Approved and ordered this 13th day of Novembe; A.D. 19 37

At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, LleutenantGovernor. PRESENT:

1\ The Honourable in the Chair. ki 4 Mr. Pattullo Mr. ;;eir Mr. racPherson LacDonald Mn Pearson Mn Hart Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The undersigned has the honour to recommend: TEAT Regulations respecting the use and operation of the recently constructed over the at , pursuant to the "Fraser River (New Westminster Bridge) Act", in terms of the draft regulations attached hereto, be made pursuant to the said Act. AND FURTHER TO RECOMMEND that Regulations Nos. 1 to 11 inclusive shall take effect at 12 o'clock in the forenoon on Monday the 15th day of November, 1937, and that Regulation No. 12 shall take effect at one minute past twelve o'clock in the forenoon on Tuesday/ the 16th day of November, 1937. J,; RECOMMENDED this 6 'day of A.D. 1937.

MINISTER F PUBLIC WORKS. APPROVED this oil/day of Ak0,1(4/ A.D.1937.


ofe. 14-7%/37; /676/37;i44/3/3i5;725/1/43;15-745D; 3 7- /5-2., a.

Regulations respecting th_. use and operation of the PATTULLO BRIDGE, NEB WASMEINSTER, pursuant to Section 8 of the "Fraser River Now Westminster) Bridge Act".

1. Interpretation.

In these Regulations, unle.3s the context otherwise requires, "Minister" means the sinister of Public Works, and, in respect of the granting of permits, includes any person designated by him in writing for that purpose; "Bridge" means the Pattullo highway-traffic bridge recently constructed over the Fraser River at NewWestminster, pur- suant to the "Praiser River (New Westminster) Bridge Ant," and includes its approaches from the southerly limit at intersection with Scott Road immediately south of Toll Cates to the northerly at intersection with Columbia Avenue, East and West, and LicHride Avenue.

2. Certain other Regulations to Apply.

Not withstanding any provisions to the contrary contained in the "Highway

Act" or the Regulations thereunder, the provisions of the following named regulations, made pursuant to section 34 of the "Highway Act" by Order in

Council No.759 apiroved on the 11th day of June, 1935, and subsequently

amended from time to time, shall apply in respect of the 3ridge, viz:—

Clause (1) of Regulation 1 "Interpretation".

Regulation 2. "Weights, Speeds, Tires, etc." including Schedule.

Regulation 3. "Dimensions of Vehicles and Loads, Fastenings of Loads." Regulation 4. "Weighing and Inspection of Vehicles; Removal of

2xcess Loads."

Regulation 5. "Permits". Regulation 6. "Bummer and Winter Periods." Regulation 11. "Signs on Highways." Regulation 12. "Lights on Vehicles."

Regulation 15. "3aving Clause."

3. Speed of Vehicles.

(1) Every person driving or operating a Motor-Vehicle on any portion of the

Bridge indicated by signs displaying a statement of miles per hour erected Regulations respecting th. use and operation of the PATTULLO BRIDGE, NEd WESTMINSTER, pursuant to Section 8 of the "Fraser River (New Westminster) Bridge Act".

1. Interpretation.

In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,

"Minister" means the /lnister of Public Works, and, in respect of the granting of permits, includes any person designated by him in writing for that purpose;

"Bridge" means the Pattullo highway-traffic bridge recently constructed over the Fraser River at New Westminster, pur- suant to the "Fraser River (New Westminster) Bridge Apt," and includes its approaches from the southerly limit at intersection with Scott Road immediately south of Toll Gates to the northerly limits at intersection with Columbia Avenue, Zest and ":est, and EacBride Avenue.

2. Certain othar Regulations to ..pply.

Not withstanding any provisions to tho contrary contained in the "Highway

Act" or the Regulations thereunder, the provisions of the following named

regulations, made pursuant to section 34 of the "Highway Act" by Order in

Council No.759 apiroved on the 11th day of Tune, 1935, and subsequently

amended from time to time, shall apply in respect of the Bridge, viz:-

Clause (1) of Regulation 1 "Interpretation".

Regulation 2. t%;m17hts, Speeds, Tires, etc." including Schedule.

Regulation 3. "Dir.ensions of Vehicles and Loads, Fastenings of


Regulation 4. "Weighing and Inspection of Vehicles; Removal of

Excess Loads."

Regulation 5. "Permits".

Regulation 6. "Summer and 'Winter Periods."

Regulation 11. "Signs on Highways."

Regulation 12. "Lights on Vehicles."

Regulation 15. "3avir.g. Clause."

3. Speed of Vehicles.

(1) Every person driving or operating a Motor-Vehicle on any portion of the

Bridge indicated by signs displaying a statement of miles per hour erected 2.

thereon by the Depart ent of Public Works by written order of the Minister shall, in traversing that portion of the Bridge, drive and operate the motor- vehicle at a rate of speed not exceeding the number of miles per hour stated on the signs so erected; but nothing in this Regulation shall prevent any► person being prosecuted or punished under any section of the "Lotor Vehicle

Act" under which he would, excopt for this Regulation, be liable to be prosecuted or punished.

(2) No oars= shall drive or operate a motor-vehicle across the Bridge at a speed of less than 10 miles per hour nor a horse-drawn vehicle at a speed greater than a walking pace or less than 2 miles per hour, except where a permit has been first obtained from the Yinister, or except where the vehiole is mechanically or otherwise disabled, or when necessary to avoid an acoident or injury to arsons or property.

4. Traffic Lines.

(1) If upon any portion of the roadway of the bridge there has been marred a middle line, all vehicles proceeding on the Bridge shall be kept to the right of the middle line.

(2) The Minister may cause to be marked the middle line referred to in

Clause (1) of this Ltegulation and also such other traffic lines as he may consider necessary for the guidance of traffic, including pedestrians.

(3) The following classes of slow-movie,; traffic proceeding on the Ildge shall be kept to the "Hight-hand" or outside traffic lane, except when It is necessary to do otherwise in order to avoid accident or injury to persons or property, namely:-

(a) Pedal-bicycles and tricycles.

(b) Animals on foot whether led or ridden.

(c) Horse-drawn vehicles.

(d) Motor-vehicles proceeding at a speed of less than 20 miles per hour.

5. Stop Signs.

If, by authority of the Minister, there is erected on the Bridge or on any highway comunicating with the Bridge, a sign displaying to the driver of an approaching vehicle the word "STOP" either alone or accompanied by other words, the driver of every such approaching vehicle shall, while at a distance 3.

of not more than 20 feet from the sign and before proceeding to pass beyond

the sign, bring his vehicle to a complete stop.

6. Parking of Vehicles.

(1) Except as provided in Regulation 5 or in the case of a vehicle which has

become so mechanically disabled as to prevent same proceeding, no person shall

stop, park or leave standing any vehicle on any porticn of the bridge set aside for vehicular traffic except when same is necessary in order to avoid accident,

injury or damage to any person or property, or in compliance with the instructions of an officer or constable of the Provincial Police Force or under the direotion of a sign or signal given by an offical of the Public harks Department.

(2) No person shall make repairs to any vehicle or make a tire-change on the

Bridge, except with the authority of an officer or constable of the Provincial

Police Force or except when such repairs or tire-change are carried out in the presence of an official of the Public Works Department.

(3) In the event of the breakdown or other disablement of a vehicle on the

Bridge, it shall be the duty of the driver or operator of the vehicle to give notice irmediately to the official of the Public Works Department in charge of the toll-booth or to an officer or constable of the Provincial Police Force who will, as quickly as possible, arrange for the necessary towing of the broken- down vehicle, or the supplying of gasoline to thevehicle or the provision of such other assistance as may be necessary: all charges in connection with the towing, gasoline or oth,..r assistance shall be paid for by the operator of the vehicle before it is removed from the 3ridge. additional toll of Zr1.00 per hour shall be paid by the operator of the vehicle, 'rom the time that the vehicle breaks down

to such time as it is removed from the Bridge.

7. No U Amis.

No person driving or operating a vehicle on the Bridge shall make a "U Tdrn" or otherwise reverse the direction in which the vehicle is proceeding except by order of an officer or constable of the Provincial Police Force or an officielof

the Public Works Department. 4.


8. One-way Traffic.

The Minister may cause to be erected signs or signals indicating portions of

the approaches to the Bridge on which vehicles shall proceed in one direction

only and indicating the direction in which vehicles shall proceed, and all

vehicles using the said approaches shall then proceed thereon only as suols

signs or signals indicate, unless otherwise ordered by an officer or constable

of the Provincial Police Force or by an official of the Public Works Department.

9. Certain Vehicles may not use Bridge.

No person shall drive, operate or propel any of the following classes of vehicles

on the Bridge:-

(a)Vehicles with pneumatic tires which are flat or not

inflated with air.

(b)Horse-drawn vehicles equipped with metal tires and

having a gross weight (vehicle and load) in excess

of 3 tons, except where a permit has first been ob-

tained from the rinister.

(c)Push carts, wheelbarrows or similar vehicles, except

where a permit has first been obtained from the lanister.

(d)Any vehicles or class of vehicles which, in the opinion

of the Pinister, are likely to endanger persons or property

or to render the use of the 3ridge unsafe.

10. Rules for Pedestrians.

(1) Pedestrians shall not use any portion of the 3ridge or its approaches

set aside for and required by vehicular traffic, exeept at indicated crossings.

(2) Pedestrians shall not cross the Bridge at a speed of less than 2 miles

per hour and shall, when crossing, continue in one direction only, without


11. Penalties.

&very person who violates any provision of the foregoing Regulations, or who

refuses or neglects to observe or perform any duty or obligation created or

imposed by those Regulations, shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine

of not more than three hundred dollars. 5.

12. Tolls.

(1) For the purposes of this _legulation, the following- ailitional definitions shall annly:-

"Auto-trailer" includes a trailer and a semi-trailer drawn by a passenger-car or by a light-delivery vehicle.

"Bus" includes all motor-vehicles used or designed for the transportation for hire of more than seven passengers including the driver, whether or not any frei7ht is also married on the vehicle.

"!reight" includes property or goods of every description which may be conveyed upon a truck, bus, semi-trailer or trailer.

"Light-delivery-vehicle" means a motor-vehicle used or designed for the trans- portation of property and weighing not more than 3,000 pounds, unladen.

"Motor-cycle" includes all motor-operated vehicles of the bicycle type.

"Passenger-car" includes all types of motor-vehicles used or designed for the transportation of passengers, inclzliug taxi-cabs, but excluding buses.

"Trioar" includes all motor-operated vehicles of the tricycle type and includes a motor-cycle and sidecar combination:

"Truck" includes all types of motor-vehicles welshing more than 3,000 pounds, unladen, used or designed for the transportation of property, or for drawing or propelling other vehicles, but does not include a passenger-car nor a light- delivery vehicle.

"Truck-trailer" includes a trailer or a semi-trailer drawn by a truck.

"2-wheel trailer" means a semi-trailer having only one axle.

"4-wheel trailer" means any vehicle, other than a 2-wheel trailer, which is propelled or drawn by a motor-vehicle.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Clause (5) f this Regulation, every person who enters upon or uses the Bridge shall be liable for and shall pay tolls accord-

ing to the rates of tolls set out in the following Tariff of Tolls:-

TARIM, OF T °LIB. Amount of Toll Classification.

Class 1. Passenger-car, including taxi; nr Light-delivery vehicle not exceeding 3,000 pounds net weight 25 cents

Commutation: book of seven (7) tickets :1.00 6..

Tariff of Tolls (cont'd)

.imount of Toll Classification. Eaoh

Class 2. Auto-trailer, attached to Class 1 vehicle: (a) 2-wheel trailer 10 cents (b) 4-wheel trailer 25 cents

Class 3. Truck 25 cents Class 3A. Horse-drawn vehicle, limited to three (3) tons gross 25 cents (except horse and buggy free)

Class 4. Truck-trailer, attached to Class 3 vehicle: (a) 2-wheel trailer.. 10 cents (b) 4-wheel trailer 25 cents

Class 5. Sus 50 cents

Class 6. Motor-cycle or tricar 10 cents

Class 7. Freight, carried on Truck (Class 3), on Truck-trailer, (Class 4) or, if other than norsonal erects, on auto- trailer (Class 2), or Bus (Class 5)

Per ton (2000 pounds) of freight 10 cents

Per 1/2 ton (1000 pounds) of freight or fraction thereof 5 cents

Commutation: hook of tickets for 100 tons of freight $5.00

For a total weight of less than 100 pounds of freight on any one vehicle No chirp.

Class 8. Any vehicle not otherwise provided for or specified herein, to require a special permit from the Bridge Superintendent: per 200 pounds of gross weight, (vehicle ani load thereon) 1 cent

(3) Commutation tickets or books of Commutation tickets shall only be purchased at the toll-booth and shall be presented by the user in accordance with the con- ditions stated thereon.

(4) Charge accounts nay be granted to individuals, partnerships, or ceporations, in respect of buses or freight-carrying vehicles upon receipt of a written request. The right to establish, limit or terminate any such account shall rest with the Minister. Detailed invoices will be rendered at the end of each month for which payment in full must be made on or before the tenth day of the suc- ceeding month. ;411 vehicles operated on a credit basis mot pass through the toll-booth.

(5)a. No toll shall be payable by any person ih respect of the following classes of vehicles or traffic:

Pedestrian Pedal bicycle or tricycle

Animal on foot, led or driven.

horse and -,e( W.

Motor-vehicle licensed under Part V of the "Highway Act" as a Class III Private Freight-vehicle, carrying current "K" Carrier's licence plates, empty or loaded.

Vehicles carrying His Majesty's mail, exclusively.

Any motor-vehialewhile used exclusively for the 1rpoae of transporting industrial workers, when such exemption is authorized by the Minister.

A vehicle when operated as an ambulance.

Any vehicle in charge of or operated by an officer or constable of any Dominion, Provincial or Municipal Police Force when on luty or by an official in uniform of a fire-department when on duty.

Any vehicle or equipment, including freight carried thereon, and including fire-fighting apparatus, owned by and operated on be- half o• the Government or of any Municipal Authority of the Province of .

Any pas-enger-car °courted by a Member of Parliament or by a Member of the 3ritish Columbia Legislative Assembly, on presentation of official pass issued to him by authority of the Minister.

(5)b. The Minister may, in his discretion, authorize the issue of an

official pass in respect of any vehicle, to be described thereon, subject to wish limitations as to use and operation of the vehicle, to be stated thereon, as tho Minister may deem advisable or the circumstances may

warrant; and no toll shall be payable with respect to such vehicle while it is used and operated in the manner authorized, on presentation of a

current and valid nass issued in the manner herein prescribed; but every

such pass shall expire on the last day of February next following the date

of issue, unless an earlier date of expiry is stated thereon.

(5)o. If, in respect of any vehicle and freight (if any) thereon, a toll has been raid for passing the toll-gate on the Cariboo Road between

Yale and Lytton, and if the receipt for the tolls so paid is presented and

relinquished at the Bridge not later than midnight of the day following the

day on which the Cafiboo Road toll was paid, then, if the amount paid for the

Cariboo Road toll is slue' to or more than the amount of Bridge-toll payable

for that same vehicle and freight (if any) thereon, the said receipt for the

Cariboo Road toll so paid in respect of that vehicle and freight (if any) 8.

thereon shall be accented by the toll-collector at the Bridge in lieu of portent o^ the Bridge-toll; but, if the amount of Bridge-toll otherwise payable is more than the amount paid' for the Cariboo Road toll, the amount of Bridge-tcll to be paid in respect of that vehicle and freight

(if any) thereon shall be the difference between the amount of ib•idge-toll otherwise payable and the amount paid for the Cariboo Road Toll.

(6) The Minister may erect and maintain at or on the Bridge a toll- booth or toll-booths and may appoint and employ all necessary toll.00lleetors and other officials necessary to direct and control them in the performance of their duties: all persons so appointed and employed shall be under the direction and control of the rinister.

(7) It shall be the duty of every toll-collector appointed under this

Regulation to collect and enforce payment of the tolls imposed by this Regulation and otherwise to enforce due observance of the provisions of this Regulation.

(8) Unless exempt by Clause (5) of this Regulation, no person shall pass or attempt to pass any toll-booth erected at or on the Bridge without first paying the toll imposed under this Regulation in respect of any vehicle, trailer, or freight within his custody or control.

(9) Amy person who contravenes any provision or this Regulation or who directly or indirectly evades or attempts to evade the payment of any toll prescribed by this Regulation shall be liable, on smsaar7 conviction, to a penalty of not exceeding Fifty Dollars (:50.20).