1. Final &Port of the Royal Commission on the Police, 1962
Notes 1. Final &port of the Royal Commission on the Police, 1962 (Cmnd 1728). 2. Cmnd 1728, para. 9. 3. See Ridge v Baldwin [1964] AC 40. 4. TheAUegation ofAssault onJohn Waters (Cmnd 718) (HMSO,AprllI959). 5. See Geoffrey Marshall, Police and Government (Methuen, 1965), p. 14. 6. 613 HC Deb 5s, Cols 1239-1303. 7. Attorney General for New South Wales v Perpetual Trustee Co Ltd [1955] AC 477. 8. 1930 2 KB 364. 9. See note 7. to. 1910 1 SLT 164. 11. R.C. Min. of Evidence, 11-27, Appendix 11, pp. 92-101. 12. R.C. Min. of Evidence, pp. 1330-62. 13. Cmnd 1728, para. 166. 14. Sir William Kerr Fraser PUS, Scottish Office James Smart Lecture 1981. 15. R v Commr of Police ex parte Blackburn [1968] 1 ALL ER 763. 16. Lord Scarman Report, Cmnd 8427. 17. See note 15. 18. Sir Philip Knights, 'Ultimate Command - The Responsibilities of Chief Constables in the 1980s', PoliceJourna~ 1981, pp. 381 et seq. 19. See Oliver, Police, Government and Accountability (Macmillan 1987), pp. 210 et seq. 20. See Oliver, Police, Government and Accountability, pp. 50 et seq. 21. Police Reform - The Government's Proposals for the Police Service in England and Wales, Cm 2281, June 1993. 22. James Smart Lecture 1980. 23. M. Brogden, The Police: Autonomy and Consent (Academic Press, 1982), p. 111. 24. 330 Pari. Deb. 3rd s.c. 1163. 25. &port of the Advisory Committee on Police in Northern Ireland, Cmnd 535, October 1969, para. 8. 26. Disturbances in Northern Ireland, report of the Commission appointed by the Governor of Northern Ireland, Cmnd 532, para.
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