Tunisia Cost Assessment of Water Resources DEGRADATION of the MEDJERDA BASIN
Sustainable Water Integrated Management (SWIM) - Support Mechanism Project funded by the European Union Tunisia Cost assessment of water resources DEGRADATION OF THE MEDJERDA BASIN Version Document Title Author Review and Clearance 1 Tunisia SherifArif and Hosny Khordagui, Stavros DEGRADATION COST OF WATER Fadi Doumani Damianidis and Vangelis RESOURCES OF THE Konstantianos MEDJERDABASIN .....Water is too precious to Waste Sustainable Water Integrated Management (SWIM) - Support Mechanism Project funded by the European Union ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND QUOTES Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Ms SondesKamoun, General Director of the Office of Planning and Water Equilibrium of the Ministry of Agriculture and SWIM-SM Focal point in Tunisia, Ms Sabria Bnouni, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry for the Environment, Liaison Agent of the SWIM-SM programme and Focal Point for the H2020 programme as well as everyone met during the missions from July 29 to August 4 2012 (the mission agenda is listed in Annex I), and especially Mr BouzidNasraoui, Mr FethiSakli, M. AbdelbakiLabidi, Mr Mohamed Beji, Mr ChaabaneMoussa, Mr Adel Jemmazi, Ms FatmaChiha, Mr KacemChammkhi, Mr TawfikAbdelhedi, Mr Hassen Ben Ali, Mr Mellouli Mohamed, Mr MoncefRekaya, Mr NejibAbid, Mr Omrani, Mr Adel Boughanmi, Ms NesrineGdiri, Ms AwatefMessai, Mr Samir Kaabi, Ms MounaSfaxi, Mr MabroukNedhif, Ms MyriamJenaih, Mr BechirBéjaoui, Mr NoureddineZaaboul, Mr Denis Pommier, Mr RafikAini, Ms JamilaTarhouni, Ms SalmBettaeib, Mr Mohame Salah Ben Romdhane, Mr MosbahHellali, Mr AbdellahCherid, Ms LamiaJemmali and Mr Mohamed Rabhi. We would also like to extend our thanks to the Tunisian authorities for facilitating our work and providing essential data after the departure of the mission.
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