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BÜCHERSCHAU 1905. 125 Nursery Rhymes. Sei. by Loney Chisholm. With Pictures. 16°. 128pp. Jack, net, I/. Oakley (E. S.), Holy Himalaya: the Religion, Traditions, and Scenery of a Himalayan Province (Kumaon and Garhwal). 320 pp. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferner. 5/. Oldham (C. F.), The Sun and the Serpent. A Contribution to the History of Serpent Worship. 208 pp. Constable, net, 10/6. Owen ( . .), The Folklore of the Musquaki Indians of North America. 154 pp. David Nutt. 10/6. Paton, Studies in the Fairy Mythology of Arthurian Romance. Bespr. auch in Romania, Janv. (A. Jeanroy). Popular Studies in Mythology and Folklore, issued under the General Editorship of Alfred Nutt. Nrn. 1—4 bespr. in Skandinavisk Manads- revy I, 4 (H. Jantzen). Sargeant (Maud), Midsummer in Ireland. Longman's Mag., July. Schell (O.), Das Salz im Volksglauben. Zs. des Vereins f. Volkskunde XV, 2. Sebillot (Paul), Le Folk-Lore de France. Tome Deuxieme: La Mer et les Eaux Douces. 4°, sd. 478 pp. E. Guilmoto (Paris), 16/. Seton (E. T.), Woodmyth and Fable. 182 pp. Hodder & Stoughton. 5/. Squire (Charles), The Mythology of the British Islands. An Introduction to Celtic Myth, Legend, Poetry, and Romance. X, 446 pp. Blackie. net, 12/6. Steele (Robert), Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus. With Preface by William Morris. With Frontispiece. (The King's Classics.) 12°. XV, 195pp. De La More Press, net, 1/6. Bespr. Notes <fe Queries 10th Series III, p. 279. Sutcliffe (Halliwell), By Moor and Fell. Landscapes and Lang-settle Lore from West Yorkshire. Illust. 2nd impression. 306 pp. T. Fisher Unwin. 6/. Tregarthen (Enys), Piskey - Purse: Legends and Tales of North Cornwall. 224 pp. Gardner & Darton. 3/. Wallis (Arthur F.), Sea-Painting and Sea-Myth. The Cornhill Mag., May. Wünsche, Die Sagen vom Lebensbaum und Lebenswasser. ßespr. Zs. f. deutsche Philol. XXXVIII, 3 (R. M. Meyer). Yule clog or log. Notes & Queries 10th Series III, 11, 57, 155, 256. V. Geschichte. 1. Grossbritannien und die Kolonien, a) Allgemeines. S. die Rubriken: Allgemeine Rtaatenffeschichte. British Empire. Buren Canada. England. Flotte. Heer. Irland. Kirche. Kolonien. Ostindien. Politik. Readers. Reformation. Schottland. Verfassung. Verwaltung. Abraham (W. H.), Church and State in England. 344 pp. Longmans, net, 5/. Adams (George Burton), The Political History of England. The History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Death of John, 1066 — 1216. 484 pp. Longmans, Green & Co. 7/6. Bespr. Notes & Queries 10th Series IV, p. 438. Brought to you by | University of Queensland - UQ Library Authenticated Download Date | 6/24/15 4:10 AM 126 PETRI, AUgemeine Staatengeschichte. S. Bourne. Gill. Howard. Motley. Parnell. Reich. Rose. Angyal (Dav.), Geschichte der politischen Beziehungen Siebenbürgens zu England. 104 pp. Budapest, Kilian's Nachf. M. 1,50. The Armada Ship at Tobermory Bay. By the Duke of Argyll. Pall Mall Mag., Sep. Baring (F.), The Battle of Hastings. The English Historical He vie w, Jan. Beith (J.), The Normal History of England. 1603—88. Simpkin. net, 2/. — The Normal Stuart Period. 294 pp. Ibid. 2/. Bell (Henry), Archbishop Laud and Priestly Government. Portrait. 341 pp. Constable, net, 10/6. Bosworth (George F.), A History of the British Empire. 12°. 324 pp. Macmillan. 2/. Bourne (H. E.)t History of Mediaeval and Modern Europe. Longmans, Green & Co. 7/6. Bradley (A. G.), The Fight with France for North America. 414 pp. Constable. 3/6. Brandt (M. von), Die englische Kolonialpolitik und Kolonial Verwaltung. 48 pp. Halle, Gebauer-Schwetschke. M. 0,80. British Empire. S. Bosworth. Decline. Jose. Meath. Seeley. Snowden. Bund (J.W.Willis), Civil War in Worcestershire, 1642—46. The Scotch Invasion of 1651. 274 pp. Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 4/. Buren. S. Deherain. Times History. Burton (John Hill), The History of Scotland from Agricola's Invasion to the Extinction of the last Jacobite Insurrection. 8 vols. New Ed. W. Blackwood. ea., net, 2/6. Busch (Wilh.), England unter den Tudors. l. Band. König Heinrich VII, 1485—1509. 2. (Titel) Ausgabe. XII, 434 pp. Tübingen, Mohr. M. 8. The Cambridge Modern History Planned by the late Lord Acton. Edit by A. W. Ward. G. W. Prothero, Stanley Leathes. Vol.3. The Wars of Religion. XXVIII, 913 pp. Camb. Univ. Press, net, 16/. Bespr. Notes & Queries 10th Ser. Ill, 117; The Edinburgh Review, Jan. Canada in the Twentieth Century. By A. G. Bradley. Pop. Ed. 448 pp. 50 Illns. Constable. 5/. — Über Canada s. ausserdem Dawson, Fräser. Hannay. Canning. A Life of. By H. W. V. Temperley. 294pp. Finch. 7/6. Carter (G.), History of England. Pt I: B. C. 55 —A. D. 1485. 286pp. Reife. 2/. — (M. E.), Scholarship History of England to 1603. XII, 212 pp. Clive. 2/. Chamberlain. Robertson (J. M.), Chamberlain: A Study. 64pp. Watts. 6d. Charles I in Spain. Notes & Queries 10th Series III, 48, 131, 236. Charles II. Origin of his nickname „Old Rowley". Notes & Queries 10th Series III, 348. Charters. Early Scottish Charters prior to A. D. 1153. Collected, With Notes and an Index by Sir Archibald C. Lawrie. 546 pp. MacLehose (Glasgow), net, 10/. Bespr. Notes & Queries 10th Series , 158. Brought to you by | University of Queensland - UQ Library Authenticated Download Date | 6/24/15 4:10 AM BÜCHERSCHAU 1905. 127 Chatham. Harrison (Frederic), Chatham. 12 Englih Statesmen). VI, 239 pp. Macmillan. 2/6. dough's History of the Stuart Period, 1603—1714. To which is appended a Sketch of the Literature of the Period. 288 pp. Ralph, Holland. 3/6. Coulton (G. G.), The Monastic Legend. A Criticism of Abbot Gasquet's „Henry VIII and the English Monasteries'. (Mediaeval Studies, No. 1.) Simpkin. net, I/. Cromwell. The Fate of Oliver Cromwell's Remains. The Nineteenth Century Mag., June. — Firth (C. H.), Cromwell's Army. History of the English Soldier during the Civil Wars, Commonwealth, and Protectorate. Cheap Issue. 456 pp. Methuen. 2/6. — Cromwell House, Highgate. Notes & Queries 10th Ser. IV, 48,135,437,489. Curtis (W. , Modern India. 514 pp. Revell. 7/6. —- Egypt, Burma; British Malaysia. 400 pp. Revell. 7/6. Davis (H. W. C.), England under the Normans and Angevins, 1066—1272. 600 pp. Methuen. 10/6. Dawson (S. E.), St. Lawrence Basin and its Borderlands. Being the Story of their Discovery, Exploration, and Occupation. 492 pp. Lawrence & Bullen. 7/6. The Decline and Fall of the British Empire: a Brief Account of the Causes which resulted in the Destruction of our Late Ally, with a Comparison between the British and Roman Empires. 54pp. 12°. Simpkin, Mar- shall & Co. 6d. Defence of the Empire. Field-Marshal Earl Roberts7 Appeal to the Nation. With Intro, by the Earl of Meath. Eyre & Spottiswoode. 6d. Dehlrain (H.), L'Expansion des Boers au XIXe siecle. 433 pp. .12°. Paris, Hachette. Frs. 3,50. Drummond (J. Douglas), Studien zur Kriegsgeschichte Englands im 12. Jhdt, Dies. 96 pp. Berlin, G. Nauck. M. 1,80. Queen Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth's Visits to Winchester. Cf. Notes & Queries 10th Series IV, 344. — Her Portrait at Holyrood. Ibid. IV, 508. — Lord Burleigh and Polonius. Notes & Queries 10th Series III, 305, 416. England, a) Allgemeine Geschichte. S. Adams. Beith. Busch. Cambridge Mod. History. Carter. Clough. Davis. Fletcher. Homer. Hunt. Innes. Jane. Lindsay. McCarthy. Paul. Snowden. Thomson. Tucker. — b) Einzelforschungen. S. Baring. Bradley. Bund. Drummond. Freeman. Hardegen. Hutchinson. Moore. Scott. Sidney. Fletcher (C. R. L,), An Introductory History of England. From the Earliest Times to the Close of the Middle Ages. With Maps. 2nd ed. 418 pp. J. Murray. 5/. Flotte. S. Mahan. Nelson. Stein. Fräser (J. F.), Canada as it is. 312 pp. Gas sell. 6/. Freeman (Edw.), A Short History of the Norman Conquest of England. Bearb. von F. Meyer. X, 114 pp. und 2 Karten. Leipzig, Rayer. Geb. M. 1,40; Wbch. 0,25. Bespr. Englische Studien XXX7J, 3 (F. Kratz). Brought to you by | University of Queensland - UQ Library Authenticated Download Date | 6/24/15 4:10 AM 128 PETRI, Frere (W. H.), The English Church in the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I, 1558—1625. 428pp. Macmillan. 7/6. Gasquet (Abbot), Henry the Third and the Church. A Study oi His Ecclesiastical Policy and of the Relations between England and Rome. 464pp. G.Bell. net, 12/. — The Eve of the Reformation. Studies in the Religious Life and Thought of the Rejection of the Roman Jurisdiction by Henry VIII. Cheaper reissue. 412 pp. G. Bell, net, 6/. George III. His Birthday. Cf. Notes & Queries 10th Series IV, 27. — His Daughters. Ibid. IV, 167, 236, 291, 336, 493. — Thackeray on George III. Ibid. George IV. Wilkins (W. H.), Mrs. Fitzherbert and George IV. 2 vols. Longmans, Green & Co. 36/. Bespr. Notes & Queries 10th Series IF, p. 458. Gill's Historical Readers. Europe in the Days of Nelson. G. Gill. 1/6. Gladstone. R en wie k (J.), Life and Work of Gladstone. 150pp. Wyman. I/. GUtschow (E.), Innocenz UI. und England. Diss. Strassburg. 1904. 200 pp. Hannay (James), How Canada was held for the Empire. The Story of the War ot 1812. XV, 372 pp. Jack, net, 7/6. Harbottle (T. Benfield), Dictionary of Battles. Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Bespr. Notes & Queries 10th Series III, p. 79. Hardegen (F.), Imperialpolitik K nig Heinrichs II. von England. Heidel- berg, Winter. M. 2. Harold II and the Royal Houses of England, Denmark, and Russia. Notes & Queries 10th Series IV, 188, 276. — His Mother Gytha. Ibid. IV, 168, 232. Harvey (C.H.), The Biology of British Politics. 180pp. Swan Sonnenschein. 2/6. Hastings. Lawson (C.), The Private Lite of Warren Hastings. 262pp. Swan Sonnenschein & Co. 10/6. Heer. S. Defence. King's Parliament. Henry VIII. Letters and Papers. Vol.19. Pt. 2. A. D. 1544. Wyman. 15/. — Hume (M.), The Wives of Henry VIII and the Parts they Played in History.