Medieval Brewing: the Alcohol They Mӧdu (Estonia) Morat (blackberries or mulberries) Really Drank Mulsum (technically not a true mead; strong Summer University, Session 91 wine with honey added) Mistress Sorcha Crowe Myod (Russian) Mka Elspeth Payne Omphacomel (verjuice)
[email protected] Oxymel (wine vinegar) 240-285-0632 Półtorak (Poland) Quick mead BEVERAGES Rhodamel(i) (roses) Sack (very sweet) Wine (assumed grape) Sima (Finland) pyment Trójniak (Poland) ‘Country’ wine (other fruit) White mead Beer vs. Ale Braggot SOURCES Mulled ale Butterbeer Atlantia and SCA Websites and Lists on brewing Gruit Atlantia Brewers Guild: Scandinavian beers Atlantia brewers Yahoo group: Estonia: Sahti Estonia: Koduõlu (home beer) SCA brewers list: Lithuania: Kaimiskas alus Lithuania: Interkingdom Brewers Guild: šviesus/tamsus/juodas/fitruotas/nefitruotas Norway: maltøl, bayer, juleøl, bokkøl (bockbier), Guide to other kingdom guilds: pilsner (Plzeň) Sweden: lättӧl, stankӧl, folkӧl (by strength) er-kingdom-guilds-baronial-guilds-and-the-mighty- Cider interkingdom-brewers-guild/ Cyser Everyone’s first secondary source: A Sip Through Time, Pery or perry by Cindy Renfrow, 1997. Hypocras Society Publications Cordials Coming soon, in Tournaments Illuminated Issue Honey jack #195, Third Quarter 2015: Book review on Quinte Apple jack