ThreeThree TTeachingseachings Talks by Ven. Tenzin Palmo HAN DD ET U 'S B B O RY eOK LIBRA E-mail:
[email protected] Web site: Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. Content Introduction 3 The First Teaching — Retreat 5 Questions & Answers 23 The Second Teaching — Mahamudra Practice 38 The Third Teaching — Mindfulness 76 Questions & Answers 80 2 Introduction These three talks were delivered in Singapore during May 1999 at various Dharma centres. The audiences were mainly comprised of Chinese middle class pro- fessionals who, within their highly pressured and stressful lives, are searching — in ever increasing num- bers — for a viable means to counteract the relentless strain of the daily round and bring some peace and clarity into their lives. They are reaching out to fi nd a spiritual dimension to their otherwise empty, though materially prosperous, existence. When I face an audience my main intention is how to say something that will be of use and benefi t. Not just words that will be intellectually challenging or emotionally satisfying, but instruction that can be used and that will encourage people to try to help them- selves — and others. The audience is usually not made up mainly of monks, nuns and hermits as it would have been in the past! It is an audience of ordinary people with families, professions and normal social obligations. Therefore it is appropriate to talk as though they are people who have outwardly renounced the world and have nothing to do all day but formal Dharma practice. 3 The fact is that these often sincere and dedicated Dharma followers who have very little time for formal practice.