Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project  Public Involvement Program for Final Design & Construction

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction ...... 1

2.0 Purpose of the Program...... 3

3.0 Goals and Objectives of the Public Involvement Program ...... 5

4.0 Structure of the Program...... 7 Figure 1 – Program Structure...... 8 4.1 Rail Board...... 8 4.2 City Councils...... 8 4.3 Technical Teams...... 9 4.4 Regional Agencies...... 9 4.5 Project Task Forces and Committees...... 10 4.6 Stakeholders ...... 10 4.7 General Public...... 11

5.0 Public Involvement During Final Design & Construction 13 Figure 2 – LRT Construction Line Sections & PI Assignments..14 5.1 Public Involvement Activities During Final Design ...... 15 Table 1 – Activities/Goals Matrix...... 16 Table 2 – Activities Audiences Matrix ...... 17 Milestone 1: Design Team Meet & Greet (4th Quarter 2002 – 2nd Quarter 2003) ...... 17 Milestone 2: On-Board Review (2nd – 3rd Quarter 2003)...... 18 Milestone 3: 65% Completion of Final Design (2nd – 3rd Quarter 2003) ...... 19 Milestone 4: 95% Completion of Final Design (4th Quarter 2003 – 1st Quarter 2004)...... 20 5.2 Public Involvement Activities During Construction ...... 21

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6.0 Media Plan...... 23

7.0 Incorporating Information from the Public...... 25

8.0 Evaluation and Modification ...... 26

9.0 Documentation...... 28

Appendix A: Board Members ...... A -1

Appendix B: Technical Teams Members...... B - 1

Appendix C: Organized Groups...... C - 1

Appendix D: Regional Agencies...... D - 1

Appendix E: Public Involvement Working Group Members ...... E - 1

Appendix F: Public Involvement Materials Review Processes...... F - 1

Appendix G: CP/EV LRT Project Construction Mitigation Plan...... G - 1

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Public Involvement Program

1.0 Introduction

The cities of Phoenix, Tempe and Mesa, joined together in the mid- 1990s to study potential solutions for existing and projected transportation problems in a corridor connecting central Phoenix, Tempe, and downtown Mesa (the Central Phoenix/East Valley Corridor). Studies in the corridor project increased traffic congestion and indicate that improved transit in this corridor is critical to maintain and enhance quality of life and economic competitiveness. The Central Phoenix/East Valley Major Investment Study (MIS) was completed in May 1998. The purpose of that study was to identify and evaluate technology and alignment options for transportation improvements in this corridor. In other words, what should go where to help solve our transportation problems.

Evolving from the MIS was the Central Phoenix/East Valley Transit Project, a joint effort by the cities of Phoenix, Tempe and Mesa in partnership with Valley Metro/RPTA, the Maricopa Association of Governments and the Federal Transit Administration to develop a regional light rail transit line connecting the three cities. With the results of the previous study serving as a base, the project moved to the next phase of study, which encompassed conceptual engineering and development of the draft environmental impact statement, and provided a more detailed analysis of: • The LRT route; • Environmental issues; • LRT station locations and design standards; • LRT operating plans; and • Cost estimates and ridership.

That phase of the project included extensive input from the general public; project stakeholders (e.g., adjacent neighborhoods, business owners, etc.); and local, state and federal agencies.

During the next phase of the project, which encompassed preliminary engineering and development of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), right of way impacts began to be identified, and the project definition and local funding agreements were developed with the anticipation of a fifty percent (50%) match from the federal government. Extensive public involvement continued during this phase, with special emphasis on right of way

September 8, 2003 1 Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project  Public Involvement Program for Final Design & Construction impacts. The Project received a Record of Decision on the FEIS from the Federal Transit Administration in January of 2003.

After receipt of the FEIS, the project entered into advanced preliminary engineering until it received formal approval to enter into the final design phase from the Federal Transit Administration in a letter dated July 18, 2003. That letter also allowed the cities to begin acquiring the right-of-way required to build the project and also permitted the utility relocation process to begin.

Managing Agency During the preliminary engineering phase of the project, a non-profit corporation, Valley Metro Rail, Inc., was formed to implement the Valley’s new regional light rail program. Valley Metro Rail, Inc. includes on its Board of Directors the mayors of the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa and Glendale. (In November 2001, Glendale residents approved the Glendale Onboard Transportation Program, which includes a light rail component that will develop into a future light rail project.) Valley Metro Rail is the managing agency for design and construction of the Central Phoenix/East Valley Light Rail Transit Project.

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2.0 Purpose of the Program

The benefits of involving the public in a participatory process are multifold. First, it increases the prospects for agreement on a solution or at a minimum, informed consent, and the chances for ultimate implementation of a project. It enables identification of community issues early in the project development process so that those issues may be adequately addressed. Public involvement also greatly reduces the probability of project delays and litigation. Finally, it enhances the legitimacy of a project and that project’s sponsoring agency(ies). Ultimately, a public involvement program sincerely committed to involving the public and taking action on their input yields a significantly more popular and sustainable result. In addition, federal requirements necessitate meaningful citizen participation as a significant element in projects like the Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT project.

The purpose of this public involvement program is to facilitate successful completion of the CP/EV Light Rail Transit Project by actively seeking input from the public throughout the planning and design phases of the Project and using that input to maximize the benefit of the system to the region. The purpose of the program during light rail construction is to minimize impacts of construction by working closely with stakeholders along the light rail alignment to keep them apprised of the construction schedule and progress and ensure that their issues and concerns are addressed by Project and contractor staff.

The Public Involvement Program is built on the following guiding principles: • Public involvement activities directly linked to project milestones, technical activities, and decision-making. • Adequate opportunities for public involvement and time for public review and comment. • Reasonable access to technical and policy information. • Demonstration of explicit consideration and response to public input obtained. When significant written and oral comments are received, a summary, analysis and report on the disposition of comments shall be made part of the final report. • Solicitation and consideration of the needs of those traditionally underserved by existing transportation systems to ensure their involvement in decision-making, help prevent disproportionately high and adverse impacts upon these stakeholders, and assure they receive a proportionate share of benefits. Traditionally underserved populations include, but are not limited to, low income and minority households, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) populations, and Native Americans.

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• Periodic reviews of the effectiveness of the public involvement program are conducted to ensure full and open access is being provided to all who are interested or who could be interested in the project. • Coordination of the program with the Maricopa Association of Governments (the metropolitan planning organization [MPO]), state, and other ongoing programs. • Provision of timely information to many agencies and individuals, including those representing central city and other local jurisdiction concerns.

Issues During final design, the project anticipates dealing with issues such as right of way impacts, design of light rail stations and public art, traffic circulation and access to properties, and educating the public about what to expect during light rail construction. We anticipate construction phase issues primarily associated with mitigation of construction impacts.

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3.0 Goals and Objectives of the Public Involvement Program

Based on issues identified and public input from the Major Investment Study (MIS) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) processes, a Public Involvement Program (PIP) was developed and implemented for the planning and Preliminary Engineering phases of the Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project.

Prior to beginning Final Design, the PIP was updated to incorporate this phase of the Project. Plan updates are based on information gathered and lessons learned during the previous Project phases in our region and from other light rail cities, as well as on the Project Management Plan for Final Design. The goals of the PIP and the objectives for meeting those goals are as follows:

1. Develop public understanding of Project. Objectives: - Inform the public about issues through one-on-one meetings, community meetings, public workshops, newsletters, Web site, exhibits, and other techniques. - Use neutral reviewers (e.g., Public Involvement Working Group) to evaluate public information materials for effectiveness and ease of understanding prior to release to the public. - Solicit feedback on level of understanding through activity comment cards, feedback forms and informal interviews.

2. Provide opportunities for early and continuing public participation in the decision-making process and encourage participation. Objectives: - Maintain and regularly update the comprehensive list of stakeholders developed in earlier phases of the Project. Use experience and best practice public involvement methods to determine the most effective method of communication/ participation for each. - Develop and maintain a contact history database for property owners and tenants along the light rail alignment. - Provide timely and regular notice of public involvement activities and Project developments. - Maintain Valley Metro Rail hotline and community office. - Provide timely responses to stakeholder inquiries via hotline and e-mail. - Assist the Light Rail Communications Section in maintaining and regularly updating the Valley Metro Rail website. - Coordinate meetings of light rail task forces and committees representing a variety of interest groups, businesses and

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neighborhoods within the CP/EV Corridor to provide ongoing input through final design and construction. - Coordinate and host public open houses at appropriate milestones during planning, design and construction phases of the LRT Project.

3. Develop and maintain accountability, credibility and accessiblity of the Project team. Objectives: - Implement documentation and response process to include “action taken” feedback on specific comments received from the public. - Actively pursue speaking engagements with stakeholder groups. - Provide regular opportunities for information exchange. - Prepare public involvement summary reports for distribution to LRT Project managers and agency staff.

4. Obtain input from a broad range of citizenry. Objectives: - Utilize non-traditional methods of soliciting participation and input. - Regularly monitor participation and evaluate for range of citizen representation. - Present information in a manner that overcomes potential language, economic or cultural barriers and use mediums that reach beyond the mainstream. - Anticipate and provide for the needs of persons with varying physical abilities.

5. Provide support to the Light Rail Communications Section in their efforts to inform the media to maximize the potential for informed media coverage. Communications Section Objectives: - Involve publication editors/reporters in stakeholder groups. - Prepare press releases, calendar of events, and project status reports for distribution to the media. - Respond to media inquiries in a timely, consistent manner. - Create speaker’s bureau and actively pursue speaking engagements.

6. Solicit and incorporate public input on specific technical issues. Objectives: - During final design, work with stakeholders along the light rail alignment to get input on station designs and public art. Present to the public designs for light rail stations, public art and alignment at periodic project milestones (On-board Review, 65% and 95% of completion); solict input on outstanding issues; identify and solicit

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input on other issues; and report this information to the Project management and the design teams.

4.0 Structure of the Program

The structure of the PIP has been designed to encourage public input and comment and provide opportunities for meaningful communication between the study team and the public. The first step in the process to develop the structure was to identify stakeholders. The next step was to determine the most effective method(s) for communication with those audiences.

The public has been categorized into the following target audiences, based on commonality of interests, use of existing organized groups, geographic location, and/or existing official structure. See Figure 1.

• Valley Metro Rail Board of Directors • City Councils • Technical Teams • Regional Agencies • Stakeholders • Neighborhood Groups • Businesses • Professional Organizations • Civic Organizations • General Public • Professional Organizations • Civic Organizations • Individuals • Local Advisory Groups • Project Task Forces and Committees

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Figure 1 – Program Structure

4.1 Valley Metro Rail Board Composition: Valley Metro Rail, Inc. is a non-profit corporation that was formed to implement light rail transit in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. The Valley Metro Rail Board, which is composed of the Mayors of Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa and Glendale, is the decision-making body of Valley Metro Rail, Inc. Responsibility: The Board members or their designated alternates attend monthly Board meetings and provide policy direction on major regional project decisions and approve intergovernmental agreements associated with project funding.

4.2 City Councils Composition: The Central Phoenix/East Valley Light Rail Transit project involves three separate cities, Phoenix, Tempe and Mesa. The City Council is the decision-making body for each participating city. Responsibility: The City councils from each of the three cities participating in the Project make policy decisions on project elements

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within their separate jurisdictions and approve intergovernmental agreements associated with project funding.

4.3 Technical Teams Composition: There is a Technical Team for each participating city that comprises representatives from various departments within each city. Departments represented are at the discretion of each city, with recommendations from the project team, and include planning, public works, parks, streets, engineering, economic development, air quality, water, sanitation. Members are identified in Appendix B. Responsibility: The Technical Teams are responsible for providing information to the project team on technical issues that could affect the project development. The Technical Teams also review technical studies and provide comments to the Project Team (i.e., project manager and implementation staff).

4.4 Regional Agencies Composition: This group is composed of agencies with federal, state and local responsibility for regional transportation planning, e.g.:  Valley Metro/Regional Public Transportation Authority  Arizona Department of Environmental Quality  Arizona Department of Transportation  U.S. Fish & Wildlife  Arizona Fish & Game  Arizona State Parks − Arizona State Historic Preservation Office  Federal Transit Administration  Federal Highway Administration  Maricopa Association of Governments  Local jurisdictions Communication with these groups provides regulatory compliance information to the Project team relative to the Project. Agencies are identified in Appendix D.

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4.5 Project Task Forces and Committees Composition: Representatives from groups, businesses and neighborhoods within the corridor. Responsibility: Provide input on the project, communicate with their respective groups about the project, and serve as liaison between the project and their respective groups.

Early in the project, the Cities of Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa defined how to involve local or specific area interests. Subsequently, several informal task forces and committees representing a variety of interest groups, businesses and neighborhoods within the CP/EV LRT Corridor were established to provide ongoing advice through the project planning, development and final design. Individual members of the task forces are charged with communicating with their respective groups regarding the Project and serving as liaisons between the Project team and the groups, neighborhoods and/or communities represented on the task forces. Members attend public meetings to help describe the Project and obtain feedback.

Among the task forces established for the CP/EV LRT Project are the following:  Tempe Transportation Task Force  Phoenix Transportation Task Force  Urban Design Task Force  Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC)  Public Involvement Working Group (PIWG)  Regional Rail Art Committee (RRAC)

4.6 Stakeholders Composition: Individuals and members of organizations affected by the project, i.e., those neighborhood and business organizations immediately impacted by the project. Stakeholders can generally be described as property owners and tenants located directly adjacent to the 20-mile light rail alignment plus those owning or leasing property within _-mile of the alignment and within a _-mile radius of light rail station locations. It also includes established local groups appointed by elected bodies, e.g.:  Phoenix Village Planning Committees (VPCs), − Camelback East VPC

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− Central City VPC − Encanto VPC  City Planning Commissions,  City Transportation Commissions/Committees,  Surface Transportation Advisory Committee, and other special interest groups such as: • Downtown Tempe Community • Phoenix Community Alliance Responsibility: The responsibility of individual stakeholders is to provide their input on the project. The responsibilities of representatives of organized stakeholder groups is to provide input on the project, communicate with their respective groups about the project, and serve as the liaison between the project and their respective groups.

This group is an element of the General Public, but typically with a higher degree of need for information and opportunity for input because of their proximity to the project.

4.7 General Public Composition: This group is all encompassing, including all individuals and groups in the three cities, and beyond. Responsibility: Provide input on the project. This group includes: • Individuals more indirectly affected by the project than stakeholders, for example, someone who might live outside of Phoenix, Tempe, or Mesa but either drives through the light rail corridor and/or plans to use light rail transit in the future. • Groups with a general interest in the project.

Organized groups are identified in Appendix C.

Because of its size and diversity, the general public is typically the most difficult group to engage. Although this particular Project has a specific location and physically impacts a relatively small segment of the public, it may be the first segment of a more comprehensive regional system. Additionally, approval of a much broader range of public than just those within the corridor will be required for the Project to proceed beyond the study phases. Therefore, public involvement activities have been designed to reach both the “public” within the corridor (aka

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“stakeholders”) and the “public” within the region (the “region” is defined as the Phoenix metropolitan area).

Some members of this group will also be members of the Stakeholders group and vice versa.

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5.0 Public Involvement During Final Design & Construction

Public involvement activities during final design and construction will be closely linked and integrated with Project milestones. Additionally, each activity is specifically designed to meet one or more of the public involvement program objectives.

The CP/EV Light Rail Project team has divided the 20-mile light rail alignment into five separate line sections (LS) for final design and construction. Each line section will have its own consultant design team during final design and its own contractor during construction. During both phases, staff Project engineers will be designated to manage the engineering design and construction activities for each line section as well as the other contracts, such as the LRT bridge over , the Maintenance and Storage facility and the park-and-rides. In addition, staff architects will be designated to manage the design of the station finishes and oversee their construction.

The Light Rail Public Involvement Section is part of the Community Relations Team for the LRT Project, which also includes the Communications Section, which is responsible for media relations. To facilitate communications and issues resolution with the community during final design and construction, the light rail public involvement team has been organized so that one Public Involvement Area Coordinator is assigned to each of the four line sections that are located primarily in Phoenix (LS-1 – LS-4). To ensure a high level of public involvement support in each City, an additional area coordinator is assigned to the Tempe portion of LS-5, and the Public Involvement Manager is responsible for outreach in the Mesa portion of LS-5. These assignments are identified in Figure 2.

As the area coordinators identify stakeholder issues within their respective line sections that could potentially affect the design of the project, they will coordinate with the appropriate Project staff to get the issues addressed. This coordination will involve providing a detailed report of the issue with the appropriate design staff member, and when the issue has been addressed, providing feedback to the stakeholder(s) impacted by the issue, if appropriate.

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Figure 2 – LRT Construction Line Sections & PI Assignments

As indicated in the graphic, LS-1 encompasses 19th Avenue and Camelback Road. LS-2 includes all of the commercial and residential high-rise buildings along Central Avenue in Phoenix. LS-3 comprises the Downtown/Copper Square and Eastlake areas of Phoenix. LS-4 includes Gateway Community College and the Wilson School District in Phoenix and the Papago Park commercial area in Tempe. The area coordinator assigned to LS-4 will also be responsible for outreach associated with the Light Rail Maintenance and Storage Facility, which is a separate construction package. The area coordinator assigned to the Tempe portion of LS-5, will also be responsible for the outreach associated with the Tempe Town Lake Bridge. Each area coordinator will also cross-train with and assist the area coordinator(s) in the adjacent sections so that they will have a back-up, whenever needed.

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5.1 Public Involvement Activities During Final Design

So that public input is meaningful and has an impact on the project, public involvement activities will be closely linked and integrated with project milestones. Each activity is specifically designed to meet one or more of the public involvement program objectives (See Table 1 on following page). The public involvement activities planned for each group listed above in Section 4.0, Structure of the Program, are shown in Table 2.

The activities have been structured around the milestones listed below:

Milestone 1: Design Team Meet & Greet (4th Quarter 2002 – 2nd Quarter 2003) Milestone 2: On-Board Review (2nd – 3rd Quarter 2003) Milestone 3: 65% Completion of Final Design (2nd – 3rd Quarter 2003) Milestone 4: 95% Completion of Final Design (4th Quarter 2003 – 1st Quarter 2004)

Prior to each Project Milestone and throughout the Final Design phase of the Project, ongoing community outreach will occur in regard to property impacts, traffic circulation, utility relocation and other design development issues. Leading up to each series of design milestone public open houses, meetings will be held with directly-impacted individual stakeholders and various boards and commissions at the direction of each participating city to discuss and get input on design progress.

A significant community outreach effort will also be made during the Final Design Phase to inform stakeholders about what to expect during construction and mitigation of construction impacts on residents and businesses during light rail construction.

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Table 1 – Activities/Goals Matrix

PIP Goals

Goal 1: Goal 2: Goal 3: Goal 4: Goal 5: Goal 6: Develop Provide PI Develop Reach Broad Inform Media Solicit Public Understanding Opportunities Accountability, Range Input on Activities Credibility, Technical Accessibility Issues Stakeholder XXX Database(s) Newsletters XXXX Fact Sheets XXX Project Status XXX Reports Open House XXXX X Meetings One-on-One XXX X Meetings Agency/Stake- XXX X holder Committee Meetings Project XXXX X Committee/Task Force Meetings Mall/Public Event XXXX Displays Geographic Ad Hoc XX X Committee Meetings Website XXXX Telephone Hotline XXX Community Office XXXX X

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Table 2 – Activities/Audiences Matrix

Target Audiences

Valley Metro LR T Phoenix-Tempe- Regional Project Stake- General Media Rail Board Participating Mesa Technical Agencies Committe holders Public Activities City Teams es / Task Councils Forces

Newsletters XX XXXX Fact Sheets XX XXXX Status Reports XXX XX Presentations XXX XX Open House XXX Meetings

Small Group XXX XXX Meetings

One-on-One XXX Meetings

Mall/Public Event X Displays

Geographic-based X Workshops

Website, E-mail XX Meeting/Event XX Surveys

Br ief ings , P ack ets. XX Pr oject T our s

Milestone 1: Design Team Meet & Greet

Purpose The Design Team Meet & Greet are open houses specifically targeted for stakeholders located in each CP/EV LRT Project line section. The purpose of the meetings is to introduce to the community the LRT Project design team – architects, artists and engineers – that will be designing the LRT facilities in their line section, to share information with the community about the design process, and to obtain public input. These meetings will occur once each final design team has been brought on board.

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Public Involvement Goal The public involvement goal for these meetings is to obtain input from the stakeholders in each line section on how they view their community, what they like best and what they would like to see changed, and the characteristics of their community that they would like to see reflected in the design of light rail stations in their line section.

Meeting Noticing Although open to the general public, these meetings are specifically targeted to the stakeholders within the project line sections. To reach these stakeholders, postcard notices will be sent to all stakeholders within an area approximately _-mile of either side of the light rail alignment within each line section and _- mile in diameter from each station location. Neighborhood association leaders will also be contacted via telephone and e-mail to help notice these meetings.

Milestone 2: On-Board Review

Purpose The On-Board Review meetings are open houses specifically targeted for stakeholders located in each CP/EV LRT Project line section. At the On-Board Phase, the Project design will be approximately 30-35% complete. The public will be invited to review and discuss the concepts of station design and the art theme that the line section artist has developed from his/her research and from the community input received at the Design Team Meet & Greet. The public will also get an opportunity to review and discuss the 30-35% engineering plans of the light rail alignment, which will begin to show more information on the right-of-way requirements for the Project, specifically the full-parcel acquisitions.

Public Involvement Goal The public involvement goal for the On-Board Review meetings is to get input from the community on the design development. Stakeholders will be asked whether or not they feel the design enhances their desire to use light rail at their station location and whether or not there are cultural or civic influences that they are aware of that may impact the station design. They will also be asked to provide input on the line section art theme and to identify any new issues that could potentially affect the alignment design.

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Meeting Noticing Although open to the general public, these meetings are specifically targeted to the stakeholders within the Project line sections. To reach these stakeholders, postcard notices will be sent to all stakeholders within an area approximately _-mile of either side of the light rail alignment within each line section and _- mile in diameter from each station location. Neighborhood association leaders will also be contacted via telephone and e-mail to help notice these meetings.

Milestone 3: 65% Design Review

Purpose The 65% Design Review meetings are open houses specifically targeted for stakeholders located in each CP/EV LRT Project line section. At this phase, the public will be invited to review and discuss the details of station design (colors, materials and details) and the Project alignment, which will be 65% complete. The public will now have an opportunity to review the concepts of station art (form, message and media) for each individual station. They will also get an opportunity to review and provide input on other Project elements, including park-and-rides, systems, the light rail bridge over Tempe Town Lake, and the Light Rail Maintenance and Storage Facility.

Public Involvement Goal The public involvement goal for the 65% Design Review meetings is to get input from the community on the design development. Stakeholders will be informed that the designs they are reviewing have been developed based on the community input received throughout earlier phases of the Project and at the Design Team Meet & Greet meetings. They will be asked to provide input on whether or not they feel the design enhances their desire to use light rail at their station location and reflects the character of their community. They will also be asked to provide input the alignment design and other Project elements. Note: The 65% Design Review meetings are the final point in the Project at which the Project team will be able to incorporate public input that results in significant design changes without resulting in significant impacts to the project schedule and budget.

Meeting Noticing Although open to the general public, these meetings are specifically targeted to the stakeholders within the Project line sections. To reach these stakeholders, postcard notices will be sent to all stakeholders within an area approximately _-mile of either side of the light rail alignment within each line section and _- mile in diameter from each station location. Neighborhood association

September 8, 2003 19 Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project  Public Involvement Program for Final Design & Construction leaders will also be contacted via telephone and e-mail to help notice these meetings.

Milestone 4: 95% Design

Purpose The 95% Design Review meetings are open houses specifically targeted for stakeholders located in each CP/EV LRT Project line section. At this phase, the public will be invited to review and discuss the designs of the light rail stations and alignment that will be constructed in that line section as well as other regional elements of the light rail system.

Public Involvement Goal Stakeholders will be asked to provide input on the details of station art that have been prepared for each individual station within the line section.

Meeting Noticing Although open to the general public, these meetings are specifically targeted to the stakeholders within the Project corridor. To reach these stakeholders, postcard notices will be sent to all stakeholders within an area approximately _-mile of either side of the light rail alignment within each line section and _- mile in diameter from each station location. Neighborhood association leaders will also be contacted via telephone and e-mail to help notice these meetings.

Public Process for City of Mesa Stakeholders

The public meetings described in the previous paragraphs for each design milestone will be held by line section. A separate public process incorporating theses same milestones, goals and noticing will be developed for the Mesa portion of LS5, which is on a different schedule because of additional time needed to develop the Mesa end of line park-and-ride and transit center.

Consideration of Special Needs

Advertisements for public meetings will indicate that accommodations are available for all persons with disabilities, and will request a 72-hour notification to accommodate specialized needs. If a particular advertisement does not request prior notification, that meeting will provide Spanish and signing interpreters, large print materials, ramps, and hearing disabled headsets. All meetings will be accessible to persons with disabilities. Accommodations

September 8, 2003 20 Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project  Public Involvement Program for Final Design & Construction requested by disabled persons and provided could include sign interpreters, alternative format information (large print, Braille, audio tape), hearing disabled headsets, ramps, and “quiet” areas. Public meeting notices will be sent to local cultural publications.

To provide the broadest range of opportunity for involvement, public meetings will be geographically varied and varied regarding time of day and day of week.

Meeting notices will be sent to local Spanish and Asian publications and the project newsletter will be produced in a bilingual format.

All publications intended for public distribution will contain language that the information contained in the publication is available in alternative format.

5.2 Public Involvement Activities During Construction

Construction of the Central Phoenix/East Valley Light Rail Transit Project is scheduled to begin in mid 2004 and last approximately three years. Minimizing impacts to businesses, residents and traffic, involving the public and maintaining positive community relations are key elements to the successful development of the Project. Successful public involvement requires that Valley Metro Rail and the contractor be prepared to respond to public comment and concerns in an ongoing effort.

Throughout Final Design, the light rail public involvement team will work with the community to prepare them for what to expect during construction, to listen to and address their concerns regarding how they will be affected by the construction, and to share those concerns with the LRT Project management and the design teams. During Final Design, the area coordinators will work with the community to identify special events and holidays, which will be communicated to the Light Rail design managers, so they can be designated in the Project construction specifications as “limited construction days.”

To prepare for construction, the Community Relations staff worked with Light Rail Project Management, City representatives and business leaders in all three cities to develop a plan for mitigating impacts on businesses and residents during LRT construction. This plan is attached as Appendix 1. A public involvement specialist has been assigned to develop and coordinate this effort.

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Prior to the start of construction for each line section, the Project will hold a kick- off meeting to introduce the neighborhoods within that line section to their Project engineer and contractor.

During construction, the light rail public involvement area coordinators assigned to each construction section will help mitigate construction impacts, provide up-to-date information on the construction activities and the schedule, and coordinate the work with adjacent business activities, the public and the construction contractor. The construction contractors will be required to develop detailed schedules to identify specific construction activities for their work. The area coordinators will work closely with the contractors to provide the public advance notification of possible street lane closures, detours, and rerouting of transit services. They will work with the Project engineers and the contractors to help ensure that access to homes and businesses is maintained at all times during construction and that construction is avoided during nighttime hours in residential areas.

Throughout construction, the area coordinators will maintain a high level of communication with the affected stakeholders in their assigned line sections. They will be on-call via cellular phone at all times when construction is taking place. Serving as the one point of contact for stakeholders along the alignment, the area coordinators will be the conduit for communications among the public and the LRT Project staff and the contractor. As such, they will be available to provide assistance to the public in resolving any construction issue or concerns.

Periodic community update meetings will be held throughout construction. The Project will also form a team of community leaders from each construction line section that will serve as a voice for the community during construction and that will help evaluate the contractor’s performance at various milestones during construction. These teams will be known as line section Community Advisory Boards (CABs), and they will participate in monthly meetings organized by the area coordinators that will include the resident engineer and the construction contractor. The CABs will provide community input on the contractor’s performance that will be considered by the resident engineer in determining the contractor’s monthly progress payments.

During construction, the light rail Community Relations Team will continue to maintain the LRT Project hotline, web site and stakeholder database; staff the community office; coordinate and staff community events; coordinate and make presentations to various community groups; develop and distribute LRT Project fact sheets and newsletters; and maintain a high level of media outreach.

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6.0 Media Plan

Good relationships with the local community and news media are a critical component of planning and implementing transportation projects. The fact that the Central Phoenix/East Valley Light Rail Transit Project is a highly visible project in the urban area places significant importance on the goal of maintaining a positive image for the LRT Project. To help the Project to stay on schedule and maintain solid public support, the Light Rail Communications Section has developed a Media Plan for Final Design & Construction that identifies strategies that will be implemented to communicate with the public.

The Media Plan serves as a means of ensuring that the media and public is kept informed of Project status, as well as public meetings and opportunities for input, for the Central Phoenix/East Valley Light Rail Transit Project. The plan also outlines public input in the planning and decision-making processes of this critical regional transit Project.

The goals of the Media Plan are to: • Build broad public awareness of, and support for the Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project; • Establish a means for communicating to the public at key milestones in the planning and development of the light rail Project; • Educate the media from print, television and radio to assure they have enough knowledge about the project to ensure proper coverage of the Project; • Provide an opportunity for educating the public about the importance of this Project to the community; and • Ensure consistency and accuracy in the message being delivered to the public about the LRT Project

Highlights of the Media Plan include:

Valley Metro Rail Newsletters Valley Metro Rail newsletters will be produced at key milestones in the Project. Newsletters will provide information about the status of the Project, Project recommendations and announce upcoming public meetings.

Targeted News Articles At milestones in the Project, targeted news articles will be developed and distributed for the secondary newspapers to provide organizations or agencies

September 8, 2003 23 Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project  Public Involvement Program for Final Design & Construction with Project information. These articles will focus specifically on the special interests that are targeted.

Editorial Board Presentations Opportunities will be targeted for communication with local newspaper editorial boards throughout the final design and construction phases of the LRT Project. These efforts will focus on Project updates at key milestones of the Project. In addition, continuous education and outreach relating to the benefits of transit and light rail will be incorporated to ensure accurate and credible editorial reporting.

Media Kits and Media Advisories One strategy in sharing information with the media is the utilization of media kits and media advisories for key milestones in the project. Media kits will be assembled and available for distribution during the key milestones in the process. Depending on the milestone, the kits may include the following information: • Press releases/meeting announcements; • Agency information; • Project team contacts; • Statistical information about region; • Project information; • Maps/photographs/graphics; • Project fact sheets; • Project schedule/timetable; • Cost estimates; • News media clippings; • Quotes (elected officials, FTA, neighborhood activists).

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7.0 Incorporating Information from the Public

The public involvement program will include consistent procedures for recording and responding to public comment and for relaying public comment to key project team members and decision makers. All comments directed to the Project will become a part of the permanent record. All communications with stakeholders along the light rail alignment will be recorded in the Project’s ACT contact management database, which records a running history of events. Each area coordinator will prepare a weekly summary of stakeholder contact that will be distributed via e-mail to LRT Project management and city staff and other interested LRT Project staff. These weekly summaries will be archived as part of the permanent Project record.

Public comment received via e-mail, fax, mail, and telephone will be archived in the Project files and will be part of the permanent record of the study. Feedback forms and comment cards will be distributed at group presentations, public meetings and events. These will also be recorded and follow-up action (e.g., response to questions) taken when appropriate. Public comments received at public meetings will be recorded in the meeting minutes and will be part of the permanent Project record.

Public Involvement Activity Reports summarizing activities and public comments received to date will be distributed monthly to the Project team and Rail Implementation Team.

All public comments received will be summarized and included, along with a report on the disposition of the comments, in the public involvement summary report.

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8.0 Evaluation and Modification

Throughout the course of the implementation of the PIP, results and effectiveness will be evaluated and compared against the PIP goals and objectives. If particular activities are not meeting the objectives of the PIP, the program activity will be modified or replaced with an alternative activity.

Tools to evaluate the effectiveness of the program will include: • Program Review and Approval – the PIP will be reviewed by LRT Project senior managers, City Transit Staff and the Public Involvement Working Group. The PIP will also be presented to the Valley Metro Board for approval. Additionally, PIP products will undergo review processes to ensure consistency of messages and to ensure that Project team members are apprised of information being distributed to the public. These processes are described in Appendix F. • Comment cards – comment cards will be provided at all public involvement events and meetings. These cards can be turned in at the time of the meeting, or mailed in at a later date. The cards are preaddressed and have pre-paid postage to encourage mailback. The cards do not ask specific questions, rather, provide space for respondents to provide comments on any topic they’d like. The comment card will include an option for that person to be added to the Project mailing list if they are not already included. • Feedback forms – at every public open house meeting, a feedback form will be distributed to each attendee. The feedback form will ask how the person found out about the event, what they liked and didn’t like about the event (including format and materials and event location), whether they would participate in a similar activity again, and what suggestions they have for improving our communication/interaction with the public. The feedback form will include an option for that person to be added to the Project mailing list if they are not already included. • E-mail – an e-mail account specifically assigned to this Project will be established and regularly monitored for messages. The e-mail address will be published on all public involvement communication materials and suggestions or comments about the Project and/or the public involvement process encouraged. Those comments and suggestions will be recorded and included in the comment/response feedback process. • Informal personal interviews – at every public involvement event, participants will be asked for their opinions on how to improve our communication and interaction with the public. Their opinions and

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suggestions will be solicited via informal personal conversations and responses recorded and included in the comment/response feedback process. • Project telephone hotline – the telephone hotline number established for the Project will be published on all public involvement communication materials and calls encouraged. Comments and suggestions received through the telephone hotline will be recorded and included in the comment/response feedback process.

Additionally, information regarding the effectiveness of the program will be solicited from agency groups and project committees, technical teams, and Project staff.

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9.0 Documentation

All communications with the public as described in Section 7.0 will be archived as part of the permanent Project record. The public involvement manager will prepare a monthly Public Involvement Activity Report documenting public involvement activities for the period. At the conclusion of this Project, a public involvement summary report describing formation and implementation of the Public Involvement Plan and results of the plan will be prepared. The summary report will describe all public involvement activities including presentations, meetings, events, and publications. It will also include information summarizing the results of the public involvement activities and “lessons learned” to pass on for use in subsequent studies or projects undertaken by Valley Metro Rail or other transportation agencies.

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Appendix A

Valley Metro Rail Board of Directors

City of Phoenix Representative: Mayor Skip Rimsza Alternates: 1. Councilmember Peggy Bilsten, Chairperson Transportation, Aviation, Transit and Technology Subcommittee 2. Diane Scherer, Chairperson Citizens Transit Commission 3. Ed Zuercher, Public Transit Director

City of Tempe Representative: Mayor Neil Giuliano Alternates: 1. Councilmember Len Copple 2. Mike Patten, Chairperson Transportation Commission 3. Mary O’Connor, Deputy Public Works Manager

City of Mesa Representative: Mayor Keno Hawker Alternates: 1. Vice Mayor Dennis Kavanaugh 2. Councilmember Mike Whalen 3. Jeff Martin, Assistant Development Services Manager

City of Glendale Representative: Mayor Elaine Scruggs Alternates: 1. Craig Tindall, Deputy City Attorney 2. Jim Book, Transportation Director 3. Terry Johnson, Transportation Planning Manager

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Appendix B

Technical Teams Members

City of Phoenix (Combined Transit 2000 Team & Technical Team)

Maria Hyatt Karen Becketts Public Transit Department Project Manager Special Projects Administrator - Civic Plaza Department Light Rail Mark Melnychenko Amelia Hughes Principal Planner Neighborhood Coordination Public Transit Department Supervisor Neighborhood Services Department Mark Reddie Principal Planner Donn Stoltzfus Public Transit Department Environmental Program Specialist Environmental Programs Office Michael Whiting Parks and Recreation Administrator Ed Zuercher Parks and Recreation Department Public Transit Department Public Transit Director Mike Nevarez Management Assistant II Eric Gorsegner Public Transit Department Deputy Chief of Staff Mayor's Office Paul Berumen Aide to the Mayor Gayle Webb Mayor's Office Deputy Director Budget and Research Department Roger Whitlock Real Estate Administrator Joy Mee Finance Department Assistant Director Planning Department Walt Cicioni Traffic Engineer Supervisor Development Services Department

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Wylie Bearup Jim Brahaney Deputy Director Aide to the Mayor Engineering and Architectural Mayor's Office Services Dept Jim Mathien Alan Max Principal Planner Assistant Chief Counsel Planning Department Law Department John Chan Angie Harvey Economic Development Management Assistant III Administrator Public Transit Department Community and Economic Development Administrator Boyd Winfrey Landscape Architect II Linda Latz Parks and Recreation Department Assistant City Attorney III Law Department Steve Brown Deputy Director Manny Diaz Public Transit Director Project Manager Finance Department Reed Caldwell Deputy Director Rosanne Sanchez Public Transit Director Environmental Quality Specialist Environmental Programs Office Chris Koehn Assistant City Attorney III Roy Alvarado Law Department Light Rail Utility Coordinator Engineering and Architectural Chris Shawkey Services Department Commander Police Department Sharon Wood Management Assistant III Helene Buchman City Council Office Deputy Director Regional Public Transit Authority Steve Bunyard Architect Janis Haug Development Services Department Assistant City Attorney III Law Department Tom Godbee Traffic Engineering Supervisor Street Transportation Department

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Tom Sindik Parks Supervisor Parks and Recreation Department

Al Villaverde Deputy Director Public Transit Department

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City of Tempe

Roger Austin Police Dept. Melanie Hobden Development Services Steve Abrahamson Development Services/CPTED Rod Keeling DTC Tom Wilhite Engineering Gregg Kent Transit Rob Conway Traffic Tom Kiefer Maryanne Corder Fire Neighborhood Programs Mary Fowler Larry Schmalz Community Relations Real Estate Sean Wagner Shauna Warner Parks & Recreation Neighborhood Programs Chris Anaradian Carlos De Leon Rio Salado Transit Neil Calfee Jim Decker Apache Blvd. Redevelopment Traffic/ITS

Steve Nielsen Fred Brittingham Redevelopment Development Services

Shelly Seyler Mary O'Connor Traffic Transportation

Bob Gardom Mark Richwine Utility Coordination Parks and Recreation

Andy Goh Tom Ryff Engineering Police/Traffic

Jody Ulich Jan Schaefer Cultural Services Economic Development

Glenn Kephart Sheri Wakefield-Saenz Public Works Economic Development

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Larry Shobe Robert Yabes Traffic Transit

Steve Venker Amanda Nelson Development Services Transit

Mark Vinson Bonnie Richardson City Architect Transit

Jim Bond Gary Davis Construction Transit

Eric Iwersen Transit

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City of Mesa

Jeff Martin Development Services Assistant Development Services Harold Decker Manager Economic Development Sr Economic Development Jim Wright Specialist Transportation Transit Manager Richard Mulligan Economic Development Director Jamie Brennen Marketing & Communications Julie Rice Program Director Mayor’s Office

Saul Larsen Debbie Driscoll City Council Neighborhood Services Office Council Assistant, Districts 3 and 6 Wahid Alam Lisa Blyler Planning Department City Council Council Assistant, Districts 4 and 5 Yvonne McCall Real Estate Coordinator Glenn Gorke Engineering Patrick Murphy Engineering Public Relations Economic Redevelopment Supervisor

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Appendix C

Organized Groups

Abels Acres Neighborhood Association Arizona Cement Association Advocates for the Disabled, Inc. Arizona Center For the Blind & Visually Impaired Affiliation of Arizona Indian Centers Arizona Center For the Handicapped Aging and Adult Administration 950A Arizona Chamber of Commerce Ahwatukee Foothills Chamber of Commerce Arizona Community Action Association Ahwatukee/South Tempe Transportation Arizona Contractors Association Management Association Alameda Campus Neighborhood Assoc. Arizona Council for the Hearing Impaired Alameda Estates Homeowners Association Arizona Employers' Council, Inc. Alamo Place Block Watch Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Alhambra Village Planning Committee Arizona Kidney Foundation Alta Mirada Homeowners Association Arizona Mexican Chamber of Commerce Alvarado Neighborhood Association Arizona National Electric Contractors Association Amalgamated Transit Union Local #1433 Arizona Rail Passenger Association American Association of Retired Persons Arizona Retailers Association American Business Women Association Arizona Rock Products Association American Business Women's Association Arizona Science Center/Central City Village PC American Indian Chamber of Commerce Arizona Small Business Association American Red Cross Arizona Transit Association Americans With Disabilities Arizona Women's Education and Employment Andalucia Neighborhood Association Ashland Place Historic District Apache CARE Asian Chamber of Commerce Apache Junction Chamber of Commerce Aviation Commission Apache Project Action Committee Bancroft Homeowners' Association Area Agency on Aging-Region 1 Baptist Foundation of Arizona Arizona Association for Economic Development Baseline Hardy Neighborhood Association Arizona Association of Mortgage Brokers Bel Air Neighborhood Association Arizona Association of Realtors Bell De Mar Crossing Neighborhood Assoc. Arizona Black United Fund Beverly Palms Neighborhood Association Arizona Bridge to Independent Living Bicycle Advisory Committee Arizona Builders Alliance Bicycle Advisory Committee

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Biltmore Area Transportation Management Chandler/Gilbert Area Transportation Management Association Association Biltmore Hospitality Group Chateau Therry Neighborhood Association Black Canyon City Chamber of Commerce Chicanos Por La Causa Bradley Manor Homeowners Association Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Arizona Brentview Homeowners Association Circle G Homeowners Association Brentwood Cavalier Neighborhood Assoc. Citizens 4 Growth Management Broadmor II Homeowners Association City of Glendale/Valley Forward Transportation Subcommittee Broadmor Place Homeowners Association Clark Park Neighborhood Association Buena Vista Ranchos Homeowners Association Coalition of Arizona Bicyclists Building a Healthier Mesa Colonia Del Sur I Homeowners Association Bumbalow Heights Colonia Del Sur III Homeowners Association Butler Tempe Homeowners Association Community Colleges of Arizona Cactus Neighborhood Association Community Forum Cactus Park West Neighborhood Association Community Voice Mail Calle De Caballos Homeowners Association Concord Village, Inc. Homeowners Association Camelback Del Este I & II Homeowners Copper Kettle Homeowners Association Association Camelback East Village Planning Committee Corona Ranch Homeowners Association Camelot Village Neighborhood Assoc. Cottonwoods Townhomes Homeowners Association Campbell/Indian School Neighborhood Association Crescent Butte Homeowners Association Canyon View Neighborhood Association Crown Heights Neighborhood Association Carefree-Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce Crystal Terrace Homeowners Association Casitas East Homeowners Association Cypress Gardens 2 Homeowners Association Casitas Tempe Homeowners Association Cypress Gardens 3 Homeowners Association Catalina/Verde Lane Homeowners Association Cypress Gardens 4 Homeowners Association Catholic Diocese Daley Park Neighborhood Association Catholic Social Service Date Palm Manor Neighborhood Association CATMA/Greater Scottsdale TMA Dava-Lakeshore Neighborhood Association Cave Creek Neighborhood Association Del Norte Neighborhood Association Central Arizona Shelter Services Desert Gardens Homeowners Association Central Avenue Transportation Management Desert Glen Neighborhood Association Association Central City Village Planning Committee Desert Oasis Neighborhood Association Centro Adelante Campesino Desert Park Neighborhood Association Centro De La Familia Desert Ridge Homeowners Network Devonshire Neighborhood Association Downtown Neighborhood Learning Center Downtown Development Committee Partnership

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Downtown Tempe Community, Inc. Greater Phoenix Minority Business Development Duskfire Neighborhood Association Greater Progressive Christian Center Eagle Hills Homeowners Association Greater Scottsdale Transportation Management Association East Alvarado Neighborhood Association Greater Villa De Paz Neighborhood Association East Osborn Neighborhood Association Green Gables Neighborhood Association East Roosevelt Neighborhood Association II Greenway Community Neighborhood Association East Sells-Heatherbrae Neighborhood Association Hamilton Homes Tempe Homeowners Association East Valley Chamber Coalition Heatherbrae Neighborhood Association East Valley Chambers of Commerce Alliance Heritage Highlands Homeowners Association East Valley Partnership Highland Estates Homeowners Association Eastlake Park Neighbor Association Hillcrest IX Homeowners Association Eastwood Association Hilltop Cricketts Homeowners Association Echo Neighborhood Association Holdeman Neighborhood Association Encanto Village Planning Committee Housing and Human Service Advisory Board Encanto-Palmcroft Newsletter Hudson Manor Neighborhood Association Episcopal Diocese of Arizona Hudson Trace Homeowners Association Escalante Neighborhood Association Hughes Acres Neighborhood Association Escalante Neighborhood Indian Park Block Watch Association/Transportation Commission Estate La Colina Neighborhood Association Jen Tilly Terrace Neighborhood Association Evergreen Neighborhood Association Kiwanis International -- SW District Festiva Tempe Homeowners Association Kiwanis Park Neighborhood Association Fiesta Villages Homeowners Association Knoell Garden Villas Homeowners Association Foundation for Senior Living La Jolle Homeowners Association Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce La Sombra Homeowners Association Galleria Homeowners Association La Via Verde I Homeowners Association Garfield Organization Neighborhood Alliance Laguna Estates Homeowners Association Gila River Indian Community Lake Biltmore Estates Homeowners Association Gililland Neighborhood Association Lakes Homeowners Association Glencroft Retirement Community Las Brisas Homeowners Association Granada Neighborhood Association Las Estadas Homeowners Association Grand Avenue Transportation Management Lindon Park Neighborhood Association Association Grandview Neighborhood Association Lions Club International Greater Orangedale Neighborhood Association Loma Linda Neighborhood Association Greater Phoenix Black Chamber of Commerce Longview East Neighborhood Association Greater Phoenix Convention/Visitors Bureau Longview West Neighborhood Assoc. Greater Phoenix Economic Council Los Prados Homeowners Association

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Mach 8 Neighborhood Association North Central Phoenix Homeowners Assoc. Madison Meadows Homeowners Association North Glen Square Homeowners Association Madison Neighborhood Association North Park Central Neighborhood Association Make A Difference North Phoenix Chamber of Commerce Maple Ash Neighborhood Association North Tempe Neighborhood Association Marilyn Ann Neighborhood Association North Tempe Transportation Network Marlborough Park Estates Homeowners Northeast Village Neighborhood Association Association Marlborough Park Villas Homeowners Association Northwest Valley Chamber of Commerce Mary Anne Manor/Windemere Homeowners Northwest Valley Transportation Management Association Association Mayor's Commission on Disability Issues Northwood Neighborhood Association McClintock Manor Neighborhood Association NTNA-Cavalier Hills Neighborhood Assoc. Mesa Arts & Entertainment Evaluation Committee NTNA-East Rio Neighborhood Assoc. Mesa Chamber of Commerce NTNA-West Rio Neighborhood Assoc. Mesa Convention & Visitors Bureau Oaks II & III Homeowners Association Mesa Senior Services, Inc. Optimist Park Northwest Neighborhood Assoc. Mesa Transportation Advisory Board Optimist Park Southeast Neighborhood Assoc. Meyer Park Neighborhood Association Optimist Park Southwest Neighborhood Assoc. Mill Avenue Merchants Association Orangewood East Townhome Assoc. Mission Village Homeowners Association Papago Park Village Homeowners Association Mistwood Homeowners Association Papago Salado Association Mitchell Park East Neighborhood Association Park Place Homeowners Association Mitchell Park West Neighborhood Association Park Premiere South Homeowners Association Modern Industries, Inc. Park Premiere South II Homeowners Association Monte Vista Neighborhood Parkwood/Skyline Homeowners Association Montebello Neighborhood Association Pasadena Neighborhood Association Montecito Neighborhood Group Pecan Grove Estates II Homeowners Association Moon Valley Homeowners Association Pedestrian Working Group Moonlight Cove Homeowners Association Peoria Chamber of Commerce Morningside Homeowners Association Pepper Ridge Townhomes Homeowners Association Myrtle Park Neighborhood Assoc. Pepperwood Neighborhood Assoc. NAACP, Phoenix/Maricopa County Peterson Park Neighborhood Assoc. National Association of Women Business Owners Phoenix & Valley of the Sun Visitors Bureau National Association of Women in Construction Phoenix Association of Retarded Citizens Neighborhood Coalition Greater Phoenix Phoenix Chamber of Commerce Neighbors as Partners Phoenix Community Alliance Nile Neighborhood Association Phoenix Convention & Visitors Bureau

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Phoenix Industrial Transportation Management St. Francis District Neighborhood Association Association Pleasant Ridge Neighborhood Association St. Gregory Neighborhood Association Ponderosa North Homeowners Association Sun View Estates #2 Homeowners Association PORA of Sun City West Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Puerta Del Sol Homeowners Association Sunnyslope Village Revitalization Quatros II H.O.A. Sunset Neighborhood Association Questa Vida Homeowners Association Superstition Neighborhood Association Rancho Alta Vida Homeowners Association Surface Transportation Advisory Committee Rancho del Monte Neighborhood Association Surrey Neighborhood Association Rancho Encanto Neighborhood Association Tanglewood Homeowners Association Rancho Ventura Neighborhood Association Tempe Apache Blvd. Association Randolph Neighborhood Association Tempe Aviation Commission Redhawk Homeowners Association Tempe Chamber Transportation Renaissance Park Homeowners Association Tempe Community Council/Transportation Commission Rio Salado Advisory Committee Tempe Gardens Neighborhood Association Rio Salado Homeowners Association Tempe Gardens Townhomes Homeowners Association River Run Homeowners Association Tempe Neighborhoods Tomorrow Task Force Riverside Neighborhood Association Tempe Royal Estates Neighborhood Association Roosevelt Action Association Tempe Royal Palms #19 Homeowners Association Rose Garden Lane Homeowners Association Tempe Transportation Commission Rosen Place Homeowners Association Terra Homeowners Association Runaway Point Homeowners Association Terrace Walk Homeowners Association Rural/Geneva Neighborhood Association Thunderbirds Sevilla Neighborhood Association Tolleson Chamber of Commerce Shadow Mountain Fight Back Torre Blanca Homeowners Association Shalimar Neighborhood Association Town Square Homeowners Association Sidney P. Osborn Block Watch Townsend Park Community Assoc. Sierra Tempe Homeowners Association Turtle Creek Homeowners Association Simpson Neighborhood Association Turtle Rock III Homeowners Association Sky Harbor Neighborhood Association Turtle Rock IV Homeowners Association Sky Harbor Transportation Management United Dairymen of Arizona Association Solar Energy Synergy Homeowners Association United Neighbors Association Southern Village Estates Homeowners Association University Estates Neighborhood Association Springdale Homeowners Association University Garden Villas Homeowners Association Squaw Peak Heights Neighborhood Association University Heights Neighborhood Association

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University Park Neighborhood Association Westwood Community Association University Ranch Homeowners Association Westwood Village Neighborhood Association Valle Del Sol, Inc. Willo Neighborhood Association Valle Venado Homeowners Association Windsor Place Homeowners Association Vallembrosa Neighborhood Association Wishing Well II Neighborhood Association Valley Citizens League Women's Transportation Seminar Valley Forward Association Woodlea/Melrose Neighborhood Association Valley Hotel and Resort Association Yaple Park Neighborhood Association Valley Interfaith Project Young Democrats Valley Interfaith Project East Young President's Organization Valley Leadership Young Republicans of Arizona Van Buren Civic Association Vila Del Este Homeowners Association Villa Oasis Neighborhood Association Villa Patrician Homeowners Association Villa Verde Neighborhood Association Village Landings Homeowners Association Villages Homeowners Association Villages Homeowners Association No. 2 Villas Las Palmas Homeowners Association Vineyards Homeowners Association Waltann Estates Neighborhood Association Warner Estates Homeowners Association Warner Ranch Homeowners Association Warner Ranch Landing Homeowners Association Warner Ranch Landing II Homeowners Association

Warner Ranch Manor I Homeowners Association Warner Ranch Manor II Homeowners Association Warner Ranch Phase II Homeowners Association Warner Ranch Village Homeowners Association Watchers Neighborhood Association West Bethany Homeowners Association West Plaza Neighborhood Association West Willow Homeowners Association Westmarc Westown Watch Neighborhood Association Westwood Business Alliance

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Appendix D

Regional Agencies

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Arizona Department of Transportation Arizona Fish & Game Arizona State Parks • Arizona State Historic Preservation Office City of Avondale City of Chandler City of El Mirage City of Glendale City of Glendale Planning Department City of Goodyear City of Litchfield Park City of Peoria City of Scottsdale City of Scottsdale, Transportation Department City of Surprise City of Tolleson City of Tucson, Depart.Transp. Department of the Army Department of Emergency & Military Affairs Federal Highway Administration Federal Transit Administration Maricopa Association of Governments MCDOT Planning Department Scottsdale Community Planning Town of Buckeye

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Town of Carefree Town of Cave Creek Town of Fountain Hills Town of Gila Bend Town of Gilbert Town of Guadalupe Town of Paradise Valley Town of Queen Creek Town of Wickenburg Town of Youngtown U.S. Fish & Wildlife Valley Metro / Regional Public Transportation Authority

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Appendix E

Public Involvement Working Group Antoniak, Rob Public Involvement Area Coordinator, Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project

Brennan, Jamie City of Mesa Public Information Officer

Driscoll, Debbie City of Mesa Neighborhood Services Coordinator

Flunoy, Gary Public Involvement Area Coordinator, Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project

Gilbert, Bridget Valley Metro Regional Services Marketing Manager

Hernandez, Monica Public Involvement Area Coordinator, Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project

Landa, Ruben Business Outreach Specialist, Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project

Lenko, Cristina Public Involvement Area Coordinator, Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project

Larsen, Saul City of Mesa Council Office

Lewin, Sue Public Involvement Manager, Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project

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Liggons, June City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Coordinator

McCall, Yvonne City of Mesa Real Estate Manager

Mann, Daina Communications Manager, Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project

Nelson, Amanda Community Outreach/Marketing Coordinator, Transit Section, City of Tempe

Patane, Alex Communications Specialist, Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project

Sapp, Talaya Valley Metro Regional Services Marketing Coordinator

Steere, Howard Assistant PI Mgr./PI Area Coordinator, Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project

Sealy, Evelyn Community Relations Adminstratiive Assistant, Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project

Stephens, Jason MAG Public Outreach Coordinator

Soronson, Marc Planning Manager, Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project

Williams, Lisa Graphics Designer, Central Phoenix/East Valley LRT Project

Wright, Jim Transit Manager, City of Mesa

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Appendix F

Public Involvement Materials Review Processes

PI Staff prepares/edits Review process for: initial document text, art, • Newsletters •Surveys layout • Fact Sheets •Articles for outside publications (new text) • Status Reports •Display Boards To PIWG to edit •Technical content * (1 - 2 weeks) •Political suitability •Public readability

To Director/Deputy Technical Director for resolution PI Staff review Conflicting comments Comments?

Style, grammar, To PI Manager for

usage resolution

PI Staff revise and produce Final Draft

To PIWG, Director, To Staff Reviewer & PI Deputy Director for Manager for Quality Production Distribution “quick” review Review

** (2 - 3 days)

Internal Community •Central Files •AOC •Sr . Mgmt. Staff •PIWG •Others as appropriate

Review process for:

PI Staff prepares • “Recycled” articles/project info • Press releases (substitute “Media” for “PI” in the flow chart

To PIWG, Director, To Staff Reviewer & Deputy Director for PI Manager for Production Distribution “quick” review Quality Review

** (2 - 3 days)


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Appendix G

CP/EV LRT Project Construction Mitigation Plan


• 24-Hour, 7 day per week project hotline (live voice during construction) • Valley Metro Rail Project web-site information posting and e-mail response • Published cell phone numbers for the Valley Metro Rail Public Involvement staff • Street closure notification via Project web site, broadcast e-mails and flyers distributed by the line section area coordinators • Quarterly construction update meetings • Use of a Community Advisory Board (CAB) for each light rail construction line section (composed of business and civic leaders from that line section) to provide input to the CP/EV LRT Project Team on contractor community relations and to be used as a measure for contractor performance


• Courtesy and traffic control signage (Note: City staff are making arrangements for waivers of any applicable sign ordinance during the life of project) • Traffic circulation plan that maintains access to buildings

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Marketing Assistance

• Business promotions (possibilities include featuring LRT alignment businesses on LRT Project web site, participation in the production of a discount coupon promotion with a corresponding coupon card to be used to take part in all promotions, and production / distribution of an LRT Information Brochure / Business Location Map for each of the five line sections) • Encourage contractors and LRT project staff to patronize businesses along rail alignment • Work with business associations to help them promote their businesses • Prepare booklet and conduct forums on ways to maintain business operations during LRT construction. Via local sponsorships, bring in business owners who have experienced LRT construction in other cities.


• LRT construction-phase outreach staffing: o Resident engineer & field staff o Safety engineer and assistant o Five full-time public involvement area coordinators (one assigned to each line section) and one business outreach specialist / business courtesy sign coordinator o Full-time public involvement manager and administrative assistant • Contractor’s staff for each line section: o Project manager / superintendent & field staff o Safety Officer o Quality Control Manager o Transit operations staff (responsible for bus rerouting & notification)

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