Here Represent Ideology Or Another, Ultimately Poches Telephoned His Holiness to As the Reincarnation of the Xvith Community

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Here Represent Ideology Or Another, Ultimately Poches Telephoned His Holiness to As the Reincarnation of the Xvith Community BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID ITHACA, NY 14851 T Permit No. 746 SNOW LION PUBLICATIONS Address correction requested SNOW LION ORDER FROM OUR TOLL FREE NUMBER NEWSLETTER & CATALOG 1-800-950-0313 1992 SUMMER SUPPLEMENT SNOW LION PUBLICATIONS PO BOX 6483, ITHACA, NY 14851, (607)-273-8506 ISSN 1059-3691 VOLUME 7, NUMBER 3 New Incarnation of His Holiness The Gyalwa Karmapa Recognized The 17th incarnation of His nation was accompanied to his ings and aid to the Buddhist san- Holiness the Gyalwa Karmapa has traditional seat at Akanishta gha in India, Ladakh, Nepal and been found and recognized by the Tolung Tshurphu Monastery near Bhutan. regents and incarnate lamas of the Lhasa, Tibet, by a procession of In 1974, His Holiness made his Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Bud- 300 monks and lamas. first trip to Europe and North dhism. As is traditional, the cur- The Eminences have also an- America. He founded Karma rent incarnation has also been nounced that plans for the en- Triyana Dharmachakra Monastery recognized by His Holiness the thronement of H.H. the XVIIth and many of its related centers on XlVth Dalai Lama. Karmapa are underway and will a subsequent visit in 1978. In Ven. Khenpo Karthar Rin- be announced when finalized, numerous cities in the U.S. and poche, abbot of Karma Triyana Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche said. Canada, he gave extensive teach- Dharmachakra Monastery in The Kagyu lineage was found- ings on the nature of Buddhism, Woodstock, NY, seat of the Gyal- ed on the teachings of Shakyamu- compassion and enlightenment wa Karmapa in the West, said let- ni Buddha transmitted directly to and also performed the "Black ters from the regents, H.E. Tai the Indian mahasiddhas Tilopa Hat Ceremony," a blessing unique- Situ Rinpoche, H.E. Tshurphu and Naropa. Naropa's disciple to the Karmapas since the time of Gyaltsap Rinpoche and H.E. Marpa the Translator brought the Second Karmapa, Karma Pak- Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche, made these teachings to Tibet and shi (1206-1283). Karma Pakshi the announcement in June. passed them on to the great Tibe- was the first recognized tulku, or The new Karmapa is 8-year-old tan yogi Milarepa and his student reincarnated enlightened teacher, Ugyen Tinley, born in the nomad Gampopa. Tshurphu Monastery in Tibet's history. H.H. the community of Bakor in the was founded by the first Karma- XVIth Gyalwa Karmapa passed .. Lhathok region of Eastern Tibet. pa, Tusum Khyenpa, in about away in 1981 in Illinois. I* His father's name is Karma Don- 1190 C.E., and served as the Seat The Gyalwa Karmapa is tradi- mm ■ drub Tashi. of the lineage until 1959, when the tionally considered to be an incar- m He was identified by a letter left XVIth Karmapa led many of his nation of the activity aspect of the !v by His Holiness the XVIth Kar- followers out of Tibet into exile. Mahabodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, m mapa, as is traditional in the line In the early 1960s, he estab- who was predicted in the Samad- of the Karmapas. This letter clear- lished his Seat at the Dharma hirajasutra teachings of Shakyamu- ly predicted the new incarnation's Cakra Center in Rumtek, Sikkim. ni Buddha as "the Activity of the H.H. the XVIIth Karmapa Ugyen Tinley. location and circumstances. In addition, he established many 1,000 Buddhas," or "Karmapa" Photo courtesy of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra Once identified, the new incar- other monasteries and gave teach- in Tibetan. ■ Letter from the Private Office of Universal Responsibility and His Holiness the Dalai Lama Confirming the Reincarnation Our Global Environment: of His Holiness Address to Non-Governmental Organizations the XVIth Gyalwa Karmapa by His Holiness the Dalai Lama On the 7th of June, 1992, when all the Karmapa's monasteries, re- Global Forum, Rio de Janeiro, for future generations, the proper Whether we like it or not, we Situ Rinpoche and Gyaltsap Rin- quested with one-pointed devotion Brazil, June 7, 1992 care of the environment. have all been born on this earth as poche arrived in Dharamsala, His and aspiration the compassionate ad- As the twentieth century draws I have come to this internation- part of one great family. Rich or Holiness the Dalai Lama was on a vice for whether it would be ap- to a close, we find that the world al gathering of environmental lead- poor, educated or uneducated, be- visit to South America. On the eve- propriate or not to recognize this boy has grown smaller. The world's ers in a spirit of optimism and longing to one nation, religion, ning of that same day, the two Rin- of the wood ox year, described above, people have become almost one hope. The meetings here represent ideology or another, ultimately poches telephoned His Holiness to as the reincarnation of the XVIth community. Political and military a threshold for humanity; the each of us is just a human being inform him of the following. Karmapa. This request was offered alliances have created large mul- chance for our emerging global like everyone else. We all desire In His Holiness the Gyalwang along with additional information in- tinational groups, industry and in- community to cooperate in an un- happiness and do not want suffer- Karmapa's Dakhaishalcham cluding the sacred letter, the way the ternational trade have produced a precedented manner. Even though ing. Furthermore, each of us has [sacred letter disclosing his reincar- search and examination were carried global economy. Worldwide com- it appears that the Earth Summit the same right to pursue happiness nation], it is said: "In the east of out, a drawing of the birthplace, munications are eliminating an- may, in some respects, fall short and avoid suffering. When you Tibet, a nomad community with the Guru Rinpoche's prophecy contain- cient barriers of distance, of what is needed, the very fact recognize that all beings are equal sign of cow, the method is Dondrub ing a list with some of the Karma- language, and race. We are also be- that it has taken place represents in this respect, you automatically and the wisdom is Lolaga." With pa's names, and a letter regarding the ing drawn together by the grave a tremendous achievement. That feel empathy and closeness for this clear description of the names, meeting and discussions in Gangtok. problems we face: overpopulation, is why it is so heartening to see so them. Out of this, in turn, comes a thorough search was made, and in All these were sent by fax to His dwindling natural resources, and many non-governmental organiza- a genuine sense of universal the nomad community named Bakor, Holiness and he granted this reply: an environmental crisis that threat- tions here. Your role in forging a responsibility; the wish to active- in the Lhathok region of eastern "The birthplace of the reincarnation, ens our air, water, and trees, along better future is absolutely essen- ly help others overcome their Tibet, on the eighth day of the fifth the names of the mother and father, with the vast number of beautiful tial, and while this role is still, problems. Tibetan month in the wood ox year, and so forth, are in agreement with life forms that are the very foun- within the United Nations, limit- Of course, this sort of compas- a boy was born whose father was the sacred letter. It is very good that dation of existence on this small ed, it is expanding. sion is, by nature, peaceful and Karma Dondrub Tashi and mother, inside and outside Tibet, Tulkus, la- planet we share. So many non-governmental or- gentle, but it is also very power- Loga. After his birth, there were mas, and the monasteries belonging I believe that to meet the chal- ganizations are built by educated ful. It is the true sign of inner many wondrous signs, such as the in- to the lineage are all one-pointed in lenge of our times, human beings volunteers out of genuine caring strength. We do not need to be- finite sound of music and, according their devotion and aspiration. It is will have to develop a greater sense for fellow human beings. Your come religious, nor do we need to to the prophecy, the sound of the appropriate to recognize and confirm of universal responsibility. Each of commitment represents the fore- believe in an ideology. All that is conch shell reverberated throughout following what was stated above." us must learn to work not just for front of both social and environ- necessary is for each of us to de- space for about two hours and was This command has been granted his or her own self, family or na- mental progress. All of the velop our good human qualities. heard by all the people of the area. and received. May it be known. tion, but for the benefit of all man- organizations represented here The need for a sense of univer- The Tulkus, lamas, and sangha Signed by Tendzin Chonyi Tara, kind. Universal responsibility is have particular wants and needs sal responsibility affects every as- residing both inside and outside Principal Secretary to His Holiness the real key to human survival. It just, in fact, as individuals do. pect of modern life. Nowadays, Tibet, from Gangtok Rumtek's place the Dalai Lama, Dharamsala, is the best foundation for world Without our collective efforts how- significant events in one part of the of Dharma, Tshurphu Monastery, June 9, 1992 ■ peace, the equitable use of natu- ever, the gains made here would be world eventually affect the entire and Palpung Monastery, and from ral resources and, through concern significantly less.
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