J. Mark Mayer BS 4032-G Kelley School of Business, Indiana University (IUPUI campus), Indianapolis, IN 46202 Phone: (317) 274-3941 Fax: (317) 274-3312, e-mail:
[email protected] Academic Positions July 2011-current Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Positions: Clinical Assistant Professor (August 2015 to present) Assistant Professor (July 2011 to August 2015) Education Ph.D. 2011 Business Administration, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia M.B.A. 2001 Business Administration, Babcock School of Management, Wake Forest University B.A. 1996 Management (with 2nd major in English), cum laude, State University of N.Y. at Geneseo Research Interests: How advertising executional elements like humor and sex differentially affect consumer segments; gender- based reactions to consumer communications and promotions; ethical and public policy issues in marketing Peer-Reviewed Publications Peer-reviewed journal publications: 4. Mayer, Mark and Plamen Peev (forthcoming 2017), “Do Sexy Mouthwash Ads Leave a Bad Taste Behind? The Effects of Sexual-Self Schema and Brand Positioning Fit on Female-Targeted Sexual Advertising Efficacy,” accepted at Marketing Letters. 3. Peev, Plamen and Mark Mayer (forthcoming 2017), “Consumer Perceptions of Precise vs. Just-Below Prices in Retail Settings,” accepted at Journal of Promotion Management. 2. Yoon, Hye Jin and Mark Mayer (2014), "Do Humor and Threat Work Well Together? The Moderating Effect of Need for Cognition in Humorous Threat Persuasion Advertisements,” International Journal of Advertising, 33 (4), 707-724. 1. Baek, Tae Hyun and Mark Mayer (2010), “Sexual Imagery in Cigarette Advertising Before & After the Master Settlement Agreement,” Health Communication, 25 (8), 747-757. Peer-reviewed conference publications (full paper published in proceedings): 9.