Here Represent Ideology Or Another, Ultimately Poches Telephoned His Holiness to As the Reincarnation of the Xvith Community
BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID ITHACA, NY 14851 T Permit No. 746 SNOW LION PUBLICATIONS Address correction requested SNOW LION ORDER FROM OUR TOLL FREE NUMBER NEWSLETTER & CATALOG 1-800-950-0313 1992 SUMMER SUPPLEMENT SNOW LION PUBLICATIONS PO BOX 6483, ITHACA, NY 14851, (607)-273-8506 ISSN 1059-3691 VOLUME 7, NUMBER 3 New Incarnation of His Holiness The Gyalwa Karmapa Recognized The 17th incarnation of His nation was accompanied to his ings and aid to the Buddhist san- Holiness the Gyalwa Karmapa has traditional seat at Akanishta gha in India, Ladakh, Nepal and been found and recognized by the Tolung Tshurphu Monastery near Bhutan. regents and incarnate lamas of the Lhasa, Tibet, by a procession of In 1974, His Holiness made his Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Bud- 300 monks and lamas. first trip to Europe and North dhism. As is traditional, the cur- The Eminences have also an- America. He founded Karma rent incarnation has also been nounced that plans for the en- Triyana Dharmachakra Monastery recognized by His Holiness the thronement of H.H. the XVIIth and many of its related centers on XlVth Dalai Lama. Karmapa are underway and will a subsequent visit in 1978. In Ven. Khenpo Karthar Rin- be announced when finalized, numerous cities in the U.S. and poche, abbot of Karma Triyana Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche said. Canada, he gave extensive teach- Dharmachakra Monastery in The Kagyu lineage was found- ings on the nature of Buddhism, Woodstock, NY, seat of the Gyal- ed on the teachings of Shakyamu- compassion and enlightenment wa Karmapa in the West, said let- ni Buddha transmitted directly to and also performed the "Black ters from the regents, H.E.
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