North Dakota History, 1999–2020
Index for North Dakota History, 1999–2020 After Custer: Loss and Transformation in Sioux Country, review of, 78:3 & 4, 35-40 Agnew, Jeremy, review of, 77:1 & 2, 40-46 Agrarian Socialism in America: Marx, Jefferson, and Jesus in the Oklahoma Countryside 1904- 1920 (Bisset), review of, 67.4: 38 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, criticism of, 66.3 & 4: 31-40 Agricultural depression, following World War I, 66.3 & 4: 31-40 Agriculture, history of, 68.1: 2-19, 68.1: 20-36; use of binder twine, 68.1: 20-36; use of Native American seeds, 68.1: 2-19 Ahern, Wilbert H., review by, 68.3: 43 Albers, Everett C.–director of N. D. Humanities Council, 70.3: inside cover; article by, 66.3 & 4: 2 Albers, Gretchen A., review by, 76:3 & 4, 41-48 Allen, Brad, article by, 81.4: 16-32 Allen, John L., article by, 69.2, 3, & 4: 2-23; review by, 73.3 & 4: 36 Allen, Michael, review of, 66.3 & 4: 64 Allert, Johannes R., article by, 81.3: 3-15 Amato, Joseph A., ed., review of, 72.3 & 4: 62 Amenia and Sharon Land Company–bonanza farm, 71.1 & 2: 2-49 Amenia, N. Dak., in the 1920s and 1930s, 71.1 & 2: 2-49 American Agriculture and the Problem of Monopoly: The Political Economy of Grain Belt Farming, 1953-1980 (Lauck), review of, 68.1: 37 American Anthropology, 1971-1995 (Darnell, ed.), review of, 71.3 & 4: 48-49 American Automobile Association (AAA), 74:1 & 2: 2-35 American Fur Company, and George Catlin, 70.4: 12-31; and the Upper Missouri Outfit’s Apple River trading post, 84.2: 3-13 American Indian Education: A History, Review of, 74:1 & 2: 44-55 American Legion, formation of, 68.3: 2-13; post-WWII organization and purposes of, 70.1: 2-25; role in senatorial election of 1920, 68.3: 2-13 American Indian women and quilting, 77:3 & 4, 22-39 The American Midwest: An Interpretive Encyclopedia, review of, 75:1 & 2: 26-42 American Natural Gas Company, and Arthur Link, 72.1 & 2: 2-28, 37-46; and coal gasification in western N.
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