Chair Emma Hardy MP Vice chair Sally-Ann Hart MP Secretariat provided by NAHT
[email protected] @appg_send Inaugural meeting of the APPG for SEND Tuesday 3 March 2020, 10am – 11.30am Summary of meeting Parliamentarians in attendance Rob Butler MP Conservative Aylesbury Jack Dromey MP Labour Birmingham Erdington Emma Hardy MP Labour Hull West and Hessle Sally-Ann Hart MP Conservative Hastings and Rye APPG AGM The officers of the APPG were elected as follows: Chair Emma Hardy MP Labour Vice Chair Sally-Ann Hart MP Conservative Officer Olivia Blake MP Labour Officer Rob Butler MP Conservative Officer James Daly MP Conservative Officer Marsha de Cordova MP Labour Officer Jack Dromey MP Labour Officer Tim Farron MP Liberal Democrat Officer Julian Sturdy MP Conservative Officer James Sunderland MP Conservative Introduction to the APPG for SEND Emma Hardy MP welcomed everyone to the group and spoke about the aim of the group to have SEND issues at the forefront of educational decisions and thinking. She proposed NAHT to provide the Secretariat services for the group which was agreed. Rob Kelsall, NAHT National Secretary and Secretariat, introduced the work of the APPG and the desire to take the work of the APPG beyond parliament with focus groups in constituencies drawing on the experiences of a wide group of stakeholders. Rob said today’s meeting would be the first and there would be a meeting of the officers to discuss the direction of the APPG and plans for future meetings. 1 Secretariat provided by Chair Emma Hardy MP Vice chair Sally-Ann Hart MP Secretariat provided by NAHT
[email protected] @appg_send Speakers David Isaac, Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) David spoke about the difficulties young people with SEND face in the admissions process and with exclusions, which are disproportionally for children with SEND.