SPECIAL ISSUE: MEDICAL, TECHNICAL, PHARMACEUTICAL, INDUSTRIAL NEWS & MUCH MORE Mobile phones andering around MEDICA 2004 with your mobile phone pressed to your ear? These devices have swiftly become vital auxiliaries in our working days as well as private lives. But is there any truth in the Wbeliefs that their use could harm our health? According to newly published research, yes. Exposure to radiofrequency when using a mobile phone for ten or more A new standard of years could double the risk of developing an acoustic neuroma tumour (a flexibility in benign growth in the head), concluded the authors of a new Swedish study tracheostomy tubes. published in the journal Epidemiology (Lönn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feycht- ing M, 15. 653 - 659. 2004. please see page 11 PubMed). However, the res- earchers pointed out that their findings do not indicate an increased risk of acoustic neuro- ma related to short-term mobile phone use. ‘We were surprised by the results, but the outcome is

continued on page 2

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Visit us at Medica 2004 • Hall 9 • Stand D 41 COMPANYnews NEWS By Christian Pruszinsky, reporting from Austria

peakers at the recent Vienna Health Talks (Wiener Gesundheitsgespråche), Swhich focused on The nurs- ing crisis - Professional training in healthcare for nursing and social care, expressed extreme concern that Austrian society appears to be indifferent to the dire need to secure sufficiently well-trained and well-motivated nurses for nursing care. Among the participants, Pro- fessor Klaus Zapotoczky, direc- tor of the Institute for Nursing Sci- ence at the Johannes Kepler Uni- said the researchers, trans- phone use and the frequency of versity in Linz, Austria, identified lates into double the risk of tumours was found by four main concerns: developing acoustic neuroma. researchers at Copenhagen’s ● Austrian healthcare favours hos- See us at It was also noted that all the the Institute of Cancer Epi- pitals. In no other country are so MEDICA 2004 additional cases occurred on demiology, but they had found many people hospitalised (see the same side of the head to that, when tumours did occur illustration). This implies that the Hall 14 Booth A 34-8 which patients normally held the average size was signifi- hospital sector binds the majority their phones. cantly larger for regular of nurses and, to a great extent, This was a relatively small mobile phone users than nurses’ professional perspectives study, and the effect will have nonusers. are limited to hospitals. Conse- to be confirmed using larger In Denmark, fewer people quently, the non-hospital sector, groups, however, it is consid- took part in this study than in and above all preventive care, suf- ered the first to show clear Sweden - 106 acoustic neuroma evidence that mobile phone patients and 212 healthy con- use could increase the risk of trols were involved - but Jör- developing that type of gen H. Olsen, head of the Dan- tumour. ish institute, has confirmed the Nurse Long-term use doubles tumour risk Sweden is one of the 13 Karolinska results are convinc- countries taking part in the ing. They both used the same continued from page 1 In their population-based Interphone Project, being co- methods but, he added, differ- quite clear. We are convinced case-control study the team ordinated by the World Health ences in results might be shortages of the quite strong risk due to focused on all cases diagnosed Organization’s International explained by the bigger sample the use of mobile phones, and with acoustic neuroma in 1999 Agency for Research on Cancer size. He also queried one are waiting for confirmation to 2002 in certain areas of (IARC) in Lyon, France. Set up aspect of the Swedish research from the other research Sweden. The patients’ ages in 1998 - to investigate - the fact that when asked are global groups,’ says Anders Ahlbom, ranged from 20-69 years. Con- whether exposure to the which side of the head they an epidemiologist at the trols were randomly selected radiofrequency electromagnet- usually held their phones, Karolinska Institute and mem- from the study base, and strat- ic fields from mobile phones tumour patients’ responses ber of the research group. ified on age, sex, and residen- could produce adverse effects might have been influenced by The team studied the inci- tial area. In total, 148 acoustic on health - the final results are the presence of their tumours. dence of acoustic neuroma, a neuroma patients and 604 expected to be released early Prospective studies - follow- tumour that grows on the nerve healthy controls participated. next year. ing 250,000 people in five of connecting ear to brain. Gener- 14 of the neuroma patients had The first results for the the countries participating in ally, the chance of developing regularly used mobile phones Interphone study were report- the Interphone Project - are this kind of tumour is 1 in for over ten years, compared ed last January, from Den- now planned, to confirm any 100,000. with 29 of the controls. This, mark, In this, no link between effects of mobile phone use. ICN investigation indicates threat to care quality

™ oximetry unplugged Switzerland - Initial results of The International Council of Nurs- es’ (ICN) investigation of the glob- al nursing workforce confirm that the supply of nurses in many coun- tries, both low-income and high- income, is failing to keep pace with increasing demand, threatening improvements in care outcomes. ‘Nursing shortages are not just a ‘problem for nursing,’ said ICN president Christine Hancock. ‘They are a health system problem, which undermines health system effectiveness and requires health eliminate the wire and experience the freedom system solutions. Without effective and sustained interventions, global

® ® nursing shortages will persist, The Avant 4000 System with Bluetooth Wireless Technology undermining attempts to improve – imagine oximetry without the constraints of cables. A wearable care outcomes and the health of pulse oximeter that connects wirelessly to a tabletop display. nations.’ The report is the first result of Nonin – opening new horizons in connectivity. ICN’s programme to examine the crucial issue of global nursing shortages. It will be complemented by a series of issue-based papers examining specific global and regional aspects of the nursing workforce in more detail. Togeth- er, these will inform a high level 9Where People Make the Difference meeting addressing solutions to the challenges ahead. sensor & Hall 11 Stand D42 signal technology +1.763.553.9968 The ICN is a federation of 125 national nurses’ associations repre- senting the millions of nurses

2 companyNEWS news

● For nursing professionals, Independent evaluation is needed increasing pressure - in terms of to ensure high-quality care on all Nursing care crisis quality and quantity - and the levels. inability of current healthcare sys- The professor also highlighted tems to tackle the problems, create two further potential problems: fers not only from a shortage of families are decreasingly able to resignation and burn-out, and many ? A trend towards ‘Americanisa- nurses, but also poor training take on nursing tasks themselves. quit the profession altogether. If we tion’ of healthcare, which will make structures and concepts. Therefore, families should be effec- want nurses to identify with their it increasingly expensive and simul- ● The non-hospital sector, partic- tively strengthened and supported. profession and to receive more taneously inefficient. ularly co-operation between physi- New partnership principles and financial and social recognition so ? A further segmentation of the cians in private practice and the new, specialised training courses as to remain in this field, health system linked to greater bureau- nurses, must be re-designed and need to be developed that are based politicians, and the competent play- cracy in the nursing sector. optimised. Moreover, management on a qualitative and quantitative ers in healthcare, must act swiftly Bureaucracy can indeed provide of the interface between hospital analysis of the status quo as well as and responsibly. In the interest of more detail and render a system and non-hospital sectors needs to future demand. Private initiatives of the weakest area of the care chain - more precise, he said, but the sys- improve. In most countries the and with foreign nurses - mainly the patient (and we are all potential tem, as a whole, must never com- introduction of academic profes- from the Czech Republic and Slova- patients) - the entire healthcare promise its humane and patient- sional training has strengthened kia - are only an interim solution. Klaus Zapotoczky system needs to be redesigned. centred mission. the image of the nursing profes- sions. In Austria, Vienna’s univer- sity offers a degree course and an MA programme in nursing science. However, currently there is no graduate degree programme for nursing science that leads to a doctoral title. Consequently, the alumni - mostly female - of these programmes are faced with a fac- tual and very unfortunate devalua- tion of their academic studies. ● Care services for elderly and old people already need to employ more qualified nurses, because

worldwide. Established in 1899, the council works to ensure quality care and sound international health policies. The new global analysis, to be published in Eng- lish, French and Spanish ( aims to identify policy and practice issues and solutions that is aimed at consideration by governments, international agencies, employers and professional associations when addressing the supply and utilisa- tion of nurses. The report points to: ● a link between adequate nurse staffing levels and positive care outcomes. ● The ratios of nurse:population vary over a hundredfold in differ- ent countries - ranging from under 10 nurses per 100,000 population Beyond the view, the to over 1,000 nurses per 100,000. ● The average nurse:population ratio in high-income countries is almost eight times greater than in Clinical Vision low-income countries. ● Many countries, particularly in For your high-acuity patients, you need immediate access to all Africa, Asia and Central & South relevant information – all at the point of care, all at once. And, America, struggle to provide a unfortunately, all from one monitor. Which means that something minimum level of nurse staffing. A is always hidden: real-time vital signs or continuous trending. recent estimate indicates that sub- The total patient state is never visible all at once. Until now. Saharan African countries have a Now comes Infinity® and the unique monitoring architecture that shortfall of over 600,000 nurses, in introduces Clinical Vision™ – the realization of the idea that better terms of meeting the Millennium November 24 - 27, 2004 vision leads to better care. Infinity with Clinical Vision provides an Development Goals. Düsseldorf, Germany unobstructed, two-screen or split-screen view of the total patient state. ● There is often a poor distribu- Hall 11 - Booth 11 J 39 Specialists and multiple caregivers always see the comprehensive tion of available nurses, with rural or specific information they need. See your total patient through areas in developing countries the Infinity with Clinical Vision. most underserved. The report points to three main, critical challenges related to nurs- ing shortages, which include Sub- Saharan Africa - The impact of HIV/AIDS on the nursing work- force; internal and international migration, and achieving effective health sector reform. The report also highlights four components of a policy framework to address nursing shortages: workforce planning; recruitment and retention; deployment and performance, and utilisation and skill mix. The report stresses that policy interventions must be appropriate to the country context and objec- tives and emphasises that the need for effective policy intervention Emergency Care · OR/Anesthesia · Critical Care · Perinatal Care · Home Care Because you care requires leadership and stakehold- er involvement.


Korea - 3D-eXtended ImagingTM addition to the ability to perform (or 3D-XI), a new diagnostic ultra- in-depth analysis on the resulting sound image processing package, ultrasound images and data. Europe’s contrast media and radio- in 2003 and are forecast to grow at authorities can be meagre, causing developed specifically for the ultra- Included in 3D-XI are Multi-Slice pharmaceuticals markets are see- a CAGR of 6.4% to reach US$643.6 physicians to shun high-cost, sound system Accuvix XQ, has View, Oblique View and Vol- ing some segments grow whilst million in the corresponding period. though effective, products. been launched by Medison, which umeCT.’ others near saturation, according ‘In particular, the MRI segment - However, there is scope for reports that the system has three Medison (est. 1985), which pio- to a report from marketing consul- which currently contributes a size- expansion, said F&S. ‘As the com- innovative imaging applications. neered the first commercial real- tancy Frost & Sullivan (F&S). able portion of the contrast media petition increases and products Growth in contrast media sales, market’s revenues - is expected to reach maturity, the focus on e.g. for X-ray/com- research and puted tomography development Three image (CT), is slumping, is expected to largely due to new rise - bringing technologies need- Medical markets in a surge of processing NEW ing less contrast new products. agents. However, Contrast media and radiopharmaceuticals However, the growth in magnetic R&D depart- applications resonance imaging (MRI) and ultra- show double-digit growth over the ments of industry participants are sound is exceptional. forecast period (2003-2010). This is also likely to face greater pressure for 3-D A similar situation prevails in due to the increased number of MRI to develop more cost-effective radiopharmaceuticals, with procedures being undertaken and products that offer equally good, if positron emission tomography resultant installation of MRI equip- not enhanced, performance to (PET) agents growing at a far faster ment. The focus on MRI contrast meet the needs of end users.’ rate than other segments. Apart media has also grown due to its F&S anticipates a spate of merg- from saturation in some of these, superior contrasting features and ers and acquisitions, as seen the market is also experiencing a wider application,’ the report pointed between Amersham plc by GE Med- fair amount of price erosion, which out. ical Systems, which united an is slowing overall growth. ‘While the market anticipates the imaging company and contrasting ‘However, MRI contrasting introduction of new products - partic- agent firm. agents and PET radiopharmaceuti- ularly in the MRI contrast media and ‘Apart from the increasing focus cals are showing tremendous ultrasound segments - the slow rate on fast-growing segments such as growth potential and helping to bal- of product adoption by physicians MRI and PET, the rising interest in ance the effects of market satura- and technologists is bound to be a ultrasound contrasting agents and tion and price erosion in the overall limiting factor. This disinclination to therapeutic pharmaceuticals result- contrast media and radiopharma- adopt new products is attributable to ing from greater awareness of can- ceuticals market,’ said Srividay the price sensitiveness of the mar- cer diagnostics and cancer thera- Badrinarayanan, Research Analyst ket.’ The situation is particularly peutic agents is helping promote at F&S. ‘Companies that overcome apparent in countries such as France the growth of the overall market,’ the pricing threats and introduce and the UK, said Ms Badri- Ms Badrinarayanan concluded. cost-effective and enhanced imag- narayanan. ing agents are well poised for suc- Unclear reimbursement policies ‘The 3D-XI package enables more time 3-D ultrasound scanner, The Frost and Sullivan report cess.’ and pricing are also restraining mar- extensive and thorough image pro- reports that the Multi-Slice View ‘The Contrast Media and European sales of contrast ket growth, the report claimed, point- cessing capabilities, not previously transforms 3-D volume data Radiopharmaceuticals Market ing to individual countries with differ- available in the ultrasound indus- obtained from a regular ultrasound media generated revenues of in Europe’ is coded: B428. try. This is based on utilising 3-D scan into a series of sequential US$779.4 million in 2003 and are ent reimbursement policies for con- For an analysis overview that volume data obtained from a nor- images captured in intervals of expected to grow at a compound trasting agents, and some with no provides an introduction to mal 3-D scan and processing the 0.5mm (minimum) to 3mm (maxi- annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8%, clear guidelines. Germany and Italy, this, please send your name, data into the exact images and mum) segments. This enables to reach US$1238.3 million in for example, have such strict poli- title, company name, phone information the physician wants to instant viewing for analysis and cies that participants are uncertain number and e-address to: 2010, according to the F&S analy- view and diagnose. All three imag- understanding of more in-depth [email protected] sis. Radiopharmaceuticals generat- about introducing products there. ing applications that make up the data, thus empowering users with ed revenues of US$415.9 million Additionally, reimbursements from 3D-XI package allow for more pre- more diagnostic confidence and cise and accurate diagnoses, in accuracy. ‘Oblique View is imaging technolo- gy which enables you to examine and view 3-D volume data in various planes in without limitations. This process allows for more complete visual examination and better understanding of the correlation between organs within the region of interest,’ says Medison. VolumeCT is a tool for under- standing relationship of coronal, sagittal and axial views of a 3-D data set in a 3-D environment and visual- ly being able to express that rela- tionship. All planes, as well as the volume data set are adjustable and can be manipulated to obtain the exact image and data information for more accurate and optimal examinations. Historically, these imaging tech- nologies have only been available in more expensive CT and MRI sys- tems but now, for the first time, Medison says it has made a success- ful adaptation for the diagnostic ultrasound market. ‘In addition to being more economical when com- pared to CT and MRI examinations, it is also safer in that it is based on current ultrasound standards and therefore there is no need to deal with adverse radiation issues.’ MEDICA 2004 - Medison, which spe- cialises in diagnostic ultrasound sys- tems, from portable to 3-D and 4-D, is based in Seoul and has sales office in over 100 countries (annual rev- enue: $150 million). The firm’s prod- ucts will be on show at Medica. Website:

4 ‘A visual stethoscope’ companyRADIOLOGY news Portable mini cardiovascular US

hardware miniaturisation in a new, ment of Cardiology, St George’s diac examination rooms this is a patented design. ‘Vivid i is a Hospital in London, UK, who has marked advantage.’ remarkable example of how GE is used the equipment. ‘With its ease GE received 510k clearances pioneering technologies that will of movement and diagnostic image from the USA’s Food and Drug change the way healthcare is deliv- quality, this portable ultrasound Administration (FDA) and CE ered to patients,’ Joe Hogan noted. system makes it easier for the doc- Marking certification for Vivid i in ‘Echocardiography is about to tor to go to the patient to perform 2004. The system has now become undergo a major change,’ said Pro- an ultrasound scan, rather than the commercially available. . fessor George Sutherland, Depart- reverse. In intensive care and car- Details:

Vivid I - the first miniaturised cardiovascular ultrasound (US) system to provide high-perfor- mance, full-featured imaging in a lightweight design - was launched a few months ago by GE Health- care (a unit of General Electric Co). With this development, said Omar Ishrak, president and CEO of GE Healthcare’s Ultrasound unit: ‘The freedom that laptops and PDAs brought to business will now be available in healthcare.’ ‘Vivid i addresses one of the biggest challenges physicians face in caring for their patients - access to complete, real-time informa- tion,’ explained Joe Hogan, presi- dent and CEO of GE Healthcare Technologies. ‘As GE Healthcare continues to improve on the portability and convenience of ultrasound technology, I believe it will become the visual stetho- scope of the future.’

The firm reports that the Vivid i offers the functionality and high performance of full-featured, larg- er-scale systems - but GE’s engi- neers developed the system by miniaturising the components of a premium echocardiography system weighing over 400 pounds (180 kilograms), to provide a portable system weighing just 10 pounds (less than five kilograms). Its portable and wireless design now makes diagnosis at a patient’s bed- side or other location feasible. The system also has wireless capabili- ties, so files can be transferred instantly from the system to con- sultants. Within GE Healthcare, Vivid i is being called an ‘imagination break- through’ product, which levers up the R&D investment in software- based ultrasound platforms and

5 RADIOLOGY Decoding the human brain GE’s 9.4 tesla MRI system The University of Illinois Chicago drug therapies for illnesses, such as radio to television was for society,’ (UIC) recently unveiled ‘the stroke, and provide a better under- added Dr Keith Thulborn, director world’s most powerful magnetic standing of learning disabilities. of the UIC Centre for Magnetic Res- resonance imaging machine for ‘Central to the technology is a onance Research. ‘GE’s magnet is human studies, capable of imaging 9.4-tesla magnet, larger than any introducing a whole new dimension not just the anatomy but metabo- other human-sized magnet, built by to imaging by enabling researchers lism within the brain’. This technol- GE Healthcare, a unit of General to better understand how the ogy, UIC explained, will allow Electric Company. A tesla is a large human brain thinks, learns, fights metabolic imaging that will help measuring unit of magnetic disease and responds to experimen- researchers to understand the strength,’ the researchers said. tal therapies.’ workings of the human brain, ‘This technological leap forward is ‘UIC’s new Centre for Magnetic detect diseases before their clinical as revolutionary to the medical Resonance Research, featuring 9.4 scanner signs appear, develop targeted community as the transition from GE’s 9.4-tesla magnet, will be a pre-

mier international centre for human brain research,’ Thulborn said. ‘What we learn here in Chica- go will be shared with researchers and physicians around the world.’ Human Brain Imaging An MRI machine images internal structures of the body using mag- netism, radio waves and a comput- er. A circular magnet surrounds the patient and creates a strong magnetic field that aligns atoms in the body. A pulse of radio waves then rearranges them, creating a signal that is passed to a computer, QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY MAQUET – THE GOLD STANDARD

Three MAQUET divisions, one objective: standards. Upgradable platform thinking, best optimum medical workplaces. clinical performance and highest mobility serve the needs of all patient groups. MAQUET Surgical Workplaces offers surgical workstations from one source which are convincing Innovations from MAQUET Cardiopulmonary in medical, ergonomic and economic terms in the ensure maximum efficiency and security for heart Dr Keith Thulborn long run. New product highlights – surgical tables, surgery. Be it heart-lung machines, heater-cooler surgical lights, pendants, suction systems or pre- units, oxygenators, catheters or the relevant one- fabricated O.R. rooms – are precisely tailored to off products – the results of intensive, focused meet special medical requirements. research set new standards and allow for forward- DANGER looking operating techniques. With new products MAQUET Critical Care, the provider of the class-leading SERVO ven- The false tilation devices, sets medical and economic MAQUET – The Gold Standard. negative MAQUET GmbH & Co. KG . Kehler Straße 31 . D-76437 Rastatt . mammogram

In some countries a failure to diag- nose breast cancer when it is present is the most common cause of medical malpractice litigation. Half the cases that result in payment to a claimant had ‘false negative’ mammograms. Is breast cancer always detectable? In mammography sensitivity is of great importance and involves several fac- tors, including the interpretive skill of the radiologist. Radiologists have long known that some breast cancers are undetected on screening mammo- grams - for a variety of reasons - but they can also be missed for no other reason than distraction or inattention of the screening radiologist. (In 1981 Forrest and Friedman noted that nod- ules, clearly present on chest radi- ographs, were missed 60% of the time by interpreting radiologists, and in 1993 Harvey et al studied mammo- grams and found similar results). Interpreting medical images is com- plicated, involving the simultaneous processes of scanning, perceiving, interpreting, and decision-making. In a Forum this year on the subject of how VISIT US AT MEDICA 2004 . HALL 12 . STAND 12 D 51/52 Radiologists really think, the Society for Computer Applications in Radiology (SCAR) sought to examine approaches

6 companyRADIOLOGY news

therefore offers the key to uncov- cognitive learning disorders, such ering the mysteries of the mind,’ as attention deficit disorder: ‘If we university with 25,000 students, explained Dr Thulborn, who can understand how children learn, 12,000 faculty and staff, 15 colleges worked with GE researchers to we can tailor educational programs and the state’s major public med- develop the 9.4-tesla MRI system. to better teach them, regardless of ical centre. A hallmark of the cam- ‘The work we’re doing, mapping whether they have learning diffi- pus is the Great Cities Commit- human thoughts, brings so much culties. By understanding the dif- ment, through which UIC faculty, promise to the future of medical ferent ways that the brain learns, students and staff engage with research, specifically to our ability more efficient and effective learn- community, corporate, foundation to really understand more about ing programs can be produced for and government partners in hun- brain diseases,’ he added. ‘The such skills as reading, music and dreds of programs to improve the medical and social implications of mathematics.’ quality of life in metropolitan areas this technology include more per- around the world. For more infor- sonalized healthcare and earlier About the University of Illinois at mation about UIC, visit intervention to prevent disease.’ Chicago In addition, Dr Thulborn plans to UIC ranks among the nation’s top apply the 9.4-tesla system to 50 universities in federal research Details: and observing and potentially treating funding and is Chicago’s largest

Headcoil - the device in which the head is placed to image the brain -ßÞl›Í-lÃyŸÃ–lÃÆÍyߖÍ:lÆYŸÃ producing an image. Øϟ–AÏlcÍY‹cÍAÆÏÍ The current industry standard 0ÏA‹›‹›€ 02##Í<%4Í %#2/% for MRI systems is 1.5 tesla, which :lÆYŸÃÀÆÍlßƮÃAáÍl–Aϟ’Ÿ€áÍ0’‹clÍ0ÏA‹›lÃÌ áϟYl›ÏËy؀l limits researchers to imaging water 2ˆlÍlßƮÃAáÍY‹cŠAÆÏÍ0’‹clÍ0ÏA‹›ÍlÃÌ molecules. As a result, only áϟYl›ÏËy؀l͟yÍylÃÆÍƋ€Í›‹zÍÍÍYA›ÏÍAcŠ ŸyylÃÆÍØÆlÃÍYŸ›Ïߒ’AO‹’‹ÏáÍߋψÍYØÆϟ–ÍÆÏA‹›‹›€ÍŸ®Ï‹Ÿ›Æ³ anatomical changes can be detect- ÍÞA›ÍÏA€ÍlÆ͟ÞlÃ͈A›cÍÆÏA‹›Í‹›€Íߋψ͟ØÏÍ ed and monitored, UIC researchers ψlÍ®ŸÆÍƋÍO‹’Í‹ÍÏá͟yÍYßÆÆÍYŸ›ÍÏA–Í‹Í›AÍϋŸ›³ÍÍ ’‹›‹Y‹A›Æ͛Ÿß͈AÞlÍψlÍYˆŸ‹Yl͟yÍØÆlÃÍYŸ›Ïߒ’AO’lÍÆÏA‹›‹›€ÍßØϋ›lÆ`Í®’ØÆÍ pointed out. By contrast, the 9.4- ÏÆÍAØÍϟ͖AÏÍlcÍylAÍÏØÃlÆÍ®ÃlÍY‹Æl͒áÍYŸ›Š ®ŸßlÃyؒÍYØÆϟ–ÍÆÏA‹›‹›€ÍŸ®Ï‹Ÿ›ÆÍߋψÍ:lÆYŸÃÀÆ͛lßÍʦ{çÍlßƮÃAá tesla magnet, which is three times ÍÏߒÍA’’Í®ˆAÆÍlÆ͟yÍψlÍÆÏA‹›ÍYáÍY’lÍA›cÍAƊ l–Aϟ’Ÿ€áÍ0’‹clÍ0ÏA‹›lÃÌ áϟYl›ÏËy؀l³ more powerful than current state- ÍÆØÃlÍáŸØ͟yÍYŸ›ÍƋÆÍÏl›ÏÍÃlͮßÍcØY͋O‹’Í‹ÍÏá³ lAÏØÃlÆ͋›Y’Øcl_ of-the-art clinical MRI magnets and ›c`Íψ‹ÆÍ؛‹¸Øl͋›ÍÆÏÃØ͖l›Ï͋ÆÍ more than 100,000 times stronger XÍ4ÆlÃÍ-߀ÃA––AO‹’‹Ïá͊ÍYˆŸ‹Yl͟yͮ͜Ãl®ÃŸ€ÃA––lc AYÍÏØÍA’Í’áÍÏߟ͋›ÍÆÏÃØ͖l›ÏÆ͋›Í than the earth’s magnetic field, will ͋›Ïl›Æ‹ÏáÍÆlÏϋ›€Æ³ enable UIC researchers to detect Ÿ›l³ÍÍ:‹ÏˆÍ signals from sodium, phosphorus, :lÆYŸÃÀÆÍ XÍ/A®‹cÍ-lÃyŸÃ–A›Yl͊ÍAÍψß؀ˆ®ØÏ͟y͖ŸÃlÍψA› carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen - the Ÿ®ÍϋŸ›ÍA’Í ͦÖç̓‹clÆÍ®lÃ͈ŸØà áϟ®ÃŸÄÍ metabolic building blocks of brain XÍ Ÿ›Þl›‹l›Ï͊͛ŸÍyØÆÆͮßYlÆÆÍyߖÍÆÏAÃÏÍ ÃŸÏŸÃ`ÍψlÍ function and human thought. ÍϟÍz͛‹Æˆ lßƮÃAáÍ ‘Brain scanning is pushed to the ÆÏA‹›ÍlÃÍ XÍ/lA€l›ÏÍYŸ›Ÿ–á͊ÍÃlA€l›ÏÍcl’‹ÞlÃá limit with the current technology - OlÍYŸ–lÆÍ ÍYŸ›yŸÃ–ÆÍߋψÍψl͛ؖOlÃ͟y̓‹clÆ we need the sensitivity of the 9.4- AÍÆØÍ®lÃOÍ Í‹›ÍψlÍYAßØÆl’ tesla magnet to go beyond anatom- YáϟYl›Š XÍ%®Ï‹Ÿ›A’Í áϟYl›ÏËy؀lÍ/ŸÏŸÃ͊ ic imaging to metabolic imaging. ÏËy؀l͊ÍAÏÍ ‘Metabolism provides the energy Í –A‘lÆÍAÍÆØ®lÃOÍYáϟYl›ÏËy؀lÍߋψ AÍyÃAYÍϋŸ›ÍŸyÍψlÍYŸÆÏ͟yÍAÍ Í q̓‹clÍYA®AY‹Ïá that drives brain function and ÆÏA›cÍA’Ÿ›lÍYáϟYl›ÏËy؀l³

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ComPaMED displays raw materials, compo- nents, parts, packaging and services for use in the medical supplies industry. 239 compa- nies are participating in this year’s exhibi- tion, about a third from Germany, and some 64% from other countries. Klaus Jopp, sci- Micropumps, biochips, ence and technology writer, reports ‘Increasing miniaturisation combined with are prerequisites for permanent system directly on the patient.’ Minute pumps are as pressure for moving liquids. The material, a simultaneous integration of functions is a key reduction and, on the other hand, these inno- indispensable in these lab-on-a-chip systems plastic, is also the essential component in theme of global product development in the vative materials require that their manufac- as in many other fields of medicine. The lat- micromixers with snake-like winding chan- most diverse application fields,’ observed turing and forming processes are co-devel- est product from this firm is barely larger nels because modern casting technologies Professor Jürgen Fleischer, chair of the Insti- oped. than a euro coin and weighs less than a pen- allow it to be worked so that the liquids in tute for Production Technology at the Uni- ThinXXS GmbH, for example, will present cil. It pumps up to six millilitres per minute the canals are mixed fast and effectively. versity of Karlsruhe. In particular, this signif- minute pumps and mixers for use in medical but consumes less than 0.2 Watt in the ‘There is a clear vision behind systems that icantly applies to medical technology - which technology. Dr Thomas Stange, the firm’s process. An unusual pump drive is responsi- need our components: there’s a rush to make receives major inspiration from ComPaMED. head of marketing, said, ‘We are creating the ble for this high throughput - piezoceramics test strips, such as those in conventional On one hand, the focus is on materials that prerequisites for diagnostic equipment instead of a motor provide the necessary pregnancy tests, as accurate as current labo-

Germany - Innovative exhibits, study results and activities in neurology, Universities urology, surgery and prosthetics will be demonstrated by members of eight demonstrate Research research-institutes from various uni- advances versities at the Forschungsland North- Rhine-Westphalia joint stand at MED- ICA. (Hall 3 - stand D 93). Bio-engineering - Aachen University of on display Applied Sciences, in Jülich, will intro- duce its Centre of Competence in Bio- engineering, where applications range from the analysis of artificial skin to Best for the development of drug delivery sys- tems. With the involvement of several patients and scientists from various universities, this joint project cross-links existing specialist knowledge and promotes sci- surgeons entific co-operation. Orthopaedics - The University Hospital Aachen has been working on a layering As well as demands towards system to optimise bonding between plastics and metals by PVD silica layer- health care grow, require- ing, so as to prolong the periods ments for technical equipment between surgical interventions. within the OR do so. Products from BERCHTOLD distinguish through convincing functionality and proficiency. Well-known brands, developed and produced by BERCHTOLD, guarantee highest reliability and well conceived user-friendliness.

prostate-specific-antigen (PSA) tests. A team from the urology clinic at University Duisburg-Essen will offer visitors PSA tests as well as results during MEDICA. Uripet L, an inexpensive rapid testing sys- tem for diagnoses and for monitoring the course of several urological and haemato- oncological diseases (e.g. myeloma or leukaemia), and which shows increased uric acid and globulin content, will be presented by Hochschule Niederrhein. Imaging - The Gelsenkirchen University of Applied Science will present an advance in 3- D ultrasound (US) imaging, demonstrating the identification and accurate measurement Neurology - The prototype of a new The Jülich Research Centre has developed of a malformation and the defective positions sensor-based helmet, which supports a method for deep-brain stimulation to treat in an infant’s hip joint. a precise medical diagnosis of neu- patients suffering Parkinson ‘s disease, with Surgical assistance - Siegen University will ronal related symptoms of defective just a few . A brain pacemaker present a universal surgical assistance sys- Please visit us at muscular contractions in the transmits electrical impulses that are not tem that integrates surgical tools for com- MEDICA in Düsseldorf neck/nape area (cervical dystonia) continuously stimulating, but which singly puter and robot-assisted surgery. The soft- along with disordered head move- and individually meet demands, when need- ware, called modiCAS (modular interactive from 24. – 27. 11. 2004 ments, will be demonstrated by Duis- ed. Nerve cell activity in the brain’s overac- computer-assisted surgery), has an indepen- hall 10, booth C 42 burg-Essen University. This consists tive areas is not suppressed but desynchro- dently applicable module that enables com- of a light, mobile, cableless helmet nised. When nerve cells want to fire overly puter-based, pre-operative planning. During BERCHTOLD GmbH & Co. KG and a traditional PC with diagnostic synchronously, they are distracted by target- surgery, an assisting mechatronic system can Ludwigstaler Straße 25 software, which enables precise, ed stimuli. be used, which, with its precise positioning 78532 Tuttlingen/Germany dynamic recording of head move- Urology - Prostate cancer ranks second and guidance of surgical instruments, helps Tel. +49 (0) 74 61/181-0 ments to gain a quantitative compari- among the most common causes of cancer the surgeon - particularly in new and mini- Fax +49 (0) 74 61/181-200 son of the course and intensity of an deaths. But although early diagnosis raises mally invasive procedures - and facilitates [email protected] illness, as well as quantifiable men’s chances of recovery to 90 %, not surgical results that are precisely repro- cause/effect schemes. enough men recognised the value of ducible.

8 companyRESEARCH news

hydrophilic, conductive, transpar- There can be no doubt: small to ent, corrosion-resistant - are avail- tiny components, functional sur- able for the most varied substrates. faces and innovative materials will This type of surface modification, play an important role at Com- with high chemical resistance and PaMED 2004 - which includes the nanomedicine... temperature durability (up to forum ‘Microtechnology and Med- 600ºC), is currently available for ical Technology’, during which ratory tests,’ Dr Stange said. Then, faces a great future. Rajaram biopharmaceutical companies are steel, aluminium, brass, copper, leading representatives of the a mere few drops of biofluid will Sankaran, an analyst at Frost & conducting intensive research on glass and plastics (ABS, PMMA, PC ‘miniature arts’ will present about provide results on a whole series Sullivan, reported: ‘Given the pos- these new methods of drug admin- and PA). The coating is applied 20 lectures. In these, they will of illnesses - at a patient’s bedside. sibility of directing active thera- istration. Nanotechnology has using the sol-gel process, which has cover the entire exciting field of To achieve this, suitable sensors peutic agents directly to their tar- clearly developed further in Com- acquired great importance in nan- medical microtechnology, ranging are needed, and not only here, but get and, consequently, of reducing PaMED’s area. Möller Medical otechnology. Sabine Stein- from legal questions regarding in many other systems. Custom- side effects, nanomedicine might GmbH & Co. KG has steadily Wehinger, who is in charge of the product liability and market produced for clients by Campus significantly increase the quality of developed its offer in this field. Coatings division at Mˆller, envisions assessments, to novel sensors and Micro Technologies GmbH (CMT, life of many patients/’ Today, nanocomposite coatings the firm’s next objective as antibac- transponders for telemedicine. Bremen), these measure pressure, Currently, pharmaceutical and with a wide range of properties - terial coating based on nanosilver. ComPaMED - Hall 8 acceleration, humidity, ultrasound or fluid state etc. Matthias Wenzel, project manager for Biomedical MEMS at Campus, added ‘Another important possibility for use are telemetric implants that send data from the body’s interior to exter- nal recipients.’ CMT cooperates with the development centre of Microsystems Centre Bremen (MCB) and the consignment man- ufacturer MST/MEMS Wafer- foundry microFAB Bremen GmbH. As a result, it offers a broad spec- trum of the most current manu- facturing technologies in micro- electronics and microsystems technology. Plastics gain new importance in medicine - Due to their excel- lent forming qualities, low weight and favourable economics, plastics continue to rise in importance in medical technology. As a result, the demand for suitable process- ing methods such as laser welding is increasing. The essential advan- tages of laser technology, e.g. in microfluids, are: no involvement of supplementary work materials such as adhesives, no additional abrasion impurities, the most flex- ibility and quality. Due to micro- scopic requirements, Nd:YAG lasers with highest brilliance are Innovation in Life Support used. Look among the mixers and microfilters on display to find and Care examples of plastic welding. Sensors in medical technology must be small and antiseptically encapsulated as well as have a high performance. Laser welding The familiar and trusted names of Portex, Deltec, Pneupac, is ideal for this purpose. Since the Graseby, Wallace, pvb, BCI, Level 1, Bivona and DHD laser beam applies the fusion heat have merged their business units into one global company: extremely precisely, the welding Smiths Medical. seams may be drawn close to the temperature- and vibration-sensi- tive sensor and electronic compo- Smiths Medical offers market-leading solutions in two major nents - without affecting the sur- areas: Anaesthesia & Safety Devices and Medication face quality. In some cases, metal Delivery & Patient Monitoring. These two areas cover wires are embedded in plastics airway management, pain management, needle protection, using laser beams - strictly speak- arterial blood sampling, temperature management, ing, this is not welding but never- theless a combination that must critical care monitoring, hospital and ambulatory infusion, meet certain stability require- vascular access, in-vitro fertilisation, surgical drainage and ments. Membranes, sensors and insulin infusion. electronics play a decisive role in many implants. As a rule, they Across the world there is now one name that sums up must be welded or encapsulated quality, safety, innovation and value in medical technology. using microseams without affect- ing actual functions. These are That name is Smiths Medical. also ideal situations for laser weld- ing. An example is the processing of hearing aids - in this case, mem- Portex•Deltec•Pneupac JOIN US AT MEDICA branes are welded so that the very small components are connected Graseby•Wallace•pvb HALL 6 - STAND H30 without heat distortion but the AND mechanical requirements for sta- BCI•Level1•Bivona•DHD HALL 9 - STAND A34 bility and density are still ensured. For example, Carl Baasel The global family of Smiths Medical Lasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG, a company in the Rofin group, and others, will present laser systems Smiths Medical - a subsidiary of Smiths Group plc for these uses at the ComPaMED Head Office: 765 Finchley Road, London NW11 8DS UK Tel: +44(0)20 8458 3232 Fax: +44(0)20 8201 9024 show. Portex, Deltec, Pneupac, Graseby, Wallace, pvb, BCI, Level 1, Bivona, and DHD are the registered trademarks of Smiths Group plc or one of its subsidiary companies. Nanomedicine: a brilliant ©2004 Smiths Medical. All rights reserved. future - According to a study by the market research company Frost & Sullivan, nanomedicine

9 AWARDSnews

Many ingenious designs and inventions, set to enhance the lives of the disabled, were shown at November’s International Rehacare Rehacare: changing Trade Fair in Dusseldorf. The best of these have won the European Commission’s first Design for All and Assistive Technology Awards. Brenda Marsh, Editor in chief, 2004@MEDICA, reports lifestyles for the disabled

One of the frustrating aspects of ● Hippocampe, a waterproof vehi- life for a paraplegic is the inacces- cle that can cross rough terrain with sibility of many places, as well as ease - traversing sand, pebbles, barriers to participating in certain grass and so on. This offers wheel- sports. The pinnacles reached by chair users the chance to explore disabled contestants in the Para- places where they may never have plegic Olympics, and events such gone before. In the Culture, as the London Marathon, are Leisure and Sport Category, this therefore not only inspirational, won the French company, Vipamat but a spur to inventors, who often top honours. push the boundaries of design to ● Elektro-Rollsthul Typhoon - present physical possibilities often this high-tech but affordable wheel- only dreamed about. I was there- chair has six wheels and a maxi- fore particularly delighted to find mum speed of over 12km/h, and that the following inventions had handles impeccably whether gained top honours at Rehacare indoors or outdoors, says the maker this year: Invacare, of Germany, which gained ● Sport sled, made by Tojo of the Mobility and Transportation Finland, which won a prize in the category prize for this design. Culture, Leisure and Sport catego- ● Parkwalker was designed to ry. The sled, for disabled or able- help those suffering Parkinson’s dis- bodied users, has attachments to ease. Software, contained in a make it useable for fitness train- mobile mini computer to be worn ing, balancing exercises - and even on the user’s belt or in a pocket, roller-skating. displays moving visual cues in the

user’s peripheral visual field within Thus very welcome inventions pre- specially adapted glasses. This won sented with awards were: the Jury’s New Territory Award ● Bücherfuchs, made by Bergische for it its maker Parkaid Srl, of Italy. Universität Wuppertal, Germany. Communication is another vital This prototype machine automati- area for those with disabilities. cally turns each page of a book, Developments in this field not only scans it and stores the pages elec- augment many people’s contact tronically. This device won the with the world at large, but can Jury’s Integrated Solutions also save their lives in emergen- Award. cies. Thus mobile phones, the ● Livereader is a high-res digital Internet, and much else have camera that provides real time enhanced many aspects of disabled audible output for the user as it living. The following are fine exam- scans text. Made by Livereader ples in new developments: GmbH, from German, this won in ● Butler, a locatable mobile phone the Lifelong Learning Category. contains an emergency function Dressing can be worrying for that alerts relevant services of the those with vision impairment, and owner’s exact location when can result in a sometimes curious pressed. Made by Binom Produkt- and embarrassing combination of design, in Germany, this gained clothing. The integrated OR. first place in the Communication ● Marta Mei, from Milan’s Politec- and Information category. nico, delighted judges with her First class ● Hausnotruf-Telefon, a home Listening to the Clothes entry emergency telephone also took top in the Daily Living category. Aim- honours in that category. Although ing to help partially sighted or •Consulting everyone can use the device, it is blind people to co-ordinate their • Design particularly helpful for those with clothes when dressing, she devised visual impairments, hearing defects a way of fitting garments with tags • Product / System and tactual problems because, for that relay to the wearer the item’s • Installation example, it has larger buttons and colour, fabric, etc. a user-friendly volume control. In Other exemplary winners includ- • Service an emergency, a relay for help can ed Cairlift, a four-layered mat- be activated via the phone or a tress with remote control, made by for greater efficiency in your future OR. portable transmitter, which can be Indes Medical Design, in the worn around the neck. The maker: Netherlands; Easy Reach DFG Deutsche Fernsprecher Shelves, made by Tech Desing Oy GmbH. of Finland, which can be folded Reading is one of life’s great down with a single hand move- Your partner in Endoscopy and ESWL [email protected] · escapes. However, for those with ment; and Audible, an advanced RICHARD WOLF GmbH · D-75434 Knittlingen · PF 1164 · Tel.: +49 70 43 35-0 · Fax: +49 70 43 35-300 sight impairment many great MP3 Player, created by Carin Lars-

Subsidiaries in Austria · Belgium · France · Germany · Great Britain · USA Info / Service-Nr.043.03 books, or educational material, are son, from Umeå Institute of Design still not accessible via reading aids. in Sweden, which makes music more accessible to everyone.

10 SECURITYcompany & newsSCALES

emergency power supply to guaran- tee that the unit can be used Personnel security around the clock,’ the firm adds. ‘For safety reasons, a technical Dect messaging, a voice-linked a few, transmitters, but takes place alarm is activated in the event of personal alarm unit that recently within an infrastructure with many technical errors such as departure received the German accident base stations.’ from the area covered by the signal, insurers’ GS mark for safety, is the A standard interface connects flat battery, interrupted radio com- first to fully integrate personal DECT messaging to an existing munication, failure of system com- brings the warmth emergency alarms into a telecom- nurse call system and sends ponents and a failed self-test.’ to the patient munications device, says its manu- patients’ emergency calls directly A further advantage is that differ- facturer, Damovo GmbH & Co KG. to mobile terminals carried by ent functions - e.g. personal securi- Damovo volunteered for the medical staff, who only need use ty, SMS transmission or connecting blood warmer accident insurer testing of the the one terminal for mobile speech existing customer systems - can be unit, and adjustments were made communication and SMS services. provided as modular options, the to the software to satisfy all If a crisis arises, a doctor can be firm points out. requirements, e.g. programming of consulted direct. Damovo, which has over 26,000 international clients and employs over 2,200 people worldwide, and an annual turnover of around a bil- lion euros, is now seeking more dis- Nuova/05 “plus” tributors for the Dect system. heated temperature line from Currently Damovo is mainly warmer to patient Insurers active in Australia, Brazil, Germany, semi-reusable insulation tube the and Italy, and increased flow range approve new high-low temp alarm with auto shut-off is also represented in Argentina, 13 grooves for two liquids simultaneously personal Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ire- 3 independent temperature sensors for land, Colombia, Mexico, Poland, max. patient/device safety alarm device Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, standard low cost disposables Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Venezuela. Details: [email protected]. t e l .+49-4542-826 930 · · [email protected] And: The messaging system can reduce response times in emergencies Ten medical scales and measuring systems NEW

Damovo Ten high-tech, well-designed baby scales, measuring station and col- umn scales, all new to seca’s product range, will be launched at Med- ica this year, along with current models from Seca’s range of intelli- an alarm centre for the monitoring Comprehensive terminal self-tests - gent, practical weighing and measuring solutions. functions and a series of security Self-testing is automatically activat- The products will be arrayed in target groups at the 100 m2 stand functions, such as availability of the ed when the unit is switched on or (Hall 12, stand A 63), so that visitors can quickly find what they want. terminals and periodic terminal self- taken out of the charger, when an testing, were implemented. alarm is answered, and after techni- seca Vogel & Halke GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg also reports that it The device was certified accord- cal faults, the firm reports. ‘All the will have a special ‘Marketing’ information centre on the stand this ing to DIN standard VDE V 0825-1 terminals’ alarm functions are year, to supply information about advertising and sales measureS to and the accident insurers’ guideline checked. All the alarm system’s interested trade and sales partners. For those who take part in seca’s BGR 139, valid until 31/12/08. The components are also constantly survey, there’s also a chance to win a complete seca campaign indi- Electrical Engineering Committee, monitored by periodic self-testing. vidually tailored to their needs. within the German Federation of The central components have an Institutions for Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention (HVBG), in Cologne, took charge of the assessment, and technical tests took place at the accident insurers’ testing and certification unit, in A NEW STANDARD OF Dresden. (Certification details: FLEXIBILITY Due to a history of accidents or risk level in some workplaces, acci- dent insurers stipulate the use of a IN TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES. certified personal alarm system in some circumstances. As an accident insurer-approved unit, the Dect There’s a new standard in tracheostomy: voice-linked alarm means only one TRACOE vario – a soft, flexible tracheo- staff member need be deployed in hazardous workplaces, whereas for- stomy tube with patented, variably adju- merly a second person had to be stable neck flange. To achieve a perfect fit present, Damovo points out. ‘The in any patient, it’s easy to slide the flange a market favours mobile communica- to a new position, where it clicks into tion via a speech terminal over rigid place (a). There are also two soft, pliable paging technology, which is becom- wings on the flange that can be rotated ing obsolete,’ said Martin Beck, c either together (b) or independently of one Damovo’s Business Manager. ‘When you have only one terminal for mon- another (c). itoring, sending alarms and messag- b ing, it’s easier to use and provides a TRACOE vario comes in four different quicker response in an emergency. versions: reinforced with a metal spiral Paging systems offer only limited or nonreinforced with x-ray contrast line, speech transmission, so there is no both with or without a low-pressure cuff. ability to consult with someone in an emergency or to issue an alarm verbally, for instance. This meant that paging-based solutions could only ever be extensions of a mobile speech communication solution and never an integrated system. So the voice-linked personal alarm unit is TRACOE medical GmbH, Reichsforststr. 32, D - 60528 Frankfurt/Main more secure because the signal Tel. +49 - 69 - 665 668 - 0, Fax - 10, transfer is not based only on one, or

11 RESPIRATORYnews CARE Assisted breathing for neonates USA - The NeoPAP Neonatal CPAP System provides low A WORLD MARKET LEADER levels of pressure to assist breathing in newborn infants with a wide variety of respiratory difficulties. Using a Danube is a market leader in the laundry industry and is widely recognized as a major innovator and manufacturer of laundry equipment servo controlled delivery system, air and oxygen delivery including BARRIER DESIGN WASHER EXTRACTORS specially designed can be adjusted from 2 to 10 cm H2O pressure, with a for hospital laundries and for clean rooms. flow generation capacity up to 20 L/min. Whenever a contamination free clean room environment is required ‘This unique technology uses servo controlled propor- (pharmaceutical, medical, micro-electronic, cosmetic, nuclear and food industries) DANUBE has a solution. tional solenoids that ensure accurate control of pres- Our machines are built to avoid sure, compensates for interface leaks and allows for the the flow of airborne particles and use of smaller prongs, which help to reduce the risk of micro-organisms, all components septal damage to the newborn,’ said its manufacturer and raw materials are with smooth finish, mechanical and thermal Respironics Inc, a Pennsylvania-based firm that focuses resistance, not prone to little cracks, on sleep and respiratory products and distributes these air and water tight. in over 100 countries. ‘The device also employs advanced They resist corrosion and are not humidification technology that delivers optimal humidifica- retaining particles and micro- tion and warming that increases patient comfort and pro- organisms. vides a minimal ‘rain-out’ and crusting around the patient interface. Medical ‘Additionally, the NeoPAP has several alarms with adjustable volumes and a remote connection as well as an internal battery Barrier Washer-Extractors for easy transportation.’ Details:

Please see us at hall 5 boothBP D12 19 - F 41600 LAMOTTE BEUVRON France Tél. : 33 (0) 2 54 88 05 76 • Fax : 33 (0) 2 54 96 89 04 WEB : Acquisition Medication delivery augments Teleflex Medical is a key business segment within Teleflex Incorporat- brands ed, and since 1989 has supplied systems on show products and services for anaesthe- Medical tubing New infusion set cleared by FDA sia, urology and surgery. Since the Hudson RCI, a complete range of The firm’s urology and endo- firm acquired Hudson RCI in June, anaesthesia and airway manage- urology range also extends from Earlier this year, Smiths Medical it now provides, under the globally ment products, such as tracheal Foley catheters, ureteral (which focuses on anaesthesia and known brand names R¸sch and tubes and intubation aids, tra- catheters and stents to products safety devices for medication cheostomy tubes for percutaneous nephrostomy, delivery and patient monitoring and laryngoscopes, suprapubic bladder drainage, (products: airway management, products for closed urinary systems, through pain management, safety devices, regional anaesthe- to specially designed catheters for temperature management, dia- sia, respiratory homecare. betes , infusion, vascular access, care, oxygen and Surgical closure, ligation and etc) acquired the US respiratory aerosol therapy, cardiovascular devices include the care device company DHD Health- humidification, fil- brands Pilling, Weck, CVevolu- care from Riverside Capital of tration and prod- tions, Pleur-Evac and Deknatel. Cleveland, Ohio. ucts for tempera- These products will be on show DHD products for respiratory ture management. at MEDICA - Hall 9 - 37A. care include those for positive

expiratory pressure therapy for chronic lung disease cases; incen- tive spirometers used post-opera- tively to improve lung function, and devices to help patients inspire nebulised drugs from an inhaler. In late 2003, DHD had acquired a range of specialised nebulisation systems, incorporat- ing heaters and humidifiers, and oxygen delivery products. Recently Smiths Medical received 510(k) Pre-market Notifi- cation market clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its Cleo 90, a new sub- cutaneous infusion set. Infusion sets, the firm explains, are a key element of an insulin pump sys- tem, delivering insulin in a flow path connection between the pump and the wearer. The all-in-one design of the Cleo 90 features an automatic needle retraction system to reduce acci- dental jabs, a skin-like adhesive dressing that breathes yet keeps water out, and a hidden insertion needle that helps when injecting small children and those with nee- dle-phobia. A 360∞ site connectivi- ty option provides total tubing direction control, allowing users to Please see us at wear what they want, when they hall 7 booth E23 wan, the firm points out. The Cleo 90 will be released early in 2005. Smiths Medical products can be viewed in Hall 6 - H30.

12 IT company& TELEMEDICINE news

Moving towards a pan- “clip touch” finger sensor highest patient comfort even when European health network applied for a longer period of time PA housing, Earlier this year, the European Commission (EC) launched Santoprene cable its e-Health action plan, which aims to get European ensures durability and bi o c o m p a t i b i l i t y healthcare providers to use communication and information ear, y, pedi and technologies to support healthcare services disposables By Dahn Jubell, Global Business One key aim is to have fixed and physician receives a text message Unit Manager, Healthcare, wireless health information net- on her cordless phone to let her Ascom Wireless Solutions works widely implemented by 2008 know that the results of a patient’s - with the longer-term goal of a lab tests are ready - and they need different purposes in a comple- seamless, integrated pan-European her urgent attention. She immedi- mentary way. The greatest benefits touchtouch lineline health network. However, as Dahn ately sends a message to a group of come from being able to integrate SpO2 sensors Jubell of Ascom Wireless Solutions porters, and the nearest one avail- the most appropriate and cost- points out, there are already signifi- able acknowledges and is on his effective technologies successfully “silc-touch” cant benefits to be gained by way to take the patient to the con- to deliver the required services. finger sensor healthcare providers from smart sulting room within seconds. This As healthcare professionals con- Silicon rubber integration of wireless communica- process eliminates the need for fol- sider how they can move their ICT boot sensor tions at the local level. low-up calls and checks - saving systems forward towards the Euro- autoclavable easy to repair If there are two words that sum- time and boosting efficiency. pean Commission’s objectives, they cost effective marise the benefit of fully integrat- A key point to make here is that should bear in mind that there is a smaller design ing wireless communications sys- there is no single wireless technol- lot they can do today - through for most OEMs tems - such as cordless phones and ogy or standard that is the ‘best’. smart integration of wireless com- available pagers - into the healthcare envi- Whether we’re talking analogue or munications - to help them make ronment, they are quicker digital cordless, wireless LAN or the best use of any new and exist- response. In the demanding and voice-over-IP, each technology has ing investments in IT and commu- highly complex environment of a its own merits and can be used for nications. t e l . +4 9 -454 2- 826 930 · · [email protected] busy hospital, integrated wireless communications speed up response by getting the right information to the right people at the right time. New route to data security cal, but it also significantly improves techniques, QFilter is better on all Complex processes are linked sim- query-response time by rejecting three.’ ply and effectively at the right Washington, D.C. - An advance in before a database responds to a unauthorised requests early on.’ To capture and determine who points; information flow between data protection software ‘... that can query. ‘We have shifted the thinking Other technologies for restricting can access what information, QFil- departments is enhanced. more quickly and efficiently ensure from data filtering to query filtering - access to databases include view- ter uses a specialised computation The obvious and immediate bene- databases don’t release unautho- a practical solution to the ongoing based technology, which creates dif- model: non-deterministic finite fits of having information and rised information,’ was described problem of database access con- ferent data views for each user, so automata (NFA), which stores a instructions flowing to the right this month at the ACM Conference trols,’ Dongwong Lee explained. that the database no longer has to large number of access control poli- people at the right time are on Information and Knowledge Man- Currently protecting databases via check users’ credentials, improving cies in an efficient and non-redun- improved care and safety. For agement, by Dongwong Lee *, assis- only authorised personnel access, is speed. However, as the number of dant fashion, they reported. ‘NFA example, alarms and emergencies tant professor in the School of Infor- managed through access control- users requesting access grows, or monitors when users’ queries pass can be responded to more quickly, mation Sciences and Technology modules built separately into individ- views need to be updated frequent- through and filters out parts of and waiting times can be reduced. (IST), Penn State. ual databases. QFilter can implement ly, this technology will have mainte- queries asking for unauthorised The longer-term benefits include Presenting a paper titled: QFilter: database security without those mod- nance and storage issues, the access.’ more efficient workflow through Fine-Grained Run-Time XML Access ules, Dr Lee said, which means it researchers pointed out. ‘The * Co-authors: B Luo, an IST doctoral the hospital and reduced length-of- Control via NFA-based Query Rewrit- can be used with off-the-shelf data- issues are what technology is student; P Liu, an assistant professor stay, not to mention relieving stress ing’, he explained that the software, bases and without requiring substan- fastest, what requires the least stor- of information sciences and technology and strain on medical personnel. QFilter, ‘sits’ between users and tial changes to existing databases. age and what requires the least at IST, and -W-C Lee, an associate pro- fessor in the department of Computer Investments in information technol- databases and filters or culls out ‘That difference not only makes the amount of changes to existing data- Science and Engineering). ogy are better utilised, as bottle- unauthorised requests for data security check of QFilter very practi- bases. Compared with competing Details: necks in information flow between departments are removed. Wireless communication systems can be integrated seamlessly with existing systems such as Electronic Patient Record (EPR), Hospital Information System (HIS), Radiolo- MEDICA 2004 gy Information System (RIS) and HALL 10, F 67 Laboratory Information System (LIS). They can also integrate with existing telecoms and IT infrastruc- ture, and with technical and admin- istrative systems such as account- ing, building management and secu- rity systems. This means that vital information from any source can be delivered promptly to medical and Beyond your imagination. other personnel, wherever they are working - whether through a voice Maximum synergy between German optics and Korean electronics. call, standardised alert or text mes- sage - and whatever device they are using. An example of how this works is in hospital radiology departments. While examining some new scans, a radiologist notices that an X-ray image shows a left foot, but it’s marked as the right foot. She does- n’t know who is authorised to make Telescopes, Systems and Instruments a correction at this time of night, so şLaparoscopy şHysteroscopy şCystoscopy she opens up the wireless correc- şResectoscopy şArthroscopy şSinoscopy tion application in the RIS and şOtoscopy şBronchoscopy makes a note of required correc- tions. The system sends a message Electronic Devices to the authorised person who is şCameras şLight Sources şVideo Equipment walking along a corridor two floors şInsufflators şSuction-/and Irrigation pump up, who immediately acknowledges şHF-Generators şAuto Shaver şDigital Storage System the job. The corrected record is -- saved in the archive - ensuring şMGB Endoskopische Gerate GmbH Berlin Schwarzschildstra҅e 6 D-12489 Berlin Tel : +49-30-6392-7012 fax: +49-30-6392-7011 more efficient and reliable tracking. şMGB Asian Head Office / 4F, KICOX Venture Center, 188-5 Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, South Korea 152-050 E-mail:[email protected] (Europe) / [email protected] (Asia) In another ward, a consultant

13 IT & TELEMEDICINEnews MEDICA meet.IT 350 exhibitors will showcase information and communications technology (ICT) at Medica Media (telemedicine), Medica Vision (presentations of research institutes) and Medica meet.IT (Hall 16). According to a recent study conducted by Mummert Consulting and the F.A.Z. Institute, over one in two German hospitals (54%) have earmarked major funds for IT investment from now until 2005. Following its successful debut in 2003, the MEDICA meet.IT user forum - co-ordinated by the umbrella organisation Information Technology in Health Care (Informationstechnologie im Gesundheitswesen svitg e. V.) will again provide added value to the programme of events. Software users from hospitals will present papers with proposals and case studies on the installation and use of new IT applications. WANTED:

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AT HALL 6, STAND C14 And meet the leader in the manufacturing of What’s new in telemed? Plenty Infection Control/Single Use Disposable Products for the healthcare industry. An X-ray examination, performed in a patients, who were examined at the definition of what this means lies small hospital in a remote region, is small hospitals, showed that one in within the powers of the state social received via a phone line by a resi- eight was a critical emergency, and service ministries and their execu- dent radiologist in a larger facility. In the method could result in earlier tive organ, professional supervision. a while, s/he faxes a diagnosis back diagnosis and treatment. While there is discussion in this to the point of care and treatment Teleradiology is attractive and fea- country about what form a standard- begins. No waiting for patient trans- sible for hospitals with about 200 ised national permit requirement for portation, discomfort, time loss, or beds. Every third German hospital teleradiology would take, teleradiolo- even great expenditure. Neat! has 100 to 250 beds, but few could gy itself is beginning to globalise. Naturally telemedicine was quickly afford an in-house radiology depart- Examinations in Scandinavia are assimilated into healthcare - but it is ment and, given their low number of being evaluated in Spain. Similarly, also ever advancing. That’s why IT CT examinations, a radiology team intercontinental teleradiology was and telemedicine are among the would be underused. However, for established long ago, for example 6HHNLQJ1HZ'LVWULEXWRUV centre stage players at Medica those with only one radiologist, a between Saudi Arabia and the USA, 2004. teleradiology colleague based some- At this year’s trade show, In Germany, neurologists in vari- where else in Germany could under- telemedicine applications and pre- 6WDQG1R$ +DOO ous states have been participating take on-call duty and/or weekend sentations by universities, as well in a telemedicine model project by cover for that single employee. as aspects of cross-border telemat- transmitting computer tomograph In Germany, telemedicine requires ics, and reports and experiences (CT) images of brain injuries for diag- a permit (Radiology Regulation) if X- from experts in this field, should WHFKQRORJ\IRUWKHWUHDWPHQWRIXULQDU\DQGIDHFDO noses. Now all the participants - rays are involved. A hospital must prove a cutting edge experience in LQFRQWLQHQFHZLVKHVWRDSSRLQWGLVWULEXWRUVLQFRQWLQHQFHZLVKHVWRDSSRLQWGLVWULEXWRUV 113 neurosurgical facilities with obtain a permit if it does not have a the Medica Media section - Hall 16. DOUHDG\ZRUNLQJLQWKH¿HOGVRIXURORJ\ 5,300 beds - are linked by teleradiol- radiology on-call service for night, In the same hall (Clinic IT), and ogy, and about 50 small hospitals weekend and holiday operation. Hall 17 (Practice IT), manufacturers J\QDHFRORJ\DQGSURFWRORJ\&RXQWULHVRIVSHFL¿FF have acquired a CT to transmit However, an unlimited teleradiology of medical IT systems will also intro- LQWHUHVWLQFOXGH)UDQFH6FDQGLQDYLD*HUPDQ\LQWHUHVWLQFOXGH)UDQFH6FDQGLQDYLD*HUPDQ\ images via a network service for res- operation is also possible. The pre- duce products and services 6SDLQ$VLD3DFL¿FDQG(DVWHUQ(XURSH ident radiologists’ assessments. requisite: there must be a ‘need Exhibitor/products details: An analysis of over 64,000 with respect to patient care’. The 8URSODVW\%9+RINDPS'&*HOHHQ7KH1HWKHUODQGV

14 IT company& TELEMEDICINE news

Switzerland -‘SwissCare is easy to Depending on the country, our companies in the healthcare sector, install and use, whether in a huge turnover estimates vary between with contacts in hospitals, nursing university hospital with 5,000 $105 million to $365 million by homes, etc. ‘not just well estab- users, or a small nursing home with 2010.’ lished IT organisations’. five users,’ Thai Ludwig, CEO of Based in Taegerwilen, the firm The rollout of SwissCare is per- DataSwiss Solutions points out. has independent branches in fectly timed, he says. ‘The horizon- ‘The installation of one system is Miami, Fla. USA, and Dortmund, tal and vertical integration of vari- totally sufficient. Hardware Germany. Three administration ous healthcare facilities, as well as requirements on the clients and markets are targeted for Swiss- DRGs, the electronic patient record server side are minimal. Browsers Care: acute hospitals, rehabilitation and electronic patient cards, are to access the system enable licens- clinics and nursing homes of any prime concerns in healthcare cir- ing of concurrent users with full kind and size, ‘... even complete cles. The goal is inter-sectoral real- access to all functions. This tech- chains of healthcare facilities’, the time management of patients’ nology enables our distributors to firm adds. The software runs in any treatment paths, country and even offer highly competitive prices in language, Thai Ludwig underlined, continent-wide - needs that tradi- every market segment, and make and indicated that the firm is pri- tional IT systems cannot solve or good profits at the same time. marily looking for sales orientated fulfil satisfactorily. So it’s not sur- prising that international market research consultancies acknowl- DataSwiss Solutions AG, which produces the healthcare edge web-based HIS as having information system (HIS) SwissCare, is seeking IT distributors extremely good growth prospects in markets in all countries.’ in Europe and Asia. This system, based on ‘Progress Dynamics’, The firm is offering distribution is internationally standardised and already used in Germany, agreements (even exclusively) for single market segments as well as Cobalt Chromium Coronary stents Switzerland, the Netherlands and the USA. whole countries. Full 6-8 week training courses for IT and sales staff are provided in Switzerland, and, the firm adds, SwissCare Technology for Life experts will also provide local sup- port to partners. MEDICA 2004 - The SwissCare sys- tem will be demonstrated in Hall distributors 16, stand 16 G 52 (with RAG Infor- matik), where potential distributors Please see us at will be welcomed for discussions. hall 13 booth E88 A timely B2B IT opportunity Further details:



Please see us at hall 6 booth B41

Thai Ludwig: ‘Web-based IT systems TEL : +86-21-50907782, +86-21-50894449 are the future, with billion dollar FAX : +86-21-50907783, E-MAIL: nineluck@ healthcare market prospects WWW.CHINAMEDICAL-NINELUCK.COM

The multi-lingual SwissCare system is geared for administration in hospitals, rehabilitation clinics and nursing homes Be our guest: hall 17 stand C46 Connectivity Solutions for a telemedical experience TELEMEDICINE The electronic health card ◆ Remote monitoring ◆ Connectivity medical devices 10.000 deployed worldwide The electronic health card will be ic Prescription File and the Elec- and to secure the integrity of the ◆ Worldwide interaction 10.000 deployed+ worldwide ◆ introduced across Germany in tronic Patient File - Status of the medical documentation, the pro- Long term patient profiles 10.000 on backorder 2006 and decidedly change the Preparation Work. Norbert tection of confidentiality as the ◆ High quality output German health system and its Paland, a senior official of the measure of planned patient auton- ◆ Instant care management ◆ organisational structures. Issued Health Ministry, will chair the omy, the issue of acceptance and Value added marketing tool ◆ to about 80 million insured per- event on 24 November. Reinhold cost/benefit relationships will all Quicken Phase III & IV ◆ sons, the card requires network- Mainz is responsible for the co- be discussed. Cost effective ing by over 350,000 doctors, ordination. The Patient Factor - A separate For more information please contact us at: I-modem 21,000 pharmacists and 300 Preliminary results of the solu- theme, dealing with the Electronic +31(0)30-6696310 or [email protected] official health insurers. If an tion architecture, based on the Health Card issue, poses the insured person consents, the autonomous administration’s question: ‘The Patient at the Cen- card will carry data relevant to legal mandate and issues regard- tre?’. Discussions have been emergency services, pharmaceu- ing the status of the telematics planned to examine whether the tical documentation, electronic framework architecture and the new technological and economic NEURO FRANCE Implants doctors’ reports and an electron- telematics infrastructure, will be dimensions will establish the ic patient file. This topic will be a central focus. This industry will patient as an individual and, as a highlighted in MEDICA MEDIA, also present solution concepts, result, progressively make the M I S this year (Hall 17). for example, how cost effective patient the focus of the healthcare minimal invasive spine surgery with Current status of introduction - solutions to introducing the Elec- system. Workshops on telemoni- POSTERIOR APPROACH The German Federal Ministry for tronic Health Card can be imple- toring, mobile communications Health and Social Security, the mented more quickly and eco- and Smart Home - Networking for STABILIZATION & FUSION autonomous administration (pro- nomically. Health & Comfort are pillars sup- tego-net project office) and MEDICA MEDIA expands on porting the larger issues, say the industry (BITKOM e.V. and these themes during complemen- organisers. ‘Accompanying presen- See us at VHitG) illuminate a broad range tary events. Questions regarding tations enable our expert audience of aspects at the central presen- documentation expenses, the to inform itself about the latest MEDICA 2004 Hall 14 Booth G 20 tation Introduction of the Elec- envisioned security infrastructure technical developments in health- tronic Health Card, the Electron- to prevent unauthorised access care telematics.’

15 IT & TELEMEDICINE Agfa wins telemed award Come and get free medical diagnosis with and aims at imaging centres MedexTest – a revolutionary non-invasive, painless and radiation-free device for the USA/Belgium/Germany/Poland - media, computed radiography viewed and locally stored with diagnosis of internal organ disorders Imaging centres are the fastest (CR) systems, picture archiving Agfa’s Impax CS5000 clinical growing segment of the U.S. radiol- and communications systems review workstation. If a second ogy market. At present, there are (PACS), display stations and ser- reading or consultation is needed Please see us at Phone +972 8 9972030 around 5,000 of these, plus 3,000 vices such as workflow analysis, with doctors at the other hospitals, Fax +972 8 9972026 community hospitals with stand- project management, training and DICOM images are sent to the hall 13 booth C 62 22/3 Haplada St., Arad 89092, Israel alone imaging departments in the support. other hospital’s IMPAX CS5000 US. The number of imaging centres In September, Agfa HealthCare workstation or to a shared central has increased by 12% to 15% annu- was awarded the Frost and Sulli- web server located at Stralsund ally for the past three years and this van 2004 Business Development University. In both cases, the strong growth is expected to con- Strategy Award for European patients must give formal consent tinue. And, currently the Belgium telemedicine. This was for its to do so. Moreover, image transfer firm Agfa is introducing its Practice secured IT platform for telemedi- takes place through a secured Management System (PMS) to this cine, used in a cross-border project transmission, safeguarding the market, where it will demonstrated to link the hospitals of Greifswald, integrity and authenticity of the at this year’s RSNA (Chicago. 28 Stralsund, Bergen, Pasewalk and patient’s images. When accessing Nov - 3 December). . Ueckermünde in northern Ger- the central server, authorised users Tailored for the needs of North many, with two Polish hospitals must go through an authentication American imaging centres, the PMS scheduled to join the project later procedure before being able to comprises a complete solution with this year. The Pomerania region view images. scheduling, reporting, workflow has a low population, and is on the Workstations at all five hospitals management, work list integration, Baltic Sea, bordering Germany, have also been equipped for tele- billing and practice business analy- Sweden and Poland. The project conference, to enable two or more sis as well as seamless integration aims at improving cancer patient physicians at different hospitals to with Impax, Agfa’s PACS solution. care and is co-ordinated by the discuss the shared images in a com- The system will enable the centres ‘Tumorzentrum Vorpommern’ with fortable and user-friendly manner. to swiftly move from analogue to the University of Applied Sciences This way, the physicians can focus digital technology, optimising their of Stralsund as technical partner. on the patient’s images rather than workflow efficiency, Agfa reports. At each of the five hospitals digi- on complex technology, Agfa The firm also produces imagers and tal images from MRI and CT can be reports

ment. Most pharmaceutical prod- ucts are only available from a phar- Gold medal for Danish macy via a doctor’s prescription, but for patients wanting only a quick telephone consultation with their doctor the only time available healthcare portal for this is a one-hour period each morning. Sundhed Danmark, a healthcare was created the Danish Pharma- Since May 2001,, portal that enables patients to cists Association (DPA) who users can access over 3,000 items communicate with their doctors wanted to build a single website that provide detailed information via the net, has become the overall for everything to do with health. It about health issues and ways of winner for business in The Wall was reasoned that a health portal preventing illness, and they can Street Journal Europe’s annual could provide a significant benefit talk to a panel of experts; buy med- Innovation Awards, sponsored by to Danish citizens and physicians ical items; book online appoint- Accenture, the management con- because Denmark’s highly regulat- ments and request prescription sulting and technology services ed healthcare sector provides lit- renewals, etc. Additionally, if a user organisation. tle flexibility when patients need fills in what medicines, pills and The gold-medal winning portal medication or a doctor’s appoint- remedies s/he is taking, the website will identify any problems that combining them might cause. This health portal has received 40-45% of the 125 million hits to Congress will Danish health sites annually. Sund- hed Danmark now plans to expand focus on cross- the portal, and is cur- rently testing a system to enable health workers on home visits to border care download patient records from a central database to a PDA. ‘Our vision is to become the preferred Major topics: site for Danes to get effective med- ical advice and easy solutions to e-Health and health-related problems. After just one and a half years, is now the biggest Danish healthcare telematics Peer Steinbrück portal, and this award is a very wel- come recognition of our work,’ said The 2004 European Health Care Congress, to be held during Medica in Lars Mortensen, CEO of Dusseldorf (22-24 Nov), has been set up to focus on European cross-bor- der health care services, the strategies and action plans of the acces- So far, 22 organisations have sion states, European law in healthcare, the funding of the European helped Sundhed Denmark, which health systems, pharma location, and hospital care - and, naturally, include a county, a municipality, eHealth and telemedicine, with their broad-ranging implications for the public health insurance organi- future development in our countries. sation and several patient associa- Following the accession of ten new Member States to the European tions. Negotiations are underway to Union in May 2004, this year’s congress, organised by ZTG (centre for increase the number of organisa- healthcare telematics) in Krefeld, will focus on the developing and tions cooperating in Sundhed Den- restructuring of the European health market, and it aims to attract lead- mark, giving Danish citizens access ing representatives from politics, healthcare, industry and associations to even more health services, sim- from the old and new EU Member States. ply and inexpensively. In time, North Rhine-Westphalia’s Premier Peer Steinbrück, will host the con- some say, Sundhed Denmark may gress, to be held first at the Haus der Ärzteschaft in Düsseldorf (22 & 23 become the online gateway to all November, then at MEDICA on 24 November. health services in Denmark.


medical technology. for a high level of application safe- Both stericlin packaging and its ty,’ the firm adds. ‘Our stericlin manufacturing environment have academy is a forum for employees Happy birthday! been continuously developed and, in the sterilisation departments, the firm adds, these go beyond which functions as a place for 30-year-old stericlin celebrates at MEDICA European and international stan- those involved in practical day-to- dards to guarantee product safety. day methods to exchange informa- 108 years ago Vereinigte Papier- ucts, under the brand name steri- Today, production takes place in tion. It also provides information warenfabriken (VP) began process- clin. Today the VP Group, based in clean room conditions with a qual- about standards, guidelines and ing and imprinting papers. Ten Feuchtwangen, Franconia, has two ity control system covering all trends and provides the opportuni- years later the firm registered a production facilities in the Nether- aspects, including high perfor- ty for customer-oriented continu- design for paper carrier bags, per- lands, employs 150 people world- mance, precision printing and ing education with many dates haps making VP the inventor of wide and boasts sales of around 35 coating facilities and significant scheduled in alternating regions.’ those daily items in our lives. million euros. Additionally this R&D investment. Nowadays the medical division is paper bags, crepe paper and non- However, in the 70s, on year, stericlin is celebrating three ‘Comprehensive product infor- considered the most important woven wrapping materials, filters, machines formerly used to produce decades of success, which the firm mation, and the provision of con- segment within the VP Group. The etc), and sterilisation indicators packaging for bakeries, VP began partly attributes to increasingly tinuing education for users, are hospital products included system (Bowie & Dick test systems, batch to make sterilisation packaging and rigid requirements for hygiene and additional important preconditions packaging (see-through packages, control indicators, labels, etc). indicators for hospitals and indus- try. Quick success in this new field saw the creation of its Flexible and Medical Packaging Division, and a separate production line was creat- ed to manufacture medical prod- LABELS & BARCODES Sato appoints new MD Since the introduction of SciCan’s unique STATIM Cassette Autoclave®, SciCan cleaning, disinfection and sterilization equipment has been noted for innovative technology. Oliver Zeeb, Managing Director HYDRIM ® Instrument STATIM TM S-Class Washers/Thermal Cassette Autoclaves Disinfectors • Still with complete sterilization • Remove 99% - 100% of cycles in just 6 or 9 minutes to proteins while eliminating provide fast, gentle, point of use Germany - Oliver Zeeb (40) has soaking, hand scrubbing sterilization that won't damage become Managing Director of and rinsing. Specifically expensive or fragile medical Sato Deutschland, the German designed HYDRIMs are instruments, SciCan engineers have now designed a Helix subsidiary of Japan’s SATO Cor- available for reprocessing poration. The firm (founded in h device that makes STATIM the 1940) specialises in data collec- op thalmic instruments. only S-class autoclave that can tion systems (DCS) and Radio prove its effectiveness with daily Frequency Identification (RDIF) validation by both biological and technology, manufacturing high- mechanical means. performance industrial printers and OEM printer modules for labelling machines, as well as compact, mobile direct thermal and thermal transfer label print- ers as used in the retail trade. The SATO range is complement- ed by layout and publishing soft- ® ware for professional label QUANTIM design, and by a variety of con- B Cycle Autoclaves sumables such as carbon ribbons • Large chamber B cycle autoclaves with and labels. closed door vacuum drying for loose or ‘RFID technology is taking off, wrapped instruments. and remains a key focus at SATO. We intend to build upon our already very strong position in this market,’ said Oliver Zeeb, speaking from the firm’s HQ in Bad Homburg, Frankfurt, where he is now overseeing the firm’s Visit us at MEDICA 2004, Hall12 Stand D33 to find out sales, consulting and services in Germany, Austria and Switzer- how SciCan equipment can provide innovative solutions land. (Other European sub- to your cleaning-disinfection and sterilization needs. sidiaries: Sato UK Limited and Sato Europe NV). The new MD’s previous roles include European Sales and Mar- keting Director for thermo-ana- lytical equipment manufacturer Netzsch Gerätebau, and Euro- pean Sales/ Marketing Director at Steag Hamatech, which manufac- SciCan, Division of Lux & Zwingenberger Ltd., 1440 Don Mills Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3B 3P9 tures production systems for SciCan Medtech AG, Alpenstrasse 16, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland optical storage media. In his new EC Representative: BHT Hygienetechnik GmbH, Messerschmittstr. 11, D-86368 Gersthofen, Germany position, Oliver Zeeb has suc- ceeded Morihito Suzuki, who has been appointed to a senior man- HYDRIM, STATIM, QUANTIM are trademarks of SciCan, Division of Lux & Zwingenberger Ltd. agement role at the firm’s HQ in Japan.


Hall 1 product booth Hall 7 product booth

Laboratory EUROPEAN HOSPITAL Publishers E15 automation A02 Korea Int’l Medical & Hospital Equipment Show Injections aids, neuropens F11 E23

Hall 3 product booth Hall 9 product booth Ultrasound/MR Nucleic acid purification A22 products C 16-2 MRI, anaesthetic and CC monitoring B61 Hormone determination, immuno assay A60 Electrocardiography, ultrasound gel D41 Care testing products, illness and condition detectors E26 CT, X-ray, ultrasound C60 C

Centrifuges, Anaesthesia, safety devices, osmometers A47 medication delivery A34

Ultrasound B60 Hall 4 product booth Blood pressure solutions, PTC treatment, electrosurgery, telemedicine C52 physiotherapy, rehabilitation C29 CT, MRT, X-ray, ultrasound D05 Collagen, medical plastics, life simulation models A45 Hall 10 product booth

OR lighting and tables, Hall 5 product booth telemedicine C42

Laundry equipment D12 Endoscopes, telescopes, electronic devices F67 Patches B39 Endoscopy, ophthalmology F13

Surgical equipment, endoscopy D57 Hall 6 product booth CT, MRT, X-ray, US, Disposables C14 patient monitoring, IT A18 Bandages, tube and catheter holders C16 Hall 11 product booth Vase dispensers, disposable vases E46 Lighting systems B26 Advanced healing G06 Critical care, anaesthesia, patient monitoring J39 Oxygen masks B41 Cardiography, sensors, pulse oximeters, monitoring D42 Anaesthesia, safety devices, medication delivery H30 Respiratory equipment B03 Tracheostomy tubes and related products D05 Software-based ventilators F29


Öffnungszeiten/opening hours MEDICA Hall 14 product booth Nord/North 24.–26. November 10 –18.30 h

Sonderschau und 27. November 10 –17 h Forum Rapid Technologie und Medical lighting D 20-3 Mikrosystemtechnik 8 in der Medizinindustrie ComPaMED 24.–26. November 10 –18.30 h Medical lighting A 34-8 36. Weltforum der Medizin U-Bahnhof 36th World Forum for Medicine Tram Station Arena/ Düsseldorf 78 Messe Nord Microscopes and microscope slides B 24-8 24.– 27. Nov. 2004

71 X-ray equipment E74 7a 70 12 13 10 60 61 9 11 5 Monitoring A10

3 Physiotherapy, splints, 4 bandages D60 C

B 17 16 15 14 J D Honigberg Respiratory, ventilators, A International, Inc. X-ray shields etc. B 20-6 CCD. Stadthalle 2 CCD. Ost Congress Center Düsseldorf NEURO FRANCE Implants Surgical instruments, implants G20 1 Ost/East CCD. Süd Congress CCD. Pavillon Center Düsseldorf Respiratory products, Süd/South sensors, blood management B06 Änderungen vorbehalten/Subject to alteration/Stand: 09/2004

Physiotherapeutic Hall 12 product booth massage equipment D60

Critical care, surgical workplaces, Mass flow meters, ventilator cardiopulmonary equipment D 51/52 tester, respiratory F51

Innovative technologies Medical lighting F62 made in Germany D 06/G 05

Sterilization, disinfection, sanitary A65 Hall 16 product booth Sterilization, disinfection, cleaning, autoclaves D33 Blood flow measurement equipment, US E76

IT solutions for hospitals G52 Hall 13 product booth Barcodes, printers E19 Dialysis, infusion, respiratory F65

Stents, catheters and related technologies E88 product contact Oxygen equipment F80 Kitchen & cleaning +45 45 26 48 00 X-ray E28 Laboratory analyser +81 42 366 3544

medex screen Stimulation equipment for Training & education +43 1 798 25 27 diagnostics & therapy C62 Surgery, orthopaedics +44 7909 964 055 Monitoring, sensors C62 Incontinence A27 Ultrasound & beauty appliances +886 3 358 7677

Hall 17 product booth Pulmonary function + 1 207 807 5691 test equipment + 1 207 807 6456 Communication, IT, telemedicine C46 Spinal fixation systems +886 2 2571 9829

19 LABORATORYnews & PHARMACEUTICALS A new generation of modular analytical instruments

remove different strains of infec- scrapie. Among the three controls Switzerland - Cobas is a new The compact analytical system tious prions, including vCJD. where scrapie was confirmed, only brand name that covers all Roche was specifically designed to meet Samuel O Coker, PhD, Principal two had previously displayed clini- Diagnostics products and services needs in the medium-sized laborato- Scientist and Technical Director of cal symptoms of the disease. No for professional in-vitro diagnostics, ry. A modular design and numerous Pall Medical, which makes the fil- animals in the test arm had any including those used for laboratory, upgrade options gives the cobas ter, presented the results at the clinical signs of the disease. near-patient, and molecular diag- 6000 flexibility to adapt to chang- recent AABB annual meeting. He The Leukotrap Affinity Prion noses. The new equipment range, ing laboratory diagnostics needs. has also reported on findings from Reduction Filter was designed to first presented publicly at the Con- ‘With a parameter menu of over an additional study, conducted reduce leukocytes (white blood with the New York Institute of cells) as well as infectious prions - Basic Research, confirming that cell-associated and non-cell associ- the same technology reduces ated — in a single step. About Cobas 6000 infectious scrapie prions from 60% of prion infectivity in blood blood. Both vCJD and scrapie are resides in leukocytes (cell-associ- transmissible spongiform ated) and about 40% in plasma Blood transfusions

encephalopathies (TSEs) that (non-cell associated). The firm also cause fatal, neuro-degenerative reports that the new filter has an prion diseases in humans and ani- affinity to all types of prions includ- Filtering vCJD prions mals. ing aggregated, denatured and nor- The research with infectious mal. 150 tests and applications, this USA - In the past year, two proba- scrapie prions was a follow-up Eric Krasnoff, Chairman and second generation of automated ble cases of human-to-human study that evaluated the efficacy of CEO, Pall Corporation, said, ‘We gress of the American Association modular laboratory devices covers infections caused by variant the Pall filter to determine whether are moving forward as quickly as of Clinical Chemistry, in Los Ange- a wide diagnostic spectrum, suffi- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) a test group of animals receiving possible so that this new technolo- les this July, will be demonstrated cient to satisfy the needs of over prions transmitted via blood trans- the filtered red blood cells had the gy can be made available world- at this year’s MEDICA. 95% of routine requests,’ Roche fusions have occurred. There are prion disease, versus a control wide.’ The firm says that a particularly points out. ‘Additional components no clinical signs or symptoms of group that received unfiltered red Early next year, Pall expects to unique feature in the cobas range such as a pre-analysis system, vCJD for many years, and the only cells. The study confirmed that launch the filter in Europe, with a is the linking of clinical, chemical information technology and innova- reliable tests to determine who has three animals in the control group, Council of Europe (CE) mark. and immunological modules, allow- tive new markers enable cobas the disease are performed post- which received unfiltered scrapie The firm is also studying use of ing clinicochemical methods, 6000 to be built up into a complete mortem. So, we do not know how infected blood, contracted scrapie, the device to aid in the detection of homogeneous immunoassays and laboratory solution. The equipment many people may harbour vCJD, determined by post-mortem autop- bovine spongiform encephalopathy heterogeneous immunodiagnostics concept thus offers a high degree yet still donate blood. Therefore, sy. None of the test group, which (BSE) in cattle before it enters the to be combined in one system as a of investment security especially reliable filtering out of prions from received the filtered blood, had food supply. consolidated serum workplace. for medium-sized laboratories.’ donor blood is vital. Now a new study, conducted at a leading European prion research institute, indicates that a filtering device can reduce infectious vCJD Capturing momentary movements prions from red blood cell concen- trates below the limit of detection. Germany - Carl Zeiss has motion and interaction.’ The vCJD study used human red launched the LSM 5 LIVE, a confo- Collecting up to 120 confocal blood cell concentrates contami- cal live cell laser-scanning micro- images per second, at a resolution nated with about 108 infectious scope, which is part of the LSM 5 of 512 x 512 pixels, the LSM 5 units of human vCJD from trans- family. ‘This completely new opti- LIVE scans about 20 times faster genic mice. The concentration of cal concept, designed for studies than other confocal systems, infectious vCJD prions in the red of living specimens, is totally dif- while producing outstanding cell concentrates was measured ferent from other systems and image quality and exceptional before and after filtration with a opens a new time window for con- sensitivity, the firm adds. With Pall Leukotrap Prion Affinity focal microscopy,’ Zeiss explains. precise optics, a creative beam Reduction Filter, using the West- ‘The unique combination of scan- splitter and innovative beam shap- ern blot assay. The researchers ning speed, image quality and sen- ing, the LSM 5 LIVE opens up new concluded that the results suggest sitivity provides exclusive insights horizons: fluorescence yield on that the filter could be used to LSM 5 LIVE on the new, upright Axio Imager confocal microscope behind the scenes of cellular the borders of the possible. ‘With virtually 100 % excitation efficiency and highly efficient emission yield, the new Achro- Gate beam splitter guarantees maximum performance even on thick or weakly fluorescent speci- mens - regardless of the colour of the excitation light. ‘New ultra-fast Z-drive solutions permit 3-D image stacks to be acquired every second, especially useful for developmental biolo- gists. ‘Precisely tuned zoom optics and a sophisticated scanning con- cept permit the size and position of the scan field to be varied pre- cisely, without simultaneously changing major optical parame- ters of the system. ‘Individually adjustable and variable confocal pinholes ensure high confocality in all channels. This flexibility allows the optimum combination of spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio for every specimen and experiment. ‘Finally,’ the firm adds, ‘the ultra-fast confocal live cell imag- ing system from Carl Zeiss is based on the LSM 5 software con- cept and completed by new soft- ware packages, such as the new Visual Macro Editor for automated workflows with Drag&Drop func- tionality.’

20 IT &company CARDIOLOGY news

wouldn’t be surprised if we did a study of men in their 50s and 60s Look like an apple? Is your heart ok? we would see abdominal fat as a strong risk factor for a future heart USA - The location of body fat is all body fat through exercise and ution (waist-to-thigh ratio, waist more intra-abdominal fat at the attack,’ Dr Nicklas pointed out. more important than total body fat diet.’ circumference, and intra-abdomi- start of the study,’ said Dr Nicklas. Knowing more about intra- when predicting future heart Initially healthy 70-79-year-old nal or visceral fat). Participants ‘This risk factor was independent of abdominal fat as a cardiac disease attacks in elderly women, accord- men and women, enrolled in the were contacted every six months total amount of body fat, diabetes, risk factor could lead to early ing to researchers at the Wake Health, Aging and Body Composi- for the next 4-1/2 years to collect blood pressure and blood lipid lev- screening, she added. However, Forest University Baptist Medical tion (Health ABC) Study, were eli- data about hospitalisations or els.’ although waist size is an easy way Centre, Winston-Salem, N.C. gible if they reported no life- major outpatient procedures for One surprising finding was that to screen, this did not turn out to ‘In the over-70 age group, over- threatening illness e.g. cardiac dis- heart attack. intra-abdominal fat was not a pre- be an accurate predictor of heart all obesity did not predict heart ease, and no difficulty walking a Intra-abdominal fat was found to dictor of heart attack in men aged attack in this study. A CT scan to attack risk,’ lead researcher Dr quarter of a mile, climbing 10 steps be a risk factor for heart disease, 70-79. ‘My theory is that men who assess abdominal fat stored Barbara J Nicklas explained. ‘It or performing basic activities of even if women did not have any had high levels of fat would have beneath the skin and how much is didn’t matter how much fat the daily living. other risk factors. ‘Women who had experienced heart disease earlier in the abdominal cavity, or muscle older woman had - what mattered The researchers first measured a heart attack during the course of than in their 70s; therefore, they wall, would give better screening - was where that fat was stored.’ total body fat as well as fat distrib- the study had approximately 27% weren’t eligible for our study. I but that’s expensive. Results from the study, pub- lished in the American Journal of Epidemiology, indicated that intra-abdominal fat, or fat stored in and around the internal organs, is most predictive of heart attack risk. ‘People with higher levels of for your precious moments intra-abdominal fat tend to be apple-shaped rather than pear- shaped,’ Dr Nicklas said. ‘As we age, fat is stored in the abdomen more than anywhere else, which isn’t good because it’s now associ- ated with heart attacks. The best way to lose that fat is to lose over- NEW Two in one: the ECG- stethoscope Gastroskope

New Highlights in Endoscopy: Endomicroscopy and Video-Autofluorescence.

MEDICA Dusseldorf, ( November 24 – 27, 2004 booth-no. 10 F 13 ) A highly innovative ECG-stetho- scope will be launched at Medica by the firm Pulsonic. Named Sono- plus 3000, this very small device has a matchbox-shaped miniature monitor, situated over the instru- ment’s microphone membrane. Three small, flat gold electrodes at the bottom register an ECG in real time, when the stethoscope is placed on the chest. The device has several assets; for example, it can automatically ENDOMICROSCOPY: Microscopic images of the mucosa during endoscopy detect a pacemaker, and also will for the first time ever. A diagnostic breakthrough. record up to 16 minutes of an ECG. Pulsonic is in Hall 9 stand A48. SAFE-3000: Combination of high-resolution Videoendoscopy and Auto- fluorescence. Worldwide first technology of such a high potential to optimize e.g. screening of lung tumours. New Technology in Endoscopy = PENTAX BioEndoscopy®

PENTAX EUROPE GmbH Julius-Vosseler-Straße 104 22527 Hamburg Fon: +49 40 - 5 61 92 - 0 Fax: +49 40 - 5 60 42 13 Email: [email protected]


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Certifier® FA Test Systems Series 4000/4100 to Measure for Gas Flow Analysis Air, O2, N2 and N2O RFO Medical Company Suppliers of Branded Medical & Surgical Products

Tel +44 (0) 208 871 5216 Fax +44 (0) 208 874 0272 Please see us at – [email protected] hall 14 booth D60 Visit us at Medica, Hall 14, stand F51 TSI AB Please contact our representative Lindberghs Gata 9, SE-195 61 Arlanda Stad, Sweden at the MEDICA: Tel: +46 8 595 132 30 E-mail: [email protected] Web: 0044 7909 964 055

The world’s smallest heart pump Insertion without surgery UK -The world’s smallest heart using these pumps, particularly in sits in the left ventricle, support system, a 4mm-wide patients with very diseased or explained Dr Kevin Beatt, one of device, has been inserted into the damaged hearts, means that we assisting cardiologists, and ‘... heart of a British patient - without can now successfully treat patients despite its tiny size can pump up surgery. The device was inserted that otherwise would not have to 2.5 litres of blood every into an artery in the groin and been possible.’ minute.’ The small size, he said, passed on, up into the heart, by The Impella Recover LP 2.5 left means only a tiny hole is made in doctors at the NHS Hammersmith ventricle percutaneous placement the groin artery, then guide wires Hospital. pump, manufactured by German take it to the right place, and X- The implanted pump assisted the company Impella Cardiosystems, rays are used to check its posi- tion. The pump uses an electrical motor connected to a 3mm wire that extends out of the patient to be connected to a battery and IMPACT INSTRUMENTATION patient’s heart in the crucial few control pack the size of a small The Portable Ventilator you’ve been waiting for is waiting for you… hours after coronary artery bypass laptop computer. surgery, and was removed a day ‘These devices are becoming • Small • Lightweight • Powerful • Durable later (if necessary it can remain increasingly cost-effective, espe- For use in: Intra-Hospital Transport Emergency Rooms, Post there for up to five days). cially when you consider the The pump has already been used alternative to using them, which Operation Recovery, Clinics & Sub-Acute Care Centers, on other patients in Europe. In the includes repeat invasive surgery Pre-Hospital Trauma / Critical Care/Transport Aeromedicine, Field UK, Peter Smith, consultant car- and possibly transplant, and Hospitals, Homecare diac surgeon at Hammersmith Hos- extended stays in hospital,’ said The device is inserted pitals NHS Trust, said: ‘This new Peter Smith. ‘We have been via an artery in the groin impeller pump technology will rev- astounded by how well this has SONATA-TETRAD ULTRASOUND 2300 olutionise the way we deal with worked, and have high hopes for • High Performance Imaging, with Color flow, Spectral Doppler, heart disease,’ said. ‘The ease of the future of this technology.’ sophisticated digital images & calculation packages. • Abdominal, Obstetrics, Gynecology,Vascular, Cardiac, NEW Emergency Medicine & Urology. The compact monitor/defibrillator SHIELDING INTERNATIONAL for homes, emergencies and hospitals

The lightweight device HeartStart MRx, recently launched by Philips Electronics, is a monitor/defibrillator designed with a broad range X-ray Aprons Blockers Thyroid collars Gloves Glasses of features and capabilities to meet the technical Secure yourself with their full line of x-ray Protective apparel and accessories demands of advanced cardiac life support-trained (ACLS) caregivers in attending emergencies and ACCUDEXA BONE MINERAL DENSITY ASSESSMENT in hospitals. • Easy to use Philips reports that the device has the longest • Low radiation battery-powered operating time, as well as the • High Precision largest colour display and fastest time to shock of any monitor/defibrillator, taking less than • Track bone changes five seconds to administer a shock. The device • Maintenance free also features automated self-tests that check for readiness. ARMSTRONG MEDICAL CARTS In the field, the HeartStart MRx has an easy-to-read, backlit, colour display, which gives better visibility of • Lightweight Aluminum construction vital information for emergency crews working in poorly tions from a HeartStart MRx to a • Easy accessory attachments lit settings. This larger display provides highly organ- Philips, Hewlett-Packard or Agilent bedside monitor. • High quality swivel casters (2 locking & 1 tracking) ised patient data to support decision-making and max- The HeartStart MRx also enables basic life support • Stabilizing frame with bumper imise responsiveness, the firm points out. The device (BLS)-trained first responders in a hospital setting to also has a CompactFlash data card that automatically administer a shock in AED mode to a patient in car- • Double wall construction captures critical patient data, allowing emergency diac arrest prior to the code team’s arrival. • Ball bearing drawer slides teams to seamlessly transfer this to hospital-based care- * The ‘living room’ defibrillator at MEDICA - Philips • Durable powder paint givers and enabling users to analyse, track and will present its talking automatic defibrillator Heart- exchange patient data. Start, for use during a cardiac emergency at home. Visit us at Medica, Hall 14 stand B20-6 In the hospital, the device also meets a variety of The firm reports that, because an emergency doctor monitoring and defibrillation needs. Designed with is not always on the spot and brain damage may occur Ask us about our show specials! alarms and algorithms consistent with Philips’ patient in as little as 3-4 minutes, this instrument verbally ISO 9001 FDA Certified monitors and cardiographs, the HeartStart MRx can be and visually explains how to attach the measurement Servicing a Worldwide distributor network in 70+ countries. used as a crash cart defibrillator, critical care transport electrodes that will independently trigger a shock monitor, cardioverter, pacer and AED. Its multifunction when needed. J D Honigberg International, Inc. defibrillator pads are compatible with the Philips defib- In the US, the survival rate has increased from 5% rillators, so that the pads can remain in place while a to over 40% when using this method, Philips reports. Fax: 1 – 847 412 0034 (USA) • E-Mail: [email protected] patient is transferred from one department to another. This device is about the size of a first aid kit, weighs The device is also compatible with Philips’ patient mon- 2 kg and costs about 1,700 euros. itors, affording hospital personnel easy patient transi- Hall 10 - stand A 22

22 COMPANY NEWS MEDICA presents Thumbs up opportunities to not only sell We are seeking partners! products, but also to forge The advertisers on this page are seeking such Medica, all business contacts’ details are compiled for med-tech new business partnerships partnerships, with like-minded distributors. So, if you under the title ‘Medica Business Report’, and produced with firms from one’s own have the right skills and contacts, visit their stands. in book form or as a CD-Rom. Additionally, about a thousand new medical Valuable consultations with business experts and services country or other nations. technology business contacts, in over 60 countries, personnel consultants are also organised by the centre. are offering or requesting products, authorised Celebrating the Centre’s 20th anniversary, the Germany - Over 90% of hospitals These can result in products agents, joint ventures, patents, licences and organisers report that about 14,000 business contacts are satisfied with the quality of ser- going around the globe, services, and even mergers and acquisitions of from over 115 countries have been marketed there, vices provided by medical technol- entire companies, via the Medica Business Centre including the first patents and licenses for biosensors ogy companies, according to a joint sending profits soaring for (MBC), organised by Messe Dusseldorf GmbH and and surgical products for minimally invasive surgery (MIS) study conducted by Spectaris and both manufacturer and Schillinger (BDU) Laudenbach. During the fair a - a technique invented in the former Soviet Union. the consultancy Droege & Comp. distributor. database will also provide access to a further 2,000 ‘New forms of partnerships open to 3,000 medical business contacts. Then, after Medica Business Centre: Mall 7 (North Entrance). new possibilities for the manufac- turers,’ Spectaris reports. ‘Be it equipment installation or mainte- nance, user training or manage- ment of spare parts: the domestic companies offer comprehensive service.’ '1$51$3XULILFDWLRQ Respondents to the survey also reported being satisfied with a

secure, continuing operation and *OREDO non-bureaucratic range of services, 'HDOHUV and said costs were important but not the decisive factor. :DQWHG Economic and administrative aspects and general technical ser- vices have rarely been described as core competencies, so the study is +DOO& thought to open new perspectives FKULVGRPDQ#JHQWUDFRP for medical technology companies. ZZZJHQWUDFRP For example, 14% of the hospitals !DVANCEDSYSTEMSFORSTROKECARE SK  86$ said they plan to outsource sterili- sation, equipment maintenance and logistics. Medical technology manu- facturers are considered interesting Seeking Regional Distributorship Worldwide potential partners in those endeav- ours. ‘Offering additional services Total Bilirubin Analyzer enables medical technology compa- nies to use successful customer- Compact ! provider relationships as a platform Low-Price to generate additional business and to secure current business with High-Performance DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE, hospitals which require outsourc- for complete lines of surgical, examination and specialty medical Easy-Operation ing-partners,’ said Dr Dominik Mer- lighting equipment. Respected manufacturer seeking qualified sch, healthcare expert with Droege medical equipment distributors in various locations, worldwide. & Comp. However, he pointed out Medical Illumination International, that medical technology companies 547 Library Street, San Fernando, California, 91340, U.S.A. 5-38-33 Minami-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-0026, JAPAN must be prepared for the time Please see us Visit our Website: Tel: 81-42-366-3544 Fax: 81-42-334-4948 when hospitals will demand more at hall 12 Contact: Mr. Larry Debord, V.P. of Sales & Marketing: E-mail: [email protected]. E-mail: [email protected] Web: flexibility in pricing, as well as a booth F62 Tel: (818) 838-3025 Ext. 106, Fax: (818) 838-3675. more individual and expanded range of consultancy and services.

Seeking New Distributors for Ambulatory Infusion and Remote Patient Monitoring 22 Shaker Road • Gray, ME 04039 [email protected] Hospital vases: Spirometrics, manufacturer of 1-888-526-1426 Simple, Hygienic and Safe! Pulmonary Function Test equipment is available for meetings with Headquarters: distributors, manufacturers, plastic Visit us at hall 6 booth E46 molding manufacturers, respiratory Sam van Houtenstraat 25 therapy specialists and NL-1067 JA Amsterdam Tel.: +31 (0)20 - 420 3392 pharmaceutical drug companies during the MEDICA trade show. Germany: Nordhorn +49 (0)5921 - 879 170 To schedule an appointment during Belgium: Mortsel +32 (0)3 - 4603043 MEDICA contact: Email: [email protected] John Sumner at: 1-207-807-5691 Come see us in Hall 13, Booth 13F65 George Soutiere 1-207-807-6456

LifeSign/PBM is a medical Patient Monitoring Systems diagnostic company delivering Go Beyond Bedside Measurements FirstCare rapid testing solutions Hall 14 – A10 to caregivers in hospitals, Florida Pavilion physicians’ offices, and the Now with Non Invasive Cardiac Output home. LifeSign’s extensive line Come to our booth to see the next genera- of innovative products are used tion of connected multiparameter monito- worldwide for the detection of ring systems that packages the most advanced vital signs measurements in the medical conditions and illnesses industry. that include Infectious Disease, • Multi-Parameter Monitors Women’s Health, Male Fertility, • Central Stations • Pulse Oximeters Abused Drugs, Congestive Heart • Handheld Capnographs Failure (CHF), and Cardiac Digicare Biomedical Technology, Inc. Markers. 107 Commerce Road, Boynton Beach, FL, 33426, USA Drop by and see us at hall 3 E26 Ph: 561-689-0408 Fax: 561-689-0021 email: [email protected]

23 SURGERYnews Arcadis Varic, a new mobile C-arm ties, such as CT and MR, and view a wide range of applications (up to made by Siemens Medical Solu- it directly onscreen. Syngo also 100 application-specific pro- tions, of Siemens AG, will be on enables simple system integration grammes are available) from show at Medica. This is the first into the clinical data network orthopaedic and trauma to vascular system of a new generation of because it supports all Dicom 3.0 surgery. Using Virtual Patient mobile C-arms offering a host of functions and PACS systems. ‘This, Anatomy (VPA), a specific task new possibilities for use in operat- in conjunction with its intuitive card programme is selected for ing theatres. interface, which helps decrease each different application. The One of the distinctive features of staff training time, will result in VPA is a graphically oriented the Arcadis Varic is excellent superb workflow and efficiency in anatomical map that provides cus- image quality: a 1024 x 1024 (1K2) the operating theatre and tomized imaging power to ensure image matrix available from image improved clinical results,’ said Hol- best image quality at minimal dose. acquisition through to processing ger Schmidt, President of Special An additional feature of the and documentation provides the Systems Division, Siemens Medical Arcadis Varic is the inclusive digital highest standard in image quality, Solutions. navigation interface, which offers differentiating it from previously The new C-arm is supplied with advantages during intra-operative available mobile C-arms, the firm an examination task card covering procedures. Through this, the sys- New mobile C-Arm System on show at Medica

reports, adding that the system offers increased imaging power with its generator output of 2.3 kW, allowing for a wide spectrum of dif- ferent applications in orthopaedics, trauma, and vessel surgery. Imag- ing efficiency is thereby main- tained, even in difficult-to-image obese patients, for example, or for By Karen Dente examinations of high-density body regions e.g. between pelvis and spine. The new Arcadis Varic incorpo- rates syngo, a user-friendly soft- ware platform that enables clinical staff to retrieve and display patient data and images from other modali- Take Hold of Patient Care® Take Hold of Patient Care® Adapted MRI aids brain tumour removal 25% of imaged cases revealed the need for surgical strategy to change

Please visit our booth: Hall 6 Stand C16. In a single surgical procedure intra-operative MR-guidance toring and or further treatment. physicians can remove brain changed the surgical strategy in In the study, most of the two tumours plus all residual cancer, one in four cases. ‘Imaging during hundred patients (age range: 7-84

Dale Medical Products, Inc. 7 Cross Street P.O. Box 1556 Plainville MA 02762-0556 USA when aided by an adapted mag- surgery provides intra-operative years) had glioma or pituitary ade- Tel.: ++1-508-695-9316 Fax: ++1-508-695-9044 e-mail: [email protected] netic resonance imaging (MRI) quality control. It presents valuable noma. They were examined with a scanner, according to research information during the procedure 1.5-T MR imager equipped with a conducted by Associate Professor that allows the surgeon an oppor- rotating operating table and located Dr Christopher Nimsky and a tunity to adjust the strategy,’ said in a radiofrequency-shielded oper- team at the University Erlangen- Dr Nimsky. ating theatre. A navigation micro- Nuremberg, Germany. The study During surgery (without intra- scope, placed inside the 0.5-mT results, published in Radiology operative imaging) small parts of a zone, and used in combination with this October (2004; 233:67-78), tumour can be missed, generally a ceiling-mounted navigation sys- Reliable Critical Care Ventilator revealed that the additional use of resulting in repeat surgery, moni- tem, enabled integrated micro- Moves with the Patient • Use it with a Mask or an Endotracheal Tube • Use it in the ICU, ER, Critical Care, Sub-Acute and France - Minicam, a small, ambu- Transport • Easy to Learn, Easy to Use, Easy to Maintain latory gamma camera produced by Detecting tumours • Simple Upgrades, Savvy Investment Euromedical (Eurorad Group), is the first of its kind to be EC The mini ambulatory gamma camera Please come talk to us about joining the family of marked for medical and surgical Versamed Partners in Hall 11, Booth F29 use, and is already at work in at Or contact us at: the Institut Curie Institute and made with cadmium telluride detec- [email protected] • Gustave Roussy Institute, as well tors (CdTe or CdZnTe), is designed Phone: +1.845.270.5900 +1.845.770.2840 as in locations in Spain, the for low-energy detection (30 - 200 Fax: +1.845.818.4162 Netherlands and the United-King- keV). ‘It has excellent spatial resolu- dom. tion and provides high quality pic- Specialising in intra-operative tures,’ the firm points out. detection, the maker says the The electronics module contains camera was developed to precise- all modules needed for signal pro- Innovative ly locate radioactive-tagged tis- cessing, and the software pro- sues (sentinel node, tumour etc.) gramme enables users to select the Patient Care Products emitting gamma radiation, thus kind of picture wanted, as well as Designed ensuring ‘the smallest possible various acquisition parameters. for Advanced Care incision, making for less mutilat- A Geomed Assisto fixing arm ing surgery’. (stand) is supplied with the system, Distributed in Europe by With CdTe technology detector which is installed on a cart for easy head (camera) and g-Cam elec- transportation. tronics module, the Minicam sys- be reserved for examinations requir- Eurorad-Euromedical has spe- tem is reported to detect a sen- ing more cumbersome equipment,’ cialised in detectors and semicon- tinel node or tumour in one the firm adds. ductors for nineteen years, and For more information, MAKERS OF Contact Katherina Roppert at minute. ‘Specially designed for Connected to a desktop comput- worldwide, has 30 distributors. Over [email protected] small operative fields, the Mini- er, the Minicam system provides 500 of the firm’s gamma probe sys- cam also helps to ease conges- visualisation of images being taken tems, for intra-operative detection, See us at the tion in conventional nuclear medi- (an acquisition software installation have been installed internationally. USA CEO Pavillion H14 D 60 cine departments, that can thus disk is supplied). The detector head, Details:

24 companySURGERY news

als may be either fluid or gas (air or oxygen in water cause the air bubble and controlled by the operator - at NEW for ophthalmic surgery a special gas that is biocompatible to be reabsorbed over a period of a a known definable volume,’ the and of very low water solubility). few hours or a few days (depending company points out. ‘The system The Boreas Gas/Air infusion System first time, complete management of Intra-ocular gases are retained for a on its original size). The re-absorp- contains robust and elegant rou- - a new device that delivers a known, the gas mix by percentage, volume temporary period, a duration that tion is determined partly by the sur- tines and system controls to precise mix of gas and air at a pres- and pressure.’ depends on the solubility of the gas. face area of the injected bubble and ensure that the user has complete sure set and controlled by the opera- Vitreo-retinal surgery includes During vitrectomy surgery the gel partly on the water solubility of its confidence in the key parameters: tor, will be launched and demon- techniques used to repair retinal in the posterior segment of the eye component gases. type of gas; gas mix; infusion pres- strated at Medica by Primax Surgical detachment, to remove intra-ocular (vitreous humour) is removed, using If a longer tamponade period is sure and infusion volume. Ltd. (stand 13B 78-5). ‘This device foreign bodies, and to manipulate a special suction cutter. During this needed, one of the special biocom- Safety Components include: fail represents a completely new the retina. Both internal and exter- procedure intra-ocular pressure is patible gases of low solubility is cho- safe multiple step pressure con- advance in Vitreo-Retinal surgical nal surgical approaches are maintained by continuous infusion. sen, e.g. sulphur hexafluoride SF6, trol; micro-processor controlled instrumentation, incorporating many employed, according to specific clini- Following the vitrectomy, air or gas perfluoroethane C2F6, and perfluoro- delivery; digital and audible infor- innovative user-oriented design fea- cal indications. During surgery it may may be used to replace the infusion propane C3F6. mation display and warning; auto- tures, and including safety, reliability be necessary to inject adjunctive flu- fluid so that the surface properties ‘The Primax Surgical Limited Bore- matic switch-over to air in the event and clinical security as fundamental ids to achieve internal tamponade, are exploited to achieve or maintain as gas/air infusion instrument of a gas max exhaustion, to main- design principles,’ the manufacturer pressure maintenance and closure closure of a retinal break. If air is mixes and delivers a known precise tain intra-ocular pressure at all reports. ‘The surgeon has, for the of retinal breaks. Tamponade materi- used, the solubility of nitrogen and mix of gas and air at a pressure set times. tem can interact with software such as 2D NaviLink, allowing sur- gical instruments to be superim- posed on-screen in the X-ray image and permitting the physician to detect the precise position close to a millimetre. The system is compact in size and light, making it easy to l_i_jkiWjP manoeuvre inside a confined oper- hidWXeej^9HOHG ating theatre. Ergonomically shaped steering handles and brake c[Z_YWXeej^9OXLG levers, with intelligent colour cod- ing, make handling easy: even untrained medical staff can adjust *„‰†ˆwŠ „ the C-arm without unnecessary physical strain, Siemens reports. The U.S. Food and Drug Admin- istration (FDA) cleared the new system early this year for use in *„„ ŒwŠ „ the USA, where it is already used in several high-end medical cen- tres, including the Columbus Med- ical Institute, Queens, New York. *„Š{}ˆwŠ „ scope-based neuronavigation. The extent of resection depicted at intra-operative imaging, surgical consequences of intra-operative imaging, and clinical practicability of the operating theatre set up were analysed. The team reported that there were 77 resections with a trans- sphenoidal approach, 100 cran- iotomies, and 23 burr-hole proce- dures. In 55 (27.5%) of the 200 Z_W]deij_Y_cW]_d] patients, intra-operative MR imag- ing had immediate surgical conse- h\Y ‚‰ quences (e.g. extension of resec- tion in 39% of patients with pitu- _„Š{ˆŒ{„Š „w‚i ‚‹Š „‰ itary adenoma or glioma). In 108 \‹„yŠ „w‚_ƒw}„} patients the navigation system was used, and for 37 of those patients, functional imaging data were inte- grated into the navigation system. fWj_[djYWh[ There was nearly no difference in ch_c „Š ˆ„} quality between pre and intra- operative images. Intra-operative ch_]wŠ„} workflow with intra-operative patient transport for imaging was X{z‰z{c „Š ˆ„} straightforward, and imaging in Y{„Šˆw‚c „Š ˆ„} most cases began less than two w„zd{Š ˆ„} minutes after sterile covering of the surgical site. No complications fwŠ{„ŠC ˆ„j{‚{ƒ{Šˆ resulted from high-field-strength MR imaging. The researchers concluded that the high-field-strength MR imager had been successfully adapted for intra-operative use with the inte- grated neuro-navigation system. Intra-operative MR imaging provid- b{wz{ˆ‰~†„h\Y ‚‰w„zfwŠ{„Šc „Š ˆ„} ed valuable information that h{‰{wˆy~fwˆw allowed intra-operative modifica- eˆ‚w„z B\b tion of the surgical strategy. Š{‚ A    Although high-field MR produces |wŽ A    _„Š{}ˆwŠ„}Š~{[Žy{‚‚{„y{ | better image quality and reduces „| V„ŒŒ y ˆ†Dy ƒ scanning time, this is still a very D„ŒŒ y ˆ†Dy ƒ ch_Z{Œy{‰c{zyw‚WzŒw„y{‰_„ŒŒ cZ[ expensive procedure. However, as time goes by, Dr Nimsky said he W„_„Š{ˆƒw}„{Šy‰Y ƒ†w„ could envision that flat MR scan- ners would be set up beneath oper- ating tables to provide real-time feedback to a neurosurgeon without disturbing the surgical procedure.


ermany - A study has shown researched. So far, research has that good illumination from developed furthest on the stimu- surgical light reduces fatigue lating effects of light, which arise Gand improves concentration. due to stimulation of receptors on Performed jointly by Ilmenau Uni- the retina, which, unlike photore- versity of Technology and Berch- ceptors, make no contribution to told GmbH & Co. KG - the specialist vision but rather, upon stimula- surgical lighting manufacturer tion, inhibit the secretion of mela- based in Tuttlingen - Professor tonin hormone in the pineal gland. Dietrich Gall, head of the Lighting Melatonin controls the circadian Technology Department at the uni- rhythm. It is secreted in periods of versity, directed the research. darkness and generates a trigger The study investigated the that reduces cardiovascular activi- effects of surgical light, which is ty and induces fatigue. Light in usually of high intensity, on sur- the morning inhibits melatonin geons’ physiology. ‘In the past the secretion, which increases cardio- Study highlights changes in surgeons’ concentration and fatigue levels The right light lighting in operating rooms had only vascular activity. Several studies activating effect of light thus been considered from the viewpoint have demonstrated that melatonin depends on its spectral composi- of its intended use, i.e. in terms of can significantly reduce jet lag tion. the illumination of structures, said symptoms, and travellers crossing According to engineer Manfred Volker Dockhorn, engineer and time zones have used it successful- Scholz, head of surgical light product manager of BERCHTOLD’s ly for some years. development at BERCHTOLD, surgical light programme. ‘We are In 2001 lighting scientists suc- those insights brought new per- extending this approach by con- ceeded in determining the spectral spectives to the development of sidering it also as a form of radi- effect curve in melatonin-inhibiting state-of-the-art surgical lights. ation that acts on the surgeon. cells of the retina. Today it is In 2002, Professor Gall succeed- Viewed in this respect, light is known that melatonin inhibition ed in describing the circadian characterised not only by its peaks at 450 nm in the continuous effect of light in mathematical intensity but also by its dose. visual spectrum, i.e. in the blue terms. He defined the circadian And like any dose of radia- spectral range. Light containing a effect coefficient (acv coefficient) tion light has a physiologi- large proportion of blue wave- as the ratio between the visual cal effect on the organism lengths therefore inhibits the utilisation effect (which takes the of the person exposed to secretion of melatonin in the pineal photoreceptors’ effect curve into it.’ gland. If, on the other hand, these account) and the circadian utilisa- For years it has been blue wavelengths are absent (red- tion effect (which takes the effect known that light has dish light), melatonin secretion is curve of the circadian retinal physiological effects, uninhibited, which produces receptors into account). So it however, in many fatigue. This makes sense - consid- became possible to measure the respects, the exact ering that the evening sun sends circadian effect of light. nature of those effects out a reddish light that creates a For the first time a simple remains to be tranquil, sleepy atmosphere. The means of describing the physiolog- ical effect of light is provided. ‘Our goal was to determine whether surgical lights of different spectral composition, i.e. different colour temperatures, have different phys- iological effects on the surgeon Health care starts with hygiene exposed to them. In other words, we wanted to see whether there are surgical lights whose spectral Health care institutions around the world are facing a implement control mechanisms that reduce the risk of cross- composition makes it possible to growing problem: nosocomial infections. Laundry is one contamination. deliberately reduce fatigue and of the most overlooked sources of microbiological improve wakefulness in surgeons contamination. Because health care starts with hygiene! working at night,’ Volker Dockhorn explained. Table 1 presents results of mea- Electrolux Laundry Systems has developed an extensive For more information, please visit our website at surements of the circadian effect range of solutions to deal with the unique laundry challenges or contact your local coefficient (acv coefficient) for faced by the health care industry. Electrolux Laundry Systems representative. three surgical lights, one gas dis- charge light (BERCHTOLD CHRO- For instance, we can help you create a strategy for your For a free laundry analysis or replacement of old or broken MOPHARE X 65), one halogen light with a high colour tempera- hygiene process, supply the necessary technology, and laundry equipment call +45 45 26 48 00 or e-mail ture of 4,300K (BERCHTOLD [email protected]. CHROMOPHARE D 650plus) and one halogen light of comparable size from a French manufacturer with a lower colour temperature of 3,400K and a large red component. All lights were first measured at a luminance of 100,000 lux and sub- sequently with luminance dimmed to 50%. The table shows that the gas discharge light achieved the high- est circadian effect coefficient, fol- lowed closely by the halogen light with high colour temperature. By comparison, the surgical light with low colour temperature showed a poorer performance, achieving a circadian effect coefficient approx. 25% below that of the halogen

26 companyLIGHTING news light with high colour temperature. d2 test was then performed - a sci- by those working under the increase in power of concentration, participants were already fully Dimming the three lights during entifically established test to BERCHTOLD light. Statistical error and a decrease in error frequency, charged up with light in the sum- operation gives a different out- determine a subject’s performance probability was 0.069 in this case, were found in work performed mer, whereas in winter people tend come. The only light to maintain capability and power of concentra- i.e. only slightly short of the signifi- under a BERCHTOLD light with a to lack light, making an appropriate its high stimulating effect when tion. The sequence in which the cance threshold (0.05), and it is high colour temperature of 4,300K. choice of lighting all the more operated at reduced luminance is lights were used was altered from therefore justified to point to a By contrast, when tested during important.’ the gas discharge light with opto- one test to the next. 50% of the trend here. the summer, participants’ perfor- The scientists presume that the mechanical dimming. By contrast, participants began the tests under If - as a means of determining mance was practically the same for results would diverge even more if electronic dimming of the halogen the light with the high colour tem- power of concentration - the num- the two lights, so no difference in the tests were carried out at night, lights results in an altered colour perature (BERCHTOLD), and sub- ber of questions answered correct- exposure effects was found. Learn- when melatonin blood levels are spectrum, impairing the physiolog- sequently, having been allowed an ly is considered, the difference ing effects in the course of the test higher. However, as it was, even ical effect of these two lights. appropriate adaptation interval, becomes even more pronounced. were observable, but these were tests carried out during the after- ‘We are pleased that we have performed them under the refer- Under the BERCHTOLD light, an cancelled out in the outcome by noon or evening showed a clear succeeded in developing our gas ence light with the lower colour average of 205 questions were altering the order in which lights trend and, in some part, also signif- discharge technology, in that it temperature. The other 50% began answered correctly, whereas under were used. icant results that appear to confirm provides the surgeon with the best the tests under the reference light. the reference light only 195 ques- ‘We eliminated all device-related the results of the physical mea- possible physiologically stimulat- Results for the group performing tions were answered correctly. So or test variables that might have surements. ing effect,’ Manfred Scholz said. tests in winter are shown in Table the number of errors made under influenced the outcome, so as to Thus the study has proved that a The results described would 2. Participants working under the the BERCHTOLD light was, on obtain a meaningful result, free of high colour temperature of 4,300, suggest that the gas discharge BERCHTOLD light answered 502 average, 5.1% lower that in the side-effects,’ said the study direc- as is irradiated by a CHRO- light CHROMOPHARE X 65 and questions, on average, whilst those case of the reference light. This tor Dr Cornelia Vandahl, an engi- MOPHARE D 650plus light has the the halogen light CHROMOPHARE working under the reference light result is subject to an error proba- neer at TU Ilmenau. ‘It was inter- effect of enhancing a surgeon’s D 650plus, with its high colour answered only 485 questions, on bility of 0.041, i.e. within the signif- esting to see such a great differ- performance capability during the temperature (4,300K), cause less average. This is equivalent to a icance threshold of 0.05. There- ence in outcome between winter winter (trend). Work performed fatigue, whereas one would expect 3.5% improvement in performance fore, in winter, a significant and summer tests. Evidently the under a surgical light of low colour operations performed under a temperature (3,400 K) is subject to halogen light with a lower colour TABLE 1 a significantly greater error fre- temperature (3,400K) to cause quency. During surgery at night, greater fatigue in the surgeon, Tn acv undimmed acv dimmed remark when the surgeon’s melatonin especially when surgery is per- blood level is high, this effect is formed at night. presumed to be particularly pro- Chromophare X 65 4300 K 0.60 0.60 optomechanical dimming ‘We wanted to verify this out- nounced. Follow-on studies are come in a study to prove the planned. hypothesis,’ Prof. Gall explained. Chromophare D 650 plus 4300 K 0.59 0.51 electronic dimming ‘Our most important insight from ‘So we turned to scientifically the study,’ said Volker Dockhorn, accredited performance and con- Comparative light 3400 K 0.45 0.38 electronic dimming ‘has been the realisation that we centration tests, which, in our must bring the human being, i.e. study, were carried out by 55 par- surgeon, into the focus of our con- ticipants, split into two groups - Results of measurements of the circadian effect coefficient for three surgical lights. All lights were first mea- siderations. If an intelligent choice one with 30 people, to carry out sured at an luminance of 100,000 lux and subsequently with luminance dimmed to 50% of spectral range enables us to sup- port the surgeon in his work, to TABLE 2 draw on his full power of concen- Reference light CHROMOPHARE D 650plus Relative difference Statistical error tration for a difficult emergency (3,400K) (4,300K) probability operation at four a.m. and the fre- quency of errors attributable to a lack of concentration is reduced to Performance capability 485 502 3.5% 0.069 the degree found in this study, then we have definitely made a big (mean total number of questions answered) (trend) step forward.’ BERCHTOLD now plans to con- tinue the study, using a larger Power of concentration 195 205 5.1% 0.041 group of participants. (mean total number of questions answered correctly) (significant) Source: Volker Dockhorn, engineer and Product Manager, OR-Lights, Berchtold. Results of performance and concentration tests in the winter

the tests in winter, with the other 25 people performing them in sum- mer, to determine whether their performance depended on a sea- son.’ To achieve the best possible comparison, experiments were lim- ited to a study of the difference in effect between the two halogen lights, which initially irradiate a similar spectrum. The difference in colour temperature between these RESPIRONICS two lights comes about through selective filtering of the wave- Uncommon length spectrum by light manufac- turers. The irradiated surface was flat, and its reflectivity was therefore higher (76%) than is usually the Solutions case with human tissue. For this reason the luminance of both lights was adjusted to 40,000 lux, by Solutions that promote acceptance, tolerance, altering the size of the light field. The light field diameter was the and response to therapy for effective disease management. same for both. The acv value for the halogen light with high colour temperature was 0.59, whilst for the one with lower colour the tem- perature the acv value was 0.45. Participants were unaware of Visit us at Medica Stand #11B03 which light they were being exposed to in the test. To induce a Contact us at Respironics Europe: +33-1-55-60-19-80 general state of fatigue, such as results through mental work, the participants were asked to solve arithmetical problems under time pressure. This being achieved, the © 2004 Respironics Inc. and its affiliates


uch has been written about depression. Sometimes a wife has all men have some feminine Dr Kathleen W. Wilson attended women and the mid-life cri- to alert the doctor to her husband’s aspects, but these are suppressed medical school at the University of Iowa, and trained for five years at sis, but the changes men depression before the doctor can as people go about their daily roles. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. For the Mmust also face have often ask about it during a clinic visit. As both men and women reach past decade she has been a senior been ignored - yet those changes Affairs - Why do they often hap- midlife, they seek a wholeness, an internal medicine doctor at Ochsner can lead to the destruction of pen in this period? ‘One theory,’ amalgamation of their other half. Clinic, New Orleans. Prior to this, Dr Wilson was a Lt. Col. in the medical everything they have worked for in says Dr Wilson, ‘is The Shadow. The beloved in an affair may be the corp. of the US Air Force. their public and private lives, as For every step forward in life, a mirror of a man’s Animus, his own Specialities: internal medicine and well as their own and their fami- person had to say ‘no’ to something soul reaching out to be complete, gastroenterology. lies’ happiness. else. For every moment spent and the woman is mistaken for this In her book, Dispatches From studying or working, that time was entity. The Animus may have a The doctor has a large full-time practice and describes her role as a The Frontlines of Medicine: not spent on the riverbank in the tremendous emotional wallop. doctor for 28 years as ‘being in a front Your Husband’s Health: Simplify warm spring sun. But the path not ‘Practically speaking, pornogra- seat in the drama of life’. Among Dr Your Worry List, Dr Wilson points taken does not go away. Instead, it phy has changed the way men look Wilson’s other books is Brain out that, up until his mid-40s, a is called The Shadow. It gathers at their love lives. When they Maintenance: How To Prevent Stroke and Delay Dementia man may remain emotionally strength, and can hit with terrific watch it on the internet or on adult repressed. However, as men move emotional impact at midlife. The channels, they imagine that they Men and depression into their 40s and 50s the connec- Irritable? Unhappy with your tions among their brain cells increase in complexity, and this lot? Contemplating an extra- Visit us translates into more thinking and at Medica feeling. ‘The wonderful part is that marital relationship? Perhaps on stand a man can change, no matter how emotionally limited his parents you’re depressed? According were, and become loving, positive, to Dr Kathleen W. Wilson, 3A60 and generative,’ Dr Wilson points out. ‘But sometimes these brain who trained in internal changes can collide with peri- menopausal irritability at home medicine at the Mayo Clinic, that affects many women at the depression in men often same age.’ Depression - may present itself as goes unrecognised, not anhedonia, where a man loses his joy, his sense of pleasure, glad feel- only by their families, ings when he sees his wife and chil- dren, and the satisfaction of past but also by accomplishments. Irritability and themselves, anger are other symptoms of depression in men, the author because they tend points out. ‘Male depression can be Helping to lower the occurrence of more difficult to treat because of not to like words potential sexual side effects of anti- depressants that worry a man even that imply premature birth more. Counselling helps but only if vulnerability. a man avails himself of the confi- dential relationship. Often he equates seeing a mental health expert with weakness and will not go.’ If the standard treatment of anti- depressants and counselling will not work in a specific case, the non-medicinal treatments include daily aerobic exercise, a good diet, doubts about whether a person did have been missing out on what is and prioritising duties and obliga- the right thing, regrets for the love rightfully theirs. Often they do not VpH Test Glove tions to include only those that are or fun or kindness for which he stop to think that what is shown on absolutely necessary. Time spent did not take time, may be idealised the screen is seldom what real peo- outdoors or in contented conversa- in another person, often younger. ple enjoy. This notion of having Pre-term deliveries occur in as many as 10% of all tion with his family is balm. A new ‘Another theory is the Animus. missed something may cause them pregnancies, and their cause can be vaginal infection interest or hobby can be a surpris- All women have some masculine to seek an affair.’ And they often ing effective lateral exit from a aspects to their personalities, and just happen without much thought during pregnancy. Acidity levels are indicative of the about the consequences, the doc- vaginal tract’s defence against threatening pathogens: a tor continues. Affairs do not always mean that the marriage was unhap- weak natural defence is reflected in an increased pH value. Caring for dementia patients py, or that the spouse who strayed Now, your pregnant patients - from the early stages of wanted it to end. Often, the person With extensive clinical practice in gerontology who had the affair regrets it and pregnancy to the 37th week of gestation – can monitor and geriatrics, nursing professional Joan Bre- wants to be forgiven. This is hard their pH values with an easy-to-use VpH Test Glove. itung has taught and published in this field for every family. Counselling with a for 35 years. In her book Understanding and The Careplan VpH Test Glove allows self-measurement good marriage counsellor, who Managing Dementia the author aims to pro- believes in saving the marriage; of vaginal pH, which can help; vide better understanding of conditions aris- truthfulness on behalf of the erring ing from the disorder, and to alleviate the spouse, and of course, stopping the „ Identify those at risk of premature birth strain caused by so many unforeseen and affair completely are first steps to atypical behavioural problems presented „ Prompt early medical intervention save a marriage. A word of caution: by the patients. Carers will find her guid- do not give sexual details to the „ Lower the rate of prematurity. ance particularly useful on a daily basis. wronged spouse because this caus- This, and the resources provided for es painful obsessions. Most people nurses, administrators, caregivers and do not realise what a tremendous Limited, Bedford MK44 3UP, UK families, should also help readers to asset a good, long-term marriage is make informed decisions. Tel: +44 (0)1234 835000 emotionally and materially until it Topics include: Alzheimer’s Disease, has been lost.’ Fax: +44 (0)1234 835009 Ageing and Memory Impairment, Depression and the Older Sons and fathers - Depression Adult, Families and Issues of Ageing, Living Arrangements and the Latest and unease may follow after father- Treatment Options. hood. Soon after the birth of his Understanding and Managing Dementia, by Joan Breitung RN, MA, MSN. first child, a man may experience (ISBN: 09707558 4 8. pb. 176pp. Price: £19.95. Pub: Merit Publishing emotional pain because he feels a International) is available through Amazon, bookshops and libraries. loss in the relationship with his wife, who is naturally dividing attention between husband and


new child, so is more tired and less ward to it. But other people do sexually available. not complain about the behaviour- Sometimes men also feel they al changes of alcoholism at this are not measuring up as a father, point. Ten percent of the popula- Meet us at Medica which causes an experiential gap tion has the genetic predisposition between who they want to be and to become alcoholic and this is European Hospital - the pan-European healthcare journal who they are. They may feel shame how it starts. Each person has to over these ambivalent feelings decide for himself whether or not Many medical publishers will display We not only publish the @MEDICA series (which includes the issue you are toward their sons, feelings they he is alcoholic and if his life has now reading) but also the pan-European, bi-monthly, full-colour journal EURO- may only be able to process later in become unmanageable. If alcohol their publications in various halls at PEAN HOSPITAL, which covers healthcare delivery and politics as well as their forties, when time and has hurt him and those he loves, Medica this year - as will our advances in all medical fields. resources allow. Alcoholics Anonymous is still the company European Hospital Verlags Our most recent launch has been the exciting new magazine DESIGN in EH, Similarly, in his forties a man best way to get sobriety. which focuses on the newest hospital architecture, exciting interior and exteri- may find that his relationship with Men who suffered early child- GmbH - and we would like to meet or concepts, including catering, furnishings such as bedding, lockers, etc, his own father becomes more hood trauma before they had a you (if you’d like to discuss ideas lighting, as well as everything from well-designed A&E products, surgical and ambivalent as the father declines language of emotion may never for future editorials, company news, medical implements to futuristic but practical diagnostic equipment and mentally and physically. This expe- have coped with the shame and telemedical tools. or your advertising needs, we’ll be happy to help). Simply head for Hall 7 - Stand E 15 - EUROPEAN HOSPITAL Hall 7, Stand E 15, to meet with us Are you affected? and collect copies of our issues.

rience will be more intense if suffering. These men are particu- antagonistic feelings between larly vulnerable to dependency on father and son were never alcohol as they reach midlife and EUROPEAN TH EEUROPEAN FORUM FOR THOSE IN THE BUSINESS OF MAKING HEALTHCARE WORK SATO. Patient tracking acknowledged or resolved. the unresolved feelings start to 26-27 H Innovations OSPITAL Ultrasound for 7-16 The midlife crisis - By his mid make themselves known. Alcohol is the blind? PLUS RSNA Chicago 19-21 & traceability Systems. speech valves, Preview, syringes etc radiology news Orthopaedics 40’s, given a degree of success that used to suppress those feelings. PLUS EuroPACS Tissue engineering for reports Your No. 1 medical VOL 13 ISSUE 5/04 bone transplants can release him from constant Prescription drug dependence - PLUS jawbone information portal: transplants 24/7 all year round PAR KER World leader Halle 16, Stand 16 E19. work, a man starts to want the pay This is equally dangerous, Dr Wil- in ultrasound To OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2004 supplies o many German doctors Please off for years of effort and self son points out. Often due to a see page 10 are crossing borders German doctors are in high denial - and to be valued and loved. chronic pain, a person can become Human stem demand in countries other than their own - such as Great Britain and Scandinavia, which is causing IT N cell research among politicians, all are HS spend concern among medical profes- immense. ‘Therefore, the medical France - Scientists now have a five- may hit £31bn By age 50 he also realises that he addicted to narcotics and it may sionals in their own country. professions become increasingly year opportunity to carry out research Since 1994 - when Sweden UK using human stem cells - although unattractive for young doctors. - Although an estimated joined the EU, the Swedish health figure of £6.2 billion was given to human cloning is still banned, Above all, working as a self- authority Socialstyrelsen, has realise the UK’s gigantic ten-year embryos which have not been subject employed physician is, for many, issued 704 licenses for German project to computerise its will soon be old and that his body change his personality and his abil- to parental plans can be worked on, too high a risk’, he explained. doctors. In Norway, in March National Health Service (NHS), said Philippe Douste-Blazy, Health ‘Our European neighbours value this year, the Norwegian physi- experts recently estimated the Minister, adding that most of the the skills of German physicians cians’ association said it counted final cost could reach between stem cells will be sourced from six day highly. And at the same time, our 650 German doctors working £18.6- £31billion (more than it and energy may deteriorate before ity to function as a human being. old fertilised human eggs. Given its young doctors discover the other there - 3.7% of the total number sum to build the Channel tunnel). importance, preventing stem cell European countries as attractive of doctors employed. But perhaps However, the UK Health research would be unrealistic, said employment potential.’ the most astonishing number Are politicians Minister, John Hutton, the NHS Francois Aubert, Junior Science Editor’s comment: Germany’s went to the United Kingdom - will not be overly burdened by Minister. sending them away? experience is not unique. In the UK he gets his share of fun out of life. Chemical dependency often where, in 2003, that country’s the costs when seen in the doctors consistently complain of Stem cell research and cloning are Ministry of Health reported Bundesvereinigung (KBV), said: ‘If burgeoning paperwork, which has context of total NHS spending both allowed in the UK stem cell 2,600 German doctors working in we want to turn this trend around, even been said to prevent them from over that period. Computer research and cloning are both Britain. politics, the professional associa- treating more cases. In one We allowed, but in the USA, stem cell ekly wonders how many NHS Then, Dr Wilson explains, he feels requires treatment by a specialist This increasing medical emigra- tions and the health insurance situation, a hospital doctor, who services will be affected by the research is only permitted in privately refused to attend meetings during tion is causing concern in companies must work together to financial overshoot. funded laboratories, and cloning is his working day, was suspended, Germany, where Dr. Manfred make the medical professions An investigation of the prohibited. France’s positiion now lies attractive again.’ In Germany, he pending an inquiry, on full pay. A Richter-Reichhelm, chairman of relief doctor, brought in to do his programme, by the National between the two. pointed out, the physician’s work- the need to seek gratification in chemical dependency and pain the physicians’ association work, also had to be paid. A few Audit Office (UK public spending Kassenärztlichen load, the bureaucracy required in months later, the matter was watchdog), will result in a report doctors’ offices and over-regula- resolved and the doctor returned to to be published in the middle of High tion stemming from a deep distrust work. Two sets of wages had been 2005. The investigation will paid unnecessarily - due to investigate how the system was before it is too late. management. bureaucracy! A budget saving...? Performance MyLab30 selected, and whether the programme, at those costs, it without CV Countries unite to offers value for money. VISIT U According the the journal Emotional shock from the loss of In summary, the good news is S AT Compromise OUR Computer Week BOOTH , the original 9A22 estimate was based on American ON MEDIC FRO A boost cancer research experiences. The latest estimates M 24TH UNTIL 27TH 1 were published in the magazine OF NOVEM 5 researchers from four countries a family member or friend, particu- that the brain continues to mature BER Computer Weekly 2004 IN will receive international fellow- DÜ ships to spend time working in lab- Professor David Khayat, See IT pages 4-5 . SSELDORF oratories in each other’s countries Director of l’INCa said: ‘This is to exchange ideas, the first joint programme signed by l’INCa - a new national insti- larly if the deceased is someone his in men as they move into their 50s techniques and ther- contents apies to advance Fr tution created by cancer treatments. ance, UK, USA Ultrasound President Jacques News ...... 1-6 wherever The fellowships and Canada Chirac to coordi- own age or younger, can also bring so they can add emotional coher- were launched at the Entente nate, evaluate, Radiology ...... 7-16 you are Cordial Cancer Research Summit accredit and in London by François d’Aubert, finance all aspects of an ambi- Oncology ...... 17 whenever Ministre délégué à la recherché in tious, patient-oriented cancer him face to face with his own mor- ence. But the emerging feelings you need it. France, and John Reid, the UK’s control programme. It underlines Surgery & Health Secretary. our willingness to seek partner- 0rthopaedics ...... 18-21 In France, L’Institut National du ships in Europe, and beyond, in Cancer (l’INCa) France, and in the the war on cancer. The fellow- Cardiology ...... 22 tality. may bring a stable situation down, Department of Health (DoH) UK ships are for young investigators, will each commit £225,000 a year and this is especially important Laboratory & to fund six UK/ French fellows. because so many hopes rest on pharmaceuticals . . . . .23-25 The Department of Health will the abilities of future generations commit a further £340,00 to fund to develop new concepts and He may never have spoken to his so being aware of the Shadow and new new new new new new new ideas to fight cancer more effi- six UK/USA fellows and three www ciently.’ . UK/Canadian fellows, with joint esaote@esa . ph The 3-year fellowships are due one: +49-(0)180-5 funding from the National Cancer 37 26 83 Institute (USA) and the Canadian to start in the autumn of 2005. wife about his inner feelings, and it the Animus may be helpful, and Institutes of Health Research. The UK’s National Translational Cancer Research Network will Innovations ...... 26 administer the initiative. is now even more difficult to share vigilance for alcohol dependency is Events ...... 27 any of his emerging concerns. ‘This always wise, Dr Wilson warns. man,’ says Dr Wilson, ‘needs coun- Dr. Wilson has focused her med- selling to sort through his priori- ical practice on midlife people and, ties, look back on his life’s path and in a series of books, observes what accomplishments, and formulate keeps people healthy and what new goals for the second half of his makes them miserable. She empha- life.’ She also provides other sug- sises what people can do to help gestions to help the situation. themselves and thus avoid medical Alcoholism - Alcohol dependence problems later on. She also advises is common in midlife men who on quality of life, weight gain, work at difficult, stressful jobs, and fatigue, depression, and erectile reach for alcohol at the end of the dysfunction. day to relax. This pattern is a Ref: Dispatches From The Front- dependence, says Dr Wilson. lines of Medicine: Your Husband’s ‘Those who drink every day are Health: Simplify Your Worry List usually preoccupied with that drink by Kathleen W. Wilson MD. 211 at the time of day they look for- Pages. US$14.95 ISBN 0-9742976-1-5.

Guides to imaging EUROPEAN HOSPITAL

A new book by mammographer Professor Laszlo Taba, Head of the

Department of Mammography at Falun Central Hospital, Falun, authored SPECIAL ISSUE: MEDICAL, TECHNICAL, PHARMACEUTICAL, INDUSTRIAL NEWS & MUCH MORE with Dr Tibor Tot at the Department of Pathology and Clinical Cytology,

will be published in December by Thieme NOVEMBER 2004 The Art and Science of Early Detection with Mammography, based Mobile phones andering around MEDICA 2004 with your mobile phone pressed to your ear? These devices have swiftly become vital auxiliaries in our on Professor Taba’s experience and lecture courses worldwide, intro- working days as well as private lives. But is there any truth in the Wbeliefs that their use could harm our health? According to newly published research, yes. Exposure to radiofrequency when using a mobile phone for ten or more years could double the risk of developing an acoustic neuroma tumour (a duces a systematic method for interpreting mammographic images - to benign growth in the head), concluded the authors of a new Swedish study

published in the journal A new standard of reduce the chance of missing very subtle pathologic findings. (Lönn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feycht- flexibility in Epidemiology ing M, 15. 653 - 659. 2004. tracheostomy tubes. PubMed). However, the res- G&CO earchers pointed out that their please see page (The Art and Science of Early Detection with Mammography. ISBN findings do not indicate an increased risk of acoustic neuro- 11 ma related to short-term mobile phone use. ‘We were surprised 3.13.135371.6. 195.86 euros). by the results, but the outcome is

continued on page 2 In the same month Greenwich Med will publish Breast Ultrasound. The Long-term use doubles 45 years Dedication to manufacturing medical PHOTO: BRENDA MARSH tumour risk X-ray Sy Essentials, a superbly illustrated paperback by M Stocksley, of the Divi- stems, please see page SATO. What’s the difference sion of Imaging and Radiology, School of Health and Social Care, South between Aquasonic 4

and those other gels?® Bank University, London, and Dr E Denton, Consultant Radiologist, Nor- Clarity, reliability, 100 folk and Norwich Hospital. The volume is targeted at a broad audience, and economy. Aquasonic 100 More than Ultrasound Transmission Gel ranging from trainee radiographers to qualified radiologists, for whom the The clarity that sonographers have counted on for over 40 years. authors provide basic information needed to begin performing breast ultrasound. They also cover the full spectrum of what can be seen in labelling. daily practice, and include 60 ‘classic’ case studies, as well as rare or more easily misinterpreted cases. (Breast Ultrasound - The Essentials, by M Stocksley and E Denton. ISBN 1.84110.1761. 39.73 euros) 286 Eldridge Road,Parker Fairfield, Laboratories, NJ 07004 Inc. 973.276.9500 • Fax: 973.276.9510 Vis it us at Medica 2004 • Hall 9 • Stand D 41 ISO 13485:1996 Certified

29 DECUBITIS Scientific healing A large number of wounds treated by healthcare providers around the world are complex, life threatening or difficult to heal. However, advances in technology have now made wound management a less daunting task - both in and out of hospitals - and has saved costs as well as improved the lifestyle of countless patients. KCI, a firm specialising in the R&D and the production of advanced wound healing therapies, and products to treat the complications of immobility, will demonstrate its innovative wares at Medica

V.A.C. GranuFoam Heel Dressing

echnology has brought many causes of pressure ulcer develop- welcome aids to the difficult ment, such as pressure, shear and task of wound management friction. Additionally, with exclu- Tand healing. Such advances sive rights to use the proprietary include V.A.C. Therapy, which Gore-Tex fabric, some of KCI’s key RotoRest uses controlled, negative pressure therapies, e.g. TheraKair and Ther- on a wound site, and has been aPulse ATP, can also deliver low air clinically shown to promote heal- loss therapy, which helps to man- ‘The RotoRest is a critical care ing and reduce the cost of treating age the skin’s microclimate, anoth- therapy system indicated for the patients with wounds of different er key factor in the treatment of treatment and prophylaxis of pul- aetiologies pressure ulcers, the firm explains. monary complications associated Produced by KCI (founded For patients with oedema, these with immobility, including Acute 1976), which focuses on techno- two products can also deliver pul- Lung Injury (ALI), Acute Respirato- logically advanced therapeutic sation therapy, said to gently mas- ry Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and medical devices for wound healing sage the skin and improve capillary Pneumonia. RotoRest is the only and products to prevent and treat and lymphatic circulation. system dedicated to mobilizing and delivering Kinetic Therapy to patients with spinal injuries while offering the greatest degree of turn- ing of any automated system.’

KCI’s products will be V.A.C. ATS Therapy Unit displayed at Immobility in critical care viding, not only Kinetic Therapy, The firm’s ‘Kinetic Therapy’ aids in but also percussion therapy and MEDICA the treatment and prevention of low air loss therapy, which helps to pulmonary complications associat- prevent pressure ulcer develop- Hall 6 - Stand GO6 ed with immobility. ‘By providing ment associated with immobility,’ slow, gentle, side-to-side rotation the firm adds. of the patient, to an angle between TheraPulse 40 and 62 degrees, Kinetic Thera- py has been shown to improve the the complications of immobility, ‘TheraPulse ATP also saves nurs- delivery of oxygen to the blood, V.A.C. Therapy was joined this ing time and the potential of staff reducing the risks of ICU-acquired year by V.A.C. Freedom, designed injury through an automated pneumonia, respiratory tract infec- specifically for ambulatory wound care turn of approximately tions and ventilation time. Over 55 patients, and more recently by 25∞,’ the firm points out. clinical studies have demonstrated V.A.C. GranuFoam Heel Dressing, Moira Allan, who nurses at the clinical and cost-effectiveness a treatment for one of the most Ninewells Hospital, UK, confirmed of Kinetic Therapy.’ Its use and anatomically difficult areas of the this: ‘The wounds of our elderly effectiveness, the firm points out, body. Designed to fit the contours and dependent patients have can therefore reduce the overall of the heel this new dressing is set healed very well because the body length of stay in the ICU, which to greatly improve the efficiency of positioning and turning that Thera- brings significant cost savings. managing heal wounds. Pulse ATP provides is excellent. ‘The Triadyne Proventa is one of KCI is also proud of its therapies Our manual handling issues have the most advanced and compre- for the management of the major also been reduced.’ hensive critical care systems pro- VAC Freedom

30 NEUROLOGY Thinking to work a computer 100 electrodes aid e-mail transmission gram (EEG) this records from local For many paralysed patients the approach allows more numerous field potentials over the surface of only way to control computers is and more specific signals to be the cortex, and the signals can be by using their eyes or tongue, translated. “This array has 100 used to activate a switch to provide which needs training and skill. For electrodes, so one can theoretical- communication, the firm reports. many years researchers have tried ly tap into 100 neurons,” says Jon Before implantation, MRI func- another route to this end, and now Mukand, an investigator on the tional scanning is carried out on a device containing 100 electrodes, team based at the Sargent Reha- the patient to check for any brain developed by Cyberkinetics, of bilitation Centre in Rhode Island. activity, even if there may be no Foxborough, Massachusetts has This makes the technology movement. No patient-initiated been implanted in the brain of a faster and more flexible, he movement is needed, the research quadriplegic patient and has argues. “It’s far more versatile award winning research firm Neur- firm says. After the device is enabled him to check his e-mails when one can get a larger number al Signals, working on its ‘Brain emplaced, users receive initial and play computer games via his of neurons.” Communicator Project’, has training on how to move and click a thoughts. Meanwhile, work is continuing patented a conductive skull computer mouse cursor anywhere So far, this is the most sophisti- in Atlanta, Georgia, on a device ‘screw’, to be situated under the on the monitor screen, to type text, cated of such devices, which tap that might read brain activity skull, but outside the brain. Rather surf the web, and to control other into neurons, to have been without neuronal contact. The like a precise electroencephalo- tools in their environment. implanted in a human. well as television, not just ‘single- In June 2004, surgeons implant- mindedly’ but whilst also carrying ed BrainGate (the device) into the out other tasks, such as talking or motor cortex of the 24-year-old moving his head. This promising The results were significant quadriplegic, enabling each of the result has opened the way for the Ecstasy drug affects memory enough to suggest that Ecstasy hundred electrodes to tap into a device to be implanted into four users may experience functional neuron in his brain. more patients. But BrainGate’s cre- Sydney, Australia - The drug Ecstasy users, he pointed out. deficits in demanding situations Since then, the researchers have ators argue that such techniques Ecstasy adversely affects the Using a commonly used test, only in normal life. ‘A number of fac- reported that the patient has been only give a general picture of brain memory those who take it, accord- small deficits in the average memo- tors could contribute to the able to control his computer, as activity, and that the more direct ing to research carried out by John ry performance of Ecstasy users observed effects,’ John Brown Brown, a PhD student at the were identified, compared with the explained. ‘But we’ve been able School of Psychology, the Aus- other two groups, he said. In this to rule out age, sex, level of edu- tralian National University (ANU), research he utilised advanced cog- cation, estimated IQ, current and who presented finding from his nitive psychology research tech- past mental health and alcohol Scalp electrodes four-year study at the Australian niques, developed as part of this as causes of the deficits.’ Psychological Society conference research project. ‘This new test However, he added that Mari- in October. revealed relatively large memory juana had some effect ‘... but The average memory performance deficits that appeared to be due to only accounts for a portion of the may boost brainpower was examined in 30 people from problems in processing information deficit. In particular, the average three groups: at the time it is being stored, rather rate at which Ecstasy users USA - Experiments to boost brain ally, generating them needs larger ● Ecstasy users who had not used than failures in holding information learnt new information under diffi- activity in animals took place in the equipment than electrodes, so this any drug for two weeks in memory or to retrieving it later cult conditions was significantly 1950s, but although these indicat- work on low electric currents could ● Drug users who do not use on.’ lower than that of marijuana ed possibilities, people linked the provide a safer, easier alternative. Ecstasy (they were mainly mari- 10 sets of triple, unrelated users.’ concept with electroconvulsive Further safety tests are under- juana users) words, e.g. spanner, dingo, muffin, Far larger studies are needed therapy - controversially used on way, after which the procedure ● People who use no illicit drugs. were quickly read aloud to all partic- to more fully investigate the chronically depressed patients - may be tested on patients with Although evidence has accumu- ipants, leaving only about a one effects of stimulants such as and research did not progress. frontal temporal dementia - which lated on the neurotoxicity of Ecsta- second gap between each group. methamphetamines, he said, Now, however, a research team causes speech problems. Whilst sy, standard clinical neuropsycho- Participants then had to recall as ‘but it appears from this research has used electrodes placed, for 20 using a current is not expected to logical tests have often failed to many of the triple words as they that Ecstasy is a principal cause minutes, across the front of the cure the problem, Ms Iyer said it reveal reliable memory deficits in could. of the memory deficits’. head, and a current of two thou- might become a useful partner for sandths of an ampere, to check drug treatment. whether it improved verbal skills. Presenting their findings at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, the team said the only side effect reported by the 103 volunteers taking part, was an itchy sensation where the elec- trode had been placed on the scalp.

After applying the current, researcher Meenakshi Iyer, in a team led by Eric Wassermann at Healthcare Information System the National Institute of Neurologi- cal Disorders and Stroke, in Bethesda, Maryland, asked the vol- unteers to name every word they could think of that begins with a Standard - IT for Europe! certain letter. In about 90 seconds most people manage about 20 words, she pointed out. However, 100% web-based information system for the volunteers could name about 20% more words than the controls, Acute hospitals who also had had electrodes Rehabilitation clinics attached, but with no current administered. Additionally, when a Nursing homes smaller current - a thousandth of Guaranteed success with top conditions – an amp - was used, no effect was demonstrated. Exclusive distribution rights – The application’s effect has not We are looking for Resellers Trade mark protection – guaranteed future been explained, but Dr Iyer said the current might change electrical in all European countries properties of brain cells in the pre- frontal cortex, through which it Please contact Thai Ludwig, CEO, DataSwiss Solutions AG passes, and as a result cells fire off at Medica, mobile phone: +49(0)173 – 6600544 signals with more ease. This research was inspired by You will find us at Medica, hall 16 the work of researchers studying stand 16 G 52 with the effect on the brain of magnetic Konstanzerstrasse 37 • CH-8274 Tägerwilen fields, which some think might be a Ph.: +41 (71) 666 8989 • Fax: +41 (71) 666 8980 [email protected] useful therapy, for example, to treat dementia. However magnetic fields can cause seizures. Addition-


France - The Medical 15, a new 15 Over one million health service workers to receive training kg medical ‘pass-thru’ washer from Danube International, was Chris Beasley, the UK’s newly comed by health workers’ unions, designed with double opposed appointed Chief Nursing Officer which had complained that private doors separated by a sanitised par- (CNO), has announced that over a companies had gained contracts tition to prevent cross contamina- million people working for the coun- from the NHS by cutting staff num- tion. For use in small clinics and try’s National Health Service (NHS) bers and wages. nursing homes, the firm reports are to be given infection control Prior to the Health Secretary’s that the price is near to that of a training to raise standards of announcement much public concern basic front load washer extractor. BUSINESS hygiene - and they will have to had been expressed in the press Danube (est. 1947) based in the OPPORTUNITY demonstrate their ability to reduce regarding hygiene standards in the Loire region of France, exports the risk of health- country’s hospi- products to 52 countries, including care associated tals and, most the USA, and countries in South infections, includ- Fighting recently, an under- America and the Far East. ing MRSA. cover TV documen- The range includes front-loading Chris Beasley tary had been washers from 6-55 kg, side-loading explained that A broadcast, in washers (including gas heated number of ways which a microbiol- washers) from 27-67 kg, tumble infections dryers from 6-65 kg and barrier to control such ogist examined infections had been set out in a swabs taken from six hospitals. In washers from 15-67 kg. Finishing Safer laundry Matron’s Charter, published in Octo- all of these he had found antibiotic- equipment includes dryer ironers ber, Chris Beasley pointed out during resistant bugs in public areas used with widths between 1.4 m to 3.2 a recent conference, but added that by patients. The documentary also m; cylinder diameters of 200 mm, No nosocomial infections a new Knowledge and Skills Frame- included film of clinical waste left 320 mm and 500 mm, and optional work, within the government’s new outside a cardiology ward, used sur- feeders, folders, cross-folders and and far-reaching Agenda for Change gical gloves left on a waste paper stackers. ● 2002: A 15 kg barrier washer installations when commissioning pay scheme, will guide staff on how bin that was positioned near a pub- (smallest on the market) that was advice is needed) they can play a part in maintaining lic lift, a rubbish container overflow- Assets launched at Texcare. Suitable for Danube provides a video-confer- high standards of cleanliness. ‘All ing with toxic waste, and other dis- Washer extractors have a high G- nursing homes, for example, this encing service for service engi- staff covered by the Agenda for turbing evidence of non-hygienic factor (350G on front loading mod- costs the same as a standard wash- neers, suppliers and sub-contrac- Change, whether nurses, healthcare practice. els, 440G on side loaders and barri- er, making it ‘extremely good value,’ tors, and its website provides tech- assistants, porters or cleaners, It has been reported that about er machines). Water consumption says Danube. nical help, e.g. on safety aspects, must show that they can develop 5,000 people die annually from is averages 11 litres/kg to 13 ● 2003: An automatic weighting maintenance instructions, technical and apply the appropriate knowledge methicillin-resistant staphylococcus litres/kg. Residual humidity on system. Now available as an option drawings, electrical diagrams and and skills to reduce the risks of aureus (MRSA) infection in the UK, a side-loading machines and on bar- for washers or barrier washers, it interactive 3-D drawings (engineers healthcare associated infections. figure tahat is challenged by the rier washers is around 35%, which monitors and tracks loads - each watch, in virtual mode, a machine Personal development plans will give MRSA Support Group, which saves energy during drying. can have a number that is linked to under construction). staff and managers an opportunity to believes the number to be perhaps Dryers have direct drive with a detergent and water use for the Other web-based advice focuses identify how to raise standards of four times higher. The government frequency converter, rather than a cycle used. on laundry design and sizing for cleanliness. So the Agenda for has also announced that an audit of belt, and a reverse action. (Belts prospective users. A questionnaire, Change will not just be good for deaths from healthcare associated mostly cause dryer problems in Quality control approval covering the work and type of laun- nurses’ pay and careers but it will infections will be introduced in laundries, says Danube). ISO 9001/2000, plus required coun- dry to be processed, helps Danube also be another weapon against the 2006. In the past three years the firm try approvals, e.g. CE, CSA and ETL to calculate the type, capacities and number one concern for patients.’ The Patients’ Association reported has been patented three develop- for USA, etc. number of machines needed - as This development followed an that one of the problems in the UK ments: well as a laundry layout. announcement by the Health Secre- is high bed occupancy, which gives ● 2001: An automatic speed sys- Distributors ‘Distributors prepared to be tary, John Reid, at the Labour party insufficient time to thoroughly clean tem, which allows linen to go The firm wants more distributors proactive will have not just a high conference in October, that outsourc- beds before new patients arrive. In straight from washer to ironer with local knowledge and contacts. quality product at competitive ing contracts for NHS cleaning would countries such as Switzerland, the without having to adjust ironer The firm has a registered training prices,’ says Danube. ‘They will also be cut - almost immediately - to bring association pointed out, fumigation speed manually, because calcula- centre, where Danube’s service have all the resources they need to cleaning back into the domain of and cleaning of beds, between tions and adjustments are auto- engineers will train the distributor’s make the partnership profitable for NHS staff workers, a move wel- patients’ use, is more the norm. matic and consider fabric and room service staff (they will also be on both parties.’ humidity. hand to help with future large Monitoring sterilisation UK - The Azo Bowie and Dick type test packs, made by Vernon Carus Ltd, can be used in ‘Breathable’ medical 134º & 121º cycles. These non-toxic tests NEW incorporate advanced indicator inks that enable accurate interpretation of results and promise no fading or colour change when kept fabric is a viral barrier as a permanent record. The packs come with interpretation wall charts, and conform to European Standard Finland - A new fabric, named Other gown fabrics currently on EN867 Part 4. Breathable Viral Barrier (BVB), has the market use micro-porous films, A major supplier to the NHS, with over 30 years of experience in the been launched by Ahlstrom, which which, by definition, have holes healthcare market, Vernon Carus recently reorganised its business into produces high performance fibre- and cannot provide the same pro- three divisions, which cover peri-operative care, infection control and based materials for niche markets tection as Ahlstrom’s fabric.’ wound care. Products will be on show at MEDICA - Hall 6 - B40. worldwide. The firm reports that Ahlstrom produces high perfor- BVB innovatively combines raw mance fibre-based materials serv- materials and fabric construction, ing niche markets worldwide. Sourcing essentials which, used in medical gowns, pro- Ranked among the top 10 non- vides the highest level of viral pro- woven fibre manufacturers, its France - Medical rolls, wipes, hand towels, toilet paper - these are among tection and a greater degree of engineered fabrics are used in the indispensable day-to-day disposables that are critical to hygiene. The comfort in warm conditions, due to industrial products as well as French firm Global Hygiene (est. 1956), exports about 25% of its products its ‘breathability’. everyday consumer products, and throughout Europe and in North Africa. These include commodities and ‘Triple-layered, the fabric fea- because of the molecular diffusion are used in healthcare, transport, consumer goods for surgeries/hospitals, healthcare furniture and equip- tures a responsive, monolithic of water vapour through the thick- packaging, home and office, exam- ment - and plain or colourful paper disposables, which will be on show at membrane sandwiched between ness of the film, explained Rahul ples: surgical gowns, tea bags and MEDICA in Hall 7 - level 1, F15. inner and outer fabrics made of Dharmadhikary, Medical Fabrics wipes. The company (est. over continuous fine filaments. The Technical Manager at Ahlstrom. 150 years ago) is headquartered inner layer provides a soft touch to ‘The inner membrane automatically in Helsinki, operates from 16 Euro- Bandages from Bohemia the wearer’s skin while the outer responds to rising body tempera- pean, Americas and Asian sites, layer provides additional repellency tures that doctors, nurses and employs approximately 6,500 peo- Czech Republic - 50% of its hygiene products, cellulose wadding, fixation and strength,’ the firm points out. other medical personnel experience ple and serves customers with and elastic bandages and other medical products are exported by Batist ‘The BVB fabric meets ASTM in high-stress situations, especially sales networks and production s.r.o, which was established in 1992 and, by 1998, had opened a mod- F1671 (viral barrier), with the in the operating theatre, by increas- facilities in over 20 countries. ernised factory and distribution centre in Eastern Bohemia, complete with monolithic technology providing ing the rate of moisture transfer. Annual net sales of Ahlstrom’s clean rooms for sterile medical products production. the maximum viral protection avail- The BVB fabric allows the wearer to fibre solutions reach over 1.5 bil- Last year Batist implemented a quality management system according to able.’ perspire without trapping him or her lion euros. EN ISO 9001:2000 and EN ISO 13488:2000 to cover all its activities, com- The inner membrane ‘breathes’ inside a non-breathable shell. bined with certification by the TÜV Rhineland Group, which also CE certi- fies Batist products. This year, at MEDICA, the firm will display products in Hall 5 - K11.

32 HYGIENE Thermal disinfection for instruments The disinfection unit Hydrim L110WD, with integrated metering device for liquid media, cleans, rinses, and thermally disinfects instruments within 67 minutes. The unit, mainly used in neurosurgery, ENT, ophthalmology and gastroenterology, has a switchable, fast and efficient turbo-drying process, ideal for subsequent sterilisation after packaging, the maker reports. ‘For use in ophthalmology, the unit comes with a special basket, with Luerlock connectors for hollow body instruments. Drying air is then conducted through individual instruments.’ A bottom-up Disposable vases Concept for cut flowers cuts work revolution Floral gifts for patients create addition tasks for busy hos- (Forgive the pun but it gets to the seat of the matter) pital staff; vases are in con- stant demand, need storage space, may break, and must be cleaned by someone after use. An excellent and novel alternative is ecoVaas, a dis- penser that supplies a vari- ety of disposable vases made of ecological paper. Placed at visitor arrival points, e.g. outside lifts or entrances to At the wards, the ecoVaas dispenser has a MEDICA 2004, diagram to help visitors select the Hall 12, Stand A 65, type of vase to purchase to suit the we are introducing size of their bouquets. Then all that’s then needed is water. Later, TopLine when the flowers wilt, the ecoVaas a revolutionary is simply thrown away. Association. Part of that sum is ecoVaas services include: development also put at the disposal of the hos- for the preparation Hygiene pital to donate to a charity of its ● Installation of vase dispensers of care utensils. Stagnant water is not hygienic. The own choice. ● Complete maintenance of dis- risk from vases waiting around to pensing machines be cleansed is eliminated when Design ● Prompt refill of empty vase units TopLine, using the disposable vases These paper vases are stylish and (an automatic communication probably the add brightness to wards. ecoVaas system in the vase dispenser most perfect Economics also reserves the design of one relays when an ecoVaas is need- appliance on Less water and disinfectant are vase for talented, though as yet ed). consumed, less storage space is unknown artists. Every four years, ‘In the unlikely event of a mal- the market. needed, and there’s less work for artists are invited to submit art- function, the system remains oper- staff. In addition, hospitals using work, and an expert jury selects a ational via temporary deactivation ecoVaas receive a percentage of winner. A copy of the winning art- of the defective vase unit,’ the sup- total vase sales. work, with the artist’s name, is plier reports. ‘Within 24 hours, then displayed on each dispenser, ecoVaas will see to it that all vases Charity and a vase with the artwork is are once again available.’ Addition- ecoVaas sets aside a percentage of used in all ecoVaas dispensers for ally, free vase tokens are issued if sales to support charities, such as five years, helping the artist to the supply should be interrupted. the Romania Charity Children gain public recognition in Europe. Details: NEW Faultless cleansing for utensils

TopLine, a ‘revolutionary’ high-tech Standing and cabinet models range of cleaning and disinfection have manual door operation or AT equipment, for washing, rinsing models with automatic door open- and disinfecting bed-pans, urine ing, according to customers’ bottles, commode buckets and needs. other care utensils, will be demon- Utensils are placed in easy-to- strated at MEDICA by the manufac- use brackets on the appliance’s turer Meiko Maschinenbau GmbH open door, outside the wash- & Co KG (Hall 12 Stand A65). ‘The chamber. Once the door is closed, new line, says Meiko, ‘is particu- utensils are emptied automatical- larly remarkable for their ease of ly, a system which is ‘... discrete, loading, making the nursing staff’s operator-friendly and avoids the job so much easier. The machine’s spread of unpleasant odours,’ the appearance, its impressive power- firm adds. cleaning system with lifting jets, its ‘Microprocessor controls with ultra-efficient disinfection technolo- optimal fine-tuning to meet gy, its drying system, the innova- hygiene requirements allow the tive MIKE.2 controls using infra-red machines to be individually adjust- technology and much more, are all ed to match customers’ needs. new,’ the firm points out. The programme selected auto- Further advantages include the matically starts at the touch of a self-cleaning wash-chamber, button on the brand-new, easy-to- sound-proofed operation and a understand switch display. A guarantee for consistently achiev- short, normal or intensive pro- ing cleanliness and hygiene. gram can be chosen as needed. According to a hospital’s avail- Additionally, a new cooling tech- able space, the choice of machines points out that all machines are nique allows the utensil to be includes wall mounted, free-standing quick and easy to install because gripped immediately after the end or built-in, and complete care units they are delivered ready for connec- of the program.’ can also be chosen. Meiko also tion to a power supply. MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG Englerstr. 3 · 77652 Offenburg · Germany Telefon 07 81/203-0 · Telefax 07 81/203-1229 · e-mail: [email protected] 33 ONCOLOGY

UK - Dogs are well known for their some researchers applauded it for extraordinary scenting ability; it further opening up this question. has been said they can detect one In answer to criticism about lack molecule of something interesting of consideration for elements such up to two kilometres away. Could as smoking, the researchers point- this skill be turned to medical Can dogs detect ed out that comprehensive data on advantage? each participant, including occupa- Several anecdotes about dogs tion, dietary intake, hobbies, med- sniffing at moles on their owners, ication, and, most importantly, which subsequently turned out to smoking habits, was considered. be cancerous, led Carolyn M Willis, ‘We specifically designed the train- senior research scientist at the ing regimen to take into account Department of Dermatology, cancer? the association between smoking, Amersham Hospital, to investigate shown an array of seven urine bladder cancer and the possible this reported phenomenon with samples, one of which was cancer- presence of tobacco related odours fellow researchers. ‘I was scepti- ous, and told to lie next to the in the urine. During training, the cal,’ she said, ‘so wanted to design cancerous one. On 22 out of 54 dogs were taught to ignore the a simple experiment to test it.’ occasions dogs identified the can- urine of control individuals who The team focused on 36 male cer sample correctly - a success smoked, and were presented with and female patients (aged 48-90 rate of 41% (95% confidence positive bladder cancer urines years) presenting with new or intervals 23% to 58% under from non-smokers, as well as recurrent transitional cell carcino- assumptions of normality, 26% to The nose knows smokers. In the evaluation tests, all ma of the bladder (27 samples 52% using bootstrap methods) runs containing a bladder cancer used for training; 9 used for formal compared with 14% expected by patient who smoked included at testing); 108 male and female con- chance alone. ‘Multivariate analy- least two controls who were smok- trols (diseased and healthy, aged sis suggested that the dogs’ capac- ers. 18-85 years - 54 samples used in ity to recognise a characteristic ‘We did not measure metabolites training; 54 used for testing). bladder cancer odour was inde- from tobacco in the urine, but ‘We wanted to make sure it was pendent of other chemical aspects based on self-report there was no the cancer the dogs were smelling, of the urine detectable by urinaly- obvious tendency for the dogs to so we ruled out other urine abnor- sis,’ the team reported, concluding preferentially select the urine from malities by having control samples that dogs can be trained to distin- smokers. Specifically, 41% of with blood, proteins, leukocytes guish patients with bladder cancer selected urines were from self- PHOTO: BRENDA MARSH and other abnormalities by using on the basis of urine odour more described “current or recent smok- urine from patients with non-can- successfully than would be consistently chose one control dogs could be identified, a non- ers” compared to 43% of non- cerous urological disorders,’ Car- expected by chance alone. This sample that had come from a donor invasive early detection screening selected urines. 37% of selected olyn Willis said. suggests that tumour related who had tested negative for blad- process might be evolved for blad- urines were from individuals who Trainers from the UK charity volatile compounds are present in der cancer. However, following der cancer. reported smoking one or more cig- Hearing Dogs for the Deaf trained urine, imparting a characteristic another test, this donor was found The team’s findings, published arettes on the day before their six dogs, of varying ages and odour signature distinct from to have a kidney tumour). in the British Medical Journal (vol urine sample, compared to 33% breeds, for seven months, to detect those associated with secondary Although the dogs’ choice rate is 329, p 712 - Olfactory detection of who reported smoking no ciga- cancer. In this course, the dogs effects of the tumour, such as neither accurate nor practical human bladder cancer by dogs: rettes on this day. were trained to lie down in front of bleeding, inflammation, and infec- enough to consider diagnostic test- proof of principle study), provoked ‘Moreover, adjustment for smok- a urine sample from a cancerous tion.’ Those volatile organic chem- ing, Carolyn Willis said if the pat- a large response from BMJ readers ing status has essentially no effect bladder. icals may include alkanes and tern of chemicals detected by the worldwide. Some correspondents on the observed association In a final, double-blind experi- alkenes. were derisory, some dog owners between presence of cancer and ment, each dog underwent nine (It is interesting to note that, welcomed the study of something odds of selection.’ separate tests in which they were during the experiment, the dogs they already believed existed, and (Worth a visit to the BMJ website).



MAY 21-26 San Antonio, USA 19-26 Sweden 18-19 Sydney, Australia 22-26 New Delhi, India AUA - Annual Congress of the European Federation of Audiological Partners in Pain: Patients, Clinicians Interim Meeting of World 2004 5 - 8 Edinburgh, Scotland American Urological Association Societies and Pain Management Federation of Sleep Research Societies EANO VI 22-25 Madrid, Spain 26-28 Sydney, Australia 2nd Quadrennial Meeting of the World 28-31 Vienna, Austria 2nd Latin American Congress on 4th Int. Conference on Oro-facial 28-2 Oct San Francisco, USA Federation of Neuro-oncology. Pain and Temporomandibular American Academy of Family Euro-anaesthesia 2005 Qualitative Health Research Disorders Physicians Annual Meeting 23-25 Cancun, Mexico 7-11 Florence, Italy 1st Latin American Congress in 2-7 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 30-June 1 Madrid, Spain International World Congress of the Aging Male International Phlebology XVth CNIO Cancer Conference: MAP SEPTEMBER World Conference Society of Thoracic Radiology 26-30 Montreal, QC, Canada Kinases and Cancer International Interdisciplinary 15-18 Berlin, Germany 3-7 Sydney, Australia Congress on Emergencies 1st Congress of the World International Society of 7-11 Strasbourg, France Association of Sleep Medicine 30-June 3 Dublin, Ireland Developmental Biologists 2005 Neurochirurgie 2005 (WASM) ESPR - Congress of the European 4-7 Lisbon, Portugal Society of Paediatric Radiology JULY 9th International Conference on Methods 7-13 Miami Beach, USA and Applications of Fluorescence: NOVEMBER 13th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition 2-6 Athens, Greece Spectroscopy, Imaging and Probes IX European Congress of the 2-5 Toronto, Canada of the Int. Society for Magnetic JUNE 14-17 San Diego, USA International Society of Blood 2005 Annual Meeting of the Resonance 14th International Congress and Transfusion International Society for Endo Expo 2005 6-8 Manchester, UK Traumatic Stress Studies 3-9 Positano, Italy UK Radiological Congress 2005 15-21 Rome, Italy 8-11 Lisbon, Portugal Europe/Asia Medical & Legal 3-5 Mumbai, India plus exhibition Pan Europe Asia Medical & Legal ICNC 7 Conference Hope 2005 Int. Conference of Nuclear Cardiology Conference 16-19 Los Angeles, USA 10-13 19th San Francisco, USA 18-22 Melbourne, Australia 8-11 Vienna, Austria 9th Annual Meeting of the Annual Congress of the American 7th World Congress on 9-11 Stockholm, Sweden EULAR 2005 International Association of Medical College of Phlebology European Congress of Rheumatology Inflammation 12th European Congress of Clinical Science Educators 12-15 Bangkok, Thailand 18-23 Bethesda, USA Neurophysiology 8-12 Halifax, Canada 24-29 San Francisco, USA XIIIth Asia Pacific Congress of the 14th International Pigment Cell 4th World Conference on Breast Meeting of the International Union ISBT Conference Cancer of Microbiological Societies (IUMS) 13-17 Vienna, Austria 17-20 Havana, Cuba 8-12 Prague, Czech Republic 18-22 Breckenridge, USA 10th World Congress of Cancers of 3rd International Meeting on 10th Symposium European Society Tissue-Selective Nuclear Receptors the Skin Visual and Neuromuscular for the Study of Purine and AUGUST 22-26 Nashville, USA Disorders Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man 27th Annual Meeting of the 27-29 Haridwar, India 19-21 Kaunas, Lithuania 15-19 Sydney, Australia American Society for Bone and 11-14 Taipei, Taiwan Psychotherapy, Yoga and 5th Congress of Baltic Association for 11th World Congress of Sport Mineral Research - ASBMR 2005 Spirituality 1st International Congress of Psychology (ISSP) Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery IASSID-Pacific




TICAL, INDUST Go international! ACEU Reader Survey AL, PHARM , TECHNIC Published by: EUROPEAN HOSPITAL Simon Kramer, BeNeLux, GB, Scandinavia, France to essed DICAL e pr ur ME phon s in o E: obile liarie SU ur m auxi in the IS yo vital ruth of L 4 with e ny t ewly dard 200 becom ere a o n stan ICA iftly is th ing t ew SPECIA MED e sw But ccord A n in und s hav ves. h? A e s. Mobileg aro ice phoneste li ealt mor tube ev va h r Dear Readers, in d ri r flexibility my ander hese as p m ou r ten o (a osto Verlags GmbH, Höherweg 287, T ll r fo r +31 180 6172 26 r? ha e ou r ea as we ould phon tum y trache 11 you ays se c ile roma tud ing d eir u mob neu dish s ge work at th ing a stic Swe logy ee pa fs th . n us acou new mio e s belie , yes y whe g an of a ide t- leas arch uenc lopin hors al Ep eych p rese freq deve e aut journ l P, F . Wshed adio sk of ed th he , Hal 004 publi e to r e ri lud in t m A 59. 2 osur le th , conc ished hlbo - 6 es- Exp doub ead) publ S, A 53 he r uld he h önn 5. 6 , t eir s co in t (L , 1 wever at th 40231 Düsseldorf ar th M o C.K. Kwok, Hong Kong, +85 2 2890 5510 ye w g H th n n gro in ed). d out te a benig ubM ointe dica - P rs p t in euro che no tic n ear do cous bile ngs of a mo findi risk -term ed ased hort pris cre to s sur in ted were me is a rela ‘We utco m use. he o We would like to thank all the e ut t phon lts, b e 2 Phone: +49 (0)211 7357 532 u ag C.H. Park, South Korea, +82 2 3644 182 p he res on YOU may qualify for a FREE subscription to ed by t tinu con tion to edica ical 5 ears D med 4 y uring nufact ma ems, Fax: +49 (0)211 7357 530 Syst Hanna Politis, USA, Canada +1 301 8696 610 Long-term ray 4 X- e companies and contributors who e see pag use doubles pleas EUROPEAN HOSPITAL, the bi-monthly journal serving

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TO: BR TO: helped us to make this HO P ® hospitals throughout the EU. Germany 100 What’s the difference between Aquasonic and those other gels? Head Office Düsseldorf 2004@MEDICA publication not Clarity, reliability, and economy. Gel * If selected, you will be sent a copy of EUROPEAN European Hospital, Höherweg 287, ic 100 ason ission Aqu Transm ers have ltrasound raph U t sonog ars. clarity tha r 40 ye only highly interesting but also a The ed on for ove count 40231 Düsseldorf, Federal Republic of Germany HOSPITAL every three months AND you will have a Editor-in-Chief Brenda Marsh Inc. ries, rato 7004 Tel: +49 211 7357 531, Fax: +49 221 7357 530 NJ 0 valued and important information , 10 rker Laborfield .95 Pa , Fai 73.276 om oad 9 labs.c e R • Fax: r fied Eldridg 00 w.parke Certi 286 276.95 ww 996 973. 3485:1 ISO 1 chance to win our splendid prize (see below) Art Director Mary Pargeter e-mail: [email protected] 41 d D • Stan all 9 4 • H source for visitors and exhibitors a 200 t Medic us a Executive Directors Daniela Zimmermann, Visit because your name will be entered for the draw. GB, Scandinavia, BeNeLux, France Reiner Hoffmann Simon Kramer, Willem Alexander Plantsoen 25, at this year’s event. To participate, simply fill in this coupon and fax to: Editorial Assistant Denise Hennig 2991 NA Barendrecht Editorials and advertisements in Founded by Heinz-Jürgen Witzke Tel: +31 180 6172 26, Fax +31 180 6200 20 our previous @MEDICA issues +49 211 73 57 530 e-mail: [email protected] Correspondents have produced rewarding results No fax? No problem. Please post your coupon to: European Hospital Hong Kong, China Austria: Christian Pruszinsky. Belgium: Hannes Eastern Source Int. Media Centre, C K Kwok, and we are sure this year’s Verlags GmbH, Höherweg 287, D-40231 Düsseldorf Frank. Czech Republic: Rostislav Kuklik. Finland: 25/F Great Smart Tower, 230 Wanchai Road, Marti Kekomaki. Germany: Anja Behringer, Annette Bus, Wanchai, Hong Kong publication will again benefit all. Heidi Heinold, Max Heymann, Peter Howieson, Prof Tin- Tel: +85 2 2890 5510, Fax: + 85 2 2895 1443 neberg, Holger Zorn. Great Britain: Brenda Marsh. Italy: 2005 - Planning ahead is a good idea G. Sinaccio. Poland:Pjotr Szoblik. Spain: Eduardo de la Japan Sota. Sweden: Ake Spross. Switzerland: Jaqueline Mer- Echo Japan Corporation, Tetsuzo Asoshina, To ensure that your products or ENTRY COUPON lotti. USA: Karen M Dente, Ivan Oransky, Craig Webb. Grande Maison Room 303 2-2 Kudan Kita, 1 Chome Chiyoda-Ku medical concepts are given the Tokyo 102, Japan FAX TO: EUROPEAN HOSPITAL, +49-211-7357-530 UK editorial address Tel: + 81 3 3263 5065, Fax: +81 3 3224 2064 best possible exposure — in PLEASE ACCEPT MY REQUEST FOR A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO EUROPEAN HOSPITAL 55 Wey Meadows,Weybridge e-mail: [email protected] EUROPEAN HOSPITAL, or in our Surrey KT13 8XY South Korea new special supplement Far East Marketing Inc, C H Park, Name Subscriptions Room 1806/7, Golden Tower Building, 191, 2-ka DESIGN in EH, or in our next Denise Hennig, European Hospital, Choongjung-ro, Sedoaemun-ku, Seoul, Korea MEDICA special edition, Höherweg 287, 40231 Düsseldorf, Germany Job title Tel: +82 2 3644 182/3, Fax: +82 2 3644 184 2005@MEDICA — either meet us at e-mail: [email protected] Hospital/Clinic Subscription rate USA & Canada MEDICA (see page 29) or look for 12 issues: 74 Euro, single copy: 6.16 Euro. Send order Media International, Hanna Politis, 8508 Plum your nearest representative on our Address and cheque to: European Hospital Subscription Dept Creek Drive, Gaitherburg, MD 20882, USA masthead (left) and contact Tel: +1 301 8696 610, Fax: +1 301 8696 611 Town/City Country Finishing media technique jöhri, email: [email protected] him/her to discuss your needs. Weilerswist, Germany Taiwan We will be happy to help with Phone number Fax Printed by Frotscher Druck, Jurassic Communications Corp., Ben Chen, Darmstadt, Germany 2F-3, No. 147, Lung Chiang Rd., Taipei 104, Taiwan any queries and ideas you may Now, tell us more about your work, so that we can plan future publications with your needs in mind. Publication frequency bi-monthly R.O.C. wish to share. Please put a cross ✘ in the relevant boxes. European Hospital ISSN 0942-9085 Tel: +886 2 8712 2385, Fax: +886 2 8712 2618 e-mail: [email protected] Yours sincerely 1. SPECIFY THE TYPE OF INSTITUTION IN WHICH YOU WORK Advertising: Brenda Marsh General hospital Outpatient clinic University hospital Ted Asoshina, Japan, +81 3 3263 5065 Ben Chen, Taiwan, +886 2 8712 2385 Editor in Chief Specialised hospital/type Denise Hennig, Germany, +49 211 7357 532 Juri Laskin, Russia, +70 95 2711 006 Daniela Zimmermann Other institution (eg medical school) Executive Director ... and all team members at EH 2.YOUR JOB Director of administration Chief medical director Technical director Chief of medical department/type

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