AGT Board Minutes – 20 January 2020
Aylesbury Garden Town – Project Board Meeting, Joint with Delivery Team Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 20 January 2020 PRESENT: Cllr B. Chapple (BC) (BCC), Cllr C. Harriss (CH) (BCC), Cllr C. Paternoster (CaP) (AVDC), Stephen Hill (SH) (HYAS), L. Michelson (LM) (BCC), C. Manders (CM) (AGT), R. Harrington (RH) (BTVLEP), R. Jeremy (RJ) (AGT), P. Brockway (PB) (HYAS), G. McIlwaine (GMc) (AGT), C. Perkins (CeP) (AGT), C. Faine (CF) (SEMLEP), U. Diallo (UD) (AGT), S. Harrop (SaH) (AGT), G. Merry (GM). APOLOGIES: Cllr A. Macpherson (AM) (AVDC and T. Lane (TL) (AVDC). 1. Welcome, Introductions, Overview Action By Cllr. B. Chapple was welcomed back as the chair of the meeting. GM attended the meeting for Agenda Item 1. BC thanked GM for all his hard work and wished him well in his new role. 2. Minutes and Actions from Last Meeting Action By Members in attendance at the meeting agreed the minutes. The Masterplan update is Agenda Item 3. The cycling and walking infrastructure is progressing. Project updates is Agenda Item 6. 3. AGT Draft Masterplan: consultation and communications update Action By GM - Slides on communications will be shown later on in this meeting. Consultation has been launched formally; this runs from 6 January 2020 to 14 February 2020. Four roadshows have been held with between 10 and 40 people attending, feedback has been positive and supportive. Statutory Partners have been sent an e-mail reminding them to complete the survey. So far 30 responses have been received and 20 e-mailed responses, people want regeneration of the town centre.
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