D.C., in ucts are distributed throughout placed by PhUip H. Isham, a Demo­ in one session on Oct. 16, making ployment of 50 within a year.” and pour into a large casserole meeting o f the association and the A Co., Inc., of New York, Vander- case under $5,000 bond for plea.' 191 CENTER ST. newspaper "Her Volt,” organ of land. Calais Memorial High School, in 1921, received a bachelor of divin­ New England, New York, the Mid­ crat. For the first time in the his­ an ail time total recoyrd of 209 for He said it is a “ pleasure to be dish. Sprinkle top with grated Connecticut Blue Cross, ^brook has kept active in the nur- No date was sinnounced. Eyskens’ Social Christian Cath­ Friends may call at the funeral Maine, and served for four years ity degree from Yale in 1924, and dle Atlantic States and even in tory of the town, the Clerk’s of­ the year. locating in Rockville and I am cheese and finely chopped parsley. olic) party. home tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. in the U.S. Navy. He is employed a master’s of sacred theology from Floridq. fice is in a public building, and LaVergne H. Williams, veteran pleased that Rockville h u offered Bake at 350 degrees for 20 min- "Give the factories to the work­ by the Pratt and Whitney divi­ Boston University in 1925. He was us this opportunity . . . we are During the spring of this year, Lorraine Dawn Townsend regular office hours are main­ Republican legislator, defeated utea Serve over toast points. ers," chanted one group of dem­ sion o f United Aircraft Corp., awarded a doctor of divinity de­ looking forward to continued Sungren piloted one of the com­ Mr. Oautreaii was born in Pas- onstrators. “To the gallows vrith Lorraine Dawn Townsend, 9- tained. George E. Peters, Democratic can­ gree by International College in East Hartford. John J. Dllworth, named acting didate for the legislature, in the growth.” pany's Dolphin Sportabouts on a coag, R. I., and has lived In Man­ Eyskens!" shouted others. Others month-old daughter of Mr. and 1951, seaworthiness test run from East , No date has been set for the postmaster, took over the duties In a telephone conversation to­ chester for about eight years. sang the Communist Internation­ Mrs. Marvin J. Townsend, 709 November national election when The pastor served as a private In day between Barnes and Richard Hartford up the Atlantic Coast to SHOP NOW FOR THIS LONG wedding. of the office Jan. 31, succeeding After 23 years as chef at his Herald Photo by Ofiara OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY — 10 A M. to 10 P.M. ale. Main St., died last night. Death the town went Republican. Of 1,184 the Infantry in World War I and S. Tibtoltta, director of the Man­ Nova Scotia and then back to was caused by an overwhelming Mrs. Leola Beck, who retired persons eligible to vote, 1,099 brother's restaurant, he operated HENRY GAUTREAU With the 800,000-member Cath­ was a chaplain during World War chester To-wn Development Com­ Connecticut through inland water­ a restaurant and hotel in Pascoag WOKENIK-STORE infection and spinal meningitis, ac­ after 20 years. In May, Dllworth turned out at the polls. II. mission, a call made by Tibbitts in ways. The craft passed the test olic trade unions steadfastly be­ cording to Dr. Robert R. Keeney was nominated as postmaster by for two years. Hutchinson. She Is active in Demo­ Former Cheney Mills hind Eyskens and his Catholic- Lutz Engages In a finale to politics for the an effort to kwp the firm here, "with no problems,” according to Mr. Oautreau since 1952 has cratic Party circles, r being presi­ W 1U CLOSE S FM, N€W YEAR'S EVE Jr.; medical examiner. President Eisenhower. Failure of year, Republican women afe now Barnes related that the new lease Sundgren. been employed a.s an experimen­ Two Retaining ^ Hartford Road and Pine St. Conservative coalition govern­ The infant was bom at Manches­ the U.S. Senate to confirm the Ccuncll given testimonial; Nov. 26, dent of the Federation of Demo­ ment, there was no indication that organizing a Women’s Republi'can involves a rent of 50 cents per James C. Salta, executive secre­ tal macUnlat at the North Haven ter Memorial Hospital April 11, nomination prompted the Repub­ Club. Columbia Volunteer Firemen re­ cratic Women and a member of Manchester, Conn. the Socialist-led walkout was New Director veal plans to purchase a new tank square foot floor space with heat tary of the Rockville Chamber of plant of Pratt and Whitney Air­ the Democratic Town Committee., "A HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR” 1960. lican T o ^ i Committee to seek the Other items of Interest Include: Jobs in Court spreading. Generally the indus­ Surviving, besides her parents, truck; Nov. 26, Trial Justice and insurance Included. Commerce, said the chamber ex­ craft. He abandoned professional Her duties with the old court sys­ support of U.S. Senator Thomas J. Jan. 7, gate at the dam opened The price is five cents less per tends a cordial welcome to the cookery because of so many years AMPLE FREE PARKING! trial, French-speeddng south— are her maternal grandparents, Appointment of Mrs. Anthony Dodd for Dilworth’s appointment. Eliz^pth Dennis Hutchins an- tem included that of clerk of the TO YOU ALL FROM ALL OF US when the Socialists are strong— due to the heavy rains which square foot than any feasible lo­ new firm coming into Rockville of long hours of work, but he still Two of the three clerks of the Traffic Violations Bureau (park­ Sgt. l.C. and Mrs. Max H. WU- (Madeline) McAwley of Winsted Mrs. Alfred Soracchi, a Democrat noumea final session of Trial Jus­ Parcel Pickup to Your Car! was nearly paralyzed. Most work­ liams, 69 Nike Circle; and her pa­ threatened flooding. tice .Court will be held Dec. 31. cation offered by Manchester, and “ is fortunate In having the does most of the cooking at home. outgoing Manchester Town Court ing tickets). • STORE CLOSED MONDAY • as full-tlflie-'dlrector of Lutz Junior with long service as postal clerk, March 15, Raymond Lyman marks Barnes said. growing boat firm locate here." His wife is a cashier at the A A P ers were on the job in the Cath­ ternal grandparents, Marvin J also seeks the post. No definite ac­ Dec. 4, Columbia becomes a have been appointed as assistant Others appointed as assistant Museum a t'44,800 a year was ap­ 37th year on rural mall route; store cm Broad St. He works the olic, Flemish-speaking north. Townsend Sr., Richmond, Va., and tion has been taken. separate telephone excliange for clerks of the new court were Mrs. There were a few breaks in the Mrs. Emma Townsend of Manches­ proved last night at a meeting of Mrs. Knute Barstrom and Mrs. afternoon shift, so prepares lunch clerks of the new Circuit Court Mae Seyet, of Ellington, Mrs. Lila January saw an upset on the the first time; Dec. 11, Mrs. June System. GRADE "A " FRESH KILLED POULTRY strike. ter. the museum’s board Of trustees. Donald Anderson named Squier, at age 80, opens the skat­ every day for his wife and him­ Crane of Coventry and Miss Pa­ Zoning and Planning Commission, takers. Mrs. Elvera K. Brazitis of 74 U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED In Brussels, a few more street­ Private funeral services 'will be Mrs. Donald Conrad, chairman of ing season. Mother, 11 Children Die self. tricia Ann Wade of E.'’ st Hartford. cars were running than the one held torao»’row at the Watkins- when three members: Chairman April 1—First, peepers of the The Gautreaus have two daugh­ Wedgewood Dr., and Mrs. Alice "WILLMARET' BRAND the board of trustees, announced Edward Carlson, Secretary Harry Hutchinson of Hclnlnc Rd.. third that operated yesterday. West Funeral Home, 142 E. Center season were heard—a late spring ters. Mrs. Kenneth Anderson of ll3 RETROACTIVE APPROVAL PLUMP, TENDER, YOUNG HEN that the new curator will assume Chalmers and 20-year member Manchester Evening Herald were among six women appointed 3-LEGGED CHICKENS Some garbage was being collected. St. The Rev. K. Ejnar Rask, pastor her post here Jan. 10. Mrs. Mc­ with water level very high; April Columbia correspondent Mrs. Don­ Coventry and Mrs. Norman Le- to positions as assistant clerks in Hartford, Dec. 29 (JF)—The Con­ One coal mine and a metal of the Covenant Congregational Harvey S. Collins, aJl resigned. In 21, Henry B. Hutchins, retiring af­ In Canada Village Fire gere, 135 Spruce St.; and six Awley will succeed Miss Barbara February Walter E. Schr^er Jr., ald R. Tuttle, telephone ACademy the 12th Circuit which will have necticut Public Utilities Commis­ works in the Charleroi area re­ Church, will officiate. Burial will Neill who resigned Oct. 10 after ter 34 years as second selectman, 8-S4SS. grandchildren. its central office in Manchester. sion has rebuked the New Haven opened. A train left Charleroi for be in East Ciemetery. Edward R. Peterson and Theodore given testimonial dinner; Hutchins two and a half years as director A. Loughrey were named by the Another Manchester woman, Railroad for building a conveyor Namur, the first in several days. of the community museum. Miss brothers, Henry B. and Lester J. (Continued from Page One) on the aircraft carrier Constella­ BIAN FOUND DEAI> Mrs. Florence McCormick' of 97 bridge in West Haven without Ra (3 HALVES) Police dispersed pickets massed John S. Obrensky remaining members to fill the va­ resign from posts on Columbia Turkeys « 3 9 Neill joined the staff of the Nat­ cancies. Schroder 'was elected tion at the Brooklyn, N.Y., Na-vy Wallingford, D e c./29 ■lA’)—Wll Harlan .St., was also appointed. approval. It said yesterday tha TO BROIL along the line at Tamines. Burying Ground Association after Collector Gaining as a fireman in this area and it is John Stanley Obrensky, former, ural Science Center for CHiildren at chairman in a reorganization Yard, is 1960’s largest single loss liam Vaienskl, 58, w*as found dead Before working in Manchester railroad was guilty of “gross f t Officials said 40 per cent of the the Museum of Natural History in long years of service; April 18,'4'^ the worst thing 1 have ever seen." both in lives and property. of aephyxication yesterday in his 8 to 12 LB. AIOERAGE or FRY ly of Manchester, died yesterday meeting and Loughrey, secretary. Town Court, where she was clerk negligence" in not asking for per­ streetcars and buses were running at the Veterans Hospital in Rocky New York City. year-old John Sweet aaved from On Water Bills The children slept in four beds. apartment at llO Washington St. mission to go ahead with the at Ghent, where only 22 per cent Alfred E. Brand and Morris Kap­ drowning in Ckilumbia Lake by 15- To date, 49 deaths have been of the Small Claims Court, Mrs. Hill where he had been a patient Two temporary part-time em­ In one of the beds were six bodies. reported and preliminary esti­ His wife, Anna. 56. was admitted Brazitis was employed by Robin­ $87,000 project. However, the PUC 39'l were on the job yesterday. lan were named to the board in year-oW Jeffrey Lewis. for more than 12 years. ployes have served at the museum September to succeed Irving W. TVo thirds of the 500 delinquent mates have indicated a total loss to Meriden Hospital in critical con­ son Clay Prodiiclji and Pratt and gave Its retroactive approval. The > H. L HANDY'S J U M h u it C»TI Andre Renard, assistant general June 3, New ball field for little 11,350 FIRE DEATHS dition. A medical examiner said He was bom in Poland and came during the interim since October, Lohr, veteran member who died In of $75 million in that conflagra­ Whitney Aircraft in East Hartford. bridge was hullt to serve the Arm­ secretary of the Socialist Federa­ league opened provided by Colum­ Town Water Department accounts Boston, Dec. 29 (IP)—Fire deaths a gas stove apparently used up to this country and to Manchester assisted by volunteers. The mu­ May, and T. A. Loughrey who tion. Mrs. Hutchinson is the wife of strong Rubber Co. plant In West tion, last night denied Catholic bia 'Volunteer Fire Department have been brought up to date, said in the United States during 1960 all the oxygen In the apartment. Democratic Town Director John in 1913. He was a retired employe seum is closed during the school moved to Florida in August. In Haven, which paid for the work. charges that the strikers were try­ of Cheney Bros. Mr. Obrensky was vacation, and will reopen next Columbia Lions and Columbia Rec Paul Cervlni, collector of revenue, are expected to reach an approxi­ ing to overthrow the government Ajprii the town 'voted to make Port Washington, N. Y., Dec. 29 a World War I veteran of the Tuesday. reation C o u n c 11—dugout added today. mate 11,350, the National Fire He said the srlkers’ only aim was the commiasion slactive rather later; June 4, Bishop Vincent J. (ip) — Carel 'Vander Eynden, 57, PORK Army Medical Carpi. a, Mrs. McAwley, who was inter­ than appointive—eatffi member to It took his department 13 weeks Ph-otection Association (NFPA) was burned to death late yesterday to force Eyskens to drop his plans Hines, of Norwich Diocese, con­ Survivors include a brother, viewed here early this month, was be elected for a 5-year term as to go through ail the accounts once, estimated today. when fire destroyed his 2-atory for higher taxes and cuts in social selected from 50 applicants, Mrs. firms 69 children at St. Columba’s; benefits to offset Belgium’s loss of Franjc Obremski of Manchester; present terms expire. he said. That first cycle is almost TTie non-profit, safety education home here. three sisters, Mrs. John Hajduk of Conrad reported. The committee June 20, town adopts boat safety finished today, and the depart­ organization forecast ai^ther 70,- revenue from The Congo. Changes came during the year, regulations proposed by Columbia Firemen.said the blaze apparent­ Rockville. Mrs Stanley Krajewxki in charge ot-selecting a museum too, to. tile. Zpning.;Board o f Ap­ ment will start the second cycle 000 persons will have been seri­ {(^nard added that th^,gpxern>, director was' composed of Mrs. Recreation Council study group; ly was started by a cigarette set­ ^ ROAST ment’s resignation might'be ’"the of MancblMer and Mrs.'AAtSMa peals. In January three alternate of billing immediately. ously Injured by fire in the same ting fire to a cot. Vander Eynden's Con'rad, Dr. Frank Horton, Arthur June 22, Class of 1960 at Porter 7 lb. best way out" of the crisis, "but Jurezak Of’ Poland; and several members 'were added according to About 15 customers had their 12 months. wife, Bertha, was in Manhasset at Illing, Miss Hazel Lutz, Mrs. Wal­ School sets up scholarship, first re­ SALE! 35 from this government or another, nieces and nephews. state law. Appointed by the se­ water shut off during a crack down the time, tending their retail store, Destruction of property by fire The funeral 'will be held Satur­ ter Dougherty, Mrs. William ceived by Warren Fletcher as the we cannot accept this bill." lectmen were Leonard German, on delinquent bill payers, he said. will reach » record total bf about Johnny’s Kiddle Shop. G ro c e ry Specials day a^ 8:30 a.m. af the Walter N. Moore, and Mrs. Louis Heard. one who contributed most to his ARMOURSTAR Eyskens last night rejected a Peter Naumec and Joseph Jaswln- As a result, he expects the sec­ $1,541 billion. Lecler'c Funeral Home, 23 Main St., The new curator received her demand from Socialist deputies to ski. In November Kenneth L. Fox ond cycle of billing to be even more BUMBLE BEE followed by a solemn high Maas B.A. degree as an English major July 16, Wilbur Fletcher, Boy The Organization’s preliminary recall parliament immediately to was named chairman of the board successful than the first. SOLID PACK of requiem at St. Bridget’s Church at Jackson College in Michigan, Scout master, and Scouts Warren The water department turned estimates indicate a fractional In­ deal with the crisis. Parliament is and she studied interior decora­ to succeed George H. Reama who Fletcher, Raymond Levesque crease in the 1960 fire death rec­ About Town WHITE MEAT at 9. Burial will be in St. Bridget’s resigned. Alternate German re­ over its billing to the office of the TUNA 3 n.OO In recess for Christmas and New Cemetery. tion at the New York School of Thomas Marchisa, Thomas Rob ord—ai>out 50 over 1969. But prop­ Year’s, until Jan. 3. placed Reama on the board and collector of revenue about 13 weeks Friends may call at the funeral Fine and Applied Arts. She was erts and Brian Warner leave to at­ erty losses are up sharply—more A midweek service and Bible SUNSHINE KRISPY Georges Bony, Socialist leader Wallace Lohr was appointed third ago, saying it had insufficient clcrl. home tonight from 7 to 9 and to­ employed for 15 years by the Nor- tend Boy Scout Jamboree in Colo cal help to do the billing. than $100 million. study will be held at the Salvation In the lower house, told newsmen cross Greeting Card Co., New York alternate. William Burham was rado; July 31, Raymond Lyman 16 Oz. c — morrow. from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 elected secretary, succeeding Fox. While final 1960 figures will not Army tonight at 7:30. HAM he warned the Premier that “he p.m. City, and for 11 years was art di­ retiring after 37 years as rural be available for some months, the CRACKERS Box Z O C will bear the entire responsibility rector of that concern. In January the new grand list mall carrier, given money shower Mail Service Extended total o f $5,795,794 was announced. NFPA said approximately half the OOLDFINE ASKS BAIL to the nation for all that may ha)i- In Wantagh, Long Island, N. Y., by patrons on last day on route. FULLY COOKED - ^'READY-TO-SERVE'^ MINNESOTA VALLEY pen.” It represented a jump of $314,900 fire deaths — more than 6,600 — Boston, Dec. 29 IffV—A peti­ Mrs. M e/ wley served as PTA , Aug. 20, Curtis A. Holmes cele Washington—During fiscal 1960 ocQured In homes, and about 30 Police battled 5,000 workers in chairman of children’s activities over the 1968 list. The town -voted the Post Office Department estab­ tion seeking release on bail of 17 Oz. Funerals brates 98th birthday; Aug. 28, Co­ per cent o f all oasualUea were Brussels yesterday, and clashes and helped establisli a children’s a 30 mill tax rate, increasing the lished city delivery services in 70-year-old industrialist Bernard FULL CUT lumbia Recreation Council gives children. In at least 76 Instances, SWEET PEAS 6 Cans 99c broke out in several other towns. museum to serve that area. current rate 2 mills. 110 communities, benefiting 97,- Ooldftne from federal custody at Mrs. Antoinette Horaschofsid Education Notes Red Cross certificates to 97 chll families were virtually wiped out. the U.S. Pnblic Health Hospital Mrs. McAwley arranged that dren who have fulfilled require- 846 families and 7,571 businesses, SHANK PORTION BUTT HALF ^EINE SWEET In February the Connecticut The 1960 loss estimate marks was filed today by his counsel The funeral of Mrs. Antoinette the Wantagh children's museum ments as swimmers. and extended city delivery to an­ Public Expenditure Council other 1,240,566 families and 62,052 the first time this figure has with the U.S. Court of Appeals. Horaschofski, who died Sunday at could borrow treasures from the Sept. 11, Columbia Congrega­ Hearings Set the Manchester Convalescent New York City museums, the showed the town was spending businesses. It also extended rural passed the $1.6 million mabk. Yesterday the district court re­ CUCUMBER DISCS 19c tional Church dedicates new parish delivery service to 197,811 families, As of today, this month’s fire fused a ball request. Home, was held this morning at Brooklyn Children’s museum and $401.17 per pupil on education, a house. WELCH’S GRAPE the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 other- private institutions. She figure slightly above mid-point in 1 ------— ------— ------——------— By Directors Main St., followed by a requiem also worked with the school prin­ the tabulation of 169 towns. Mass at St. James’ Church. cipal there to coordinate actMties Throughout the school year, the f t f t The Rev. James T. O’Connell steel and concrete; Oct. 28, JELLYSAUCE 2T™?'-45el Town dlrectom Tuesday will of the children's museum with the teacher salary schedule was stud­ Vergne Williams, town was celebrant. Burial was in St. school curriculum. ied and recommendations made hold public hearings on appropri­ James’ Cemetery with committal REALEMON HOMEMAKER ating $24,500 for a water main, a Mrs. McAwley haa also worked but the board of education and the prayers by the Rev. John Regan. as a Sunday School teacher and teachers’ association 'were never Reconstituted atorm drain, and school renova­ Bearers were Paul Warner, Native superintendent In Stamford, Conn., able to come to an agreement. Lemon tions. Rudolph Heck, Herman Heck, and LEAN, TENDER, TASTY—COOKED BAKED BEANS 4 n.OO If approved, the $11,500 water Emil Lang. and has worked with children in The teachers are currently being Juice 12 Oz. JLi C Grayledge main and $9,000 drain would serve the Cub Scout prog^B-m. The Me-' paid on the most recent offer of Ized by October town meeting. the proposed apartments project Mrs. Edith Weldner Awleys and four children plan to the board. Both groups are sep­ Nov. 21, Wilbur Smith, retli make their home in Manchester. arately conducting a survey and for the elderly off W. Center St. Funeral services for Mrs. Edith Farm e F ro z e n Food Specials The school aUocaUon of $4,000 Weidner, who died last Saturday would follow upon renovations al­ at the Crestfield Convalescent LIBBY TURKEYS Lb. ready undertaken during the year. HAM Steaks 8 9 STAFF Hospital, were held yesterday af­ Additional alteration^ at the Bar­ Chili Con Oz. ternoon at the Holmes Fimeral ^ THE BEST NEIGHBORHOOD STORES FRESH BAKED DAILY COLONIAL ‘ 6 nard Junior High School would Home, 400 Main St'. The Rev. H. Came 15'/r Oz. O T G ORANGE JUICE 5 Cans take $1,500 and $2,500 would go Osgood Bennett, pastor of North I CARRY SUtlAR HEART FOOD PRODUCTS TOMS C HENS "FLAVOR QUEEN" BLACK PEPPER toward more painting in the East Methodist Church, officiated. k BELLA Side Recreation Building used by Burial was in the family plot in WHITE LOAF the school. Buckland Cemetery. Bearers were ilCHOICEST u r n s IN T0W H...!li Everett R. Kennedy, Ro'bert P. 18 to 25 Lbs. Lb. 10 to 12 Lbs. Lb. ,The hearings will sUrt at 8 LIBBY SLICED PIZZARETTES Vn/ 3 9 c p ^ . Tuesday in the Municipal Puller, Harold C. Norton, and [ NABISCO ^ ] ^ R s 9y< Oz. 39c Building. John S. Alvord. U.S. “ SIMFLOr ARMOUR 8TUPTED Other matters the directors will C lioict ^ew 24 Oz. NATIVE sonsider include: 51c 1. Approving assessments for LEGS of BREAD You Save 30c Over Other Brands 1 CONTADINA 11c FRENCH FIES 2¥uS-39e \, the Highland St. sewer installed Local Student last August. CREAM c I t u r k e y s 2. Appointing a town selectman Cited as Hero CAPONS MINUET" BRAND to succeed Thomas H. Elliott. LAMB CLEANSER 2 F.r 27c W m i PEPPERIDGE 3. Considering whether Rock­ OF RICE B to 10 Lbi. lA. IJ>. ville can continue to dump rubbish (Contlmied from Page One) FAR.M STUn-'ING ALL FLAVORS V? GflL. in the Manchester disposal area o ff Olcott St. clubs, and .one the football and 18 Oz. 39c LONG ISLAND NUTMEG BRAND 4. Accepting portions of St. A u l track teams.’ BEADSO'BLEACH 39c SWEDISH and Plaza Ihy^ Yrom Alexander Morrison joined the Boy Scouts KIELBASA ONLY! Jarvis. DUCKLINGS ICE CREAM 5. Settling a $050 claim brought in 1949 in Norwich. When his fam­ KORV Frekh and -Smoked against the town by Anna Fetko, ily moved to Msuichester in 1952. 1 Sweetheart Soap 4 r . . 33c NINE LIVES 6. Setting a public hearing on' he joined Troop 25. In May 1955, •'ANCY, FIl LARGl HEARTY MEAL ItjETWlNTERl Dairy Depf. Specials whether or not the town treasurer he was awarded the Eagle Soout LOIN LAMB CHOPS Lb. 99c $ should be a member of the pen- For badge, and also weers the Bg- ^ 2 29c GRADE"A" *'Abgr MEDIUM aion board. i BLU-WHITE FLAKES 27c CELLO pforer Silver Award end the Ro­ . 8 9 ' " 6 5 ® 9 5 ' man Catholic Churdi Ad AKafe # LEAN, MEATY Lena, FreeWr Groond TOMATOES 2 PKGS. OP 4 Grand Dragon to Quit Dei sward. During summer vaca- tlons, Morrison has served 'as a- ^ DfcESH SHOUUMEIIS HAMBURG Pels Naptha U£.D.A. CHOICE Oldsmar, Fla.,. Dec. 29 (A7 — director of acout camps. He now i YUBAN “ .0. *1.11 STAHL MEYER AND DOZ. Bill Hendrix, grand dragon of the is a scoutmaster of a troop In COLD CUTS IMPORTED INDIAN RIVER, PINK, SEEDLESS Ku Klux Klan’a Southern-North* Ridgefield. • «.39e Lb. 59c Soap 1 Tc FIRMT PRIZE am Knights for several years. Is Last year, he married the for­ RIB ROAST KTAHL-MKVKK BERGREN’S quitting the Iclan because "I see mer Patricia Wupperfeld, an MHS NOTE! WE’RE MAKINO A BATCH OF KORV BOB Flakes no way to stop racial integihtion 1 SNOWS "cS 0.29c 29c GROTK A, WF.IOKL CANNED HAMS Quart classmate, sooi) after he graduat­ I n e w YEAlb’g. OBPEB NOW FOB YOUR FBEBnCRl and it looks to me like the best LIVE. MAINE King Of The Oven Finest made, allced to order E G G N O G Container 69c ed from Princeton and she from ALL SIZEH AVAILABI.E thing to do is to accept it.” Central Connecticut State College PHILADELPHIA Grapefruit » 8 f< > ''4 9 He told the Ajwociated Preee In New Britain. Mrs. Morrison ^ E K E N D PRODUCE SPECIALS LOBSTERS \ C H ^ D B R 15 Oz. Introvigne lost night, "1 cannot agree to go teaches c h e m is ^ et Ridgefleld SNOM^S 27c CREAM CHEESE l^35c SWEET JUICY outside the law to maintain segre­ High Schttol. . Fancy, Finn BIpe | Indian Blver Orapefralt gation." Morrison Is the son o f Mr. and U . 7 5 C ARMOUR’S CUBED FkntoroU Bread Cnm bs LOOKER PUNT The general contractor, twice Mrs. Roland Morrison o f 61 Finley »r£r..,.«i...29c|^u” 4,„25c 1 C I ^ ^ E R 15 Oz. FLORIDA TANGERINES on .unsueoeisful candidate for gov­ S t SNO\yS 27c 25c ‘ ■ CCHEDDAR H E I CHEESE V2?39e Don. 39c ernor on a platform of legregm- tlon, said he would not "agree to M i MEAT MARKET I ENDIOO NEW BiOTS IN OBAN WffVTvQ VsnMWem T.WOOD v. s. NO. 1 TANCy, RED, RIPE such things as bombings shd burn­ Oran, Algeria, Dec. S9 OP) — 1 ^CUOW C MANHATTAN . Ola. 2 CM. 2Sc'' . ' ing schools." Moelegs Nattonnllst doBOMtra- 1 D r l w T T d CLAM CHOWDER-1 5 Oz. X 1C 51 BISSELL 8T,^HONE MI 3-8424—REAR OF ICE PLANT I SLICSLICED SWISS •”‘P k f. 37e HIGHLAND PARK MARKET! "But that's what the klan le ■ (NO WWASTE) tione bcahe oo$ aoew la Orna A m Im I ChMed" PLENTY OP FREE PARKING SPACE \ MclNtOSH APPLES SH"Mla^Diian ffolng to have to turn to unlees It tedajr feObwlaf aa exebaoge e t 317 MSHUND ST. MANCHtSm Ml 3-l27t Mreea to g o along with tha taws,' I aheta liiat iriglit hi wldoh tw* 1 C k J A t A / e kZW ENGLAND ba oaid. 1 >NWW5 CHOWDER W0..27C 4 CO. 41c I A V Y '/s


MAKdHIiTfiR EVENING HBftALD, MANCHESTER. CONN* THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2d, 1960 PA G E EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER, (X)NN^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1960 BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PU'AZLB guided mUeile . cruiser are nearing Navy to Honor Completion and a guided missile J u ^ R ^ e » A 9 - 3 j SCW AM! I T / I F V A LIKES THEM ' S- ■ -■ - f-'* ' frllpitA is uhder construction. It BUTTM 6 IVIN' OKAY! COMiN' Againfit O dsby I'M fU «Y FREE SAMPLES' THROUGHiPOCr BREAKFAST CEREALS,, Is extremely appropos that the ^PAtNTINSr — 'EM AT ANY Antwar to PlwdoMaJ Adtn. Kickover keel of lAfayette, first of A new MARKET! MV V « }R D ,^ 1 Admiral Rlckbvsr is inriitaet out of wsdioek three years a#o LOCMtfeOOD SINCE Ot: 3AK& ‘44y'iOl^ V iO N m o n e y fo r th# FTAneb ndblAman who chief 6t the Bureau of ^ p s for to A HoUywqdd divorces, CiwkR M h ftoHv* PM itiy. . . .INrt^Fram Form fo Yim> nil A I;AIR. e r A T O B jg ^ - Tir«incli7 French i2Bamboollka fought in the Am«rt6An Revolu- Nuclear Propulsln and head of the Pin n e d VA TO t h ' m a t o n t m w . Uon. "Well, I expAetsd It^” . isid. the CLOCK d e a l / X’M FEELINJ' SO landacaplit Atomie Enemy Gommiseldn’s Na­ 26-yAsr-oId son o f U)A f Ambus FRIENDLY X MIGHT EVEN GNE IS Evadar 19 Simpaat point The eofnaiAmoraUve dimmony, val; Reactors BraBranch. 14 ErerlastlBg which w ill start at 11 a.m. wUl shiger after ths\9-to*3 verdict wss You A CHANCE T GET-s^DUR »25 (poet) 21 American returned i yesterdsy In Superior ★ IlillilM llllilililiM Yt- 15 Pawn historical mark the sUth year to the day'and 16 Oiipasikmate painter E hour aioce NautUus' flret com­ Court . 22 Handled I ' ClalUlHMt, Bfery ZUlzabeth, daughter o f Mr. aad Mrs. ftobert NazareneB Plan ‘W A’vA Aron, ■honey,'* rsjelcid C U O M SUNDAY and MONDAY—OTEN TUKDAY AT 10 A.M. ITHopa’ kUn 2SViiitor 'Callahan, 136 DedpwoOd X>r. She waa bom Dtc. l6 at MAhchM* manding olheer, Cmdr. Eugene P. IS Blackbird of a W ilki^n, n6w a ca^in,* fUudied Mrs. MAriiyn hCuAr Scott pick­ cuckoo family 24 Princes ter Memorial Roapltal. Her mdtemal grandparents iire Mr. and N ew Year’s V iga 26 Crustacean Mre. William Marum, Fall River, Maaa. Her patimal ttiu)A~ ashdre hta.hlstoric message "Under ing up hAr daughter, Denise, the 20 Slight bow 26 Impudent 40 Chinese weight 47 Roman rosd way on nuclear power." girl whCsA pAtAmlty ‘wAs at lAAue. 21 Rhythm 27 Sheaf V 41RedacU ^ I n ^ w lg h t i patenta are Mr. and Mra. Arthur Callahim, B roek l]^ N.1T> Sne 26 Hum hag a brother, Daniel, 19 montha: and a elater, Kathleen, 8. ^ t h ■ foiiner coihmandlng of- A revle#.-0f thA N fM rene Gen­ "We’ve •won, Ym’yo^ won,” re­ mADE A 29 P r e s s 42 Exude eral AAseiVibly in color Ad slides CHIOKEN HY V. T. HAMLIN 28Chamleal 30 N o t s n y 43 Burrow 8t Dutch dty fic e tf Ot NautUua, Chptain W il­ sponded DAnlse, who YSAs in .wA A L L Y U O I compound And tape recordings will he pres­ courtroom throuid>dut the week- 31 Japanese 44 Lohengrin’a 63 Lair Anderaon, Garr Allan, aon of Mr. and Mra! Cari H. ’Andetaon kinson And C^pt WilUAm R. An- rVESEEN WILL WE EVER, iw S f f s w PONT QUIBBLE! 32 Pofterion outcasts bride 64 Mariner’s ented Saturday at 5 P-ni. at the long trial. , ROASTING I m h h u r 3 derton, who took the eubmarine PVRITE* LEARN THE / OH, I THEN Y I COULD EOHERTOUMAKE S3 European 39 Tardier „ 46 Detest direction Jr„ 36 Margaret Rd. He tyaa bom Deo. 12 at ManeheeUr Me* Otmf^ of the Nazarene. PARTS SB C O E T O Ff K N O W T H E MAKE iMAKEGOUt.. GOLD-OR DIE' dormouie mortal Hoapttal. Hia maternal grandpardnta are Mr. And Mrs. under the North. Pole in 19^, wUl SevAn wdinAn ahd two men on KID > SPREAD 34 Feminine be prAsAnt Ai wlU Cmdr. Lando A color film, "One Love, Con­ the Jury, composed entirely o f par­ THIS (BETTER'N MAKING J SKRET •VONLVTHAT 1 i r 4 1 1“ 7 8 2 w 11 12 James Sohaub, 105 Highland St. Hia paternal grandpArents are '\ KNEW n s ■A appellation M r.' and Mra. Carl Anderaon Sr., 65 Birch St- Ha has a brother, W. Zeoh Jr.i current skipper. flicting Faiths,” wUl be shP'vn at ents, found UiAt ’ the prematurA- "lOURS 1 THIS.' GOLD? A , MVSELF/ 35 Girl's name 10, And a New Year’s Eve vigil *^Broaslt i r - CHEMISTRY/ 36 Head covering ‘ 13 14 ^ Scott Loren, 2; and a sister, Cheryl Sue, 3H< U ie DlatingulshAd Service Medal ly bald Crosby fathered the Jiri EGGS BUTTER' 37 Sea eaglet ia the hlgheat peAcAthne dAeom' wUl be Observed from 11 to mid­ At Mm. Scott'-a apartment in Feb­ CHICKENS! t 33 Shouteri 15 16 tlon. V. ' night. ^ ruary 1957. Since thlA was A civil ' 42 Dutch uncle Strauss, Dana Jean, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Uric StrauSS, ■ ' ■ ■ . -- ' > Ugi • Wiigi 26 Btorrs. She was bom Dec. ip at Manchester Memorial HdAi^ltiU. Aimouncing his Intentidn to | and not A Criminal action,' A unan­ 1 Dozon 45 Assist f r IB 19 SENTENCED TO PRISON imous verdict was not rAmdfAd. '46 Possessive Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. M6rrib E. Oupton, decorate Aiunlral Rickover In rec­ HArtford, D*c. 29 l^l—Abra­ pronoun 21 22 24 Westport. Her paternal grandparents Are Mr. And MrA. Theo­ ognition Of bis contributions to CrdAby And Nlra Scott 3fe, WAre Hoarts * Livarf ^U W O SITV 49 American genre ham KOfsky, 51, operator of the instructed to return to count Tuel- dore H. Strauaa, Lou Angeles, Calif. ^ ' nuclear Sea power, Franks said, Consumers' Home Supply Co., w ill 1$ k il l in g pAinter 25 a 21 22 26 36 6> , , '.a • • • • dsy. A t that time the cdurmcould lbs 52 Fancy "In ju3t six short yearn the Navy behta h 4-month federal prison 3A K E » ^ „ , has progressed in the field of deterininA toA Amount C toiby w ill 55 Inner surface 32 33 Hale, Darlene Finiibes, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. RlohaTd term next week for evading more Niokt •Glzzanli 56 Bed canopy , Hale, West S t, Hebroii. She waa bom Deo. B at ManohAster nuclear propulsion more rapidly than 120,000 in income taxes. Kof- have to pay for the child's sun- 67 Peeterer M. Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents afe Mrs. Oerirude than wAs considered possible by 1 ricyi SlsoL owner of several rental port. Nut this could be delayed by 58 Grimaces Hills, Hebron, and Jesse Hills, Palmetto, F lA Her patemAl grAnd- anyone except a handful of men | properties in the North End- of 9ji CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER DOWN 37 parents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Hale Sr„ Rocky Hill- H6r with the vision and dedication of Hartford, was sentenced in U.S. Crosby And hia wife, CiA fdrihAr iUY QUAUTY — .GUARANTBED TO SATISFY L £ TJ-U E IGourd maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. OsOar AjnderAon, Admiral Rickover. We now have- District Court , yesterday by Ahowgirl Pat ShAAhan, hAvA onA 2 Ailments 38 39 41 Bolton, and Mr. and Mrs. Merton W. Hilia, HebrOn. i She hAA a 15 nucleAr submArines in service Judge Robert P. Anderson. He child And are e x j^ tlA k andthAf. 3 Kind of puddin brother, Richard H. Jr., 14 months. PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VLKMLLR 4 Augment 7T 46 42 ii 42 and 38 more being buUt. A nuclear was given..6ne year in jail to be HA adopted hAr 8-yAAf-Old Adh • a by a prAvioua ihArriagA. YES. 1 D O W HAT, POP S A Y S ' 5 Negstive (ah.) aircrAft carrier Aiid nuclear suspended after four months, 6 Mountain 49 60 61 52 63 54 Lentooha, Douglas Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger LentOdiA, AMt CAM E TO ^ C H I L O ? ( e v e r y n i g h t YCXJ nymph Kingsbury Ave., Rockville. He was bom Dec. 9 at Manchester , WI.MR. ^PPISCILLA! YOU — ...... — ANDi 7 Organic 56 substance 5t Memorial Hospital. His matemM grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. [(SRUMBLY PAYING D O IT ^ THE Arthur McFall, Rockville. His paternal grandparenta are Mr. US A 8 Summer (Fr.) 6> SMucullne m and Mm. Joseph Lentocha, Tolland. He has a brother, MATk, .VISIT? nickname 2H. ' * . • • • • • Coy, Brian Mark, son Of Mr. and M ri. h. Peter Coy, 88 EiAt f g lOHATHy S t, BoekviUe. He was bom Dec. 22 at Manchester MemoriAl SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAl ' Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mm. Melvin O. Crandell. Ossining, N .Y. His paternal grandparents are Mr. ’’ and Mm. Chester Coy, Wetherafield. I 0NKRS1AHD SEAH. THOSE EARTH THE ^ T H PEOPtS ARE PEOPLE KEALLV Moser. Donna Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moser, mii-om coM/ncr CARS. BAFFLE ME! Windermetn Ave., Ellington. She was bom Dec. 12 at Manches­ ______Y ter Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Eugene GagUardone of Andover and Mra. Andrew Zypko of Hartford. e 1M8 >Y »I«A. W. T.M. Iliit UJ. m, on. IL-H \ ( y Her paternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph MOser, Rockville. She has a sister, Annette Louise, 15 months.* RONNIE BY ,IOE CAMPBEI.I, , • • • • • R*« t’.ll. Pal 0«^ Frasier, EUen EUsabetii, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Curtis M«Naa(I>l I^' Frasier, 49 Wells St. Shs was bom Dec. 10 at Manchester Me­ TAlCe morial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Mm. Ethel Zin?- merman. Box Mt. Rd., Bolton. Her paternal grandmother is Mm. Mary Ftazler, Hartfdrd. She has two broUiem, Curtis Jr., 9, and Peter, 3. • • • ti • Oampb^, Wayne Robert, son of Mr. and Mm. WlUlAm R. HOW DO TtAEV KEEP FROM Campbell. 35 Higble Dr., Eaat Hartford. He wae hom Dee, 10 the New Year! ETTIN& POWDBR ALL \l£R at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents 'WHY?VJHAfS6AFFUN® 0 0 are Mr. and Mrs. Ginziro Yokayama, Tokyo, Japan. His paternal ABOUT COMWICT CARS? THEIR CLOTHES EvlERS TTME grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Everett R. Campbell, 321 E. Cen­ THEY &ET INTO -nAEM? , ter St., Manchester. He has three brothera, Russell, 6, Thomas, 4, CONNECTICUrS HNEST—LARGE, FLUMP and Scott, 1. • • • • • Taylor, Clark Charles, son of Mr. and I Mm. William E. TAy- lor, 141 W. Vernon St., Manchester. He was bom Dee. 13 At iLb. m — .KBantep. Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother is I n s Mrs. D. Cervenka, St. Paul, Minn. His paternal grandmother Is “Sometimes I hear a voice eonetantry, Doo— evert when Mra. Asher Taylor, St. Paul, Minn. He has a brother, Billy, 9, JU D D S A X O N BY KEN BAU) and JERRY BRONDKIELD and a' sister, Deborah, 7, my wife ie away vieiting: her mother!” • • • • • __ SWIFTS PREMIUM NOW, THEN, VASSy- OR BOSANCV-THESE '5 T Kingsley, Toni Aim, daughter of Mr.'and Mm. Rivard Kings­ Txe WAN WHO PUT THE PLANES __ ___ ley, RFD 8, Rockville., She was bom Dec. 13 at Manchester Me­ CAPTAiH, BE SURE M ISS «RE(JDO LITTLE SPORTS Marek, Southington. Her paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Mary IN Lb. CO OLO N'T Kingsley, ^Hartford. She has a sister, Deborah, 3. ' P05S«iV t HAVE KNOWN, SAXON.' Oonovwi, John Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A . Gen6- I • O vesl, 30 Baldwin Rd. He was bom Dec. 17 at' Manchester Me­ morial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mm. HAVE, Vv^'C? 2:_\ Alex Martin, 1 McCabe St. His paternal grandparenta are Mr. BUT y o u and Mrs. Louis Genovesi, 163 N. Main St. He has two brothers, WADE ONE ' A j Mark 'Wnoent, 4, and Paul Aldo, and a slater, Gina Marie, LITTLE S LIP t h a t 20 montha. PROVEPTO con, i«4o IV riVuRii BE youR CO»^- Tu.wfmo »I»HTS RFffRVIO Browneteln. Brenda Lynne, daughter of Mr, and Mm. Harold BKS ONE.' Brownatein, 125 Pine Tree Lane, Wapping. She was bom Dee. 14 FANCY, FIRM, RIPE B. C. BY JOHNNY HART at Muichester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparenta . are Mr. and Mrs. S&muel Toubman, Hartford. Her paternal LR. IF 1 AM REINCARNATEO, 1 VMQULP L [< e FvroMisas, grandmother la Mm. Esther,Brownatein, Hartford. She has a BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE brother, Shawn, 4V&. BASKET 7© COME BACK AS A QUEEN ANr. P i t o M i s e s . ,0-^ • • • • X M I N OKAY, YOU SIT COMMAND QUIET WHILE Begbi, Sheryl Ann, daughter pf Mr. and Mm. Alclde Leo Be­ Of Tins BOAT l O I T O l f r O F gin, 180 Woodlawn Circle, East Hartford.. ,Sha was born Dec. 18 im . . ANV THESE ROPES. at Mandiester Memorial. Hospital. Her maternal grandj^brnta "ANDY DOT' CALIFORNIA ABBUMENTf are Mr. and-Mrs. Percy Davis, Montpelier, Vt.— Her pmtemal grandparents are Mr. a ^ Mm. Leo Begin, 943 E. Middle Tpke., Manchester. JUMBO • • • « • BUNCH Bylaader, l«s lle Marie, daughter of PO l.C. and Mm. Jon L. CELERY Rylander, Key West, Fla. She was bom Dec. 17 at the Key West Haval Hospital. Her maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mre. NABISCO OREO CREWE SANDW ICH ...... 11 oz. p^.. 89c Eric Rudaz, 62 Winter St Her paternal grandparenta are Mr. SWEET. RRM .H ^ EMPEROR SUNSHINE HI-HO CRACKERS ...... 16 oz. pte. ^ and Mm. Norman Rylander. 126 N. Elm St. Her maternal great- EDUCATOR HOLIDAY ASSORTMENT ...... W oz. pkg. 45c 4 t^ grandfAther Is Albert J. Jackson, 60 Winter St. Her paternal •’il'WJJa.’* '*•17 great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry I j. Rylander, 27 Grove S t m u r t y m f e k l e BY DICK CAVALU • • • • • lbs. Hearn, fiefaorah Eleanore, daughteY o f ii€r. and Mm. Ronald GRAPES I'VE GOT ' BUT 1 MAKE BILLY . cjgiati' I WELL, IGOA \ Heam,, 89 Pleasant St. She was bom Dec.* 19 at Mancheeter MICKEY FINN LANK LEONARD HOWOOVOUKEEPVtXJC W IN T H R O P WIPE HI6 FEer I BIT FURTHER / I Memorial Hospital. Her materifial grandparents are Mr. and HOUSE SO SPOTLESS WITH WELLtRAINED. EVERY TIME HE V THAN THAT. J Mm._Robert Cotton, 125 Taimer St. Her paternal grandparenta A LIVELY eOYAROUND? COMES INTO THE i l l are Mr. and Mrs. John Heam. 33 Windemere St. She baa A HEAVEN KNOWS I CANT.' HOUSE, brother, Ronald Robert Jr., 10 months. *, J * * • • • FREE $5 Majewsld, Mary Josephine, daughter o f Mr. and Mm. Stantey W . Majewskl Jr., 46 Strong S t She was bom Dec. 13 at Man­ chester Memorial HbapiUI. Her maternal grandfather is Frank PohamM, Hartford. Her paternal grandfather is Stanley Majew- STAMPS. o s ski Sr., 87 Kerry St., Manchester. She has a brother, Paul, 10; SWEET LIFE FRUIT COCKTAIL 37c WITH THljS COUPON AND and t w » sisters, Sharon, 8, and Marjorie, 6. G SWEET LIFE Yellow Cling PEACHES 2 ‘*,i.*^ 65e iw : PDRCHAZE or \ Bickes, Kory Blake, son of Mr. and Mra. John Rlokes, Box t2~2 “ 4Sc CAinAlN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER O’Reilly, John Thomas Jr. son of Mr. and Mra. Jota Thomas NOOHiEH? THEN HE BY THE WAV, MAYBE IT WAS STOLEN.WITH NO P04«16LV. WE FOUND O’Reilly, 82 COiestnut St He waa bom Dee 19 At ManchesterMan SWEET LIFE SWEET MIXED PICKLES M l ' A B E K \ A i m CAME DIRECTLY HOMB MCKEE...THETV TfI f LLMSaw s WHATWHAiT EL4EITUEEISE*. THE THIEl/ESTUInmi 1] ITINS OP Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. BY K A LSI ON JONES and FRANK RIDCEWAY FR0MT>IEtAg.A6UMa> SET HE’D SENT MU5TVE PUT THE NOTE IN THCAUX ) COMPARE Charles E. Johnson, 33 Ardmore Rd. HU pstem sl grandparents SAID HE LEFT HOME THAT PAY, M M M ! L A P y v e RONiCA- iUTYOUteONA BESIDES,! AIOUTI'-40J BOTTLEi SM IN S HED RETUIM TUESMf are Mr. and Mm. Mylea J. O’Reilly, French Rd.,'Bolton. He luu SWEET LIFE TOMATO JUICE o. 29c TOU ALWAYS SERVE ISM'T IN HIS TO DELAY DISCOVERY OF THE CRIMEl DICr-'AltSNT COULDNTPKX APARTMENTl a aUter, Kim, 10 months. ( SUCH DEtlCtOUS TIDBITS! YOUAFBAID T H E M UP , < : ■ NESTLI'S QUICIC »».39c YOOUPC ANYWAY. Roaeh, Tboosas Leon, son of Mr. end Mra^. James Michael r i Roach 6L, Harriet St, Vsfnon. He was bom Dec. 20 at Man- TSAAPTBDf . . . ------— . are Mr. ' STATE LINE POTATO C H IP S 30e HU paternal grsnd- m . lu ______.104 Bridge St Re .bioChem. James-MUhael Jr.,. 5, Hiuk Timothy, 8%, end -„riiifc,47 Siontha. . . v. ' Ak '■-.■'it’ '‘-i. ■Ailiis^'Ol^ of Mr. snd^^.Mm;J?S0^ RsthSL ii 488 m iqddlA'^qikA^ WM De«- H> at ip«nChsAter Mf; ia-ii mortal'HdnitAD' HU nutsnial' grandparshts are .Mr; aM MfA> S i Patolcfc J. M do^. I8 .1dndmsn St HU paternal gramlpAiantt i are Mri‘ AMPLE PARKING AT FRONT, SIDE OR REAR OF BUILDING L Mark Alan, 2H, and Kevin Elton, 1^. JKFF COBB THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON. SCRUGGS BYPKTE HOFFMAN Knuiaeee, Catherine Mary, daughter of Mr and.Mn- Jdhh C, n ANYTHING M NOT YET, JONESV! FranadihriSl Summit St waa bora Doe. SI at Msadbei^ I DO WMN IT.'HON , muf x r wa,i'MSO«vi' HIW INTHE ...I HOPE TO MAKE D Rdspltal. Her maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. OPEN WED. till 8 P.M.» THURS. till 8:30 P.M. ~ FRI. till 9 PJ^: PUASE LEAVE MCAUWS/ juaomn. >MADE SUCK A ' SEARCH FOR OUR SOME PROGRESS, Rteel, ArUncton. Mass. She has three brothers, J^^'^.14. AO SMOKE VOKnPBOKi 1 »c t . MISSING BOXERi THOUGH, AFTER ‘ 8, ih d David, 6; and two slstem, Judith, 11, and Chris- e o m e t u m a ! JEFF? MEETING HIS SWEETHEART/ Ahalr, Jaooaelliie Carol, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. RichArS AbAir, 28 Dn^FlsId Dr- She wss boni Dee. 20 at Vaaehester ' ' Hcf^taL !.Htr maternal frahdpsrenta ape Mr. and Mrs. g n ^ m Oampfisld Rd. Her pstimsl gnadparaiits are Mr. am . Robert Ahalr, 28 Desrflsid Dr, SRu has « a^tsr. ,21 montha. ^ ' . 1 ..r:

" itaL HU matomal grandmothsi! la Mrs. Marts STORI OF MANCHESTER, INC. ' i Howton, MASS. BU p a t a ^ grandmother la MHl 'Waltham, Maas. .He has a Imther, Pater,.7W; aoommr «« emnt stun. . ’ n n n v os M n PAMnm It,*®' tortaina 1 4 Joanaa, 12, Mh^ogrta) 10. and AUiul l i i ■ i ■ ' ’ ■ H *' ■

MANOHRSISB EVENING HERALD.-HAKOHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29^ 19«0 W, ‘ ^ V . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29. i960 THE ^ccessors to Shaw and Hbwell Awaited by Pro Herald Angle Bristol Favorite Town of

EARL YOST AUie Sherman Iiigo Should Speak . Up Harp Named^ Sports Editor Top Central Celtics Hit with Eggs. Sure to Gain New Cornell Baseball Mani^Rcturer Wants Out On Advice from Moore Throwing inowballs is more appropriate at this time of the 57-50, Play And Bow in Heal, Too As Head Coach Football Coach season in this area but news about baseball, in par­ ticular, tried hard to get into the spotlight several days ago. Los Angeles, Dec. 29 Archie Moore, the unfrocked St. Louis, Dec. 29 (/P)— Coacb Red Auerbacb of tbe Boiton ^ It all came about with an announcement by the A . G. Spalding Philadelphia, Dec. 29 (fP)- light-heavyweight champiqp, says Ingemar Johansson never IGiaca, N.T., Dec. 29 (tP)—Tom Home Next Celtics and some of bis players, angpr over being pelted with Harp, 33, backfiekl coach at Army & Bros., Inc., of Chicopee, Mass., manufacturers of all major Now that the National Foot­ could fight 41 lick and probably will be cringing when he gets eggs by St. Louis Hawk fans, predict that Boston partisans for 'the last five years has been league baseballs, that a request had been made to be re­ ball League draft is over the in the ring again with Floyd Patterson. named head football coich at lieved from its 10-year contract$> Winninfl’ on the road is the twill retaliate. big questions are: Nevertheless, M oore say8,< Cornell University, Athletic 'Dl- vrith the American and National sign of a good ball club and Who will replace Buck Shaw aa Johansson should at least start rector Robert Kane announced. Leagues. after a pair of road treks— EASTERN DIVISION said: “I would say conservatively Grads Victors W. U Pet. head coach of the World Champion talking a good fight to try to that Johansson won’t ooze confi­ Harp, a . 1951 graduate of It seems that the manufacturers both to Bristol— Manchester beef up the gate for his third By BUTCH FOGABTY Boston ...... 23 11 .676 Philadelphia EaRlea ? ~ dence. He will probably come Into Muskingum College In Ohio, suc­ are getting fed up with the an­ High’s basketball team today heavyweight title fight with Pat­ ceeds George (Lefty) James, Philadelphia ..22 11 .667 T\Tio will micceed .Tim Lee How­ the ring cringing. That left hook Ski reports being submitted by nuel losses Involved in supplying In Rifle Match Syracuse ...... 14 17 .452 terson at Miami in Ma^h. area operators make for some In­ whose resignation after 14 years can show two victories,. Last ell of the New York Giants? that Patterson delivered the last the balls used by the 16 teams night, in the second visit to the New York ___ JO 24 .294 Can the NFL overcome a six "A^ter studying this Individ­ time will leave Ingemar with a teresting reading when they come as head coach was announced (18 In 1961) during spring train­ Thanksgiving Day. i beautiful Monahan Gym In the Ball WESTERN DIVISION weeks start the American Foot­ ual,’.’ Moore told Examiner col­ lifetime memory.”^ off the machine from the Weather ing and during the regular cham­ City, Coach Elgin Zaturakyz W ith Indians W. L. Pet. G.B. ball L ea ^ e had in heating the umnist Mel Durslag, "I have come “ Can Johansson fight?” Archie Bureau. With few exceptions all Harp was given a three-year pionship American and National St. L o u is ...... 23 9 .719 contract. chargee posted a 67-50 triumph bushes and signing players which to fear for the gate. Ordinarily, I was asked. reports can be reduced a grade for League season. Over a previously undefeated (in Cincinnati . . . ,17 22 .436 The salary was not disclosed. Manchester High School’s the new league drafted late In only fear for gates in which I ani "Not a lick,” said Moore. “He a true picture. Monday’s report had league play) Bristol Central, Los Angeles ..14 22 .389 11 November and early December? Harp, - who becomes the yotmg- The current contract between Alutnfii defeated the varsity rifle participating. But, from just an couldn’t fight before, either, but Bromley, which has its slopes Spalding and the majors runs un­ team yesterday In the Waddell Detroit ...... 12 19 .387 10% Both Shaw and Howell have re­ artistic standpoint, Johansson he could talk -a good fight. Now groomed for good skiing on a mini­ est head coach in the Ivy League, compiled successful coaching rec­ til 1967. COIL STANDINGS range in the 12th annual renewal tired. worries me because his verbal that he’s silent, he's got nothing mum amount of snow, as fair to of the alumni reunion and match. The Hawks beat Boston, 105- good while Magic Mountain located ords at Carrollton and Massillon Ed Parker, president of the Bay W L The Eagles are expected to an­ form has been most unsatisfac­ going for him.” State firm, indicated that he sug­ The graduatea outshot the varsity 99, last night, the first time in tory.’’ In approximately the same snow High Schools In Ohio before be­ Wethersfield ...... 4 nounce their new coach next week Moore, stripped of his title by gested a price increase for the MANCHESTER...... 5 1,778 to 1,732 on a lO-man team three meetings they have been ' • but they would not shed any light the National Boxing Association rated Itself excellent. Walter coming an assistant to ESarl able to accomplish the feat. And^ Reminded that Johanason was (Red) Blaik at West Point In balle and a decrease in the num­ Bristol Central'^...... 2 basla. Alumni top gun was as to whom it would be. knocked cold by Patterson their for failure to defend, aays he’d Foeger manager of Jay Peak sug­ UConn’s Bob Rusconi, wRh 185; St. Louis fans apparently e x a c t­ gests’the Eastern Ski Association 1956. ber of free balls offered each sea­ H a ll...... 2 It could be quarterback Norm last time out, Archie said: like to meet Guilio Rinaldi o f son, ” Conard ..•,,•,,,,*••.2 junior Allan Sault fired best for ed another disappointing evening set up a program where rep­ Developed Dawkins Van Brocklin, who repeated he was Italy In a title match. Rinaldi re­ Spalding began supplying balfs"" the schoolboys, with a fine 181, the and came armed. retiring as an active player after "Ajl the more reason he Jhould resentatives trained In ascertain­ A t West Point, the six-foot, red- Windham ...... 2 cently scored a decision over to the National Laague in 1875 Platt ...... 1 only varsity man over the tough During a time out late in the the Eagles won the NFL title Mon­ come^ back talking.” ing conditlbns would submit t’he re­ haired Harp was Instrumental in Archie in Rome. and to tha American Laague aince Briatol E a stern ...... 0 180 marker. Roger Harry’s 179 fourth quarter, eggs started rain­ What should he say? port. The representatives would be the development o f All-American day. *T didn’t exactly lose,” Moore 1901. The company claima that Maloney ...... 0 3 topped the seniors' scores, and ing down on the Boston players. Btit the Eagles, undoubtedly, organized similar to the ski patrol, halfback Fhte Dawkins, who made "It doesn’t matter,” Archie said. said. "It only appeared that way the losses sustained—In dollars and copped him the year's possession The floor had to be mopped and are trying to persuade the passing "He can say he slipped on a ba­ on a voluntary basis, one for each a sweep of gridiron awards in to the judges. I didn’t protest the 1958. Harp also coached such out­ cents—have offset the values re­ By virtue of the triumph, the of the Arthur Alumni Frank Ramsey was boosted up to great to stay on ns an active play­ nana peel, Just as long as he says area. Matejh Trophy. er since he is only 34. But If they decision because I was a guest In standing Army playera as half­ ceived. Indians moved into sole possession wipe off a backboard. something.” their country. And, besides, I For years and years, minor of second place in the CCIL stand­ Among the many visiting alumni ean't they may decide to sign hlib. Of the Swede’s chances, Archie Making the long haul <288 miles) back Bob Anderson and quarter­ Auerbach told the Associated as coach. hadn't been paid yet.” back Joe Caldwell. Hatq> also league teams aa well as schoolboy ings. The success was the third in Who did not shoot were Captain Press that as he was walking off to Jay Peak this week will be and ccrileglate teams, would use four outlnga, all-loop tkirmlahes. and Mrs. Philip Jobert with small Strong Admirer Norm Osborne and family. Norm, served as chief scout for Army. the floor at the end of the game, Harp, a native o f Bamesville, the tame balls aa tha majors and Wethersfield’s high-flying Eagles aon Philip Jr.; both Captain and James Clark, chairman of the one of the organizers of the origin­ a spectator dashed up to within Ohio, broke in as a fullbcu:k under Spalding benefited from its ae- ace the circuit with a perfect 4- Mrs. Jobert are former rifle team five feet of him and whacked Eagles board, and largest stock­ C hargers, Oilers al Manchester Club, now active aociatton with the big leaguea. S record. central dropped to a tie gunners. Captain Jobert. the of­ holder, is a strong Van Brocklin with the Aesculapian Ski Club former Army Assistant Sid Gill- him squarely in the forehead with man at Miai^ of Ohio in 1945, However, In recent years, young­ for third with Ball of West Hart­ FREE FOR A L L FIGHT— University of Florida and Jacksonville University played a ficer In charge of the U.8. Olympic an egg. admirer. composed of people in the medical sters, n particular, have been using ford. Friday night at 8:15 the skiing and shooting team at the Both Eagles President Frank Dominate Squads profession In the HartfoHl area, Harp went into the Navy for rough game in the Gator Bowl Basketball Tournament last night and in the closing The Boston coach had a red two years, after which he trans­ sters. In particular, have been using Indians entertain winlesa Maloney last Winter Olympics, fascinated McNamee and General Manager was head of the Medical Division minutes it erupted into a frite for all among the tense players. Officials separated them mark where he said the blow Selected in AFL ferred to Muskingum College at minor leagues have been award­ High o f Meriden at the Arena. the shooters with his story o f hunt­ struck. Vince McNally were asked Satur­ of the Eastern Sid Patrol. ing their contract for balls to the after a short skirmish. Florida won, 82-68. (AP Photofax.) ing the Alaska grizzly; the Jobert day whether Van Brocklin would New Concord, (%io. He was queu*- Once again it was the shooting "This is a bush town and you Holiday Lanes Bow to Blue Ribbons tethack of the Ohio Ccmference (lowest bidder with firms other of Steve McAdam, Mr. Double home in Ft. Benning, Ga., has a succeed Shaw, either as a coach or New York,> Dec, 29 OP)—Seven Writing about the medical pro­ than Spalding winning out in moat magnificent' bear skin rug. can quote me,” Auerbach snapped. as a player-coach. fession reminds me, a few years championship team in 1949-1950. Figures, which sparked the "You know darn well that fans Crack Holiday Lanes’ bowling team wound up second best in its big match last night players from the Los Angeles Harp was graduated, cum laude cases. Town triumph. The veteran back- The Varsity’s 894 five-man team "We haven't made up our ago a fellow went skiing and came Although the ag*'eement be­ score, the basis for all Intaracho- get excited during the game. But minds,” both said. with the Blue Ribbons at the local lanes, losing two of three points. The Holidays, shown Chargers and. Houston Oilers who In education, from Muskingum and court sharpahooter dropped in back with a problem. About eight tween the major leagues and Spald­ lastlc firing, compares favorably if they bring eggs in. they bring "We will have-, a meeting, then above, left to right, Hippo Correnti, George Pelletier, Roy Lipp, Jerry Maloney and meet Sunday In the American in 1954-56 did graduate work to­ FRANK MAHOVLICH seven baskets and hit on four free Ranking Hoop Clubs Paired 'em to throw. They’re not going to weeks later, waiting In an office to ing was a Closely guarded secret with last year’s 867, and augurs a the decision will be made," added NO. 1—AVOIDING HAZARDS ward a master's degree at Kent throws for 18 tallies, the only local Walt Berthold, The match, witnessed by more than 100, saw four members of the Rib­ Football League title . playoff at get the cast cut off a colleag^ue of it has been reported that each ma­ connected on 24 of hia first 88 succesMuI aeason to come. take ’em home.” McNamee. By Dee Purcello Houston were named on the 22- the doctor that was going to do State in Ohio. eager in double figures. It marked bons go over 400— Steve Witkowski 420, Don Norton 414, Norm Lalonde 409 and Har­ He is Cornell’s 16th coach of jor league te|im receives in the shots for a .273 percentage, seven the fifth time this season, including Match results: Wants Amete Some observers consider Assist­ AMF Staff of Ohamplona member offensive and defensive the job stopped In the doorway and neighborhood of 600 dozen free MHS Alumni (1,778) The firey coach asserted that ant Coach i^ick Skorlch a candi­ ry Peters 401. Nick Tronsky rolled 324. For the locals, Correnti totaled 394, Berthold teams. football since 1894 and the fifth points lower than Mahovlich.. the succssa over the Alumni, that Doctors tell you that not only with a half grin said In effect that halls and pays about $15 a dozen Condolences are extended to the In Holiday Tourney Games Bob Rusconi ...... 100 185 ‘They ought to arrest people who date. 389, Pelletier 382, Lipp 375, Maloney 365. The Ribbons lost the first game but swept The All-Stars were selected for those ^ h o play with fire will get in the last 40 years. for any number over this figure. tha husky McAdam reached double is bowling healthful, 1 ut it la also James was told his oontraet family of Dan Manchuck who dlecl figures. Edwin Quinn ...... 97 182 do things like this and charge Skorich aatd be was ready to the next two. (Herald Photo by Satemis.) the Associated Press by a board burned. The fellow who had the Each club averages between 200 B. F. Crehore Jr. . . . 97 tender hla reelgnatlon as an as- one of the few participation sports of sports writers and sportscast- would not be renewed after hie sudcUndly last Sunday. Last suni- Plenty of Fouls 180 them with peace disturbance. that is safe and free from the broken leg sincerely hopes he does and 260 dozen over the 600 dozen mer7 the versatile Manchuck New York, Dec. 29 (A*) — state, 72-61, and Arizonatapolia, Notre Dame ended a four Thom Baseler...... 98 178 "When you play here you have alstant now that the 61-year-old ters. injury-riddled Big Red tekm won It was a foul Infested contest with danger of Injury. not have the final chuckle as Dr. total. It is estimated that the fac­ coached thb Clarke Insurance entry State edged Oregon, 54-63. game losing streak by defeating Dave Nutter ...... 97 177 to nm a gauntlet (of fans) that Shaw has definitely bowed out—to Jack Kemp, Los Angeles quar­ only two of nine games last sea­ each aids netting more points from Some red hot college basket­ Generally speaking, that is true, Ed Zaglio Is now spending four or tory coat of the balls today la at in the Twilight Baseball League In tonight's semi-finals, Idaho Illlnoia, 60-66. Paul Geiaaler...... 99 177 throws programs and other things allow the new coach to pick his terback, headed the offensive list five days at. Mt. Snow. son. leaat $16 per dozen. The price to the 15-foot line than baskets from ball will be on tap today and but-there are a few ways you can and played several positions, clashes with Oregon State' and Two Ivy League teams invaded Bruce Anderson .... 99 177 before you get off the floor.” own assistants." along with halfback Paul Lawe dealers is $21 and to other clubs the field. Manchester connected on tonight when ranking teams Van Brocklin Wins Big Case get In trouble. One of the areaa and tackle Ron Mix. Back Dick s e e Seattle takes on Arizona State. the Big Ten, and Michigan slugged John T oom ay...... 95 176 Another victim of the egging, Skorich was absent from the where you could have an accident What changed his attltudef and individual teams the price 21 of 33 tries with Briatol hitting Eagles’ draft table yesterday. He Harris of Los Angeles was placed clash in holiday tournaments, In addition to the two Far West Brown, 74-56, while Northwestern Ron Wai>rek ...... 96 175 Tom Heinsohn, said ” I felt like is In picking the ball o ff the re­ When questioned the doctor asked, Hopes for Playoffs jumps to $28 a dozen. The retail, O ff the Cuff 26 of 36 attempts. Joe Santanello, Dick Thoraell ...... 95 had left for hla home In Pittsburgh. on ths defensive squad. over-the-counter tab is $3.25 each. Bristol's big gun, dropped In 10 but the one to watch is the Tournaments, several others start­ routed Dartmouth, 87-71. 171 jumping into the crowd but there turn rack. “How can anyone live In the same Statistics don't always tell the Other gunners were Bob Assistant Coach Jerry Williams at­ Members of the Houston team Overidl, the pact now in effect slngls points and added aix buckets New York duel between Ohio ed, ended or went through the The Sugar Bowl two-day tourney Mu- were women and children in it.” neighboriiood with "Ace” and not story. Take for instance the New rawskl, Don McLagan, and tended for the Eagles. For Pitcher by Four Points selected fOr the offensive unit Dim for Rangers costa Spalding at Lost $150,000 an­ for 22 poinu. Teammate Bernie State and 8t. John’s of Brooklyn. semi-finals In a busy night of opens tonight at New Orleans with Diek Bob Couay said soberly: Aa for the Giants’ pictu're. New . ___ were fullback Dave Smith and try.” It seems that "Ace” after York Giants. George Shaw com­ basket barrages. West Vlrgtnl taking on Tulane and Ellington. "The trouble with things like much badgering got hhn ou a few nually. That’a not Vay and is good Cohen also did well both from the Ohio State, the nation's No. 1 York newspapers Insist that Green tackle , A1 Jamison. Back Mark New York, Dec. 29 tffi—Playoff pleted more passes, gained more defending champion Western Ken­ MHS Varsity (1,732) this is that the people in Boston Philadelphia ( f ^ A ) — P ow -tC eclI Isbell, Bobby Layne, Charley'*' "If the young quarterback can’t tfanes last year and he Is con­ reason why the baseball people floor and foul stripe, getting five team 'and unbeaten in seven Kansas eliminated defending Bay Coach Vince Lombardi will Johnston was Houstmi’s represen­ hopes of the want a change in their arrange­ yards, threw more touchdowns and baskets and eight charity tosses. games, takes on St. John's in the champion Iowa State, 76-72, and tucky meeting Memphis State. Allan Sault ...... 98 83 181 will read about thfm and they replace Howell. They speculate that er versibs the pass? That has Conerly, Otto Graham, Frankie Al throw,” asserted The Dutchman, tative on the defensive lineup. vinced It -is the greatest. averages more yards per try than Roger Harry ...... 97 179 will com# armed too. Incldente bert, Y. A. -nttle, Van Brocklin and the Boston Bruins of the Na­ ment. Manchester led, throughout, al­ stellar attraction of the Madison Kansas State ousted Oklahoma, A1 Sherman, Howell’s No. 1 as­ been the question in football "get rid of him. He can be taught The teams: The "Ace” is Clarence Parker tional Hockey League were dim­ * e « the veteran Charlie Conerly. Yet, Rick Jacobs ...... 98 179 like this are progressive and and Johnny Unltas, one of the town’s hotter elders though Briatol closed to within one Square Garden Holiday;.Festival 73-52, in the semi-finals o f the Big sistant this year, may wind up to exploit defenses, but he has to OFFENSJD mer than ever today. when the former Colt was guiding Karl Kehler ...... 98 178 ought to be nipped In the bud.” ' for nearly a half century, or bring the arm with him.” who was horn in the snow €»uiitry point late in the fourth canto, 45- semi-finals. St. JoKii’s, ranked No. Eight Tournament at Kansas City. Alumni Defeated as head coach either at Phila­ Just what makes a great passer? Ends—Lionel Taylor, Denver, Both were defeated last night Added Honors the attack in tha key games, the 44, but a full court press rssulted 7, also has won all seven of its Wayne Hightower got 14 of his 18 Jason Stansfleld ....95 177 Kiel Auditorium had a capacity' since Gus Dorais, Knute Rock- Set Up Attack around Hanoyer, NJI. and haa delphia or with the new Minnesota Peplphnral Vision and Art Powell, New York. by the teams they must beat to Norm Van Brocklin, the West Giants didn't go anywhere.. .In­ In much fouling and the Indiana games. Two All-Americas, Ohio points to spark a second half ral­ Dave Call ...... 95 170 crowd of 10,428 last night and as Vikinga, However, if the Giants do ne and Notre Dame showed Van Brocklin skillfully set up the Tackles—Ron Mix, Los Ah- heen skiing for over SO years, some get a spot in the four-team post- dividual scoring title with the By RHAM, 46-39 Paul Buck ...... 96 169 "Among numerous other qual­ oonspetltlvely for the University Coast Dutchman who haa won took advantags by sinking their State'A Jerry Lucas and Tony ly for Kansas. The reserves saw usual the fans screamed and - not get ‘Lombardi, Sherman would the country what could be accom­ ities,” said Weeb Ewbank of the Eagles’ attack by employing full­ gelep, and Al Jamison, Houston. season competition for the Stanley more awards for his play during Giants went to Pat Summerall, a Gary ZawistowakI ...9 1 168 of New Hampshire. Inquiring fur­ foul tries. Period scores were 12-8, Jackson'\of St. John's, provide plenty of duty for Kansas State howled whenever Auerbach stood be a cinch to replace Howell. plished by air. Colts, ’’hq has to be blessed with back and halfback draw plays. He Guards—Bill Krlsher, Dallas, Cup. The third place Detroit Red the I960 National Football League fellow who didn't tally a touch­ 27-20, 41-36, Rolling up a 18-5 first period ad­ John Pellerin ...... 98 168 ther I found that the Lakewood some extrA punch in the billing. with 14 players In action. K-State up. Before the egg throwing, a Well, Norman Van Brocklin and peripheral vision In order to pick calls them anti-rush plays. When and Bob Mischak, New 'York. Wings downed the Rangers, 4-3, season than anyone else, will have down all year. The kicking speoUl- vantage, RHAM High held on to Dave Roberta ...... 93 163 Long Job Ahead the Packers duly respected the Circle . Caravan comprised ;of Summary; ‘The supik>rting game at the ^ d Kansas meet tonight for the fan hurled a bag of peanuts at the Eagles won a big case for the up the defensive picture Instant­ Center—Jim Otto, Oakland. with three goals within a space of a new car to drive because of hia ist booted 6l points, one more than championship. outscore the Alumni last night, 46- Other gunners were Jim Fee, the Boston coach. Meanwhile most NFL offlclal.s pitcher with the National League draw plays and weren’t rushing so Parker, Dr. Zaglio, Dr. Bill Con- MaacheiUr (17) Garden edso la a natural, for third ly.” Quarterback—Jack Kemp, Los 41 seconds in the third period. And showing in the playoff champion­ end Kyle Rote picked up on 10 B P Pt*. 39. Buzz Bishop hooped 14 tallies John Matchett, Frank Hagan Ken Officials pleaded ■with the and coaches had left here to begin championship . . . by four points hard. Van opened up with his i>ass- Angeles. / ion, and their families— 16 fully the fourth place Chicago Black Johnson ...... 1 ranked St. Bonaventure (8-0) In the All-College tourney at ths task of sigpiing the 280 layers "First he has to be able to ship game. Sport magazine has touchdown gra b s... The Giants tacklea Utah, which lost ita first to set the pace for the schoolboys Tedford, Joq Stanlunaa, Walter crowd over the public address sys­ and nine yards. That’s how close Ing, short ones at first and then the Halfbacks—Abner Haynes, Dal­ equipped siders in all— left yes­ Hawks beat the Bruins, 4-3, with tabbed the Philadelphia Eagle White ...... 1 i 1 Oklahoma City, Wlchlta’a Ron from 180 schools drafted In the throw,” said Molesworth. "Then scored 271 points to 281 markers Boyd ...... 6 0 0 two gamee but has since captured with teammate Dave Farley toss­ Irwin, and Kent .Wallace. tem not to throw things on the the Packers were to the Philadel­ long ones to Tommy McDonald and las, and Paul Lowe, Los Angeles. terday for an extra long week end Ken Wharram getting two goals. quarterback the winner of a Chev­ Heller scored a field goal and Lan- ing in a dozen. long two-day session. only experience can give him the for the opposition. A big reason Miitretta ...... 2 1 K seven in a row. floor, dtlng dangers to the play­ phia goal when time ran out. Pete Retzlaff. Fullback—Dave Smith, Hous­ at Mt. Snow. The Word is that In the other gome, the pace-set­ rolet Corvette. Van was named Minor ...... 0 ny Van Emam two free throws in San Francisco led the draft with knowledge of how to exploit mod­ why the Giants lost the. Eastern McAdam ...... the final minute to defeat Houston. RHAM led at the half, 20-15, and ers on both teams. But little heed Green Bay had the well balanced Throwing longi ones. The Dutch­ ton. Mrs. Conlqn is especially anxious ting Montreal Canadlens whipped becauae of (1) hla clutch paaaes, Division crown showed up in the ...... 7 2 Meanwhile, eight teams — four 86 aslectlons in the 20 ro\inda as ern multiple defenses by knowing man used a little swing pass to Ted fn got going as her season was Reardon ...... 1 E R from North C^olina and four 71-08. Utah State swamped Texes after three periods, 33-24. Sullivan Peddled was paid to the pleas. attack with a violent running game precisely where his receiver is go­ d e f e n .s e the second place Maple (2) his tremendous punting and fumbles department. New York Morianok ...... 2 i 1 result of choices acquired from Dean as a safety valve. Completed ctrt short last yea.r because of a Leafs, 4-1. ■ Geciauakas .. . . from outside— tee off in the Dixie Christian, 87-61, in the second Bobby Ponchak was able to solve The next St. Louis appearance complementing the throwing of ing to be at an exact second in an Ends—Mel Branch, Dallas, and (8) his leadership on the field losing ball 25 times this way as ...... 4 1 9 ether clubs In previous trades. St. long passes set up more short ones fail for which her husband pre­ The results left the Rangers, In Classic first round this afternoon game which completed the first th,e RHAM defense and dropped in To A’s for Kutyna In Boston la Jan. 18. Bart Starr, n pretty fair passer. area not being too tightly defended. Laveme Torezon, Buffalo. Springfield's Indians, making a against only a dozen fumbles for Totali ...... 18 Louis and Baltimore each picked and In the end, he had the Eagles scribed pounds of plaster parts. fifth place, nine points bock of "si 57 at Raleigh, N.C. Sixth-renked round. Baylor and New York U., 17 tallies. 32 and Cleveland, Green Bay and Best In Game Next comes play selection, tak­ Tackles—Bud McFadin, Den­ nmaway of the race for top honors the opposition. Brlilel Central (M) running. Chicago. Boston trails by another in the , Duke (7-0) meets Wyoming (3-3) which won first round games Tues­ Summary: Los Angeles 21 each. The narrow dllTorenre between ing advantage of what.he sees in ver, and Chuck McMurtry, Buf­ ♦ • • B p Pt*. Wa.ahington, Dec. 29 (iP)—The the clubs was that the Eagles had "Any time a first class modem falo, Jim Munsie and Die Harimbn two. boasts eight of the top 10 scorers. Carlson ...... 0 0 0 in the night finale, while 10-rated day. play in tonight’s semi-finals, Washington Senators today trad­ Tankers Sink Grads Pitt, an Eastern power, con­ front of him.” , quarterback has the protection and had trouble avoiding the rocks on The Rangers apparently had Carone ...... 1 R 5 while Wichita takes on Utah State. RHAM (40 the pin point pitching of Van Unebackers — Archie Matsos, Top man on the list is BUI Sweeney End of the Line * Whitthead ...... 0 0 0 North Carolina State (6-1) takes P ed Haywood Sullivan to tributed the most players -eight. Van Brocklin was asked about time, he’ll hit the receiver,” con­ Mt. Snow’s upper regions but their game wrapped up with less Cohen ...... B F PtR. Brocklin, who retires as the great­ Buffalo, Sherril Headrick, Dallas, (51) with teammates following Answer to the blggeet need of ...... 6 8 18 on ViUanova (4-2) in the second Action Galore 2 P a rley ...... 5 2-3 12 Kansa.9 City for pitcher Marty Surprisingly, Manchester High’s Including All-America end Mike this at the Eagles’ victory party cluded Molesworth. claimed the lower Sundance was than seven minutes remaining and Santanlelio ...... « 10 22 2 P restrld ec ...... est passer In the game. Where The and Larry Grantham, New York. like this Art Stratton (43), Harry the New York Giants may be sup­ BuHe ...... game o f the matinee twinblll. The Gator Bowl tourney started ...... 2 (VO 4 Kutyna and an undisclosed swimmers defeated the Alumni DItka drafted by the Chicago high lip In the Warwick Hotel. Van Brocklin sure did. terrific last Monday — Adam holding a 3-1 lead. Then sudden­ ...... 0 8 t 0 Bishop ...... 6 2-3 14 Dutchman hit targets when the Backs— Dick Harris, Los An­ Pldhlmy (41). Floyd Smith (40), plied by Bob , a 205-pound Benoit ...... 0 0 0 Matinee Gonteet at Jacksonville, Fla., with defend­ 1 W eeniaii ...... amount of cash. yesterday afternoon at the local Bears. ^ Rhodes and family left yesterday ly Murry Oliver, Howie Glover and ...... 1 (VO 2 Eagles needed them to be hit most, PROPER—This Is the way to geles, Austin Gonsoulin, Denver, Bfuce Cline (40), BIU McCreary speedster from New Mexico State. Maryland (6-1) and North Caro­ ing champion Georgia whipping 1 F. T n y lor ...... 2 (VO 4 Kutyna, 2S, appeared in 51 pool, 47-39. This Is an indication The No. 1 selection by Minneso­ for threq or four days around Norm Ullman drove the puck post Total* ...... 13 28 50 3 D. Tnylor ...... Starr was a little off. Had Starr’s pick up the ball and avoid any poe- Mark Johnston, Houston, and (30), Brian Kilrea (30) and Jimmy Built along the lines of Jimmy Score at hall: lina (4-2) meet in the matinee Florida State, 62-56. In the opener, ...... 2 2-4 R games for Kansas City last sea­ that Coach Dick Sollanek haa ta was Tulane’s Tom Mason, a North Conway — Jim McKeough, goalie Gump Worsley to-give De­ 37-30 Mnncheater. 0 J u rov n ly ...... 1 (VO 2 passes led the receiver or followed ■Mlity of hand injury. Richie McCabe, Buffalo. Anderson (38). The Indians host Brown, the Cleveland great, kiciiwft, and Wake Forest (5-2) police had to break up a fight near son and posted a 3-2 won-loat rec­ come up with another fine squad. speedy halfback. Young Zipfel May Be Sleeper Bill ('Red) Ritchie, Dick SulUe troit the triumph. Cleveland Saturday night at the him just a bit on several occasions Gaiters was a tremendous pei7erm- and Marquette (5-2) open the the end aa Florida defeated Jack­ 9 T otal* ...... 20 6 -10 48 ord. The 28-year-old Philadelphian Hurl, Baxter, Kostenko and U ft the ball by placing the and Bob Brown all sporting new Wharram’s first goal of the Coliseum at 8 o’clock. the result could have been dif­ er all season. Despite his size, College Basketball ^ evening round, 'nie home teams sonville, 82-68. In tonight’s aemt- Alnmnl (iBi had a 1960 earned run average of Hunter scored first for the school­ hands on the outside of it, away to go with the new Hearts game pulled the Hawks even at * * « finals, Florida plays Navy while B P Pla. ferent. Gaiters is a breakaway runner. rule favorites, for no outsider has Ponchak ...... r 3.92. His 1959 record with Port­ boys while Towle, Dan Dormer Hockey at a Glance In Amei^ican League Draft from the line of balls on the rack. —Rick Merritt and Jerry LaPlne 3-3 In the second period. And his Georgia meets Georgia Tech. Navy 1-4 17 "That’s why a pro club la going A badly bruised finger that could Sport Schedule second, at the 18-second mark of Hfire ’n There Only time will tell whether or not ' HUBRICANE OLA86IC won(tee Dixie since It was started Walmal*y ...... 3 1-4 land was 14-10. and Smith posted firsts for the precl.sely nowhere today without a skied Mt. Snow Christmas Day Gaiters Is the answer . . Hand­ (First Round). 12 yefem ago. and Tech drew first round byes. Uagnnn (VI Alumni. Wadneaday’s ReaulU keep you out of action for some and Hogback Monday — Monday the final period, provided the Unless there Is a radical change Farcaua .. (VI Sullivan, SO, recently purchased sflckout passer," stressed Moles- New York —(NEIA) some Frank Gifford, who would like Miami (Fla) 82. Army 75. Holy Cross and Miami (Fla.) H. Taylor . NATIONAL LKAOIJB Was there^'ture, "World Series of 1960,” at time could result from being hit Friday, Dec. 80 Bob Brown and Bill Hunnlford clincher. Fourth-ranked Indiana (6-1) 1-2 from the minors by Washington, worth. who did so much to Intro­ a sleeper In the historic draft In the weather, the annual New to retire, may stay on at least an­ Holv Cross 66, Tennessee 67. meet in the finals tonight of the D. Lord ... (VI the Savoy-Hllton was a grand op­ by a returning ball while you are skied Jimminey Pea/k which was Reserv®, goalkeeper Charlie won ita first round game in the Davr Lord (VO batted .161 last season with the Goalie Lome (Gump) Worsley at Montreal 4, Toronto 1. duce the modern T with man-ln- Maloney at Manchester, 8:15, Year’s Day tha Man­ other year with the Giants as an Hurricane Classic at Miami Beach. the new Washington and portunity to find out If someone of picking up yours Infproperly. Fdck in good shape with an inch or two Hodge turned in a spectacular DOWNEA8T CLASSIC Los Angeles Claselc last night, VInkHa ... 0-0 Boston Red Sox. In 1959 with the New York Rangers broke htfo Detroit 4, New York 8. motlon as the Chicago Bears' quar­ Los Angeles clubs In the Ameri­ Arena. chester Country Club wiU be post­ offensive end, where the punish­ (First Round). Miami trounced Army, 82-75, while McAnrnny AO worth might have slipped away. up the ball with both hands, 'rather of fresh powder—John Jay tickets performance in the net os Billy poned, and in all likelihood, can­ defeating Stanford, 58-50, as big Holy Cross beat Tennessee, 68-67, Minneapolis ha had a .235 aver- hockey with the New Haven team Chicago 4, Boston 3. terback In the mld-lB30’s and is can League? Middletown at Rockville, 8:15. Hlcke, Guy Gendfon, B ^ m Boom ment Isn’t as rugged as a running Maine 73, Boston Univ. 67. "Marion Zlpfel,” they replied In than the finger of one. at Nassiff’s for Friday and Satur­ celed----- Ray Felix, former local W alt Bellamy led the way with in the final minutes on four three 8 Totala ...... 18 3-18 39 •8e. during the 1949-60 season. AMERICAN LEAGUE now personnel director of the Balti­ Was there one ballplayer worth Prevent arm and hand fatigue Lebanon at RHAM. Geoffrion and Ralph Backstrom back is subjected to. Kyle Rote Cornell 67, Bowdoln 46. -unison. The spanking new Sena­ day, Jan. 13-14. pro hoopster. Is averaging but five 20 points. throw conversions by Tim Shea. more Colts. "And a standout pass­ $78,000, which was the price by distributing the weight In both provided the Canadiena' scores. made the change and prolonged hla Rhode Island 67, Colby Buffalo 4, Hersbey 3. . tors drew this 6-foot 3>A-lnch, 22- points per game with the Los 66. In other first roimd games, Detroit retained the Motor City er Is hard to find,” paid? Surely, the eight original hands. San Francisco has had ths Na­ Montreal now haa won 12 of 14 pro career at least five years . (Overtime). Quebec 4, Rochester 3. yeatv-old first baseman.. About 16 Manchester Ski Club Angeles Lakera In the NBA this Iowa outlasted California, 83-80, tourney title as Charley North led That’s why you don’t require an clubs protected their best. tional League’s earned run leader games since Hodge replaced the Receipts from the Thanksgiving Harvard 75, Bates 51. Springfield 6, Providence 8. Lot of Money members along with 10 JMpm the season. . . Frank Mahotrlich of the In four overtimes. Southern Cali­ the Titans to a 77-64 victory over extra finger or two to count the Seated with the Yankee scouts NEXT: Checking approach. the last three years—Stu Miller In injured Jacques Plante in the nets. Day football game in Meriden be­ SPRINGFIELD INVITATION' EASTERN LEAGUE ' "Now $75,000 is a lot of money, Rockville Alpine Club wBl leave Toronto Maple Leafs scored in 26 tween crosatown rivals, Maloney fornia whipped Minnesota, 75-52, stubborn Colorado State Univer­ SPANKING MAND NEW. FACTORY FRESH truly great football pitchers — Bill Skiff, Harry Hesse, Frank 1958 Sam Jones In 1959 and Mike (First Round). and UCLA walloped Michigan Charlotte 6, Greensboro 4. even In these days of ridiculous McCormick in 1960. about 6 o’clock tomorrow night for o f his first 93 Shota at the net in and Platt, amounted to $4,670. sity. Nortfi had 20 points. through the. years. You start run­ O’Rourke and Pete Gedrian—at the three-day weekend at Jay Massachusetts 64, Columbia 57. SUte, 98-61. Clinton 12, New York 1. ning out of names after listing bonuses,” said Skiff, the old Pro Basketball ths thia After expenses, each school re­ The University of Denver, trail­ the luncheon preceding the pre­ Peak. Springfield 79, AIC 63. IntUena meets UCLA and Iowa ing early by 15 points, came back New Haven 9, Johnstown 1. .Sammy Baugh, Sid Luckman,, catcher and minor league man­ Wednesday’s Results season.. .Dick Moore of Montreal ceived $1,983.77. view, showing of the splendid pic- ager who is chief of the New Cincinnati 114, New York 104. Amherst '75, Assumption 64. opposes Southern California in the to defeat Penn State, 58-50, and York foxy foragers, "but I must Ski tip from Whiteface Moun­ Syracuse 115, Los Angeles 113. Williams 84, Albright 71. ■emi-flnals tbday. capture the Evansville (Ind.) say that this big, good-looking, tain brochure: To discourage St. Louis 105, Boston 99. Other Gamee Idaho, Oregon State, Seattle Tournament title. Denver’s Ted 'G1 COMETS blond kid has a chance.’* thieves when going in for a break, Friday’s Schedule 21 Title Fight^JIuring Year Northwestern 87, Dartmouth 71. and Arisons State posted first Vezle was top scorer with 18 points. Then why did the Yankees have mismatch equipment with a friend. Boston at New York. Michigan 74, Brown 56. - round victories yesterday in the Butler stalled in the final aSc- MORNING BELLS young Zipfel's name on the. list 7 Akron 96, New Hampehire 55. Far Weat Claasic at Portland, onds for a final shot, and Gerry the better compact car, AT ANY PRICE! Standings Ore. Idaho upset Portland, 66-51, Williams connected to upset Pur­ "There are so many of them,” W. L explained Skiff. “ You can’t pro­ Patterson, Best Boxer, Bob Purkey was the workhoree of Oregon Stete turned back Wiscon­ due, 65-63, In the ninth Hoosier THE SEASON’S THE REASON Isabelles ...... 32 2i Clnclnnatl’a pitching staff last sea­ sin, 66-64, Beattie ousted Washing- Claselc. In the opener et Indian- tect all of them, but I'll assure ...... 2( Mormrty’s Remain in Lead, you of this—we hated to lose this son. He tossed 252 Innings, won 17, boy.” Jeanlebelles ...... 30 2: lost 11, FOR OUR Clalrebelles ...... 28 2' ^ p fe l, who is out of. Belleville, Marybelles ...... 1 9 8; Guards Fourth Hoop Victims Italy’s Rinaldi Honored 111., hit 29 home runs In 138 games Rorybellea ...... 15 3' ^ BIG in the spacious parks of the Class A Eastern League last season, STANDINGS _ New York, Dec. 29 {A*)- Heavyweight Champion Floyd NOTICE! Four teams are very much In less Nike. Matt Wallace (20) and 7 batting .269 and driving lri'"lD4 W. L. Pet. Eric Hohenthal (16) paced Shy- Patterson, the first man to win back the big crown, today was the running for the championship Morlarty Bros...... 4 0 1.000 runs. The leader was Ann in the last half. Nell (XI) and named “ Fighter of the Year’’ by Ring magazine which also Don Lock, an outfielder and also at this stage of the season, two Shy-Ann ...... 3 '1 .750 Shea (10) also hit double figures. a . Yankee farm hand with Bing­ being deadlocked for the lead, Headquarters ...... 2 2 .500 Dick Arilia hit with consistency to picked light heavyweight Guilio Rinaldi of Italy as the win­ each scoring 3-1 point wins this West Sides ...... 1 2 .333 ner of its "Progreaa Award.” ALL PACKAGE STORES hamton, who had 34. pile up 16 points for Nike. b a r g a i n , B O H A N i A Zlpfel was signed by Lou Magu- week, the Isabelles and Nllabellea. Telso ...... 1 3 .250 Patterson, prevloualy, had been non-title bout clinched the prog- ARE REQUIRED BY STATE LAW TO BE OVER named the winner at the Edward ola, who in more recent years has Evelyn Lorentzen contributed a Nike ...... 0 3 .000 rees award for the 25-year-oId • • • • • * * ______J. Neil Memorial Plaque aa “ Fight­ IN STOCK TO PICK FROM established a reputation as a very new high single, 154, and wound Italian who won all six of his 19M Morlarty Bros, kept their record er of the ’Year” by the Boxing superior appraiser of raw base­ up with a 344 triple. Other fine S A S K E T B A U i fights and rocketed to the No. 2 Intact last night as they picked Writers Association. The 25-year- place In tbe 176-pound rankings. ball talent. Maguola, a little St. singles were rolled by Jean Nourie SCOKES old New Yorker, who le supposed 110, Hilma McComb 124, Rory up their fourth straight win de­ Others cited for their progress Louis Italian, hga yet tef sign an feating a stubborn Headquarters to box Ingemar Johansson in a IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Simon 125, Vivian Sheldon 112. were welter champ Benny Paret athlete who wasn't useful. ->He five. 61-43. Shy-Ann held on to WEST Sipii JUNIORS third match March ,13 at Miami of Cuba, flyweight king Kingpetch, CLOSED grabbed Roy Slevsra, the home second place by turning back Nike, Last night House A Hale beat Beach, lost his title to the Swede light heavy Doug ^ a a of New run manufacturer, for the old St. 67-36. The West Sides picked up Naasiff Arms, 38-29. Scoring hon­ jn 1959 and won It back by a York, welterweight ^mlle Griffith 12.000 MILES Louis Bro\vns. He landed Bill HARTFORD COUNTY LEAGUE PUCES Standings their Initial win by beating Telso, ors went to Mike Oetsewlch with knockout last June. of New York, midolswelght Don Skowron and Tony Kubek of the 38-26. 15 points. He was followed by Doug Rating the boxers for their ac- Fullmer of West Jordan; Utah and All Day Monday OR ONE YEAR fT A R T W. current Yankees. . U Secor (6). Blob Nowlcki scored 16 Paganl Caterers ... .14 7 Telso kept pace with the West compliehments in 1960, P.lng listed heavyweight Robert <;aeroux of f a c t o r y Started In Outfield Sides through the first three pe­ points in a losing cause, and Mike heavyweight Sonny Liston, the No. Montreal. JANUARY 2 AT Zlpfel, a left-hand swatter and Dari-Medda ...... 11 10 Kearns canned six. Aldon Mtlls ...... 10 riods but was limited to two points 1 contender, as the runnerup to A total of 21 title fights wert WARRANTY! 111 mokes-AII models right-hand throwfier, was an out­ .11 in the final atanza while the win­ In the second game, Herm's Pelleta . 9 12 Patterson In the yearly rankings. held during the year, Including flva fielder at* the outset. ning West Sides taUled 12 to take Camera beat the hustling West Pone Kingpetch of Thailand, in the junior divislona. In the mid- IN OtStRVANCE Of Big Volues-Low Prkos Lea’s Market...... ,9 12 their first win. Bob Williams (13) Sides, 38-28. U tU e; Craig Philips “He was a good outfielder, too,” Oliva’s E s s o ...... 9 12 was ranked No. 3 among the fight­ dlewelghta ranks there are two NO PAYMENTS cut In Pete Gedrian, "but his arm paced the West Sides while Hank proved to, be the big gun scoring recognized champions In the ban­ m ers of the year for his feat of de­ ^ NEW YEAR'S DAY S our wid* ••{•ctipn of thorp, lot* now of wasn't too strong so we made Felle (10) was high for Telso. 16 points and Bill Dixon and Mike throning Pascual Perez in the fly­ tam daze ^rtng recognised no­ ONLY DOWN Big news in this duckpin loop HARDLYv LOS ANGEr, The Guards, with big Dave Bo­ Chemielecki each hooped 10. him a first baaenlan, where his would be the night no one creshee weight class and then knocking body but two men have been rec­ TILL FEBRUARY throwing is adequate and he Im­ LES— WeaiHng a ski land setting the pace, battled ■nie game between Lea’s Market out the veteran Argentine boxer ognized by the NBA, and tha Eu­ the 400 Club. Ih e latest to Jhin Moriarty's in the first half and proved in the field .the past sea­ the select company were Fred and with bail and , and Conn. Trust will be rescheduU In a rematch. , ropean Boxing Unlqh. MANCHESTER OLDSMOBiLE were only do\m seven points, 27- ed. The largest fight gate o f the son. He runs well and there Isn’t McCurry 164-147^131—482, Vic 'Eddie Yost sits on a snow Paul Pender, recognised in some' HIQH TRADES • iOW PRICES • LOW BANK TERMS MOTOR SALES the slightest question about hla 33, at Intermission. High scoring states as world middleweight year was the $824,814.07 drawn by W l WISH RVIRYONI A Abraltls 106-165-139^13 end Bob bank in front of his Buzz Keeney (28), Dr.n rlntb (13) the Patterzon-Johanaaoh bout at . "SEUUNO SERVICING OIDSMOBILEB FOR OVER 35 YEARS’* power.” Clough lSl-145-184—410. champion for his two victories over "More ImMrtant ie Zlpfel'a de- Woodhaven, Long Island, and Frank Butkus (11) all atart- Scholastic Basketball Sugar Ray Rohinaon, was Uated the Polo Grounds In New York, RAY DH TER, UsMl GOr kuMM tr ReepecUble totals were rolled ed to connect In the third period. that figure did not Include the In­ ■ire,” said Frank O'Rourke, the by L u r y BaUa 1S6-1S6 — 868, 7 home and dinams of sun­ No. 4 followed by Bder 3

■T’ -'I' : ...... -I .A V _ I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29, 1960 PAGE PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 19^0 Uoiuftft for Sale ' Bowsift tor Sftlft ' 72 Andover Auto Drlvtiis School 7«A THERB OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN fiouehold Goods 51 Apartmenu— iV APPLE PIE CONDITION likANCHESnst- Nav 8 (twin- Hospital Notes Tanemeiitat 6 3 Congolese Rebels New Listing: sized) bedroom ranch. Plastered MORTLOCK'S Maaichester’a lead­ T h i ^ Rooms of Furniture -4- walls, hot water heat, fireplace, VMtiftg heftrz are S to 8 > m . THREE ROOM fully fUmUied ing driving acbooL Three akiUed Sparkling clean describes this ceramic bath. SSiU baaeiboat, ga­ for all aroaa eseept matoralty Justice Court courteous Instructoth. C9ass room 5vilW ITEM OF to o t THEV OOt OM THAT TV. B uTOHE THIMO NOSOST OUARAHTEBO WaI' FROM MODEL ROME i apartment, secmid floor, central­ CLASSIFIED k lovely 6 room plus enclosed rage. Builder MI 8-4860. wkm n tfcegr ara S to 6:88 aad S:S0 Instructions for 16, 17 year olds. M A SEIA G E F^O OSA I WAS OUASANTEED ID itow tOHG THE M A RRiA Si iW U lP iM T ly located, modem fumleh*— Fight A g^st Tshombe ______l a s t a l i f e t i m e .______heat Included, $90 per month. porch, formal lUning room. 'Thle to S pjna.; aaS arlvato rooms Gears Docket Telephone Mr. MortlociC Director Cost Over 3700 house also has lifetime aluminum EIHtXER STREET ftrea, 8 room of Driver EducaUon. MI 9-7898. OWAH.'GETOurft MI 9-6808. wiMre they are IS a.m. to 8 pzn. A uFiiwii WAiHis, w w m A sr aeiu;. A POIFT KNOW HOW X •Idtag. Selling (or only $15,900. colonial, *3 baths, wall-wall carpet, Television (Oonttmed (reni ftf* U m } t y iR r o o s A NEVER BEEN USED garage, private yard, treee. Four cases were heard by .Trial ADVERTISING p t m m L t f 0 JUMSTtWITHAHlMflCILB TWO ROOM furnished apartment, 117,900. Carlton W. Hutchins, HQ ^ Fatteato Today 189 8:00 Big I iMter (hr progrtu) 8* ’ 8:00 Donna Reed Shew I. 40. S3 l80H.BS#1bt» Sale Price $888 one block from Main St., $18 week­ R. F. DIMOCK CO. .^.ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mro. First ( (in progreu) Angel 12 Justice Charles Nicholson in the Vince, for his second proviadal l MEN. AHP T U m LIKEIOU'VOUU 9-5132. Early (in progress) 8:30 Tales of the Vikings 18 final criminal aession of Trial Jus­ Bw Iim w ScrvioM O ffen d IS CO HGRim tl A T ^ t FROM OUR UKEVOUFOR HEAR FROM Mf ly. Ml 9-8884 between 6-9 p.m. MI 9-5245 Maty Shapleigh, 107 Holl S t; stats -visit. Pay Only $4 Week Whit* . ,_iter 40 Bat Mastfrson 10.1-33, 30 tice (Jourt Tuesday night in the .. TO t h e HEW l i i M AMO OROOM «F LONS lAWVIt > Barbara Woods MI 9-7702 HJIGHT ROOM modified ranch, 8 Mrs. Janet Spellman, Stafford Hucklel^ imr Hound * Zane Grey Theater i . 13. 40 Kasavubu was wall received CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS COSMA APPUANCB~Bervlca-fte- MONTHS,' ROCKVILLE—14 Laurel — Well New* 53 Tho Real McCoys 8, S3 Town Hall. With the hearing of The Connecticut State Grange when he visited CoqUlihatvtUe, patrs all makes refrtfig^fbni, TW0«K|»f Sacriflcins complete* bedroom, Johanna Evans MI 9-5653 baths, 4 bedrooms, family' room, fr in g e ; Mrs. Eileen Flynn, Bolton; Holiday Playhouse 33 8;15 A3L to 4!80 P.M. heated three room furnished C a rles Braun, Coventry; Earl Cartoo Piayhouss * two cases in Small Claims Court legislative committee has voted to capital of Equator Province, Ust freezers, washing m achi^s, dry­ complete Uving room and kitchen tVall-WBll carpet, $21,900. Many 6:15 Wild BUI Hickok 9:00 Congressional InInvestigator 18 Saturday, Nicholson will complete support the Orange stand for a apartment. Tel. TR 5-9094, V — BOLTON Bushey, 148 Maple St.; Mrs. Pa­ .6:25 Weather. News ft Sports 8. 13 Bachelor Father 10. 33. 30 week. But Kasai is the home pro­ ers. ranges, oil and gas bumera. decorator furniture from model dis­ extras, Carlton W. Hutchtae, Ml seven years of service as Trial Jus­ state conaUtutlonal amendment COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 9-6132. tricia Hemmeler, 69 Orchard St., Tightrope 40 The Witness 3, 13 vince of ex-Premter Patrice Lst- Ml 9-6883. All work guaranteed. play home. We will (five you free SIX ROOM duplex, Center S t, The country gentleman. New 6 6:80I Countr;Country Style 53 My Three Sons i. 40 tice. Howard Jennings has served against the "diversion of highway MOMDA1T X t a FBIDAT 10:30 AJU.—^ATtTBDAV 0 AJM. delivery and free storage up to one partly furnished, oU burner, ga­ Rockville; Monica P a c k e r, 32 Wrestling 63 mumba and the Luluabourg pro­ room cape, loor the family who MANCHESTER—8 Mdro^m home, Sit.■ PPrestoni 9:80 Plano Poos 18 as town phisecutor during the funds.” CHAIN SAW work - Trees cut. year. rage, $110. Available immediate­ Bunce Dr.; Rollie 'Thompson. 916 N___ews,J. Sports. Weather. n past year. The post was previously vincial government remained loyal Reasonable rataa. Call .PI 2-7H68 wants privacy. 8 bedrooms, 1% nice condition on latfe lot. Alum­ Main St.; John Guard, 89 Schaller Skier's Corner 32 Project Twenty 10, 32, 30 Arrangements have been made to Lumumba until he was arrested PLEASE READ YOUR AD ly. MI 3-6409, baths, formal dining room, one acre 8 Public Affaire Program 12 held by Walton P. Yerger who re­ between 1:8(M :80 or any time NORMAN'S inum combinatione, niu basement, Rd.; Mrs. ‘Norene Phillips, 392 8:48 News The Untouchables 8, 40. 63 for a meeting of the committee by Col. Joseph Mobutu’s troops a CISMified or “ Want Ada** or« taken over the phone as a con* lot, G.I. mortgage available. Sell­ Douglas Edwards 8 13 signed when he moved to another Saturday or Sunday. 443 HARTFORD ROAD THREE ROOM apartment, heat near bus, school' and shopping Main S t; Mrs. Helena Babb, 67 Huntley-Brlnkley News 10, 33. 30 10:00 Year* of Crisis 3. 12 with Agricultural Commissioner month ago. vonlenoe. The advertiser shonld read his ad the FIRST DAT IT ing for $16,800, center. Priced for quick eale. Cafi Million Dollar Mnvla 18 town. Before you buy furniture dny- and hot water, $70 a month. Cou­ Wadsworth St.; Mrs. Isolda 7:00 Johnny Midnight 8 10:30 Take a Good Look 9. 40 Joseph Gill and Dean Young of a p p e a r s and REPORT ERRORS in thne tor the next Inser­ COMPLETE REPAIRS - - ^ Stu­ ple preferred. 270 Hackmatack St. owner, Ml 9-9770. gloU, Glen Rd., Bolton; Warlen Million Dollar Movl* 18 Holiday Playhouse In the first case, Ronald Miller, the College of Agriculture at Stockholm, Sweden, Dec, 29 (rf’l— ’ where—shop at Norman’s. R. F. DIMOCK CO. 8. 13 13 tion. The Herald Is responsible tor only ONE Incorrect or omitted art R. Wolcott on-4laP./matlc Call after 4 p.m. MI 9-8246. Robbins, 41 Village St., Rockville; Jim Backus Show 11:00 World’s Best Movies 8 16, of Hebron, was found guilty of UConn to discuss the general agri­ The Swedish Defense Staff today Insertion tor any advertlaeinent and then only to the extent of a washers, dryers and electric MAN(3HESTEfr-— 7 room Cape, Rough Rider* 10 News, Sports A Weather 3 speeding and lined $18. Miller had MAPLE CRIB and mattress, $10. MI 9-5245 faimUy room, modern kitchen, 8 Thomas Schoonmakerf Wapping; New* ft Weather 30 11:16 Jack Paar Show (C) 10. 31) cultural situation. described aa "completely untrue” "make sood" liiMMon. Errors which do not lessen the value of ranges, 9-6678. Small matching chest, $6. Good THREE ROOM cottage, furnished Uncovered S3 been arrested Nov. 25 after an ac­ Barbara Woods MI 9-7702 bedrooms, rec room, garage. Good Mrs. Mabel Conant Andover Lake; 32 Play of The Week 3 Other action taken included: reports from Ellsabethvllle that the advertisement wlU not be corrected by "make Kood” Insertion. condition. MI 8-7791. Or unfurnished, gas heat, hot Johanna Evans MI 9-5653 Peter Coma, Glastonbury; Mrs. 7:15 W. Mass Htghltzhts Premiere 12 cident on Boston Hill Rd. in which support of Grahge opposition to a SNOW PLOWING—Driveways and water parking. New Bolton Road. lot with trees. One block to The Sports Camera .10 Feature 40 40 passengers from this town and Swedish W.N, troops were guard­ parking areas. Reasonable—by the schools, shopping and bus, $16,900. Frances Monquln, 14 Christopher 7:80 Outlaw* 33. 30 11:30 .Tack Paar Show (C) 22 state Income tax; sponsorship of ing! a Vroln attacked by Baluba A SUPER ALBERT VALUBi MI 3-<889. V I — IT’S A D E A L! The Ann Sothern Show 3. 13 12:16 Starllcht Movie 3 Marlborough were Injured and TOVR COOPERATION WILL job or season. Forget your enow Phllbrick Agency, MI 94404. Dr., Vernon; Frank Avignone, 82 telephone pole war severed by the an educational MU requesting the tribesmen in The Congo. problems. MI 4-0775. E-V-E-R-T-T-H-I-N-G Battista Rd.; Alan Nickerson, 17 Guestward Ho! 6, 40. 53 1:00 I.ate Newa 30 state board of education, to furn­ BE APPRECIATED Dial Ml 3-2711 8 ROOMS FURNITURE ROCKVILLE — See us for your Sturdy 5% room bungalow. Extra Adventures In Paradis* 10 Nea-s, Prayer 3 Impact. Investigation was made A report from a Swedish eosn- apartment! 3% rooms, heat, ^ . FAMILY WANTED ’ Talcott Ave., Rockville; Robert BEE BATUinsATlk TV WEBB FOR OOMFLETB USTINO by State Trooper Francis Pisch of ish standardized plans for schools m a n d e r in Ellsabethvllle Said BRAND NEW large rooms, formal dining room, Chare, 20 Packard St.; Jrtm Hut­ pliances, parking, $90 rntmthly: 8% basement garage, amesite drive. the Colchester Troop. so that towns may get preliminary “unconfirmed reports have it that SNOW PLOWING, reasonable. MI ONLY $298 rooms furnished, $100-$115 month^ TO OCCUPY ton, 26 Benton St.; David Herrick, plans showing methods of saving Lost and Found Automobiles for Sale 3-2864. Bowers School. Selling for only Another telephone pole was Irish troops (on the train) fired on $18 Delivers — $11.72 Mo. ly. Rlsley Realty Company, MI. East Hertford; Albert Brylpwe, in the construction and main­ the Baluba tribesmen and killed $18,400. The pretty kitchen with built-in struck the next night on nearby LOST—Flexible Flyer with initials 1959 PONTIAC Vista, white, power COVERS expertly made, sofa 12-PIEGE BEDROOM 9-4824, TR 6-1166. Stafford Springs. Wales Rd. by Emile Collin, 21, of tenance of school buildings; sup­ about 20 of them." G.E. range knd oven, large dining at Center Springs or Country Club steering, brakes, 18,000 miles, im­ Eind two chairs $37, plus material. 14-PIECE LIVING ROOM R. F. DIMOCK CO. ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. Bea­ Radio this town. He was found guilty port of the Grange position that A spokesman for the Katan$3i' maculate. one owner, trade ac­ 10-PIECB klTCHBN 39 MAIN STREET—8 rooms, first area spacioiis living room with trice Torrance, 194 E. Middle Tpke. (Tiili llittag taelBdes oiiiy tftoM m w s broadcftiito o f 10 or IB-nitanto "land used by farmers who obtain Sunday. Reward. Ml 9-5426. MI 9-1154 after S. floor, stove and refrigerator. In Tuesday's court of failure to Provincial Government said yee- cepted. MI 9-5833. Free Delivery, Free Storage, fireplace, complete ceramic tiled BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A son Uagth. Bomo •tottofta tu n y otBor akort ftowocMio). drive In the proper lane and fined 60 per cent of their livelihood from terday that the Balubas murdered Available Jan, 1. Call MI 8-2785 MI 9-5245 bath with colored fixtures. 'Three LOST—Red transistor radio in RUBBISH REMOVED—Rockville- Free Service to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mercier, WDRU—ItM ft 8:06 Pops Concert $18. Trooper Pisch was the testl farming operations be assessed for at least 20 persons and raped, brown leather case. MI 3-7451 or 1953 FORD hardtop V-8, standard Manchester area. Chain saw work. Phone for appointment before 5 p.m. Barbara Woods MI 9-7702 large bedrooms, loadk of closet Andover; a daughter to Mr. and 6:00 Nav* 9:06 What's Your Opinion Moving— Tracking— Help Wanted—Female 35 Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 space. Full basement with hot 10:06 Nightbeat fying officer! its agricultural value." All of wounded and kidnaped others on a MI 9-4644. transmission, turquoise and white, Attics,.cellars cleaned. MI 9-7735. Samuel Albert, Htfd. CH 7-0868 Johanna Evans MI 9-6653 Mrs. Burton Hewitt, Andover; a 6:06 Today on Wall Street Charges of breach of the peace train guarded by Swedish U.N. 4 new tires, good condition.. Call Storage 20 water oil heat. Aluminum awnings 6:10 Art Jehnaon Show 11:00 News these items were endorsed by re­ WOMAN WHO needs good home See It Day or Night son to Mr- Mrs. Dan Russell, 11:30 Starlight Serenada and damage to private property troops that was taking school chil­ NOTICE IS HEREBY given that MI 9-9200. THE POODLE SALON—complete THREE ROOM heated apartment, MANCHESTER — New 7 room and combination windows. At­ 8:06 Raynor Shines 1:00 SIgnoH solutions passed at the recent an­ to care for three chil£en. Good grooming and bathing. At stud, If you have no means of transpor­ 245 N. Main. MI 9-5229. 9-5. East Hartford; a daughter to Mr. 11:06 Spotlight on Sports were nollcd when Roger Keniston, nual State Grange session. dren home for a New Year’s va­ Pass Book No. 90029. issued by MANCHESTER Package Delivery. ranch, 3 fireplaces, 3 full baths, tached garage. Patio and lovely 13:06 Raynor Shines WPOP—1419 FORCED TO SELL—1957 Holiday Household Services Light trucking and package deliv­ pay, room and board, own room, AKC, miniature chocolate brown tation, IJ’li send my auto for you. and Mrs. Richard Lewis, 142 School 6:00 Today In Hartford 39. of this town, appeared as a re­ cation. U.N. military officials in The Savings Bank of Manchester FLAT, 6 rooms, third floor, en­ 2-car garage, large kitchen with landscaping. Near shopping, schools 1:06 Sign Oft 6:16 Conn Ballroom Leaders to Meet has been lost lind application has 88 Oldsmobile 4-door, low mile­ Offered 13-A ery. Refrigerators, washers and TV, new home,,all modem appli­ poodle, show quality. Call B. Mln- No obligation. St. WHAV-916 sult of an incident in an Andover Elisabethville, capital of Katanga, closed stairways, new linoleum, built-ta oven and range, formal and transportation. Excellent mort­ BIRTHS TODAY: A son to Mr. 7:00 Bob Scott Tha annual New England been made to said bank for pay­ age. Phone MI 9-7116, MI 3-4121. atove moving speclaity. Folding ances. MI 4-0977. MI 4-0260, ney, MI 9-9793. dining room. Lot 100x200. $20,900. 6:00 Bis Show 9:00 Ray Somers Center residence. refused to comment on the report. new gas furnace, available now. gage available. Start the New Year and Mrs. Eugene Bartlett, Cider 6:30 John Only Grange Leaders Conference will be ment of the amount of deposit. HAROLD ft SONS, Rubbish remov­ chaira for rent. Ml 9-0752. A—L-B—E—R—T’—S Phllbrick Agency, Ml 9-8484. right. See thtg home today. 11:00 News In the final case three Hartford (A correspondent in Elisabeth­ 1959 METROPOIJTAN 2-door MI 3-8116. Mill Rd., Bolton: a son to Mr. and 6:40 Big Show 11:10 Rut Somers boys were fined $10 each when conducted in the Bancroft Hotel al, cellars, and attics cleaned. 43-46 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD 7:00 Edward P. Morgan 12:00 Del Raycee Show at Worcester, Mass., on Jan. 13 ville for the South African Press sedan, one owner, 12,000 miles, im­ Ashes, papers, all rubbish. Harold Help wanted— Male 36 BOXER-SHEPHERD puppy for e a s t HARTFORD — 5’^ room Mrs. Ralph Makoul, Willimantic. 7:16 Big Show found guilty on a fharge of petty Open Nights Till 8—Sat. 6 p.m. FIVE ROOM apartment, second JARVIS REALTY CO. WINP-12IS and 14.' Those officers attending Association reported today that a Announcements maculate condition, snow tires. MI Hoar. MI 9-4084. Painting— Papering 21 sale. Call MI 3-2628. ranch, 514% mortgage may be DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: ll:3n PuDllc Affaira 6:tl0 Financial Newt larceny after leaving a'local gaso­ British consular official told him 9-3.598. floor, oil heat, hot water. M I' Realtor MLS Insuror Susan Fielding, Ellington; Mar­ 12:02 News. Signoff. 6:05 SbnwcBia and News from Connecticut will be Robert AMBITIOUS married man with ALL KINDS sterilized used furni­ assumed. $14,500 Philbrlck Agen w n c—ms 7:00 Fulton Lewis Jr line station without paying for the Katanga official’s report o f the WANTED—Ride to St Petershtirg, WEAVING of Bums moth nolea INTERIOR PAINTINO, decorating, car to service 4)000-0,000 Fuller ture, in excellent condition. Ap­ 3-4751. cy. MI 9-8484. MI 3-4112 Ml 8-7847 garet St. Germain, Elling1.on; gasoline. In view of their ages and K. Mitchell, state master, Ira F. ceilings, floors, paperhanging. 6:00 New* ' 7:16 Evening Devotions Wilcox of Merrow, Frederick M. attack was "wildly exaggerated.” Florida bv older couple week of END OF YEAR and tom clothing, noslery runs, Brush customers. East Hartford- Poultry and Supplies 43 pliances sparkling clean. New MAIN ST.—8 room heated apart­ Dona Gauthier, 625 W. Middle 6:30 Weather and Snorts 7:20 Showcase and News that they had no known record, * The official reportedly said that repaired, zipper­ Steaming - off wallpaper. Clean CUSTOM BUILT 1958 6 room FOUR BEDROOM custom Cape, 6:30 Album of the Day 8:05 The World Today Brooks of Manchester, Harry S. January' 2 preferred Call MI Manchester area. 1100 guaranteed bronze/brass dinettes, chrome ment, stove and refrigerator fur­ Tpke.; Nancy King, Tolland; Mrs. 8:30 Showcase and News jail sentence was not imposed. only one body—of a Katanga po­ 3-8285. CLEARANCE placements, repaired, workmanship. Free estimates. No to start plus fringe benefits. MI kitchen sets, mattresses, recUner home, 2 baths, fireplace, breeze central location, beautiful yard 6:46 Three Star Extra The boys were Richard Norell, Kitching of Coventry, members of BROAD-BREASTED Turkeys fresh nished. MI 3-7894. garage, one block to bus. Priced Margaret Kellner, Kingsbury 7:06 New England Ski Report 11:00 Music Beyond the Stars and News liceman—had been found and that men's collars reversed and Job too small. John Verfaille, MI 9-0090 for interview appointment. or frozen; -ReacW any time. Also, chairs, other Itepis. 30-40% off. way, double garage, 2»-4 acres Ave., Rockville; John Phelps, 7:,m News 12:06 World News Roundup 17; Basil Bocynesky, 16; and the state Executive Committee, 3-2621. at $16,900 for Immediate sale •3:16 Signoff most of the African passengers ap­ INCOME TAXES prepared in your ’59 LARK — 4-Door Sedan replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ fancy pigeons. Six room house tor Real old sap buckets from Ver­ •rWO ROOM apartment, furnished, tillable, outskirts. Carlton W. Warehouse Point: Linda Wake­ 7:46 Public Service Program Prank De CorletO, 17. Bocynesky Mrs. Evelyn M. Normand of Fair- home or by appointment. Exper­ ing Shop, Belfiore Agency, MI 3-5121. parently fled into the bush when EXTERIOR AND Interior painting TOOL MAKERS rent. Schaub’s Turkey Farm, 188 mont, $1.25. LeBianc F’umiture refrigerator, stove, bedroom set, Hutchins MI 9-5132, field, Talcottville Rd.. Vernon: and De Corleto appealed through field, state lecturer: Mrs. Helen Uie tribesmen attacked.) ienced ta.N work, 24 hour service. With Overdrive Hospital, 195 South St., Rockville stock as his legislative assistant TV SERVICE - Potterton's all and p^erhanging. Wallpaper MACHINISTS Hlllstown Rd., /Manchester. lights, heat and gas. 9-3081. $13,900—LARGE 5 room ranch, James Fielding, Ellington; Mrs. their attorneys and their cases will Bousquet of Oakville, state home A spokesman for the Swedish Call MI 3-4723. TR 6-2174. Open 9-8, Saturdays till 66 ELWOOD ROAD—Colonial, large and research director. economics committee chairman; makes. Highest quality guaranteed books. Guaranteed workmanship. living room, fireplace, formal din fireplace, aluminum storms, at­ Madeline Thibeault and twin go to Superior Court. Defense Staff said that the Swed­ Full Priefe Various Grades 5* TWO FURNISHED front rooms, State News Kenneth P. Bosworth of Pom- Edward Miller of S o u t h b u-r^-r y, work and parts, over 47 years ex­ Reasonable rates.. FXiIly insured. kitchen set, bedroom set. refrig­ tag room cabinet kitchen with tached garage. $2,900 assumes daughters, Heidle Rd., Vemon: Rural Ckirrier Exams Open ish chief of staff in EliaabethvUle, $1198 perience. Famous for service Fast and courteous service, Leo Plenty of Work Articles For Sale 45 4'a% mortgage, $95.35 monthly. Mrs. Orestina Bnderliu and fret was appointed field secretary The United States Civil Service state youth chairman and- Mrs. Maj. Lars-Erik 'Hjelm. telephoned Personals 3 erator, gas stove. Low rent. Apply dishwasher. 8 bedrooms, baths, for the Second District Congress­ since 1931. Phone Ml 9-4537 for J. Pelletier. Ml 9-6826. Carlton W. Hutchins. MI 9-5132. daughter, 76 Park St.; Mrs. Joan Commission has announced that ap Mildred Bell of Southington, state Stockholm this morning to say HOME MADE ravioli, fresh or Wanted—To Buy 58 10 Depot Square, Apt. 4. landscaped lot 80x200. Marion E. man. Mrs. Stella V. Penney, for­ VACUUM CLEANERS repaired In ’58 FORD—2-Door best service. Op^n Saturday ihoming Roberison, Broker. Ml 8-5953. Marquis and daughter, 116 Pros­ lications may be made until Jan juvenile superintendent. "the report that Swedish U.N. my own home shop. Forty years PAINTING AND paperhanging. for interviews. frozen, 30c doz. H. Pasqualini, 246 YEAR END SPECIALS Roundup merly of Rockville, will be office, troops were Involved in any fight­ WE BUY, SBILL or trads sntlqua FOUR ROOM, five room apart­ pect St., Rockville: Mr.s. Barbara 24 for an examination for rural From the State Desk 6 — Standard Shift DICK'S WEATOERSTRIP Com­ Good clean workmanship at rea­ Avery Street, Wapping. secretary in Washington. factory experience. All makes, and used furniture, china, elan, ments, Private home. Excellent MANCHESTER — Colonial, 6 spa REDUCED Gessay and daughter, 23)4 BUm mail carrier from the Andover We have all been saddened by ing is completely untrue.” Full Price ® pany doors and windows, custom sonable rates. 30 years in Man­ THE NEWTON COMPANY Mrs. Ruth Bosworth of Pomfret low rates, free estimates, free SNOW BLOWERS. Ariens, Reo, allvsr, picture frames end old location. Garage. Utilities. Adults. clous rooms, large living room St.. liockville. (Continued from Page One) postoffice. the death of Mrs. Jock Campbell Hjelm said his men were escort­ pickup and delivery. Mr. Miller, \7ork guaranteed. Call collect Wil- chester. Raymond Fiske. Ml with fireplace, family size tile will be office secretary In the dis­ $777 55 ELM ST. Toro powerhandle and Bolens 18 coins, old doUa and guns, hobby MI 3-2880. 26 Linden St. DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. ------i Complete information about ex­ of Cheshire. Mr*. Campbell waa a ing another train on the same line JA 3-6409 limantlc. HA 8-H66. 9-9237. collections, attic eontenta or whole kitchen porch, one-car garage, "re-evaluate the state's education­ trict. with the train that was attacked MANCHESTER to 32 inches. Parts and service. Eight room single, large lot, op­ Martha Drury, 109 Foster St.; Mias Wilson has been personal amination requirements and in­ member of Cheshire Grange and ’56 PACKARD estates. Furniture Repair Service, ROCKVILLE—12 Ellington Ave.— large lot 86x260, $16,900. Phllbrick posite Center Park. Swell spot for al position and make recommenda­ structions for filing" applications also a member of the committee but an hour behind it He said ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, FLAT FINISH Holland window EXTERIOR and interior painting. Capitol Blquipment Co.. 88 Main TalcottvUIe, CMm.. TeL Ml 8-7449. Large 2-room furnished apart­ Agency, Ml 9-8464. Mrs. Helena Babb, 67 Wadsworth secretary of U. S. Sen. Kenneth Ceilings refinished. Paperhanging, FULL TIME — Experienced me­ St. MI 8-7958. office for doctor, lawyer, hairdress­ tions toward greater economy and may be obtained at the postoftice for the Grange publication ’’The his men reported no incidents dur­ bonded representative, Alfred 2-Door Hardtop shades made to measure. All ment. Adults only. Tel. TR 5-5689. St. Keating of New York during the ing their nin. metal Venetian blinds at a new Wallpaper books. Estimates given. chanic. Must be able to use tune er. insurance agency. Low dow’n maximum quality in education.’’ from Postmaster Mrs. Ruth T. Connecticut Granger". She was Amell, 206 Henry St. Tel. Ml $489 up equipment. If interested, write MANCHESTER-Special. 5 room past two years. Comstock, a for­ The Balubas are revolting 3-0450. low price. Keys made while you Fully covered by insurance. Call TOOL AND equipment rentals. FOUR ROOM ppartment, heat, hot payment. Reduced to $18,800. Lupton said his bill would pro­ Lathrop. Tlie application forms matron of the Cheshire Juvenile Full Price P.O. Box 513, Vernon, stating Sales and service. AP Equipment, WANTED—8 or 9 foot enow plow. older home, new heating and mer member of Seely-Bro'wn’s the secessionist govern­ wait, Marlow’s. Edward R. Price. Ml 9-1003. MI 4-0775, water, stove and refrigerator, sec­ plumbing, a buy at $9,500. Many vide for a commlaslon of five quali­ Staff, has been assistant to the di­ must be filed with the commission Grange, having helped to organize WANTED—Ride to Pearl St., Hart­ qualifications^and wages expected.. Center St., MI 9-2052. Open $10,900—Priced below bank ap­ Auto Suppliers fied persona to serve 2-year terma in Washington, D.C., a.nd must be that group, and had been selected ment of Katanga leader Mdlse evenings. ond floor, adults, no pets. $80 more good. buys from $4,500 to praisal. 8 room older home. New rector of the Washington office of Tshombe, who often has been Crit-i ford, from Highland St. Heurs ’55 PACKARD Patrician monthly. MI 9-9959. $50,000. Call the Ellsworth Mitten beginning July 1, 1961. the Public Housing Administration received or postmarked not later honor juvenile matron of the year. 8:15-4 :30. MI 9-3535. 4-Door Sedan Bullding-Coiitraetiiig 14 Electrical Services 22 Rooms Withonf Board 59 furnace baseboard heat, 2-car ga than Jan. 24. ical of U.N. forces in The Congo. WANTED—Dishwasher. Apply in LIVE BAIT,■'pond shiners, one Inch Agency, realtors, MI 3-6930 or MI rage. Home in very good shape. III. Town Give In cormection with the bill, Lup­ for the past two years. Mrs. Penney News from Washington The Katanga government $399 person, 499 Main St. FIVE ROOM flat, oil furnace, re­ 9-5524. ton said he will also introduce a was formerly on the staff of An­ A written test must be taken for Building the farmer’s bargaining A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, siding, FREE ESTIMATES—Prompt serv­ and up. Camp Meeting Road, WARM ROOM central, sepuate decorated, $100. MI 0-5229 or 60 F.H.A. available. Lot 140X127. spokesman said waves of tribes­ ice on all typeg of electrical wir­ Route 85, Bolton. MI 9-5685. To U of H Fund bill calling for the State Board of toni N. Sadiak, former congress the rural carrier position. There is power in order to achieve a goal of WANTED—A rider to Norfolk. Vir­ Full Price painting. Carpentry. Alterationa PERMANEafT posiUon for the entrance, gentleman, parking. Ml Porter St. 514 ACRES, large brook. 5’,-i room no maximum age limit but appli­ men attacked the train three times ginia, leaving Jan. 2. MI 9-4027. ing Licensed and insured. Wilson FRED MURPHY Education to maintain an archi­ man-at-large. fair prices and income in the mar­ along a 30-mile stretch of railway and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ right man. An excellent opportun­ BOY’S HOCKEY skates, size 9; 3-4724. house, 2-car garage $10,900. Carl­ cants must have reached their 18th Electrical Co., Manchester, MI THREE ROOM apartment, hsat, tectural and engineering service Seely-Brown, a Republican, was ket place was stressed at the re­ line about 150 miles west of Ellsa­ ’54 DE SOTO ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. ity for a man who has had exten­ boy’s figure skates, sizes 9 and 10. ton W. Hutchins 511 9-5132. MI 3-4054 Five Manchester automotive birthday by the closing date for MI 8-4860. 9-4817. Glastonbury, ME 8-7376. JUST REDECORATED large neat hot water and electric refrigera­ supply dealers contributed to a that would prepare plana for three, elected November to the seat cent national Grange session. Ac­ bethvllle. .< Automobiles for Sale 4-Door Sedan sive business experience in Man­ Call MI 9-2139, standard model elementary schools. acceptance. Those who have reach­ room in private home, walk-in tor and stove. MI 3-8418. FOUR BEDROOM split level, fam- $10,000 fund that ha.e l)een pre­ now held by Rep. Chester Bowles cording to the Grange, a powerful The spokesman said Swedish Full Price chester and vicinity, preferably a The plans would be available free ed the age of 70 may be considered BIDWELL HOME improvement closet, private entrance. MI lly size kitchen, dining room, sunk­ Lots tor Sale 78 sented to the University of Hart­ He served four terms before losing all.v in working toward that ob­ guards were on the train hut that line, Bonds—Stocks Mortgages 31 college man who is active in A SLANT needle Singer sewing ma­ THREE ROOMS, kitchen, bath, hot to towns and regional school dis­ to Bowles in 1958, only ior temporary renewable ap­ $100 Co. Alterations, additions, ga­ chine (like new) 875 cash. MI 9-4966. en living room, 2 'i baths, fin­ ford. jective is the National Council of he could not say if they took any heater, whitewalls, excellent con­ rages. Roofing and siding experts. community affairs and has ipa- water, heat, refrigerator, $85 a tricts. pointments of one year. dition throughout. 1160. MI 9-0016. MORTGAGES—We are in a poal- 3-1249. ished recreation room, 2-car ga­ THREE B ZONE loU with city The dealers, members of the Farmer Cooperatives. Kenneth D. action. Moroccan troops also are Aluminum clapboards a specialty. ture judgment and salesmanship FURNISHED rooms, complete light month. Inquire 30 Williams St. Ah important requirement is Naden, administrative counsel of ’54 FORD 6 tlon to finance second mortgages ability. Please write fully concern­ rage. Belfiore Agency. MI' 3-5121. water. Union St, Manchester. Northern Connecticut Automotive Contest Winners stationed in the area. Unexcelled workmanship. Easy SNOW PLOW for sale. 7 foot blade, housekeeping lacilities. Centrally that they must have resided within -the Co-op Council, said recently 2-Door Sedan in any amounts. Terms to ing your business experience. If KNIGHTON STREET — 5 rooms, $2,500 each Ml 9-6495. Wholesalers Association which Matthies Suit Settled Hartford, Dec. 29 I/Pi — Susan budget terms. MI 9-6495 or TR all attachments, practically new, located. Children accepted—limit­ SIX ROOM custvm built ranch with the delivery routes of the Andover "Equality of bargaining power be­ $135 6-9109. your needs. J. D. Realty, 470 your letter leads us to believe that ed. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St., completely redecorated, new bath­ made the contribution, are Schie- Ansonia, Dec. 29 {fP—A settle­ Burke, 142 West Main St., Mil­ office for one year preceding the OBSTETRICAL AID DEVISEO Main 8t.. Ml 8-5129. $250. Inquire Charest Esso, Main garage. Many e.-.tras. Priced right. BOLTON—Business zone, ideal for ford, today was named winner of tween bu.yers and sellers Is an es­ a personal conference will be Manchester. room, kitchen, and furnace. Extra Six room Cape, one unfinished. small shop and home. Area bel Bros., Manche.ster Auto Parts, ment was announced today in the closing dates of the examination. Montreal, Que., Dec, 29 ( ^ — mutually beneficial, an appoint­ St., Route 30, Vernon. storage room. $95 per month. Call Inc., Winkler Auto Parte, Grin- the annual "Voice of Democracy” sential requirement for proper op­ ’52 CHEVROLET 6 ABUNDANCE OF FUNDS requlrea Immediate occupancy. For further cleared. Good drainage. 5U 9-2223 lengthy court battles over the Coming Congregational Events eration of free, competitive mark­ Canadalr Ltd., which epeelaUiea Roofing— ^Siding 1C ment will be arranged. Your let­ GIRL’S CANADIAN Flyer figure LARGE FURNISHED room, one MI 3-2223 wold Auto Parts, Inc., and Alcar multi-million dollar estate of contest sponsored by the Connecti­ in dealgntag and building air­ 4-Door Sedan that we lend at tow, low coat and details on these and other homes. cut Broadcasters Association and The Rev. Willard E, Thomen has ets.” He defined equality of bar­ ter will be considered strictly con­ skates, size 3. Call MI 9-6301 any minute from Main St. Light house­ Call M. E Charbonneau, broker, Auto Parts, Inc. George E. and Annie W. Matthies planes, said today in its ooa- $98 easy repayment terma. Add up keeping. MI 9-7959. the Veterans of Foreign Wars. chosen the sermon topic,’’ Uncov­ gaining power as "equality In the COUGHLIN ROOFING Co. — All fidential. Write Box B, Herald, time. MI 3-0683. ' Wanted— Real Estae 77 The auto dealers, about six of Seymour tinuing development of a ma­ types of roofs and roof repairing, your debts and call us to lump Basmesft Lbcattoiw Miss Burke is a student at Lau- ering Hidden Things" for the Holy ability to control or affect the sup­ them under a mortgage plan de­ years ago, decided to forego chine to make it easier (or specializing in Twenty Year Bond­ AUTO MECHANIC-We have an ROOMS FOR rent also two large MANCHESTER — 8 room ranch, Christmas parties for employes Under the agreement reached relton Hall Academy. She is now Communion service Sunday at ply and demand factors related-to signed to cut your monthly pay­ for Rent 64 ARE YOU considering selling your F'irst Congregational Church. women haring baMee. The de­ 19p7 BRUNNER’S ed Roofs, Call Ml 3-7707. opening for one experienced man Building Materials 47 cottages, efficiencies, completely modem kitchen, 3 bedrooms, large and Individual gifts to customers. yesterday, all legal proceedings in eligible to participate in the na­ price and income.” ments in half. Connecticut Mort­ to work part-time evenings in our furnished, free parking. Call MI home? Cali us for personalized various courts between opposing Miss Dorothea Raymond will be Also speaking of farmer bar­ rice is a small decompression CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan In STORE SUITABLE for office or living room with fireplace, dining Dealers in cities and towns made tional contest. RAY’S ROOFING CO., shingle and gage Exchange, 16 Lewis St., Hart­ Service Department. Apply in per­ 9-0826, between 5-7 p.m. Scranton service. Joseph Rossetto, broker, parties will be wthdrawn or termi­ the gueat of honor at a Women’s gaining power, D. W. Brooks, head chamber that fits over the ab- CLEAN, USED lumber for sale, as­ any business. 160 West Middle room, rear porch, garage, $14,900. contributions to charities. Man­ Michael Lane, 105 Fourth St. Deluxe model, lustrous ivory and TALCOrrVlLLE built up roofs, gutter and conduc­ ford, CH 6-8897, Frank Burke or son to Stan Oztmek, Service Mana­ Motel, 160 Tolland 'Tpke. Phone MI 9-0308. nated and no further lawsuits will Fellowship meeting at 8 p.m. Jan. of the Cotton Producers Council as domett, reducing atmospherle On The Manchestor-Vernon Mrs. Carter. sorted sizes, hardwood flooring, Turnpike Call Ml 9-6206, 2 to 9 Philbrick Agency, Ml 9-8464. chester groups that have bene­ Stamford, and Patricia green finish, economy 6 cylinder tor work; roof chimney repairs. ger at Moriarty Bros., 315 Center window and doors, complete be instituted among the parties. Sllza 411 Litchfield Ave. Killing- 5, in the church. The program will well as past president of the Na­ pressure and easing .labor pains Town Lino Arrn«H From R.iy Hagenow, MI 9-2214; Ray ROOM FOR RENT, bath, heated, p.m. Or Ml 3-8802. WISH SPMEONE to handle ^ u r fited in the past are the Man­ engine. standa,rd transmission. A St., Manchester. windows, plumbing and heating 4 CAROL DRIVE — Rockville, $13.- real estate? Call me at'M I 9-0820 The settlement provides estab­ ly, were the second and third prize be on "Reminiscences.’’ tional Council of Farmer Coopera­ by making it easier (or ab­ hard to find ,rar. Excellent condi­ VIttnor’s Gardens Jackson. Ml 3-8325 Help Wantea^Female 35 kitchen privileges, free parking. chester Association for the Help dominal muscles to relax. A . supplies, assorted pipes and soil STORE FOR rent on Spruce St. 650. 5 room ranch, large living for prompt'and courteous service. lishment of two separate trusts— winners, respectively. Other The Community Club will hold an tives said: "Right now, agricul­ tion Inside and out. Price this week QUALIFIED oil burner service 128 Birch St, Call MI 3-4451. of Retarded Children. Muscular prototype was put Into use here OPEN EVES TII-L 8 pipes. Open daily 3:30 till dark, Reasonable and parking in the room, cabinet kitchen, 3 bed­ Joseph Barth, Broker. Dystrophy, Public Health Nurses, e for Bernard H. Matthies of awards were won by Mary Ann ice skating party at the home of ture is in the hands of not over 20 only. man wanted immediately. Good at St. Mary's Hospital seversl Saturday 8-4. Choman House NEWLY DECORATED room in rear. Call MI 3-8C19, 210 Spruce rooms, 1’4% mortgage can be and the nurses organization at Seymour,' son of the founders of Thomas, 332 Scott St. Naugatuck; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Anderson, giant buyers.” That would be a $895 Roofing and Chimneys '6-A CASHIER—Evenings, Apply in working conditions, fringe bene­ assumed. Marion E. Robertson, NEED CAPE and Ranches, buyers West St. Extension, at 8 p.m. Jan. months ago. A second machine. JOIN OUR GAS CLUB person. Manager, State ’Theater. fits. year round work. Apply in Wrecking, yard at Stock Place off private home,, shower, parking, St______Manchester Memorial Hospital. the original trust and the other Lorraine MauirH Tratlsend Dr. ratio of about 1 buyer to 200,000 , Broker, MI 8-5953. . ROOFING — Specializing repairing North Main St. Call Ml 9-2392. gentleman preferred. Tel. MI waiting. List your home now. M for Katherine Matthies, Bernard’s Canton; Anna Moi.seux, Main St. 6 producers. Yet it is the buyer, Incorporating changes recom­ person only to Bantly Oil Co., Inc., 34 OAK STREET — Newly re­ E. Charbonneau, broker, MI The Board of Deacons will meet Auto Driving School 7-A roofs of nil kinds, New roofs, gut­ TRAINED bookkeeper, experienced 331 Main St., Manchester. 9-8354, sister. Bernard’s trust i.s valued at North Grosvenordale; Kathleen rather than producer, who seta the mended by doctors, is b e ^ modeled store for rent. Reason­ $12,600—SIX room cape, full base­ 3-0683. at 8 p.m. Tuesday In the church, price paid for many of our farm tried now. ter work rhlmnoya cleaned, re­ in payroll, financial, budget and ment, combination windows and $3 million and Katherine’s at $6 Bautzmann, 11 Debare Lane, LARSON'S Connecticut's first li­ Federal tax reports. Typing re­ DiamondN— Watenes— ROCKVILLE—24 GroVe St.—Single able, heat included. Ample park­ Second Big Blaze p ie junior choir will rehearse from products, according to the'Nissist- paired. Aluminum siding. 30 MAN OVER 24 years of age, full­ ing. Call MI 9-1890. doors. Amesite drive, shade trees, million. Stamford; and Sally Green, 176 censed driving school trained — years’ experience. Free esti­ quired. Call MI 3-1113 between 8:30 time, to drive and to take care of Jew elry 48 light housekeeping rooms, $10 to 7:45 p.m. Tuesday. The con­ ant to the national master, Roy weekly. TR 6-9594. Sb days occupancy. Marion E- • The Matthies trusts, which hold Clearview Ave., Torrlngton. Certified and approved la now of­ mates. Call Howley,' Ml 3-5361, MI and 5 :00. ^ stock. References required. Call a controlling share in the Seymour firmation class will meet from 7 Battles. LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweler—re- MAIN STREE3T—Bulldtpg for com­ Robertson, Broker. MI 3-5953 Columbia At Newport Base fering classroom and behind 3-0763. Manchester Drug, MI 9-4541 for Manufacturing Co., have been the to 8 p.m. Wednesday. The high Much the same thought was ex­ wheel instruction for teenagers. YOURS SINCERELY, Avon cos­ mercial Inislness or Office use. appointment. pairs, adjusts watclies expertly. Will subdivide 5U 9-5229. 9A. FOUR BEDROOM colonial, 1)4 subject of inter-family legal dis­ Sentence Suspended sebool choir will rehearse at 7 p.m. pressed by Jerome Davis, field as­ MI 9-6076. metics, We sincerely believe you Reasonable prices. Open Tuesday Apartments— Flats— Newport R. I., Dec. 29 UP)—The and the adult choir will rehearse Tenements 83 baths, garage, tool shed, central Scouts Schedule putes for several years. Hartford, Dec. 29 i/p—A 21- sistant to the national master, who, CENTER MOTOR SALES Heating and Plumbing 17 will cam more money, meet more SCHOOI- BUS drivers for Manches­ thru Saturday, Thursday eve­ LARGE ONE-room alr-conditloned Navy today began investigation of year-old woman who stole $100 at 8 p.m. Thursday. speaking at ja Farm-City meeting PREPARE FOR driver’s teiT wonderful people and enjoy your location, one block to bus. $19,900 the second big fire at the New­ TTie aettlement announced today 634 Center 8t. MI 3-1591 ter and Vernon, ,7:.30-8;30 a.m., nings. 129 Spruce St. Ml 9-4387. office. 100% Main St location. from a Charleston, S.C., bank has The usual meeting of the Pilgrim in Grlrmell, Iowa, said; "Since the Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class PLUMBING AND heating — re­ work more as an Avon Represent­ 2-3:30 p.m. Call MI 3-2414, TWO ROOM apartment, heat hot for quick sale. Belfiore Agency, Court of Honor port Naval Base in nine days. Of­ by Probate Judge Thomas E. Ben­ Open evenings Marlow’s 867 Main St MI 3-5121. nett involves Bernard Matthies, been given a one-year suspended Fellowship Sunday will be omitted first Congress in 1789, when agri­ room. Three instructors. No wait­ modeling Installations, repairs. ative than you could in any other water. Apply Marlow’s, 887 Main ficers said they are not overlook­ due to the holiday weekend. Fuel and Feed 49-A St. former state representative and his jail sentence and placed on pro­ culture was left out of the fiscal ing Manchester Driving Acade­ All work guaranteed 25 years ex­ part-time work. Complete training, SERVICE STA-nON...... man— full and STORE FOR rent, Depot Square. 161 McKEE Street—Six tidy rooms, A Court of Honor in Yeomans ing the possibility of arson. . my. PI 2-7249. part-time, with mechanical abil- five children on one side, and the bation for five years. To ‘Ring in New Year' and economic planning, agriculture perience. 24-hour service. Call excellent commission with Idea] for women’s or men’s cloth­ dormers, vestibule, screened Hall tonight at 7:30 will be held by The big post exchange suffered Ring in the New Year" will be Combine Your Fabrics Earl VanCamp, Ml 9-4749. bonuses and prizes. Call today. CH ity. Before 5 p.m. MI 4-8915 DRY OAK WOOD cut fireplace FIVE ROOM apartment, second trustees of the wills along with Mr8. Hudene Gravelinc, now of has been apart from rather than a and> stQve lengths, $10 per load de­ floor, heat and hot water, chil­ ing, dry cleaning, appliances, 5 porch fireplace, recreation room. Troops 62 and 162, whose member­ $125,000 damage in a fire Dec. 19. the thenje of the Andover Grange 7-4137., and 10. beauty salon, florist, auto­ Katherine Matthies on the other 3 Collimore Rd., East Hartford, part of the total national econo­ EXPERIENCED -mechanic—steady livered. PI 2-7886. dren accepted, $110 monthly. Call Beautifully planted, shaded ship of totals nearly 60 boys. Both Last night a general alarm fire meeting at 8 p.m. Monday. Lec­ For A Merry Kitchen! matic laundry_ etc. MI 9-52M. 9s6._ troops,have been under the leader- side. . was arrested by the FBI on my.” Radlo-TV Repair SEWING MACHINE operators 8 employment days Cali PI 2-8050, MI 3-0763. grounds. $14,700. Henry Escott swept senior Bachelor Officers The trustees are Earl B. Boies, turer Mrs. John Hutchinson re­ Agency, MI 9-7883. ship of Scoutmaster Wilbur Fletch Quarters 300 yards from the ex­ charges filed by her former em­ Services 18 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Also, nights 6 p.m.- PI 2-7798. Seymour; Raymond E. Hackett, ployer, the South Carolina Bank quests each member to come pre­ Garden— Farm— Dairy ROCKVILLE—4, 8. 2 room apart­ er and his assistants. Parents and change. pared with a reading, song, skit or 10 p.m. Experience preferred. Rnasefi tor Rent 65 BDC ROOM Cape, fireplace. 8 bed­ friends are invited to attend the Stamford, and H. George Carroll, of Charleston. RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make Puiducts 50 ments completely furnished, auto­ Occupants of the officers quar­ Larchmont, N. Y„ and their attor- other number in keeping with the Group Suggests Kaklar Toy Company, 60 Hilliard matic washer, garage, two sepa­ rooms. IH^baths, enclosed porch, Court. In court Mr.s. Graveline de­ cars, amplifiers, phonographs and St. Situations anted— NINE ROOM two bath home, ex­ ters, a 50-room, 2-story building, neya, the firm of Cummings and theme. GREEN MOUNTAIN potatoes, rate private entrances, TR 5-7902, garage, lot 75x150, assumable Skating Is the Thing vere away on holiday leave as scribed herself as a dog lover, and changers. Over 47 years total ex­ Fem ale 38 cellent location, garage, l i ^ e 1)4% mortgage Immediate occu­ Lockwood of Stamford. Bakers to Be Honored Full-time Status perience. 90 days guarantee on all WOMAN WANTED for pressing good and mealy. Pasqualini Farm., TR 5-9992. Skating Is just about perfect, and flames roared up from the ground said she took the money to buy a TV viewing 246 Avery St., Wapping. Ml 4-0604. lawn, parking area. MI 8-2880.^ pancy. Marion E. Robertson, brtk- Bernard Matthies and his five pet. In sentencing her yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Btdter, who work. Potterton's. Ml 9-4637. shlrt.s, $1.20 per hour plus com- AFTER HOLIDAYS—in my home— perfectly safe on the small ponds floor through the roof. The struc­ children launched a suit in 1957 to ATTRACTIVE. 4 room garden er, MI 8-5953, U.S. District Court Judge Robert will celebrate their 50th wedding For Dog Wardens mi.ssion. Apply New System Laun­ child care. , sPmpje typing, about the town. Kozelka'g at the ture was about 75 per cent destroy­ oust the trustees, claiming the anniversary Jan. 6, will be guests is easy today..; CONNIE’S T V and Radio Service, dry, 44 Harrison St. apartment, heat, hot water, stove, Center is lighted for early evening P. Anderson made repayment of or what have you? MI 9-7092, Household Goods 51 refrigerator, parking, $115. Ml Wanted t<$ Rent 68 ' IS “BEDTIME” ed and lo.sB was estimated unof­ trustees had mismanged the estate of honor at an open house on New available all hours. SHtisfactlon skating. Tuesday night the C-teens ficially at between $50,000 and $75,- the money within 90 days a condi­ Hartford, Dec. 29 i/P)—A pro­ TELEPHONE salesladies from 5 3-1809. to enrich themselves. Year’s Day at the home of their guaranteed. Call MI 9-1316. RUGS, NEVER used, 9x12, beige, URGENTLY needed—5 rooms, un­ of the Congregational Church held 000. tion of the sentence. gram paving the way for the ap­ p.m.-9 p.m, to work in our office. BEDLAM a skating party on Dunnack’g pond son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and pointment of full-time dog war­ BABY SITTING, evenings, week­ $30; 9x15, $35: antique go'd rugs, FOUR ROOM newly furnished furnished. by adult family. Rea­ About 300 Navy personnel and 25 Mrs. Martin Baker, Mathieson Dr. Plca.sanl working conditions. Ap­ ends. Call MI 3-0154. sonable. Write Box C, Herald. on West St. Woman Dies at 101 dens with local police department MORTEN8EN TV Specialized RCA vacuum $20. BU 9-6955. apartment. Ideal for newly weds AT YOUR HOUSE? Marines joined civilian firefighters Mr.-and Mrs. Walter Baker re­ ply 869 Main Si., Manchester, of­ or working coup’ i. Call MI 9-0641. Court Case Continued New London. Dec. 29 (A’l - Mra, Jiiins Space'Project status in all towns of 25.000 popu­ television, service. Ml 9-4641. fice 7, W^ldnesday 6:30 p.m.-7:30 MATURE WOMAN to take care of from neighboring communities in Norwalk, Dec. 29 u p—The Per- side at the corner of Wheeling and Spacious sleeping quarters are The case of Horace Geer, 19, of controlling last night’s fire. Lucy Sylvia Gomes Reynolds of lation or over, for the first time, p.m., or Thursday 6:30 p.m.-7:30 child in my home. Vicinity Phoe­ FURNISHED 3 room heated apart­ kina-FUmer Co.. Norwalk, la join­ Skinner Rds. PHIIjCO recommended serv­ USED FURNITURB. MI 8-7449. Houses tor Sale 72 Just one of the many features to be Whitney Rd., which had been con­ -Bitter cold — 3 degrees — made 57 Colman St., who was 101 years was given final" approval last p.m. nix St., Vernon. MI 9-1353. ment. Large closets. Private ®n- ing in a project to lift an as­ ice, on hi-fi's, radios, televisions. found In this: custom built colonial tinued from Dec. 19 until Dec. 27, firefighting hazardous. Water froze old on Dec. 13, died at 2 a.m. to­ Herald paper routes are avail­ night by the Governor’s Com­ trances. Parking. Adults. No pets. PRINCEITON ST.—7 room colonial was again continued by Tria,] Jus­ tronomical observatory 15 miles Also, gi*;irante«d service on all CLERICAL EXPERIENCED practical nursing, on Perkins St.lln Mancheater. Home on clothing and the surrounding day at her home. ably in Andover. Anyone interested mittee for the Revision of Dog Apply 299 Autumn 1-7 ;80 p.m. with 4 bedrooms. IMi baths, larga tice Elizabeth Dennis Hutchins into the sky. Laws. other makes.'Shop oUr special do- care of children, night or day, or VISIT OUR SALESROOM living room with fireplace, hot now vacant and available for im­ area resembled a skating rink. Mrs. Reynolds, widow of Sea should talk to Mr. Anderson, tele­ it-yourself department featuring OPPORTUNITIES?^ Tuesday, She has-set the trial for The project, dubbed Strato­ what have you, Tel. MI 9-6475. NEW MODERN 5 room apartment, water heat, one-car garage. By mediate occupancy. Give your fam­ Capt. John. F. Reynolds, had been phone Mitchell 3-2711. Provided the town approves the discount prices. . Open evenings Permanent full-time ^sition Quality F\irnlture and small ap­ ily a new Year's treat. Dec. 31 in Yeomans Hall, at which in reasonably good health until sphere II, 16 being conducted by program, the proposal would re­ available In our Claims Depart­ pliances, baby cribs, strollers, car­ built-in oven and range, $125, first appointment only, $^,900. Phil- the Navy and Priqceton Univer­ and Saturdays. Satellite Electron' floor. MI 3-2573,, ______^ time she will conduct the final ses­ recent years and had been bed­ sult in appointment of wardens as Ics Service, 165 School St.. Man­ ment for high school graduate with WILL TAKE care of children in my riages, playpens. Jumpers,' etc. brick Agency, \a 9-8464. sion of Columbia Justice Court, All sity. Its purpose is to. get the idanobssitor Evening Herald An­ JARVIS REAL'TY CO. Evening Clashes ridden since August. dover .rerreepondent, Ctady Pfan- uniformed members of. the police chester. MI d-1786 Or JA 8-1669 good t.vping ability to be trained In home Monday-Frlday. MI 9-7985. 20% cash discount. O ^ n h 10-5 FOR RENT—Two room apartment, Realtor MLS , - Insurer future court business for this com­ Born Dec. 18, 1860, in Pice. aharpeat pictures of all time of dictaphone work. Knowledge of stiehl, telephone. Pilgrim t-S85S. department under the merit sye- * ^1. ' ' r - ' J daily, 7;30-9 evenings. heat, hot water, parking. MI munity will be transacted ta the Azore Islands, she had lived in the planets Saturn, Jupiter, and medical terms helpful. Other op­ BABY SITTING on weekends want- MI 8-4112 Resume Tuesday tem. At present the wardens in 3-2068. MI 3-7847 Orcuit CkHirt in Willimantic. New London since coining to this Venus. , so’s home heating Millinery Dresbmaklng 19 portunities available for good typ­ cA by college senior. Available Chamber’s' Furniture Sales — r — •everal towns are without this m SEPTIC TANKS Geer was one of four boys pre­ country at the age of 12 in a oail- The 36-inch telescope that will ists for diversified clerical work. New‘Year’s Eve. Call Lynne Mur- 503 E. Middle Tpke. FOUR BEDROOM RANCH sented .in local court Dec. 19 on The evening school division of status. KNITTED dresses shortened, hem­ CLEANED end INSTALLED ing ship to live with an uncle.' be the heart of the space observa­ Town Sued Twice our w Qvl Excellent benefits and pleasant phey, MI 3-8384. f THREE ROOM apartment, steam charges of larceny. The other three Manchester High School will re­ The proposal ie part of a dog ming and alterations done. Call MI working conditions. For appoint­ Ml 8-5187 Situated in picturesque Bolton She was the oldest member of tory ia balng made by the Norwalk revision bill to be submitted to the heat, hot.jva'tep. Call MI 3-8053. were bound over to Superior Court. sume class sessions next Tuesday. firm. You get pramiura quality 9-1004. ment call Mrs. Peterson, MI 3-1161. • SEWERS Center. Extra large living room Lewis H. Piper, director of eve­ St. Mary’s Church, joining in For Walk Falls incoming General Aasembly. Com­ MAC^HiiVE OlzRANEiD Geer is being given time to com- 1871. It will be L-shaped with one arm Mohilheat with RT-98. . . tha Situations Wanted— Male 39 TORO SNOW Hound power handle with fireplace, 2 baths, 2-car ga­ plet« arrangements for enlistment ning Education, said that room la missioner Joseph N. GItl of Agri­ Three of her seven children, all about 25 feet long and the other culture, Conservation and Natural most completely effactiva fad DRESSMAKING and alterations. at new low price. Self-propelled rage, one acre lot. Vacant. Financ­ in the Navy, available in, the following classes: nearly 19 feet. If all works well, A $25,000 suit against the Town EX-SERVICE MAN looking for any • INSTALLATION English for the foreign born, ad­ by her first marriage, pre-deceased Resources is chairman of the oil sdditiva in use today. And Call Ml 9-0883 any time. CLERK ' type work, office background. MI model. Marlow’s, Inc., 867 Mata, NOTICE Chief Is Waiiitag it will be able to pinpoint two of Manchester is scheduled for ing avallaUe with minimum dovm. Richard K, Davis, chief of Colum­ vanced and Intermediate typing, her. trial in Hartford County Superior group which met last night In the you get premium sorvice. Au­ 9-2350. Ml 9-5221. The Planning and Zoning Com­ SPECIALIST golf balls 15 Inchea apart 500 miles EXPERT TAILORING on ladles’ Office experience not required. Asking sacrifice price of $18,900. bia Volunteer Fire Department, advanced and Intermediate stenog­ Surviving are two daughters, Coyrt Tuesday, Feb. 7. according State Office Building. tomatic deliveries . . . a bal­ and gentlemen’s clothing. 189 Interesting and varied work, good mission of Manchester, Connecti­ Mias Josephine Gomes, a regis­ from the telescope, ' cut will hold a public hearing on said last night that every additional raphy, business machines, begin­ to a notice received yesterday by Commissioner Gill said there anced payment plan and many Woodland St. Call any time. MI wages, pleasant working conditions, Town ani Gouniry T. J. CROCKE'TT, Realtor day a Christmas tree Is kept in the ning mathematics, sewing and tered nurse who has cared for Doga— Birds— Peta 41 Monday, January 9,1961, at 8 P.M. SINGLE ASSESSOR General Manager Richard Martin. are 26 towns which, by virtue of other extras dadgned to nuka 3-2264. excellent benefit program. Apply house there is more danger of fire. woodworking. her mother for Mx years, and sis­ The suit has been brought by ■Ize, come under the warden pro­ home heating rswy sotg. Invitation to Bid In the hearing room of the Munici­ MI 3-1577 ter Mary^,.^veria of the Sietera New Haven, Dec, 29 iJP—Rich­ KEESHOUND and white standard pal Building to hear all persons Drainage Co. He urges residenta to remove the "Anyne interested in the typing Mrs. Grace Oiglio, 134 Charter posal. The Mil would permit ap­ WITH M NfW HEMMING and alteration work. First National Stores, Inc. Notice Is hereby given that the trees and Christmas trimmings. of Provld^e at St. Vincent’s ard S. Neaser, Plainville, a pro­ Call Mrs, William Abrnitis, 10 poodle puppies. Little ft McKinney, claiming to be affected by the es­ and stenography classes should re­ Oak St., who alleges that the pointment qf wardens' assistants wMi Eighth School A Utilities District M l 9-4143 n e w Y E A R ’S SPECIAL Those trees which are kept until Hospital, wbreester, Mass.; two fessional asseaaor for 19 years, has PHOTOGUlOE Robin Rood, any time. Park ‘and Oakland Ave. IS VVoodbridge St., Depot Square, will accept bids for the purchase of tablishing of the following pro­ port ot the high school Tuesday town's negligence In removing where necessary. While ward'« Mobilhept SD.9S MI 8-8020. New Year’s Day. as is the custom before 7 p.m. jind they will be sent sons, Joseph l l and Anthony D. been named New Haven's new sin snow from Charter Oak St. side­ Dish-Drying can be load* of fun East Hartford one (1) Six H.P. Direct Drive chain posed building line and to heaf and gle aaaessor. Hia appointment was would be members of the poltcj (to dees-edles Tor the most striking date frock with a rhyming "chicken-romance’ Truly a wintertime buy is this 6 in many homes, ahoUld be carefully to the proper class. Gomes of New London; five grand walks was responsible for a fall saw. receive all evidence of land dam­ mom garrison colonial, one year watered each day. Lights should approved last night at a special departments, their pay would you'll see. Pictured {$ a petal­ embroidered on your towels! A set M o'nna—Tniddns— ages or land benefits: Those interested in the other children, and six great-grandchil­ she suffered Dec. 30, 1909. Specifications can be had from old, 4 bedroom possible, aluminum not he left burning for too long a dren. meeting of the Board of Aldermen. come out of the dog license, fund. shaped version that has cap of these will be a welcome shower Storage To establish a 40’ building line' classes can register by telephon­ She claimed the fall caused mul­ 20 STENOGRAPHER Supt. Taggart at the District atorms and screens, attractive period of time. Neaser wee aetected from among The amount of pay would be the Sleeves, or can be made sleeveless. or bazaar gift. Invitation to Bid Plant. ' on the southwesterly side of ing the high school office Tuesday Mre. Reynolda will be laid to tiple sprains and bruises of her No, 1492 with Photo-Guide is in Interesting position In sniall per­ SEPTICTANKS 8)4 mortgage of $16,450 may be aa- People have been inquiring about ilpat Saturday in Stl Mary’s Cem­ 14' applicants by Mayor Richard same as that of patrolmen. Pattern No. 6836 has hot-iron Sealed bids will be received at The bids will b# accepted b; Hartford Road (intersection eveqtag between 7 and 9. Their legs, as well as back strain and George Ford of Avon, commit­ sizes 10, 12. 14. 16, 18, 20, Bust 31 transfer for 6 desigha; material re­ UGHT TRUCKINa and moving sonnel department for experienced AND ■timed. SelUng at a reduced price outdoor burning. This may be done, first class will meet on Wednesday. etery following a requiem high C. lAe. The $13,000-a-year post re­ permanent injury. She is belM WE GIVE ^ stenographer. Position requires a the Office of the General Manager, President Victor E. Swanson, 3' West Center St., St.) Of $18,900. Davis' said; whenever there is snow places the old - 5-man asseasora tee member, withdrew a proposal to 40. Size 12, 32 bust. 5 yards of quirements; color chart; stitch 11- evenings and weekends. MI 9-6868. starting at a point on the west Maas at 9 a.m. at St. Msuy’a represented by Atty. John R. SS^lnch; 1 yard contrast. neat appearing woman with good 41 Center Street, Manchester, Con­ Hudson St., Manchester, Conn., un­ on the -ground, without a permit. board. to increase license fees 50 cents GREEN $TAMR$ lustratlbns.' necticut until January IB.'AMl at til 6 P.M. Monday, January 16th, boundary of property N /F Ed­ H.UB8ED SEWERS Church. Mrosek. To ordsr, sand 26c in coins Sue MANCHESTER Moving and TruclT typing ability and facility In short­ T. j ; CROCKETT, Realtor ------* ■ over above other new proposed in­ («To order, send 25c in coins to; 11:00 AAf. for Six (6) Passenger 1961, win Bunco and nmntag easier-^ Msmoriftl Cost Throne The funeral will be at 8:16 a,m. Notice of another injury in con­ Bom eit, 'Ihe Msneheatsi* Evening Anne Cabot,^ The ' Manchester tag Cotapany. Local and long dla- hand. Company offers excellent Manchester Eveateg Herald Co­ from Thomas L. Neilftn ft Sons nection with a fall on a town Side­ creases approved by the members. tanoa moving, paicktag and star* benefit program, good wages, Cars for Police Department. The Board reserves the right to ly. approx. 318’ to property' NssUm GltaMd lombia Correspondeot Mrs. Donald As proposed, the 50 c«nts would Bsraltl, IMS Alt'S. 4>r AMEUL Evening Herald, 1160 AVK. OF N /F Alexander Jarvis. MI 3-1577 Agra, India — Mumtaa-i-Mabal, Funeral Home. Money Mskes Bricks walk was given today by Miss Hll- age. Regular aervlce throughout pleasant working condlttons. Apply Bid forma and apeclficatlons are reject any or all bids. Seplle Tftaln, Diy WeUe, Sewet R. Tuttle, tolepkoM ADftdemjr "Jewel of The Palace," for whom have been allOdftted to a fund to CAS, MEW YORK M. N. Y. AMERICAS, NEW YORK SS, available at the Controller’s Office, EIGHTH SCHOOL ft TOWN PLANNING vie S. Johnson, 65 Pearl St. Tor lat-elsss ‘inslitas add 10c M. Y. ' Ninv England Sutea fuid Florida. U m Installed—Cdfatt Water- MANCHESTER—4 room home in 8-3488. the Taj Mahal was waa built,Dtuii;, diedow o ^aiw Washington—The Unltsd Btatei flnanca tha brasdtaf find raistaf Ml SA66S. 68 Center Street, Manchester, Con­ UnUTIES DISTRICT COMMISSION prooSng Doaa, through the law firm of Oryk and for pattern. Print Name, Ad- First National Stores, Inc. top condition, one block to bus and yaara ago while HvtafI ...... birth to her AssUtdntM Nttmed Treasury Departmftnt ;is using sp^ Gryk. of dogs for-madiciJ raaearch For Ist-Claas mailing add 10c for Park and Oakland Ave. necticut. ** Victor E. Swgnson, Martin E. Alvord, 1th Son*. Styla No. and each pattern. Print Name, Address close to all schools, detached ga- ScientiaU are thinking of 6it> 18th child. Herir humand, M osul Pomfret, Dec. 29 (dP)—Contrsaa- daily mads carbMi-steel strips to Mias Johnson claimed that her non-profit InMituUons. Tha s: AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. (xicaJ. E ast' Hartford •TOWN OF MANCHES’TER President Chairman Shah Jehan, apent with Zone and Pattern Number. moving, Mcklng storage. Low CONNECTICUT J, A. Volz, Dorothy C. Jacobson, IfcKINNEY BROS. rsce, excellent neighborhood, lAchlnf mlnfatura radio tranftmit- ent so much on ui« man-tiect Horaco Stoly-Brown Jr. bind money into 4,000-MU "bricks" fall oh Mata St. in front of thS fact would have batn to prayant furliiis SSe mom (or your copy Have you the '60 Album contain- rate on long distance moves to RICHARD MARTIN. Clerk Secretary $l4,90p. Eventaga Mr. Boles, MI tera to grizaly beara in ftn efftsrLl.mamorial to hia.wlfe durtaff tha 30 today'annouaesd the appointmant for transfir to banks. The atrip is Salvation Army (Jttadel Deo. IS at lost pat dofa from bainf uaad ta SCHOOL BUS drivers for Manches- ^9858. Warren E. Howland, real- to keep track of thoir waadoriii|;8 i f j M c f iflf many lovaly dastgna aatf free 4S atstea. Personallzsd aervlce. MI tar and Vernon, 7:$0-6;80 ft.m., Ddled at Manchaatajr, Ootut,-this ysftrs it WAS hsliit buUt that it eo«t o f Miaito WiisMt as hia adaitaiatra* Slid anooth and olsaned in aolv- ~ 80 a.m. eauaad a (rpeturod hip rtaaaroh without tha ownara’ 3 0 i ; i l i OBNERAL MANAOBR Mancheater. Oonnactlcut ♦op. MI s-uo#,. durtastbofftIL IliBi hia throna. yMtarosT Only 38e ft-copy! S4U6T. CH 7-1438, ^ 34 ;80 p.m. c u t MI 8-3414. December 37. 1900 30th day o f December, 1060. . December 38,1960 tlYft saKatant and Howard CSosa-- eats to ftveld dawagtef tha nboey.* and lag. kaoirladcaw ; , C THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 19601 V»M woBimai [anrifrstfr H^ralb Average DeRp Net Preee Run Ike Waatbiir A P*r «h* Vt*Mc Rm D. a . w< •.. ■»' r I M i Yarensky; chief psychiatric socUa pur. flrfier worker; and Mra, Rosenberg. About Town Wimian Joins The clinic is located at 60 13,331 m e u; oeidW tanOMt M Haynes St.,' aiid works in cIoM ' oC the AwHS BaMriasr'fUr MOmni - The past MtetreM Cluh, Lteugh- Clinic Staff cooperation with the Manchester Bnreaa *t CXrealmthMi lather aUM. High iR tb-dk; t«ta of Uberty, No. m , win meet Mental Health A s e o c 1 a 1 1 o h Mdneheiterr—4 City o f Village Charm tomorrow at 8 p .m .'^ the home of (M H A ). RecenUy the M H A do^ YEAR Mrs. Joseph Johnmne, 15 Hawley Mrs. Arllne Rosenberg, 85, of nated $1,000 to the eUhic to aid KaiiiU St., weather pennlttlng, ------T““ ------^------Storrs, has been appointed' psy­ it in continuing Ita urgent worl^ VOL. LXXX, NO. 76 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1960 (Clualflod AdverUaliig •• Pag* 10) PRICE nVB GENTS It was created to aid children in .The Women's Home League of chiatric social worker at the the Manchester area who have the S a lv i ^ n Arm y will hold its Manchester Community Child annual /Christmas party In the deeply rooted, serious problems. . INVENTORY Guidance Clinic. T lie ' clinic will hold its ' annual youth .Walter tomorrow at 6 p.rrt. A t the ciinlc, Mrs. Roseuberg fund drive next April 3. Eviction Blocked E a r member will bring a grab State New s bi gift for exchange. will be part of a team of three^ psychiatrist, psycologist and so­ A record dance for all young cial worker—and will work pri­ Emanuel Women people of high school age In town marily with parents of troubled Roundup Police Use Sabers to Halt will be sponsored by the C Y O of children. Hear Rev. Camp St. Bartholomew's parish on Sun­ Leonard Yarensky, executive di­ day from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at rector of the clinic, said Mrs. The Rev. R.u8sell Camp, chap­ the Buckley School. Refreshments Rosenberg was added to the staff lain of Wethersfield State Prison, Mother Charged win be served. ' because of the increasing demand will be guest iipeaker at a meet­ REFRIGERATORS - FREEZERS for child guidance services In the ing of Dihanuel Lutheran Church With Killing Two Manchester area-. He added that Women Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at unction another psychiatric social worker Man Charged the church. WASHERS - DRYERS - RANGES Hartford^ Dec. SO Riot by Brussels Strikers will be. engaged within the next Mrs. Inez Van Canqjp' and Mrg. six months. ' ^ Betty Verbarg will Ija co-chair­ Superior Court bench warrant With Assault The present guidance center men of the refreahment commit­ Cincinnati, Dec. 80 •harwropper* charging first degree murder DISHWASHERS - TELEVISIONS ferin their land because of mecha­ staff is composed of Dr. Tamash tee. They will be assisted by Mrs. The U.S. Sixth Circuit Court nization of famla and reductions was served today on Mrs. Joan Atoinatan, psychiatrist and direc­ Thomas Thompson, Mrs. Charles Robert J. Pratt, 34. of Stafford of Appeals today granted a in cottrni crop acreage. Gronwoldt, 28, Granby, who tor of the clinic,'. Miss Lauril Von Borchers, Mrs. Kenneth Wahl, temporary injunction ''which The appeals court also said the ha^ been-confined in McCook Kennedy Calls Springs, was arrested and charged Toomey, clinical psychologist; and Miss Esther Warren. SOME ONE OF A KINO— ALL SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE N will prevent eviction of 300 order was not to be construed as Memorial Hospital at Hart­ V iolence ^t 2 o'clock this morning with ag­ Negro sharecroppers in Hay- preventing any "legitimate action” ford ever since she shot and How M^h Does gravated assault as the result of by landowners where their inten­ Conference on allegedly threatening two men BIG 10-U. CAPACITY w o ^ County, Tenn., because tions were not Intended to deprive killed her two young children Negroes ot their voting rights. with a gun and firing it In his they registered to vote in the Tuesday. Spreads; In a sepatate decision, the court Farms Crisis place of business, Pratt's Sign MANCHESTER 1960 election. • State’s Atty. John D; LaBelle dismissed a mandamus action obtained the warrant Thursday Shop, at 143 W. Middle Tpke. The 8-Judge court, however, di­ Confidence Weigh? G-E MITGillltlC which would have Required U.S. from Judge Abraham S. Bordon. He Is being held under $3,000 rected that ita order not be con- Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 80 District Judge Marlon S. Boyd of Dr. Harold A. Bancroft, Hart­ bond for presentation In Circuit UBLIC MARKE ■trued aa any determination that (JP)— President-elect John F. One Dead 803-805 MAIN STREET the 1967 Civil Right* . Act txmsti- Memphis, to take a eimllar action ford psychlatrlat, was scheduled Kei ...... - - - Court. FILTER-FL0 WASHER involving 400 sharecroppers in to mwce .his second examination Kennedy today called a Jan. 6 W * believe/that confidence always “ tips the scale” Police said they received a com­ tuUonally may be used to require Fayette Coimty, Tenn. ot M n. Gronwoldt today at !the(the conference in New York to plaint from Henry Ristau and An­ >rivate persona to enter into con- in your decisions. Consider the simple problem of where WAS It waa understood, however, that prosecutor's request. He made hia Brussels, Belgium, Dec. SO thony .7. Griggs, both 33, of 299 sractusl relation* in respect to deal with what he called the their own property. government attorneys would use first examination Wednesday. (/P)^-Saber-swinging mounted to buy/