All Stock Banks in the United States-Condition on December 31, 1925
April 1926 APBIL, 192@ FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 289 ALL STOCK BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES—CONDITION ON DECEMBER 31, 1925 Consolidated figures showing the condition ALL STOCK BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES1 -CONDI- ofiall banks in the United States^ other than TION ON DATES SPECIFIED 2 mutual savings banks and private banks not f Amounts in millions of dollars! under State supervision^ as of December 31, Number .boans ana investments Total 1925, are given in the accompanying tables. of re- deposits, porting exclusive Loans and discounts on this date aggregated banks Invest- of bank $31,023,000,000, an increase of $720,000,000 Total Loans ments deposits over the September 28 total and of $2,780,- All banks: 000,000 since December 31, 1924. Invest- June, 1920.. 28,715 36,813 28,177 8,636 32,642 ments show an increase of $3,000,000 since June, 1921 29,477 34,318 25,857 8,461 31,134 June, 1922.-. 29,092 34,166 24,647 9,519 31,944 ' September 28, 1925, and of $198,000,000 for June, 1923.. 29,342 37,359 26,793 " 10,566 34, 512 June, 1924 28,451 38,407 27,222 11,185 36,841 the year. Total deposits, exclusive of bank December, 1924 28,266 40,202 28,243 11,959 39,066 deposits, amounted- to $42,135,000,000 on April, 1925—..— 28,073 40.813 28,775 12,038 39,112 June, 1925— — 27,921 41,561 29,464 12,097 40, 591 December 31,, or $1,104,000,000 more than September, 1925 27,895 42,457 30,303 12,154 41,031 December, 1925 27 705.
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