The New Zealand Gazette 929
23 APRIL THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 929 West Survey District; thence north-westerly along a right line along the northern side of the public road forming the north to Trig. Station 57, Opureke, in Block VI, Runanga Survey eastern boundary of Section 7, Block VII, aforementioned, District; thence south-westerly along a right line to the inter to and down the middle of the Waiotapu Stream to a point section, in Block IX, Runanga Survey District, of the south in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 8, Block western side of No. 5 State Highway and the middle of the VII, Paeroa Survey District; thence along a right line to Waipunga River; thence down the middle of that. river to and along the afore::aid ncrth-eastern boundary, the north a point in line with the southern side of Tatara-a-kma road eastern and scuth-eastern boundaries of parts Section 5, Block way in Tarawera Cl, in Block XI, Tarawera Survey District VII aforesaid and still southerly generally along the generally (Hawke's Bay Land District); thence generally north-westerly western boundary of part Paeroa East 4B1A Block, the to and along that side of the said roadway and its produc western and southern boundaries of part Paeroa East 4B1Bl tion to the western side of the old Taupe-Napier Road; Block, the northern boundaries of Section 27, Block VII, thence generally south-westerly along that roadside to and Paeroa Survey District, and part Section 76S, Reporoa Settle along the western side of Kowaro roadway to the north ment, the northern and eastern boundaries of Section 28, eastern boundary of Tarawera No.
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