
Page numbers in italic refer to Figures. Page numbers in bold refer to Tables.

21 Army Group aquifers J.F.Kirkaldy 167 transboundary conflict over 13–14, Normandy, RE boring sections 128–130 355–356, 360 521 Specialist Team work of Geological Survey 140, 141 (Water Development) (521STRE(WD)) Artois, Chalk aquifer 52, 75 241–242 Ashford filter 12, 53 Afghanistan 2005–9 245–246, 248, 250 Atlantic Wall defences 191, 210, 211, 212 Iraq 2003–9 244–245 Atterberg limits, soil mechanics 304 A33 Excelsior tank 171 Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), A.41 tank 166 Gallipoli 56 Abraham’s Well, Beersheva 1, 2 Australian Electrical and Mechanical Mining and Abyssinian War, Norton tube well 12, 13 Boring Company 52, 53 Abyssinian wells see Norton tube wells Austro-Hungarian Army, use of dowsers Adaptive Risk Assessment Modeling System 94–99 (ARAMS) 335–339 automated target recognition (ATR) algorithms aerial cone penetrometer 314 289, 291 Afghanistan computational testbed 291–294 2003–9, British Army, hydrogeology 245–251 Bagnold, Ralph Alger (1896–1990), Long Range Bundeswehr, water supply advisory service Desert Group 162 261–263 Bailey, Sir Edward Battersby (1881–1965) Forward Operating Bases, water supply consultancy 154 249–251 Geological Survey 149 US water supply 235–237 RE boring sections, Malta 122–123 Afrika Korps, water supply 195–198, 199 Balkans 1990s, US military water Aide Me´moire to the Military Sciences 10 supply 234 aircraft, dust problem 317, 318 Balkans Campaign,WWI 61 airfields geology 61–63 construction 130 well boring 55, 63–64, 69, 70 contamination 9 barracks, water supply 3 soil trafficability 314–316 Basrah, water supply 243, 244 water supply 3, 5 Beeby Thompson, Arthur (1871–1968) Al Amara, water supply 243, 244 Balkans water supply 62–64, 69 Albania, Bundeswehr water supply 259 Gallipoli water supply 59, 69 Alderney Beichl, Karl (1874–1937), dowser 95–99 fortification Belgium British 206, 207 Flanders, geology 73–77 German 210–212 Western Front, water supply 50–56, 58–59 geology 204–205 Beschoren, Bernhard (1898–1982), Channel hydrogeology investigation, British postwar Islands fortification 212 216–218 Bible, references to wells and groundwater 1–2 WWII, German Army, water supply maps biologically active zone enhancement (BAZE) 190, 216 333–334 Algeria, WWII, RE boring sections bioremediation 333–334 123–124 Blagden, W.M., Thoughts on the bogging of tracked AMC-71 model 310 vehicles, (1944) 165–166 American Expeditionary Force (AEF), WWI, Blindwells Opencast Coal Mine, East Lothian hydrogeology 223–226 29–32 AMM-75 model 310 blockhouses, Tudor 35–36 Anacostia River watershed modelling 272 boreholes andesite, Cheviot Hills complex 23,24 Afghanistan 248, 250 Anzac Cove 57 drilling 10 aqueducts see qanats Iraq 244 364 INDEX boreholes (Continued) Camp Edinburgh 246 WWI, Western Front 56 hydrogeology 249, 250 WWII Camp Faizabad, water supply 262, 263 BEF 110, 112 Camp Kunduz, water supply 261–262, 263 East Africa 130 Camp Marmal, water supply 262 Egypt 116, 118–120 Cape Helles 57 Greece 127–128 Carboniferous, battlefield of Prestonpans 29, 30 Home Forces 113–115 CASC2D runoff model, USACE 273, 279, 281 Iraq and Iran 120–121 Castle Cornet, Guernsey 205 Italy and Sicily 125–127 castles, water supply 3 Malta 123 Cementstones Group 24, 25 Normandy 128–130 cemeteries, and water supply 90, 93 North Africa 4, 123–124 Centaur tanks 174 Bosnia, US military water supply 234 Central Advisory Water Committee 155, 157 boundaries, national, aquifers 13–14, 355–356, 360 cess-pits, and water supply 90, 93 Branxton Hill, Battle of Flodden Field 22, 23, Chalk aquifer 24–25 Western Front 51, 52, 56, 60 British Army see also Cretaceous Chalk Afghanistan 2003–9, hydrogeology 245–251 Channel Islands 203 geological training 49–50 fortification hydrogeology provision and training 9–11, 12 British 205–209 Iraq 2003–9, hydrogeology 242–245 German 209–212, 219 British Association, on need for water survey of geology 204–205 Great Britain 145–146 hydrogeology British Expeditionary Force (BEF) British 216–218 WWI 50, 53 German 212–216, 219, 220 WWII water supply 203, 207, 210 France 107, 109–110, 112 maps, German Army 190–192 Greece 127–128 Chatham dockyard 35–36 British military sites chemicals, groundwater contamination 8 hydrogeology 343–349 Cheviot Hills andesite complex 24 water supply and waste-water 343–353 China, early wells 1 Brock, Reginald Walter (1874–1935), Palestine Churchill tanks 164, 166 Campaign 66–67 trials 168–169, 171, 173–174 Bromehead, Cyril Edward Nowill (1885–1952), cleanup, US military installations 321–340 Geological Survey 152, 155 grenade ranges 9, 332 Brooks, Alfred H. (1871–1924), AEF geology in situ 330–331 section 5, 224, 224 small arms firing ranges 9, 331–332 Brunt, P., RE boring sections 111, 114 technologies 330–334 Buchan, Stevenson (1907–1996), Geological coalfields, work of Geological Survey 156 Survey Cold War (1947–1989) Wartime Pamphlets 150, 152 Bundeswehr water supply duties 254, 264 Water Department 149, 155–156 US military operations, hydrogeology 230–232 Buie, Bennet Frank (1910–1992), US Army Colorado State University, collaboration with 229–230 USACE 273 Bundeswehr Columbia portable drilling rig 67 Geoinformation Office 254 Comet tanks 169, 171 hydrogeology 7, 253–265 Committee on Mud Crossing Performance of AFVs water supply advisory service see ‘Mud Committee’ Afghanistan 261–263 computational testbed (CTB) 291–294 Kosovo 257–261 computing environment 294–295 Somalia 255–257 creating scene 297–298 Burma, WWII, water supplies 130–131 ground model 293–294 operational relevance 295–296 California bearing ratio test (CBR) 313–314 ray caster model 292–293 Camp 246 sensor model 294 water supply 248–249, 250–251 vegetation model 294 Camp Bondsteel, water supply 234 cone index (CI) 305–307, 308, 315 INDEX 365 cone penetration testing 304, 306 Bundeswehr 260, 262, 263 cone penetrometer 304–305, 324–325 Wirth B3A 255, 256, 257 see also aerial cone penetrometer; dynamic cone German Army, WWII 196, 197, 198 penetrometer Sinai 66, 67 contact springs 21 Western Front 52–53 Battle of Prestonpans 30 percussion 10, 53, 110, 197, 255 contaminant transport modelling 278–280, 284 Project Aquatrine 351, 352 Contaminant Transport Transformation and Fate Star 52–53, 63 programme 284 drum shaft wells, German Army 92, 94 contamination drumlins, Battle of Flodden Field 24, 25 cleanup, US military installations 321–340 dugouts, Western Front, Flanders 8, 77 groundwater dunes, Flanders 76–77 chemicals 9 dust 316–317 munitions 3, 9 control solutions 317–319 sewage 153 effect on aircraft 317, 318 treatment technology 323–324 effect on military campaigns 302, 317 Coon Creek, GSSHA modelling 276, 277 health problems 317, 318 Cope, Sir John (1690–1760), Battle of Prestonpans dynamic cone penetrometer 314–315 27–28 Cretaceous Chalk, underground water 145, 146, East Africa,WWI, RE boring sections 68 147, 153 East Africa Command, WWII, well boring 130 Cromwell tanks 163, 169, 171, 173–174 Eastern Aquifer Basin 356–357 Crusader tanks, trials 168–169, 171 Eastern Front, shaft wells, German Army 92, 94 curve number, Watershed Modeling System Eastwood, Thomas (1888–1970), Geological 272–273 Survey 149 Eau Galle River watershed, GSSHA modelling 281, Dabell, John Pierce, RE boring sections 282, 283 115–116, 135 Eckel, E.C., AEF geology section 224–225 De Guingand, F.W. (1900–1979) 162–163 Edgeworth David, T.W. (1858–1934), military De la Beche, Henry Thomas (1796–1855), mining, WWI 8, 77, 81 Geological Survey 140 Edmunds, Francis Hereward (1893–1960), depression springs 21 geological Survey 146–148, 154, 156 Sybil Grey’s Well 24 Egypt deserts, water supply problems 4 early wells 1 detonation, open 332–333 geology 64, 65 Deutsches Afrika Korps see Afrika Korps Napoleonic Wars 64 Dewey, Henry (1876–1965), Geological Survey WWI, water supply 64–68, 69–70 144, 145 WWII, RE boring sections 115–120 dilatancy, and soil shear strength 302, 303 Eielson Air Force Base, ARAMS 338–339 Dinham, Charles Hawker (1883–1955), Geological El Arish, water supply, work of Hume 67–68 Survey 152 , 205, 208, 219 dockyards, water supply 3 Elliott, John Henry (1898–1949) dowsing 11, 208 RE boring sections 111, 113 Bundeswehr 263–264 RE Water Boring Companies 119 WWII 132–133, 133 English Army, Flodden Field 21–23, 25 German Army 94–99, 100, 195 environment, restoration programmes drainage modelling 283 US military installations 321–340 Drever, Harald Irving (1912–1975), RE Water Environmental Security Technology Certification Boring Companies 119 Program (ESTCP) 322 drilling see well drilling explosive threat detection 287–298 drilling rigs computational testbed 291–294 Columbia 67 interpretation of data 288–289 Edeco HE 175 242, 351, 352 hydrogeological variability 289–291 Hunter 53 sensing technologies 288 Keystone 52–53 see also munitions, unexploded mobile 12 521 STRE 242 Far East Campaign, WWII, water supplies 130–132 Balkan Campaign 63 Farrington, J.L., ‘Mud Committee’ 167 366 INDEX

Fauvelle boring method 10 Genesis, references to wells and groundwater 1 FEMWATER model 278–279 Gent Formation 76 filters, water purification 92, 94, 194 Geographical Resources Analysis Support System firing ranges, contamination and restoration 9, (GRASS), USACE 273–274 331–332 Geologen-Gruppe technical reports 89–90 Flanders, Belgium Geologenstelle 88 clay plain 50, 74–76 Geological Survey of Great Britain offensive tunnelling 78–81 1919–1939 144–149, 156–157 coastal dune belt 76–77 groundwater studies pre-1950 139–157 coastal plain 76 mineral resources 141–142, 156–157 geology 73–77 national water policy 155–156 military mining 8, 78–81 pre-WWI 140–141 Paniselian sand ridges 76 underground water supply 145–148, 154 valley alluvium 75–76 Water Department 155–156, 157 offensive tunnelling 81 water resources of Great Britain 145–148 Flodden Field, Battle of 21–25 water supply memoirs 141, 142, hydrogeology 24–25 144–145, 149 marshland 8, 23, 24–25 Water Unit 149, 150–151, 152, 157 political consequences 23–24 water-level contour maps 145, 147 Flodden Hill, Scottish defences 22, 24 Well Catalogues 155 flood analysis, USACE 280–283 wells and springs memoirs 145 flow routing, hydrological modelling 269 WWI 141–144 fluorosis 155 water supply 142–144 Fort Collins, flood analysis 281 WWII 149–155 Fort Hood, GSSHA modelling 277–278 consultancy and advisory work 152–155 Fort Regent, Jersey, water supply 3, 207–209, 219 south and east England groundwater 149 Fortress Engineer Command, Channel Islands 210, Wartime Pamphlets 149, 150–152, 157 211, 215 geologists, German Army WWI 87–88 Forward Operating Bases, Afghanistan, water geology supply 249–251 as reserved profession 149 France, Western Front, water supply 52–56, teaching, British Army 49–50 58–59, 60 geophysical surveying, German Army 196 freshwater lenses Gereshk 246 coastal boreholes 248 Egypt 65 German Army Gallipoli 57 hydrogeologists 6, 7 Landguard Fort 44–45 hydrogeology provision and training 11, 12 Iraq 244 shaft wells 92, 94, 95 friction, and soil shear strength 302, 303 WWI military geologists 87–88 gaining streams 21 water rations 86 galleries water supply 85–101 freshwater lenses 44–45 booklets 90–91 mine, Western Front, Flanders 77, 81 WWII Gallipoli campaign 56–57, 61 Channel Islands imported water 57 fortification 209–212, 219 water ration 4, 57 hydrogeology 212–216, 219 water supply 57, 59, 69, 70 military geology 187–200 work of Beeby Thompson 59 water rations 4, 192, 193, 197 Gallipoli Peninsula, geology 57, 62 water supply garrisons geophysical surveying 196 secure water supply 3, 35 maps 189–192, 198, 199 eastern coastal defences 35–45 North Africa 195–198 gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer, see also Bundeswehr portable 328 Gibraltar, Geological Survey advice on borehole Gaza, water supply 68 drilling 154 Geikie, Archibald (1835–1924), Geological ‘going’ classification 163 Survey 140 see also maps, ‘going’ INDEX 367

Goose Prairie Creek, contaminant transport Hanoverian army, Battle of Prestonpans 27–29 modelling 278–279, 280 Harwich Formation 39, 43 Gozo, geology 122 Harwich garrison 36, 37 graphical user interfaces 274 water supply 35, 41–42 Great Seam 30, 32 work of Thomas Hyde Page 42–43 Greater Panama Canal Watershed, GSSHA Hawaii, contaminant transport modelling modelling 284 279–280 Greece, RE boring sections 1941, 1945–1946 helicopters, dust problem 317, 318 127–128 Helmand Province, hydrogeology 245–251 grenade ranges, contamination and restoration Heringen Collection, German technical reports 89, 9, 332 187, 188 Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrological hill forts, water supply 3 Analysis (GSSHA) model 13, 275–276, Hoenes, Dieter (1912–1952), Channel Islands 278–283 fortification 212 remote sensing data 284 water supply 216 tropical hydrology 284 Holy Land Grosnez Castle, Jersey 205, 219 water supply 1–3, 14, 355–360 ground model, CTB 293–294 see also Israel; Levant; Palestine ground vehicles, mobility problem Howard, Thomas, Earl of Surrey 21–22 304–313 Hull, Edward (1829–1917), Geological designs for problem soils 311–313 Survey 140 modelling 309–311 Hume, William Fraser (1867–1949), Egypt water prediction 308–311 supply 67–68, 70 see also ‘Mud Committee’ Humfrey, John Hambly (1776–1832) groundwater Fort Regent well, Jersey 208 British military sites Sheerness garrison water supply 39 abstraction and legislation 351–353 Hunt, Charles B., USGS Military Geology Unit quality 350–351 227, 228 Channel Islands 212–218 Hunter drilling rig 53 conflict over 13–14, 355–356, 360 hydrogeologists contamination 8–9 attached to military forces 5–7, 228–230 chemicals 9 post-WWII 6–7, 231 munitions 3, 8 WWI 5, 224–226 remediation 9 WWII 5–6, 228–230 influence on military campaigns 7–9 hydrogeology Iraq 242–244 importance to military campaigns 3–15 as military resource and remote sensing, explosive threat detection WWI 49–70 289–291 WWII 105–135 research and development 12–13 German Army techniques 192–194 training 9–11 radioactivity 350–351 Hydrologic Engineering Center, USACE 271 Somalia 256–257 hydrological modelling as water supply 3 distributed 273 groundwater discharge zone 20–21 history 269 Battle of Flodden Field 24–25, 26, 27 USACE 267–285 Battle of Prestonpans 27, 29,30–32 physics-based 272–276 groundwater modelling, contamination and hyporheic zone 21 restoration 322–323, 328–330 Guarani Aquifer System 14 Illinois River, modelling 269 Guernsey Index Limestone 29, 32 fortification India, WWII, water supplies 131–132 British 205–207 Indian Engineers, Well Boring Sections 120, German 210–212, 215 131–132 geology 204–205 Ineson, Jack (1917–1970), Geological hydrogeology investigation, British postwar Survey 156 216–218 infrared sensing 288, 289 water supply maps, German Army 190, 192, Inland Water Survey Committee 146, 148, 149, 214–216 155, 157 368 INDEX

Inter-Service Topographical Department (ISTD), Kneen, A.H., RE boring sections 111, 114, 121 soil classification 163, 167, 175 Kortrijk Formation 74–76, 78, 81 International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Kosovo Afghanistan 261 Bundeswehr, water supply advisory service Iran, RE boring sections 1941–1943 120–121 257–261 Iraq US military water supply 234 British Army 2003–9, hydrogeology Krantz, Walter, on water supply and sanitation 90, 242–245 93,94 RE boring sections 1941–1943 120–121 Kraus, Ernst, German Army geologist 188–189 irrigation, Israel 355 Kriegssanita¨tsordnung 1907 85–86 Isle of Sheppey fortifications 35–36 lakes, groundwater discharge 21 water supply Landguard Fort 36, 38 work of Thomas Hyde Page 38–41 water supply 35 well-sinking 39–40, 43, 44 work of Thomas Hyde Page 41, 42,44 Israel, water resources 14, 355–360 landmines see explosive threat detection Italy, WWII Langley Air Force Base, ARAMS 337 RE boring sections 124–127, 126 Larkhill Camp, Project Aquatrine 349, 351, 352 use of dowsers 132–133 Lashkar Gah 246 water supply maps, US Army 6, 230 boreholes 248 Ledo-Paniselian sands 75,76 Jacobite army 25, 27–29 Lee, Charles H., AEF geology section 225 James IV, King of Scotland, Battle of Flodden Field Levant, WWI, water supply 64–68 21, 23 LIDAR sensing 288, 296 Jebb, Sir Joshua, on sinking artesian wells 10 lime, in grenade range treatment 9, 332, 333 Jersey Limestone Coal Group 29, 30 fortification liquid limit, soil 304 British 205–209 liquidity index 304 German Army 209–210 Lockheed Terrastar 311, 313 geology 204–205 Loftus-Hills, Clive (1885–1967), Flanders 77 hydrogeology investigation London, Water Supply Memoir 149, 153 British postwar 216–218 London Clay Formation, well-sinking 43–44 German Army 212–214 Harwich 43 water supply Isle of Sheppey 38–39 Fort Regent 207–209 Long Range Desert Group 162 maps, German Army 190, 212–214 Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, contaminant Jersey Shale Formation 204, 205, 213, 217 transport modelling 278–279 Jersey Volcanic Group 204, 205, 213 losing streams 21 Jerusalem, water supply tunnel 1–2 Lower Coralline Limestone, Malta, water supply 122–123 Kabul International Airport, water supply 261 Lower Limestone Group 29, 30 Kemmel Sands 76, 79–80 Luchs tank 171 Kennedy–Shaw, W.B., Long Range Desert Lundholm, Eric Olof, RE boring sections 114, Group 162 119, 121 Keystone drilling rig 52–53 King, William Bernard Robinson (1889–1963) M151 Military Utility Tactical Truck 312, 313 54, 112 Macedonia, Balkans Campaign, water supply 61, WWI 5, 11, 53–56, 69, 70 63–64 WWII 6, 109–110, 112, 115, 128–130, 142 Macfadyen, William Archibald (1893–1985) 124 Kirkaldy, J.F. (1908–1990) 167 RE boring sections 124, 127 soil maps 174–175, 178 Malta on soil water cycle 164–165 Geological Survey advice on irrigation 154 Kishwaukee River watershed, GSSHA modelling RE boring sections, 1943–1945 122–123 282–283, 284 maps Klu¨pfel, Walther (1888–1964) geological, German Army, WWII 189 Channel Islands ‘going’ 8, 162–163, 164 Fortress Engineer Staff 210–211 soil maps 163 groundwater investigations 212–214 hydrogeological, West Bank 356 INDEX 369

soil, work of Kirkaldy 174–175, 178 reports 180–185 water supply research programme 169–170 WWI soil maps 170, 173–175, 178 German Army 88–89, 90, 91 soil mechanics 168–169 Western Front 54–56, 58–59 Soils Sub-committee reconnaissance party WWII 170–171, 172–173, 176–177 German Army 190–192 terms of reference 168 Channel Islands 190–192, 212–216 trials 169, 171, 173–174, 178–179 North Africa 198, 199 weaknesses 161 Operation Sea Lion 190, 191 Mulberry harbour research, WES 270 Normandy 128–129 multi-criteria decision analysis 339 US Army 230 munitions Marsh Screw Amphibian 311, 312, 313 contamination 3, 9, 332–333 marshland see wetlands unexploded, detection and disposal 325–326, Massachusetts Military Reservation, ARAMS 327, 332–333 335–336, 338 Murchison, Roderick Impey (1792–1871), Medway River, fortifications 35–45, 37 Geological Survey 140 Megiddo, Battle of, 1456BC 2 Musa Qala 246 secure water supply 2 hydrogeology 249 Meinzer, Oscar E. (1876–1948), AEF geology section 225, 225 National Defense Center for Energy and Mesopotamia, water supply 68–69 Environment (NDCEE) 322 Meteorological Office, weather and soil national water policy 155–156 conditions 164 naval bases, water supply 5 MEXA concept vehicles 312, 313 New Orlean, Battle of, swamps 301 Micklethwait, E.W.E., Soil mechanics in New Orleans, flood analysis 281–282 relation to fighting vehicles (1944) Nieuwpoort, Flanders, tunnels 77 166–167 Normandy, 21 Army Group, RE boring sections microorganisms, BAZE 333–334 128–130 Middle East North Africa, German Army, WWII early wells 1 water ration 197 water supply 14, 355–360 water supply 195–198 see also Egypt; Holy Land North African Campaign Middle East Command RE boring sections 123–124 RE boring sections 105–106, 115–123 water supply problems 4 use of dowsing 132, 133, 134 North-Eastern Aquifer Basin 356, 357, 358 Military Geology Branch, USGS 231 Norton tube wells 12, 13,49 Military Geology Unit, USGS 227–228, 230 Balkan Campaign 63 Military Utility Tactical Truck (M151) 312, 313 Egypt ‘spear points’ 65, 66 mines (explosive device) 8 Gallipoli 57, 59 see also explosive threat detection German Army 92, 96, 190, 193 mining, military NRMM model 310 WWI, Flanders 8, 73, 77–82 Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System 14, 64, 65 see also tunnels Nutrient Simulation Model 279 Mirus Battery, Guernsey 212, 215 Mississippi River Basin Model 269, 270 Oldhaven Beds, Isle of Sheppey 39 mobility, and ground conditions 8, 301–319 Ontario Farm mine 79,81 models, hydrology, USACE 267–285 open burn and open detonation (OB/OD) 332–333 Mont Ogueil Castle, Jersey 205, 208, 219 Operation Herrick, Afghanistan 245 Montgomery, Bernard L., Field Marshal 1st Operation Overlord, water supply maps 128–130 Viscount of Alamein (1887–1976) 163 Operation Plunder, soil maps 174–175, 178 Morris, Thomas Owen (1904–89), RE boring Operation Sea Lion, water supply maps, German sections 111, 114, 121, 123 Army 4, 190, 191 mud, effect on military manoeuvres 7–8, 23, Operation Telic, Iraq 2003 242 24–25, 301–302 ‘Mud Committee’ 8, 161–185 Pacific Islands, USGS Military Geology Unit artificial soil bath 169, 171, 179 Cold War 231 membership 164, 165, 167 WWII 227–228 370 INDEX

Page, Thomas Hyde (1746–1821) 12, 35, qanats 1 36–45, 38 Queenborough Castle American War of Independence maps 36–37 fortifications 35 on freshwater collecting galleries 44–45 well 38–39, 43 water supply quicksand, Kemmel Sands 79–80 Harwich garrison 42–43 Sheerness garrison 37–41 radar sensing 288 Palestine radioactivity, groundwater 350–351 geological maps 64 RAF Benson, Project Aquatrine 349 water resources 14, 355–360 RAF Brize Norton, Project Aquatrine 349 Palestine Campaign rainfall, and remote sensing 290 water supply 4, 64–68 Ramsay, Andrew Crombie (1814–1891), water supply, German Army 99–101 Geological Survey 140 Palmerston forts, water supply 4 Range, Paul, Palestine Front WWI 100 Paniselian clay 76 Rapid Soil Analysis Kit 315, 316 tunnelling 79 Rasmussen, William, C. (d.1973), US Army 229, Paniselian sand ridges 76 231–232, 232 Panther tanks 171, 173 rating cone index 306, 307, 308 Pasley, Sir Charles (1780–1861), percussion rigs 10 ray caster model 292–293 Passchendaele Ridge 75,76 RDX, contamination 9, 332, 333, 334, 338 passive diffusive samplers 326–327 receiver operating curve (ROC) 289 Passive Reactive Berm (PRBerm) 331–332 recharge Paver, Gordon Lyall (1913–1988), RE boring Western Aquifer Basin 14, 355, 357–359 sections 117–118 models 359 Peneprime, dust supressant 317 Redwood River Basin percussion rigs 10, 53, 110, 197, 255 CASC2D modelling 275 Persia GSSHA modelling 276, 277 RE boring sections 68, 120–121 remote sensing 288 see also Iran explosive threat detection 8, 287–298 Persian Gulf War 1990 automated target recognition 289 dust problem 317 computational testbed 291–294 US military water supply 233–234 interpretation of data 288–289 phytoremediation 334 hydrogeological variability 289–291 Picardy, Chalk aquifer 52, 75 GSSHD simulations 284 pikemen, Battle of Flodden Field 22–23 remould index 306 pipelines, water supply, German Army 93 reverse osmosis Piper’s Hill, Battle of Flodden Field 22, 24–25, 26 Iraq 244–245 plants, as pollution control 334 Somalia 257 plastic limit, soil 304 Rhine crossing, soil map 174–175, 178 Polders, Flanders 76 Riggonhead Defile, Battle of Prestonpans 27, 28, ponds, groundwater discharge 21 31–32 pontoons, Waterways Experiment Station rivers, groundwater discharge 21 270, 271 roads, soil trafficability 313–316 Poplar Creek watershed, CASC2D modelling Rocky Mountain Arsenal, groundwater 274–275 contamination 9 Portlock, Joseph Ellison (1794–1864), on well Roman forts, water supply 3 drilling 10 Rommel, Erwin (1891–1944), Afrika Korps Prestonpans, Battle of 25, 27–32 195, 196 hydrogeology 29–32 Royal Engineers (RE) marshland 8, 27 62 Works Group, Afghanistan 2005 245 Price, Paul H., US Army 229 521 Specialist Team (Water Development) Prizren, Kosovo, Bundeswehr water supply (521STRE(WD)) 241–242 259–260 Afghanistan 2005–9 245–246, 248, 250 Project Aquatrine 343–353 Iraq 2003–9 244–245 abstraction and legislation 351–353 Boring Platoons, WWII 120 military drillers 351 boring sections Pueblo Chemical Depot, ARAMS 337–338 WWI 52–53, 64–69, 70 pumps, air-lift, Western Front 53 WWII 6, 105–107 INDEX 371

BEF 110 thermal properties, and remote sensing 290–291 Central Mediterranean Force 124–127 trafficability Egypt 115–120 ground vehicles 303, 304–313 Greece 127–128 characterization 304–307 Home Forces 112–115 forecasting 307–308 Iraq and Iran 120–121 road and airfield construction 313–316 Malta 122–123 unsaturated 304 Middle East Forces 115–123 soil classification, ISTD 163, 167, 175, 178 Normandy 128–130 soil mechanics 8, 301–304 War Diaries 105, 108–109, 112, 120, ‘Mud Committee’ 8, 168–169 131–132 soil moisture 302 Well Boring Companies 119–120 military significance of 3, 7–8, 23, 24–25, 301 water supply maps 6 and remote sensing 290 Royal Marine Base Chivenor, Project Aquatrine 349 and trafficability 8, 307–308 soil moisture and soil strength prediction model salinity, groundwater (SMSP) 307–308 Iraq 244–245 soil properties Somalia 257 Rapid Soil Analysis Kit 315, 316 Salisbury Plain, hydrogeology 153 and remote sensing 290–291 Salisbury Plain Training Area, drilling rig 351, 352 soil remoulding equipment 305–306 Sangin 246 soil sampler 305 hydrogeology 249 soil sampling sanitation, and water supply 90, 93, 153 multi-increment strategy 326 Sark Rapid Soil Test Kit 315, 316 geology 204–205 soil strength, and trafficability 308–309 hydrogeology investigation, British postwar soil water cycle, work of Kirkaldy 164, 166 216–218 Solent forts, water supply 4 Schofield Barracks, contaminant transport Somalia, Bundeswehr, water supply advisory modelling 280 service 255–257 Scottish Army, Battle of Flodden Field 21–25 Somme Valley, water supply 56, 60 seepage zone 21 South African Engineer Corps, well boring, East Battle of Flodden Field 25 Africa 6, 130 Battle of Prestonpans 30 ‘spear-points’ 65, 66 sensor model, CTB 294 springs 21 sewage works, location of 90, 93, 153 capture shaft wells, German Army, WWI 92, 94, 95, 100 German Army 92, 97, 98, 192, 193, 194 Shebelli River, Somalia 256 Kosovo 260 Sheerness, fortifications 35–36 Star drilling rig 52–53, 63 Sheerness garrison, water supply 35 Stephens, John Victor (1897–1980), RE boring work of Thomas Hyde Page 37–41 sections 125, 127 well-sinking 39–40, 43, 44 Stone, William John (1903–1988), RE boring Sherman tanks 163, 169, 171, 173 sections 111, 114 Shiabah, water supply 243, 244–245 Stow, A.H., RE boring sections 111, 113, 114 Shotton, Frederick William (1906–1990), RE Stow, George (1876–1956), RE boring sections boring sections 6, 116–117, 128–130 106–107 Sicily, WWII, RE boring sections 124–125, 127 Stow, George Raymond Snewin (1905–1990), RE Sinai, WWI 64, 66, 67–68 boring sections 107, 110, 111, 112, 113, Turkish water supply, German Army 99–101 119 Site Characterization and Analysis Penetrometer Stow, H.D., RE boring sections 110, 111, 113 System (SCAPS) 322, 324–325 Strahan, Sir Aubrey (1852–1928) 54, 140, 142 Skinner, D.R, School of Tank Technology 163–164 Strategic Environmental Research and Smith, Bernard (1881–1936) 145, 148 Development Program (SERDP) soil 321–322, 331 bearing capacity 302 streams, groundwater discharge 21 disturbance, and remote sensing 290–291 Stuart, Prince Charles Edward, Battle of field capacity 164, 165 Prestonpans 25 saturation 302, 303 Suez Canal, water supply 64, 67–68 shear strength 302–303 German Army 100 372 INDEX sullage 125, 128 Tunisia, WWII, RE boring sections 123–124 see also sewage works tunnels, offensive surface water Flanders 8, 77–81 Bundeswehr, Somalia 256, 257 clay plain 78–81 effect on military campaigns 3, 7–8, 19–32, 301 tubbing shafts 80–81 purification for use, German Army 92, 94 Turkish Army Surrey, Earl of see Howard, Thomas, Earl of Surrey Palestine Campaign, water supply 99–101 Sybil Grey’s Well 22, 23,24 water ration 100

T14 tank 171 Umm Qasr, water supply 243, 244 T34 tanks 171 unexploded ordnance (UXO) detection and disposal Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command 325–326, 327 (TACOM)-ARDEC, ARAMS 336 Unified Soil Classification System 308, 315 tanks United States A33 171 Cold War 1947–1989, hydrogeology 230–232 A.41 166 post-Cold War, hydrogeology 232–237 bogging 8, 161–185, 178 WWI, hydrogeology 223–226 Centaur 174 WWII, hydrogeology 226–230 Churchill 164, 166, 168–169, 171, 173–174 United States Army Comet 169, 171 Corps of Engineers (USACE) 233 Cromwell 163, 169, 171, 173–174 CASC2D runoff model 273–276 Crusader, trials 168–169 Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory 271, 272 ‘going’ maps 162–163, 164 contaminant transport modelling 278–280 Luchs 171 Engineer Research and Development Panther 171, 173–174 Center 271 Sherman 163, 169, 171, 173–174 CTB 291–294 T14 171 dust control 318–319 T34 171 site cleanup 322, 328 Tiger 171, 173 soil properties 315–316 trials 168–169, 171, 173–174 flood analysis 280–283 WWI 161–162 GRASS 273–274 WWII, ‘Mud Committee’ 161–185 GSSHA modelling 13, 275–276, 278–283 technical reports, German Army 89–90 remote sensing data 284 terrain intelligence reports, USGS 6, 227 Hydrologic Engineering Center 271 Tetovo, barracks water supply 257–259 Hydrologic Modeling System 271 Thames Estuary 3, 36 hydrological modelling Tudor blockhouses 35 development 267–285 Thanetian sand aquifer 51, 75 physics-based 272–276 Tielt Formation 76 Water Detection Response Team 233, 236 Tiger tanks 171, 173 Watershed Modeling System 272–273, 274 till, Battle of Flodden Field 24–25 Waterways Experiment Station (WES) TNT, contamination 332, 333, 334, 337 269–271 traction, vehicles 302, 304 soil trafficability 304, 307–309, 314–315 trafficability, soil WWII research 270 ground vehicles 8, 303, 304–313 hydrogeology forecasting 307–308 provision and training 11–12 modelling 309–311 research and development 12–13 road and airfield construction 313–316 Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, tracked 161–185 CTB 291–294 forecasting 163 United States Geological Survey (USGS) maps 162–163 Division of Ground Water 139 soil water cycle work of Kirkaldy 164–165 Military Geology Branch 7, 231 Training Range Environmental Evaluation and Military Geology Unit 6, 227–228, 230 Characterization System (TREECS) WWII 6 329–330 United States military operations 1917–2010, trenches, Western Front, Flanders 77 hydrogeological support 223–237 TrophicTrace software 335 upflow, of groundwater 21, 24 tubbing shafts 8, 80–81 Upper Coralline Limestone, Malta 122–123 INDEX 373

Upper Limestone Group 29, 30 water transport Upper Rio Chagres watershed, GSSHA British Army, Afghanistan 248 modelling 284 Gallipoli campaign 57 German Army, WWII 193, 197 vegetation model, CTB 294 Sheerness garrison 38 vehicle cone index 308, 312–313 water-level contour maps, Geological Survey of vehicles see ground vehicles; tanks; trafficability Great Britain 145 Vermessungsabteilungen 88, 92 Waterloo, Battle of, mud 7, 301 Vietnam War Watershed Modeling System 272–273, 274 dust problem 317 Waterways Experiment Station (WES), USACE work of Rasmussen 231–232 269–271 Vulliamy, Benjamin (1747–1811), Norland House weather radar, hydrological modelling, USACE 272 well 43–44 Wehrgeologengruppen 188 Wehrgeologenstellen 188, 211–212, 215 waste-water, British military sites 343–353 Well Boring Companies, Royal Engineers Water Act 1945 155–156, 157 119–120 Water Act 1963 157 well digging, training 9–13 Water Detection Response Team 233, 236 well drilling, down-the-hole hammer 7, 244, 263 water divining see dowsing well driving 49 water rations 4 wells Cold War 254 artesian 10 Gallipoli campaign 57 Bundeswehr Somalia 1993 257, 258 Kosovo 258–261 Turkish Army 100 Somalia 256–257 WWI dug, German Army, WWI 192–194 British Army 4, 50 Geological Survey German Army 4, 86 sheet memoirs 140 WWII, German Army 4, 192, 193, 197 water supply memoirs 141, 144–145 water supply German Army 92, 94, 192, 193–194, 198 British military sites 343–353 oldest 1 Channel Islands 207, 210 passive diffusive samplers 326–327 existing, information about 4 WWI filtration 92, 94, 194 American Expeditionary Force 226 interruption by enemy work of Geological Survey 142–224 Bible 1 see also boreholes; Norton tube wells; shaft wells German Army 4, 189 West Bank Jersey 207–209 Hydrogeological Map 356 Kriegssanita¨tsordnung 1907 85–86 water resources 14, 355–360 piped, German Army 92–93 West Bank Mountain Aquifer 14, 355, 356 provision of 3–7 West Point Academy, ARAMS 336–337 security of 2, 3–4, 35 Western Aquifer Basin 14, 355, 356–360 work of Geological Survey recharge 357–359 WWI 141–144 models 359 WWII 149–155 Western Desert, well boring 119 WWI, US military hydrogeology 226 Western Front WWII WWI German Army geologists, German Army 87–88 maps 190–192, 198, 199 hydrogeology 50–56 methods 192–194 AEF 223–226 North Africa 195–198 military hydrogeologists 5, 224–225 water supply advisory service, Bundeswehr military mining 73, 74,77–82 Afghanistan 261–263 RE boring sections 52–53, 69, 70 Kosovo 257–261 shaft wells, German Army 92 Somalia 255–257 stratigraphy 50–52 Water Supply Company East African Engineers 130 US military operations 223, 226 water table 21 water supply maps 54–56, 58–59, 226 Battle of Flodden Field 25 work of W.B.R.King 5, 6, 11, 53–56 Battle of Prestonpans 29,30 WWII, hydrogeologists 6 374 INDEX wetlands new technology 50 Flodden Field 8, 23, 24–25 United States military operations, hydrogeology groundwater discharge 21 223–226 Prestonpans 8, 27 water supply 50–56 in remediation 334 work of Geological Survey 141–144 Wetzel, Walter (1887–1978), Channel Islands World War II (WWII) water supply 212, 214–216 Committee on Mud Crossing Performance of Whitaker, William (1836–1925), Geological AFVs (‘Mud Committee’) 161–185 Survey 140 German Army military geology 187–200 water ration 4, 192, 193, 197 Woodland, Austin William (1914–1990), groundwater as military resource 105–135 Water Unit Wartime Pamphlets military hydrogeologists 5–6, 228–230 150–151, 152 United States military operations, hydrogeology World War I (WWI) 226–230 British water ration 4 Wytschaete Ridge 79 German Army, military geologists 87–88 water pipeline, German Army 93 German water ration 86 groundwater as military resource 49–70 XM759 Logistical Carrier 311, 312, 313 hydrogeology 50–70 German Army 85–101 Ypres, mud 7,75–76 military hydrogeologists 5 Ypres Salient 77, 78 military mining 8, 77–82 Ypresian clay 51, 74–76, 78, 81