Issue 5 -- July
"j$' 1 ' fkt p "' 'l p ' N /~yes ~l I 'I'I I E SI I F.RIFF'S S'I'A R Volume 13, No. 5 July, 1969 EDITOR Carl Stauffer Executive Director of the Florida Sheriffs Association ':TllE SlIERIFF'S STAR is publish-:' ' :II cd monthly by the Florida Sheriffs, :.'.:. NATIONAL RECOGNITION :::Association, a non-profit corpora-:::: ::tion, P. Box 1487, Tallahassee, :I:I BUNNELL —Flagler County Sheriff P. A. 0. ::: Florida 32302. The subscription, ".". (Zip) Edmonson holds a citation presented to ::rate is !l2.50 per year. Second:::. his department by Official Detective Magazine : : Class postage paid at '1'allahassee, :'. for helping to solve a 1967 double murder :.::;Florida, and at additional mail- '' that sent Kit Armid Hayden, 22, to prison ':::ing offices. for a 20-year hitch. (Flagler Tribune photo) . FOR BIKE SA FETY K I SSI MME E —The "Lite-A-B ike" program of the local VFW post gets a helping hand from Osceola County Sheriff Ernest P. "Kayo" PRESIDENT AND" FIRST LADY" Murphy (right) who is also the VFW Commander. Assisting the MIAMI BEACH —Sheriff and Mrs. Ross E. Sheriff in putting the reflective Boyer, of Sarasota, photographed during the tape on the bikes is Deputy Bill banquet at which he was installed as Levez. On the left is VFW Quar- president termaster Ken Atherton, and in of the National Sheriffs' Association. The back of the bike is Jack Ruma, date was June 18, and the place was the Junior Vice Commander. The pro- Carillon Hotel, Miami Beach. gram was aimed at putting the reflective tape on all bikes at the local schools.
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