Abbreviations, List Of, 318–19. ABDY, Richard, Co-Editor, Coin Hoards
INDEX Abbreviations, list of, 318–19. Bury St Edmunds, mint, 204. ABDY, Richard, co-editor, Coin Hoards from the By-Laws of the British Numismatic Society, 311–17. British Isles 2012, 231–45. Byzantine coin, 257. ABRAMSON, T., ed., Studies in Early Medieval Coinage 2: New Perspectives, reviewed, 280–1. Calais, mint, 264. Ælfwald I of Northumbria, coin of, 260. Carolingian coins, 44, 263. Æthelheard, archbishop of Canterbury, coins of, 270. Charles I, coinage of, 122–3, 133–5, 140–4. Æthelred I of Northumbria, coins of, 260. CHEEK, Jeremy, Obituary. Laurence Brown, LVO Æthelred II, coins of, 271. (1931–2012), 296–7. Æthelred II of Northumbria, coins of, 268. Chester, mint, 55–6. Æthelstan I of East Anglia, coins of, 270. Chichester, mint, 215–16. Æthelweard of East Anglia, coin of, 261. Claudius I, coins of, copies, 9–10. Æthelwulf of Wessex, coins of, 261, 270–1. Clipped coins, 134–5. Alchred of Northumbria, coin of, 260. Cnut, coins of, 272. Alfred of Wessex, coins of, 50–1, 271. Coelwulf I of Mercia, coin of, 44. ALLEN, Martin, The mints and moneyers of England Coenwulf of Mercia, coins of, 44, 269–70. and Wales, 1066–1158, 54–120. Constantinian coinage, copies, 22–4. ALLEN, Martin, co-editor, Coin Hoards from the COOK, B.J., A new moneyer of the Short Cross British Isles 2012, 231–45. coinage from Wilton and some thoughts on the ALLEN, Martin, co-editor, Coin Register 2012, Wilton and Winchester mints in class 1a, 220–3. 246–77. COTTAM, E., DE JERSEY, P., RUDD, C.
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