WAIPA CATCHMENT PLAN ACTIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION 2014/15 About this document In 2014/15, the Waikato River Authority is giving increased priority to projects that support the implementation of the Waipa Catchment Plan. This document lists actions that parties can undertake to support the implementation of the Waipa Catchment Plan in 2014/15. The actions are grouped into: • soil conservation • cultural and community • sustainable land management • maintaining/improving water quality • protecting/restoring indigenous biodiversity. About the Waipa Catchment Plan The Waipa Catchment Plan sets a 20 year plan to support the restoration and protection of the health and wellbeing of the Waipa River (and the Waikato River). The Waipa Catchment Plan is currently being finalised and is expected to be released in October 2014. The Waipa Catchment Plan has been developed: • in collaboration with the Waipa Zone Liaison Subcommittee and representatives of Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Incorporated, Maniapoto Māori Trust Board, Raukawa Charitable Trust, Ngati Mahanga and Ngati Koroki Kahukura • with co-funding from the Waikato River Authority. FOR MORE INFORMATION www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/waipaplan
[email protected] Freephone 0800 800 401 Soil conservation 1. Carry out investigations into the long term effectiveness of soil conservation programmes in the Waitomo catchment and potential risk to water quality improvements. 2. Implement new riparian enhancement programmes, along the following High Priority reaches: • Mangapiko Stream between Te Awaumutu and Pirongia (Map 1) • Waipa River between Toa’s bridge and the confluence with Mangaorongo Stream (Map 1) • Waipa River between the Kaniwhaniwha and the confluence with the Waikato River (Map 1) • Mangapu sub-catchment (Map 2) Note: It is important that applicants contact Waikato Regional Council as part of their project planning to ensure that bank stabilisation requirements are considered as part of these projects.