THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE RAPA NUI PEOPLE ON EASTER ISLAND Rapa Nui IWGIA report 15 THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE RAPA NUI PEOPLE ON EASTER ISLAND Report of the international Observers’ Mission to Rapa Nui 2011 OBSERVERS: Clem Chartier, President of Métis National Council, Canada. Alberto Chirif, Anthropologist and Researcher, IWGIA, Peru. Nin Tomas, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Auckland in Aotearoa- New Zealand, and researcher in the area of Indigenous Peoples Rights. Rapa Nui: August 1 - 3, 2011 Santiago: August 4 - 8, 2011 Report 15 IWGIA - 2012 CONTENTS THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE RAPA NUI PEOPLE ON EASTER ISLAND Observer´s Report visit to Rapa Nui 2011 ISBN: 978-87-92786-27-2 PRESENTATION 5 Editor Observatorio Ciudadano 1. Historical information about the relationship between the Rapa Nui Design and layout people and the Chilean State 7 Lola de la Maza Cover photo 2. Diagnosis of the Human Rights situation of the Rapa Nui and their Isabel Burr, archivo Sacrofilm demands, with special reference to the rights of self-determination Impresión Impresos AlfaBeta and territorial rights 11 Santiago , Chile 2.1. Self Determination 12 2.1.1 Right to Consultation over Migration Control 18 2.1.2 Conclusion 20 2.2. Territorial Rights 21 OBSERVATORIO CIUDADANO Antonio Varas 428 - Temuco, Chile 2.2.1. Lands Occupations 21 Tel: 56 (45) 213963 - Fax 56 (45) 218353 E-mail:
[email protected] - Web: 2.2.2. Return of Lands 26 INTERNATIONAL WORK GROUP FOR INDIGENOUS AFFAIRS 3. RightS OF IndigEnouS PEoplES in ChilE 30 Classensgade 11 E, DK 2100 - Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: (45) 35 27 05 00 - Fax (45) 35 27 05 07 4.