Patented Feb. 21, 1933 1,898,522 UNITED STATES --- - - -f- ----------------- - - PATENT OFFICE WALTER, BOCK AND EDUARD TSCHUNKUR, OF COLOGENE-MULHELM, GERMANY, As THE-MAIN,SIGNORs To GERMANY I. G. FARBENINDUSTRIE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, or FRANKFORT-os PoLYMERIZATION PRODUCT OF BUTADIENE-1.3 HYDROCARBONs AND PROCESs OF MAKNG SAME No Drawing. Application filed January 5, 1931, Serial No. 506,833, and in Germany January 15, 1930. The present invention relates to a process pound, for example 0.5–2% by weight (cal of polymerizing butadiene (1.8) hydrocar culated on the amount of hydrocarbon ap bons or mixtures thereof with each other or lied). The effect in question is not con with olefine benzenes in emulsion with water ned to a definite condition of solubility of 5 and an agent possessing emulsifying proper the chlorine compound employed in the re- 55 ties, in the presence of chlorinated aliphatic spective hydrocarbon or in the aqueous phase compounds. The invention furthermore re and is also to a large extent independent of lates to the polymerizates obtainable by the the nature of the emulsifying agent. Thus, process specified above. for example, a pronounced effect not only The process of manufacture of the inven takes place in the case of chlorinated com tion is by emulsifying the hydrocarbon to be pounds of the type specified, which are in polymerized, such as butadiene-(1.8), iso soluble in water and miscible with the hy prene, 1.3-dimethyl-butadiene (1.3), 2.3-di. drocarbon to be polymerized (carbon tetra methylbutadiene- (1.3), etc. with water and chloride, for example), but also in the case 15 an emulsifying agent or a protein, adding a of chlorinated compounds, which are solu 65 chlorinated aliphatic compound containing ble in water and which are soluble with diffi at least two chlorine atoms attached to one culty or insoluble in the said hydrocarbons, and the same carbon atom, and causing poly (for example, chloral hydrate, the sodium merization to perform at normal or elevated salt of trichloro acetic acid and the like).
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