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11-2-1994 1994 Highlander Vol 77 No 9 November 2, 1994

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Vol. 77 No. 9 Denver, Colorado November 2, 1994

DAYTON MEMORIAL LIBRARY Bidders Pay High Prices at Republican Auction by Jen Jahnke Auction was to raise money for the Col­ Staff Reporter lege Republicans' budget." Catherine Howell, President of College Republicans The first annual Bachelor Auction/ gave the breakdown of the budget: "A Toga Party was held in the Pub on Octo­ portion of the proceeds will go towards ber 27th with approximately 150 Regis the Boys and Girls Club of Denver, pro­ students in attendance. Three organiza­ motional functions, and different on-cam­ tions: College Republicans, Program­ pus events that will be held in conjunc­ ming Activities Council, and DeSmet tion with the College Democrats." Hall Council came together to sponsor Sean McNamara and Drew Zlatoff last week's Thursday Thrills. Amy decided to shed their toga's during a pre­ Everitt, Secretary/Treasurer of College stage "dance," to the delight of the audi­ Republicans and Nandini Stocker, Presi­ ence. Some other highlights of the dent of College Democrats were auction­ evening came when Jacob Starkovich eers and entertained the crowd. Two bach­ showed his latest dance moves and elors, Jim McCormick and Travis Reid, Konstantin Zecevic wore a Tarzanesque exceeded the pre-set limit, and the auc­ leopard-spotted mini-skirt toga. In addi­ tioneers were forced to stop the heated tion, bachelor Bill Dupey, in attempting Konstantin Zecevic/Highlander bidding wars. to escape the stage, tripped on the micro­ Students anxiosly await their turn to bid on the bachelors at the The Bachelors featured in the auction phone wire and was sold at a I 0% dis­ Republican/Hall Council Toga Party included: Jason Maroney, Anthony count as "damaged merchandise." Finally, Bonino, Jeff Roeseler, Sean McNamara, caught up in the excitement of the event, Bonino also commented on the suc­ College Republicans hope to make the Jacob Starkovich, and Konstantin basketball player Thomas Gillespie joined cess oflast week's Thursday Thrills: "The Bachelor Auction/Toga Party an annual Zecevic. The guys were dressed up in the auction near the end. three organizations that participated in the event and encourage interested parties to toga's to keep with the "Toga Party" Some fine features of the night in­ event hoped to show that when more attend their meetings, Thursdays 4:30 theme. cluded deejaying lessons by Tim Louie people participate in events on campus, p.m. in the West Hall Lounge. When asked about the goal of the and DJ Art before the auction. DJ Art also more people will become involved and Auction, Anthony Bonino, an active provided music during the event to ac­ enjoy what is put on." There was much member of the College Republicans re­ company the bachelors' illustrious danc­ positive feedback as to the success of the plied, "The primary goal of the Bachelor ing and plenty of dance music afterwards. event during the days follow~i_ns.·:,__~--=------~---~. Eletion Update Speaker on Chicano Culture Comes to Regis Romer's Campaign Agenda by Desiree Sanchez, College Democrats by Mario Eason Staff Reporter Election Day is only six days away; don't forget to vote. If you have any questions about who you should vote Cultura, respecto, y the movimiento were the topics tion ofloyalty in a Chicano family. Chicano parents care for in the Colorado gubernatorial race, here is some vital of the night of October 26. An elite few that showed for their children until it is time for the children to care information. Governor Roy Romer is running for his third term in interest were able to witness the wit and humor of Dr. for their parents. The children are most likely grown office. The Governor is "Fighting the right fights for Manuel Escamilla. Dr. Escamilla came to speak about with children of their own at this time. Colorado." Romer believes that three main areas need the respect and movement of the Chicano culture. Towards the end, Escamilla explained the present improvement. This is expressed in his "Colorado Agenda Celebrating Diversity is Regis' new multicultural Chicano movement across America. For example, on for a Better Future." awareness club. Many of the Regis students have prob­ California's ballot for this November's election is propo­ The first step in his agenda is "Good jobs and quality ably heard of the group because of the Coming Out Day sition 187. Proposition 187 proposes that children born growth." According to Romer, "Opening and expanding Panel they sponsored on October 11. Few·more remem­ of illegal immigrants will not be eligible to receive the markets for Colorado companies translates into good jobs ber them from this past Wednesday night when they free public school education, health care benefits, or for Coloradans. Protecting our quality of life--the Colorado sponsored Fiesta Week. anything else that is presently available to them. Propo­ way of life--means sustaining and growing our existing businesses--large and small. We must also attract Dr. Manuel Escamilla is the Assistant Vice Presi­ sition 187 also proposes other restrictions to try and businesses poised for the future--c/ean industries to make dent of Student Services at Metropolitan State College. tighten up the border and lower the present illegal im­ Colorado the global headquarters for the He is known by several professors and community mem­ migration population. This would probably cut down on telecommunications, environmental, and renewable energy bers as a vibrant and moving speaker. Escamilla knows factory work, produce production, and other productions industries." how to do something many speakers do not, and that is that are kept alive by illegal immigrants. Cheap pay and Governor Romer's second step in his agenda is connect with the crowd. Escamilla exhibited such talent hard work make many farmers in southern California "Educating our kids--the best schools." Romer states "We when he began his lecture with an introduction of how very happy. Slavery, to some degree, has been discov­ can't afford to short change our kids. Public schools must to pronounce his name. He pointed out that Escamilla ered in southern California. give students the knowledge and skills they need for future prosperity. Shifting more resources into classrooms is was not pronounced Escamillo, Escamilie, or Escamilko, Dr. Manuel Escamilla did Regis a service by com­ critical. Colorado also needs to develop an effective school­ ing to expound on what was an entertaining evening but as Escamilla with the correct Spanish pronunciation. to-work strategy to ensure that students learn the real world He proceeded to do the same with audience members learning about la clutura de Mexicano. A sincere thank skills businesses will demand in the future." and their names. He would pronounce their names with you to Dr. Manuel Escamilla for sharing his life, experi­ The third step in Governor Romer's agenda is the same pronunciation as they had given him. ences, and wisdom. "Protecting our homes and families." Romer advocates, After the introduction, Escamilla spoke about the Check for future events from the Celebrating Diver­ "Tackling the problems of crime and youth violence require culture, respect, and loyalty of the Chicano culture. One sity Club. Coming soon to Regis is Jane Elliot of brown that we combine the iron fist of law enforcement with the of his stories he used to illustrate his point was about the eye-blue eye fame. More details will follow in the next open hand of prevention and alternatives to criminal first time he lived in a predominantly Anglo-American issue of the Highlander on Celebrating Diversity's up­ activity. We need to fight crime at the community level and continue to organize neighborhoods statewide to beef-up neighborhood. Escamilla had met this girl who was anglo coming featured speaker. crime watch programs. We need to invest in the hopes of Celebrating Diversity Club meets every Tuesday at and had some conflict with her parents. While they were our communities and provide troubled kids with aceful talking one day, the girl had referred to her mother as a 6 p.m. in Student Center Room 217. alternatives to violence." With this agenda Governor Roy witch with a "b." He admitted at that point he wanted to Romer is on the right track for success. slap her. Escamilla explained the importance and tradi- Page 2, Highlander, November 2, 1994


"Campus Life attitude" or the name­ shown. Of course, it was a shock to college level, so I became a Hall withheld issue wish to make more Letters to the Editor recognize the little boy down the street Senator. I took the initiative, and I now in a body bag being wheeled off to reached my goals. comments, I would hope that they are Please send letters to: Residence Life and Student done on a college level of maturity. Editor the coroner's office. This bickering is something you c/o The Highlander The following Monday, Lance was Government are just two of the 3333 Regis Blvd. buried by his grandparents and a grand programs based in Campus Life. find on today's cheesiest talk shows. Denver, CO 80221 host of family and friends. Without Campus Life, I would not have We, the Regis University community, Regis offers a program called the reached my goals. I am very are taught in the Jesuit tradition. Let us Cascade Project. For those that fail to discouraged by what has been said show that we have learned something Making A Difference recognize the name, the Cascade Project· about Campus Life in the past couple of and the time that has been sacrificed to Dear Editor, is a peer mentoring project in which weeks. teach the Jesuit traditions has not been This letter is of great importance, Regis students are paired with children One of the main reasons I came fo wasted. and I feel it is one that we, the Regis in middle school. These days most kids Regis was because I saw a community • community, who excel in the service of are "at-risk." Please ignore the false of people who worked together to ~ake Sincerely, others, should read. This is not an facts that state the only kids at-risk are difference, not only within the Regis Mario Eason attempt to conceive sympathy from you, economically deprived children. At-risk Community, but also within the but to make you aware and hopefully children include any child that is surrounding community. Campus Life is help those that could use help. This is a breathing. Many Regis students come indicative to promoting community at personal story and revolution that I from upper- to middle-class families Regis. thought should be shared with the Regis and may not feel that their friends are It's never to late to get involved--but Take a Second Look community. joining gangs or becoming social YOU need to make the effort to see Dear Editor, About two weeks ago, a friend back deviants. At-risk encompasses all what's out there. I want to commend I transfered into Regis for the home in Los Angeles was killed. He children no matter race, color, religion, those who work in Campus Life for second semester of my Freshman year was eighteen years old and had or economic background. doing the job they do, and to keep it up, last January. As a new student I quickly graduated this past summer from high For two years Jaimie Birge, because there are people out there that realized that almost everyone was part school. He graduated with a 4.0 grade Director for Service Learning, and appreciate and benefit from the work of a "clique".l made some friends in point average. He was at the top of his Erika Croteau, Coordinator of the you do. Campus Life who turned out to be the class. Cascade Project, have been trying to most open "clique" at Regis. I am not A little background is necessary to persuade me to join the program. I had Sincerely, part of the leader-ship program nor was help you understand the circle of life always used the excuse' that I did not Molly Moore I involved in clubs at my High School, that I am from. Lance Walker was a have the time; I was always too busy to but I was still given a chance to hold a good friend of my younger brother at help. At the beginning of this year, Stop t h _e I nsan1·t y ...'" leadership position. one time. They went through most or all much to the surprise of Jaimie and Dear Editor, A lot of people have written to the of grammar school together and high Erika, I finally said, "Sign me up." I What's up with this? Back and forth, Highlander lately, complaining about school. Lance and Carlos, my brother, made the time to help someone. After forth and back, nonsense about who Campus Life, but I have yet to see eventually found different sets of hearing of Lance's death, it gave me an should withhold their names and who anyone offer a solution. It seems as friends but kept in touch. The high incentive, a reason to do the Cascade has a mind of their own. Stop the though the people who complain, don't school they attended was fairly small. Project. The Cascade Project offers insanity! want to find a solution, they just want The size made it hard to forget who you these kids a chance, an alternative to An author has a right to withhold to complain about something. What's knew. being the next Lance Walker. I have their name. Whether or not someone Up With That? Lance lived on our block in the been given the chance to make a agrees with the name being withheld is I have a bone to pick with Stuart comer house. He lived comfortably difference, to possibly save the life of a none of their concern. Their name is not Foster's letter to the editor. His with his grandparents. He had what child. I am a positive role model for important. The author does not want us comment "You have the campus life appeared to be a content life. It is hard young people today. I, like many of you to remember his name, just his message, motto stuck right in your heads. 'If you to tell because I do not know the details. reading this, am a regular student that is comment, or question. This inquisition give me money and some so-called I did know that his grandparents loved stressed out on studies and work. What of who wrote it is ridiculous. power than I will say anything you him and that they did a lot for him. is so special is that I am taking my time The fact that blacklisting happens want" was highly offensive to me. As a However, something went wrong, or and sharing it with someone who can on the Regis University campus is sad member of PAC, I work closely with did it? When Lance was maturing in appreciate what I have to offer. I am but true. A lot of people are aware that Campus Life, and I do not feel as high school with the rest of the students, making time for my "little brother," Mr. this malicious behavior exists. I will not though this is a "power position", nor he made friends with some guys that Felix Luna. Felix has opportunities but blatantly name people, but those who do I feel that I have to kiss anyone's were in a gang. I cannot say for definite may only need an invitation. The three discriminate because of a difference of butt. I am not writing this letter because why Lance eventually joined "Rolling hours a week I am allowed to spend opinion know who they are. I am not I need to win brownie points with the Sixties," but I can tell you that he found with Felix are three of my best. We writing to make accusations, only to Campus Life staff. When Stuart something there that he did not find in a have the invitation to better ourselves state facts and ask that this "letter to the mentioned money in this quote I book, in a class, or in other places he and those around us. Do not complain editor ping pong match" cease. Game became ~ hazy. I recieve a stipend might have looked. and sit back, complain and fight back. over. for working on PAC, but I earned that On a Friday evening while my The world can be changed. If only one Regis is a small campus, and the stipend after the first two weeks of parents sat watching television, a person at a time. Figure the peace of gossip tends to exceed college maturity Thursday Thrills. If he is talking about special news bulletin interrupted their tomorrow for the little time spent today. levels. This is a challenge to the entire our allocated budgets, then he must not show. It reported that a bank in further The individuals that are currently student body: Before we make have looked at the budget cuts that have western Los Angeles that had been hit taking part in the Cascade Project are accusations and/or make statements rocked the clubs and organizations on Of the three armed gunmen, two were not flakes or dreamers:.They are regular regarding another individual, find the campus. shot, and one got away. One gunman students like you that are stressing over truth out first. I know first hand that one I am proposing a solution to Stuart was wounded, and the other was killed. studies and work. They care enough to of the letters written in the October 19th Foster and people that agreed with his As they showed the bodies being give the very best--themselves. Think issue was written with a clear individual letter to the editor. I believe that we removed from the building, the face of about it! Contact the Center for Service intent. I spoke with the author myself need more integration between athletes eighteen-year-old Lance Walker was Learning at extension 3550, or stop by and heard first hand the history behind the office located in Loyola 12. As and the people who work in Campus their intent. As for the other authors, I corny as it may sound, we all have a gift Life. Athletes need to support the have not spoken with them and will not HIGHLANDER to share. events that are sponsored by PAC, Editorial Staff comment on their intents. Blatant CEC, and other organizations, while at accusations can stem from rumors or Yours in the Jesuit tradition, the same time people from those Arny Everitt ...... Editor-in-Chief prejudice. Try not to judge until you Mario Eason, Cascade Project Member organizations need to support our Nandini Stocker ...... Layout l'ditor know the entire story. athletic teams. I have noticed an As for the individuals who withheld increasing trend of Campus Life people Tim Louie ...... Entertainment l'ditor their names, I am sure they were not going to athletic competitions, but I quick decisions but those that were have not seen an extrordinary amount Julie Novotny ...... Copy Editor thought out. A wonderful ideology of athletes, including Stuart Foster, at Stuart Foster ...... Sports Editor Campus Life Not Evil would be that everyone should be able Campus Life events. If Stuart truly to say as they please, but oftentimes, Dear Editor, believes in the·philosophy/statement Gordon Steward ...... Photo Editor there are malicious consequences that When I found out I was coming to that he made in last weeks sports are detrimental for trying to solve Lisa Lombard ...... Ad Manager Regis, I set some goalsrfor myself. I section- "either put up or shut up" I will problems. Dr. Allan Service and Ms. wanted to become active in the be seeing him at the next Thursday Heather Baniszewski Media Jackie Phillips have offered us Residence Halls, so I became a wing Thrills or Double feature films. I hope Relations Board Member alternatives so that we may stop wasting representative. I wanted to find out how to see you there Stuart! time and space in the Highlander with Dr. Kevin Maly ...... Faculty Advisor Student Government worked on the this bickering. If either sides of the Thanks, Jen Jahnke November 2, 1994, Highlander, Page 3


were always on my terms, and those With Brenda, 13, it is not so easy to catch?" For an instant, I realize what it is people have been some of the most make an impression. Brenda is Notes from that I have lost. Vince O'Flaherty was important people in my life. beautiful, and Brenda is smart. She has the latest of my mentors; I looked up to the Barrio I'm not sure how much things have already seen a lot of people 16, 17, and him--he helped me to grow. As I wonder changed since then, but now there are 18 years old, and they are doing what how one could be such an incredible by David Card four kids who live next door to us at she is learning to do. Skip school. Hang teacher, I remind myself of who he had Romero House. Angelo, the youngest, out. All of her friends are doing it. Her chosen to be his ... is just beginning to get his voice. Every parents know about it, and it is crushing Finally I answer, "Yeah . .I think I time he says my name it sends me into a them. You've heard the words, "I don't do." "Hey Big Kev, you wanna play fit of inquiry wondering where that want my kids to do what the older kids catch?" There was a lot more involved noise is coming from. He has the are doing, what would you do?" Brenda Editors note: Here is IO year old in that question than tossing a baseball. wonder of the world in his eyes, and recently came over and asked Maureen There were a lot of kids in my Roger s tribute to Father Vince O' neighborhood, and some of them were Flaherty. five to eight years older than I. They "... I pray to God that we can influence these kids like Father Vmcent O'Felarte taught me a few things I'm sure my the kids in my neighborhood influenced me. " Vince was a good man. I loved him a mother wishes they hadn't, but I really rilly lot but he left without saying good looked up to them--they helped me most everything is new. Roger and McGee to help her with her homework­ by. I rilly miss him a lot. I just wish he grow. I learned how to swim when I Mark, ages 11 and 12 respectively, have -I pray to God that we can influence could come back. But he can't. was about five years old. I learned how been around a little--a lot more than I these kids like the kids in my Last knight I went to sleep and I had to ride a bike and catch a high pop fly a had been at that age. They come over to neighborhood influenced me. I'm quite a dream about Father O'Felarte that he year or two later. Not long after that, I play football with us, but I think it certain that this was Vince's intention came back to Romero house and I seen learned how to do body work on a '67 might be more than that. They might be when he imagined himself, and more him. But nobody could not see him. But Chevy. When I looked at them, I had an studying what it means to be 20, 21, or importantly Regis, making an active he told me I love you and all the rest too. understanding of where I should be 25, or they might be confused because dedication to the service of others. I I like the picture you gave me I love it. when I turned their age. I have always school is supposed to end at 12th grade, find myself, in the midst of my YOUR THE GREATEST FATHER. chosen people who I thought were and anything over 9th is optional. When transition, trying to live this out. pretty incredible and made them my we talk about college, occasionally one This transition is painful--it's not on Love Roger and Family. mentors. They probably never knew it, of them will talk about college. They my terms, but whoever said that putting Love Romero People! but I was their apprentice. The periods may even say something like that when your first foot forward is easy? As the of study were indefinite. They lasted they go to school the next day. If they dust begins to settle around us at only long enough for the next transition are like I was, they are storing little bits Romero House, I hear the doorbell to take place. The transitions were of information about where they should ringing, awakening the House. It is never painful, as I recall, because they be when they are our age. Roger at the door asking, "Wanna play

FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT I I have been doing a lot of thinking Cultural Affairs, and Director of lately. I know you are saying, "Yeah, Nursing Affairs have broadened our right. Jason doing a lot of thinking, contact base to a point where we now about what?" Well, let me tell you, I am reach every facet of the Regis wondering if the Executive Cabinet is community. These positions have where I want it to be right now, and allowed us to not only offer more events more importantly is it where YOU want to more people, but they also give more

it to be right now?? By that I mean, are people the opportunity to get involved ' I we available and doing the things that in Student Government. To the contrary I we should be doing? I think that we of popular belief, anyone, and I mean have made great strides in some areas, anyone, can get involved in any of these but of course there are considerable areas, and I encourage all those who amounts of things we can work on and seek further involvement to do so. add to. We constantly want to improve our So far, we have surmounted a huge goals and tackle new areas. Right now, attack on our All Campus Leadership we are working on improving the Retreat goals, and hopefully, we can Leadership Program by creating some even see a new marquee on campus real new and innovative ideas to get further soon. Student Senate and Caucus have recruitment or to merely adjust already been revamped to a point that they are existing formats. We are also in the now almost fun to go to. Teacher process of creating a student committee evaluations have taken on a new form that would stand to evaluate faculty. and will now be presented in a booklet As you can see, we are a highly available to all students. This booklet motivated group that does what we feel will show every class syllabus as well necessary for the student body. I know as a synopsis written by each teacher on that we are not an all-encompassing themselves. As for some of early events organization that serves all of your like Orientation, Special Games Day, needs, but we are trying. Please get Parents Weekend, Thursday Thrills, and back to me if I can be of any help or if Fiesta Week, we have come full circle there's some direction that we should be and really re-invented some of these heading. programs so that they now involve a Thanks. great many more people. The new positions that we have added to the Sincerely, Student Government such as Director of Jason Maroney Community Service, Directors of Public and Media Relations, College Events Director, Director of Minority and . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Fulfill Your Civic Duty! Rock the Vote NOVEMBER 8th •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 4, Highlander, November 2, 1994 Features

What's Happening Regis Sacrifices for a Good Cause On Campus Campus Launches OXFAM '94 Campaign by Anthony Bonino Director of Public Relations by Mario Eason Staff Reporter Greetings and Salutations once again. Because of the great response to all of the How ought we to live? This is the doing something to help the same. Cam- will be released in the following issue of campus events last week, I decided to up­ question that the Regis community is pus Ministry with Wendy Bellisario, Di- the Highlander regarding Oxfam date everyone again about what's happen­ asked frequently. In nearly every class, rector of Community Relations, and sup- America. but consider this as something ing on campus. most speeches by administration, etc. the porting clubs will be in the Student Cen- to do in service of others. On Wednesday the 2nd, All Souls Day Regis community is asked to ponder the ter Wednesday, November 9, to take vol- In volunteering, you sacrifice a meal Mass will be offered at 12:10 p.m. in the possibility of an answer. Through service unteers. Just the same, there will be three from your meal plan and take a vow to St. John Francis Regis Chapel. For those learning we find ways to supplement informational meetings following the Hall fast one day. The proceeds from you do­ of you who don't know where that is, it's words by actions. Members of Campus Council meetings. West Hall will have nation go towards funding for project re­ the little church-looking building between Ministry have found yet quests received by Main Hall and O'Connell. Don't forget another way to help with------• Oxfam. to be a good Catholic and attend this Holy supplementing words by urr. f d th l l d Africa Now is Day of Obligation. actions. Campus Ministry .J.0 Jee emse VeS, peop_ e nee something that Cam- On Thursday the 3rd at 10:00 p.m. in is sponsoring Oxfam aCCeSS to basic reSOUrCeS like land, pus Ministers are Regis' own pub, the band The Americaagain. workingonobtaining Gardenweasels, will be performing their water, seeds, tools, credit, and The cover of the bro- 11 for future projects for special blend of alternative music. Don't chure for Oxfam reads, training. Regis students. Yet miss another exciting Thursday Thrills. "Oxfam America works another way for you to Last week's TOGA PARTY was the best in partnership with com- supplement your Thursday Thrills in three years. Thanks munities around the world to find long- theirs on November 16, and DeSmet and words with actions. Africa Now will be a to all of you who attended, and we all look term solutions to poverty and hunger. To O'Connell Hall will have theirs on Novem- letter writing campaign on a national forward to seeing you this Thursday night. On Friday the 4th, there will be a feed themselves, people need access to ber 16. The actual fasting will take place level. These letters will be sent to the Ranger Rally for the volleyball team. The basic resources like land, water, seeds, on November 17. President of the United States. This will team is ranked in #3 in the nation. Then, tools, credit, and training." The question still remains, how ought be an effort "to make our voices heard in after the rally, you are all invited to come Oxfam America has been working we to live? In the service of others is the Washington with the message that our to the game and watch as the Rangers take for twenty-four years on aiding the abol- answer. By signing up for Oxfam, you government must seriously consider Af­ on the University of Denver at 7:00 p.m. ishment of hunger and better work con- would pledge to fast for one day. There rica - its people, nations, and short and in the field house. Be there, or Sandy, ditions in Africa, South America, Cen- will be no food police following you to long term human needs. Renee, Felicia, Nikki, Katharine, and the tral America, Asia, and the Caribbean. make sure you keep your pledge, only your rest of the team will be looking for ya. This is Regis' chance to get into the act, word following you. More information On Sunday the 6th, don't forget to at­ tend Mass like good Catholic boys and girls. Mass times are 11 :00 a.m., that's in Paris on the Platte: Never a Fak~ lD RequJred the morning, and 7 :00 p.m., that's at night. by John Kujawaski accepting about letting young people in, thing on this planet) to wash down the Be there, and hear one of the fabulous Staff Reporter I've found that it's a fun place to play Nacho Board (you'll need three Regis Fathers deliver a fabulous Regis music. friends to help you). I love this place. kinda speech. Paris on the Platte, located at 1553 The setting is neat, too. The place is Grab some friends, go play Uno, and On Monday the 7th, the ever famous Platte St., is unique not only for the good divided into two rooms along with a used check out the old man who always Student Senate will be in session. The music, but they actually let us under­ book store, and I like the fact that it's a sings about his cheating girlfriends. Caucus, where any student can voice his agers in the place, which deserves an socially liberal place. Anything goes! So or her opinion, will be at 4:30 p.m. in the award in my book. check it out, rather that trying to get into Entertainment Editors Note: The Science Amphitheater. Come and visit the There aren't many places to go hear those bars where we 're not welcome. food at Paris is great, I highly recom­ real Student Government at Regis. music and drink hot chocolate if you're mend the "Roast Beast". Also worth Tuesday the 8th is election day. So get under 21. There are usually some terrific Editors note: Paris on the Platte taking a taste are the desserts. I also out there and "Vote early and vote often," blues guitarists who play there most . is the coolest. Ifyou 're not in the mood would like to challenge the Editor-in­ and vote Republican and Democrat and nights of the week. Because Paris is so for coffee, get a lemonade shake (best Chief to a game of Uno. Independent. But remember: Friends don't let friends vote for Perot. Just get out there and voice your opinion. That way, the country is run by the people and Soul Food: A Spiritual Journey for the people. by Fr. John Vowells, S.J. On Wednesday the 9th, Good Luck to the volleyball Rangers as they take on the When I was directing plays during my time as a high f"""~-_,...... ,""""'""'l'"' of us. When we gather as a worshipping community, United States Air Force Academy at the school teacher, I always loved working with student ac- our presence shows that we want Jesus to feed the United States Air Force Academy, at 5:30 tors. They are a special breed. I can remember one young hunger of our human longing, a hunger that is not p.m. GOOOOOOOO Rangers! man in particular saying, "Theatre is my passion. I would simply a matter of physical bread. Jesus shows us that die without it. Theater is my life." abundant life is grounded in a relationship to God. Was he overstating the case just for dramatic effect? What a relationship that can be! God loves us. We Probably not. He was just expressing a need of young hear that statement so many times that it can become people to have something meaningful and fulfilling in a pious cliche, but it's true. God's love is complete Regis University Office of Campus Life their lives, something to feel passionate abo;ut. All of us and w:iconditional; it is not based on what we do or presents ... need to have some center or still point around which we even conditional upon obedience. Knowing that we integrate the pieces and themes of our life. The lack of meaning are never unloved by God should be our constant source of ''Hats Off and purpose in life is a reason for much of the world's despair. joy. This emptiness of the human soul cries out to be filled. This love is our ground and center, giving meaning to our Award" In the gospel, Jesus portrays himself as living bread, an im- lives. Each day we should strive to see our neighbors in a new age many people found too fantastic to believe. But he wasn't way and, as a result, love them the way we know God loves Presented to: College just talking about ordinary bread. Jesus knew that the people us, without conditions. We cannot put fences around those Republicans who followed him were really looking for something for them- whom we choose to exclude from our love. In a sense, all For the endless hours of creativity, selves, even if they did not understand what it was. people can make claim on us. We must embrace them like we motivation, and spirit for the If you were to ask people what they want in life, they would are embraced by love of God. entire Regis University Committee probably use words like happiness, love, and fulfillment. They When loving God becomes our life and passion, it's pres- stress the importance of finding meaning in life and counting ence shows in all that we do. Those with a passionate love of The College Republicans are coming off a huge fundraising success with their for something. Probably all ofus have summarized our own life theater must do it; likewise, we who have received the pas- bachelor auction at Thursday Thrills. The quest in similar words. We want to have a sense that we are sionate love of God in Jesus Christ must live it. Today and Republicans are a vastly improved moving toward some goal. We want assurance that what we have everyday, Jesus invites us to a feast of life centered in the committee that stands to make great done and how we have lived makes some sense. lov~ of God. Jesus is our living bread, the f~ast of our soul's strides in getting more political awareness here on campus. Congratulations! Jesus said he was the key to finding that full life. He wanted delight. In him we find life. that peace for his disciples, and he wants the same thing for each November 2, 1994 Highlander, Page 5 Entertainment Hedges Plays at Boulder by Daniel Mossinghoff/Rajit Kabadi tar. Another highlight was Michael Entertainment Reporters Manring's incredible bass solo, "Three Moons From the Sun," in which he single- On Saturday, October 15, acoustic handedly played three bass guitars in per­ guitarist, Michael hedges,played at the feet harmony. In order to accomplish this, Boulder Theater near U.C. Boulder. Manring needed a volunteer from the au- Fornearly three hours, Hedges mes- . dience to hold the third bass. The sur­ merized his audience with originals like --· prise moment of the night· came when "Silent Anticipations," and "Love ,Bi- · · Hedges performed a captivating rendition. zarre," as well as covers like "All Along ~ of the poem, "Jabberwocky" by Lewis the Watchtower." Carroll, while accompanied by Manring's All of the songs were performed by eerie bass effects. Hedges and his bassist, . After the show, we had a chance to In the concert, Hedges played his trans- interview Michael Manring. In the inter­ trem, a ten string guitar that incorporates view, Manring told of his musical begin­ bass and normal guitar sounds simulta- nings. He first picked up the bass when Guitarist Michael Hedges performs an entertaining show in Boulder neously, as well as a normal guitar, a flute, he was ten years old, and played his first and a keyboard. He was also the sole concert at sixteen. In 1978, while playing tape for the Windham Hill music label. sounds of Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, vocalist. Besides Manring, there were no a bass solo at a jazz gig in Baltimore, he Since then Michael Hedges and Michael and . Michael Hedges has a other musicians, and absolutely no re- was spotted by Michael Hedges. They Manring have created six albums, includ­ new album on the Windham Hill label corded tracks employed. soon discovered they had complementary ing the Grammy-nominated albums Aerial called The Road to Return. Michael A few highlights of the concert in- musical styles. After playing together for Boundaries and Taproot. Manring has also just released a solo al­ eluded a solo by Michael Hedges called some time, Hedges and Manring collabo­ Michael Hedges and Michael Manring bum entitled Thonk. "Because It's There." In this solo, Hedges rated to make an album. This album even­ are currently on tour across North used his unique ten string trans-trem gui- tually became Michael Hedges' demo America. Some dates will include the

Bonnie & Clyde Movie Review: Ed Wood Better Than 90210 by Bonnie & Clyde

Hey all you Bonnie and Clyde fans, did you figure out what we were trying to tell you in last weeks issue? It has to do with -- nexrweek'." "'While you'reuying to-figure it out (we know the suspense it driving you crazy) we'll tell about "Ed Wood." "Ed Wood" was based on a true story about a struggling producer who made it to the big time, but in the wrong way. Wood had his heart in the right place, it was "per­ fect." (Edward W. Wood Jr.) Despite his per­ fect attitude, Wood didn't have what it takes to make the big time, although he did receive recognition as the worst film producer in Hol­ lywood. Along the lines of acting, George the Ani­ mal Steel was just as impressive as he was in W.W.F. wrestling. Steel was a big lug who grunted and looked like he still was in the wrestling ring. Johnny Depp fit the part well ofEd Wood. Wood (Depp) flashed big grins and tried to produce for anybody who would YOU'LL SAVE SO MUCH MONEY SKIING, YOU MIGHT hire him. Wood goes so far as to have his entire cast baptised in a swimming pool to ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO BUY REAL BOOK SHELVES. get the backing of the baptists. (That part was hilarious) And then there was Vampira. She had the biggest and best... we'll let you figure out what's. Overall this movie showed that even de­ When it comes to for you, including discounts on ski terminatio~ trying and trying againisn't al­ savings, no other rental, tuning, lessons, dining and ways the answer. Yoahave to respect :spm~~ card does what the more. With the STM card, you'll also be able to access our Straight Talk one who tried as hard as Wood .to be a suc­ STM {Save The Most) card does. It guarantees you the Snow Report. It's not some "powder/ cess. Ed Wood will have you leaving the lowest possible price on Steamboat packed powder" nonsense, it's a real theater not sure if you liked it, or you are just lift tickets and accommodations. report from people who are on the so baffled?! At any rate, we rated this movie We're talking as much as 40% off mountain every morning. We'll give better than 90210. It's now playing at the regular room prices. And the best it to you straight, so you'll know what conditions are really like. Tivoli for $3.50. part is, it's FREE. To get your free STM card, just call So call today for your free card. Entertainment Editors Note: I really dept. 647 at 1-800-1 SKI STM (1-800- Then make room for that new, solid­ can not understand these two, because 475-4786). You'll hear all about the oak book shelf. {Maybe right next the rumor mill is going again. The rea­ many things the STM card can do to your cardboard box coffee table.) son why Clyde is looking for a new part­ ner is that Bonnie has kicked Clyde out df the house. I have told the troubled couple that they must start counseling. The sessions have been going wellfor the 1-800-1 SKI STM two, so far. If you are still interested in THE PLACE TO SKI writing/or the entertainment section con­ tact Tim at *4152. Page 6, Highlander, November 2, 1994


soccer... soccer... soccer... soccer... soccer... soccer... soccer... soccer... soccer... soccer... soccer Regis Volleyball Women's Soccer: CAC Champs by James Dougherty Ranked #2 in Country Staff Reporter by Stuart Foster Kearney team. In that match, Regis lost It came down to the last game for Regis' Women's Soccer team to detennine Sports Editor two out of the first three games. The team seemed a little out of sync at that point whether or not they would reign as Colorado Athletic Conference Champions during their first winning season this year. Coming into the last weekend of the season, the The Rangers moved up in last weeks and just didn't know why they were los­ title was still up for grabs between Regis and Denver University. Regis' 3-2 loss coaches poll from number three to num­ ing. The team came back onto the floor against Metro State on Saturday didn't give them the start to their double header ber two. The team has been on a winning for the fourth game and stomped on the streak since they played at the Air Force Lopes. In the fifth game, which was rally weekend that they wanted, but DU's tie to Colorado Christian University kept them Academy tournament. During the win­ scoring (every kill counts as a point), in the running. "We let up too soon during that game," stated Katie Crespo, while emphasizing ning streak, the women have beaten DU, Regis was down at first, but then came USC, Mesa State, Nebraska-Kearney, storming back to take the match. the team's early two point lead. It was only during the last two minutes that Metro Fort Hayes, University of Alaska­ The women played in Portland, Or­ scored the winning goal. Fortunately, DU suffered a tie that day. Anchoridge, and Colorado Christian. egon this past weekend and results from However, during the game on October 30th, "Air Force didn't have a chance," as Head coach Frank Lavrisha stated that the all of their games including the match Crespo put it, because Regis "never let up." The final score was 3-0 with goals scored team has been playing well and that jun­ against # 1 Cal State Bakersfield will be by Tatum Mahoney, Amy Giltner, and Jenny O'Brien. Sunday's game truly showed iors Amy Hill and Niki London have both covered in next week's issue. the endurance of the team not only because of the snow they had to tolerate during the been playing great. first half, but also because they played hard thinking it was their last game of the The two toughest opponents that season. Regis faced during the streak were at the Sports Editors Note: Whats Wrong It wasn't until 4:00 p.m. on Halloween that they received the good news. Regis' Metro State Tournament during Parents' With Regis Sports will be back in the next Women's Soccer team received the bid for Division II Nationals. Because they were Weekend. The first match was against a few weeks. Maybe by then someone else expecting DU to receive the bid, it was a pleasant surprise for Regis. tough Mesa State team who took the will have something to say about Athletic The bid means that Regis is one of six teams (out of ninety-six Division II soccer Rangers to five games. The second was Directors and Baseball Coaches at Regis. teams) that will be competing next weekend. The game will be at home against Sonoma against a top-ten-ranked Nebraska- State, a team that Regis played and defeated during the second week of the season. With a win against Sonoma State, Regis would advance to the finals where the top four teams will compete at the Division II National Tournament held in New Hamp­ shire. Lacrosse Ready for their Jen Murguia and Katie Crespo, the only two seniors on the team, have been "wait­ ing for four years to have a winning season," and obviously the two got more than they asked for. It has been by far the best season ever for Regis Women's Soccer. Season in the Spring They have scored twice as many goals this year as in any other season, and that is just by Debbie Upmeier All of the games were extremely close. one more record broken by this "cohesive" squad. But the most important part of the Staff Reporter Thus far, they have been playing against season still awaits them, as next Saturday, Regis faces off with Sonoma State. the typically harder teams in the area. It is down to the final six, and Regis really needs your support. In addition, Team Regis' Lacrosse team has been a club Their opening game against CU ended in Captain Crespo quick to express her appreciatiou for the Athletic .Department as team since its inception here. This year, a 5-6 loss. In the last tournament they had a whole, with special thanks to Lonnie Porter, Doug Farley, and Frank Lavrisha for however, they are a varsity team and par­ at CSU, they beat Wyoming 11-0. SHUT­ their continued support and game-time attendance. ticipants in Division II. Captain Seamus OUT! Congratulations! Their past record gives them the opportunity to enter nationals with "nothing to Daley feels "Being Division II will help Another of the team's goals is for the lose," but Katie Crespo sees her team as having "everything to win" in the upcoming us become more noticed in the Colorado team to break .500. Right now, their games. She also didn't hesitate to urge our student body's backing for Regis Women's Athletic Conference and in the Western record is 1-4, but that's OK as the real Soccer's first playoff game ever. "I hope everyone comes out to support us because United States." Their season starts in the season hasn't even started yet. we've worked hard to get this far." spring, and they would love to see every­ In addition to lacrosse being incred­ The game will be this Saturday. Contact the Athletic Department for details. one out there supporting them. One of ibly exciting, it is the only contact sport · head Coach M.J. Romansky's goals for existing at Regis. Ifthat doesn't make you the season is to get the first playoff game want to rush out and see it, what would? at home by finishing in the top half of the Hopefully with their latest efforts to league. fundraise and through University support, Wo:men's Despite the fact that the season has they will be sporting some new equipment not yet started, the team has been practic­ and facilities. If you would like to help ing everyday except Thursdays. They them out in the slightest bit, you could Tennis have attended two tournaments, one at talk to any of the lacrosse players. CSU and one at the Air Force Academy. Rebuilds The Re~is Lacrosse Team Roster W"ith NeW" Coach 5ENI0RS:' JUNIORS: B ..J. Fronaphel by Stuart Foster *Seamus Daley Sports Editor *Brandon Gonzales MarkDalpes Jo4ll Harbaugh Paul Napolski The Regis University women's tennis seen in the past as an easy win. "There is '!:, ~.J·IDl. M arti' n' ,~ team is starting make a name for them­ a lot of talent on this team," said Dinges. selves. The team is now headed by new This year, the tennis team has 10 play­ coach Melody Partrick. In an interview ers on the team, which is a step up from SOPHOMORES: FRESHMEN: with team captain Shelly Dinges, she felt past years. The lone senior on the team is Christopher Banner Marc Wilken that the coach had turned the team around Dinges. Juniors on the team are Sherri Cliris Fitzgerald Nathan this year with a new, fresh attitude and Sauers and Katie Carlson. Sophomores Jeff Flynn Barulicb with hard conditioning. Dinges also felt include Teresa Norick, Christina Joe Hachey Mario Ficco that because of the new coach and previ­ Wasmuth, Devon Chmura, Danielle ous years oflosses, the team was starting Drew, and Anne Morris. The lone fresh­ Chris Macheca Sean O'Brien from scratch. man on the team is Sara Randall. The team John Pilkington The team began the full year tourna­ has a very big sophomore class and should Mat{''Max" Semmer ment season playing the Air Force Acad­ maintain the superior tennis play in the Matt Stabb emy. Dinges stated "The team played future. well. We normally get killed, and this year The team is still practicing, but their the matches were really close overall." tournaments are done for the fall season. This year's team goals include being a top They will resume play in the spring. 1 *denotes team captain competitor because the team has been November 2, 1994, Highlander, Page 7

SPORTS ~~''Goal to Goal''~~ by Matt "no more goatee" McDowell and Derek Scarth where.) of CThe C U next game , ?1 aye d on the campus Sports Columnists · · ·, resulted m a demolish1·ng · tory a th R v1c- , s e .U. renegades won 4-1 G 1 Happy Hanukkah, sports fans and were assisted by Matt "N M G. oa s M D O ore oatee" welcome to edition 8, volume 4, and sec­ c owell, Rob "Psycho" St k K . Hol · , oc , evm tion 3.2 of"Goal to Goal," or as they sa gum s "Heros ,, and "Petis" M (The go 1 ' oore. in Provo, Spain "Go! a Gol." In Jap~ a scorers always get all the gl ) it's ... well we're not sure what it is in Ja­ Keep Rollin' Broncos!! ory. ~an. Anyw~o, the season is wrapping up A special. thank you goes out to th m fme fas~10n, and we are getting ready R.U.· lathletic training core who so gra-e for the hohdays.(Love mom's Stove Top) c10us ~ a_warded us with a certificate of The team has now extended the win­ appreciation. (Rick we want our m . back n, kn agazme ning streak to four, yes four, wonderful · vve ow you have it.) games. Hip hip hooray!!! The last two vic­ The next order of business deals with tories were played out against the Uni­ those few but wonderful readers of our versity of Colorado (at the Springs) and column. We would like to offer our thanks those wacky Christians from and appreciation to those of you who fol­ c.c.u. low "Goal to Goal" by promoting the Robin Strong The game on October 22 "Evening with Derek and Men's Soccer team pauses for a centering of the soul against U.C.C.S. Matt Contest." Yes, ended in a 3-1 shel- one not-so­ Murr~y. The night's festivities will wrap cut like that. Jeremy has been playing very lacking. Jere my lucky reader up with an exclusive viewing of our the­ well as oflate, and his goal production is "Helmet Head" will win an all ex­ atrical version of"Madam Butterfly." To growing as fast as his Dep gel build up. Sanchez scored two pense paid trip to e_nter, answer the three following ques­ Sanchez enjoys fixing his hair, taking long goals, and Billy our house for a tions, and send your responses to Sports showers, and fixing his hair. "Goat" Childs night of excitement Editor Stuart Foster's "Lager" (It's Aus­ Quote of the week: Again, while re­ added a third. After and dish cleaning. tralian forbxer, mate.) on a4x6, not a 3x5 ceiving-treatment in the R.U. athletic the game, we asked The evening will be­ ?ote c_ard.Hete we go: Question #1) Wh~ training room, we overheard a conversa­ Billy how he . gin with candlelight is buried in Grant's tomb? #2) If a train is tion between team trainer Robin Strong planned to cel­ (you supply the candle) going east at 12 miles per hour what time and head trainer Rick Hendricks. Robin ebrate the victory, Mac-n-Cheese dinner is it? #3) Is it darker at night or in the asked, "Hey Rick have you ever seen a and he said, "Why cooked by column sup~ woods? rash like this?" Let the battle begin! are you guys al­ porter and Athletic Direc­ Finally, this week's Eye on a Lone ways giving me a hard time? Leave me tor Tom Dedin. The dinner will be fol­ Ranger profiles flag football fanatic Jer­ alone." Scott League. (We lost a bet, and lowed by a foot massage and a viewing emy Sanchez. He is the only Regis Scott; to.apperu; in here.some- of'.'Caddysha








For more information, contact Lynne Montrose in Loyola 12, 458-4943

APPLICATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1994 Page 8, Highlander, November 2, 1994

HLANDER CLASSIFIED AO$ What's Up With That? A Column Dedicated to ***SPRING BREAK*** Julie the Disco Queen - We met at Regis' Little Oddities For Sale: America's #1 Spring Break John and Jay's Halloween Party. I by the Highlander Staff Large Refridgerator. Excellent Company! hope you were as impressed with me Working Conditions. Please Call Tim Cancun, Bahamas, Daytona & as I was with you. I'd like to talk to $75 for Jim McCormick? What's up @ x5340 or 553-7611 Panama. 110% Lowest Price Guarantee! you again. Please call me@ 738- with that? He's not even a bachelor! 0rganize 15 friends and TRAVEL 9223. Hank. Help Wanted ------Kevin O'Shea starring in Little Giants? FREE! Earn Highest commissions! FAST FUNDRAISER Cocktail Waitress PT/ WEEK/ (800)32-TRAVEL What's up with that? HOLIDAY. Must be 21. Contact Steve Raise $500 in 5 days. Fast, Simple, TUTOR NEEDED Easy. Greeks, Clubs, Motivated or Loma at the Elks Lodge Callers from on campus can't access Individuals. No financial obligation. @ 238-1307 For 14 year old girl in Math and any phone numbers that start with 609. Grammar. Please call 458-7833 (800)775-3851 What's up with that? Entertainment Extra: is due to his amazing stage presence and beginning. The band's single, "Am I Love Spit Love has great sound skillful lyrics. He performed with his new Wrong," was a big highlight, and the Girls from West Hall 3rd floor south still don't have dates. What's up with by John Kujawaski band with sheer energy, pumping on the haunting melody echoed throughout the that? Entertainment Reporter rafters and slapping hands with audience club. Simply put, the band redefined what members while backed by a terrific group a good alternative show is all about. Fans of the British singer and extraor­ of musicians. Richard Fortus, formerly The same can't be said for the Gisolo There are urinals in the womens' dinary performer Richard Butler's old of Pale Divine, did some spectacular Aunts who opened the show with a very bathrooms in DeSmet. What's up with band, the Psychedelic Furs, packed into guitar work, and drummer Frank Ferrer brief set. AJot of their material was not that? Can't they be made into flower the Mercury Cafe on Wednesday, Octo­ sounded as solid as a drum machine. terribly memorable, but they did end with pots or something? ber 5, for a taste of his new band, Love From the opener "Green," the band a terrific number, "Bloom." After a few Spit Love. got the audience's attention instantly. years, I wouldn't be surprised if their Regis Lacrosse is a varsity, NCAA The fact that Richard Butler has been Richard Butler danced around the stage show improved, and they became very Division II sport. Yet, Intramurals get able to perform since 1980 and still draws in a way that seemed as natural as walk­ successful. The potential is there. first pick at the field. What is up with a young, new-wave (alternative) crowd, ing in his own house. This was only the that???!!

Leo (July 23-August 22): Friends and have any regrets. Colorado Buffaloes beaten by Horoscopes family consult you for answers; give your Nebraska? What's up with that? by Cynthia Rabinowitz best advice, and move on. Nobody ex­ Capricorn (December 22-January 19): The Denver Broncos have won two Staff Columnist pects you to be 100% accurate; they are The benefits of spending time alone be­ asking you because you are confident and come clear. Listen to aJl sides of a story games in a row. What's up with that? compassionate, not because you are in­ before making a hasty decision. Don't feel 'President of College Democrats Aries (March 21-April 19): Though your fallible. you have to choose sides. Be honest not helping out at the College Republican ideas and motivation you have at the critical. fundraiser. What's up with that? present time might be excellent, the odds Virgo (August 23-September 22): Small might not be in your favor, and you will changes bring big improvements, but al­ Aquarius (January 20-February 18): $11.53 for Roland AND Chuck? have a better chance of succeeding if you lowing yourself to make these changes You should be able to set the scene for What's up with that? hold off your plans until early next year. will be your biggest challenge. Since you accomplishments. Others might think you It might be frustrating, but things happen are usually the type of person that likes are greedy--think of them as jealous. Overheard in the Quad from a twenty­ for a reason. order and consistency, a little change may There is nothing wrong with knowing do wonders for your spirit and character. what you want and how to get it! This something male, "I think I can survive a heart attack; it's my prostate I'm Taurus (April 20-May 20): Accept only could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. worried about." What's up with that? those invitations which promise a posi­ Libra (September 23-0ctober 23): tive outcome. Although the danger and Have patience. Rebuilding a friendship Pisces (February 19-March 20): Re­ If you have something you would like risk are what allure you, the negative con­ takes time and effort. Libras thrive on in­ sponding to a situation immediately leads to contribute to What's Up With That? sequences that follow are definitely not volvement with people, and you know to a resolution. If a task is too easy, be Please send it to the Highlander, 3333 worth it. Use and trust your instincts, they how to compromise when necessary. disciplined enough to ask for more. Don't Regis Blvd, Denver, Co 80221 or are usually right. Work becomes more pleasurable when sell yourself short! distancing yourself from negative aspects. deliver them to the Highlander Gemini (May 21-June 20): Your vulner­ mailbox in the Campus Life Office ability level is high--use it to your advan­ Scorpio (October 24-November 21): tage. Realize the influence you have You will get a chance to see what works among your friends. Your ease of spirit is for you, and you have the opportunity to useful in sticky family situations. make things happen. It's alright to be 2 Guys Espresso skeptical of a family member's motives Cancer (June 22-July 22): A change of just don't make yourself too paranoid. atmosphere and environment is just what IN THE PUB you need, even if it is simple or just for a Sagittarius (November 22-December short while. Love can be easy when your 21): Your family supports your decision Open M-F 7:30 - 5:00 attitude changes, but sticking to your for change in any aspect of your life. If original plan is still vital to the longevity that is the reinforcement you need in or­ of relationships. der to go ahead with your plans, then what are you waiting for? Go for it! You won't Look for Daily Specials •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Mocha Monday - Mocha and pastry $2.50 ~) • • :How to Get a Resume that Works • • • • • Fresh Pastries Daily • Call Letter Perfect Resumes • • • • • • *Help with writing, editing, and proofing • • • Fresh New York Style Bagels *A full range of resume papers and type fonts • • • • *Next day delivery • • • • • 2 Guys caters meetings and events - Call Don at • One Page Resume - $19.95 • • • 964-5483 • Resume Package $24.95 • • Resume/Cover Letter Package - $49.95 • • • • • New Orleans Smoothies· - Cool Tasty • • ' ' • 727-7918 • • Refreshing! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••