Annual Report 2020

Pushing boundaries together. Through research. For society. 1 Editorial

2 Highlights 2020

9 Thank you Overview of donors and partners

21 Your support

Legacy gifts


Funding areas

36 Facts & figures

Board of Trustees

Balance sheet and income statement EDITORIAL 1

Dear donors, Dear friends of ETH,

The past year has underlined the importance of mutual help and support, and your contributions have exemplified this. Thanks to donors and partners, ETH Zurich was able to accelerate vital research, extend scholarships for talented young academics during the crisis and press ahead with strategic projects in what proved to be an exceptional year. 2020 impressed on us the need to prepare for the future. It is vital that budding entrepreneurs such as Jonathan Kiefer, who is developing a new treatment for leukaemia, are able to introduce their innovations to society sooner rather than later. Promising talents such as student Janine Wetter, who wants to gain a better understanding of climate change, need optimal support today. And in the field of basic research too, it is crucial to act now to create the right conditions for the future: by constructing a new, highly specialised physics laboratory building, ETH aims to further expand its leading position in quantum research. Your support gives ETH Zurich flexibility and freedom. Every single contribution is important. Together, they have a huge impact – for the benefit and wellbeing of future generations. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks that we are able to count on your support and hope that this publication interests and inspires you.

Professor Pius Baschera Professor Joël Mesot Dr Donald Tillman Chair of the Board of President of ETH Zurich, Managing Director Trustees Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees 2 OVERVIEW 2020

A step closer to personalised medical treatment, rapid action during the coronavirus pandemic and a boost for quantum research: thanks to your support, we have been able to tackle major challenges over the past year.

Highlights 2020 HIGHLIGHTS 2020 3

Findings from research projects at ETH feed directly into product development in building and energy technology.

More energy-efficient energy-efficient Fast-tracking building planning Covid-19 research

Population growth, urbanisation The Botnar Research Centre for and energy provision are among Child Health (BRCCH) launched an the most pressing issues of our emergency initiative to develop time and all are highly relevant to practicable approaches to the Covid-19 our industry partner Siemens. crisis. Fondation Botnar, which enabled Siemens has therefore extended the establishment of the centre with its strategic partnership with its generous donation, provided additional ETH Zurich for a further five years funding. These funds support projects and is supporting innovative currently underway at ETH and other research projects in the field of participating institutions; for example, to sustainable construction/digital develop more reliable rapid tests or fabrication. track chains of infection more accurately. 4 HIGHLIGHTS 2020

Vincent Fortuin, Hanna Ragnarsdottir, Janine Wetter and Dominic Egger give an insight into their research projects: take a look now.

Meet the Talent @ HOME

Flexible and effective action thanks to the Corona Impulse Fund Philanthropy to develop the full From direct support for students with potential of exceptional talent additional scholarships to the de- velopment of equipment for the health What does the support of donors mean sector to fundamental research: to the recipients of the Excellence the ETH Foundation and ETH set up Scholarships and how did the students’ the Corona Impulse Fund to assist daily lives change when the crisis hit with a range of scenarios. The funds in early 2020? Four recipients provided an are allocated quickly and without insight which, given the circumstances, undue red tape, focusing on where they was staged digitally by video rather are needed most and will have the than face-to-face at the traditional Meet greatest impact, such as a serological the Talent event. They included Hanna study on the extent of immune pro- Ragnarsdottir, who is passionate about tection. The funding comes from hund- improving cancer research. She is one reds of donors, including numerous of the 50 to 60 exceptionally talented and alumni, and the SIX Group – a joint effort motivated students we are able to fund in the spirit of solidarity. every year, thanks to you. HIGHLIGHTS 2020 5


Rössler Prize winner Paola Picotti used the prize money to fund her research, and she also made a donation to the Corona Impulse Fund.

Pioneering personalised treatment Intelligent machines for Understanding proteomics, i.e. the the good of society full spectrum of proteins and their interactions, is the key to understanding Robotics at ETH occupies an internation- human health. System biologist ally leading position and last year received Paola Picotti develops technology that an additional boost: support from the expands our understanding of the Hilti Group and the Hilti Family Foundation processes of human health, in particular Liechtenstein enabled the creation of biochemical processes that lead to two new professorships to reinforce Robotic aberrations and diseases such as cancer Systems and the newly established RobotX or Alzheimer’s. In 2020, her pioneering Center for Intelligent Machines, which research earned her the Rössler Prize. was launched in 2020 and brings together The prize is worth CHF 200,000 and has more than 20 robotics research groups been awarded annually to promising at ETH. One of the robotics highlights at ETH young academics since 2009. The prize to date has been the search and rescue is made possible by a donation by robot ANYmal – we are all eager to see what ETH alumnus Dr Max Rössler. comes next. 6 HIGHLIGHTS 2020

The donor-financed funding programme for young entrepreneurs ensures that ETH technology quickly finds its way into practice. Vanesa Rocha Martin’s research on treating colic in babies is a perfect example.

Stimulating the economy thanks to ETH spin-offs Boost for future mobility New approaches to treating leukaemia, help for colicky babies and sus- Introducing greener transport systems, tainable yoga mats: Pioneer Fellow- making use of artificial intelligence ship support, made possible by and optimising overburdened infrastruc- our donors and partners, enables ture: tomorrow’s mobility brings new young researchers to drive forward challenges to technology, business and their ideas and found businesses. society. To address these, ETH Zurich Since 2010, 101 Fellowships have been founded the ETH Mobility Centre in 2018. awarded. More than 30 new spin-offs AMAG has now joined SBB, Siemens are created every year at ETH. They and ETH Professor Emeritus Alexander not only introduce new products Wokaun as the centre’s first partner and services to society, but also play from the automotive industry, providing a powerful part in consolidating new impetus to the project. Further Switzerland’s role as a business and funding partners will be signed up over innovation hub. the coming years. HIGHLIGHTS 2020 7

ETH honorary councillors Adrian Weiss (left) and Calvin Grieder (right)

Honour for two deserving Inclusivity through cutting- long-term philanthropists edge assistance technology Calvin Grieder and Adrian Weiss have The Cybathlon Global Edition took been enthusiastic ambassadors and place in November: 51 teams from 20 supporters of ETH Zurich for many years, countries completed everyday tasks and have provided important impetus with the aid of cutting-edge assistance for teaching and research. Calvin Grieder’s technology. Due to the pandemic, the focus is on building bridges between teams competed at different times and business and science, while Adrian Weiss in separate locations. The Cybathlon promotes next-generation academics brings together people with disabilities, and research in the fields of architecture, technology developers and the general electrical engineering and computer public to promote inclusivity and science. Through their efforts, they have progress. It helps to drive developments each encouraged important new in assistance technology, such as developments. To thank them for their Scewo, the wheelchair that can climb tremendous ongoing commitment, stairs, developed six years ago at ETH has appointed both of them as hon- ETH and now ready for series production. orary councillors. 8 HIGHLIGHTS 2020

Left to right: Pius Baschera, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the ETH Foundation; donor Martin Haefner, ETH alumnus and honorary councillor; and Joël Mesot, ETH President

Digital technology for more productive, greener construction

Digital design, planning and construction are becoming increasingly important. The engineering, planning and consultancy A boost for quantum firm Basler & Hofmann has entered into research a strategic partnership with ETH’s Center for Augmented Computational Design in Quantum research has developed at Architecture, Engineering and Construction, breakneck speed in recent years. It is known as “Design++”, with a generous anticipated that the use of quantum donation spread over six years. The funding phenomena in the fields of computing, will go primarily towards establishing a sensor technology and cryptography new professorship in Augmented Computa- will soon make new applications techni- tional Design. The aim of the partners cally feasible. In order to consolidate is to develop digital tools and processes its strong position in the field of quantum that simultaneously improve design, research, ETH is planning to construct boost productivity in the construction pro- a highly specialised physics laboratory cess, raise the quality of buildings and building on the Hönggerberg campus. reduce their environmental impact. They A generous donation from ETH alumnus also hope that the latest findings in the fields and honorary councillor Martin Haefner of artificial intelligence and augmented has moved the project the decisive step reality will feed directly into architecture and closer to realisation. civil engineering practice. OVERVIEW 2020 9

You – our valued donors and partners – support teaching and research at ETH Zurich. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for your commitment in 2020 and the confidence you have shown in the ETH Foundation. Our gratitude also goes to all those donors who prefer to remain anonymous.

Thank you 10 THANK YOU

The list of donors can also be found at:


ABB Schweiz Ebay Huawei Technologies SABIC Accenture Stiftung EBP Schweiz Huber+Suhner SAP SE AdNovum Informatik EKZ Implenia SBB ADWEMUE GmbH ETEL Intel Shell Alibaba F. Hoffmann - La Roche KPMG Siemens AMAG Group AG Fabrimex Systems AG La Prairie SIX Group Apple facebook LafargeHolcim SRG SSR ARM Felix A. Steinebrunner* / Microsoft Stump ForaTec ASML Insonet GmbH Migros Sulzer Avaloq fenaco Nestlé Swiss Post AXA Research Fund First Advisory Group NZZ Swisscom Basler & Hofmann Franke Omya swisselectric Biotronik Geberit Open Systems Syngenta BKW General Electric Oracle tibits Bühler Givaudan PartnerRe TX Group AG CA Indosuez Glencore Petrofer United Technologies Research Coop Global Strategic Capital AG PFC Peter Frei Consulting Center Credit Suisse Google PG3 AG viscom Credit Suisse Asset Management Gruner Philips VMware Switzerland Ltd GVZ Gebäudeversicherung Pilatus Flugzeugwerke Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft Dätwyler Kanton Zürich Plastic Omnium V-ZUG / Metall Zug Diamondscull AG Hardturm AG PricewaterhouseCoopers XILINX, Inc. die Mobiliar Hewlett Packard Enterprise Rahn+Bodmer Co. Zürcher Kantonalbank Disney Research Zurich Hilti Renaissance Re Europe AG Zurich Insurance Company dormakaba Hocoma Repower ZurichEye Dow Holcim (Schweiz) Ringier

Organisations & foundations

60 Jahre Diplom Abt. III A/B Evi Diethelm-Winteler-Stiftung Lotte und Adolf Hotz-Sprenger Starr International Foundation ACCENTUS Foundation, Fondation Botnar Stiftung Stavros Niarchos Foundation Verena Guggisberg-Lüthi Fonds Fondation Dimitris N. Chorafas Marco und Christoph Büchel- Swiss Life "Perspectives" ACCENTUS Foundation, Fondation Dr Corinne Schuler Luzi Fonds Foundation Walter Muggli Fonds Fondation Lopez-Loreta Mäxi-Stiftung Stiftung Agnostizismus und Adrian Weiss Stiftung Fontes-Stiftung MBF Foundation Meritokratie Aktion Mensch Forum for Supply Chain Michael Kohn-Stiftung Stiftung für naturwissen- Albert Lück-Stiftung Management Misrock-Stiftung schaftliche und technische Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung Gamil-Stiftung Monique Dornonville de la Cour Forschung (SFNTF) AO Foundation Gebert Rüf Stiftung - Stiftung Stiftung Mercator Schweiz Arbeitsgemeinschaft Prof. Hugel Gemeinnützige Stiftung Basler Museum zu Allerheiligen Stiftung NAK-Humanitas Arthur Waser Stiftung & Hofmann Schaffhausen Stiftung Propter Homines Avenergy Suisse Georg und Bertha Schwyzer- NAGRA Stiftung z. Unterstützung u. Avina Stiftung Winiker-Stiftung Nederlandse Vereniging van Förderung Begabter BASF Schweiz Forschungsstiftung Gordon and Betty Moore Zurichse Ingenieurs Swiss Re Foundation Baugarten Stiftung Foundation NOMIS Foundation Templeton Charity Foundation Béatrice Ederer-Weber Stiftung Green Leaves Education Palmary Foundation Switzerland Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion Foundation pharmaSuisse The Tomalla Foundation des Kantons Bern Hauser-Stiftung Prof. Otto Beisheim-Stiftung Uniscientia Stiftung Bioversity International Heidi Demetriades Foundation Promedica Stiftung Velux Stiftung Bong Math Academy Heidi Ras Stiftung René und Susanne Braginsky- Verband Schweizer Medien Bühlmann-Kühni Stiftung Helmut Fischer Stiftung Stiftung Verein SVGW Christian Solidarity International Helmut Horten Stiftung RHW-Stiftung Verein VSA (CSI) Hilti Familienstiftung Ricola Foundation Walter Haefner Stiftung Clariant Foundation Hirschmann-Stiftung RMS Foundation Wellcome Trust Credit Suisse Foundation Husson Halabi Yassir Stiftung Rofonda Stiftung Werner Siemens-Stiftung Crop Productivity Foundation IMG Stiftung Rütli-Stiftung Wietlisbach Foundation Dätwyler Stiftung Institut für bauwissenschaftliche Sawiris Foundation for Social Wilhelm Schulthess Foundation Donald C Cooper Trust Forschung Stiftung Kollbrunner/ Development Wirtschaftskammer Österreich Dr. Alfred und Flora Spälti Fonds Rodio Schweizerischer Arbeitgeber- World Economic Forum Dr iur. Jstvan Kertész Stiftung Jacobs Foundation verband Yvonne Lang-Chardonnens EBGB Joh. Jacob Rieter-Stiftung SCOR Corporate Foundation Stiftung EPFL Swiss Space Center Josef P. und Nelly Spiess-Mohn SCS Swiss Child Support Zuger Stiftung für Wissenschaft Ernst Göhner Stiftung Stiftung Foundation und Wirtschaft ETH Alumni Landesgruppe Kühne-Stiftung Second Mile Stiftung Deutschland Leister Stiftung Simons Foundation ETH Alumni MBA SCM Stadt Zürich THANK YOU 11

* Special thanks go to the Excellence Circle donors who, by contributing annually for more than five consecutive years, have provided sustained support for teaching, research and talented young academics at ETH Zurich.

Alumni & private donors

Thomas Andermatt Dr Hans Balzer Dr Michael Bayer* A Eva Andermatt-Lutz Divay Bansal Denitsa Baykusheva Chris Anderson Dr Stefan Bantle Sedat Bayraktar Reto à Porta Dr Austin Andrade Beat Bapst Raoul Becke Doris Ab Egg Professor Klaus Andres Christoph Bär Nadya Bedziuk Michele Flavio Abächerli Cornelia Angehrn* Fabian Bärlocher Robert Beer Ueli Abbühl Thomas Angehrn* Raphael Barmettler Dr Viktor Beglinger* Dr Thomas Abend Dr Peter Anker Ernst Bärtschi Ingrid Behringer Giuseppe Accaputo Dr Rudolf Anliker Professor Pius Baschera Thomas R. Bel Ramona Vanessa Achermann Margrit Anliker-Rüedi (†) Dr Ernst Basler Jonas Casimir Belina Therese Adam Dr Patrick Anquetil Dr Gérard Basler Mattia Beltrametti* Alexis Adamian Hans W. Appenzeller* Dr Konrad Basler Paolo Beltraminelli Yaw Addai-Brenyah Jakob Appenzeller Dr Samuel Basler Alex Benz Adrian Aebi Daniel Arnet* Dr Victor A. Bassili Pascal Benz* Walter Aebli* Urs Arnold Dr Reto Battaglia Sandro Berchier Adrian Aeschbach Dimitar Asenov Richard Battanta Dr Rolf Bereiter* Jörg Affentranger Per-Olof Attinger Thomas Bättig Truls D. Berg Hans-Rudolf Akermann* Sylvie Aubert Professor Alfred Bauder* Philipp Giovanni Bergamelli Dr Gernot Alber Dr Frédéric Baudraz* Ernst Berger* Dr Heinrich Albers Balz Bauer* Felix Berger Dr Bruno Albrecht* B Dr Hans-Peter Bauer Dr Roberto Bernardoni Rita Albrecht Dr Rudolf Bauer Franz Bernasconi* Dmitry Alexeev Dr Daniel Bach Carlos Baumann* Gerhard Berner Adrien Alkabes* Hans-Ueli Bächi* Daniel L. Baumann Dr Raphael Berner Kurt Allemann Christoph Bachmann Ernst Baumann Timothy Bernhardt Dr Daniel Altermatt-Brogle Ignaz Bachmann Frank Baumann Philipp Berni Dr Andres Altwegg Ruth Bachmann* Gustav Baumann Ingo Berninger* Professor Renato Amadò* Dr Markus Baden* Dr Heinrich Baumann* Patrick Bertschi Lukas Ambühl Dietrich Baer Peter Baumann Dr Julian Bertschinger Professor Michael Ambühl Paul A. Baerfuss Dr René Baumann Albert Bertschmann Bruno Ammann Natallia Baikevich Reto Baumann* Blaise Besuchet Dr Conrad Ammann Dr Reto Baitella* Roland Baumann* Erwin Beusch* Edouard Ammann Fred Baldes Dr Werner K. Baumann* René A. Beusch Eduard Ammann Enrico Ballarin-Dolfin Carlo Baumeler Dr Tobias Beyer Hans Ammann* Dr Martin Ballerstein Dr Rudolf Baumeler Gopika Bhardwaj Dr John H. Ammeter Raimondo Ballisti Michael Baumer Michele Biaggini Dr Christian August Amon* Roger Ballmer Dr Daniel Baumgartner* Dr Filippo Bianconi Urs Amstutz* Bruno Balmer Kurt Baumgartner* Moritz Bickel Katharina Anderegg Dr Kurt Baltensperger Dr Max Baumgartner* Dr Patric S. Bieler* Giulio Anderheggen Christian Balzer Albert Bavaud Dr Marcel Bieri

“Talented students and researchers have a responsibility to make the most of their potential. It is our responsibility to support them as best as we can.” Professor Sarah M. Springman, Rector of ETH Zurich, donor 12 THANK YOU

“The Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme recognises students’ out- standing achievements and determination. As an innovation hub, Switzerland needs next-generation talent like this.” Dr Felix Mayer, founder of Sensirion, donor

Dr Markus Bieri* Theodor Bräm* Dr. Walter Büchi (†) Dr Theo Camenzind Jules Biétry Dr Andrea Brambilla Anna Buchmann Dr Sergio Cantoreggi Christophe Bilger Dr Alex Brand Adrian Büeler* Thomas Caratsch* Professor Martin A. Billeter Jürg Brandenberger* Rudolf Buergi Andreas Carelli Franziska Biner Dr Alexander Brändli Dr Niklaus Bühler Dr Olivier Carnal Marco Bini* Dr Hanspeter Brändli Benno Bühlmann Judith Casagrande-Hahn* Martin Bisang Dr Werner Brändli Brice Bühlmann* Alfred Caseri Samuel Bislin Dr Holger Brandsmeier Dr Marcel R. Bühlmann Aimone Castelli Olivier Bizon Dr Olivier Braun Michael Bühlmann Andreas Catschegn Andrea Blanco Acuña Dr Richard Braun* Peter Bührer Valeria Cavalli* Dr Norman and Dr Susanne Blank Dr Lukas Braunschweiler* Christoph Bünger* Dr Carlo Cavalloni Dr Hans-Ulrich Blaser* Sergio Brawand Dr Matthias Bünte Dr Tino Celio Professor Gianni Blatter* Hermann Brechbühl Jana Bünzli Gea Cereghetti Dr Hansruedi Blattmann Jacques Bregnard-Choffat Andreas Buob Claudio Ceschi Robert Bleibler (†) Georg Breitenmoser Hans Burch Ribin Mathew Chalumattu Manuel Bleichenbacher Ulrich Bremi Conrad Burchert Amina Chaudri Stephan Bless Marco Brenner Markus Burgener Jacques Chavaz* Dr Christoph Blickenstorfer* Marcel Breu* Jörg Burger* Donovan Chie* Dr János Blum Dr Ueli Briegel Dr Hans Burger-Liebrich Claudius Christ Dr Rolf P. Bodmer* Dr Matthias Briner* Patrick Burgherr Rolf Christen Simone Heimgartner Stefan Bringolf Walter Bürgi* Liv Christensen Rahel Böhlen Livia Britschgi Dr Brandon Bürgler* John Christoffel Martin Böhmer Dr Jean-Jacques Britt* Dr Stéphane Burgos Petr Chrysta Eric Boissonnas Jean Broccard* André Burkard Raynald Chung Marco Andrea Bolandini Dr Emil Broger Daniel Burkhalter* Ljubica Cimeša Willi Richard Bolleter* Valentin Brom Hans-Heinrich Burkhard Dr Juraj Cizmar* Agi Bolli Lorenz Brönnimann Johann Peter Burkhard Georg Clauss Hans Albert Bolli* Reinhard Bruderer* Hans-Ulrich Burkhart* Felicien Clavien* Hansjörg Bolliger* Alfred Brügger* Gerd Burla Carlo Cocco* Kathrin Bolliger Joseph Brügger* Elias Bürli Tyrone Coletta Stefan Bollinger Klaus Bruggisser Richard Burri* Federica Colombo Paul Bommer Dr Markus Brühwiler Helena Margarita Burstein Jörg Condrau Dr Giovanni Bonavia* Silvan Brüllmann Dr Werner Büsch* Fritz Conradin* Urs Bopp Jean-Claude Bruneau Christoph Buschor Professor Corneliu Constantinescu Urs Borbach* Adolf Ernst Brunner Heinz Busenhart Christian Conti Dr Elena Borisova Beat F. Brunner* Dr Andreas Buser* Piero Contu* Dr Raffaele Bornatico Dr Eduard M. Brunner* Dr Nathalie Buser Max Conz Antonio Borra Dr Urs Brunner Abigail Buss Jérémie Coquoz Athos Boschetti Angelica Brunner-Wyss* Kaspar Büsser (†) Dr Philippe Corboz Heinrich Bossert* Dr Jürg Brunnschweiler Mark Büsser Benjamin Cordes Dr Hans-Rudolf Bosshard* Oscar Brusadelli Simone Bützer Daniel Cordey Max Bosshard Nadia Bruzzone Dr Mario G. Buzzolini Michel Cornaz Werner Bosshard* Andreas Bubenhofer Andrea Cosulich Dr Peter Bosshart Dr Stephanie Bubenhofer Michel Coundouriadis* Dr Josef Bossy* Dr André Buchel C Dominik Courtin* Manfred Bötsch* Professor Alfred Büchel (†) Didier Cowling Dr Christophe Bourban Robert Büchel* Reto Caflisch* Mischa Csendes Professor Roman Boutellier Christoph Bucher Dr Jean-Pierre Calame Tibor Csermely François Boyer Professor Ernst Bucher* Thomas Calame Leah Cueni* Serkan Bozyigit Professor Felix Bucher* Dr Marco Calisto* Nathalie Cuerq Dr h.c. René Braginsky Dr Karl Josef Bucher* Gian Paul Calonder Dr Jelena Curcic Hanna Brahme Dr Heinrich Büchi Professor Iso Camartin Marita Isabella Curschellas THANK YOU 13

Henri-Jacques Cuttat Sebastian Eberle Corrado Fiordimela Oskar Furrer Daniel Eberli Fred-Henri Firmenich Dr Armand Fürst* Dr Richard Eberlin Dr Bernt Fischer Ralph W. Furtwaengler D Dr Pirmin Philipp Ebner Felix Fischer Walter Fust Dr Fabien Ebnöther Hanspeter Fischer* Viviane da Silva Anastacio Dr Peter Eckardt Heinrich Fischer Dr Roger Daccord Vincent Eckert Dr Henning Fischer G Dr André Dahinden* Vesna Eckert-Brandestini Dr Milan Fischer* Dr Robert Dahinden* Werner and Eliane Egeli Peter Fischer* Hans Ruedi Gadient Monica Daigl Dr Christina Eggel Dr Peter Fischer-Aeschbacher* Andreas Gadmer* Dr Osvaldo Daldini* Dr Kurt Eggenberger* Peter Fischler Dr Peter M. Gäfgen Dr Roland Darms Urs Eggenschwiler* Dr Walter and Edith Fischli Peter Gafner* Joseph D'Aujourd'hui Josef Egger Ralph Fischlin (†) Edoardo Gai Dr Vlatko Davidovski Dr Walter Eggimann Professor Hans-Ulrich Fisch-Märki Patrik Gaignat Ulrich K. Daxelhofer* Christof Egli* Dr Jérôme Flakowski Sami Kerim Galal* Norbert De Biasio* Rolf Ehrenbolger* Klaus D. Floessel Max Galkin Thomas De Candia Dr Barbara Eichenberger* Dr Dusan Florjancic (†) Dr Enrico Gallacchi Giovanni De Giorgi Tamara Eicher Dr Claude Flückiger Valérie Gallati Dr Emmanuel de Haller* Professor Ralph Eichler Professor Hans Flückiger Marco Galli* Jeroen de Leur Dr Peter Eisen Dr Isabelle Flückiger Fernando Gallusser Guy de Morsier Dr Nadja El Benni Dr Michelle Flückiger Alessandro and Riccardo Marina de Senarclens Philipp Elkuch Dr Rudolf Flückiger Gambarotta Luca De Simoni* Melvin Ellefsplass Dr Simon Mathias Flückiger Dr Tobias Gamisch* Louis de Stoutz Dr Ibrahim El-Nashar Dr Oskar Flüeler Dr Marlyse Gander-Coquez Dr Guy de Weck Professor Bernhard Elsener Peter Flüeler Dr Marco Ganser Pierre de Weck Gerhard Emch* Dr Beat Fluri* Dr Paul Gantenbein* Dr Patrice De Werra Dr Karin Emler-Schmitz Roger Flury-Schär Stephan Gantenbein Peter Degiacomi* Dr Bernhard Erb Philip Föhn Dr Fritz Gantert Daniele Giorgio Degiorgi Dr Denis Erilov* Dr Margherita Fontana Dr Albert J. Ganz Dr Gerhard Degischer* Jörg Erlacher Dr Pietro Fontana* Dr Christopher Ganz* Matteo Della Giacoma Erich Erne Dr Sara Fornera* John Alejandro Garcia Ulloa Francesco Delmué Dr Alexander Ernst Andreas Martin Forster Leonardo Domenico Gasparoli Jonas Dennler Dr Bettina Ernst Stefan Forster Alfred Gasser Dr Andres Denss* Jacques Ernst Dr Ghislain Fourny* Andreas Gasser* Stefan Denzler* Patrik Ernst Luca Fransioli Dr Beat Gasser* Bernard Descloux Dr Peter Ernst Daniel Rudolf Frauchiger Dr Hans-Heini Gasser Giorgio Destefani Professor Richard Ernst Dr Philipp Frauenfelder* Dr Max Gasser* Marco Di Giorgio* David Erny* Peter Frauenknecht* Michael Gasser Christoph Dicken von Oetinger Hans Georg Erzinger Dr Christian Walter Frei* Dr Sándor Gáti* Professor Andreas Diekmann Dr Sina Escher* Dr Marco Frei* Dr Ralf Gautschi* Urs Dieterle Hans Eser* Dr Regula Frei Dr Stephan Walter Gehring Dr Walter Dietl Tobias Esswein Reto Frei Christian Geiger Dr Kurt Dietliker* Pascal Eugster Roland Frei François Geiger Kilian Dietrich Thomas Eugster Ulrich Frei Dr Peter Geiser* Dr Katerina Dikaiou Dr Elisabeth Maria Eugster-Meier Ralph Frei-Akermann Annette Geissbühler-Sollberger Gianpietro Dinner Simon Eyer* Hans T. Frei-Kleiner Professor Christoph Gemperle Jürg Dinner Tatjana Eyer Professor Eduard H. Freitag Pietro Gendotti Sébastien Dirren Dr Hans Peter Frey* Roger George Christina Dittrich-Megej Hansjörg Frey Andreas Gerber Marut Doctor F Heinrich Frey* Franz Gerber Stephen Dodd Marc Frey Martin Gerber Iva Dolenc* Dr Andrew Faeh Niklaus Frey* Milena Carol Gerber Gerhard Dolge Professor Fritz Fahrni* Dr Angela Maria Frey Eiling Dr Sabina Marietta Gerber Guido Dombrowski Dr Andreas Faisst Ernest Freylinger-Terens Daniel Rausch and Esther Gerber Michael Domeisen Dr Siegfried Faisst Martina Frick Alexander Chris Gericke György Donàth Professor Jérôme Jean-Constant Dr Urs Frick Dr Hermann Gericke* Franco Donati* Faist Christian Fricker André Gerold Dr Bernard Donzel* Dr Daniel Fankhauser* Florian Fricker Dr Jean-Claude Gfeller Guido Doppler Ferenc Farkas Dr Hansjörg Fricker Gabriele Guido Remo Ghiringhelli Dr Stefan Pablo Dörig Simone Fasciati Professor Peter Fricker Mario Giacomuzzi Dr Marc Dreyer Dr Hanspeter Fässler* Balser Fried Luana Vanessa Giacone Jiaqing Du Gérard Favre* Dr Peter Friedli Gabriele Gianolli* Dr Michel Dubas Roland R. Favre Andreas Friedrich Dr Sabine Gianotti Dr Paul Dubs Prof. Dr.-Ing. h.c. Robert Fechtig* Peter Frischmuth* Antoinette Giger Dr Jan Duchek Feenie family Stefan Fritschi Professor Annette Gigon Christopher Duisberg Dr Theodor Fehr* Hanspeter Fröhlich Carlo Giorgetta Dominik Dumancic Aryeh Feinberg Professor Jürg Martin Fröhlich Raffaele Giovane Arpad Dunai Dr Theodor Felder* Dr Martin Fröhlich Dr Cyrille Girardin Dr Thomas Dünser Lorenz Feldmann* Barbara Rahel Früh Professor Gerhard Girmscheid Friedrich Durand Fritz Felix* Daniel Frutig Konrad Girsberger Christoph Dürmüller Dr Marco Fell* Fritz Fuchs Dr Armando Gisep Josef A. Dürr Fernand Feltgen Beat Füglister Reto Giudicetti Albert Dysli Dr Andrea Ferrario Heinz Füglister* Giorgio Giuffrè Zelimir Dzambas Fabio Ferretti Hans Jörg Fuhr* Marco Giussani Giovanni Ferrini* Paul Fuhrer Franzisca Givotti Dr Laurent Feuz* Samuel Fuhrer Dr James Batrumieu Glattfelder E Professor Alessio Figalli Dr Walter Fuhrer Lorrana Christal Glatthard Heinrich Figi* Kurt Funk* Dr Martin Glaus Professor Alex N. Eberle Dr Djordje Filipovic* Paul Furger* Georges-A. Glauser* Dr Armin Eberle Professor Robert Finger Dr Hansjörg Furrer Dr Bernhard Gloor* Professor Meinrad Klaus Eberle Dr Katja Fink Manfred Furrer Elsbeth Gmünder 14 THANK YOU

Dr Klaus Gmür Dr Alfred Hagmann* Werner Hirschi* Professor Lorenz Hurni Peter Gmür Anders Hagström* Peter H. Hirt Tamara Husch Andres Gomez Henriette Hahnloser Thomas Hobi* Joseph Hüsler Nina Gonova* Dr Wolfgang Haid Michael Hobmeier Professor Ralf Hütter* Dr Peter Good* Louis Julien Hainaut Heinrich Hofacker Hermann Huwiler Philipp Good Dr Hans Halbheer Bruno Hofer Christopher Peter Gordon Professor Cornelia Halin Winter Christoph Hofer Aleksandr Gorgaehkin Dr Christoph Haller* Jürg Hofer I Attilio Gorla Fritz Haller* Dr Markus Hofer* Marcel Gort Emil Halter* Otmar Hofer Professor Dieter Imboden* Aleksandr Goryachkin Jean-Marc Marie Halter Professor Rudolf Hermann Hofer Jacqueline Imhof Valentin Göseli (†) Doris Hangartner Dr Urs Hofer Catherine Imperiali Dr Jacques Gosteli Markus Hänggli Dr Lucie Hofmann Lars Inderbitzin Reginald Goy Hans Häni* Romano Hofmann Dr Beat Ineichen Celeste Stephanie Graf Dominik Hanslin Hansueli Hofstetter Dr Thomas Ingold* Hansruedi Graf Randolf Hanslin* Dr Pius Hofstetter Dr Jürg Inhelder Raffael Graf Dr René Hantke* Dr Jörg-Martin Hohberg* Stefan Irimescu Ulrich Graf Martin Hard Dr Mathias Hohl* Dr Thomas Isenschmid Daniele Grambone* Thomas Häring* Dr Beat W. Hohmann Metello Mario Iseppi Leonhard Grämiger Daniel Hariri Esther Holdener Karl Isler Walter Gränicher* Dr Karl Hartmann Hans Rudolf Holenweg* Rolf Isler Dr Kurt and Madeleine Grasmück Katharina Hartmann Kjell Holestøl Hans Rudolf Isliker Lukas Grauwiler* Stephan Hartmann Dr Kurt Hollenstein* Hans Item (†) Emanuel Greco Dr Marc Harzenmoser* Hans Hollenweger Dr Heidi Ivic - von Rechenberg Antoine Gremaud* Dr Lara Hasan Dr Matthias Hölling Nicolas Gremaud Alex Hatebur James and Pamela Holmes Dr Hanspeter Gribi Dr Erich Hatz* Andreas Holzer J Reto Grieder Rafael Patrick Häuselmann Christian Holzgang Dr Jean-Claude Griesser* Claudio Hauser Philipp Martin Honegger Fritz A. Jäckli* Ronald Grisard Dr Daniel Hauser Martin Honisch Urs Jacobs Johannes Grissmann Hans-Peter Hauser Dirk Hoppe Yves Jacoby Dr Bernhard Grob* Hans-Ulrich Hauser Dr Jiri Hoppe Dr Charles Jacquemart* Jürg Grob* Markus Hauser Kurt Hoppe Alphonse Jacquier Martin Groebli* Martina Hauser Dr György Horak Robert A. Jacsman Dr Bernhard Gross (†) Robert Urs Hauser* Dr Marianne Horak Professor André Jaecklin* Frank P. Gross* Rudolf Hauser* Dr Andrea Horehájová Alexander Jäger Alexander Grossen* Thomas W. Hauser* Professor Roland Horisberger Professor Hans Jäger Marcel Grossenbacher Peter Hausmann Georg Horka* Thomas Jäger David Grossmann Marcel Hayoz* Brigitte Horlacher* Dr Rainer Jäggi Professor Nicolas Gruber* Dr Kasra Hazeghi Elsbeth Hörler Dr Christian Jaggy Professor Wilhelm Gruissem Trix Heberlein Paul Horn* Bruno Jakob Andreas Grundlehner Dr Norbert Viktor Heeb Urs Hornecker Elisabeth James Paul Grünenfelder Dr Heinz Heer Bernhard Horrisberger* Dr Danielle Jannuzzi Madureira Thomas Grünenfelder Kurt Heer* Christian Hosig* Herbert Janser Werner Grünig* Siegfried Heggli* Dr Andreea Maria Hossmann Picu Dr Hossein Janshekar* Jules A. Grüninger Stefan Eduard Hegglin Dr Bernhard Hostettler Domenic Janutin Reinhard Gsell* Erhard Heider Andreas Hottinger Dr Roger Jaquiéry Fritz Gubler* Dr Urs Heimgartner Félix Hottinger Stefan Jauslin Dr Lorenz Gubler* Lorenz Held* Jörg Hotz Jimmy Jean-Baptiste Dr Danilo Guerini* Jukka Helkama* Viviane Hotz Alain Jeanneret Dr Sebastian Guerrero Dr Peter Hemmi Daniel Howe Julius Jeisy* Kevin Guex Robert Henauer Bernhard Huber* Claudio Jeker Dr Paul Gugerli Professor Alexander Henz* Josef Huber Reto Jenatsch (†) Norbert Guggenbühl Martin Henzen Kurt Huber Dr Robert F. Jenefsky* Peter J. Guha Dr Beat Henzi Luzius Huber Dr Christian Jenny* Dr Mahmoud El Guindi* Henri Hepp Magnus Huber Peter Jermann* Kaya Gülsay Dr Udo Herlach Martin Huber Dr Simon Jermann Professor Anton Gunzinger Martin Hermann Dr Robert Huber* Professor Gunnar Jeschke Jean-Jacques Gunzinger Isabelle Herold Dr Veronika Huber-Wälchli* Mellie Jolivot Dell'Oro Alastair Gurtner Henrik Herr Dr Michèle Hubli Albrecht Josephy-Hablützel Reinhard Gurtner Dr Carl Herrmann Hans-Rudolf Hug Peter Joss (†)* Professor Jacob Gut* Jürg Herrmann* Dr Johannes Hug* Armin Jossi Thomas Gut Walter Herrmann Roman Hug* Dr Marco Jost Professor Lino Guzzella* Rudolf Herter* Oskar Hugentobler Peter Jost* Bernhard A. Gysi* Dr Florian Herzog Dr Urs Hugentobler (†)* Armin Jucker Albert Gysin-Paulsen* Peter Herzog Lukas Huggenberger* Stefan Jucker Dr Valentina Herzog Roland Hugi Roland Th. Jundt Christian Hess Jean-Pierre Hühn Dr Walter Jung H Hansjörg Hess Dr Olca Huijsmans Dr André Junod Dr Rudolf Hess Dr Willem Huisman Dr Giorgia Jurisic* Professor Walter U. Häberli Walter Hess Kurt Hulliger* Gérard Justafre Werner E. Hablützel Jack W. Heuer* Professor Dieter Hundt José Luis Hablützel Aceijas Dr Markus Heuer* Dr Robert Hunkeler Dr Aino Johanna Hacklin Alex Heusser Franco Hunziker K Dr Paul Hadvary Willy A. Hew Johannes Hunziker* Juerg Haefeli* Ekkehard Hilti* Manfred Hunziker* Thomas Kaegi* Martin Haefner Jürgen Hilti Peter Hunziker Dr Urs Kafader-Mehmann Felix Haessig Ursula Himmel-Glarner (†) Dr Theo Hunziker Nilufar Kahnemouyi Tobias Häfliger Harald U. J. Hintze* Isabelle Hurbain-Palatin David Kaiser* Dr Emanuel Hafner Jules Hippenmeyer Andreas Hürlimann* Roman Kaiser* Nils Hagander Gabor Hirsch Regina Hürlimann Dr Armin Kälin* THANK YOU 15

Dr Beat Kälin* Dr Peter Kessel Meng Chen and Tomasz Kokoszka Markus Kupper Thomas Kälin Dr Robert Kesselring* Marc A. Kolpin (†) Professor Josef Kurath Dr Takuya Kamiyama Dr Benedikt Kessler Ehrfried Kölz Dr Martin Kusserow* Urs Kamm René G. Kessler Bojan O. Konic Thomas Kuster Dr Ulrich Kammer Robert Kessler Peider Könz Heiner Kyburz Maria Evangelia Kaninia Kewalin Khunnutchanart Remo Köppel Pasqual Kyburz Jacobus I.H. Kann* Nathalie Carole Kienast Dr Robert Koppitz* Daniel Käppeli Dr Eduard Kiener* Manuel Kormann* Dr Symeon Karagiannidis Ralph Kienle* Milko Kostadinov L Dimosthenis Karaiskakis Ernst Kieser Dr Jovanka Kovacevic Sébastien Karg Klaus Kilchenmann* Dr Thomas Kradolfer Carla La Montagna Kumudu Geethan Karunaratne Hanspeter Kilchherr Thomas Kraft Dr Roger Laforce Heinz Kaspar* Dr Anton Kilchmann* Hans Rudolf Krähenbühl Fabio Laghi Simon Arnold Kassing Fred Kindle* Beat Krähenmann Dr Andres Eduard Laib Daniel Kästli Dr Peter Kindle* Marianne Kräher-Huber Dr Markus Lambrigger* Alexander Kaufmann Professor Klaus Kirch Professor Hans W. Krause Sylvia Lampart Franz Kaufmann Dr Renate and Professor Dr Axel Günther Krauth Urs Lampe Hans Kaufmann* Urs Kirchgraber Philipp M. Krayenbühl* Natalia Landolt Julian Kaufmann Johannes Kirchhofer Dr Ernst-Peter Krebs* Thomas A. Landolt Konrad Kaufmann Rita Anna Kis Stefan Krebs Paolo Lanfranchi* Dr Martin Kaufmann Daniel Kistler Rudolf Kreis* Paul Lang Martin Kaufmann Dr Pascal Kiwic Dr Felix Krieg Dr Thiemo Lang Matthias Kaufmann Emanuel Klaesi (†) Dr Fritz Krieg Yvonne Lang-Chardonnens (†) Oliver Kaufmann Hans Klaesi Helga Kropf Jacques Langhard* Dr Peter Kaufmann Nicola Klainguti Dr Ivana Kroslakova* Nicola Lanini* Dr Simon Keel* Dr Jörg Klausen Beat Kruck* Christian Lanz Dr Dieter Kehl Stephan Klauser Kuchibhotla Sudhakar Heinrich M. Lanz* Dr Roland Kehl Dr Paul Kleiner* Beat Küchler Dr René Lanz* Nadja and Dominic Keidel Professor Leonhard Kleiser* Stefan Küffer* Werner Lanz* Ruedi Kellenberger Professor Emile Klingele Francis Kuhlen* Dr Rodolfo Lardi Andreas Keller* Rowan Klöti François Kuhlen Gianluigi Largo Beat Keller Daniel Kluge* Heinrich Kuhn Dr Alexandre Larmagnac Dr Beat Keller* Daniel Kluge-Güdel Marlies Kuhn Martin Latta Ermanno Keller Walter Knabenhans Dr Nino Kuhn Dr Jakob Lattmann* Flora Keller Micha Knaus Dr Othmar M. Kuhn* Ulrich Lattmann Gabriela Keller Hansjürg Knaus-Spielmann* Dr Andreas Kühne Marco Läubli Hans J. Keller Bruno Knechtle Anton Kühne* Hans Peter Laubscher* Dr Laura Keller* Gottlieb Knoch Dr Arthur Kull Serge-Alexandre Lauper Dr Leonhard Keller* Matthias Knoepfel Ulrich Kull André Lavandier Dr Peter Keller* Dr Hans-Peter Knöpfel Dr Albin Kümin* Professor Bernard Lehmann Peter Keller* Dr Lesley S.C. Ko Werner Kummer* Eduard Lehmann Peter A. Keller Dr Brice Koch Dr Matthias Kümmerle Dr Thomas and Sylvia Lehner Roland Keller Hans Koch Andreas Kündig Christiane Leister Walter Keller* Dr Hans Jörg Koch Armin Kündig Professor Martin Lendi* Werner Keller Jörg Koch Elmar Kunz Walter Lentzsch Thomas Andreas Kellerhals Beat A. Kocher* Hermann Kunz* Dr Giorgio Lenz Dr Barbara Keller-Wojtkiewicz Bernhard Kocherhans Matthias Kunz* Chiara Leonardi Werner Keller-Wüger* Peter Köferli Dr Patrik Kunz Dr Carlo Lepori Dr Markus Kern Kurt Kohler* Professor Otto Künzle* Rudolf Lerch Nicky Kern* Sabine Kohler* Rolf Künzler Ralph Letsch Urs Kern Sebastian Kohler* Herbert Künzli* Catherine Leu Walter Kern Dominique Kohli* Karl Kupper* Dr Heinz Leuenberger

“We support young scientists on their way to entrepreneurship, so that innovative products and technologies can be developed more quickly and create value for everyone.” Susanne Döhnert-Dätwyler, Managing Director Dätwyler Foundation 16 THANK YOU

“We can only master the challenges of the future if we give people with outstanding abilities the necessary freedom to carry out innovative research.” Bigna Salzmann, ETH alumna, donor

Dr Andreas Leupin Jürg Lütscher Gerd Eva Margareta Mauren- Bettina Meyer Dr Hansjakob Leutenegger* Emil Lutz brecher-Westling Dr Bruno Meyer* Manuel Leuthold* Werner Lutz* Marc Maurer Ivar Meyer* Martin Leuthold Magdalena Renata Luz Gabriela Maurer-Glaus Dr Josef Meyer* Gilgian Leuzinger* Professor John Lygeros* Professor Monika Maurhofer Dr Jost M. Meyer Dr Ruth Leuzinger* Bringolf Dr Max Meyer Dimitrios Leventeas Pascal Mauron Dr Walter Meyer Claudio Libotte M Monika Mebold Kaufmann Walter Meyer Patrick Louis Lieberherr Dr David Martin Meer Dr Samyr Mezzour* Roger Lienhard Roland Maag Dr Brigitta Mehmann Kafader Robert Michaux Urs Lienhard* Matthias Machacek Adrian Meier Elias Michlig Michel M. Liès Dr Heinz Mäder* Bruno Meier Dr Enkelejda Miho Mathias Lincke Dr Kurt A. Mäder Evelyn Christine Meier Andrei Militaru Dan Liu Dr Lukas Maeder Fabian Nicola Meier Dejan Milojevic Dr Wei Liu Christoph Maier Hannes Meier Dr Peter Minkowski Edmond Locher Urban Maissen Dr Kurt A. Meier Vladko Minoli Dr Ivo Locher Dr Semen Mark Malamud Dr Udo Meier Kurt Misteli Dr Rita Locher* Dr Daniel Mandallaz Dr Werner Meier* Luca Modolo* Dr Peter Loeliger Dr Matteo Manica Wilhelm Meier Dr Sarah Mohi-von Känel Dr Erich Loepfe Bruno Mann* Jörg Meierhofer Arturo Moncada Torres Patrick Loepfe Urs Manser* Walter Meierhofer* Dr Christian-Thomas Monn* Kilian Lohner Professor Mohamed A. Mansour* Otto Meier-Ratcliffe Dr Judith Monney-Ueberl Dr Bruno Lohri* Dr Davide Mantegazzi* Professor Leo Meile René Monsch Robert Lombardini Rico Manz Silvan Meile Ulrich Moor* Davide Longo* Martino Jacob Marcelli Hanspeter Meili Dr Oswaldo Mooser* Ulrich Looser Arnaud Maret Dr Olga Meili Professor Akos Moravànszky* Marcella Looser-Paardekooper Tino M. Margadant Paul Meili* Sebastian Morf Alfred Lorenz* Dr Andreas Margelisch Eric Meili-Egli Franziska Morganti Rosmarie Loretz Senthil Nathan Mariappan Kirill Federico Meisser Professor Stephan Morgenthaler Dr Heinz Lott Pietro Mariotta Luzius Meisser Dr Sara Morgenthaler* Elvira Lucchi* Dr Walter Märki Silvan Luca Melchior Isabella Mori Fabio Lucchinetti Dr Thomas Markwalder Fiorenzo Enrico Melera Kaare Mortensen Hans Lüchinger* Sarah Marschall Dr Enrico Ménard Professor George S. Moschytz Dr Jürgen Luder Dr Arianna Patrizia Martelletti Linli Meng Bruno Moser Rudolf H. Luder-Steiger Lea Marti Philipp Mengis Dr René Moser* Dr Chris Luebkeman Peter Marti* Philippe Merk Rupert Moser Professor Mathieu Luisier* Dr Dante Martin Roland Merk Simon Andreas Moser Franco Lurati* Dr Gianni Martinelli Professor Hans Peter Merkle Stephan Moser Professor Andreas Lüscher Pietro Martinelli Dr Peter Merkli* Philip Adrian Mosimann* Hans-Jörg Lüscher* Tullio Martinenghi Dr Jürg Merz Dr Safer Mourad* Manuel Lüscher Fabiano Martini Lukas Merz André Daniel Mueller Markus Lüscher* Professor Piero Martinoli Niklaus Merz Reto Muff Dr Suzanne Lüscher Silvia Marton Professor Joël Mesot Peter Mühlemann Professor Adrian Lussi Davide Massaro Dr Ruth Messikommer* Bruno Mülhaupt Dr Philipp Lustenberger* Dr Lars Massüger Gérard Messmer (†) Professor Adolf Müller* Dr George Lustgarten Aldo Mastai* Klaus Mettier Albéric Müller* Thomas Richard Lustgarten Eyuep Masyan Alois Mettler Andreas Müller* Erwin Lüthi* Astrid Matathias Dr Franziska Metzler Bernard Müller Heinz Lüthi Robert Mathys* Pascal Meuwly* Christoph Müller Samuel Lüthi* Andreas Matt Andreas Meyer Colin Müller Dr Christoph Lüthy* Eric Matthey Dr Armin Meyer Fritz Müller Peter Lüthy Dr Herbert Matthys Dr Bernhard E. Meyer Hans Müller* THANK YOU 17

Dr Hans R. Müller* Richard Oberdieck Dr Lucio Pompeo Bruno Rissi* Hans Walter Müller Roman Oberholzer Silvio Ponti Dr Alessandro Robertini Hanswalter Müller Dr Stefano Oberti Ivan Popovic* Mateo Rodriguez Harri Müller Alex Obrist Jürg Porro* Hans Roduner* Klaus Müller Christian Oehler Isabel Portmann Dr Anton Roeder* Dr Martin Müller Victor Oehninger Markus Portner* Carsten Röge Oliver Müller Dr Konrad Oertle* Rémy Praz Dr Dominique J.S. Rohner Patrick Müller* Daniel Oertli* Mark Prenrecaj Willi Roos* Peter H. Müller Heinz Oesch* Gabriel Prêtre* Dr Thomas Rosatzin Dr Reinhard Müller* Dr Paul Oesch Dr Anna Prêtre-Grignoli* Daniel K. Röschli* Tanja Müller Professor Atsumu Ohmura Silvia Regula Probst Professor Alfred Rösli Ulrich Müller Emmanouil Oikonomakis Dr Isabelle Providoli Dr Fernanda Rossetti Dr Marianne Müller-Demján Philip Omlin Professor Zdenko Puhan Carlo Antonio Rossi Thomas Müller-Schill* Pedro L. Oppenheimer José Pujol* Markus Rossi Lars Mülli* Ingo Oppermann Hanspeter Purtschert* Dr Max Rössler Andreas Münch Andreas Oprecht* Dr Florian Puschmann Andrea Roberto Rota Peter Muri* Ajtony Ormos Dr Conrad Ambros Roten Ivo Musar Christer Orn Hans-Jürg Roth* Dr Stefano Musso Edgar Ort* R Dr Martin Roth* Dr Carlo Mutti* Oswald family Dr Olivier Roth Heinz Mutzner* Dr Jürgen Ott Laszlo Rabian Professor Markus Rothacher Johan F. Overweg Stefan Radat Elisabeth Rötheli-Landolt Orhan Özkul* Romana Radwan and Claudia Theo Rothenbach* N Zammar Heini Röthlin Karl A. Rahm* Dr Carmen Rottig Ralf Naef P Romana Rainelli André J. Rotzetter Dr Roland Naef Blanca Ramer Professor Alexander Ruch Dr Fritz Näf* Gaetano Andreas Paganini Erich Ramer* Felix Ruckstuhl Dr Hans-Heinrich Nägeli* Ron Pal Professor John G. Ramsay (†) Dr Helmut Rudigier Richard Nägeli Dr Markus Pappe* Rudolf Ramseier* Dr Hartmut Rudmann Alexander Nagelstein Dr Guy Pardon Thomas Ramseier Kurt Rudolf* Joachim L. Naimer Franz Pareth* Dr Marco Ranocchiari Anton Rüedlinger Mohsen Naimi Christina Eleni Paschou Peter Rapp Etienne Ruegg Dr Hiroshi Nakano Dr Hilary Anne Paul Schmid Dr Maja Raschke Professor Arthur Rüegg Mohamed Nasr Eddine Kurt Pauli* Ruedi Räss* Beat Rüegg Dr Philippe Nater Dr Irena Paunovic Thomas Rauber Christian Rüegg* Marco Jost and Nicole Jost- Maël Pavon Dr Markus Rauh (†) Hans Rüegg Laternser* Francesca Pedrina-Bernasconi Ueli Reber* Dr Heinz W. Rüegg* Xaver Nauer* Samuele Pedroni* Christian Regg Nicolas Rüegg Bernd Naumann Dr Paola Pellandini Professor Lothar Reh* Rudolf Rüegger Dr Stephan B. Navert* Claudio F. Pellegrini* Professor Fritz H. Rehsteiner Dr Ursula Rüegsegger* Hansueli Nef-Juchli* Dr Erica Pellicioli Aldo Roger Reibke Dr Rainer A. Rueppel* Alex Nellen Frédéric-M. Perret* Paul Reichardt Andreas Rüesch Jakob Neuburger Peter Perutz Klaus Reichlin Dr Andreas Rüetschi Niklaus Neuenschwander Urs Pestalozzi Georg Reif Manuel Ruf Dr Christian Neuhaus Kurt Petak* Dr Sven Reimann Dr Richard Ruf* Margrit and Hans Neukom Angela Peter Dr Regina Reimer Christian Rufer Yves M. Neukom Daniel Peter* Niklaus Reinhard Dr Dieter Rufer Ilse New Dr Heinrich Peter* Oliver Reinhard Prof em. Dr phil. h.c. André R. Carlo & Zdena Nicola Dr Bruno Peterer* Caspar Reinhart* Ruff* Dr Rainer Nicolai Dr Andreas Petermann Dr Hans-Jürg Reinhart* Professor Dr phil. ll Hans Dr Mathieu Nicolet Francis Pétermann Luc Reinig Peter Ruffner Chongling Nie Ruth Peter-Ochsenbein Franz Reininger Dr Martin Ruminy Dr Christian Niederer Professor Günter Petzow Alfred Reist Dr Sven B. Rump Professor em. Dr Peter Niederer Dr Dieter Pfaffinger* Philipp Reist Hans-Peter Ruosch Dr Marc Nievergelt* Dr Markus Pfaffinger Dr h.c. Walter Reist Erich Rupp* Dr Stefan Niggli* Paul Pfammatter Dr Pavel Rejman Remigius Rupp* Goli Nikkhahi Namin Dr Jan Pfeiffer* Dr Erich Alfons Renner* Mattia Rusconi Andreas Niklaus Dr Johannes Pfenninger* Stephan Renz* Martin Rüst* Kaspar Niklaus Alex Pfister Johanna Reutemann Johannes C. Rutteman Dr Ulrich Niklaus Daniel Pfister Robert Reutemann Dr David Rütti Muriel Nikles Peter Pfister* Heinz A. Reuter Matthias Ryser Gang Niu* Professor Léopold Pflug Mélanie Rey Peter Rysler* David Nohel René Pfund* Willy Rey Adrian V. Nösberger* Hans-Karl Pfyffer Rhomberg family* Professor Josef Nösberger* Marco Phillot David Ribeaud S Peter J. Noser* Giacomo Pianta* Professor Thomas Maurice Rice Grégoire Notz Professor Paola Picotti Andres M. Richard Professor Rudolf Saager* Massimiliano Nunziata Dr André Piller Dr Georges Richard* Dr Marco Saalfrank Daniel Nussbaumer Enrico Pioda Dr Beat Rick Rolf Sägesser* Gustav Nussbaumer Ulrich Pistor Erica Rickenbacher Weidmann Dr Onur Saglam Marc D. Nussbaumer* Markus Pitschen* Heinz Rieben Suresh Sahgal Florian Nussberger Dominik Planzer Urs Rieder Dr Paul Sailer Oliver Nussli Rolf Pleisch Adrian Riedo Mauro Salazar Villalon Tobias Nüssli Vidmantas Pleta* Guido Riedweg* Diego Salmeron Jürg Nyfeler* Dr Dirk Everard Poel Rolf Rihs Daniel-Gérard Salomé Andrei Poenaru Dr Eduard Rikli* Dr Christian M. Salomon Flavia Maria Pola Marcel Rikli-Melliger* René Salquin* O Anna Veronika Polek Dr Kathy Riklin Ladina Saluz Anton Poltera* Dr Kornel Ringli* Professor Giorgio Salvadè Christoph Ober René Poltera Dr René Ringli Rino Salvadè 18 THANK YOU

Bigna Salzmann Viktor Schmid-Rohner Domenico Signorello and Toni Steiner Jean Sand Professor Gerhard Schmitt Cosima Epifanio Urs Steiner Dr Urs Saner* Dr Ulrich Schmitt* Dr Beda A. Sigrist Professor Aldo Steinfeld Laura Santini Roland Schmucki* Professor Manfred Sigrist* Dr Markus Steinlin* Eric G. Sarasin Adrian Schneeberger* Professor Markus W. Sigrist Walter Steinlin Philippe A. Sarasin Emil Roland Sigrist Beat Stender Massimo * Dr Michael Schneider* Thomas Sigrist Professor Klaas Enno Stephan* Kevin Dr Peter Schneider Daniel Sigron Michael Stieger Katharina Säuberli Urs M. Schneider PD Dr med. Beat R. Simmen Fabian Stierli* Daniel J. Sauter Dr Claude R. Schnell Rosemarie Simmen Peter Stirnemann Dominik Sauter Marcel Schnider Dr Françoise Simmler Hansjürg Stocker* Naguib Sawiris Dr Thomas Schnider Madeleine Simmler Weiss* Walter Stocker Silvan Saxer André Schnidrig Dr Frank W. Sinden Dr Fabian Stöckli* Professor Mahir Sayir Dr Carlo Schnirel Professor Richard Sinniger* Othmar Stöckli* Giorgio Scartazzini René Fabian Sipp Yavor Stoev Peter Scartazzini Thomas Schöb* Sahana Sivachelvam Elvane Stojkaj-Mahmutaj Rainer Schädler Karl Schönbächler Dr Staffan Sjögren* Christof Stokar Guido Schaefer Franziska Schönborn Polli Dr Georgios Skillas Theodor Stolz* Marc Schaer Damien Schönenberger Evanghelos Skopelitis Hubert Stomp Dr Gabriel Schäfer Peter Schöni Dr Peter Skrabal* Robert Stoy Urs Schaffner Constantin Schrafl Dr Vadim Slynko Professor Gerald Stranzinger Michael Schafroth C. Agusta Viola Snophan Jürg Strasser* Ernesto Schaltegger Kurt Schudel* Alfred Sohm Kuri Strasser Professor Christoph Schär Dr Peter Schudel* Dr Uwe Sollfrank* Jörg Randolf Straube Christoph Schär Dr Thorsten Schulz José Solo de Zaldivar Dr Andrej Stravs Dominique Schär Klaus Schumacher* Jörg Thomas Sommerau Roger Strebel Romain Schär* Manuel Andreas Schumacher Peter Sommerhalder* Professor Emanuel E. Strehler Werner Schär Raphael Sebastian Schumacher Gaudenz Sonder* Claudia Streuli Wolfgang Scharff Beat Schüpbach Dr Walter Ulrich Sonderegger Robin Streuli Georg Schärrer Marc Schüpbach Dr Carla Sorato Attinger* Ueli Streuli Dr Adrian Schär-Sager* Santiago Schuppisser* Florian Sorg Lukas Stricker* Martin Schaub Christian Schürch Dr Dino Sozzi Alexandre Strigens Daniel Schaufelberger Dr Yvonne Schürch Professor Peter Spacek* Stefan Stroppel Hans Peter Schaufelberger Dr H. Konrad Schürmann Professor P. Spacher Professor Albin Stücheli Dr Patrick Scheidegger Martin Schürz Erich Max Späh Hansjörg Stucki Dr Ulrich Scheidegger* Dr Christoph Schwab Peter Spalinger* Bernhard Stucky David Scheiner Lukas Schwab Kurt Spichiger Charles Studer* Dr Jürg Schelldorfer* Dr Claude Schwarz* Christoph Spichty Robert Studer Dr Max Schellenbaum Giacomo Schwarz Robin Spiess Silvia Studer Dr Matthias Schellenberg* Stefan Andreas Maximilian Hans Spillmann Beat Stünzi Werner Schellenberg* Schwarz Peter Spinatsch* Dr David B. Stüssi Willy Schenk Walter Schwarz Hans-Hinnerk Spindler* Matthias Stüssi* Susanna Schenkel-Würmli* Dr Kaspar Andreas Schwarzen- Peter Spirig Rudolf Stüssi* Michel Schenker bach Alex Spora Reto Stutz Roman Scherrer Dr Gerhard Schwärzler Martin Spörri Dr Raphael Suard Sandra Scherrer Patrick Schwärzler Jürg Sprecher Bavanth Subramaniam Professor Roger Schibli Dr Margrit Schwarz-Speck Dr Peter Spring Hans-Peter Sulser* Roland Schiegg Rolf Schweighauser* Professor Sarah M. Springman Brian Suter* Peter Schieman Dr Jürg Schweizer Dr Ursula Sprung-Bock* Guido Suter (†) Thomas Schiesser Mathias P. Schweizer* Alexandra Sprüngli-Gantenbein (†) René Suter* Walter Schild* Stephan Schweizer* Dr Max A. Spycher Dr Johann Sutter Fabian Schildknecht Walter Schweizer Dr Georges Srzednicki Philipp Sutter Dr Natascha Schill Schulze* Marketa Schweizer-Marek Richard Stadelmann Philipp Sutter Dr Hugo Schilling Martin Schwendimann Dr Alois Stadler (†) Lars Svensson Mathias F. Schilling* Jürg Schwengeler Dr Erich Städler Pascal Sydler Martin Christian Schilt Dr Malte Hermann Schwerhoff Dr Andreas Stahel* Bálint Szentkuti Rudolf P. Schilt* Karl Rudolf Schwizer Roland Stähli* Paul Szigeti* Dr Hans R. Schindler* Dr Paul J. Schwyn* Herbert Stalder Professor Alain-Sol Sznitman Marc Schindler Gianfranco Sciarini Professor Laurent Stalder Henri Schlachter Marc-René Seeberger Christian Stammbach Dr Ferdinand Schlaepfer Dr Vincent Segessemann* Samuel Staub T Professor Louis Schlapbach Werner Seglias Heinz Stauber* Hans-Peter Schläpfer Dr Joachim Seidel Dr Andreas Stäubli Dr Mauro Taborelli Dr Philipp Schlegel Dr Jürg Seidel Philipp Staufer Reto Taborgna Ronald Schlegel* Michael Andrew Seidel Dieter Stauffacher Paolo Tamò* Thomas Schlegelgruber Kerim Seiler David Stauffer Matteo Tanadini Peter Schlub* Christian Seitz Professor Fritz Stauffer* Dr Dorian Tanase* Dr Hans-Ulrich Schlumpf Jakob Seitz Paul Stebler Ezio Tarchini Christian Schmid Micha Semmler* Ronald Steck Michel Tchang Gerhard E. Schmid Akcan Sencer Michael Steffen Dr Ulrich Tellenbach* Hjalmar Henrik Schmid Professor Jörg Sennheiser Dr Jürg Steger Jon Andri Tgetgel Josef Schmid Serck-Hanssen family Peter Stehlik Dr Thomas Thaler Karl Otto Schmid Tufan Sevim Andreas Steiger Gerhard Thalmann Dr Martin P. Schmid Corneliu Sfintesco Fredi Steiger Pierre Thein Matthias Schmid Hui-An Shen Joseph M. Steiger-Rieder Jean-Claude Theurillat Philipp Schmid Dr Xintian Shi* Felix A. Steinebrunner* Sylvie Thomann* Ulrich Schmidhauser Oskar Sidler Dr Beat Steiner Bernard Thouin Dr Stephan and Dr Viktoria Andreas J. Siegfried Beda Steiner* Dr Marc Thüler Schmidheiny Professor Roland Siegwart Dr Juri Steiner Michael Thüler Dr Hanno Schmidheiny-Zanetti Pascal Sigg Leo G. Steiner* Dr Bertram Thurnherr Dr Josef Schmidlin Randi Sigg-Gilstad Robert Steiner* Rolf E. Thurnherr THANK YOU 19

“I am proud to be enabling young people to study and thereby playing a role in ensuring equal educational opportunities.” Daniel Uhlmann, ETH alumnus, donor

Dr Arno Thut Dr Udo von Klot-Heydenfeldt Adrian Weiss* Dr Donald Tillman* V Elisabeth von Salis-Schindler Andreas Weiss Urs Tischhauser Nicolas von Schumacher Claudia Weiss Adrian Toller Roberto Vadrucci Berchtold von Steiger Franz Weiss* Katharina Tomica Jasmin van den Heuvel Dr Hans von Werra Dr Hardy P. Weiss* Tobias Tommila Walter van Laer* Ruedi Vontobel* Dr Matthias Weiss Dr Sandro Tonazzi Van Merkesteyn family* Dr Kurt Vorburger* Dr Thomas Weller Rinaldo Toneatti Peter van Roon Dr Alexandre Henri Voser Hans Wenger* Dr Stefanie Töpperwien Coen van Rosmalen Dr Urs Rudolf Wenger Luz Maria Torres Peter van Schagen* Paul Wenk Dr Stefano Torriani* Maarten van Scherpenzeel* W Dr Jürg Werner Yves Tournier Marco Vanetta* Urs Werner* Cesare Trabattoni Regula Vannod and Dr Alex Georg Wacker Hans Wernli Peter Trauffer* Vannod (†) Peter Waffenschmidt Werner Wespi* Patrick Tremp Franco Vannotti Christoph Waibel Dr Hans Rudolf Wettstein* Dr Gian Trepp Dr Leonardo Vannotti* Hans Wälchli* Martin Weymann Dr Adelrich Tresch Abiraam Varathan Ueli Waldispühl Dr Alexander Wick Dr Mauro Triulzi Michel Paul Frédéric Varonier Fritz Waldmeier* Karl Wickart Animesh Trivedi* Dr Konstantina Vasilatou Professor Albert Waldvogel Dr Andreas Wickli Martino Trosi László Vaszary Dr Guy E. Waldvogel Beat Widin* Thomas Trüb Professor Andreas Vaterlaus Tomasz Piotr Walecki Dr Alexander Martin Widmer* Dr Lucien and Yoshiko Trueb Jean-Bernard Vauclair* Mathias Walker Fabio Widmer René Tschaggelar Mark Ventura Ulrich Walser Dr Hansruedi Widmer* Dr Hans Tschamper* Dr Gilbert Verdan* Guido Walt Jakob Widmer Stefan Tschannen Thomas Vermeulen Rudolf Walter Jean-Pierre Widmer* Oliver Jan Tschichold* Meindert Versteeg Paolo-Andrea Walty* Manuel Widmer Professor Hugo Tschirky (†) Matthias Vetsch* Dr Ernesto Wandeler Hans Wiedemar Zoltan Jean-Léon Tschirren Dr Walter Vetsch Alfred Wanner* Marianne Wiedemeier-Sutter Tamara Tschopp Dr Sigrid Viehweg Kai Warszas* Dr Alfred J. Wiederkehr Dr Hans Rudolf Tschudi Aronne Umberto Viel Andreas Wasserfallen* Alphons Wiederkehr Urs Tschudi Dr August Vieli* Ruedi Wassmer* Kurt Wiederkehr* Dr Kathrin Tschudi-Rein* Istvan Vig* Werner Wassmer* Marius Wiederkehr Manfred Tschumi Dr Moritz Vischer* Stefan Waterval Walter Wiedmer Walter Tschumi* Hanspeter Vlaj Daniel Weber Dr Marco Wieland* Annemarie Hedwig Tschumper- Isabelle Vloemans Felix Weber* Michael Wiesner Würsten Louis A. Voellmy Dr Jean-Pierre Weber Dr Alex Wild* Akinori Tsukada Kaspar Vogel* Martin Weber* Dr Jost Wild Dr Kahraman Tunaboylu* Patrik Vogel Pius Weber* Professor Jürg Wild Yaman Tunaboylu Verena Vogel-Baumgartner Richard Weber* Peter J. Wild* Dr Natascia Turrà Professor Alfred Vogelsanger Rudolf Weber Friedrich Wilda Erich Vogelsanger Dr Thomas Weber* Jörg Wilhelm* Christian Vogt* Dr Peter Wechsler Luzius Willi* U Jochen Volk Rudolf Wechsler Reto E. Willi-Hentzen* Thomas Vollmeier Stefan Weder Philipp Jonas Windischhofer Professor Kai Udert Dieter von Arx* Dr Marlene Wegmann Annina Rahel Winkler Daniel Roland Uehli Jörg von Ballmoos* Professor Bernhard Wehrli* Eric Winkler family Daniel Uhlmann* Prisca von Ballmoos* Dr Ernst Karl Weibel Ralph A. Winter Dr Markus Ullius Dr Roland von Ballmoos Reto Weibel* Professor Kaspar Heinrich Jürg Ulrich August von Finck family Walter Weibel Winterhalter Walter Ulrich Luitpold von Finck Dr Beat M. Weidmann Dr Harald Wippo* Fabian Unteregger Hugo von Gunten Pirmin Jonas Weigele Dr Patrick Wirth Dr Pierre A. Urech* Kaspar von Gunten* Mischa Weise* Stefan Wirth 20 THANK YOU

“I still have very strong ties to ETH Zurich. My time there shaped who I am today. I am proud of my alma mater and am happy to give something back.” Dr Germaine J. F. Seewer, Major General, Swiss Armed Forces, donor

Dr Christian Wittlinger Werner Zbinden Prof Dr Dr h.c. Folker H. Wittmann* Andrea Zeller Dr Werner Witz* Max-Ulrich Zellweger Martin Samuel Wohlfender Urs Zellweger* Dr Rolf Wohlgemuth* Thomas Zenger Roger Wohlwend Georges Zenobi* Legacies and bequests Professor Alexander Wokaun Daniel Zen-Ruffinen Dr Thomas Wolf Tomas Zgraggen Markus Wolfer Xi Zhang We would like to thank everyone who Thierry S. Wolter* Dr Xiaoyi Zhang has helped fund exceptional projects Werner Woodtli* Dr Jürg W. Ziegler* Dr Andrea Wüest Dr Athanasios Zikopoulos* and outstanding talent through their Hannes Wüest* Peter Zimmerli* Claire Wüger Keller Karl Zimmerlin legacy or bequest. Ingo Wulff Dr Fritz Zimmermann* Pascal Wulliamoz Roman Zimmermann* Dr Ruth Wullschleger Sybille Zimmermann Charles Vernon Wülser* Christian Erwin Zingg Professor Heidi and Dr Werner Peter Zipkes* Wunderli-Allenspach* Reto F. Zobrist* Dr Willy Wunderlin* Dr Eva Zocher* Hans Ulrich Würgler (†) Dr Hans Zogg* Urs Wüst Gabriele Zoja Dr Hans-Jürg Wüthrich* Dr Hans Jürg Zollinger* Dr Willy Wüthrich* Dr Kurt Zollinger* Professor Anton Wutz Dr Martin Zollinger Dr Jörg Wyder Max Zollinger Carlo Wyss Paul Zosso* Dr h.c. Hansjörg Wyss Ali Zschokke Markus Wyss Dr Norbert Zsiga Paul Wyss* Hans Zufferey Peter Wyss Andreas Züger* Urs Züger Jürg Zulauf Y Walter Zundel Dr Florian Zurbriggen Qingchuan Yang Professor Rolf Zurbrügg* Yu Yang Dr Simone Zürcher* Eren Yesil Martin Zürrer Peter Zutter* Z Walter Zweifel*

Christian Zahler Rafael Zamora* Pius Zängerle* Cristina Zanini Barzaghi Tomaso Zanoni Johannes Zaugg Ueli Zaugg* Professor Paul Zbinden Peter Jürg Zbinden 21

Your support makes great things happen. Find out more about the many ways to support teaching and research at ETH Zurich – whether you are a resident in Switzerland, Germany, the US or elsewhere. We will be happy to have a personal conversation with you about your interests and requirements.

Your support 22 YOUR SUPPORT Your support

Ways to support education and research

The following pages show you a few of the areas in which we can work together to achieve more. Find out what your donation can achieve, from basic research to practical applications in your home.

Un-earmarked support (Poly Fund)

Your donation to the ETH Foundation for the general purpose of funding research and teaching at the university allows ETH the greatest pos- sible flexibility. Your support enables the Executive Board to seize diverse opportunities in teaching and research immediately and without undue red tape, driving visionary ideas to fruition. In concrete terms, this means that ETH is able, for instance, to establish new professorships or support exceptional research and teaching projects.

Earmarked support

An earmarked donation allows you to support specific strategic projects at ETH or a subject area of your choice.

Support in your name

You can also provide support for a cause close to your heart or ETH in general through a named fund. Here we set up a fund in your name for this purpose – for example the “Jane Smith Fund to support climate research” or the “John Smith Fund to support research and teaching at ETH Zurich”.

Your own sub-foundation under the umbrella of the ETH Zurich Foundation

With a substantial donation, you can create your own sub-foundation under the umbrella of the ETH Zurich Foundation. We would be happy to show you some options and work with you on an individual solution that ensures your sub-foundation passion project finds the right place within the ETH universe. YOUR SUPPORT 23

Making an impact beyond your lifetime

All these support options can also be considered in your personal estate planning. With legacies and bequests, you can link your personal life story with the prestigious past of ETH Zurich and also help to shape the future.

Bequeathing property

Your emotional attachment to your home tends to grow over the course of a lifetime as it becomes a memory bank of life-defining experiences and milestones. Of course, you want to know that your property will be in good hands when you are no longer here. The ETH Zurich Foundation, as a reliable partner, ensures that donations, legacies or bequests of property are handled professionally.

Together with Immobilien ETHZF AG, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the ETH Zurich Foundation, established specifically to manage properties on behalf of ETH Zurich, we ensure that your interests and wishes are respected.

“It’s a good feeling to know that I can help others beyond my lifetime.” Dr Sandro Mollet, ETH alumnus, has included the ETH Foundation in his will.

Find out more here


An appreciation of donors who supported ETH Zurich with legacies and bequests in 2020

The life of Yvonne Lang- In October 2020, ETH lost a long- Chardonnens was defined by a term and highly respected member tremendous thirst for knowledge. in Professor Hugo Tschirky. After A trained pianist, she seized his mechanical engineering studies the opportunities life offered and and a doctorate in 1968, he spent was always interested in taking time abroad, completed a second on new challenges. At the age of doctorate, and in 1982 was appointed 60, she learned Japanese, and Professor of Management Science Arabic and Russian followed. at ETH. Even after his retirement, he Yvonne Lang-Chardonnens was remained connected to the university very keen on ensuring that others as a lecturer and guest. Hugo were given the opportunities Tschirky’s passion for supporting she herself had enjoyed. Alongside young entrepreneurs from ETH will travel, classical music and world continue through his legacy gift, as events, she had a keen interest stipulated in his will. in science. Her legacy gift will allow the ETH Zurich Foundation to con- tinue her commitment to research beyond her lifetime.

Ursula Himmel-Glarner studied at ETH at a time when women were rarely given the opportunity to go to university. She always remembered her pharmacology studies as the happiest time of her life. A good education, particularly for women, remained one of her chief concerns. As a result, Ursula Himmel-Glarner, who passed away at the end of 2019, was a long-term supporter of the ETH Zurich Foundation. In accordance with her will, this commitment will continue through funding for exceptional female Master’s students. LEGACY GIFTS 25

An appreciation of donors who supported ETH Zurich with legacies and bequests in 2020

We would also like to express our appreciation to all those bereaved families who have made a gift to ETH in memory of their loved ones. Their gift represents a connection that extends beyond a lifetime. The family of the late Dr Walter Karl Grüebler, former member of the Board of Trustees of the ETH Foundation and long-term CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sika AG, chose to support the Excellence Scholarships in memory of their loved one. The family of the late Peter Strübin, who studied mechanical engineering at ETH and was involved during his lifetime in supporting the next generation of scientists, continued his long-time commitment with a donation in aid of the ETH scholarships.

Our thanks also go to everyone else who supported ETH with their legacy gifts over the past year.


Connected worldwide

ETH Zurich’s worldwide network of donors and leading partners enables the acceleration of internationally outstanding research and teaching for the benefit of the global community. As ambassadors and partners of the university, they help us to take an interconnected approach to the big issues of today and tomorrow and to push the boundaries of knowledge.

The Wellcome Trust – the world-leading foundation for medical research – shares this vision and is supporting the launch of the digital Trial Intervention Platform (dTIP) at ETH. The dTIP will strengthen the implemen- tation of research studies and drive forward clinical research in the field of healthcare.

The ETH Foundation nurtures close relationships with foundations, private individuals and companies in Germany, the US and beyond, exploring funding goals and implementing cherished projects across national boundaries.

“Wellcome and ETH Zurich share the vision that taking down barriers in translational science is key to solving global health chal- lenges. We believe there is still huge potential in medical research and innovation, and we look forward to our partnership with ETH.” Katherine Anastasi-Frankovics, Director of Innovations, Wellcome Trust INTERNATIONAL 27 28 29

“Outstanding talents, bright ideas” Helping ex- ceptional talent produce outstanding achievements for Switzerland as a science and business hub.

Take Nicole Kleger, for example, a doctoral student and former Excellence Scholar who is researching biodegradable bone implants. She has developed a process to man- ufacture magnesium implants using a 3D-printed salt template. Her inspiring research environment, the Complex Materials group led by Professor André Studart, provides the materials scientist with fresh inspiration on a daily basis. And she is moving ever closer to her goal of using the new type of implant to accelerate the healing of complicated bone fractures, thus improving the lives of patients. To continue providing the best possible support for talent such as Nicole's in the future, we need your support.

Find out more here

30 31

“Technology for our health” Ensuring that the latest re- search findings find their way into medical practice and reach people as quickly as possible.

Take Alexander Tanno, for example. Through the spin-off Hemetron, the ETH alumnus, along with doctoral student Yves Blickenstorfer, is developing a rapid test that is accurate, easy to use and portable. He works closely with the univer- sity hospitals in Basel and Zurich and with telemedicine companies. The bio- medical engineer hopes that his techno- logy will not only play an important role in overcoming any future pandemics, but also help in tackling the current crisis. He is supported by donors, who have provided him with start-up capital, mentoring and access to ETH labs through a Pioneer Fellowship. ETH Zurich is grateful for your support, which is helping ensure that technology such as this is ready to use as quickly as possible and able to make an innovative contribution to our health.

Find out more here

32 33

“Big data & science” Ensuring that basic research opens up future-oriented opportunities in society, business and medicine.

Take the research of Professor Yiwen Chu, for example. Together with her research group for hybrid quantum systems, the scientist is working on developing new methods and devices to connect various types of quantum objects and transmit quantum informa- tion. The group is also conducting basic research into where the boundaries between the quantum world and the traditional world lie. Within just a few years, she anticipates major developments that will have an impact on a wide range of areas such as computing and measurement technology. Your support is helping to accelerate these break- throughs.

Find out more here

34 35

“Earth & humankind” Ensuring that our children have the freedom to choose how to use natural resources.

Take Oxara. With their ETH spin-off, Gnanli Landrou and Thibault Demoulin are aiming to facilitate the con- struction of sustainable and affordable housing all over the world. The two materials scientists are working on a process for producing cement-free concrete from clay-based excavation material. By reducing CO2 emissions and avoiding sand and gravel consumption, their process saves on resources and is also significantly cheaper than conventional methods of concrete production. Donations helped enable the two young entrepreneurs to move closer to realising their vision of dignified housing for all. Thanks to your support, ETH Zurich can continue to transform promising solutions for challenges such as these into marketable products.

Find out more here


Donations to the ETH Foundation help consolidate ETH Zurich’s leading position on the international stage, strengthen Switzerland’s capacity for innovation and push the boundaries of knowledge. Our foundation board trustees volunteer their experience and enthusiasm to ensure that together, we are able to make remarkable things happen. Facts & figures 1 2

BOARD OF TRUSTEES 37 Board of Trustees

1 Professor Pius Baschera 3 4 Chair Speaker of the Martin Hilti Family Trust → Chair of the Steering Committee

2 Professor Joël Mesot Vice Chair President of ETH Zurich → Vice Chair of the Steering Committee 5 6 3 Daniela Bosshardt (from Oct. 2020) Chair of the Board of Directors, Galenica → Member of the Investment Committee

4 Walter Gränicher Chair of the Board of Directors, ETH Alumni Association → Member of the Investment Committee

5 Professor Detlef Günther Vice President for Research, ETH Zurich 7 8 → Member of the Allocation Committee

6 Dr Paul Hälg Chair of the Boards of Directors of Sika Group and Dätwyler → Chair of the Allocation Committee

7 Heinrich Fischer (from Oct. 2020) Chair of the Board of Directors, Hilti Corporation

8 Dr Irene Kaufmann 9 10 Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Coop Group → Chair of the Investment Committee

9 Doris Leuthard Former Federal Councillor

10 Dr Jörg Müller-Ganz Chair of the Board of Directors, Zürcher Kantonalbank → Member of the Investment Committee 11 12 11 Dr Markus Neuhaus Vice Chair, Barry Callebaut Group and Orior, member of the Boards of Directors of the Baloise Group, Galenica and Jacobs Holding → Member of the Steering Committee

12 Francisco Fernandez (until Oct. 2020) Founder and Group Chairman, Avaloq → Chair of the Allocation Committee 13 14 13 Professor Thomas J. Jordan Chair of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank

14 Tina Wüstemann Partner, Head Private Clients, Bär & Karrer

15 Dr Brice Koch President and CEO, Hitachi Astemo, Ltd.

16 Dr Hariolf Kottmann 15 16 Chair of the Board of Directors, Clariant International Ltd.

External Member Dr Robert Perich, Vice President for Finance and Controlling, ETH Zurich → External Member of the Investment Committee 38 BALANCE SHEET AND INCOME STATEMENT

Balance sheet Consolidated

31.12.2020 31.12.2019 Assets in CHF in CHF

Cash and cash equivalents 9,001,576 10,355,108 Securities 193,616,366 201,756,990 Short-term receivables from donors 180,899,818 116,126,222 Other short-term receivables 3,125,126 1,515,494 Accrued income 2,064 34,829 Total current assets 386,644,950 329,788,643

Financial assets 1,324,949 800,000 Long-term receivables from donors 214,221,941 208,204,118 Other long-term receivables 55,000 55,000 Fixed assets 13,417,713 14,119,677 Total non-current assets 229,019,603 223,178,795

Total assets 615,664,553 552,967,438


Trade accounts payable 9,141 43,810 Short-term liabilities from allocations 37,470,842 45,175,366 Short-term non-interest-bearing financial liabilities 0 150,000 Other short-term liabilities 66,227 59,254 Deferred income 371,212 357,181 Total current liabilities 37,917,422 45,785,611

Long-term liabilities from allocations 126,761,698 107,899,492 Provision for property maintenance 27,814 0 Total non-current liabilities 126,789,512 107,899,492

Interest-bearing fund capital 38,386,016 39,674,167 Non-interest-bearing fund capital 305,480,343 268,274,987 Total earmarked fund capital 343,866,359 307,949,154

Total liabilities 508,573,293 461,634,257 incl. earmarked fund capital

Foundation capital 50,000 50,000 Statutory reserves 9,837 5,996 Internally generated unrestricted capital 91,273,344 42,575,162 Annual result 15,758,079 48,702,023 Equity 107,091,260 91,333,181

Total liabilities 615,664,553 552,967,438 BALANCE SHEET AND INCOME STATEMENT 39

Income statement Consolidated

2020 2019 Income in CHF in CHF

Financial contributions, not earmarked 27,854,480 33,155,727 Financial contributions, earmarked 117,100,999 85,229,146 Financial contributions 144,955,479 118,384,873

Cancellation of donations/Repayment of donations -787,120 -1,500,000 Total financial contributions 144,168,359 116,884,873

Net proceeds from renting 1,387,000 1,387,000 Total real estate income 1,387,000 1,387,000

Other income 12,407 6,904

Total income 145,567,766 118,278,777


Allocations, not earmarked 1,674,733 210,000 Allocations, earmarked 91,459,597 134,186,381 Cancellation of allocations/ Repayment of allocations -2,785,026 -450,000 Total allocations 90,349,304 133,946,381

Expenses for property maintenance 50,000 0 Insurance expenses 7,890 8,247 Leasehold fees 128,000 128,000 Total property expenses 185,890 136,247

Personnel expenses 3,259,809 3,101,259 Facility expenses (incl. other operating expenses) 191,528 178,742 Administrative expenses (IT, accounting, mailings) 520,441 390,581 Public relations (annual report, events, internet) 543,375 442,498 Hospitality expenses 42,259 154,981 Board of Trustees, auditors and supervisory authority 36,135 27,546 Total operating expenses excl. amortisation 4,593,547 4,295,607

Amortisation of fixed assets 701,964 722,111 Total operating expenses incl. amortisation 5,295,511 5,017,718

Operating results 49,737,061 -20,821,569

Financial income 17,321,452 28,700,971 Financial expenses -15,323 234 -3,807,213 Results before change in fund capital 51,735,279 4,072,189

Funds increment -129,456,982 -86,975,962 Funds decrease 93,926,776 135,921,934 Interest fund capital -446,994 -4,316,138 Fund result (earmarked fund) -35,977,200 44,629,834

Annual result 15,758,079 48,702,023 40 BALANCE SHEET AND INCOME STATEMENT

Donations Origin of funds CHF m 2003–2020

2020 145.0 36% 30% Private donors Companies 2019 118.4

2018 130.1

2017 54.9

2016 48.1

2015 33.2

2014 153.2 34% 2013 91.0 Foundations / Organisations

Report of the independent auditor to the Board of Trustees of the ETH Zurich Foundation, Zurich

The accompanying summary financial statements, comprising the summary balance sheet and the summary income statement as at 31 December 2020 for the financial year then ended (pages 38 and 39), are derived from the audited consolidated financial statements of ETH Zurich Foundation, Zurich for the year ended 31 December 2020. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those financial statements In our report dated 22 March 2021.

The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required. Reading the summary financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of ETH Zurich Foundation, Zurich.

Responsibility of the Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial statements.

Auditors' responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our audit procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Swiss Auditing Standard 810 “Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements”.

Opinion In our opinion, the summary financial statements derived from the audited financial statements of ETH Zurich Foundation, Zurich for the year ended 31 December 2020 are consistent, in all material aspects, with those financial statements.

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG

Gerhard Siegrist René Jenni

Zurich, 22 March 2021

Our guidelines for partnerships can be found in the Code of Conduct at Every piece of the puzzle is valuable – togETHer we can achieve great impact. You can find more insights in our annual report online:

We look forward to hearing from you

ETH Zurich Foundation Weinbergstrasse 29 CH-8006 Zurich T +41 (0)44 633 69 66 E [email protected]

Bank account details Credit Suisse AG, 8070 Zurich CHF IBAN CH87 0483 5027 0482 3100 0 EUR IBAN CH47 0483 5027 0482 3201 1 USD IBAN CH90 0483 5027 0482 3201 3 BIC-SWIFT CRESCHZZ80A

Imprint Published by: ETH Zurich Foundation Edited by: Andrea Zeller, Isabelle Vloemans Design: Kristina Milkovic Printing: Neidhart + Schön Print AG, Zurich

Images: For ETH Zurich: Gerry Amstutz (p. 2) | Oliver Bartenschlager (p. 7, 24) | Alessandro Della Bella (U2, p. 9, 25, 27) | Markus Bertschi (p. 11) | Gian Marco Castelberg (Cover U1, p. 5, 21, 36) | National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication, ETH Zurich (p. 3) | Stefan Weiss (p. 6, 30) | For the ETH Zurich Foundation: Valeriano di Domenico (p. 8) | Das Bild / Judith Stadler and André Uster, Zurich (p. 28, 32) | Other: Roth und Schmid Fotografie (p. 34) | Daniel Winkler (p. 20)

© ETH Zurich Foundation, 2021