Council of State Debates
Tuesday, 6th March, 1934 THE COUNCIL OF STATE DEBATES V o l u m e I , 1 9 3 4 ( 8th February to 27th April, 1934) SEVENTH SESSION OF THE THIRD COUNCIL OF STATE, 1934 - Published by Manager or Publications, Dslki. PaZNTKD BT TKB MaNAOCR, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA P&BSS, NbW DELS!. 1934. r I AGES. CONTENTS. 7-82 r' :;, Thursday, 8th February, 1934- ;2-96 PAGE!!. ;-403 Members Sworn 1 3-1I Death of Mr. Abdul Hamid 1 BIRD 1-21 QUeII\ions and Answers 2-11 ~tatoments laid on the table 11-13 2--24 Messages from His Excellency the Governor Genera.l 13-14 ~ Committee on Petitions 14 Resolution re placing on record the dl'ep sy mpat.hv of the Council with 425 sufforer's in the recent earth'1uake-Adopted. ..• 14-19 .5-27 19 Governor General'sASlilAilnt to Bill 7-28 = Bills passed by the Legislative ASF:cmhly laid on the table . 19 8-37 Motion ior the olect.ion u1 two nun-o fficia.l !\I':lslim. Members to the Stand- ing Committee on 'Pilgrimage to the HeJaz-Adopted 19-20 7-54 Statement of Busiuess 20 454 Saturday, 10th February, 1934- J~ QuestIon awl Answer 21--22 ~ew . :_.__ Hill Jassed by the Legislative Assembly laid on the table • . 22 455 the ~6~-~lonB fOr the "Lci,,)" tit two non-oilit!ht!"MtlBlim Members to the ~65 ,t of .-.~-1' tit..alldJ.h(,!tNH1Juiu,,·{· OHPilgriJJ!n~e to the Hejaz . 22 ckji Resolution re Indl"'~ .•.sat ion of till)' Indian Civil Sorv icc-c-Wit.hdrawrr 23-35 i--81 '-- Tuesday, 13th February, 1934- - :-86 Questions and Answers 37-38' - '-93 Reserve Bank of India BiII_MotwlI to.con"ider, adjourned 38-69 493 Wednesday.
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